My phone speaker stopped working, what should I do? No sound on Android phone: What should I do? Reasons for sound loss

If your iPhone speaker does not work - it is completely broken or wheezes and rattles during a call - you do not have to immediately go to a service center. First you need to try to find the cause of the problem yourself and fix the problem at home.

What could be the reason for the breakdown?

Sound problems with the earpiece (height) and bottom (polyphonic) speakers are quite common. Main causes of malfunctions:

  • moisture ingress due to the smartphone falling into the snow or being flooded with liquid (tea, coffee, juice, water)
  • mechanical impacts (impacts, falls on a hard surface) causing damage to internal parts (loop cable, ear sensor, microphone, front camera, etc.)
  • dust and small debris getting into the speaker or headphone jack
  • software malfunctions (especially if you install “wrong” programs on your phone)
  • volume is poorly adjusted
  • manufacturing defects

Problems can manifest themselves in different ways: it’s hard to hear the other person talking, the iPhone speaker rattles and wheezes, or it stops working altogether.

We fix the problem ourselves

If you can no longer hear the other person or they speak very quietly, start by checking your equalizer settings. First, adjust the volume during a call, making sure there is an indicator on the screen. Then make sure that there are no other devices connected to the phone jacks. Insert and remove the headphone plug several times. Turn off the Bluetooth function.

To eliminate the possibility of a software problem, you should remove new, recently installed software, and also reset all settings. Algorithm for hard rebooting the device:

  • Press the Home and Power buttons at the same time
  • hold for 10-15 seconds
  • wait for the gadget to reboot

If the speaker on your iPhone (spoke or bottom) still does not work, restore the saved copy of the system using iTunes. Remember to regularly update iOS to the latest version.

Also, simply cleaning the auditory and polyphonic speakers from dust often helps. Before performing the procedure, remove the cover and film from the back and front panels, then use a soft bristle brush lightly moistened with alcohol or purified gasoline.

If you suspect a manufacturing defect, immediately take your iPhone to an authorized service center or Apple retailer - they should replace the internal parts of your model for free. Remember - if you install unlicensed software and handle it carelessly, the warranty terms are violated. Therefore, if you dropped or spilled your smartphone and damaged the speaker (hearing, voice), do not waste time traveling. It is much easier to call an experienced technician to your home.

Where to go for help

If you have problems with the microphone (located in the lower part on the left side) or the speaker (upper, conversational), save time and effort - find a specialist on the website. Yudu performers will find and fix the breakdown as soon as possible if you encounter the following situations:

  • The speaker does not work well - it became worse to hear the interlocutor during a call after moisture or mechanical damage
  • rattling sound (when communicating through the voice speaker, while turning on the speakerphone)
  • the sound does not wheeze or tremble - it is not there at all

Each YouDo performer has been working for many years, has extensive experience in diagnostics and... Other benefits of performers.

Today we will pay attention to a seemingly banal problem for owners of Xiaomi devices – lack of sound in one of the lower speakers or a “deaf” ringer. The very moment when you notice that the speaker on your Xiaomi phone is not working cannot be called the most pleasant and expected. But in fact, the situation is not as terrible as it seems at first glance.

Bottom speaker doesn't work

So, the first thing you should do is find on Google a detailed description of the hardware of your particular model and the number of conversational speakers in it. For example, the Redmi 4x or Mi5 (Mi6) models are designed to have only one speaker. And what you assume is located under the decorative grille is not a speaker at all. There is a conversational microphone there.

Thus, by closing, for example, the right side of the decorative grille on the bottom of the smartphone body, you almost completely block the path for sound to exit the device. Mistakenly believing that the left speaker does not work. Now we have described the most likely and least problematic way out of the current situation.

But there are cases that are even more complicated - when one or all of the speakers really stop working completely or work poorly. The simplest and most effective solution to the problem is to take the device to a specialized center to carry out further qualified repairs, despite the cost of the proposed or performed work that was announced to you. You should not try to save money on matches; lack of experience will bring you much greater losses. It is always worth considering that modern communication means have extremely complex hardware.

Speaker does not work

An even more difficult case is when it is determined that the earpiece really does not work, but there is no way to take the device for repair: qualified technicians are either absent or are so far away that the cost of delivering the smartphone to the repair site exceeds the cost of the repair itself.

Checking Audio Output

Be sure to check the 3.5 mm audio output of your smartphone for foreign objects or dirt.

Quite often, debris gets into the port, which shorts the contacts, thereby starting to output sound to headphones that are not there.

Folk method

This method was read on one of the Russian forums and confirmed in the American one, it helped about 3 out of 10 users, and even in our practice it worked once, so we decided to talk about it.

