Review of modern medical information systems. MIS Medwork is a medical information system for medical organizations. The MedWork © computer program is designed to automate medical institutions of any profile and provides

MIS-Ristar is a set of programs, web applications and services that work with a single database.

MIS-Ristar is supplied either as part of a hardware and software complex, or pre-installed on workstations provided by the customer, or in the form of a distribution kit and provides automation of input, processing, storage, retrieval and analysis of ALL information processed by the administration and staff of medical institutions.

MIS-Ristar includes:

Database – a repository of accumulated information and procedures for processing this information.

- Applications designed to automate the workplaces of administration of medical institutions, doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel, as well as non-medical personnel.

- A set of Internet applications and services for patients, staff and administration of medical institutions, as well as for business owners (for private medical institutions)

- Module for analyzing accumulated data and generating reports, which allows you to generate arbitrary queries to the Database, receive any reports and analytical certificates, analyze accumulated data using freely generated search criteria

- Special software “tools” that allow you to quickly configure the system as a whole and each workplace depending on the specifics of the work, including:

- “designer” of treatment/examination/rehabilitation programs (courses) designed to prescribe diagnostic tests, sets of treatment and rehabilitation procedures, in-depth medical examinations and medical commissions “with one button”

- a “designer” of structured documents (“templates”) of an electronic medical record (hereinafter referred to as EHR), which allows you to customize screen and printed forms of EHR documents, as well as link the fields filled in the document with the database. At the same time, you can work with each EHR document both as a text document and as a structure optimized for automatic processing

- “editor” of “complex norms”, for quickly setting up conditions for checking the accuracy of data received, for example from diagnostic equipment and automatically assessing “deviations from the norm” depending on the values ​​of other parameters (height, weight, age of the patient, type of equipment, individual characteristics of the patient and so on.)

- a “designer” of printed and screen forms and forms, which allows you to create new or change previously created reports and queries to the database (DB), necessary for retrieving information from the DB that is displayed in these forms

- “subsystem for setting up printing parameters”, which allows setting the order of printing of all documents by all users (number of copies by default, preview, etc.) at the system level as a whole, for a specific organization, department or user

- a “designer” of data structures and registered parameters, providing an unlimited expansion of the list of data stored and processed by the system, including for use in analytics and reports (in fact, it allows you to add new “fields” to the database without making changes to the program code and structure DB)

Individual settings for each user (screen types, font sizes and colors, etc.)

- Special software “tools” and “designers” to support data export/import for organizing information interaction with third-party information systems (laboratory information systems (LIS), image storage and processing systems (PACS), administrative and business automation systems, third-party medical information systems , information systems at the regional and national/federal levels, etc.)

Configuration and architecture.

In general, MIS-Ristar can be configured to operate:

- at separate workstations (automated workstations)

- within the local area network of the department (division)

- within the institution as a whole

- in a single information space that unites various, including medical institutions remote from each other, interconnected by local information networks or Internet channels.

The software runs under MS Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and older

Oracle DBMS Oracle 10g, 11g and older (for small solutions - up to 20 workstations) The DBMS is included in the supplied solution and does not require additional license costs

Architecture – Client-Server, or multi-tier architecture.

Special technical solutions allow work on the implementation of the system to be carried out in various options depending on the requirements and capabilities of the customer:

- Option I. Complex supply of equipment and software, installation of workstations at each workplace.

- Option II. Launching the system and starting work in a minimal version with subsequent expansion (you can start with 2-3 workstations). Expansion work comes down to connecting new workstations, their individual configuration depending on specialization, and connecting additional functional software blocks.

Option II is recommended when implementing MIS-Ristar in an already operating institution, because It is impossible to simultaneously distract all personnel from their main work for training, as well as for the period of installation and configuration of workstations.

Expansion and development of “regular” MIS tools

MIS-Ristar can develop in several directions:

- connection of additional workplaces

- connection of additional functional modules

- unification of several institutions and organization of their work with a common Database, with the possibility of obtaining appropriate reporting and analysis of stored information, both separately for each institution or group of institutions, and throughout the entire Database

- promptly making changes to already used reports or generating and including new arbitrary reporting and analytical forms in the list of available reports

- promptly making changes to already used forms and printed forms or adding new custom printed forms and forms

- unlimited expansion of the range of stored data, including adding new “fields” without changing the Database structure and without involving programming specialists

- by additional agreement, development and connection of new functionality and/or new applications.

Internet applications and services:

1) Self-recording. Used for direct self-registration of patients with a doctor using a link posted on the website.

