Disable mandatory digital signature verification. Disable driver digital signature verification

Owners of wonderful PCs and laptops with the new 10 are already faced with the fact that a driver with a digital signature of Windows 10 is required. Microsoft has greatly tightened the system in terms of security - now you cannot install anything without a digital signature. Sometimes there is a need to disable digital signature verification of Windows 10 drivers. We are not looking for easy ways. Most often, we need exactly that program or device that does not have any signs of a license. How often do we download from the Internet what kind people have posted?

Attention! Remove protection carefully, as the Internet is a source of danger. You may inadvertently accept a download from the site, or it will be done behind the scenes. Then your PC will be attacked by a virus. So changing security settings can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to disable digital signing of drivers in Windows 10

There are three ways. Four actually, but the last one isn't for everyone.

Option 1 - temporary shutdown

Valid until the first reboot. This means that as soon as you turn off the computer, all settings will be removed and the operating system will return to its original state. In principle, this is enough to install in the current session. But when you turn on the computer again, the system will be protected. So, let's follow the instructions:

  1. Click the button in the lower left corner of the screen and look for the gear icon. This opens the Computer Settings window.

  1. Next, we need to ensure that the OS boots not in the usual way, but in a special version. Windows gives you a lot of control. Now we need the “Update and Security” item, which is responsible for protecting the system.
  2. Find “Recovery” in the new window.
  3. Here we will be offered, among other things, Special download options.
  4. Do you see the "Restart" button? Click and you will see 9 ways to boot your OS.

  1. The list will appear at the beginning of the download. We need to select the “Troubleshooting” item from the proposed list. Here you can roll back the system to its original state if something goes wrong.
  2. But now we need "Boot Options". It is in them that the ability to turn off is located.
  3. You will see a long list of different options. Here, and debugging - everything your heart desires for commanding your system. What we need is at number 7.

  1. The selection can be made using the keyboard - 7 or F7.
  2. And now the download begins in the correct mode for us - prohibiting digital signatures.

When the computer boots up, digital signatures will no longer be checked. Of course, until the next shutdown.

Option 2 – on a permanent basis

You can also disable mandatory driver digital signature verification in Windows 10 so that there are no checks at all until you roll back. This is very convenient if you constantly install something. This method is simpler, although it doesn’t look like it at first glance:

  1. First, you need to find out what BIOS mode you have on your computer: WIN+X and then Control Panel>System and Security>Administration>System Information.

  1. If you have UEFI, disable the Secure Boot OS legitimacy check utility. It prohibits booting a system that has not confirmed its legitimacy. You need to go into the BIOS. Reload your computer and on the first screen (it will be black) you will see which button opens the settings on your PC. Press it. In the Security tab, find the Secure Boot option and check disabled next to it. Save and exit.
  2. Remember what you need to do to?

  1. Go to the system32 folder, where this program is located. First look at where you are. If you have a path like C:\USERS\HOME on the command line, then you need to change the path:
    1. Type c: and press Enter. Switched to drive C.
    2. Now we type Cd twice .. This is the command to move up a level.
    3. We need to go to the Windows folder. Type Cd Windows.
    4. Then everything is simple: Cd system32
  2. There is a simpler option: open the system32 folder on drive C in the Windows folder. And in it find the cmd.exe file. This is the command line. Then you will immediately get the desired path.
  3. Now we start editing the OS boot configuration. In the Windows system folder there is a file BCDEDIT.exe - Boot Configuration Data. We prohibit digital signature verification by specifying the following parameters:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS\

  1. Then press ENTER and charge the test boot mode.

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

After rebooting, you will see a warning. It will hang before your eyes, reminding you that the protection is not working. Windows 10 driver digital signature verification will be disabled forever.

How else can you allow Windows 10 to install unsigned drivers via the command line:

  1. Enter Safe Mode. To do this, again go to the special download and press 4 (see screenshot 3).
  2. Now type: exe /set nointegritychecks on. Please note that a space must appear after the file name and should not be between the slash and the command! And do not forget that the command line is loaded as an administrator, otherwise you may not have enough rights to execute the code.
  3. And reboot again.

