Tablet for dummies: instructions for use. Tablet for dummies: instructions for use Viewing information about the device

Before using this device, please read the user manual carefully to ensure proper operation of the product and prevent damage to the product.

The software, design features of the device and the contents of this manual are subject to change in order to improve the product, without prior notice.

The manufacturer and distributors of this product are not responsible for damage to the device housing, as well as for damage caused by incorrect or inappropriate use by the user.

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the configuration, technical characteristics and appearance of the product.

Quick setup and getting started with the device

Attention! If you cannot connect to the camera, it is recommended to reset the camera to factory settings and repeat the connection procedure from the very beginning

Home screen and mobile application interface elements

After installing and launching the DIGMA SmartCam application, the main screen of the program will be displayed on your mobile device.

1 - Information and basic settings of the application - interface language, reaction when an alarm is triggered and the melody of the alert signal.
2 - Button to add/register a new device
3 - list of devices registered in the application

Adding/registering a new device

Device management interface

1 – Icon for switching to online video viewing mode from the device.
2 – Display name. Defined by the user and may not match the internal name of the device.
3 – Device status bar.
4 – Notification area. The presence of a red icon in this area indicates the presence of notifications and the need for user intervention.
5 – General alarm switch. Green means that the alarm detectors are turned on, and notifications when the detectors are triggered will be sent to your mobile device. Gray means that detectors are disabled and notifications are not delivered.
6 – Icon for accessing photo and video recordings and the alarm detector log.

Watching online video from your device

To switch to the mode for viewing online video from the camera, tap the icon to the left of the device name. The video viewing window will open

For devices equipped with a rotating mechanism, use Left-Right-Up-Down gestures to control the camera's viewing direction

Tap the center of the screen or press the mobile device's menu key to access the overview mode controls:

1 - Adjust the volume of the built-in speaker
2 - Adjusting the sensitivity of the built-in microphone
3 - Mirror mode
4 - Automatic panning (for cameras with a rotating mechanism)

1 - Two-way voice mode
2 - Screenshot
3 - Recording a video clip
4 - Setting the image resolution mode
5 - Setting a pre-saved camera position (for cameras with a rotating mechanism)
6 - Adjusting image brightness
7 - Adjusting image contrast
8 - Reset brightness/contrast settings to default values
9 - Infrared illumination control

Viewing video stream from multiple cameras

The application supports simultaneous broadcasting of images from 4 cameras (quad mode). To configure this mode, select the icon on the left side of the screen and select up to 4 cameras from the list that appears

To switch to single broadcast mode, double-click on the window of the selected camera.

To return to the main app screen, select List at the top left of the screen.

View saved videos and photos

To access saved videos and images, select the icon to the right of the device name in the main application window. The interface for viewing videos and images will open.

Select one of the available viewing modes:

Protocol of events. The list is a log of alarms triggered. Only events received on the mobile device are recorded.

Local records. Represents a list of local (saved on the mobile device) video recordings made while watching online videos (using the video recording function).

Images. This is a list of locally saved (on your mobile device) camera images taken while watching an online video (using the image saving function).

Entries on the map. This log displays videos stored on the device's memory card.

Video recording to an external memory card is performed in two cases:

  1. When an alarm detector is triggered, if the “Log entry” option is enabled and continuous recording to the memory card is disabled. In this case, a video fragment lasting about 30 seconds is recorded.
  2. When continuous recording to the memory card is enabled. In this case, the videos have a duration specified by the user when configuring the device.

Local recordings stored on a mobile device are always available and do not depend on the camera status.
Access to recordings stored on the external memory card of the device is possible only if there is a connection with the camera (camera status: “online”).

To view a saved image or video, select it from the corresponding list. A preview window will open. To return to the list, use the “Back” key of your mobile device.

Device setup and configuration

Device configuration menu

To access the configuration and settings menu, drag the line with the device name to the left.