The bottom line is that you just need to lightly tap the phone on the speaker side a couple of times against your palm or some soft surface. Remember that increasing the impact force will not improve the result, so you should not drop, throw or hit the phone on purpose. This trick usually helps for some time, during which it is better to give the phone to repair specialists.

If it is not possible to send it to service, then we proceed to disassembling the device.

Disassembly of the device

You do all actions at your own peril and risk! If your smartphone is under warranty, give it to the service, otherwise the warranty will be void.

Before you start doing anything, it is extremely necessary to stock up on an unnecessary plastic card to carefully remove the back cover of your smartphone. In addition, it is worth finding videos on YouTube demonstrating the disassembly process. exactly your model.

Next, according to the instructions in the video, you should carefully disassemble the smartphone, thereby gaining access to the desired speaker, for example, the top one. Next, you should check the integrity of all its contacts. And, if necessary, clean the contacts with an eraser, and if necessary, solder or heat the soldering area with a special hairdryer - what needs to be done depends solely on the model of the device, its circuit and element base.

If everything is done carefully, you can return high-quality loud sound that previously disappeared from the speaker of your smartphone in 10-40 minutes.

Finally, we should mention such reasons for the lack of sound in the phone’s speaker as incorrect firmware. Yes - theoretically this is possible, but in practice, it is extremely rare that faulty firmware can cause the lack of sound in the speakers. Most often, the reason for the lack of sound is hardware problems rather than software problems. If there are strong suspicions about the firmware, you should roll back to the previous version, according to a well-known procedure.

The main purpose of any phone is to communicate with another person. If during a conversation the interlocutor is hard to hear or the speech is cut off and interference appears, then, accordingly, the usefulness of such a conversational device sharply tends to zero.

On modern mobile devices, in addition to communication, there are many other functions. So with their help you can listen to music, watch movies, play games, and use various applications. All this entertainment will be less interesting without accompanying audio effects.

Let's try to figure out why the sound on the phone doesn't work? What can cause this type of malfunction and how can it be eliminated? Although all mobile phones have their own device, common signs of problems are observed in all models.

Signs of missing or unstable sound

Let's look at the main signs by which we can say that the audio signal has disappeared on the mobile phone.

  • the first sign can undoubtedly be called the complete absence of any sound signals;
  • during a conversation you can hear extraneous noises or creaks coming from the speaker;
  • the interlocutor’s voice periodically rises, falls or is interrupted;
  • melodies are not produced or their sound changes, crackling sounds are heard.

If the signs are not so obvious or occur periodically, this may mean either an accidental failure or the beginning of the speakers or other parts of the cellular device to fail.

Let's check

To figure out why the sound on your phone doesn’t work, you don’t have to immediately run to the service center. Perhaps the cause of the problem is trivial. To do this, you should first check the external regulators or check the settings in the mobile phone menu.

Both operations will not take much of your time. Although each mobile has its own design features, all of them have an external volume control and menu subsections responsible for audio.

Video: Setting up sound through the engineering menu

Volume control

The first thing you should do if you have a problem with poor sound on your mobile device is to check the regulator.

It is usually located on the right side of the mobile phone body. There may be several types:

  • in the form of a solid button. The sound is adjusted depending on the pressing of a certain end. On the one hand it decreases, on the other it increases;
  • in the form of separate buttons with plus or minus icons.

Make sure the slider is set to the correct level. Move it if necessary. If the problem was in the regulator, then the adjustment should fix it.

In the normal state, the audibility of the bell and system commands changes. In order to increase the voice of the interlocutor during a conversation, you need to make adjustments precisely at the time of the conversation or during a call.

To increase the sound when playing video or music, as well as in games and applications, adjustments should be made specifically with open multimedia files.

Volume in the setup menu

If external adjustment does not bring results, it is quite possible that the reason lies in the system settings.

To check you need to do several steps:

  • go to the “Menu” section on your device;
  • in the window that opens, find the “Sound” subsection;
  • On the “Volume” tab, move the slider in the desired direction.

By these actions we will increase the overall audibility of the phone. Like the external control, the sound settings can be divided into separate parameters: for multimedia, for conversations. Depending on the symptoms of the problem, make the necessary settings.

The reason for the silent sound may also be one of the modes of your device. There are “silent”, “quiet”, “on the plane” and others. Accordingly, if you replace one of these modes with a simple one, the problem may be resolved.

Main causes and solutions

If checking the regulators and system settings does not eliminate the problem, then the reason lies elsewhere. This could be either software failures or mechanical damage or a breakdown of one of the device parts.