Now you can install the driver without a digital signature in Windows 10.

Option 4 - another way to download without checking the digital signature of Windows 10 drivers

True, the HOME (home) version does not support it, only PRO.

  1. Press WIN+R and enter the command gpedit.msc in the Run window. The Local Group Policy Editor window will open. Here you can manage your system and users.
  2. Sequentially select “User Configuration”, then “Administrative Templates”, “System”, “Driver Installation”.
  3. Double-click on the “Digital Signature of Device Drivers” option.

  1. Set it to Disabled, or under If Windows detects a driver file that is not digitally signed, select Ignore.

  1. Reboot.

Now you can use any device, even if it has a driver without a Windows 10 digital signature. For example, a tuner. And if you have problems with the image, then on our website you can read how .

If you are interested in how you can save computer resources, we suggest reading about.

How to enable digital signature of drivers back?

Use the command:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

You will exit test mode. Then we enable the check with the command

bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

– Igor (Administrator)

As part of this note, I will tell you how to disable driver digital signature verification in Windows 7 using several methods.

Sometimes when installing any drivers or programs with drivers, the Windows operating system pauses the installer and asks the user “whether to continue installing the driver without a digital signature.” Of course, for security purposes this is a very good solution. However, if we are talking about programs whose installation takes about 30 minutes, then this can be unpleasant (they turned it on, went away for tea, returned, and there was a window and 1% of the installation). In addition, if you do not select anything for a long time, the installer may freeze and you have to install the program again.

To prevent this from happening, let's consider this issue in more detail.

What is digital signature of drivers and why is it needed?

Digital signature of drivers is a special digital mark that allows the Windows operating system to determine whether the driver is correct, that is, whether it has been modified by intruders. This signature allows you to verify data such as the integrity of the driver (using a hash), the driver version, its author, and others. Thus, if there is a virus inside the driver, it will be quickly detected by the system.

Note: If you are interested in learning more about digital signatures, here is an overview.

What is the main danger of unsigned drivers? The fact is that drivers are launched with maximum rights and therefore can perform almost everything in the operating system. Thus, if such a driver contains a virus, it will be much more difficult for antiviruses to remove it, especially if we are talking about a rootkit or Trojan.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that you think about whether to disable this check. However, not all drivers are digitally signed, and this is not always due to viruses (for example, drivers for some specific devices).

Disable driver digital signature verification in Windows 7

Disable driver digital signature verification using Group Policy:

1. Open the Start menu.

2. In the search bar, write "gpedit.msc" (without quotes) and press enter.

3. In the window that appears on the left side, first expand “User Configuration”, then “Administrative Templates”, then “System”, then select “Driver Installation”.

4. In the right part of the window, find “Digital signature of device drivers” and double-click on it with the left mouse button (or first right-click, and then select “Edit” in the context menu that appears).

5. A small window will open, where in the upper left part you need to select “Disable” and click OK.

6. Restart your computer.

7. Driver signature verification is disabled in Windows 7.

Note: To enable it, you need to do all the steps, but in the 5th, select “Enable”.

Disable signature verification using the command line:

2. Enter the following command:

bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks ON

3. Press enter and restart your computer.

Note: If you need to return the check back, then instead of ON, you need to write OFF.

Note: For convenience, you can use the methods from the note How to paste text into the Windows command line.

Disable signature verification using the command line (second option):

1. Open a command prompt as an administrator.

2. Enter the following command:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

3. Press enter.

4. Enter the following command:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

5. Press enter and restart your computer.

Note: If you need to turn the check back on, then instead of DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS you need to specify ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS, and instead of ON, you need to write OFF.

Good day, dear readers, Trishkin Denis is here!