The following controls will become available:

1 – remove a device from the list
2 – change display name, device ID and access settings
3 – configuration of device technical parameters

Removing a device from the general list

Select from the device configuration menu. A confirmation screen will appear. Select OK when prompted to delete. The device will be removed from the list of registered devices.

Change your display name and access settings

Select from the device configuration menu. The settings screen will open

In the “Name” column, enter the name under which the device will be displayed on the main screen

Display name is the name under which the device is displayed in this instance of the application. It may not be the same as the name displayed when you search for a device online and that is set in the device itself.

In the “Device ID” column, enter a unique device identifier. If it is entered incorrectly, the application will not be able to connect to the remote device.

In the “User” and “Password” columns, enter the appropriate values ​​​​set during the device configuration. If they are entered incorrectly, the application will not be able to connect to the device.

The username and access password set in the device can be changed through the technical parameters configuration menu.

When finished entering, select “Done” to save the settings and return to the main screen.

Setting up the technical parameters of the device

Select from the device configuration menu. A list of parameters available for configuration will open.

Device Information– displays various technical information about the device, including internal identifier, internal name, firmware version, etc.

WiFi Settings– allows you to display a list of wireless networks available in the area where the device is installed, as well as connect to the selected network by setting access parameters.

User Settings– allows you to set a name (account) and password to access the device.

Alarm detectors– setting the parameters of alarm detectors (motion detector and sound detector).

SD card settings– viewing the status and managing the SD card, activating continuous video recording.

Time settings– setting the internal clock of the device and synchronizing it with exact time servers.

Indicator settings– turn on/off the LED device activity indicator (for devices with such an indicator).

Advanced settings– section of advanced device settings.

Restart device– reboot the device

Viewing device information

Select Device Information in the configuration menu. The information screen will be displayed.

WiFi network settings settings

Select WiFi Settings in the configuration menu. The settings screen will open.

The first section presents the parameters of the current connection: network ID, IP and MAC addresses, encryption parameters.

The second section displays the wireless networks available for connection at the location where the device is installed. To connect to a new wireless network, you need to select it from the list and enter the access password in the input field that opens:

Once you have completed entering your password, select "Ready" in the upper right corner. The new network connection settings will be sent to the device.

Be careful when connecting to other networks. If an incorrect password is entered, the device will not be able to connect to the selected network and communication with it will be lost. In this case, to connect to the wireless network and restore communication with the device, you will need physical access to it. Use the "Quick WiFi setup" option. The procedure for setting up network parameters is described in the “Quick setup and getting started with the device” section.

Configuring device access settings

Select User Settings in the device configuration menu. On the configuration page that opens, you can enter the account name and access password for 2 users: administrator (full rights to view records and device configuration) and operator (rights to view records).


Configuring Alarm Detector Parameters

Select Alarm detectors in the device configuration menu. The interface for setting alarm detector parameters will open.

Motion Detector– detects the presence of movement in the camera’s field of view and activates an alarm when a specified threshold is exceeded.

Sound sensor– detects the presence of noises and sounds in the place where the device is installed and activates an alarm when a specified threshold is exceeded.

Detector sensitivity– a higher value corresponds to greater detector sensitivity.

To receive an alarm, two conditions must be met simultaneously:

  1. Triggering of a sound or motion detector.
  2. Activated general alarm switch (see section "Device Control Interface") of the device.

Set position– moving the camera to a previously saved position (for cameras with a rotating mechanism).

Notification by mail– sending an email message when an alarm is triggered.

For email notifications to work, you must configure the settings for sending email messages (see the “Advanced settings” section).

Journal entry– recording a short video on the memory card when the alarm detector is triggered.

For the video recording function to function properly, a memory card must be inserted into the device and ready for use.

If the continuous recording function on the memory card is activated, continuous video recording continues when an alarm is triggered; this video fragment is not recorded separately.

Upload image to FTP– a photo from the camera taken at the moment the alarm detector is triggered is sent to the FTP server.

For the function of sending a photo to the server to work, you must configure the access parameters to the FTP server (see the “Advanced settings” section).