2) Information kiosks (infomats) installed in the lobby of health care facilities. Used for self-registration of patients when the registry is busy or for registration with certain specialists / for certain studies (procedures)

3) Subsystem of notifications and E-mail mailings

4) Remote registry. Web interface for workstations at the reception desk and for pre-registration of patients. Can be used for remote registration, for example, during preventive or occupational examinations directly on-site on the territory of the institution that ordered the examinations. Doctors to make an appointment “from home” when a patient calls. Work of the registry from remote branches. Information department (Call center) for recording patients along with the “thick” client.

5) Remote workplaces for doctors. Web interface to medical staff workstations for maintaining electronic medical records (EMR) of patients. Can be used to organize remote workplaces when traveling “at home”, when working with remote branches with a weak or unreliable Internet connection.

6) On-line Questionnaires. Allows the patient waiting for an appointment to fill out the appropriate questionnaire - frequently asked questions by the doctor from the information desk or when self-registering via the Internet. The completed questionnaire is included in the patient’s “medical history” and allows the doctor not to waste time on a preliminary interview with the patient. Questionnaires can be made for each medical specialty; in fact, this is a preliminary collection of complaints and anamnesis - everything that the doctor writes down in the “medical history” “according to the patient.” Additionally, it is equipped with a module for setting up and processing “scanned” questionnaires (when filling out questionnaires “on paper”, for example, during a medical examination.

7) Information table. Allows you to display the current reception schedule on the television screen and/or external monitor, indicating free/occupied seats.

8) Links to the schedule grid for an external site.Designed for direct links from websites.

9) Published price list. To display the price list on an external site.

10) Published schedule.

11) Printing service (converting protocols filled out by doctors into Word and/or PDF) – directly from the DocMainFrom.exe task.

File sharing

1. “Attaching” files to the patient’s “medical history” – files are saved in a separate file storage

2. Two-way data exchange with LIS (PACS). VLIS (PACS) pApplications for research are sent in files of appropriate formats, research results are returned from LIS in files of agreed formats and PDF forms for printing and distribution to patients.

3. The same scheme is used to exchange data with functional diagnostic devices, special simulators, third-party systems, etc.

Integration with third-party information systems

1. Setting up information interaction in accounting automation systems (1C, Parus)

2. Two-way information exchange of data with image processing systems and radiological systems (PACS, RIS)

3. Two-way information exchange with laboratory automation systems (LIS)

4. Integration with a pharmacy warehouse management system (pharmacy kiosk)

5. Integration with federal and regional services of the Uniform State Health Information System (configuration depending on the region)

6. Integration with any third-party information system according to the customer’s specifications

A medical information system is an electronic database that helps to effectively organize work with patients, maintain operational records of the warehouse and employees, and control administrative and financial issues. At its core, the MIS system is software for automated document flow in medical institutions and medical centers of general and specialized specialization (for example, dentistry, ophthalmology centers, etc.).

MIS is a necessity in modern healthcare

In modern society, automation of medicine is an inevitable process. Huge volumes of medical information, strict reporting and its standardization, high requirements for the quality of services - all this leads to the need for automatic processing and electronic storage of data. To make all this information convenient to process, store and use, many hospitals and health centers have already switched to electronic document management, while others are preparing for its implementation.

The main advantage of an integrated medical information system is the increase in the efficiency of healthcare facilities. Starting from the work of the registry and ending with making management decisions.

Problems of managing a modern clinic

Medical automated information systems allow solving many management problems in a modern medical center.

First of all, the informatization of medicine creates optimal conditions for maintaining a client database, storing their personal information, data on services provided, diagnoses and diseases, results of examinations and analyzes (electronic card). Having this information in electronic format here and now without searching through archival records, it is much easier for the doctor to navigate the data, make diagnoses and plan further treatment and observation. The doctor reduces the amount of paperwork, since the information at the appointment is also entered into the computer and, if necessary, printed based on a standard text template. Eliminates the risk of losing important data and the need for repeated examinations due to lost information. For example, according to statistics, 11% of laboratory tests performed have to be re-ordered precisely because of the inability to find the results in the institution’s paperwork. These are additional costs and time costs that reduce the efficiency of health care facilities as a whole.

Also, through the medical information system, appointments with specialists are made, clients are distributed among branches, taking into account the workload and work schedule of employees. The work of call centers is being organized.

