Is it necessary to optimize Windows 10? Cleaning the hard drive from debris. Removing time-consuming gadget programs

The longer we work on the computer, the more and more it begins to slow down. This is due to the fact that during the operation of the computer, new updates are released for Windows and other programs installed on the computer, which may be more demanding of the hardware system requirements. Also, the computer is filled with garbage, various unnecessary programs and files that constantly eat up free resources.

Today I will tell you how to speed up your computer with Windows 10, clean it of unnecessary junk and optimize it for stable operation.

Checking the hardware

First of all, you need to check that your computer or laptop can really run Windows 10 without any problems. If your computer does not meet the system requirements, then speeding up Windows 10 on it will be problematic.

Minimum system requirements for Windows 10

CPU: 1 GHz or more clock speed

Video card: Video adapter supporting DirectX 9 and WDDM version 1.0

Free hard disk space: 20 GB.

In principle, almost any computer on which Windows 8 or Windows 7 has previously been successfully installed fits into these system requirements. But it should be borne in mind that the above are only the minimum system requirements.

While working on a computer, you will install various programs, for example, Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop, which will also eat up some resources.

Therefore, if your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements, then you should think about how to improve it, or install another version of Windows, for example, Windows 7.

If your computer is powerful enough, then move on to the next paragraph of our article.

We leave only the necessary programs in Windows 10 startup

There are a number of programs that launch immediately after you turn on your computer and boot into Windows 10. Often, you don’t even need these programs, and you don’t even know their purpose.

For example, when you buy a laptop with a pre-installed operating system, the manufacturer installs about 10-15 different utilities on it (computer diagnostic tool, power management, help desk program, etc.) that constantly run in the background and eat up precious computer resources. And while working on the computer, you install various programs that can also end up in startup, which you don’t need at all (for example, the torrent client uTorrent or Skype).

Our task is to leave only the necessary programs in Windows 10 startup. Everything else needs to be at least removed from startup, and if the program is not needed, then completely removed from the computer.

In order to get into Windows 10 startup, you need to open the task manager. To do this, press the key combination on your keyboard Ctrl+Shift+Esc or right-click on the taskbar and bring up the task manager.

After this, your task manager will open. If it opened collapsed, then press the " more details«.


In this window you can see all the programs that start immediately after turning on the computer. The “status” column indicates whether autostart of this program is enabled or not, and the “impact on startup” column indicates how much this program slows down startup and prevents Windows 10 from speeding up.

In the screenshot above you can see that I have autoloading enabled for the Snagit program, which has a high impact on startup. I don’t need this program immediately after turning on the computer, so to disable it I right-click on it and click disable as in the screenshot below.

By the same principle, you should disable all programs that you do not use immediately after turning on the computer.

If you don’t know the purpose of any program on this list, you can search Google for its purpose, but it’s better to just disable it right away. The fact is that by removing some program from startup you will not harm your computer in any way.

The only thing you can harm is your comfort. It may be more convenient for you to launch Skype when Windows 10 starts. In this case, you can return to this menu and click “enable” on the desired application.

After disabling unnecessary programs in startup, restart your computer.

Removing various junk from your computer

Have you noticed that the free space on your hard drive is getting less and less, even when you haven't downloaded or installed anything new? There is a way to increase free space. As you work on your computer, Windows saves temporary files, update files, the history of sites you visit, and so on.

By deleting these files, we will not only free up free space on your computer’s hard drive, but will also speed up Windows 10.

To clean temporary files, you can use the excellent CCleaner program, but I will show you how to do this using standard Windows 10 tools.

Click menu Start and write " disk cleanup". Click on the found program.

Select the disk on which you want to clean up junk and click OK. In 99 percent of cases, this will be drive C, because this is where Windows is usually installed.

The window that appears will tell you how much hard drive space you can free up. In my case it is 1.86 GB.

Select all possible checkboxes and click OK.

After deleting these files, go to Disk Cleanup again, but this time click " clean system files«.

In the window that appears, also check the boxes next to all the items and click “OK” to delete.

Now you need to remove all unnecessary programs that are installed on your computer. Right click on menu Start and go to Control Panel - Uninstall programs.

