Long Island - relaxation in the lap of nature. Long Island - relaxation in the lap of nature The beauty of the wild - there is a place to retire

Long Island (or Long Island, as it is called for short) has an elongated shape - with a length of one hundred kilometers, its width is only five kilometers. However, such an unusual appearance does not prevent it from being one of the most beautiful islands in the Bahamas. The local nature is an amazing combination of hills and sandy beaches, rocky shores washed out by the surf, and caves. A surprising combination of many places untouched by civilization and completely modern cities. In addition, the tropical climate combined with the waters of the Atlantic Ocean do their job: the heat here is not felt at all. This amazing beauty is quite harmoniously located on Long Island - the western part of the island is occupied by beaches with a gentle slope into the sea, while in the east the ocean waves crash loudly against the rocky shore. Despite all this, there are not many tourists here - so if you like privacy or want a romantic getaway for two, this island will be the best place for your vacation.

Long Island has a tropical trade wind climate, due to which the air and water temperatures remain approximately the same throughout the year: in winter it drops slightly to +24 degrees, in summer the air warms up to +30. The water temperature in the ocean averages +27 degrees in summer, and in winter it is slightly lower - about +23 degrees. The most comfortable and pleasant time to visit is considered to be autumn-spring, as it is not very hot at this time. Sometimes it rains - in September-October and May-June. Usually the most beloved and most visited place on the entire island is Cape Santa Maria, which is located in the northern part of Long. We can say that the rocky eastern and flat western shores meet here. Why is this particular cape so popular? It's all about the surprisingly soft and snow-white sand - this beach, which is located at the junction of two coasts, is considered one of the most beautiful in the entire Western Hemisphere. McCanns Bay is also quite popular - it’s a very comfortable place to relax on its beach, surrounded by sand dunes and framed on the other side by a blue lagoon.

The capital of the island is Stella Maris. The landscape of the city is worthy of all of Long - all the most attractive features of the island are brought together here: hills, plains, sandy beaches, and eroded rocks. Lovers of fishing and scuba diving will have a great time here - after all, the amazingly beautiful nature is also perfectly combined with the extraordinary flora and fauna of the ocean. Moreover, you can enjoy the colorful life of these incredibly clear waters of the Atlantic, even if you are a novice diver. Snorkeling and diving are the most popular water sports on the island. Long Island is also loved by those who enjoy going to sea on a yacht - there are many stunning places for such walks. Once on the island, it is worth visiting the small town of Salt Pond - here is one of the main attractions of Long - the Anglican Church of St. Joseph. There are other attractions here that are worth focusing your attention on: for example, on the Didman's Cay reef, which is located twenty-four kilometers to the south, you will have the opportunity to see the ruins of a real ancient plantation. Also south of Salt Pond are caves that were once used as housing by Indians and are now home to several hundred bats - Cartwright's Cave.

Long Island is also famous for its ceramic products, which are made in the Wild Tamarind Pottery Studio clay workshops, located in the village of Pettiz, located not far from the capital. In addition, you can not only admire the skill with which local craftsmen make dishes, but also buy something you like - to take away as a souvenir of this lovely island. Once on Long, you will feel what eternal summer means, feel all the mesmerizing power of the warm turquoise ocean and fabulous beaches, see the amazing beauty of the underwater world and the cozy peace of the island towns - and forget about all your problems. After all, it is here that you can plunge into the quiet and calm rhythm in which local residents have lived for many centuries. If this is what you expect from your vacation, then Long Island is for you.

In the northern part of Long Island there is a cape called Santa Maria, where the eastern and western shores of the island converge.

Cape Santa Maria is famous for its perfectly white beach, which stretches for several tens of meters. This beach is rightfully one of the most beautiful beaches in the entire Western Hemisphere. Vacationers have a great opportunity to observe the beauty of the underwater kingdom while snorkeling.

Long Island

Long Island is the longest island of the Bahamas archipelago (more than 100 kilometers long, about five kilometers wide). One of the most beautiful, romantic islands of the Bahamas. The amazing combination of hills and sandy beaches, rocky shores eroded by the surf, caves and extraordinary flora and fauna amazes even the most experienced connoisseur of wildlife. There are not many of the latter here, and this allows you to take a break not only from the bustle of the city, but also from people.

The most popular water sports on the island are snorkeling and diving. Long Island is also loved by those who enjoy going to sea on a yacht - there are many amazing places for such walks.

The main city of the island, Stella Maris, is a small but quite modern settlement, a starting point for diving and fishing expeditions.

