Disabling the chameleon service on Beeline. Disabling “Chameleon” on Beeline: free deactivation command

More mobile operators provide their customers with a huge number of information services. Information is provided by sending messages to a mobile phone number. Newsletter allows you to send any information to all subscribers of a mobile operator.

Thanks to the Chameleon service, messages are sent to the phone of all mobile network users. There are advantages in that subscribers are informed about new tariff plans and options provided by the operator. A large amount of entertainment and news is delivered to your mobile phone number.

Description of the Chameleon service

The service provides news and entertainment to all subscribers of the Beeline mobile operator. Information comes on various topics: sports, business, culture, education, quizzes, games, men and much more. Information will be displayed on the screen of your mobile device at absolutely any time.

They will be displayed on the device display for 1-3 minutes, with different themes displayed. Sometimes you need to look at the screen of your mobile device so as not to miss interesting information.

When the Chameleon service is activated, messages will automatically be sent to the number associated with the SIM card from eight in the morning to ten in the evening.

How to activate the chameleon service on Beeline

In order to activate the service, you simply need to use the USSD command. On the keyboard of your mobile device, enter the combination * 110 * 21 # and, accordingly, the call button to send the request.

You can also use the Beeline menu to activate the Chameleon service. To do this, you need to open a tab in the BiInfo menu, after Chameleon, then Activation and turn on the newsletter.

Almost every Beeline client can activate the service. If the SIM card was replaced free of charge, the service will be linked to the previous phone number, so all the latest news will arrive as before.

If necessary, the Chameleon service can be disabled quite easily. There are two ways to do this:

  • From a mobile device you need to send a request with code characters * 110 * 20 #.
  • Using the Beeline menu, you need to open the same ones as when connecting, only in the last tab you need to select “turn off mailing”.

Service cost

Pop-up messages are free for mobile network users. However, when the information interests you and you open it, it may cost some money. This cost is indicated with the price and VAT in the title.

If you sign up for a newsletter, it will cost from 1.7 to 10 rubles, which will be debited from your account every day. The desired one-time request for information will cost 15-20 rubles. When you subscribe to pictures, you pay 33 rubles for them. It costs more to receive video and realtone, amounting to 68 rubles, but comics and java games are provided for 102 rubles.

There are cases when there is no need to pay for the continuation. This notice will be provided to the subscriber.

Mobile operators offer their subscribers not only paid, but also free applications. Chameleon belongs to the second category, but the use of the options themselves, which the messages inform about, is almost always provided for money. The essence of the service is to inform the client about the news of the entertainment world. If the question arises of how to disable the chameleon on Beeline, it is recommended to use several methods. All options are simple and convenient. Cancellation of alerts is done immediately after the request.

Ways to disable the Chameleon service in Beeline

News messages are not always valuable for the subscriber; in some situations they can be distracting and disturbing with constant sound alerts. Free and paid additional functions are enabled and blocked in several ways. You can cancel sending messages using your mobile phone or computer. If none of the above methods can be reproduced, then ask the question of how to disable the chameleon service on Beeline to the technical support service by calling 0611. The consultant will make the commands remotely.

How to unsubscribe from connected options:

1. Through your personal account:

Each operator has its own Internet platforms. On the official website you need to create a personal account and find the “Connect/disable services” section. Canceling information messages is done by simply pressing a button. Additionally, the user is offered a description of other ways to manage applications. In some cases, it is necessary to confirm transactions using your phone.

2. Using SMS command:

In order to instantly block the option, you need to send a command from your mobile phone. Enter the combination *110*20# and the “Call” key on the keyboard. Thanks to this action, the request to cancel the application is processed within a few minutes. The subscriber is notified of the completion of the completed operation by a message or notification on the phone screen.

3. Through the mobile phone menu:

Each SIM card is automatically connected to the mobile operator menu. In all device models it is called “BiInfo”. This information is important when deciding whether to cancel paid services. Free options are controlled in a similar way. The information application is turned off in the tab with the corresponding name by clicking the “Disable mailing” command.

Video: how to cancel a service

How to disable the chameleon is described in the video below. All steps are demonstrated step by step, which will allow you to choose not only the more suitable option, but also turn off the option while watching the video. It’s easy to pause the video if you need time to search for the corresponding menu section on your phone or load a service in your personal account. After studying the lesson, even a subscriber who is faced with the situation for the first time will have no questions about how to block or connect any operator subscriptions.

Beeline provides its users with a colossal number of various services, most of which are paid. Chameleon offers news and additional entertainment content. The information topics are very diverse - from sports news to education and games. Information will automatically appear on the screen of your mobile device.

It is necessary to look at the screen regularly so as not to miss the latest news that appears.

When this service is activated, SMS messages from the news feed are regularly sent to the user’s device from 8:00 to 22:00.

Ways to disable Chameleon on Beeline

What is the reason for the desire of subscribers to disable this service? The thing is that Chameleon is a paid service. Depending on the entertainment content supplied, different subscription fees are charged.

For example, for using information channels a fee of up to 10 rubles per day is charged, applications and games - 100 rubles.

It is worth emphasizing that fresh and relevant news is delivered free of charge, however, in order to find out more detailed information on them, you must subscribe to a paid subscription. So, to deactivate the Chameleon service, you can use the following methods:

Through your personal online account

It is necessary to log in to the official Beeline portal, after which the subscriber will be able to manage the tariff plan, disable and connect various services. On the resource you need to find the “service management” section, find the “Chameleon” of interest and use the virtual key to deactivate the news feed.

Use the system application

After you become a user of the Beeline operator, a special application will appear in the phone menu, through which you can manage services. This application appears automatically after activating the SIM card of the mobile operator. To deactivate the service, you need to go to the program menu, select the desired section and unsubscribe from the mailing list.