Carefully look at the list of installed programs and remove everything that you do not use. Of course, for programs that you are not familiar with, it is better to first search on the Internet. You may uninstall a necessary Windows driver or utility.

This way, you will remove unnecessary junk on your computer and speed up Windows 10.

Windows 10 Registry Cleaner

Slow Windows 10 performance may be due to a clogged registry with errors. Errors in the registry are inevitable after incorrect uninstallation of programs, installations and removal of many programs.

Manually cleaning the Windows registry is a thankless task, so the free CCleaner program comes to our aid. You can easily find a download link in any search engine.

Launch CCleaner and go to the " Registry". Click the button Troubleshooting«.

When the program checks the system registry for errors, click the " To correct" and select " Fix everything«.

Installing drivers on Windows 10

It's a good idea to speed up Windows 10 by installing the latest drivers on your computer. Fortunately, in Windows 10, updating drivers has become incredibly simple. Drivers for your computer's devices are installed automatically during operation, but there are always exceptions.

Right click on menu Start and select " device Manager«.

The Device Manager window that appears lists all the devices on your computer - video card, connected mice and keyboards, monitor, processors, and so on.

If you see a question mark icon next to some equipment or it says device unknown, then you need to update the drivers for it.

Right-click on the device and click “update drivers.” Next, select “automatically search for updated drivers.”

If the driver needed updating, Windows 10 itself will find it on the Internet and install it on the computer.

Disabling user tracking functions in Windows 10

Windows 10 by default transmits user activity data to Microsoft. Of course, this data is supposedly anonymous and supposedly aimed at improving the product, but the point is that all these functions, in addition to violating your privacy, also eat up Internet traffic, which will only increase the load on the computer. We strongly recommend that you disable user tracking features.

To do this, click StartOptions.

Go to the section " Privacy«.

Are common— disable everything except the SmartScreen filter.

Location- turn off everything

Speech, handwriting, and text input- turn off everything

Reviews and diagnostics section— set the item “never” and “basic information”

I have listed only the basic functions of tracking the user of Windows 10. If you wish, you can also disable access of some programs to the microphone and camera, as well as prohibit the updating of some background programs (see screenshot below).

Disable applications in the Start menu

Windows 10 has a colorful Start menu with tiles for a wide variety of applications. Do you use them? We'll talk about uninstalling these apps in the next article, but for now you can simply disable them. Right-click on the unwanted tile in the Start menu and click “unpin from Start screen.”

This way the tiles will not be displayed and the computer will run a little faster. Overclocking a computer is all about the little things.

Disable animation and sounds

On very weak computers, disabling animations and unnecessary Windows sounds can give a significant increase in computer speed. On modern computers this is no longer so noticeable, but we will still consider this point.

Click on menu Start right click and select partition System.

In the window that opens, click " Advanced System Settings«.

Select " Options" In chapter " Performance«.

Select "Get the best performance" and click OK.

After that, right-click on the desktop and go to the menu “ Personalization» — « Colors". Disable the option " Make the Start menu, taskbar and action center transparent«.

You can also turn off the sounds of Windows 10 events. This will allow the system not to need to access the hard drive again to play the sound of some notification, for example, that updates are available.

To turn off sounds, right-click on the menu Start, go to Control PanelSound.

On the “Sounds” tab, select the “Silent” sound scheme and click “OK”.

Now the system will not use smooth transitions, notification sounds, fading effects, animation on the taskbar and other amenities. It may not work as aesthetically pleasing, but you will notice a slight acceleration in the performance of Windows 10.


We looked at the main ways to speed up Windows 10. However, I have a couple more words about what is undesirable or even impossible to do.

  1. Do not use software, various optimizers and Windows accelerators. Such programs are unsafe and are more likely to harm your computer than help speed up Windows 10.
  2. Do not disable Windows services unless you are 100 percent sure of what you are doing.

Finally, I suggest you watch a few video lessons on how to speed up your computer. Maybe someone will find the video clearer and more understandable than the text in the article.

