The encrypted channel is open via the 3rd modem. How to decode satellite channels

Probably every satellite television user at least once, while going through channels, came across the inscription “Encoded channel”. Naturally, access to broadcasting on this frequency is limited. And here a logical question arises: how to decode Tricolor TV channels and provide yourself with access to viewing? Let's try to understand this situation.

Why might a channel be scrambled?

In order to solve the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to first understand the reasons for its occurrence. The coded channel message may appear in the following cases:

  • the subscriber has not paid for access to the service;
  • the encrypted channel belongs to a package that is not connected to the subscriber;
  • the activation keys on the receiver have fallen off;
  • the receiver has been left unused for too long;
  • The equipment's expiration date has expired.

The procedure will be different in each case. In the first two situations, you just need to make a payment or connect the desired service. In all other options, you will have to make additional settings.

When are federal channels encrypted?

Like any company that provides access to television services, Tricolor has a set of channels that should always be available. The list of these channels is defined by law, although each company tries to reduce it within its capabilities. It includes at least First, Russia1, Culture and a dozen more frequencies.

Important! The full list of federal channels can be found on the official Tricolor website.

If a message about encoding appears on one of these channels, there is some kind of failure that has occurred with the operator. In this case, you should contact. The contact center number – 8-800-500-01-23 – is available around the clock, and calls to it are not charged by telecom operators.

Instructions for decoding the receiver

Most often, the coded channel message appears as a result of activation codes failure. This can happen for various reasons. Sometimes the operator himself is to blame for lost activation keys. In some cases, the problem is caused by some kind of hardware error.

Reset keys can also occur if the set-top box has been left turned off and unused for too long (a week or more). Activation commands are updated from the satellite automatically during operation of the receiver. When the equipment is idle for some time, no update occurs, therefore, the set-top box cannot gain access to broadcasting after that. In any case, decoding Tricolor TV channels here will involve re-obtaining activation codes.

How to update activation commands?

The easiest way to update activation codes is to turn on the equipment and leave it for 3-8 hours on one of the encrypted channels. Most often it is recommended to switch to the Kinopokaz channel, but this is not important. As soon as the satellite moves to the subscriber’s region of residence, activation codes will be automatically sent to the receiver and broadcasting will be restored. This typically takes about 3 hours, but the operator states that the procedure may take longer. Therefore, there is no need to panic earlier than 8 hours later.

What to do if there is no automatic update

If the previous option did not help, and activation commands were not sent automatically, you should request them yourself. To do this, you need to go to the subscriber’s personal account on the Tricolor website. In your account menu there is a “My Services” tab. By clicking on it, the subscriber will see data about the status of their subscriptions, and below them a red button “Request activation commands.” You must click on this button and then repeat all the steps described in the paragraph above.

Important! If for some reason the subscriber does not have access to his personal account, he can contact the Tricolor TV technical support operator.

Another decoding instruction

In some cases, receiving activation commands does not help access encrypted channels. Here you can try to perform more serious operations.

Important! It makes sense to use the methods described in the article if the encoding message is issued by a channel that was previously available. The methods given here are not suitable for viewing channels and packages that are not connected to the subscriber.

Changing settings

So, if simply updating the activation codes did not help decode the equipment, you can try the following steps:

  • re-set all operating parameters;
  • reboot the receiver by disconnecting it from the network for 5-10 minutes;
  • re-request activation codes;
  • Leave the set-top box turned on on a coded channel for 3-8 hours.

We have already written detailed instructions for each of these stages. They can be found on our website in case of difficulty with any operation.

Rolling back settings usually allows you to restore access to TV broadcasting within 1-3 hours. But the operator’s website states a longer period, in order to avoid any kind of failures on the satellite. Therefore, you should wait at least 8 hours before contacting technical support for help.

Important! If the described methods do not help, there is only one way out - contacting the Tricolor operator itself or the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased.

Outdated receiver

Since 2016, the operator Tricolor has changed the broadcast format from MPEG2 to MPEG4. In this regard, large-scale campaigns began to replace client equipment with new equipment that allows receiving video in an updated format. The list of receiver models to be replaced is published on the official Tricolor website.

The operator disconnects outdated equipment from broadcasting independently. As a result of this, a message about channel encoding appears. If the subscriber is aware that his set-top box was purchased more than three years ago, it is worth checking whether it is included in the “black list” of outdated models. If necessary, it can be exchanged for a current one by taking advantage of some operator promotion - with a small surcharge or completely free of charge. It is impossible to decode channels on Tricolor TV if the equipment was turned off by the company due to loss of relevance using the methods described above.