Use USSD command

To provide convenience to its subscribers, Beeline offers a set of specific commands, thanks to which you can instantly disable or connect various services. In the case of Chameleon, you need to dial *110*20# to deactivate the newsletter. After this, the user will receive a corresponding SMS notification about the successful operation.

Company office

Also, each subscriber has the opportunity to personally contact the nearest office of the company, where consultants will help with deactivating an unnecessary service. Before going to the office, you need to make sure that you have a cell phone and identification documents with you.

You can disable the service by visiting the company's office.

Call to operator

A free call to 0611 will help you contact an operator who will deactivate the newsletter service.

Using one of the above methods, you will be able to get rid of the “annoying” service once and for all. The shutdown procedure will not take much time.

Chameleon is an information and entertainment service from the cellular operator Beeline. With its help, subscribers can receive newsletters, information about new ringtones, applications and games, information about quizzes and much more.

The service works very simply - messages with certain headings periodically appear on the phone screen. If the subscriber is interested in the proposed topic, he can confirm further reading, and a certain amount will be debited from his account. If the content is not needed, then you can refuse it. Received messages do not occupy the phone's memory and are not saved.

Information appears on the phone screen approximately once every 10-15 minutes, and the duration of display of messages varies from 1 to 3 minutes. If no one reads the next message, it will simply disappear. The ability to use this service is provided by a SIM card. Because of this, the service may not be available on older SIM cards and will require replacement. As for compatibility with phones, the service will work on almost all modern handsets.

Some people may find the service unnecessarily annoying. The moment you receive another message, the phone turns on the screen backlight, and some models accompany this with a sound signal. If the service is not needed, it should be disabled immediately.

The Chameleon service from Beeline is not 24/7 - messages arrive from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. It can be disconnected and connected whenever and as much as you want. It is not possible to change the time at which messages are received in any way.

How much does the Chameleon service cost?

There is no subscription fee for using the Chameleon service, and incoming messages are not charged in any way. Payment is made only for further receipt of information. For example, if a subscriber wants to read this or that news, and he confirms his intention by pressing one or another button, then a certain amount will be debited from his account.

The cost of messages is as follows:

  • Subscriptions – from 1.7 to 10 rubles/day;
  • One-time requests - from 15 to 30 rubles;
  • Pictures – 33 rubles;
  • Videos and realtones – 68 rubles;
  • Applications, Java games and comics – 102 rubles;
  • Ringtones for the Hello service - 70 rubles.

Some posts offer free reading, but they are very few. The cost of messages is indicated directly in their text - at the end. Thanks to this, the subscriber will immediately see how much he has to part with.

Would you like to receive information of interest or subscribe to any content offered? Confirm further reading, and a certain amount will be debited from your account. Do you want to receive new information from Chameleon, but have run out of money in your account? Take advantage of the free way to top up your Beeline account “Mobile Transfer”.

How to connect "Chameleon"

By default, the Chameleon service is activated for all new subscribers. But if you are an old subscriber and you are interested in this service, you can connect it with the command *110*21#. In addition, activation of the service is available through the SIM menu. No messages when the service is activated? Then you need to change the SIM card.

How to disable Chameleon

Many subscribers are interested in how to remove Chameleon from Beeline? The obsessiveness of providing information is truly frightening. In addition, constantly turning on the screen backlight negatively affects the battery life of the mobile phone. In order to disable the service, you can use the SIM menu by selecting the appropriate item there.

How to disable Chameleon on Beeline using the USSD command? For this dial and send the command *110*20#. If you want to disable, in addition to this, other connected paid Beeline services, then you will also find out how to do this on our website. How often can I connect and disconnect the service? Operations with connecting and disconnecting the Chameleon can be performed at least every hour - this is done absolutely free.

"Chameleon" is a service of the mobile operator "Beeline". By activating it on the phone, the user receives various newsletters on the phone display. Short information messages from Chameleon linger on the screen for about 1-3 minutes. They are dedicated to a variety of topics: business, quizzes, sports, culture, music, games, etc.

From this article you will learn how to disable Chameleon on Beeline, as well as how to deactivate its analogues in other cellular networks (MTS, Megafon, on TELE2).


By default, in Beeline SIM cards, the “Chameleon” option is already activated on the phone. The service sends messages to subscribers free of charge every day from morning to late evening (8.00-22.00).

To disable the Chameleon service, send the USD command from your mobile phone - *110*20#.


If you decide to disable Chameleon on MTS, keep in mind that in this company this service is called differently - “MTS News”. And if you don’t want to see the news on the display, you need to turn it off.

Deactivation is performed in two ways:
1. USSD command - *111*1212*2#.

2. Through the service options menu on the phone:

MTS Services → News → Settings → Advanced → Broadcasting → Turn off


If you are faced with the task of disabling “Chameleon” on Megafon, then we are talking about the “Kaleidoscope” option. This is the name of the thematic channel service of this operator.

The service is managed in the following ways:

  • *808*0# - refuse to receive service news;
  • *808*1*0# - deactivate the “Entertainment” channel;
  • *808*11*0# - completely disable the channel.

You can also disable it in your profile on the MegafonPRO SIM portal:

Kaleidoscope → Settings → Broadcasting → Turn off

This operator’s news service is called “TELE2 Tema”. To turn off news broadcasting on all topics, dial and send the command *152*0#. Or, in the “Tele2 menu” application, selectively delete mailings: Tele2 topic → My topics.

That's all! Now you know how to disable the Chameleon service in Beeline and similar subscriptions from other operators. Good luck setting up your SIM card!