Errors Server Error VKontakte and Javascript Error what to do

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Most often, this error pops up when you like. A window appears Flood Control and no likes are given.

The error happens both on the phone and in the full version in the browser. This also happens to users of the Kate Mobile app.

How to remove the error - options:

  1. If you put a lot of likes in a row, wait an hour, two or days. What you want to like can be bookmarked for now.
  2. If you used an application or extension to download music, then don’t use it anymore.
  3. If there is a Flood Control error in Kate Mobile, update Kate mobile to the latest version.

More details

Flood Control error when you like

In the Kate Mobile application, sometimes it happens that likes are not placed (marks "I like"). Click on the heart and the message appears Flood Control. It turns out that I can’t like it because of this error. Sometimes another message pops up: Flood control too many captcha requests.

These mistakes mean that you are doing something too often. This triggers flood control (protecting the server from frequently repeated actions of users or hackers, which can lead to increased load and system failure).

Typically, such protection is used on forums when the user writes useless messages too often. And in your case, the VK application discovered that you like too often and limits you so that you calm down and rest a little.

To clear the Flood Control error, you need to wait a while. After this, you will be able to like again, but still do not do it so often, otherwise the error will appear again.

Don't like everything - it's a bad habit. If you like a girl and like everything she posts, know that this may annoy her. She may even block you and you will not be able to access her page.

Flood Control error when searching or listening to music

This error when listening to music (audio recordings) is due to the fact that in 2017 VK introduced a limit on free listening to music in the mobile application - at first it was 1 hour a day, and then half an hour. This means that if you have not updated the VK application on your phone, you will have to do so. And in third-party applications like Kate Mobile, music may now not be turned on at all.

Hi all! Vkmusic gives me an authorization error. What to do? The error began to appear after updating the program to the latest version. Everything was great before, now it's terrible. Who faced the problem? Can you help?

Vkmusic authorization error, try restarting the program. It should help.

Install the VKontakte DJ program and forget about errors

Why bother with MK Music for weeks when you can download and install Vkontakte DJ. The program is excellent, it works superbly, there are no problems, especially with authorization. Downloads songs, videos, albums, including from YouTube, without any problems.

Vkmusic writes an authorization error. How to fix the problem?

Vkmusic stopped working for me and when I start it says an authorization error. Can not do anything. I restarted the program, updated it, checked all accounts. Everything seems to be working fine, but it’s not. What to do? Am I the only one having this problem, or has anyone else encountered this? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Tell!

Trying to get back to a blocked page does not always go smoothly. Either the technical support service asks you to send a request with a photo, then you confirm your personal data by sending documents with your full name and photo, or the SMS does not arrive on your mobile phone.

Sometimes more complex situations arise. For example, when trying to regain access to a profile, users often see the following message: “A FLOOD ERROR has occurred.” What does this mean and what actions should a person take?

The essence of the error

This message appears on the screen if the user tries to access the profile through a mobile gadget. For example, a smartphone. If translated from a programming language, the FLOOD ERROR error will mean that the system is overloaded with a huge number of requests. This happens because the data recovery system on the social network does not work as well as the developers would like.

Therefore, if it happens, you just need to wait and then try again. Or use one of the methods to solve the problem.

Fixing flood error

To fix the problem you need to:

1. Use the full version of the site. To do this, you need to find a computer or laptop and connect the Internet to it. Open the site by going to the start login page. Carry out the actions that were previously taken on your smartphone. There shouldn't be a glitch;

2. You can try reloading the page, which will help get rid of errors and system failures;

3. If this does not help, you need to completely restart the computer. Then you can remove one browser and install another in its place. This often helps, and access to the account is restored very quickly;

4. It is worth removing dubious and suspicious applications, extensions and programs built into the browser. For example, VKsaver and VKplugin can trigger an error;

6. You can fix the hosts file. To do this, you need to go to Windows, open the system folder, from there go to the drivers directory, open the etc. section. Inside there is a hosts file, which is recommended to be opened using notepad or a text editor. There should be only one inscription localhost. All other values ​​must be erased. Next, you need to save the file, check and clean your computer for viruses, and restart the browser and website.

In recent years, the fight against piracy and illegal downloading of content has intensified. Of course, for the average user this causes great discomfort, because there are fewer and fewer opportunities to listen to your favorite music. Not long ago, problems arose due to the expansion of bans from VKontakte when using third-party clients such as Kate Mobile, VKMusik and the like.

For example, in VKMusic4 The playlist of audio recordings does not open and the music search does not work, citing a problem “Flood control authorization error. Try restarting the program". Naturally, the ability to download tracks has disappeared.

Also, a similar message is seen only by those who like to put a huge number of likes in a short period of time on VKontakte and the unofficial client Kate Mobile. There the problem can be solved much easier - it will be enough to just wait a few minutes. The solution to the problem is not difficult - you just need to like less often so that the site does not perceive the user’s actions as flood or spam.

Is it possible to remove the authorization failure?

Due to the recent emergence of the problem, universal methods of elimination do not yet exist. What can be done? Many developers of such software have already taken up the issue. But! You cannot place an application that bypasses the ban on the Play Store. For this you need download updated version player directly from the program developer’s website.

This is done simply.

  1. We go to the software developer’s website.
  2. Find the updated version and download it.
  3. If we are talking about a tablet or smartphone, then we allow the installation of software from third-party resources.
  4. We install the application via a connection to a computer.

We are trying to download music.

Another option if you want to listen to music offline is to save it in the cache. To do this, in the official VK application, go to Settings – General – Cache, and then activate the slider on Cache Music.

If the Flood Control problem has not gone away, then you can try other players, of which there are plenty. As in the case described above, we recommend that you immediately go to the developers’ website and download the application from there.

Flood Control in Kate Mobile does not allow re-likes

It'll be this way forever?

Unfortunately, there is no sign of any loosening of controls on content distribution in the future, so it is likely that more events are on the way. Due to circumstances, developers will not always be able to solve the problem, because bypassing the blocking can lead to lawsuits and other unpleasant moments. But while there is an opportunity, why not use it?

My personal opinion is that now you will always have to deal with the Flood Control error in third-party VKontakte applications. You can’t just remove it - the blocking is introduced at a new level and is decided by the developers. Most likely, with the release of new versions of Kate Mobile or VKMusic, new restrictions will appear.

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Why does the flood error occur and what does it mean?

This error occurs when you try to restore access to the page (reset your password) and do this through the VKontakte mobile application on your phone. Translated into Russian, this error means “too many requests,” but the fact is that the access restoration function simply does not work very well in the VK application. That is, the “flood error” is a glitch. But the problem can be solved. Read on.

How to fix flood error?

To fix the error and stop suffering, do not try to restore access through the application. Many people experience various errors and problems when they try to recover a forgotten password in an application on their phone. Use the full version of the site. Find a computer, laptop, or at least a tablet, open the full version of VK in it (this is easy to do through the “Login” start page) and go through the procedure for recovering a forgotten password. This error will no longer occur.

If you do this from someone else's computer, laptop or tablet, don't forget to log out of your page at the end. Where is the exit in the new version of VK, you can.

What if I don't have a computer?

You can try opening the full version of VK from your phone. But to do this, you need to launch not the VK application, but a browser (Safari, Chrome - depending on what you have). See more details: How to open the full version of VK. True, everything will be very small on the phone, and you will have to enlarge the page (spread it apart with your fingers). It is still recommended to find a computer or tablet. Restoring a page is a responsible matter, take it seriously.