Is it worth reflashing the console?

Some subscribers, trying to save money on connecting paid channels or time to replace equipment, turn to the services of specialists who promise. And those who are a little familiar with programming sometimes try to carry out such operations on their own by downloading pirated software from the Internet. The network is full of sites that provide firmware that supposedly gives unlimited access to satellite TV.

How useful is such software and can the promises be trusted? It's difficult to say for sure. Perhaps some programs can really help you watch all channels for free. However, you will also have to spend money on purchasing such firmware. And their installation will be regarded as a violation of the contract with the satellite operator, that is, as an illegal act.

You will need

  • - special access keys;
  • - access card;
  • - receiver;
  • - satellite dish;
  • - TV;
  • - a computer connected to the Internet.


Before you start decoding, determine the signal encoding system you have. The most popular systems are Nagravision, Irdeto 2, Viaccess and Cryptoworks. View popular channels You can do this by first setting up a satellite dish and a receiver responsible for receiving the signal from the satellite. However, there is a category of paid channels that require races to view.

Please note that these systems are equipped with protection against hacking the encoding, so you must have special access keys, the entry of which will open the way to any popular signals, even with complex encoding. In order to acquire these keys, go online and download them, taking into account your signal encoding system.

If you don’t want to spend a long time searching and downloading keys from dubious sites on the Internet, then purchase a special access card with tariff packages of TV channels. It, like access keys, can be found on websites on the Internet. They are different for each city or region. Cards are relatively cheap. At the same time, they provide free access to any channels you like and choose. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many satellite dish users choose this decoding method.

If you are not entirely confident in your search skills on the vast Internet, contact professionals who have been decoding channels for more than one year. By paying money for their services, you will certainly get access to a large variety of popular channels, among which you are sure to find something for yourself.

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Be careful and consistent when decoding a channel, as one wrong step could block it.

Helpful advice

To gain certain skills, contact specialists who provide online consultations.


  • irdeto 2 decode

Encoding satellite channels is a rather complex process, which has now lost its relevance. But if you still want to take a risk and view encrypted channels, be patient - this procedure may take you a lot of time.

You will need

  • - receiver with emulator;
  • - access codes.


Find the keys to which you want to decode for viewing on your TV. You can view them on various thematic sites and forums. Please pay attention to the presence of an emulator program in your receiver, since if it is missing, there will simply be nowhere to enter the keys.

If your receiver model does not have a built-in emulator program, download the latest version of the firmware program, scan it for viruses and copy it to a removable USB drive. After this, connect the USB flash drive to the receiver and, following the instructions included with the program, perform flashing in the software update menu. If after this procedure an emulator appears in the receiver menu, you have completed the flashing correctly.

In the emulator program, enter the keys you found from the receiver remote control. After this, watch the unblocked channels and expect response from the satellite television service provider, since the security systems they have installed have long been preventing this kind of unauthorized access to viewing encrypted channels.

Use an alternative legal way to watch channels - sharing. The scheme of its operation is quite simple - the subscription fee is distributed among several users using an access connection to encrypted channels on just one tuner. You can also simply pay for the use of encrypted channels, which will be the best option in this situation.

Please note that illegal viewing of encrypted channels is subject to liability to the satellite television service provider, so use only legal viewing methods and do not violate the terms of the contract concluded between you.

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Helpful advice

Don't break the terms of the contract.

How many channels television operates in Russia today? It’s probably impossible to count. Because in addition to the mandatory all-Russian ones, of which there are currently 8, there are many additional commercial ones. In addition, each region in Russia now has its own broadcast channel, sometimes more than one. Another type is thematic channels. There are several of these in Russia, but there are a great many of them in the world.


By pressing the “Up-Down” button, select “Install programs”. On some TVs, this submenu is simply titled “Select.”

Continue flipping through the programs until you have configured all the possible ones. Special tools for the job will help you find a TV channel with a satellite dish, i.e. a special program of the so-called virtual TV. This program allows you to find, form a list of them, and divide them into thematic groups

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Today we cannot imagine life without television. But 100 years ago, no one even knew about the possibility of transmitting moving images and sound over a distance.

At first these were small documentaries made specifically to demonstrate the capabilities of the transmitting television receiver. Then regular programs and feature films appeared.

The first television tower in Russia, which transmitted weak television signals, the Shukhov Tower, was installed in 1939. At that time, naturally, there was only one television channel. As technology developed, television also developed. First it became color, then digital, satellite.

