We write program scripts in Windows Notepad. How to create a joke virus using notepad. We write a fake virus that opens “endless” windows

Prank viruses are simple programs that can be slipped to a friend (or enemy) to make them think that their computer has been hacked, infected with a virus, or seriously damaged. Prank viruses can be written in regular Notepad: you just need to write commands into a file that slow down the computer, disable the operating system, or simply scare the user, and then force him to run this file. Prank viruses can be anything from an annoying nuisance to a system-breaking nightmare. The "viruses" in this article are meant to be harmless pranks only, the worst thing they can do is shut down your computer. Warning: These prank viruses are intended for Windows computers only and will not work on Mac OS without special training. Let's start with step 1.

Steps We write a fake virus that opens “endless” windows

Launch Notepad.

Batch (.BAT) files contain commands for the computer in text form. In order to write a BAT file, you do not need a special editor - Notepad from the standard set of Windows programs is enough. Notepad can be found in the Start menu or in the Accessories submenu. You can also open Notepad by pressing the Win+R key combination, type “notepad” in the text field of the dialog box that appears and press Enter.

Type "@echo off" and then, on a new line, "CLS".

  • By default, BAT files open a command prompt window and output executable commands. The "@echo off" and "CLS" commands prevent commands from appearing in the Command Prompt window, making the source of the joke invisible to the "victim". Write commands to open many (or an infinite number) of windows. or the full name of the executable file. This command instructs the computer to open a specified program window. For example, start iexplore.exe will open an Internet Explorer window. Repeat the "start" command as many times as you want, and your "virus" will open the window as many times as you specify. Here are a few programs that can be entered after the “start” command:
    • iexplore.exe - Internet Explorer browser
    • calc.exe - Calculator
    • notepad.exe - Notepad
    • winword.exe - Microsoft Word
  • To open an infinite number of windows, first type :A on a new line, including the colon. On the next line, type start iexplore.exe (or other program). Finally, on the line below, type goto A . This sequence of commands will cause the computer to open an Internet Explorer (or any other program) window, return to the location just before the window opened, and then immediately open a new window until the Command Prompt window is closed or the computer freezes.
  • Write a message in the “virus”.

    • For a frightening effect, you can add a message to the “virus” that will make the user think that something is wrong with his computer. To display a message, start a new line and type echo Your message. Then, on a new line, type pause . The "pause" command will stop the execution of the "virus" after the message appears.
  • To make your joke believable, write a message similar to real error messages, for example: Fatal error. The C:// directory is corrupted.

    Save the text as a batch file.

    When you're done, from the Notepad menu choose File > Save As... and then specify the file extension ".bat" (for example, "pinball.bat"). From the File Type drop-down list, select All Files. Save the file somewhere on the “victim’s” computer.

    Launch Notepad.

    Like the previous joke, this one requires you to write a few simple commands in Notepad. However, this time the effect will be different - instead of opening windows, this joke creates several error messages that will make the user think that there is an error in their operating system or that the computer has been hacked.

    • Type "x=msgbox("MessageText", 5+16, "MessageTitle") exactly as specified here, including brackets and quotes, and replace "MessageText" and "MessageTitle" with the desired text. This command opens the standard Windows error dialog box with the error message and window title you specify. To make your joke believable, use messages and titles similar to the real ones. For example, try “Terminal Error” as the title and “In directory C:/” as the message. /Users/Windows/system32 a critical problem has been detected."
    • You might want to take your joke further in the hacking direction. In this case, use messages like: “I have full access to your system. Prepare to be hacked." Nothing like that will actually happen, so it will only work with people who are not good with computers.
      • The expression “5+16” tells the computer to create a dialog box with a critical error icon and two buttons, “Retry” and “Cancel.” By changing these numbers, you can get different types of error windows. Simply substitute any one-digit number for 5 and any two-digit number for 16 from the numbers below:
      • 0 (OK button)
      • 1 (OK and Cancel buttons)
      • 2 (Cancel, Redo and Skip buttons)
      • 3 (Yes, No, and Cancel buttons)
      • 4 (Yes and No buttons)
      • 5 (Redo and Cancel buttons)
      • 16 (Critical error icon)
      • 32 (Help icon)
      • 48 (Warning icon)
  • 64 (Information icon)

    Repeat the error message as often as you like. Repeat the commands above as many times as you wish with any error messages. Messages will appear one after another, that is, as soon as the user closes one message, another will open. You can use this fact to create a longer message that is increasingly urgent., give your file a name with the extension ".vba". Be sure to select "All Files" from the "File Type" drop-down list. Now, for the joke to succeed, you need to force the “victim” to run this file, for example using the trick from method 1.

    Using a pre-written batch file

    Launch Notepad.

    This prank uses Notepad commands to force the computer to open programs randomly until the batch file is disabled or the computer freezes. To make this prank you just need to copy and paste the commands given in this section. However, note that this will not work on all computers.

  • Copy and paste the following commands: @echo offclsbegingoto %random%:1start cmd.exegoto begin:2start mspaint.exegoto begin:3start pinball.exegoto begin:4start iexplore.exegoto begin:5start explorer.exegoto begin:6start solitaire.exegoto begin:7start explorer.exegoto begin:8start edit.exegoto begin:9start iexplore.exegoto begin:0start mspaint.exegoto begin

    • Change these commands to suit your needs.
    • This code randomly opens programs listed after the word "start" indefinitely. You may have noticed that some programs are repeated. Change the list of programs as you wish.
  • Note that some of the names of the programs listed above may not be correct on some machines, for example, some computers may not have "pinball.exe". You should double check that the program names are correct before moving the joke virus onto the “victim” computer.

    • If you are in doubt about the name of a particular program, remember that the exact program path is also fine. For example, instead of “iexplore.exe” you can write “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer”.
      Save the text as a batch file and run it (if you dare).
      Save the file with a ".bat" extension by selecting "All Files" from the "File Type" drop-down list. When you manage to get the user to launch it, he will start randomly opening programs on the computer without stopping.
      To make it more fun, try replacing “*.exe” in one of the commands with the full path to a user document. For example, "start C:\Documents\123.doc" will open document 123.doc from the Documents folder in the default editor, and
  • The modern Internet is unthinkable without scripts. Learning to write in JavaScript.