Accordingly, depending on the type of malfunction, there is a method for eliminating it. In some cases, you can do it on your own and with minor manipulations, and sometimes you can’t do it without the help of a specialist.

Foo: no sound

In any case, first of all you should find the original source of the breakdown and only then decide how to fix it and whether it would be advisable to do so.

The speaker is broken

One of the reasons for the loss of any audio signals is a broken speaker. This is a serious malfunction and in most cases can only be solved by replacing the part.

It should be said that modern mobile devices have 2 or even more speakers. Usually one is responsible for music, games, applications, the second is responsible for conversations. If sound is not produced from any of them, then most likely the problem lies in other causes.

One of the easiest ways to check whether the speaker is broken is to switch the conversation to the loudspeaker. If the interlocutor can be clearly heard, it means that a breakdown has been detected.

Types of breakdowns and ways to solve them.

  • One of the reasons for the deterioration of audibility from the speaker may be its clogging. The sound in such cases decreases, but does not disappear completely. You can try to clean the speaker using a thin needle, a cotton swab or a toothbrush. This is best done with compressed air;

Important! The main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the membrane during cleaning.

  • There is a short circuit in the speaker coil or it is burnt. It is difficult to hear a person or sometimes crackles. Solved by installing a new spare part;
  • there is a break in the coil. The sound disappears completely. It can only be fixed by replacing the component.

Important! In cases of decreased audibility in a mobile device, problems with the speaker occur in 80% of cases.

Audio amplification circuit malfunction

It often happens that the audio amplification circuit of a mobile device fails. In such cases, when adding or decreasing the volume, audibility will not change. It's quite difficult to fix this problem yourself. It is best to contact a service center, where they will carry out diagnostics and replace the amplification circuit.

Reasons why the amplification circuit may burn out:

  • mechanical damage;
  • when the mobile phone is operating in a heavily overloaded mode and its temperature has risen significantly;
  • liquid ingress;
  • factory malfunction of the amplification circuit.

Broken cable

One of the most common breakdowns is the failure of the cable. Most often, such a malfunction occurs in sliders and clamshells. Since every time you open the device, the cable itself moves, which leads to rubbing of the contacts.

The main symptoms are loss of audio signals and failure of volume controls. When replacing the part, all problems should disappear.

In addition to chafing of the cable connection, physical damage or moisture on the contacts can also cause its malfunction.

Software glitch

The number of useful applications for mobile phones is increasing every day. Unfortunately, not all of them undergo a sufficient level of testing for compatibility with various models of mobile devices. Not to mention obviously harmful programs.

Some software glitches can be simply fixed by uninstalling the installed application. Some require a factory reset. More complex conflicts that started a chain of failures will require reflashing your cellular device.

Mechanical damage

Happen quite often. Not every device can withstand being dropped or hit by a heavy object.

Mechanical damage can be divided into three groups::

  • external faults. If dropped, the speaker or volume control may be damaged. In this case, the visible faulty part should be replaced;
  • damage to microcircuits. After an impact, both the cable and the sound card or other fragile elements of the device may fail, the defects of which are visually impossible to see without opening it. You need to disassemble and then understand which element is damaged and, if possible, repair or replace it;
  • cracks in the main board. The worst of the options. Depending on the model of the device, it may be more advisable to buy a new mobile phone than to have it repaired.


If dust or small debris gets on the phone contacts, the boards or parts may burn out. An easier option is to contaminate the external parts. This could be the speaker grid, by cleaning which you can remove the negative effect.

It is better to do cleaning with special devices and tools, or even better to entrust this task to professionals.

Moisture has entered

Rain, snow, dew or any other liquid that gets on your mobile phone is unlikely to prolong its life. This also applies to any parts of the device responsible for playing audio signals. Excess moisture can cause any components to burn out or contacts to oxidize, which will ultimately lead to loss of voice or music

If you manage to notice the problem in time, the consequences can be minimized. You should turn off the phone, carefully disassemble it and leave it to dry. It is advisable to wait a long time, since the desire to quickly check the operation of the device can lead to its final breakdown.

Losing sound on your phone is of course an unpleasant situation, but in no case should you panic. Perform an initial check of the volume controls and settings in the menu. Then check various programs and applications that may be muting the volume or causing a crash.

If the fault lies inside the device, then it is better to turn to professionals who will carry out comprehensive diagnostics and return your mobile device to working order without any problems.

Probably many people have encountered this problem - the phone speaker does not work. The article will discuss the main causes of this problem and possible solutions to it. The article does not provide clear instructions on how to disassemble an iPhone and insert a speaker into it, and often this is not necessary; for this purpose, an explanation of possible reasons is given, suitable for phones and smartphones, as well as for tablets.