Windows users who have worked on versions of XP and earlier are well aware that these operating systems often have problems installing new hardware. In new developments, there are also unpleasant moments, but the digital signature of the driver is most often to blame. The fact is that, starting with this version, Microsoft has tightened the requirements for software that allows you to connect new equipment. Before installation, the OS checks for the presence of the required label. If it is not detected, the device will not work. But there are ways to get around this.

The digital signature of the driver is a special security label that indicates the creator of the software and also notes its changes after the moment of certification. If the corresponding software has such a “stamp”, you can be sure that it is of high quality and nothing has happened to it since its release.

Is it possible to install a driver without a signature?( )

It is almost impossible to determine that, after publication, a file without the appropriate mark has not been modified. It is advisable not to allow such software to be opened on your computer unless you are 100% sure of the reliability of the source and its complete security. The problem is that such documents usually hide viruses.

What to do during installation?( )

During the installation of a new program, a window will appear indicating one of the warning messages:

The problem is that there are no reliable sources on the Internet that can confirm the reliability of the user who published the program. In fact, anyone can open the contents of a package and change it. The first version could indeed have come from the manufacturing company. But if there is no tag, someone most likely changed it.
I recommend installing such programs only if you received it from a licensed disk.

If you decide to use such software, most likely the operating system simply will not let it through automatically. Therefore, the installed hardware will have a special mark (exclamation mark in a yellow triangle) in the device manager.

Important! The Windows 7 e-label verification policy works in all versions: x86 and x64. The main reason for introducing this rule is to increase the security and stability of the system.

But for users this is not always convenient, since sometimes there are devices that simply need to be installed, but the operating system simply does not want to do this. There is no need to worry - there is a way out.

There are several ways to disable electronic tag verification:

( )

This method allows you to temporarily disable the function we need. To do this, press the button during loading F8. Afterwards, a black screen with OS boot options will appear. You need to select " disabling mandatory driver signature verification».

Then we launch Windows and install the necessary software. You can immediately test its operation.

If you boot the system in operating mode, the new device will not work.

Disable via Group Policy( )

To avoid checking electronic tags at all, you can disable it through Group Policy. To do this, you need to open the program “” and then type gpedit.msc.

In the window that appears you need to go:

Now you can install any drivers.

Disabling via bcdedit( )

To write the code, open the command line as administrator. In the window we type the following:

bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON

Press Enter.

Successful completion will be confirmed by the appropriate command. Restart your computer and check.

To turn this feature back on, after the tag " TESTSIGNING"we write" OFF».

If we consider this issue as a whole, such additional protection allows the system to work longer without interruptions. On the other hand, some devices may simply not function on your computer because Windows considers them to be dangerous. In any case, the choice whether to install an unsigned product or not is up to you. After all, the issue of computer security lies entirely on the shoulders of its owner.

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A digital signature is an integral part of any operating system. When it comes to Windows, this topic simply cannot be ignored. The system requires a driver in order to understand that it belongs to a specific creator and is not intended for fraudulent activities.

In this article we will talk about how to permanently disable a digital signature and what consequences this action may lead to.

Such an action involves many risks. The most common problems with shutdowns are malware infections. Such cases are not frequent, but no one is immune from this. Some users, after installing a certain driver that has absolutely no signature, try to re-enable the protection. This may keep the computer safe, but if there was a virus, it will be extremely difficult to detect the malware. Some antiviruses are not able to find virus files, so you should be extremely careful when performing this action.

Windows 7

Method No. 1

If you realize the need to disable digital signature of drivers, then you should follow these steps:

  • Launch the command line. This can be done by calling the run command (Win + R key combination), and then entering the cmd command and pressing the Enter key;
  • In the window that appears, you must enter the command:

bcdedit.exe/set nointegritychecks ON

  • If you have done everything and there is a need to run the digital signature verification again, then simply put OFF at the end of the command.
  • That's it, verification is disabled. Now you can safely install the necessary drivers.

Method No. 2

This method differs only in the commands.