    If the Bible was written for the Internet, it would begin like this:

    First there was mail. And the engineers saw that this was good. And they created WWW with hyperlinks. And the engineers saw that this was also good. And then they created the JavaScript language to bring pages to life.

    This is roughly what happened in reality. JavaScript invented to “revive” HTML. Scripts JavaScript written directly into the text HTML or stored in separate files, like styles CSS. They are executed immediately after the page is loaded into the browser.

    Even the language itself was at first called LiveScript. Then it was renamed to JavaScript, because they planned to somehow link it with the general-purpose Java language. But now they have practically nothing in common, and JavaScript- a completely independent programming language with its own clear specification ECMAScript.

    Technically, JavaScript is a trademark of Oracle, and the language is an “extension” of ECMAScript, along with Microsoft's JScript and ActionScript, but that's more of a trade mark issue. The main thing is that free ECMAScript does not belong to anyone.

    Over time, sphere of influence JavaScript has expanded significantly. They began to use it not only for scripts on the page HTML, but also for serious large web applications and entire programs that run in the browser. There are tools to “package” these programs in a special way and run them separately from the browser. These are compilers and interpreters, which are discussed in more detail in the training courses "" and "".

    JavaScript applications run in any environment that has an appropriate interpreter.

    For now, we are only interested in browsers and HTML pages.

    How to do JavaScript? Writing a basic script is no more difficult than writing a simple HTML- a page, because scripts JavaScript are written in plain text, that is, they can be created literally in the same Notepad, then saved in separate files or pasted into the body HTML-document. The simplest things on JavaScript are really easy to do.

    How to Write JavaScript

    For example, let's make a simple script for the Windows script server to execute. This script can be written directly in Notepad and executed without a browser.

    WScript. echo(" Hello Skillbox!")

    We write this text in "Notepad", then save the file under the name skillbox.js and run in "Explorer" Windows.

    A similar script can be written directly in the page code HTML between tags And . There you can already use regular JavaScript methods, rather than the echo specific object WScript. Let's look at some of the standard methods for entering and outputting data in a browser.


    Method alert() displays a window with an “OK” button. The window displays a message indicated in parentheses. For example, "Hey Skillbox!". That is, in this case, the browser does exactly the same thing that the script server did before Windows.

    These examples can also be written in Notepad, just saved in files with the extension HTML. For example, skillbox.htm.

    alert(" Hello Skillbox")


    As an argument alert() You can specify not only specific text, but also the result of any calculations or processing of other data. For example, alert(x), where x is calculated separately.


    Method confirm() displays the same window with a message, but with two buttons - “OK” and “Cancel”. Depending on which button the user clicks, the method returns either true, or false. The server receives this return value from the user and performs some action depending on the response.

    The syntax is the same, only here a choice is logically assumed, so the user is asked a question.

    confirm(" Hello Skillbox")



    Method prompt() displays a dialog box with a message and a text field where the user enters data. There are also two buttons “OK” and “Cancel”. When the first button is pressed, the method returns the entered text to the server, and when the second button is pressed, it returns a Boolean value false.

    The syntax here is:

    prompt( message, data_input_field_value)

    The input field value is optional. There you can enter the text that was originally entered into the field for the convenience of the user.

    prompt(" Say hi to Skillbox", "Hello")


    Possibilities of modern JavaScript go far beyond primitive data input and output through forms. We have given these methods only as the simplest examples. Besides, JavaScript allows you to respond to user actions. For example, on mouse movements or pressing certain keys. JavaScript often used to provide asynchronous operation ( Technology AJAX) when information on a page is updated without reloading it. In this mode, data is sent to the server and downloaded from there interactively. Besides, JavaScript able to manipulate HTML-elements on the page (create and hide tags, etc.) and do much more.

    Useful Tools Developer Console

    All popular browsers have a special developer console. It shows the script code on the page and also displays other useful information. IN Chrome, Firefox And I.E. the developer console opens by pressing a hotkey F12, V Safari - Ctrl+Shift+I or Ctrl+Alt+C. In the screenshot, the scripts are displayed at the top right, along with other elements of the web page.

    Chrome Developer Console.

    Code editors

    In the future, for convenient programming, you will need to install a code editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment), integrated development environment. IDE is an editor with advanced functionality that is integrated with other useful tools, supports connecting additional modules, and so on.

    In this topic I will teach you how to create scripts to amuse your haters =)
    So, to create scripts we need a regular notepad and crooked hands
    1 script. Your system is infected with a virus!
    This script, when launched, displays a message on the screen stating that your system is infected and asks you to restart your computer, and then launches many command lines, calculators, notepads and much more.
    Open notepad and paste the following code there:

    On error resume next
    set t=createobject("Wscript.Shell") set kill = createobject("wscript.shell") kill.run"taskkill /f /im explorer.exe",0
    msgbox"System problem",16,"Error" msgbox"You are infected with a virus",48,"Windows" msgbox"The system needs to be restarted",16,"Windows"t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run "help" t.run"help" t.run"calc.exe"t.run"notepad.exe" t.run"telnet" t.run"help"t.run"explorer" t.run"help" t .run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help"t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"calc.exe" t.run"notepad.exe" t.run"telnet "t.run"help" t.run"help" msgbox"System failure",16,"Windows" t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help"t.run"help" t. run"help" t.run"help"t.run"help"t.run"calc.exe" t.run"notepad.exe" t.run"telnet" t.run"help" t.run"explorer" t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help"t.run"help"t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"calc.exe" t.run"notepad. exe" t.run"telnet" t.run"help" t.run"help"msgbox"System failure",16,"Windows"t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help"t .run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help"t.run"help" t.run"calc.exe" t.run"notepad.exe" t.run"telnet"t.run"help " t.run"explorer" t.run"help" t.run"help"t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"calc.exe " t.run"notepad.exe"t.run"telnet" t.run"help"t.run"help" msgbox"System failure",16,"Windows" t.run"help" t.run"help" t.run"help"
    We save it all with the extension .vbs