Reasons why your phone speaker may not work

  1. problem with the connector
  2. the problem is in the dynamics itself
  3. software problem

There are also other possible problems that lead to the speaker on your phone not working. For example, if your phone happened to undergo water procedures for which it was not designed, then there could be so many problems...

So let’s look at the possible problems outlined above in order. As mentioned above, the recommendations apply to both Android smartphones and everyone’s favorite iPhone, as well as regular phones. In this regard, the difference between their devices is not very diverse


Have you ever wondered how your phone detects that headphones are inserted into it?

Everything is very simple: inside the connector there are two contacts specially designated for such needs. When these contacts are closed, the phone states that the headphones are inserted. At the same time, he, of course, directs the sound to the headphones and TURN OFF THE SPEAKER.

In order to reinforce what was said, I specially disassembled my phone, and I was surprised to find that its connector even has 7 contacts, despite the fact that the headphones only need 4.

So, don’t let this bother you, but very often the speaker does not work because the phone thinks that headphones are inserted into it and the speaker is actually just turned off.

This happens because the two contacts responsible for identifying the headphones in the connector are caught on each other. Often the opposite happens - one or both contacts break off. In this case, the phone will not see the headphones at all.

This usually happens due to very active use of headphones. But the key fobs plugged into the headphone jack contribute much more to killing the connector. :-?

how to check the connector?

Many phones show a headphone icon. If it is constantly there, even when there are no headphones, then this is our case.

In addition, if the ‘silent’ mode is not turned on, then even with headphones inserted, most gadgets will play the ringtone through the speaker.

Likewise, when you turn on the speakerphone during a call, with headphones inserted, the speaker should work. If so, then the problem is clearly in the connector.

If the speaker still does not start singing, then the problem is related to it, then see point 2

what can be done with the connector?

As a temporary solution to the problem, you can try inserting and removing the headphones while pressing the connector sideways in different directions. But this doesn't always help.

A match with cotton wool dipped in alcohol can also help. It often happens that the contacts do not fall off, but simply become dirty. However, with such manipulations you need to be careful, because The fleece may begin to cling and wrap around the connector contacts and the remaining contacts may be torn out or bent.

If you managed to restore the connector, that’s good; sometimes after something like this, it can work properly for a long time. If this problem recurs regularly, then replacement is inevitable.


If, when checking the previous problem, the speaker still did not sing, then the source of the problem is more likely to be itself.

There are two main problems with the speaker.

2.1 - no contact?

The contact at the speaker connection point is broken. This is possible due to a strong impact, for example, when falling on a tiled floor or due to moisture. In this case, you need to disassemble the smartphone and make sure that the contact is reliable.


If the contacts are pressure contacts and there are flat areas, then it is effective to clean them with a pencil eraser.

If the speaker is connected on a cable, then it would not be superfluous to drop some alcohol or alcohol-containing perfume into the connectors and go over it with a toothbrush or a hard brush, trying to reach the contacts.

2.2 the speaker itself died

The speaker itself died. To be honest, I have never encountered a situation where a speaker just stopped working. Although it is possible, of course, that this is a factory defect. Or would-be masters installed a Chinese speaker in your smartphone and it ran out(

Much more often the speaker begins to wheeze. This may be due to dirt, metal particles, moisture, or damage caused by long-term use.

In these cases, nothing other than replacing the speaker will help.


Perhaps, under the influence of dark forces, your player (application) has stopped outputting sound to the speaker. If at the same time you are sure that the speaker itself is working and the reason is not in the headphone jack, then the problem lies in the software part.

The first thing you should check is whether there will be sound if you play music through another player; perhaps something happened with the settings of your player or there is some kind of bug in it after the update.

If changing the player does not help, then the problem lies deeper.

In general, the entire software part connecting your player and speaker is built into the firmware, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to install separate sound drivers. But who knows) Therefore, if you are definitely sure that the problem is in the firmware, you should reflash your gadget.

The human factor due to which the phone speaker often does not work

Well, it’s worth remembering about the purely human factor that is why there is no sound on the phone. Sometimes, having installed, for example, a widget with sound settings, with the thought that now it will be convenient to regulate everything, we twist all the settings in different directions. After which we realize that it turns out that it is possible without the widget and delete it or simply forget about it without changing the settings back.

That's all I have) Good luck!

The main components of a computer's sound system are a sound card and an audio output device - speakers (speakers) or headphones. Sound cards of modern computers are sold in two main categories:

  1. integrated into the computer motherboard (on board);
  2. separate (discrete) sound cards installed inside the computer system unit.

There are also cheap or very expensive (for professional musicians) external sound cards with a USB connector.