At the same time, it is easy to assess the demand for specific services, doctors, branches, convenient visiting hours, etc. Regarding commercial clinics, MIS keeps records of each client according to the loyalty system, with automatic calculation of discounts, bonuses, certificates, VHI policies and other programs. Payments for services are made (it is possible to connect cash register equipment). The medical information system allows for reporting and interaction with insurance organizations.

It makes it possible to quickly monitor the condition of the warehouse and receive always up-to-date information on inventories and consumption of items, deliveries and payments, movement of drugs and consumables by type of service, specialization, branches, etc.

With the help of MIS, pricing of medical centers is carried out. Price lists are generated for individual types of services or complex programs. Changes are made to the price, discounts and other bonuses are automatically taken into account individually for clients or as part of promotions, etc. The entire price history is also stored.

On the basis of the medical information system, employees are recorded, their activities are analyzed, the work schedule of specialists is filled out, on the basis of which salaries are calculated and financial relations with the employee are recorded.

Thus, a medical information system is a huge electronic archive of institutional data that is easy and quick to navigate.

Service capabilities allow you to create access to different groups of information for employees and managers.

MIS from First BIT will simplify work with medical information

The First BIT company has developed a unique medical information system for healthcare institutions. It is suitable for public and commercial organizations. Can be used in multidisciplinary and highly specialized clinics.

BIT program. Medical center management was created taking into account the real needs of medical institutions. It implements the ability to automate accounting for clients, warehouses, employees, equipment, pricing, financial settlements with suppliers and other counterparties. There is also a service for calculating wages, maintaining mutual settlements with employees, and analyzing their effectiveness.

BIT program. Managing a medical center creates a convenient workplace for an administrator who can quickly register clients, issue examination results, enter into contracts, and make payments (with the connection of commercial equipment).

Based on the system, it is possible to conduct analysis, collect statistical data on the enterprise and keep patient records. With our system, work will become easier and more transparent.

The program is open source, which makes it possible to independently modify the system for specific requests. Regular updates are carried out.

MIS is compatible with any professional versions of 1C products.

We offer favorable prices for modules for clinics with licenses for a different number of workplaces (up to 100 or more).

The program from First Bit has already been successfully implemented and works in multidisciplinary medical institutions in Moscow and the region. and other cities of Russia.

In successfully functioning organizations, marketing information is collected, analyzed and distributed within the framework of a marketing information system (MIS), which is part of the organization's management information system.

MIS is a set (single complex) of personnel, equipment, procedures and methods designed to collect, process, analyze and distribute, in a set time, reliable information necessary for preparing and making marketing decisions (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. Marketing information system (MIS)

MIS transforms data obtained from internal and external sources into information necessary for managers and marketing specialists. MIS distributes information among managers and marketing specialists who make appropriate decisions. In addition, MIS, interacting with other automated systems of the organization, supplies the necessary information to the heads of other services (production, R&D, etc.). Internal information contains data on orders for products, sales volumes, shipment of products, inventory levels, payment for shipped products, etc. Data from external sources is obtained on the basis of marketing intelligence (from the subsystem of current external information) and marketing research.

Marketing intelligence is a constant activity to collect current information about changes in the external marketing environment, necessary for both the development and adjustment of marketing plans. While internal intelligence focuses on the results obtained, marketing intelligence examines what might happen in the external environment.

Sources for obtaining current external information can be of a very different nature; formal and informal procedures are used to collect it. Such information is obtained by studying books, newspapers, trade publications, and reports of competing firms; as a result of conversations with customers, suppliers, distributors and other persons external to the organization, who should be effectively motivated to collect and provide the necessary information; based on conversations with other managers and employees, for example, employees of the sales services of this organization; through industrial and commercial espionage (although foreign books write a lot about the ethical problems of marketing research).

Marketing research, in contrast to marketing intelligence, involves the collection and analysis of data on specific marketing situations that an organization faces in the market. Such information is not collected in the two previously discussed systems. Such activities are carried out periodically, and not continuously, as certain problems arise, based on the use of special methods for collecting and processing the collected data.

The MIS also includes a subsystem for analyzing marketing decisions, in which, using certain methods (for example, correlation analysis models, calculating the break-even point) based on the created marketing database, access is provided to the information necessary for managers to make decisions, and it is analyzed in a given direction .

The marketing decision analysis subsystem may include a set of procedures and logical algorithms based on the experience of experts and called expert systems.