Schedule– allows you to turn alarm detectors on/off according to a schedule. To configure the schedule, select this item and configure the detector activity schedule in the settings window that opens.

Detector activity can be configured at intervals of 15 minutes for each day of the week. The yellow color of the clock icon means the detector is active in a given period of time, gray means the detector is disabled.

Selecting the icon allows you to immediately reset the detectors on the selected day to the on/off state. The icon provides a similar function for the entire week.

When you have completed entering your settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

Memory card recording settings

Select SD Card Settings from the device configuration menu. The recording parameters settings interface will open.

This window provides information about the memory card: total capacity, free capacity, video recording function status.

Loop recording– when the loop recording function is turned on, after the memory card is full of videos, recording continues, and the oldest videos will be automatically deleted.

Sound recording– when the function is enabled, recorded videos will be accompanied by an audio track recorded from the device’s built-in microphone.

Video recording– activation of continuous video recording on the memory card.

If the loop recording function is not activated, video recording will stop when the memory card is full of videos.

Video quality– allows you to set the video recording quality to High or Standard. Selecting Standard quality reduces the size of movies and allows more footage to be recorded on the memory card.

Recording duration– sets the maximum recording time for one video. Thus, the entire video recording is divided into segments of a set duration.

Format SD card– allows you to prepare a new memory card for use or erase all information from the old one.

When you have completed entering your settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

Time settings

Select Time Settings from the device configuration menu. The interface for setting the device’s internal clock will open.

The interface allows you to set the time zone, synchronize the time with a mobile device, or set up automatic synchronization with exact time servers.

When you have completed entering your settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

LED Indicator Settings

If your device has an LED activity indicator, this menu item allows you to turn the activity indicator on/off.

Select Indicator settings in the device configuration menu. The indicator management interface will open.

Move the switch slider to the required position. After completing the setup, select "Ready" to return to the configuration menu.

Setting the voice message language

To indicate the status of the device or inform the user about necessary actions, the device has a voice message function. This settings item allows you to select the language of voice messages or disable them.

After completing the language settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

Advanced device settings

To access advanced and rarely used device settings, select Advanced settings in the device configuration menu. The advanced settings menu will be displayed.

Mail settings– allows you to configure sending parameters and select up to 5 recipients of email notifications.

FTP Settings– allows you to enter credentials to upload images to an FTP server.

DDNS setup– allows you to configure registration parameters in the DDNS service.

To use the mail notification, FTP upload and DDNS service functions, the user must have a subscription to the corresponding services.

Device name– the name with which the device identifies itself when searching on the local network. This name is also registered on videos recorded from the device and makes it easier to identify videos.

Night IR illumination– allows you to turn on/off the night infrared illumination, as well as select the automatic mode for turning it on in low light conditions.

WWW Settings– allows you to enable or disable access to the device via a web browser to view images and change device settings. By default this feature is enabled. The device access credentials are the same as the credentials set in the Device Access Settings section.

Telnet Settings– allows you to open access to the device via the TELNET protocol.

Remote device reboot

Select Restart device in the configuration menu. A confirmation window will appear. Once the reboot is confirmed, the device will reboot.

Many people have probably already become acquainted with such a gadget as a tablet. Some purchased it for personal use, others as a gift to loved ones, but everyone, without exception, had their first experience with it. And if you are the happy owner of an electronic device and one of those who would like to figure out where to start working on your tablet and what needs to be done to operate it efficiently, -.

Now the most common installed . If you have not had to deal with this operating system before (for example, on a smartphone), you may find the controls very difficult and confusing at first. But this is only the first impression, which is often very misleading.

In fact, there is absolutely nothing difficult in working with it; it’s just that ignorance scares us all at first. And once you figure it out, you will see for yourself that Android is a simple and effective operating system. This is why it exists for dummies who got their hands on the tablet for the first time.

Where to begin?