The widespread first option involves wiring the sound chip onto the motherboard. The more expensive the latter, the better the chip used in it. But even in this case, the sound quality in on board cards cannot be called high, although it is quite satisfactory for ordinary users. The influence of interference from nearby other elements of the system unit sometimes leads to the audio signal in such cards being distorted. In addition, if the processor is heavily loaded, the sound stutters.

Discrete sound cards have significantly higher audio performance. The audio signal is processed in them by a specialized sound processor. The delivery package for such a board includes special software that implements various acoustic effects. It should be noted, however, that the potentially high sound quality can be offset by ordinary speakers or headphones. It is recommended, in particular, to use speakers with wooden bodies.

Reasons for sound loss

Sometimes, after turning on or during operation, the computer may lose sound. Why is there no sound on my computer? The reason for the disappearance or distortion may be problems in its software or hardware components:

  • poor contact or failure of speakers or headphones;
  • incorrect audio device settings;
  • driver damage;
  • malfunction of the sound or motherboard (for on board version) board;
  • incompatibility with other programs or drivers;
  • incorrect BIOS settings;
  • exposure to viruses.

The easiest ways to recover

If the sound just disappeared, you should restart your computer. It happens that problems with sound are the result of an accidental failure. If the problem persists, make sure that the speaker switch is turned on and not pushed to its extreme position. Then visually check that the speaker (or headphone) plug is securely connected to the corresponding (green) socket on the computer. Poor contact with the jack can also cause the sound to wheeze. The functionality of the speakers themselves can be checked by connecting to another sound source - a player, smartphone, or another computer.

In the entire line of operating system versions in use - Windows 7/8/10, as well as in the outdated Windows XP, there is a universal tool - “System Restore”. It allows you to return your computer to a working state. If the sound was normal, for example, a day or a week ago, then you can “roll back the clock” and return to this state. The screenshot below depicting sequentially opened windows explains the return algorithm (“Control Panel” -> “System” -> “System Protection” -> “Recovery” -> selecting a restore point -> “Next”). After the computer automatically restarts, the sound should be restored.

Configuring Audio Settings

Inexperienced computer users could unknowingly turn off the sound from the taskbar (crossed out speaker or down slider). If this is the case, then you need to restore it, as shown in the screenshot (to delete the shutdown, click on the speaker icon).

Then you should go to “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Administrative Tools” -> “Services” and make sure that the Windows Audio service is automatically started and running; otherwise, restart it.

To check the audio settings, go to “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Sound” and make sure there is a green checkmark next to the sound device you are using. This means the speakers are working. Otherwise, click on the “Properties” button,

then open the lower list in a new window, select the “Use this device” option and click OK.

Reinstalling drivers

You can verify that the sound card is working in the device manager: “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Device Manager”. After opening the “Sound, video and gaming devices” list, the presence of a model (Realtek High Definition Audio) and the absence of an alarming yellow exclamation mark next to the line means that everything is in order. If you right-click on this line, then click “Properties”, a notification “The device is working normally” will appear in a new window.

Otherwise, you need to update or reinstall the driver. The same need sometimes arises after installing a new, partially incompatible device or program. To update, right-click on the Realtek High Definition Audio line and click “Update drivers” in the drop-down list.

A new window offers two ways to find updated drivers with explanations.

In some cases, the effect is achieved only after removing the existing driver (see previous screenshot) and installing it again from scratch. The Windows 7 operating system should automatically install the missing driver upon reboot (Plug and Play). If this does not happen, then the required driver can be taken from the disk included with the discrete sound card or motherboard upon purchase. Finally, as a last resort, the driver can be found and downloaded on the Internet on the website of the card or board manufacturer.

Sound or motherboard problems

These faults are complex and are detected using special equipment in service workshops. However, if you have the same computer in your office or home (for example, a neighbor), you can replace the suspected board with a known good one. After checking in this way, the problem can be solved by purchasing a new board.

BIOS Settings

It is possible that an inexperienced user, unwittingly, turned off the integrated sound card in the BIOS settings. To enable it, you need to restart the computer, enter the settings (by pressing the Del key before the system boots), find the Onboard Devices Configuration section and replace Disabled with Enabled. At the same time, keep in mind that if you are using a discrete sound card, this option must be disabled.

No sound may be due to insufficient antivirus protection. In such cases, you need to carefully scan the entire computer, possibly using other antiviruses. Once viruses are detected and removed, the drivers will most likely need to be reinstalled as described above.


Consistent application of the above recommendations will restore normal sound on your computer. Similar advice can be found in other articles for the search query “Why the computer sound disappeared.”