The management of the organization and its marketing services makes its own specific requirements for information; it is guided by its own ideas, both about its own organization and about its external environment; he has his own hierarchy of information needs and his own individual leadership style, depending on the personal and business qualities of the management staff and the relationships that have developed between them. Moreover, an effective MIS can only be the result of gradual development of the original system.

Different companies organize the function of conducting marketing research in different ways. Some have a dedicated marketing research department, others have only one specialist responsible for marketing research.

Large companies usually have special marketing research departments; in some cases, only one specialist is appointed in the company, responsible for marketing research.

One of the new methods of working with information that is becoming increasingly widespread is database marketing, which has gained particular popularity due to the transition from mass marketing to targeted marketing. Database marketing is based on creating and maintaining a database that contains information about each consumer. Modern databases represent not just an address list of buyers, but complete information about consumer behavior over a relatively long period. This information includes what products the customer purchased and in what combinations, at what prices, in what stores, what promotions he participated in, etc. The contents of the database are updated with each subsequent purchase, the company is able to track the behavior of each individual buyer over time, maintaining a constant dialogue with the consumer.

The advantage of interactive marketing is that it allows you to track consumption data of individual buyers and link various market events and the entire marketing mix with this data, analyze the reaction of a specific buyer to these events, taking into account his socio-demographic characteristics and, thus, increase the effectiveness of marketing events, more fully satisfying existing market needs. As a result of applying this approach, communications and promotion become a single information flow for the company.

Nowadays, there are various ways to maintain a dialogue with customers using databases. Address databases can be formed based on postal addresses, telephone numbers, and various coupons for purchasing products. One of the popular methods is to create regular customer cards, which, for example, is actively used by KLM airline.

The integration of all available information sources and the transition from a system consisting of a set of disparate data to a marketing knowledge system is an important modern trend in working with information of most Western companies. Marketing knowledge represents the accumulated intellectual capital of a company, which includes data, information and ideas and is necessary for the company's management to make the best and most effective decisions.

2019 has arrived and all medical organizations will be required to implement medical information systems, or MIS for short.

The advantages of such a system for all employees are obvious:

  • For the director of the clinic - a convenient display of statistics on the work of the clinic and a report constructor.
  • For the clinic administrator - a convenient system for displaying the schedule of each specialist, maintaining accounting and printing the necessary documents with a mouse click.
  • For doctors - appointment reminders, complete medical history, various treatment plans and price lists for services.

Now the market for these products in Russia includes more than a hundred solutions. In this article we publish the most popular solutions in the Russian Federation.

Before you start choosing which information system to implement, contact MIS integration specialists. The main criterion for selecting a future contractor should be implementation experience and knowledge of the specifics of business processes in the clinic.

If suddenly, your MIS does not meet the stated requirements of the Russian Ministry of Health and you suddenly decide to replace it, then it is worth noting that if you purchased a medical information system as part of the “Basic Informatization” program, which took place in 2011-2012, you may be charged inefficient use of budget funds.

What to do correctly in this case:

  • Conduct an independent examination of your MIS
  • Send a letter to your regional health authority to replace the MIS

Or there is an option to negotiate with the developers to replace the information system, and spend the implementation costs as a service, and not as the purchase of new software.

The composition of medical information systems for each medical organization may differ in the composition of the included modules.

For example: MIS for hospitals requires modules - admission department, maintaining electronic inpatient patient records, bed management.

You can read which modules your organization needs in the “Methodological recommendations for ensuring the functionality of medical information systems of medical organizations” approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases,” which is located on the website of the Ministry of Communications. You have the right to buy MIS only from those included in this register.

IMPORTANT! Since January 1, 2016, there has been a legislative ban on foreign goods and work in the public procurement system!

Let me finish with the regulatory part and move on directly to the review of the most common medical information systems.


Cost: from 3900 rubles

MEDODS is a new generation medical system. It is used both in private clinics and in government institutions.

Does not require lengthy training to operate the system due to its friendly and simple interface.

It has both basic common functions such as making appointments and invoicing, as well as powerful marketing modules.

The main advantage for which it is most often chosen is the cost of MEDODS, it is very affordable and quickly pays for itself.

MEDODS includes:

  • Cloud solution
  • SMS and email notification of patients
  • Online booking of an appointment with a doctor
  • Templates for various protocols
  • Patient electronic medical record
  • Ability to maintain warehouse records
  • Generating reports
  • Integration with online cash registers
  • Integration with laboratories
  • Integration with booking portals
  • Integration with telephony


Cost: on request

Managing a private clinic using the Medesk medical system is a combination of modern technology and medicine.

