Leave unread. How to make a VKontakte message unread

In the last decade, people have increasingly filled their lives with social networks. They cannot live a day without these sites.

The presence of a user-friendly interface, constant communication with friends, watching videos, listening to music, viewing photos and reading posts in groups make these sites popular.

A person’s VKontakte page will show you his personal data and other information. This social network is popular in the CIS countries and Western countries. There are over 380 million users and this number will increase over time. But in recent years, people need more features.

How to view VK messages without reading them

It doesn't matter why you need this property, maybe you don't want to respond to a notification or ignore the user or don't want to be bothered. People are interested in the methods by which such trickery is accomplished.

The function is not possible if you are sitting through a computer. This trick is carried out using mobile phones and tablets. You will need to download programs that have invisibility and the ability to view the notification and close it unread.

But what programs? This depends on the operating system of your tablet and phone. Let's look at each in more detail.

If you haveAndroid

People who purchase Android immediately download the traditional social network interface. But there are many more social media platforms. Kate Mobile is the most suitable.

In it, the client’s letter is opened, viewed, and the “close unread” button is pressed. In the settings, set the option to always close the notification without reading it. Kate Mobile is an alternative to the traditional .

It has a number of useful and interesting functions:

  • You can change the font and theme;
  • Turn on invisibility;
  • Work with several accounts at once and many other properties.

It’s worth trying this platform to find out how you can watch VK messages without reading them.

If you haveiPhone

Two popular operating systems, Android and iOS, are fighting for dominance among customers. To each his own. One person will choose an Android, another - an iPhone.

iPhone users will be pleased with a project in which emails can be viewed and closed without being read. Download the Vfeed project and enjoy the opportunities provided by the developers.

The platform's interface is similar to a traditional application. But it benefits from the presence of an off-line mode and the ability to leave SMS unread. On iOS, this program is quite popular and optimal.

The owner of an iPhone or other device can experiment, download other programs, so you can choose the one that suits you and stick with it for a long time.

If you haveWindows Phone

Things get worse here. The system has designs that provide additional options, but they have too many shortcomings to replace them with a traditional social networking application. There are still many bugs that need to be worked out, which the developers do not pay enough attention to.

This is VKlient and VK Go!. But, judging by the description and reviews, they do not have an unread SMS mode. These applications benefit only due to the stealth mode. Windows Background clients are not satisfied with the quality of these programs and do not recommend downloading them.

Applications freeze, are kicked out of your account upon exit, and there are many more glitches and shortcomings.

Therefore, users will have to wait, maybe in the near future the developers will finalize, improve or create new projects and you will know how to view VK messages without reading them.

Everyone loves to receive VKontakte messages, but many users try to view the text anonymously, pretending that the messages have not been read. A person decides to do such things for various reasons. Firstly, he does not want to take part in the correspondence (especially if it is a group conversation). Secondly, the user currently does not know what to write. Thirdly, there is no desire to continue communication with this or that user. Fourthly, it is necessary to delay the response time by choosing a new line of behavior. It is quite possible to read messages on VK and leave them unread. Next, we'll figure out how to do this.

Anonymously reading messages on your computer

No special applications or programs are needed. It's quite simple. You just need to perform the following sequentially related steps:
1. Log in to the social network;
2. Go to personal messages;
3. Place the mouse cursor in the address bar, which needs to be cleared to the im? characters. As a result of this, the following link should appear: https://vk.com/im?;
4. Add q=day:17122017 to the link to get https://vk.com/im?q=day:17122017. The numbers at the end of the link will indicate the date until which all correspondence messages will be found in the search. Accordingly, select the numbers and enter those that you need.

How to read VK messages from your phone so that they remain unread

The second method is only suitable for owners of mobile gadgets that run on the Android operating system. You can read notifications received on VKontakte through an application called kate mobile. You need to download it and install it on your mobile device in order to view messages with it. Just before this, in the settings you need to check the box next to the line “Activate stealth mode”. The “close message unread” option is also set there.

Important nuances

Often, users accidentally click on messages and later regret it. How can you make a notification unread again by returning its status to “sent”?

In the new VKontakte design, this function was eliminated simultaneously with the removal of the “archive of old messages” tool. Now all deleted messages and notifications will automatically disappear forever, as will the ability to hide activity in correspondence. In order not to rack your brains over how to turn a message back to unread, you should carefully think about whether or not you want to read a message from a specific person.

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Today's capabilities for VKontakte users differ from what was available even 4-5 years ago. Thanks to these features, many tricks have been developed that can be used in working with social networks. Today, a user can easily read messages, but the message will still be displayed as not viewed. How to do this, what methods are there? Let's consider in detail and step by step each of the ways to make an unread message in VK.