    2 script. Infinitely beeping speaker =)
    Causes the system speaker in the computer processor to beep endlessly
    Open notepad again and paste the following code there:

    Set S = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    do execute"S.Run ""%comspec% /c "" & Chr(7), 0,True" loop
    3 script. Flashing keyboard
    Makes the lights on the keyboard blink, and also makes the written text look like: EXAMPLE OF TEXT
    Set s = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    do wscript.sleep 80

    wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(numlock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(capslock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(scrolllock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(scrolllock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(capslock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(numlock)" wscript.sleep 80
    wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(scrolllock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(capslock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(numlock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(numlock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(capslock)" wscript.sleep 80
    s.sendkeys"(scrolllock)" wscript.sleep 80

    4 script. Automatic drive in and out =)
    Causes the disk drive in the computer to move in and out endlessly

    Set WMPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    doWMPlayer.CdRomCollection.Item(0).Eject() loop
    Thank you all for your attention!
    P.s. To close the script, you need to end the corresponding process in the task manager!

    If you have only recently embarked on the path of programming and have not even tried to play with the installed operating system, then manipulation using scripts can raise reasonable questions of necessity and convenience. However, even aside from the simple fact that they help you better understand how the OS works in the future when creating applications, scripting can be an extremely useful skill.

    We'll turn to PowerShell to execute the following scripts. Any system administrator (by profession or at heart) knows its capabilities and periodically uses it; for everyone else, it’s just a command line interface or a foreign word. On popular resources you can find a lot of ideas on how to use PowerShell for fun and business, but here we will look at only simple scripts that will help you get up to speed.

    Shutdown and restart

    So, the simplest operation is to turn off your computer. Open notepad and write:

    shutdown -s -t 0

    Save the file as *.cmd (* is the name of your file, for example shutdown.cmd) and do not forget to select “all files” in the type. That's it, the executable file will turn off your computer upon startup. “-s”, in this case means shutdown, replace it with “-r” and get a reboot. “-t” is a timer, we have it set to 0 seconds, but if you set it to 60, you will get a shutdown after 60 seconds.

    Removing unnecessary things

    In various assemblies pre-installed on your computer or laptop, you may come across a lot of completely unnecessary application packages. Removing them using a script is as easy as shelling pears:

    get-appxpackage -name *APPNAME* | remove-appxpackage

    As you understand, *APPNAME* is the name of the add-on you are not interested in. Yes, you can remove these packages in the standard way or through special programs, but you can create a script that will remove them all with one double click.

    We manage processes

    There are two useful commands in PowerShell that will allow you to fight windmills (processes that reduce performance). You can display them on the screen simply by writing:

    or information about a specific service under the code name *NAME* (this place should contain the name of the service of interest):

    Get-Service *NAME*

    But this can be done in the task manager, but creating a file that, upon clicking, would close all processes with increased resource consumption (browsers, antiviruses, etc.) can be really useful. To do this, use the Stop-Service command:

    Stop-Service -Name *ANTIVIRUS*

    Stop-Service -Name *BROWSER*

    Replacement names are indicated in * *.

    Rename a group of files

    Another annoying problem: you copied images from your camera or phone. A huge pile of photographs that have the same name like HGNMD034, where HGNMD is the name of a common directory that combines files, for example, taken in one day. In order to make the names of these files nicer or to be able to combine several folders without getting chronological confusion due to names, you can use a bulk renaming script:

    $path = "$comp\desktop\journey\russia"
    $filter = "*.jpg"
    get-childitem -path $path -filter $filter |
    rename-item -newname ($_.name -replace "HGNMD","RUSSIA")

    In the first line, in quotes, specify the exact path to the files. The second line contains the extension of the files to be changed. In the last line, instead of “HGNMD” - a common file name to be replaced with something, instead of “RUSSIA” - the name you want to assign. If you save this script again as an executable file, then similar operations of the same type will only take you a few seconds of time.

    Looking for files

    Another simple task implemented in PowerShell is searching for files in a directory. In this case, consider searching for log files:

    Get-Childitem C:\Windows\*.log

    Or a slightly more complex example, when the search will also be carried out in subfolders:

    Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\* -Include *.log -Recurse -Force

    This is a slightly more correct and complete entry, where “Include” - indicates the part you are looking for, “Recurse” - a search in subdirectories, “Force” - the search includes system and hidden files.


    So, we have more or less figured out the general principles of PowerShell operation. If something is not clear, refer to the help information as follows:

    Get-Help Services

    This is a command that will display all available commands with a brief description. Want more details? There is nothing simpler:

    Get-Help -Name *CMDLET*

    Where instead of *CMDLET* insert any command of interest.

    Finding data

    Now let's move on to simple scripts described with slightly more complex commands. For example, using PowerShell you can get almost all the information about hardware and components. Alternatively, here is a script to estimate the battery charge level:

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    .GetConstructor("NonPublic, Instance", $null, @(), $null).Invoke($null)

    CPU architecture of the remote computer:

    ).GetMethod("GetProcessorArchitecture", 40
    ).Invoke($null, @())

    Sometimes an important task is to check the administrator rights of the current user. Here's a simple way in PowerShell:

    "IsAdministrator", 40).Invoke($null, @())

    Let's stop there for now. As you have probably seen, PowerShell is not the most complex, but it is a very useful tool that can perform both simple and quite complex operations. However, PowerShell is not the only scripting tool for Windows. But more on that next time.

    Any novice Linux system administrator sooner or later comes across such a concept as “ script”, be it one of the boot scripts like /etc/rc.d/rc or a configuration script written by the software developer configure. In this article I will try to show that writing scripts in shell is not something out of the ordinary and is quite feasible even for a beginner in the world of Linux.

    Let's start by looking at what is hidden behind the English terms. shell And script. Shell, or shell, as the term is sometimes translated, is a command interpreter, an interface between the user and the operating system, its kernel. But more than that, it is also a powerful programming and scripting language. It contains its own function words and control structures and allows you to write programs on it. This scripting language program is called script, can combine system calls and operating system commands, as well as external utilities, creating a powerful tool for system administration.