If you purchased a satellite dish, then you need to take everything possible and impossible from it, that is, the maximum number of channels. Satellite TV owners are trying to do everything to get customers to pay for their services. Naturally, they can be understood, but the reality is that you have to adapt to the conditions of survival. As a rule, it is the most interesting channels turn out to be unavailable. In addition, the well-known rule applies here: the forbidden fruit is sweet. That's why everyone is so eager to decode encrypted satellite signals. channels.


The simplest and most reliable option for unblocking a satellite TV channel is perhaps. Just take it and pay honestly for the services of this channel. In such a situation, all programs on it will become available, and you will sleep peacefully, knowing that your conscience is clear.

However, everyone knows that the cost of watching foreign TV channels is often too high, so resort to the following decoding option. Buy an emulator card that allows you to view encoded channels. In most cases, such cards are made in conditions and also cost money, but perhaps this option will cost you less.

Externally, emulator cards are similar to regular telephone cards. Using them is very simple: load the program for working with the tuner into the card's processor from a computer, and load the firmware containing foreign codes into the card's memory. All providers release packages for a specific number of channels. To open the map, enter the special channel code. The card can fit from 16 to 40 channels, it all depends on its type and encoding version.

To update the encoding and, accordingly, increase the number of channels, you can reflash the card, but it’s better to buy a programmer that will solve all problems with . Also look for commercial cards with a high level of security. They will cost a lot, considering that you will also need a programmer. But it's up to you.

Another option is satellite channels– sharing. Today this is one of the cheapest ways channels. To do this, buy one official card and connect several subscribers to it at the same time. This way, you pay for the channel, but only a certain part, and not the whole amount. The provider, of course, will not appreciate this, but it will be convenient for you as viewers.


  • how to open encrypted satellite channels

Satellite channel codes are designed to protect against retransmission, copying or illegal viewing, and to prevent viewers from making unauthorized profits from viewing. To combat piracy in the field of satellite TV, more and more new encoding systems are being invented that are more difficult to crack. But, over time, even the newest encoding systems are easily broken by hackers and pirates.

Viaccess encoding systems

Viaccess 2.3 is currently a hacked key system. It was created by the French company France Télécom to encode channels on a paid basis. After hacking, it was improved by applying an additional encrypted signal TPS-Crypt to the main body of the key. By using a similar encryption method, the developers were able to transmit several signals at once on the same frequency. After this, a regular satellite receiver could not recognize the keys, even if it was equipped with an emulator. To view channels encrypted with Viaccess 2.3 encoding, subscribers had to buy AEC keys from the satellite operator.

Viaccess 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - three encodings that have been hacked and are now ineffective, but some channels work in this encoding to this day, for example, the classical music channel Mezzo from the Hotbird 13E satellite.

Viaccess 3.0, 3.1 – encodings developed in 2007. At the moment, they have not been hacked, but the channels that operate on them can be viewed illegally using map sharing.

Viaccess 4.0, 5.0 – developed in 2012, actively used by satellite operators from France, as well as the Russian satellite operator NTV-Plus. Not hacked, but paid channels are easily viewed illegally through map sharing.

Nagravision 2 encoding system

Nagravision 2 encoding is widely used among satellite operators in Europe. Partially hacked, but all vulnerabilities were eliminated by updating encryption and changing key cards for more than 4 million subscribers. Due to the change of maps, Germany suffered the most financially.

If the Nagravision 2 encryption is cracked again, German satellite operators will have to replace another 17 million cards, which will entail enormous financial losses.

Videoguard and Irdeto 2 encoding systems

Videoguard and Irdeto 2 encoding systems are among the most secure in technical terms. They are used by a number of satellite television providers in Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Although the system keys have not been hacked and made available to the public for free, channels encrypted in the Videoguard and Irdeto 2 systems can easily be viewed illegally using cardsharing.

The Videoguard encoding system is used by the Ukrainian satellite television provider Viasat, and the Russian operator Raduga TV encodes its channels with the Irdeto 2 system.

BISS coding system

The BISS encoding system is the simplest and most vulnerable to hacking. BISS keys are easily determined by calculation because they are encrypted in hexadecimal number system. Also, the main problem of the system is that the channel codes are encrypted directly in the satellite receiver. If the receiver is equipped with a key emulator, cracking the BISS encoding on it will not be difficult.

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In this article we will tell you how to decode closed-circuit television channels on a receiver (tuner) such as 4100, 4050 and 4060, satellite systems.

Television channels that are broadcast on satellite systems are: open, coded(they can only be viewed through a subscriber fee) and conditionally coded. The latter will be discussed in this article.