Start by reading the user manual. Here you can find a description of the most necessary points for work, which will help you get some basic idea of ​​how to turn on the tablet, etc. Even if you already have some experience in using gadgets with the Android system, then it is quite possible that you will learn themselves something else important and interesting that they didn’t know about.

Young people today can intuitively cope with the task of operating a tablet. But representatives of the older age category of users have to spend more time for. But Android tablets are also suitable for dummies, and in a short time everyone will be confident in using this gadget.

Turn on the tablet

This action is most often performed using a button on the side panel of the device. It also locks the screen of the tablet when it is turned on.

On the screen you will see many icons, many of which represent Google services, since it owns the Android operating system. Most of these services will start working only after.

Most services start working after turning on the tablet or connecting it to the Internet

Connecting your tablet to the Internet via Wi-Fi

The most common use of a tablet is to access the Internet. In order for all applications and services on your tablet to work, you must connect to the Internet.

  • Now every tablet that goes on sale has a built-in Wi-Fi module. If you have a home or are in a place where a wireless network works, then do the following:
  • find the “settings” icon in the tablet menu;
  • select Wi-Fi or “wireless networks” and activate;

You will see a list of available Wi-Fi networks, from which you select the one you need and enter the password, if required. The tablet should now connect to the Internet.

You can understand that this connection has occurred by the blinking icon at the top of the screen next to the battery indicator and the clock.

Internet access

It is carried out in the same way as on a desktop computer or laptop. The tablet may have several Internet browsers installed, for example, Opera and Chrome - choose the one that is most convenient and familiar to you. Your Android device has access to the Google Play store, where you can download a wide variety of applications

, programs or games. In order to use this service for free, you need to create an account with Google - that is, register.

By downloading from the Internet, you can provide your tablet with various programs, for example, for determining the weather, for playing music, for monitoring the exchange rate and other specific applications.

Setting up your own convenient menu

To make using your tablet as easy as possible, customize its menu to suit your needs and personal preferences. You can do this by simply placing your finger on the desired icon and dragging it to the location you need. You can then move these icons around the desktop as you wish.

Before using this device, please read the user manual carefully to ensure proper operation of the product and prevent damage to the product.

The software, design features of the device and the contents of this manual are subject to change in order to improve the product, without prior notice.

The manufacturer and distributors of this product are not responsible for damage to the device housing, as well as for damage caused by incorrect or inappropriate use by the user.

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the configuration, technical characteristics and appearance of the product.

Quick setup and getting started with the device

Attention! If you cannot connect to the camera, it is recommended to reset the camera to factory settings and repeat the connection procedure from the very beginning

Home screen and mobile application interface elements

After installing and launching the DIGMA SmartCam application, the main screen of the program will be displayed on your mobile device.

1 - Information and basic settings of the application - interface language, reaction when an alarm is triggered and the melody of the alert signal.
2 - Button to add/register a new device
3 - list of devices registered in the application

Adding/registering a new device

Device management interface

1 – Icon for switching to online video viewing mode from the device.
2 – Display name. Defined by the user and may not match the internal name of the device.
3 – Device status bar.
4 – Notification area. The presence of a red icon in this area indicates the presence of notifications and the need for user intervention.
5 – General alarm switch. Green means that the alarm detectors are turned on, and notifications when the detectors are triggered will be sent to your mobile device. Gray means that detectors are disabled and notifications are not delivered.
6 – Icon for accessing photo and video recordings and the alarm detector log.