    One of the tasks of system administration is backing up important information. Therefore, let's look at an example of a script that implements back-up information.

    The beginning of time

    So, first of all, we need to understand the structure of the script. It is not anything complicated. By and large, the simplest script is simply a list of system commands. For example:

    Echo This is just an example
    uname -a

    These commands are combined in one file. But the shell must know that it must process this file, and not just read its contents. There is a special construction for this: #!

    This design is called " sha-bang" Actually, # specifies a comment, but in this case sha-bang means that after it the path to the script handler will go. For example:


    We'll stick to the Bash, Bourne-Again shell. This shell is installed by default on almost all Linux systems, and /bin/sh links to it. The end of the script is indicated by the service word exit.

    Armed with this knowledge, let's write our first script:

    echo Simple script # The echo command displays a message on the screen
    echo You:
    whoami #whoami shows the name of the registered user
    echo Your system has started
    uptime # uptime shows the time the machine was turned on
    echo Today
    date # date shows the current date and time
    echo That's it for now

    Let's save this file under the name tutor1.sh. Let's run the command to make the script executable.

    Chmod +rx tutor1.sh

    The result of running the script will be:

    :~/Doc/Open Source$ ./tutor1.sh
    Simple script
    Your system has started
    14:38:46 up 1:48, 2 users, load average: 0.47, 0.43, 0.41
    Sun Feb 26 14:38:46 MSK 2006
    That's all for now

    Let's move on to something more serious.

    Now that we've learned how to write basic scripts, it's time to move on to the serious stuff: writing a backup script.

    First of all, we need to determine what we will be making a backup copy of. Therefore, our script must be able to work with the command line. Command line arguments are specified after the script name separated by a space: somescript arg1 arg2 arg3. The script perceives arguments by their sequence numbers, so we will use constructions of the form $argument_number, i.e. $1, $2, $3. $ is a wildcard character that we will also need when working with variables. Variables in the script are specified in the form variable_name=value. We will use the variables MAXPARAMS to define the maximum number of command line parameters, BACKUPFILE to set the name of the archive, BACKUPDIR for the folder we will back up and ARCHIVEDIR for the folder where we will place the archive. The most important part of the script will be the commands to search and archive all found files and folders in the specified one:

    Find. -type f -print0 | xargs -0 tar rvf "$archive.tar" > /dev/null
    gzip $archive.tar

    Let's figure out what these commands do. find searches the current directory (this is indicated by the first argument ".") for all files and returns the full path to them (print0). These paths are redirected to the tar command, which collects all the files into one. Then, using the gzip command, we archive the resulting tar file. Team > /dev/null convenient if you archive a large number of files. In this case, their names and full path to them are not displayed on the console.

    The next step is to provide hints to the user on how to use the script if he makes any mistakes.

    For example, this design

    If [ $# -lt "$MAXPARAMS" ];

    exit 0

    will indicate that the user has not specified enough command line arguments. If [condition]...fi specifies a conditional construction. $# -lt "$MAXPARAMS" checks the entered number of parameters and if this number is less than MAXPARAMS, the user will receive a message indicating an erroneous input. Exit 0 will cause the script to terminate without specifying an error code. The excess of the permissible number of parameters is checked in a similar way, only instead of ls (less then - less than), you must specify gt (greater then - greater than). Now that the main points of the script are explained, we can move on to its full version:

    # Description:
    #+ Makes a backup copy of all files in the specified directory
    #+ in "tarball" (tar.gz archive).
    #+ Usage:
    #+ sh backup.sh archive_name source folder destination folder

    # Maximum number of command line parameters

    if [ $# -lt "$MAXPARAMS" ];
    echo "Usage: sh `basename $0` archive_name source folder destination folder"
    exit 0

    if [ $# -gt "$MAXPARAMS" ];
    echo "This script only requires $MAXPARAMS command line arguments!"
    exit 0

    # Variables we use in the script
    BACKUPFILE=$1-backup-$(date +%m-%d-%Y)

    # Check if there is a source folder and a destination folder
    if [! -e $BACKUPDIR ];
    echo "\"$BACKUPDIR\" does not exist!"
    exit 0

    if [! -e $ARCHIVEDIR ];
    echo "\"$ARCHIVEDIR\" does not exist, creating..."
    mkdir $ARCHIVEDIR
    echo "Done."

    # Check if there are archives in the source and destination.
    if [ -e $archive.tar.gz ];
    then rm $archive.tar.gz

    if [ -e $archive.tar.gz ];
    then rm $archive.tar.gz

    # The main part of the script...
    echo "Making a backup copy of \"$BACKUPDIR\" to the file \"$archive.tar.gz\"..."
    find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 tar rvf "$archive.tar" > /dev/null
    gzip $archive.tar
    echo "\"$BACKUPDIR\" was successfully archived to the file \"$archive.tar.gz\"."

    # Move the archive to the ARCHIVEDIR folder
    echo "Moving the archive \"$archive.tar.gz\" to the folder \"$ARCHIVEDIR\"."
    mv $archive.tar.gz $ARCHIVEDIR/$archive.tar.gz
    echo "Done."

    I hope I have commented on the main points in sufficient detail. If you have any questions, you can contact me at I also recommend the wonderful book Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide by Mendel Cooper, which helped me a lot when I was just getting acquainted with scripts. Happy programming.

    P.S. Many thanks to mar for her comments and advice.

    With this article you will not learn to program or even write a program as such, but you will find here excellent VBS scripts and BAT files that you can easily write in a regular Windows notepad, which you can improve in your own way, and then show off to your friends and family. Perhaps this will cheer you up and you will have a great time.

    Most similar scripts are written for convenience and automation of any actions on a computer running Windows. The scripts presented below will not be very useful (maybe it seems so to me), but they are perfect for an initial acquaintance with “coding”. You'll have a great time surprising both yourself and fellow dummies (non-programmers), plus this is another good option.

    Some terminology:

    • VBS is a programming language for creating scripts in Windows OS, created/edited in Windows Notepad, has ".vbs" permission. I think there is no point in continuing, because it will say little, especially to beginners. For those interested - .
    • BAT is a batch file, popularly just a “batch file”. File extension ".bat". Further similar - .