First of all, you need to find out which channels are conditionally encoded? To answer this question you need to read the section of this site " Frequencies and keys". In the last column, next to the channel name where there is "ID", then this channel is conditionally encoded. Before decoding TV channels of a satellite dish, you need to make sure that this channel is clogged in your receiver. We advise you to rescan your receiver (tuner) of a satellite dish. You can find out how to scan by reading the article " How to flash a satellite TV receiver (tuner) ". After you have scanned the tuner and deleted all unnecessary channels. Activate, that is, turn on the conditionally encoded non-working television channel of your satellite system. Enter the number combination "9339" (emulator password), a window will appear, enter the "Key Edit" value The following window will appear in front of you, enter “BISS”. You will see a window with BISS keys of conditionally encoded television channels. The second column is the channel ID, the fifth column, the widest, BISS keys of conditionally encoded channels that are broadcast through satellite dishes. yellow button on the remote control, delete all BISS keys with ID values ​​similar to our channel. Press the green button. A new window will appear in front of you. Enter the ID value in the second column, enter the first five digits of the TV channel frequency in the fifth column. BISS key of the TV channel. The meaning of the numbers must be entered using the dial buttons on the remote control. The meaning of the letters must be entered using the buttons: red -C, green -D, yellow -E, blue -F, moving the cursor to the front or next page of the on-screen menu (read. instructions for the receiver), this is the right semicircular button, the meaning of the letters is A, B. After you have displayed the ID, frequency and BISS key of the satellite channel you are interested in, press “OK” and “EXIT” several times. If after these steps the channel you are interested in does not work, then turn on the not working channel. and then turn on the channel you decoded again, it should start working. Proceed in a similar way with the remaining conditionally encoded television channels that do not work.

In other brands of tuners (receivers), there are other ways to enter the emulator (emulator passwords). This could be: MENU1117, 9779, 2046, 9766, 9776, 9976, 6776. Try them one by one and you will enter the emulator.

If you have any difficulties on this issue, we advise you to visit the sites and or watch videos from our channel on YouTybe . There you will find a lot of interesting information about setting up, repairing and installing satellite systems. There you will find articles on this topic and other topics about satellite systems.

More detailed information on this topic is in the video film, which is given with “”.

Today, Tricolor TV is considered one of the leading companies on the Russian market.

For several years, satellite television has been introducing modern and innovative technologies to ensure high quality and clarity when viewing both European and Russian channels.

At this stage, multimillion-dollar subscribers can take advantage of additional services. But there are situations when the channels are encrypted and, accordingly, Tricolor TV clients cannot find out the reason and reconnect the connection.

For this case, experts have prepared an article where step-by-step actions are carefully indicated. In fact, this process can be done at home without unnecessary problems.

Accordingly, the company disables access to viewing and encrypts one or another channel, sometimes even several.
Modern satellite television offers customers a fairly expanded package. The cost of services starts from 6,000 and reaches 12,000 rubles, depending on the selected package. Many citizens of the Russian Federation cannot afford to pay such a large amount.

Therefore, they are looking for alternative ways to decode channels for free. Basically, some people use special programs that help hack the receiver. However, it should be noted that this virus can harm the TV and the entire system.

The legal way to decode channels for free at home is quite simple and easy. On the official website you need to download Tricolor TV codes, which were created specifically for decoding channels. After installing a special file, you must agree to the terms and activate the utilities.

In some cases, the following message “Coded channel Est” appears on the screens. This indicates that the equipment set was recently installed or the equipment displayed channels automatically.

When installing a set of equipment, you must register all channels. In order to complete this process, you must go to the registration section on the official Tricolor TV portal. You can call the specified phone number and the operator will help resolve your problem.

After completing this stage, activation keys are sent automatically within eight hours.

Accordingly, all channels are decoded within the specified period. It is necessary to take into account the fact that first of all, the antenna is installed and configured, and only after that can you register on the official website of the Tricolor TV company.

When you pay for a subscription, the service will be activated after a while. In some cases, funds are credited to your personal satellite television account.

Therefore, to check the status, you need to go to your personal account section and indicate the appropriate package. After which the operator will connect certain channels automatically.

There are often cases where keys are lost. This only happens if the receiver has not been connected.

Accordingly, you will need to connect the equipment for a while and leave it turned on. After which the channels will be encrypted and connected automatically. This process will take approximately eight hours. The activation command can also be executed on the official portal.

Channels are often scrambled due to an outdated receiver model. The receiver freezes. In this case, you will need to change to a new model in order to decode the channels and gain access to viewing.

If you have any additional questions, please call 88005000123.

An operator who works around the clock will help resolve the situation and answer all your questions.