  • After calling the command line, you must enter:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Then confirm with the Enter key.

  • After this you need to enter the command

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

and also confirm it.

Watch carefully to ensure that the commands are executed. If one of the two commands was not completed, the shutdown procedure will fail and you will need to do everything again.

Method No. 3

This method does not completely disable driver digital signature verification, but only makes it possible to install it temporarily. This solution may be useful to those people who regularly test new drivers, but do not want to stay with them.

The actions are:

  • You need to restart your PC.
  • When the BIOS message exits, you must press the F key
  • After this, the system will offer many download options. We select the option where there is no digital signature verification – Disable driver signature enforcement.
  • After the entire procedure, the operating system will start and you can install the desired driver. The system will work with it until rebooted. Therefore, if you need completely disabled signature verification, then this option will not work.

Windows 8

This version of the operating system has more diverse shutdown options. One of the options helps to disable the signature once, before installing the driver, and the second disables it completely. Let's look at both options.

Briefly disabling driver signature

The first method solves our problem using the Charms panel.

  1. You need to select “PC Settings”.
  2. Then “change computer settings.”
  3. Next, select “Update and Recovery”.
  4. In the “Recovery” sub-item, click on special download options.
  5. After this, you need to restart your PC.
  6. After the system reboots, select “Diagnostics”.
  7. In the boot options, disable digital signature verification.
  8. When the system boots, installation of a third-party driver will become available. But, after rebooting the system in normal mode, it will not be possible to install third-party drivers.

Using the Local Group Policy Editor

  • This method involves completely disabling the scan, so be careful. Use the Win+R key combination to call up the “Run” line, in which you must enter and execute the command gpedit.msc.
  • The Local Group Policy Editor will open. In it you need to select “User Configuration”.
  • In administrative templates, go to the system and select “Driver Installation”. At this stage, you need to double-click on “Digital signature of device drivers” to go to this sub-item.
  • Now click on “Skip” in the “Enabled” item.

The method itself is quite simple, so its implementation should not take much time. When using it, you should understand that disabling the scan occurs forever and nothing will change when you reboot.

Windows 10

Win 10 is a more optimized system, so this process is implemented here in three ways. One of them helps to temporarily solve the problem, and the other two completely disable the scan. This procedure is done both on the home version 10x64 and on the pro version.

Via boot options

This method allows you to temporarily solve the problem, so we recommend using this method if you need to install third-party drivers.


  1. Go to settings, select “All settings”.
  2. In the “Update and Security” item, select the “Recovery” sub-item. For special download options, click on the “Restart Now” button.

After the reboot process, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Select the item “Diagnostics”.
  2. After it “Advanced options”.
  3. Then "Boot Options".
  4. Let's reboot.

After this, an options menu appears in which you can select the necessary third-party drivers to install. After rebooting to normal mode, you will have to repeat all the steps to install the drivers. This method is convenient because it allows you to install third-party unsigned drivers only once. After the reboot, the system will again begin checking the developer for loyalty.

Local Group Policy Editor

The second method is no different from the actions in Windows 8. You can familiarize yourself with this method in this article a little higher.

Command line

This method is similar to the option to disable scanning in Windows 7. It differs only in the commands.

You need to open a command line (necessarily as an administrator, otherwise it will not work). After that, enter the following commands one by one:

  • exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS;
  • exe -set TESTING ON.

After performing this procedure, you should pay attention to the operation performed. If everything went well, you should restart your PC.

The disadvantage of this method is that in the lower right corner an inscription will appear that the Windows 10 system is running in test mode. To enable the verification function, you must replace the value “ON” with “OFF” at the end of the second command.

Disable via Safe Mode

This process is extremely simple and will take no more than 10 minutes. You need to boot into safe mode, open a command prompt as an administrator, and then enter the command:

Bcedit.exe/set nointegritychecks on

After the operation is successful, you should restart the computer in normal mode. In order to return to checking the digital signature of drivers, you should change the value on the command line to “OFF” and reboot again.