    These extensions (vbs, bat) files are created in the well-known Windows Notepad (Notepad). For greater convenience in creating scripts, it is recommended to use an improved (let's say) notepad - Notepad++. It is convenient for syntax highlighting of a large number of programming languages. If this doesn’t mean much to you, then download and write in it - you will make fewer errors in the code, or it will be easier to find them than in the same little-functional Windows Notepad.

    For clarity, an example (on the left is Windows Notepad, on the right is Notepad++):

    Let's get started

    If you are already familiar with VBS scripts and batch files, then most likely the following examples will not be interesting to you, but if you are a beginner, then for an initial introduction this is what you need.

    Let's teach a computer to say hello

  • Open Notepad (or Notepad Plus Plus).
  • Copy and paste the code:

    Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
    sapi.Speak "Hello!"

  • Mandatory condition: the quotes must be “like this”, “Christmas trees” will not work, the script will not be processed and an error will appear. Instead of the word "Hello" you can write anything, even in Russian, if you have a Russian voice engine.
  • Next, select File - Save as - File type - All files - name.vbs
  • Call the file whatever you want, but don’t forget to add the extension - .vbs (example - Privet.vbs) at the end.
  • Now try to test your script - double-click the file.
  • One caveat: if you have written words in quotes in Russian letters, and when you start it is not clear what is said, then you simply do not have the Russian voice engine installed. Detailed installation and configuration of the voice engine is beyond the scope of our article, so read more in detail and come back here again.

    Now, let’s do the following: we’ll add this script to startup, which means that when you start the computer, the word(s) written in the program will be spoken to you; if, as in the example, it will say “Hello” every time you turn on the computer. How to do it?

    It’s simple, you can add a program (script) to startup in the same way, that is, through the same VBS script. Create a file in Notepad, copy/paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V) the following code:

    Dim vOrg, objArgs, root, key, WshShell
    root = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"
    KeyHP = "Program"
    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WshShell.RegWrite root+keyHP,"C:\Privet.vbs /autorun"

    We change the path to the "talker" script, this line - C:\Privet.vbs to our own. We write down where you have this script and what it is called. Next, save the newly created mini program in Notepad and run it. That's it, now the computer will greet you every time you turn it on.

    Open drive

  • Open notepad. Copy/Paste the following code:

    Set a = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    Set b = a.CdromCollection
    Set c = b.Item(0)
    Set d = c.Eject

  • Save with extension .vbs
  • Run the script and the drive will open.
  • There is a more interesting modification of this script:

    Set WMPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")

    In this case, the CD/DVD drive will open and close all the time; on laptops, in this case, it will open after each time it is closed.

    Attention! The second code (opening and closing the drive) is seen by some antiviruses as a malicious program. Kaspersky Anti-Virus (including) sees it exactly like that and destroys it immediately. In the first case (simply opening the drive) it is not a malicious script for antivirus programs.

    To stop automatically opening and closing the drive, you must:

  • Launch task manager (- Ctrl+Alt+Del).
  • Go to the "Processes" tab.
  • Find the wscript.exe process - right mouse button - end the process.
  • A game

    An interesting find from the Internet - a game on VBS. You need to guess a number from 0 to 100. When you start the script, the script automatically sets (solves) the number that you need to guess and enter in a special window; if you answer incorrectly, hints are given, for example, less or more.

    Below is the same code that needs to be copied and pasted into notepad, then saved (extension .vbs).

    You can also change messages in your own way; everything written in Cyrillic can be edited without problems. Don't be afraid to break the code. Experiment. If something happens, copy the working code again from here.

    Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set y = Nothing
    a = 0
    u = 0
    Number = Int((RND*99)+1)
    MsgBox "I guessed a number from 1 to 100, try to guess",64,"Guessing Game"
    a = a + 1
    c = InputBox("Guess the number" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Try: " & a & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "To see the results, enter the number!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Leave the field blank to exit" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf," Guessing game")
    If c = "!" Then CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "notepad C:\Windows\Result.dll",3,True: Exit Do
    If c "" Then
    If IsNumeric(c) = True Then
    If CInt(c) If CInt(c) > Number Then MsgBox "No, this is not " & c & ". I guessed a number less",64,"Guessing Game"
    If CInt(c) = Number Then
    Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    MsgBox("Number of attempts: " & a)
    If MsgBox ("That's right, it was the number " & c & ". Should I start over?",36,"Guess") = 6 Then Exit Do Else WScript.Quit
    End If
    MsgBox "This is not a number!",16,"Guessing Game"
    a = a - 1
    End If
    a = a - 1
    l = MsgBox ("You did not enter anything. Exit the program?",36,"Guess")
    If l = 6 Then WScript.Quit
    End If

    Well, before moving on to body files (.BAT), let’s use the most useful VBS script of all those listed in this article.

    Script closing wscript.exe

    The script itself:

    Set TaskKill = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    TaskKill.Run "TaskKill /f /im wscript.exe"

    Essentially, it does the same thing that was explained a little higher in the task manager, as for example you can’t just take and close the annoying script that opens and closes the disk drive, but by running this script, all running ones will be closed. It's like knocking out a wedge with a wedge.

    We got a little acquainted with VBS scripts and how to write them in notepad, now let’s look at several examples of using BAT files (hereinafter referred to as a batch file).

    A very simple body file consisting of just one line.

  • Open Notepad.
  • We write the following code:

    shutdown -s -t 1 -c -f

  • Next File - Save as - name.bat
  • Pay attention to the file extension, this is no longer a VBS script, but a batch file, so we write .bat at the end of the name (Example compoff.bat).
  • We launch the newly created batch file by double-clicking the mouse and the computer will turn off (Shutdown).
  • There is this code option:

    shutdown -r -t 1 -c -f

    We write everything in the same way in notepad, save it with the .bat extension and after starting the computer will reboot (normal computer reboot).