The system is distinguished by a simple and intuitive interface, which allows your specialists to master working with the system without much effort.

Medesk includes:

  • Cloud solution
  • SMS notification to patients
  • Online appointment with a doctor
  • Templates for various protocols
  • Integration with online cash registers
  • Remote work consulting patients


The main goal of MedElement developers is to improve the quality of medical services for the population.

The main advantages of the system are:

  • Cloud data storage
  • Electronic doctor's office system
  • Large database of medical reference books
  • The mobile application can be downloaded for free
  • A separate module for automating the clinic's catering unit
  • Frequent updates to the medical system


Cost: from 25,000 rubles.

This medical information system has a user-friendly interface for all the main functions of the medical information system

This solution includes such modules as:

  • patient file
  • schedule
  • medical document management
  • finance to control payments.

The main feature of MIS Clinic365 is the ability to build an algorithm for working with a patient. The card includes information such as client preferences, history of contacts with the patient, and of course medical information.

There is strong technical support for the product.


Cost: from 25,000 rubles.

The medical information system "INFOCLINIC" will help build a structured information space for a medical clinic. This solution will be convenient for both patients and clinic staff.

MIS “Informatics” has all the necessary tools, which allows you to easily set up integration with other systems of your clinic, and also allows you to set up flexible communication with patients.

The system includes many prepared templates for reports, protocols, and case histories.


Cost: from 4900 rubles per month

IDENT is a medical information system for dentists that will allow you to get away from paperwork with patients. A distinctive feature is that it was created under the guidance of dentists and for dentists.

There are several versions of MIS, the difference is in the number of modules included.

Even with basic functionality, the information system will allow you to:

  • Quickly manage scheduling and appointments
  • Keep accounting
  • Quickly print patient documents
  • Conduct statistical reports


Cost: from 2400 rubles per month

This product is an online service for dentists and medical centers.

It has a wide range of functionality, from the patient database to billing and accounting.

There is integration with the DocDoc portal and Viber messenger. The main advantage of this service is a very well-thought-out system for making appointments and recording patients.


Cost: 69,900 rubles

The flexibility of system customization is MedWork's trump card up its sleeve.

Each clinic, be it a small clinic or a large one, has its own nuances. The MedWork system is designed in such a way that the architecture initially includes a variety of settings for any task.

There is a convenient editor based on the WYSIWYG principle, which allows you to edit any form of service to suit the tasks of the clinic


Cost: 16990 rubles

One of the oldest medical systems. Development dates back to the mid-90s.

The system is designed to maximally optimize and automate the work of both outpatient clinics and hospitals. There is a medication accounting system.

It is also worth noting the built-in Call center and API. Pre-registration for an appointment is possible, there is a call center and API for integration. In order to learn how to operate this system, there are many video lessons.


Cost: from 24,000 rubles

This medical information system has an intuitive interface, which makes it easy to master at the start.

It is possible to automatically import into the system; for example, you can quickly create a price list for your services and upload it to Renovatio.

There is a convenient built-in editor for printed forms.

1C-Rarus: Attending physician

Cost: from 10,000 rubles

This system was developed with the participation of leading specialists involved in medical practice. 1C-Rarus: The attending physician aims to reduce the time of patient appointments and stores the entire history of visits to the doctor.

The system also includes such functions as a disease classifier, templates for basic documents, an appointment scheduler, SMS messaging with a reminder to make an appointment, Email reports on examination results.

It is convenient to work with the system both from a computer and from a smartphone or tablet.


BARS.Med allows you to quickly transfer all the work of a medical clinic from paper to electronic form. Easy to customize to suit the clinic's needs.

Among the main functions, it is worth noting the availability of remote appointments and the creation of an electronic patient card.

Also, using this system, you can easily build the business processes of your clinic.


Cost: from 2800 rubles per month

MedusaPro is a cloud service for automating the work of a medical clinic.

In addition to maintaining outpatient cards, the system also allows you to create mailings in the form of SMS messages to patients (advertising, congratulatory, informational).

It is possible to make an online appointment with a doctor. This function has a database in which doctors’ work schedules are recorded, which allows the patient to always see free hours and days of appointment.

A patient’s personal account has been implemented, where the entire history of visits is stored, as well as tests and examinations. All documents can be downloaded.

There is the possibility of integration with a touchscreen, where patients in the lobby of clinics can automatically make an appointment.


Cost: from 82,500 rubles

The interface of the MEDIALOG system is quite easy to learn for the user. A system of hints about the operation of the system has been set up, and the work with filling out forms has been simplified by automatically filling out standard information.