Knowing these methods, the process of turning off digital signature verification will not take much time. Don't forget about the risks when disabling the scan. If your computer is infected, the consequences can be very sad.

It’s important to clearly understand when a digital signature is needed and when you really should turn it off. Temporary disabling is the most correct solution, since failure to check on an ongoing basis can lead to negative results from the PC.

A digital signature is an extremely important element of the system, so do not neglect it and disable it forever.

Good luck!

Absolutely all Windows operating systems of the latest generations have extremely tightened the requirements for installed software, not only for application software, but also for control software. In particular, this applies to hardware and virtual device drivers. The system constantly checks the so-called digital signature, which certifies the publisher (developer). We will discuss how to disable driver digital signature verification in Windows 7 or higher systems. But first, let’s dwell on what it is in general and why it is needed.

What is a digital signature and why are there problems with it?

Actually, the digital signature itself is nothing more than a certain mark, the presence of which indicates the legality of this software and its complete security. In addition, such a signature indicates that this software has been certified according to international standards and is fully compatible with supported operating systems in which the corresponding system components that control the devices are expected to be installed.

However, the most basic reason why it may be necessary to disable driver digital signature verification (Windows 7 is installed on the computer or a newer system is not so important) lies in the fact that the main system driver database may not always contain control programs for non-standard devices or for equipment from manufacturers that are not on the support list, although their devices work just as well. In general, the picture turns out to be very sad: Windows does not see the signature and, when attempting to install, classifies the driver as potentially dangerous or unwanted software. Yes, of course, sometimes viruses can disguise themselves as such drivers, but if the user is absolutely sure that the driver is safe (for example, when downloading it from the equipment manufacturer’s website), then you will have to disable the digital signature verification of drivers (we’ll take Windows 7 as an example for now, although for other systems the proposed solutions are absolutely identical). Next, it is proposed to consider several basic techniques using the OS tools themselves or using third-party programs.

In principle, you can bypass such checks at the stage of driver installation. The operating system will usually display a message that the signature is missing, and the user should simply ignore this message and use the “Install Anyway” line. Naturally, Windows will start to “spit”, issuing warnings again and again. Again, you just need to ignore them, and in the end the necessary software will be installed (however, it is not a fact that the device will work correctly, since the system, due to its prohibitions and restrictions, can simply block the use of the installed driver). However, it is possible to combat such prejudices in Windows, and quite simply (fortunately, it itself is full of tools that allow you to disable these actions within a couple of minutes).

How to disable digital signature verification of Windows 7 drivers: methods

As for the basic techniques that are used to perform actions of this kind, the following are considered the most basic and effective:

  • disabling scanning at system boot;
  • changing group policy settings;
  • editing registry keys (almost the same as the previous item, but with higher priority);
  • using the command line;
  • substitution of signatures using special utilities.

How to disable driver digital signature verification when the system boots?

So, let's start with the simplest technique. In Windows 7, you can disable driver digital signature verification at the boot stage. But to do this, you will need to call a special boot menu by pressing the F8 key at the start (as many do to enter safe boot mode or to restore the system).

Here you simply select the appropriate line, after which the system is restarted in normal mode. Next, you can install the required driver using either the installer, sections of the Device Manager, or automated programs for installing driver updates.

Using Group Policy Management

No less effective is the method that allows you to disable driver digital signature verification in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (or the seventh version) in the Group Policy settings and permissions editor. It’s worth saying right away that all the actions described below are best performed under an administrator account, so that access to some sections is not blocked.

The editor itself is called from the Run console by entering the line gpedit.msc. You can disable driver digital signature verification using Group Policy and using the following sections through the user configuration with further selection of administrative templates, then through the system section and driver installation.

In the last section on the right in the editor window there is a parameter, the same signature line, on which you need to double-click or call the editing window through the RMB menu.

There are two ways to install the required configuration:

  • completely disabling the service (activating the “Disabled” line);
  • enabled mode with the ignore option set if the system detects an unsigned driver.