Watching online video from your device

To switch to the mode for viewing online video from the camera, tap the icon to the left of the device name. The video viewing window will open

For devices equipped with a rotating mechanism, use Left-Right-Up-Down gestures to control the camera's viewing direction

Tap the center of the screen or press the mobile device's menu key to access the overview mode controls:

1 - Adjust the volume of the built-in speaker
2 - Adjusting the sensitivity of the built-in microphone
3 - Mirror mode
4 - Automatic panning (for cameras with a rotating mechanism)

1 - Two-way voice mode
2 - Screenshot
3 - Recording a video clip
4 - Setting the image resolution mode
5 - Setting a pre-saved camera position (for cameras with a rotating mechanism)
6 - Adjusting image brightness
7 - Adjusting image contrast
8 - Reset brightness/contrast settings to default values
9 - Infrared illumination control

Viewing video stream from multiple cameras

The application supports simultaneous broadcasting of images from 4 cameras (quad mode). To configure this mode, select the icon on the left side of the screen and select up to 4 cameras from the list that appears

To switch to single broadcast mode, double-click on the window of the selected camera.

To return to the main app screen, select List at the top left of the screen.

View saved videos and photos

To access saved videos and images, select the icon to the right of the device name in the main application window. The interface for viewing videos and images will open.

Select one of the available viewing modes:

Protocol of events. The list is a log of alarms triggered. Only events received on the mobile device are recorded.

Local records. Represents a list of local (saved on the mobile device) video recordings made while watching online videos (using the video recording function).

Images. This is a list of locally saved (on your mobile device) camera images taken while watching an online video (using the image saving function).

Entries on the map. This log displays videos stored on the device's memory card.

Video recording to an external memory card is performed in two cases:

  1. When an alarm detector is triggered, if the “Log entry” option is enabled and continuous recording to the memory card is disabled. In this case, a video fragment lasting about 30 seconds is recorded.
  2. When continuous recording to the memory card is enabled. In this case, the videos have a duration specified by the user when configuring the device.

Local recordings stored on a mobile device are always available and do not depend on the camera status.
Access to recordings stored on the external memory card of the device is possible only if there is a connection with the camera (camera status: “online”).

To view a saved image or video, select it from the corresponding list. A preview window will open. To return to the list, use the “Back” key of your mobile device.

Device setup and configuration

Device configuration menu

To access the configuration and settings menu, drag the line with the device name to the left.

The following controls will become available:

1 – remove a device from the list
2 – change display name, device ID and access settings
3 – configuration of device technical parameters

Removing a device from the general list

Select from the device configuration menu. A confirmation screen will appear. Select OK when prompted to delete. The device will be removed from the list of registered devices.

Change your display name and access settings

Select from the device configuration menu. The settings screen will open

In the “Name” column, enter the name under which the device will be displayed on the main screen

Display name is the name under which the device is displayed in this instance of the application. It may not be the same as the name displayed when you search for a device online and that is set in the device itself.

In the “Device ID” column, enter a unique device identifier. If it is entered incorrectly, the application will not be able to connect to the remote device.

In the “User” and “Password” columns, enter the appropriate values ​​​​set during the device configuration. If they are entered incorrectly, the application will not be able to connect to the device.

The username and access password set in the device can be changed through the technical parameters configuration menu.

When finished entering, select “Done” to save the settings and return to the main screen.

Setting up the technical parameters of the device

Select from the device configuration menu. A list of parameters available for configuration will open.

Device Information– displays various technical information about the device, including internal identifier, internal name, firmware version, etc.

WiFi Settings– allows you to display a list of wireless networks available in the area where the device is installed, as well as connect to the selected network by setting access parameters.

User Settings– allows you to set a name (account) and password to access the device.

Alarm detectors– setting the parameters of alarm detectors (motion detector and sound detector).

SD card settings– viewing the status and managing the SD card, activating continuous video recording.

Time settings– setting the internal clock of the device and synchronizing it with exact time servers.

Indicator settings– turn on/off the LED device activity indicator (for devices with such an indicator).

Advanced settings– section of advanced device settings.

Restart device– reboot the device

Viewing device information

Select Device Information in the configuration menu. The information screen will be displayed.

WiFi network settings settings

Select WiFi Settings in the configuration menu. The settings screen will open.

The first section presents the parameters of the current connection: network ID, IP and MAC addresses, encryption parameters.