MEDIALOG is a modular system; you can buy each module separately, which allows you to avoid overpaying for unnecessary functionality.

The second advantage of the modular system is its easy scalability.


Cost: from 27,900 rubles per month, installments for 12 months.

The system allows you to work with a large database without loss of performance.

Clinic management has a tool for flexible control.

The medical record system was created by doctors and for doctors.

The system design has a minimalistic design, which allows you to work with the system without being distracted by unnecessary interface elements.

The system is open source and allows you to work with the system without the involvement of third-party developers.

BIT:Medical center management

Cost: from 3600 rubles

BIT.Medical center management is a system that is aimed at reducing operating costs in a medical center.

Three advantages of this system

  • Simple and convenient work for staff.
  • Flexible control over all areas of the clinic’s activities: finances, personnel, patients.
  • Customer focus. Informing patients via SMS, thorough medical history, clinic promotions, certificates for patients.


Cost: on request

The Intramed system became the best in 2010 in a competition held by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Advantages of MIS Intramed:

  • powerful reporting system for the medical clinic;
  • system for monitoring the quality of services and comparing them with standards;
  • the patient knowledge base collects data over a long period about all changes in health;
  • built-in online recording and contact center system;
  • all personal data about patients is stored in a separate module of the system

Medix CRM

Cost: from 29,900 rubles

Medix CRM is a modular medical system made in a minimalist design.

Key Features:

  • Clear distribution of roles (everyone sees only what they are responsible for)
  • Flexible configuration allows you to easily create both departments and personnel
  • Fight against routine, all templates for basic documents are included in the system and are automatically filled out
  • Planning system, separately for doctors, separately for departments of a medical clinic
  • A powerful analytical center, it is easy to get statistics on finances and employee working hours.

MIS Medical Examination

Cost: on request

The system was created to simplify and speed up the process of medical examination. This system implements only the best solutions in this area.

Thanks to the Medical Examination system you will be able to:

  • build a system of control over your personnel
  • Reduce appointment time by up to 90%
  • possibility of individual modification of functionality
  • automatic generation of frequently filled out documents
  • patient examination results are available without getting up from your desk chair
  • flexible queue management system


Cost: on request

Clinics choose the ArchiMed+ medical information system due to the modules it includes:

  • Reports module - allows you to create more than 15 reports in two clicks
  • Doctor module - allows you to fill out a medical history in the shortest possible time, thereby reducing the time of one appointment
  • Info-plasma module - this module will show the real employment of doctors and reduce queues at the clinic
  • Self-Recording Terminal - we all know that sometimes the reception desk can’t cope, the patient self-recording module will come to the rescue

And also you get:

  • Built-in IP telephony
  • Working with online cash registers
  • Notifying patients via SMS
  • Laboratory module, thanks to which all tests are automatically included in the medical history

Cost: from 1900 rubles per month

The Medmis medical information system has both a boxed version and a cloud version.

The Medis system has a simple control panel for information system functions. Among the obvious features of such simplicity are the ability to display all doctors’ schedules on one page and the ability to reserve appointments.

There is also a great form builder for medical records.

According to Federal Law 54, everyone is required to have online cash registers. So Medmis fully supports the integration of work with online cash registers.


Cost: from 3315 rubles per month

The IDENT24 medical information system for dental clinics is good for both clinic directors and staff specialists.

"Healthcare" (LLC "COMTEK")

Cost: from 99,000 rubles.

The software package/Medical Information System (PC/MIS) "Healthcare" is intended for the full maintenance of an electronic medical record (EMR), automation of the diagnostic and treatment process and accounting activities of large medical institutions of various profiles. MIS "Healthcare" has been successfully operating for 13 years in large medical institutions of the Russian Federation. The system is built taking into account the specifics of domestic medicine and best forms the business model of a medical organization.

The main list of solutions of MIS "Healthcare":

  • Clinic
  • Hospital
  • Dentistry
  • Highly specialized assistance
  • Automation of individual services
  • Paid services
  • Data upload and reporting
  • Patient communication system


Any medical information system is aimed at optimizing processes in the clinic. Reducing paperwork and increasing the time provided to patients by your specialists.

Your patients and doctors will be happy and grateful for the implementation of a medical information system only after it has been fully mastered. Having problems at the implementation stage is normal practice.

Do you need to implement MIS in your clinic? for a free consultation. And we will create an action plan for you!.