Both solutions are absolutely equivalent, although ideally it is better to use the first option, since when using the second solution for some types of programs, a corresponding notification may still be issued, which can, to put it mildly, be incredibly annoying. Then all that remains is to save the changes made and perform a full reboot.

System registry manipulation

Similar to the steps described above in Windows 7, you can also disable driver digital signature verification through the registry editor. In principle, this is a kind of duplication of setting parameters in group policies, but changing registry keys has higher priority. In other words, if you change settings in group policies, you can change them in the registry. But once the settings have been configured in the registry, it will be impossible to change them in group policies.

So, first, the editor is called on behalf of the administrator (regedit in the “Run” console), after which in the HKLM branch, through the SOFTWARE and Policies directories, the section tree is navigated to the Driver Signing directory. On the right, you need to edit the BehaviorOnFailedVerify key, giving it a value of 0. If there is no such entry, you will need to create the DWORD key yourself.

There is no need to save changes (this happens automatically). After exiting the editor, as in all other cases, a reboot is performed.

Disabling a service from the command line: method one

In Windows 7, you can also disable driver digital signature verification through the command console launched with administrator rights. There are two main methods used for this.

The first option is to enter the combination shown above in the console, wait for the message about the successful completion of the operation to appear, exit the console and reboot.

Using the Shell: Method Two

The second method is almost similar to the first, only the combinations shown in the picture below are entered on the command line.

Next, as usual, comes a restart. The method may seem somewhat inconvenient due to entering not one, but two commands, however, such a decision cannot be discounted, because in this case all available options are considered.

Using third party utilities

Finally, in Windows 7, you can try to disable driver digital signature verification using various kinds of programs that allow you to either disable OS system functions or simply replace signatures with valid ones.

The simplest utilities are programs with the general name Windows Manager, released for versions from seventh to tenth inclusive. As for substitution, you can use other applications. But the problem is that the driver can be installed, but after uninstalling the utility itself, it will crash automatically. So you should not rely on such application programs. A driver crash in such a situation can even lead to the system not just freezing or displaying some kind of message about problems that have arisen. But even the occurrence of BSoD cannot be ruled out, as a result of which problems will have to be solved at a different level. The solutions here are quite simple, but, as they say, it’s better not to take risks.

Actions with Windows Defender for the tenth modification

In Windows 10, one of the options described above is to completely disable the Windows Defender service if it is active. Please note that such actions are not required if the system has any other antivirus package (in this case, Defender is blocked automatically).

Disabling the “native” component is done through the options menu by selecting the system partition, where cloud protection and real-time protection are disabled for Windows Defender options.

Here, in fact, are all the main solutions, which are completely equivalent to each other, unless you take into account the actions to disable the Defender tools in Windows 10. However, as already mentioned, if the installed antivirus is active, such actions are not required.

Yes, and here's another thing. If for some reason all the described actions do not give the desired result or their implementation turns out to be impossible due to too strong restrictions on the part of the so-called super administrator, try lowering the level of control of UAC “accounts” (you can access this section by entering the desired abbreviation in the field search) or try to do it all using Safe Mode boot. In some cases, this approach may be the only correct solution. But in most cases, even with the default options installed, such actions are not required (they are only needed when the security settings have changed dramatically).

However, finally, it is worth reminding all users without exception that it is recommended to disable checks only in cases where it is known for sure that the software was downloaded from a trustworthy resource and does not contain explicit or implicit threats to the performance of the operating system (for example, when downloaded from website of the device manufacturer or driver developer).

As a last resort, to ensure security after downloading, files should be checked for viruses with any available scanner (preferably a portable type that does not depend on the installed standard protection tool). Utilities like KVRT or Dr.Web CureIt! are perfect for these purposes, as they can detect almost all known threats and malicious codes without requiring installation on the hard drive, which can provoke conflicts with the standard antivirus at the software level.