    Uninstalling updates

    This batch file will be useful if you already. What's the point? This batch file lists commands for removing several updates, as the name suggests - telemetry updates, or just one of the system’s spyware things, we once already talked about how to disable it, in this case you simply create a batch file, copy the code below into the contents and run , after which the listed updates will be removed.

    echo Step 1: Delete Updates Telemetry
    wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
    wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
    wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
    wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart

    This way you can remove absolutely any update, even the annoying KB971033 that checks.

    There are many different scripts on the Internet that are supposedly harmless, but be careful before you try an unknown script, some of them can do harm, for example, making changes to the registry, and in case of any errors the system will generate errors, in which case you will have to or Windows or do a system restore.

    Hello. It's been a long time since we've had any useful jQuery stuff. Today we are making a scroll up script using jQuery. This is needed on almost every website, but you don’t really want to use a third-party plugin for this with a mountain of unnecessary code.

    If the topic of creating a website itself is not very interesting for you, then creating a turnkey website from professionals is an excellent solution.

    How to make a scroll up script in jQuery

    Let's start with simple HTML:

    This is the code for the button itself that needs to be added to the HTML.

    Let's move on to the CSS, describe the style of the button, make it static at the bottom right, translucent, with a shadow, round, and so that when hovered it becomes more noticeable.

    As you can see, in order not to add the arrow symbol to the HTML, and thereby simplify the layout, we added it via CSS. In addition, we have described everything for the button in CSS - it is round with a shadow, fixed at the bottom right, and becomes more noticeable when hovered.

    We're done with CSS. Now let's look at jQuery. We depend on jQuery on 2 things:

    • determining whether to show the “back to top” button or not (depending on the degree of scrolling of the page)
    • actually smooth scrolling of the page up when you press the button

    Let's do this:

    First, we assign a page scroll event handler and make a check in it: if the page is scrolled more than the screen size, then we can already show the “back to top” button, but if the page is scrolled less, then on the contrary we hide it.

    Then we add a click event handler to our “back to top” button. In it we animate the scrollTop property of html and body simultaneously (for cross-browser compatibility).

    Done, the up button works.

    You can see the result here:

    Initially, the button is not visible, you need to scroll the preview area a little (for the handler and check to work).

    You can safely install this code on your website, and you will be pleasantly surprised that it works and does not require additional plugins or scripts. Only a few lines of code in JS, CSS and just one line in HTML (by the way, you can also do without HTML and use only JS, and add a button on it after the page has loaded).

    How to write scripts for an operating system, websites, or just games? The answer to this, believe me, is an easy question and will be discussed within the framework of this article.

    general information

    It is highly desirable to have at least minimal knowledge of programming. But if something seems incomprehensible, then an article or two will help fill the gap. First, let's define what a script is. This is the name for an algorithm written in certain programming languages ​​that is stored on a person’s computer and can interact with certain files, programs such as browsers and system settings. All this allows you to significantly supplement standard capabilities and create automated assistants that will take on part of the work.

    Let's start working with browsers

    This is perhaps one of the easiest activities. If we write scripts in JavaScript, then an ordinary notepad and knowledge of this programming language are enough. True, there are also disadvantages here. So, every person who has the same Notepad will be able to see what the script is. And if he has bad intentions, and there is a vulnerability in the code, then problems may arise. Answering the question of how to learn to write scripts in JavaScript, it should be noted that to do this, it is enough to study this programming language. In order to create better and more complex programs, you can use various libraries. But they require appropriate web browser extensions. And when changing computer equipment, you will have to make additional settings. And when using third-party developments, you need to make sure that the script will not send user data to third-party services. It should be noted that each browser has its own specific limitations. But in general, you can do almost anything with their help. Why are they written in such cases? They are needed when human activities need to be automated.

    We work with the Windows operating system

    Let's say we need to change the computer configuration. There is a wide range of graphic tools for this, but, alas, they do not cover everything. Therefore, it is often necessary to create system scripts. They have the extension .bat. Every person who works at a computer for more or less a long time has already encountered such files. But how to write scripts for Windows? For this we will need the same Notepad. First, create a new text file. It is necessary to record system commands in it. After this, you need to change the file extension to .bat. And all that remains is to launch this development. If everything is correct, then the commands will be executed successfully, as you can see. But in case of errors or illiterate code writing, at best, nothing will happen. Therefore, it is better to understand what you are writing down. Simply taking code from somewhere and mindlessly inserting it is absolutely not recommended! This can lead to significant problems with the operating system. And you’ll be lucky if such dangerous actions were done from a guest account. After all, a command from an administrator can turn a computer into a “brick.”

    What about Linux?

    It should be remembered that Windows is not the only operating system. There is also Linux, which is quite popular. How to write scripts in this operating system? They are created using a shell - a special command interpreter, which is the interface between a person and the kernel of the operating system. In Linux, scripts are essentially just a file that lists system commands. It's simple and convenient at the same time. But the shell needs to know how such a file should be processed. By default it just reads. And if you need to execute, then the “#!” construction is used, which must be placed before the command. All scripts have the extension .sh. It should be noted that you can do quite a lot of complex things with their help. For example, backing up files. In general, there are extremely many use cases.

    Learning to write scripts

    So, first we need to decide on the environment where we will type the code. Almost always, one Notepad is enough for this. But it is not very convenient to display the structure of structures; moreover, operators and other elements are not highlighted. Therefore, Notepad++ can be offered as a worthy alternative. For those who know English, it is not so difficult to translate that this is also a “Notepad”. But with expanded capabilities. This small but very nice development is aimed primarily at programmers. In it you can enable the display setting of almost everything that is available. There is a convenient code display tool and many other, albeit small, but nice little things that will make the writing process more comfortable. In general, the question “where to write scripts” has received many different answers, each of which offers its own twist. There are also very sophisticated environments, with emulators and many debugging tools. Choose what your heart desires. After this, you need to take care of your knowledge. Help on the programming language or operating system commands is suitable as a basis. For more advanced study, you can read several books that explain the features of machine logic and code processing.