McCann's Bay, on the west coast, is a breathtakingly beautiful beach formed by high sand dunes fringing numerous lagoons with bustling bird life.

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McCanns Bay

Long Island is one of the most picturesque islands in the Bahamas. Despite the fact that the island has magnificent beaches and wonderful nature, there are not many tourists here.

One of the most popular vacation spots on the island is McCanns Bay, which is located on the west coast of Long Island. Sandy beaches with dunes, clear seas, cozy blue lagoons favored by birds - these places are amazingly suitable for a relaxing, secluded holiday.

The most popular attractions in Long with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Long on our website.

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  • Another famous island of the Bahamian Commonwealth and the Bahamian archipelago. Because this landmass was formed by one of the oldest coral reefs on earth, Long Island has a number of unique features. So, for example, the widest part of the island is only six kilometers, despite the fact that the length of the island stretches for a hundred kilometers.

    In addition, thanks to the unique natural landscape, Long Island will be equally interesting to both amateurs/professionals of mountain recreation and fans of diving and other types of deep-sea diving.

    How to get there

    The most convenient way to get to Long Island is with British Airways, with a transfer in London.

    Search for flights to Miami (closest airport to Long Island)

    Weather on Long Island

    The climate on Long Island is tropical, so it is better to take care in advance to avoid going to the resort during the rainy season, which occurs here continuously from May to June and from September to October. Thus, the best time to visit this tourist route is either early spring or late autumn. The annual temperature range here is not too wide and ranges from +24 degrees Celsius in winter to +30 degrees in summer. The temperature of ocean water, on average, is three to four degrees lower.


    Despite the fact that the island is not very large in scale, the huge number of hotels and numerous inns along the long coast allows you to choose the most optimal accommodation option. As a rule, in all hotels the staff speaks English, there are wireless Internet access points and, of course, other joys of a comfortable time on vacation are provided. Although, it is worth saying that there is not such a large amount of night entertainment here, partly due to local customs, partly due to the fact that the main contingent of the Bahamian Long Island are the so-called eco-tourists who get more pleasure from contemplation nature and active recreation, rather than from 24-hour bars and discos. Thus, demand here created supply.

    In addition to typical hotel rooms, bungalows are also available. Experienced experts strongly recommend not to lock yourself within the four walls of a hotel room and allow yourself to relax a little in an unusual home, in harmony with nature.


    The capital of the island is the city of Stella Maris, a settlement that you may not want to leave, since all the main natural attractions are already here. In the vicinity of this small capital, lovers of beach holidays, fishing, fans of extreme water sports and deep-sea exploration can conveniently stay.


    Among sophisticated tourists, Long Island is known primarily for its diving routes. At the same time, experienced experts note that visiting Long Island and not seeing Dean’s Blue Hole (in a loose Russian translation the name sounds like “the abbot’s blue hole”) is like committing a grave sin. The depth of this underground cave is just over six hundred feet, about 180 meters in metric system. According to official data, this is the deepest place in the vicinity of the entire Bahamas.

    It should be said that any tourist can freely obtain all equipment, an authorized guide and detailed instructions at Conception Island, the main diving center in this area.

    Landscapes of Long Island


    The western edge of the island was created by nature itself especially for sailing enthusiasts, yachtsmen and simply fans of exotic fishing. And the purest water, white sand and mangrove trees will help create a unique atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

    The mountainous north of the island, due to the peculiarities of the ancient coral barrier reef, takes on all the hardships and deprivations of the land, located in the middle of the restless Atlantic Ocean.

    Observation deck at Columbus's Point

    The main and only cultural attraction on the island is Columb`s Point - a monument erected in honor of the navigator, located at the highest point, next to which, like the Statue of Liberty in North America, there is an excellent observation deck for viewing the endless expanses of the subequatorial landscape.

    Dan, N8YSZ will be active from Long Island, Bahamas 9 - 16 May 2015 as C6ASZ.
    It will operate on 40 - 10m SSB, Digital modes.
    QSL via home call, LOTW.

    Long Island Bahamas

    Friendly and comfortable, well-equipped and ideal for relaxation - Long Island is ready to receive hundreds of tourists. However, its snow-white shores are often empty, and the peace of the tropical jungle is only occasionally disturbed by the ringing laughter of vacationers. Why is such a well-equipped resort not popular and in demand?