The second section displays the wireless networks available for connection at the location where the device is installed. To connect to a new wireless network, you need to select it from the list and enter the access password in the input field that opens:

Once you have completed entering your password, select "Ready" in the upper right corner. The new network connection settings will be sent to the device.

Be careful when connecting to other networks. If an incorrect password is entered, the device will not be able to connect to the selected network and communication with it will be lost. In this case, to connect to the wireless network and restore communication with the device, you will need physical access to it. Use the "Quick WiFi setup" option. The procedure for setting up network parameters is described in the “Quick setup and getting started with the device” section.

Configuring device access settings

Select User Settings in the device configuration menu. On the configuration page that opens, you can enter the account name and access password for 2 users: administrator (full rights to view records and device configuration) and operator (rights to view records).


Configuring Alarm Detector Parameters

Select Alarm detectors in the device configuration menu. The interface for setting alarm detector parameters will open.

Motion Detector– detects the presence of movement in the camera’s field of view and activates an alarm when a specified threshold is exceeded.

Sound sensor– detects the presence of noises and sounds in the place where the device is installed and activates an alarm when a specified threshold is exceeded.

Detector sensitivity– a higher value corresponds to greater detector sensitivity.

To receive an alarm, two conditions must be met simultaneously:

  1. Triggering of a sound or motion detector.
  2. Activated general alarm switch (see section "Device Control Interface") of the device.

Set position– moving the camera to a previously saved position (for cameras with a rotating mechanism).

Notification by mail– sending an email message when an alarm is triggered.

For email notifications to work, you must configure the settings for sending email messages (see the “Advanced settings” section).

Journal entry– recording a short video on the memory card when the alarm detector is triggered.

For the video recording function to function properly, a memory card must be inserted into the device and ready for use.

If the continuous recording function on the memory card is activated, continuous video recording continues when an alarm is triggered; this video fragment is not recorded separately.

Upload image to FTP– a photo from the camera taken at the moment the alarm detector is triggered is sent to the FTP server.

For the function of sending a photo to the server to work, you must configure the access parameters to the FTP server (see the “Advanced settings” section).

Schedule– allows you to turn alarm detectors on/off according to a schedule. To configure the schedule, select this item and configure the detector activity schedule in the settings window that opens.

Detector activity can be configured at intervals of 15 minutes for each day of the week. The yellow color of the clock icon means the detector is active in a given period of time, gray means the detector is disabled.

Selecting the icon allows you to immediately reset the detectors on the selected day to the on/off state. The icon provides a similar function for the entire week.

When you have completed entering your settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

Memory card recording settings

Select SD Card Settings from the device configuration menu. The recording parameters settings interface will open.

This window provides information about the memory card: total capacity, free capacity, video recording function status.

Loop recording– when the loop recording function is turned on, after the memory card is full of videos, recording continues, and the oldest videos will be automatically deleted.

Sound recording– when the function is enabled, recorded videos will be accompanied by an audio track recorded from the device’s built-in microphone.

Video recording– activation of continuous video recording on the memory card.

If the loop recording function is not activated, video recording will stop when the memory card is full of videos.

Video quality– allows you to set the video recording quality to High or Standard. Selecting Standard quality reduces the size of movies and allows more footage to be recorded on the memory card.

Recording duration– sets the maximum recording time for one video. Thus, the entire video recording is divided into segments of a set duration.

Format SD card– allows you to prepare a new memory card for use or erase all information from the old one.

When you have completed entering your settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

Time settings

Select Time Settings from the device configuration menu. The interface for setting the device’s internal clock will open.

The interface allows you to set the time zone, synchronize the time with a mobile device, or set up automatic synchronization with exact time servers.

When you have completed entering your settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

LED Indicator Settings

If your device has an LED activity indicator, this menu item allows you to turn the activity indicator on/off.

Select Indicator settings in the device configuration menu. The indicator management interface will open.

Move the switch slider to the required position. After completing the setup, select "Ready" to return to the configuration menu.

Setting the voice message language

To indicate the status of the device or inform the user about necessary actions, the device has a voice message function. This settings item allows you to select the language of voice messages or disable them.