    Real-time training services

    If you are interested in learning how to write scripts, then you should not discount the possibility of learning with the help of information educational technologies. What does such a “programmer forge” look like? According to the program, compiled according to the opinion of experienced developers, a beginner is led from the easiest to the most difficult moments. Thus, dynamic data updating can initially be studied in order to subsequently move on to creating socket servers. And the person undergoes training slowly, step by step, absorbing the maximum amount of data. Therefore, if difficulties arise, you can turn to them for help. It’s not a fact that the first one you come across will satisfy all your needs, but then you’ll just have to try something different.

    Why study?

    Many people are interested in how to write scripts for games. Well, this is not very difficult, but it is not the only use of such a feature. But let's look at the game as an example. Let’s say a person likes to play some kind of entertainment on a certain website. But, alas, it stipulates that it is necessary either to invest your money, or to carry out certain actions for a long time and monotonously. And if the second path was chosen, then scripts are exactly what is needed here. This can also be used in stationary games on a computer. There are characters controlled by artificial intelligence, and in order to fight with it, you can create your own version of the AI, thus arranging a battle between the computer and itself (and for easier passage). But scripts can be successfully used not only in games. Let's say that there is a website of a serious company. An important aspect is maximum support for communication with clients. And for this, a small form is added in the form of a script, with which you can get expert advice online. There are many possible uses!


    Alas, it is very difficult to convey within the framework of this article how to write scripts correctly. You can, of course, use general phrases about how the code should take up less space, be optimal, and much more, but you can really understand this only in practice. After all, only experience and the search for optimal solutions can help in implementing programs in such a way that they fulfill their “responsibilities” with minimal effort. In programming in general, and not just in writing scripts, a lot depends on practice! Therefore, you need to constantly learn, improve and think about how to implement the task in the best possible way.


    Depending on where the script is executed, scripts are divided into “client” and “server”. When going to some address on the network, we send the URL of the page of interest to the server, and it runs the script located at the specified address. The script, performing the actions programmed in it on the server, assembles the page from the necessary blocks and sends it to the browser. This is a server script. Having received the page, the browser on ours visualizes it for us and, if there is some kind of script in the received page code, then it is already executing this script. This is a client script.
    In order for a server or browser to read, understand and execute a script, it must be compiled and written according to rules known to them. Such sets of rules are called scripting programming languages. Most server-side scripts are now written in PHP, and most client-side scripts are now written in JavaScript. To write a script, it is enough to have a regular text editor - notepad. But for constant programming of scripts, you cannot do without a specialized editor. Such an editor takes on the lion's share of the routine work of writing scripts, leaving the programmer more time for creativity.
    Let's write a simple script in server-side PHP. The first line should inform the performer that the script begins from this point. In PHP, this opening tag looks like this: Between these two tags are the language instructions. For example, print the inscription left by O. Bender on the Caucasus rocks like this: echo (“Kisya and Osya were here”); And the instruction to show the current time in the HOUR:MINUTE format is written like this: echo date("H:i"); Complete A PHP script made up of these statements will look like this: echo date("H:i");
    echo ("Kisya and Osya were here!");?>After executing this script, the executing program (language interpreter) would look like this:

    And the same script in client JavaScript will look like this: var now = new date();
    document.write(now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes());
    document.write ("Kisya and Osya were here!"); Here the line var now = new date() gives the script executor the command to create a new object called "now", which represents the current date and time. document.write() is to write what is specified in parentheses on the page, and the commands now.getHours() and now.getMinutes() require extracting the current hour and minute from the “now” object.
    For greater clarity, all that remains is to combine these two scripts into one file, save it on the server and type the URL in the address bar of the browser. As a result, we will see identical lines, one of which was executed according to our script on the server (by the PHP interpreter), and the other on our computer (by the JavaScript interpreter).

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    • Scripts for an html website - where to get them and how to install them

    In Internet programming, there is always a need to attract some kind of virtual executor to perform the actions necessary for the programmer in the browser or on the server. Actions could be, for example, visual effects or processing visitor input in the browser. Or assembling the requested page from separate blocks on the server. The virtual performer of these actions will be the server or browser software, and the script for the performer will have to be written in one of the scripting programming languages. To get a general idea of ​​how scripts are made, let's write a simple script in JavaScript.


    The JavaScript script runs directly in, so everything you need to write and execute is already there. As a programmer's working tool, we will use a regular text editor - standard Notepad. This is quite enough to create a simple script, but, of course, for permanent it is better to use a specialized editor. First step: create a new document to write instructions to the browser.

    Now you can start coding the instructions. The browser understands more than one language - for example, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is used to mark up a page, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to provide an extended description of the appearance of page elements. To let the script runner know that this part of the page's source code is written in JavaScript, all instructions must be placed inside the opening and closing tags: Instructions by language operators. For example, reading and remembering the current date and time for later use in a script looks like this: var aTime = new Date();Now the aTime object contains date and time data and, if necessary, they can be retrieved and processed. Another instruction - to print some message in the body of the page - looks like this: document.write("some message"); Please note - an object named "document" is specified here, it does not need to be created, this happens automatically. It is a virtual image of the current page. From this object you can extract information about the page and you can perform various transformations with it - for example, in this line of code you wrote the text “some message” into document using the write operator. Now use both of these lines in the script - write the current time on the page :document.write("Current time " + aTime.getHours() + ":" + aTime.getMinutes()); Here, with a simple addition operation (+), you concatenate the four components of the printed string. In its final form, your simple script will look like this:

    Writing or selecting a useful web script is half the battle; you still need to find a way to execute it. Let's take a closer look at what is needed to execute the most common types of scripts.


    A prerequisite for the execution of any script (that is, a script), of course, is the presence of the executor himself. In relation to programming languages, such an executor will be the interpreter of the script language. Depending on where the script is to be executed, the language interpreter may be either part of the server software or part of the browser code. Therefore, in order to execute any server script (for example, a php or perl script), you must have the server running. You can select a server on the network or at home. It is very popular, for example, among Russian-speaking programmers because of its relative simplicity and free server software called “Denver”. Or you can not bother with the installation at home, but use the services of a hosting provider. The provider will give you access, and all the worries about its maintenance and service will not concern you. Usually these are paid, but not expensive.