    Long Island - the pearl of the Bahamas

    Long (that’s what the locals call their lands) is one of the islands of the Bahamas archipelago, formed from a tangle of coral reefs. The bizarre shape of the island is reflected in its name - the length of the coastline reaches 100 km, and the width is only 6 km at the widest part. And this narrow territory combines rocky shores and surf-eroded beaches, low hills and numerous caves. It is this diversity of relief that makes Long Island one of the most picturesque corners of the Bahamas archipelago. In a relatively small area, in some unusual way, places untouched by civilization and modern urbanized cities coexist.

    Despite the sultry tropical climate with an average summer temperature of up to 33 degrees, the heat on the island is practically not felt thanks to the humid trade winds blowing from the Atlantic Ocean. The optimal time to visit the island is autumn-spring. And in the off-season, you risk getting caught in torrential rains that don’t stop for several days. Of course, such a picture has its own charm. However, you are unlikely to be able to fully explore all the delights of the island in rainy weather.

    The beauty of wild nature - there is a place to retire

    The western part of the island is equipped for tourist recreation - there are many beaches with convenient access to the ocean. And the eastern part remains wild to a greater extent - the high rocky coast with the waves crashing against it creates an atmosphere of unity with nature. Therefore, if you are looking for a place for a romantic walk, Long Island is perfect.

    The most popular place on the island is Cape Santa Maria, located in the north of Long. It is in this place that two shores meet and connect - the gentle western and rocky eastern. And at the junction of two elements, a beach with snow-white sand and azure ocean water is peacefully located.

    Another favorite place for tourists is McCance Bay. A specially equipped beach with comfortable trestle beds and many cafes is surrounded by pristine sand dunes on one side and a blue lagoon on the other. Here you can spend hours peering at the horizon and making romantic plans for the future.

    Traveling to the sights of Long Island

    A unique and inimitable place is the capital of Long Island, Stella Maris. The natural landscape of this city amazes even the wildest imagination. There is a rocky coastline, comfortable sandy beaches, and high hills gradually turning into plains.

    On the island, every tourist can find something to suit their taste. Fishing enthusiasts will be able to hunt for unique species of tropical fish. Divers will discover new horizons of the underwater world. Many yacht clubs always welcome new visitors. And there are more than enough places for sailing trips. Perfect naturalness of nature, unique flora and unique fauna. And all this is washed by the clearest waters of the Atlantic. Isn't this how most of us imagine heaven on earth?

    If the purpose of your visit to Long Island is not only recreation, but also cultural development, then it is highly recommended to visit the famous attractions of the island. Thus, in the small town of Salt Pond you can visit the famous Church of St. Joseph. And on the Didman's Cay reef you can walk through the real ruins of ancient abandoned plantations. In the south of the island there are many caves that many centuries ago were home to Indians, but today they have been converted into shelters for thousands of bats.

    What is completely uncharacteristic of a tropical resort is the thriving pottery art. Long Island is home to several world-renowned pottery studios. Thus, the residents of the small village of Pettiz have been producing clay dishes for many centuries. And tourists can not only admire their masterpieces, but also buy their favorite ones.

    If you are tired of the noisy streets of a large metropolis and are looking for a secluded place for a calm and measured holiday, Long Island is the ideal option to forget about all worldly problems.

    Video Long Island Bahamas

    One of the most beautiful islands of the Bahamas is long island. This island is called Long for short. The shape of the island is elongated, its length is about one hundred kilometers, and its width is only 5 kilometers.

    The nature of the island is a beautiful combination of sandy beaches and hills, caves and rocky shores washed away by the surf. Here you can find a huge number of places that civilization has not yet reached; there are places where modern cities are located. Thanks to the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean and the tropical climate of the island, the heat here does not affect your vacation in any way, as it is practically not felt.

    The capital of the island is the city of Stella Maris. The city literally absorbed all the attractions of the island. Here are: eroded rocks, sandy beaches, plains, hills. This is an excellent place not only for lovers of scuba diving, but also fishing. This is an excellent place for scuba diving, and not only professionals, but also beginners can dive.

    Some of the most popular water sports on the island are diving and snorkeling. Long Island is home to a huge number of boaters. The island's conditions allow for exciting yacht trips. The small town of Salt Pond, located on Long Island, is home to the island's main attraction - St. Joseph's Church. Naturally, the island is rich in other attractions that are worth paying attention to: Deadman's Cay is famous for the fact that it contains the ruins of a real ancient plantation. The reef is located 24 kilometers south of the island. In the southern part of the island there are caves where Indians once lived. Today these caves are home to huge numbers of bats.
    The island is famous for its ceramics, which are produced by the Wild Tamarind Pottery Studio.