After completing the language settings, select "Ready" in the upper right corner of the screen to save settings and return to the device configuration menu.

Advanced device settings

To access advanced and rarely used device settings, select Advanced settings in the device configuration menu. The advanced settings menu will be displayed.

Mail settings– allows you to configure sending parameters and select up to 5 recipients of email notifications.

FTP Settings– allows you to enter credentials to upload images to an FTP server.

DDNS setup– allows you to configure registration parameters in the DDNS service.

To use the mail notification, FTP upload and DDNS service functions, the user must have a subscription to the corresponding services.

Device name– the name with which the device identifies itself when searching on the local network. This name is also registered on videos recorded from the device and makes it easier to identify videos.

Night IR illumination– allows you to turn on/off the night infrared illumination, as well as select the automatic mode for turning it on in low light conditions.

WWW Settings– allows you to enable or disable access to the device via a web browser to view images and change device settings. By default this feature is enabled. The device access credentials are the same as the credentials set in the Device Access Settings section.

Telnet Settings– allows you to open access to the device via the TELNET protocol.

Remote device reboot

Select Restart device in the configuration menu. A confirmation window will appear. Once the reboot is confirmed, the device will reboot.

This is the official instruction for Digma Linx 5.5 in Russian, which is suitable for Android 4.1. If you have updated your Digma smartphone to a more recent version or “rolled back” to an earlier one, then you should try other detailed operating instructions that will be presented below. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the quick user instructions in question-answer format.

Official website of Digma?

You have come to the right place, because all the information from the official website of the Digma company, as well as a lot of other useful content, is collected here.

Settings-> About phone:: Android version (a few clicks on the item will launch the "Easter egg") ["Out of the box" Android OS version - 4.1].

We continue to configure the smartphone

How to update drivers on Digma

You need to go to "Settings -> About phone -> Kernel version"

How to enable Russian keyboard layout

Go to the section "Settings->Language and input->Select language"

How to connect 4g or switch to 2G, 3G

"Settings-> More-> Mobile network-> Data transfer"

What to do if you turned on child mode and forgot your password

Go to "Settings-> Language and keyboard-> section (keyboard and input methods)-> check the box next to "Google voice input"

Settings->Display:: Auto-rotate screen (uncheck)

How to set a melody for an alarm clock?

Settings->Display->Brightness->right (increase); left (decrease); AUTO (automatic adjustment).

Settings->Battery->Energy Saving (check the box)

Enable display of battery charge status as a percentage

Settings->Battery->Battery Charge

How to transfer phone numbers from a SIM card to the phone memory? Importing numbers from a SIM card

  1. Go to the Contacts app
  2. Click on the "Options" button -> select "Import/Export"
  3. Select where you want to import contacts from -> “Import from SIM card”

How to add a contact to the blacklist or block a phone number?

How to set up the Internet if the Internet does not work (for example, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Life)

  1. You can contact the operator
  2. Or read the instructions for

How to set a ringtone for a subscriber so that each number has its own melody

Go to the Contacts application -> Select the desired contact -> click on it -> open the menu (3 vertical dots) -> Set ringtone

How to disable or enable key vibration feedback?

Go to Settings-> Language and input -> Android keyboard or Google keyboard -> Vibration response of keys (uncheck or uncheck)

How to set a ringtone for an SMS message or change alert sounds?

Read the instructions for

How to find out which processor is on Linx 5.5?

You need to look at the characteristics of Linx 5.5 (link above). We know that in this modification of the device the chipset is 1200 MHz.

Settings->For Developers->USB Debugging

If there is no "For Developers" item?

Follow the instructions

Settings->Data transfer->Mobile traffic.
Settings->More->Mobile network->3G/4G services (if the operator does not support, select only 2G)

How to change or add input language on the keyboard?

Settings-> Language and input-> Android keyboard-> settings icon-> Input languages ​​(check the box next to the ones you need)