How can I view my unread messages?

Today, the VKontakte interface allows you to see separately read and unread messages using a convenient sorting function. To view in your list of dialogues those correspondences that contain new, unread letters, you only need to press 2 buttons. The first is to enter the dialogue section, and the second is to find the tabs at the top right in which unread messages are automatically sorted.

In addition, if there are not many messages, you can even see them by color difference without even opening the “Unread” tab. In the standard VKontakte interface, all unread messages are marked in blue, and opposite the “Messages” section the number of dialogues in which there are new messages is displayed.

How to read messages without leaving them unread

Today it is possible to read new messages sent by other users so that they do not change their status and still appear unread. Essentially, these are methods that allow you to view the full text of a message and attachments, but leave the message unread. That is, the letter will remain marked in blue for both the user who sent it and the one who read it. How to do it?

Using the link in the address bar

It is possible to view messages without marking them as read using the search function. The most convenient way is to insert the data into a ready-made link and download all letters that were sent before a certain date. For example, you need to view a message quietly that was sent a week ago, you need to enter the link below and substitute the required number in it.

The last digits in this link represent the date and can be changed if necessary. For example, if you click on this link, all unread messages will be displayed in chronological order that were sent by other users before the specified date. You can view and read them, but their status will not change, that is, the interlocutor will not mark them as read.

Important! It is not at all necessary to use this particular link in order to read the message, leaving it in unread status. You can enter any word from a letter in the search bar of dialogues and only those letters in which it appears will be displayed - you can view them without opening them.

Read in stealth mode with the Kate Mobile app

For users who use a smartphone and the Kate Mobile application for Vkontakte, there is also the opportunity to read letters unnoticed by their interlocutors. This application has created a function for viewing letters, thanks to which they can not be marked as read. Let's look at how this function works step by step.

Can I mark a message as unread?

If there is a need to mark as unread a letter that was viewed without using the methods described above, then the user simply does not have the opportunity to somehow influence its status. No programs or extensions will help - recently this opportunity has disappeared from users of the VKontakte website. It is important to understand that a message that has already been read cannot be changed to unread in any way. This fact was reflected not only in the recipient, but also in the sender.

Alternative options

VKontakte developers always meet their users halfway and over the entire existence of the social network they have introduced many changes aimed at improving the operation of the site. This process is not over and there will always be changes, the main thing is to learn about them and use them in time. But, until developers come up with improvements so that you can read messages unnoticed, you can use other applications and sites that guarantee anonymity.

Did you know that you can read messages on VKontakte without your interlocutor knowing about it? Of course, no one created a special function for this. But, if you want, you can read the message without the person who sent it knowing about it. Today we will explain in detail how to read messages in VKontakte without being noticed. We think that this information will be of interest to many people.

Everyone knows that unread messages on VKontakte are colored light blue. If you read this message, it immediately changes its color to white. By whether a message is colored blue or not, VKontakte users determine whether their message has been read by the interlocutor. This is a very convenient system. With the help of this system in VKontakte, you don’t have to rack your brains for hours why your lover or lover, boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t answer your messages. If you see that a person simply has not read your message yet, it means that he is busy with other things. But, if a person on VKontakte has read your message and has not responded to you for three hours and is sitting online, it’s worth thinking about, maybe the person doesn’t want to communicate with you? Anything can happen. But there is a way to bypass this system.

detailed instructions

Before doing this, first we want to tell you why you or your interlocutor may need this. This may be necessary in order to make it clear to the person that you do not want to communicate with him, because he literally bombards you with his messages and does not give you peace, and you have no desire to explain to him that you do not want to communicate with him . This is a very convenient way to let a person know that you are not interested in him, without blacklisting him or deleting him from your friends.

Using this link: vk.com/im?q=day:31122014 You can go to the search for all messages that were written before a specific date. If you enter this address into your browser, a new window will open in front of you in which you can view messages that were sent by you and that were addressed to you before December 31, 2014. You will be able to see all messages in chronological order, but this way they will not be marked as read either for you or for your interlocutor.

If you want to discreetly read new messages in Contact, you can use another method so that your interlocutor does not find out about it. To do this, you need to go to “My Messages”, then in the search column for messages or interlocutors you need to enter a word and follow the “Search” link. After this, you need to move the mouse cursor over the button that is located next to the “Search” button - “Messages before a specific date.” A calendar will open in front of you. There you should click today or the next date.

In order to secretly read messages, select the word that you entered in the search column using the mouse, right-click and select “Delete” or press the key on the keyboard . This way you will delete the word you entered. At the end, you need to click the “Search” button and you will see all the latest messages. Now you can quietly read your messages at any time convenient for you.