    The situation is the same with “client” scripts. These are the scripts that should be executed directly in. To execute such a script, written, for example, in JavaScript, apart from a browser and a simple text editor (a standard notepad will do), nothing else is required. Here, for example, is the simplest script: var now = new Date();
    document.write ("This script was executed in " + now.getHours() + " hours " + now.getMinutes() + " minutes"); To execute it, just save this code in a file with the html extension (for example, test. html) and then double-click to run it. The html (HyperText Markup Language) extension in the operating system is reserved for files containing web pages. Therefore, the OS will launch your browser and give it the address of this file, and the browser will recognize the script, read and execute its script. As a result, we will see something as simple as the script it contains:

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    You've written a shell script, but you don't know how to run it. Many novice Linux users face this problem. In order for the script to be launched, it must be prepared in a special way. This can be done in different ways.


    The easiest way is to make scripts executable and run them using the Midnight Commander program. Most Linux distributions already have it. However, it is usually missing in ALT Linux and Ubuntu, in which case it must be installed by running the following command: In ALT Linux, to install this program, you will have to download it as an RPM file and then install it. Navigate to the folder where the file is located using the cd command, followed by the full path to that folder. Then run the following command: rpm -i ./filename.rpm
    where filename.rpm is the file you downloaded. In Ubuntu, the download and installation process is automated; to run it you only have to use: sudo apt-get install mc Execute all of the above commands from root mode. There is no such mode in Ubuntu, which is why the sudo command is used before apt-get. Once Midnight Commander is installed, any user can run it using the following command: mc

    If Midnight Commander is not used, you can change the access rights to the file with the shell script so that it can be executed with the following command: chmod 755 filename
    where filename is the name of your file with the script. Now try running it: ./filename

    If you prefer to use Midnight Commander, change the script permissions as follows. Launch this program, go to the folder with the file you created, move the pointer to it, then in the “File” menu, find the “Permissions” item. Check the boxes for “Run/search for owner”, “Run/search for group” and “Run/search for others” (you may not need to check some of these if you do not want to allow other users to run the script). Save the settings with the “Install” button. Now the file name in the list will turn green, and an asterisk will appear to the left of it. By moving your pointer to it and pressing the Enter key, you can run the file.

    To make a script work, it needs to be called (activated) in some way. There are several ways to do this. Since this task most often arises in relation to scripts used when working with hypertext pages, it makes sense to first consider ways to activate scripts in the most popular languages ​​in this area - JavaScript, PHP, Perl.


    If the script is written in any “client” language, then its execution, as a rule, does not require installing and running special software. For example, JavaScript script files are downloaded and stored on the user's computer along with the page in which they are embedded. To call (activate) such a script, find its file and double-click. However, it should be remembered that the script is programmed to access elements of the page in which it is embedded. If you activate such a script separately from the page, then you may not see any signs of its operation at all - it is better to do this by loading the “native” page script a into the browser.

    If you need to activate a client script after loading a page into the user’s browser, then its call can be tied to some event - pressing a button built into the page, hovering the cursor over an element, expiration of a timer started when loading, etc. To do this, use the appropriate event attributes. Place a link to the script in the onClick attribute so that it will be activated when the mouse is clicked. Use the onFocus attribute if you want JavaScript to be activated when the user begins filling out a field in a text input element. The onKeyDown and onKeyUp events will help program the activation of the script when a key is pressed and released, onMouseOver - when the mouse pointer is hovered, onMouseOut - vice versa, when the cursor is moved away, etc.

    If you need to activate a server script (for example, in PHP or Perl), do this by typing its URL in the address bar. You can program such a transition in the source code of the page in the usual way (with a link), or by tying it, as in the previous step, to some event. The server script cannot be launched if you simply download it and double-click it - such scripts are processed using special software. Therefore, to activate it on your personal computer, you need to install and run the appropriate set of programs - for example, the Denver kit (http://denwer.ru) can handle this.

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    Insert the code link to the pop-up window into the body of the page, and describe the script for opening the pop-up window. Describe a function to call a window using the standard show(), TransferTo(), bind() and other commands. Try to write a short description for yourself next to each function, so as not to get confused in the code, as you can completely disrupt the operation of the entire system.

    Check the code for errors and open the page in your browser to see the result of your work. To open a pop-up window, you need to click on the created link. In the future, you can provide for the automatic appearance of a pop-up window. The popup should also have various characteristics, such as the ability to be dragged, collapsed, stretched, and of course, closed. All these characteristics need to be described in the pop-up window script. Making floating windows is not difficult, the main thing is to know the basics of programming, since you need special knowledge to write the code correctly.

    JavaScript is a special prototype-oriented programming language. It can be embedded in the html code of web pages, thereby increasing the functionality of the site. Script allows developers of various browsers to make pages interactive, so this convenient and functional language is becoming more and more popular every day.

    Java script is considered one of the easiest programming languages, largely due to its similarity to Java, which determined the first part of its name. The architecture of this program language has a number of features, which are primarily due to its similarity with other languages, and secondly, due to its use in practice. It is impossible not to note the property of memory, which can be managed automatically, as well as dynamic typing by type, prototypic programming and the presence of functions considered as first-class objects.

    What JavaScript allows

    Java script allows you to create beautiful interactive pages, which is impossible to do in pure html language. As a rule, the execution of scripts is preceded by some user action: click, hover, etc. Execution of this language begins when the web page is loaded. You can write a Java script using any text editor. You can view what you have written in a browser capable of processing scripts. We are talking about Netscape Navigator (starting from version 2) and Microsoft Internet Explorer (starting from version 3).

    Since both of these browsers have become widespread, almost all users began to work with this programming language, improving the appearance of web pages and their functionality. By the way, scripts may be displayed differently in browsers. Opera will not be able to support most of the Java scripts that can be downloaded.

    How to place finished code in a separate file

    You need to create a page in any text editor and save it. Next, download the finished Java script code and place it on this page. Save in the same folder as .html. Now you need to ensure that JavaScript is connected to. To do this, you need to make a corresponding entry in the HTML file.

    Scripts written in this script language? can be placed on the html page itself between tags of the same name. Tegu