If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

The word “optimization” has now become very fashionable: they optimize personal expenses, budget expenses, technological processes and much more. On this wave, such a concept as “ Windows optimization" However, what does this mean in relation to the operating system? First of all, this is the removal and disabling of everything unnecessary and unused, as well as tuning Windows 10, focused on maximum performance or convenience - depending on the user's needs.

There are many sites on the Internet that actively recommend all kinds of programs for optimizing Windows 10, speeding up the system with just one click. We fundamentally do not consider any such third-party extension. Experience shows that the use of such software in the vast majority of cases creates more problems than it solves. If at the beginning of the work of such optimizers the effect may even be noticeable, then over time the computer begins to work worse and worse, and cleaning programs no longer help, but even worsen the situation. Along with optimization, they can make many obscure changes to the operating system settings. There are often cases of outright harm from such optimizers for computer performance. That is why in our article we consider exclusively optimization capabilities built into Windows 10.

In this article we will optimize the “ten” step by step. To begin with, let us outline the main stages of the upcoming process:

  • Setting up a power plan.
  • Removing unnecessary programs and files.
  • Disable unnecessary startup items.
  • Cleaning system files.
  • Defragmentation of the hard drive.

In addition to the main steps in the Windows 10 optimization process, there are some additional steps.

  • Disable visual effects (Performance).
  • Turning off services.
  • Disable unused components.

The most radical solution, which is almost guaranteed to improve the operation of the operating system, is to reinstall it completely. But we consider this process in a separate article.

Basic Windows 10 optimization

Setting up the power supply

By default, the power supply in Windows 10 is configured for an optimal balance between energy consumption and performance. If you do not use a laptop on a battery, but work directly from the network, then it is best to set this parameter to high performance. To do this you need:

  1. RIGHT click on the menu Start and Select " Power management».
  2. Follow the link " Additional power options».
  3. Select the power plan called " High performance».

Removing unnecessary extensions

Next we'll deal with removing unnecessary applications and programs. How this is done is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website, so we will not dwell on this point in detail here. Let’s just add that at this same stage you also need to do a general cleaning on your computer - remove unnecessary user files: films, music, pictures and documents.

Cleaning autostart

At the next stage disable autorun of unnecessary programs. To do this you need:

  1. RIGHT click on the Start menu and select " Task Manager» (you can also do this the more traditional way: press Ctrl + Alt + Del and then select "Task Manager").
  2. Then, if necessary (if this has not been done before), click on the “Details” button.
  3. Next, go to the “” tab and see there all the programs that start with the operating system.
  4. You can turn off autorun of any of them by clicking on the name again with the RIGHT mouse button and selecting “ Disable».

For maximum performance, you can remove absolutely all programs from startup, but it is still advisable to do this consciously, having first read in the search why this or that extension is needed.

Removing unnecessary system files

We have already deleted our own unnecessary files. Now all that remains is to get rid of unnecessary system garbage. For example, this includes files of already installed updates, a folder with a previous version of Windows, etc.

  1. Launch the utility " Disk Cleanup" The fastest way to do this is by typing “cleaning” into the search bar and launching the desktop application (there is also a more familiar old method: open Explorer, click on “This Computer”, and then RIGHT-click on drive C and select “Properties”. In the “General” tab, select “Disk Cleanup”).
  2. Click " Clean system files».
  3. We tick all the items that appear.
  4. Click OK.

Depending on the volume of accumulated garbage, this process can take up to several tens of minutes.

Hard drive defragmentation

Now that all unnecessary files and programs have been removed from the system, you can organize the remaining ones for faster access. It is for this purpose that defragmentation is carried out. note that it should only be carried out on HDDs (standard hard drives that make a little noise during operation). It is highly not recommended to do this on SSDs (silent solid state drives) - such modern storage media are designed for fewer rewrite cycles.

  1. To launch the defragmentation program, type “ defragmentation» (or, if you used the second method, return to the “Properties” window of drive C, but go to the “Tools” tab and click “Optimize”).
  2. Select the desired partition or hard drive.
  3. And first, click “Analyze”.
  4. If the analysis shows that more than 10% is fragmented, then optimization should be started.
  5. Along the way, to optimize the operation of Windows 10, it’s also worth disable scheduled disk optimization.

After this, you need to be patient - depending on the amount of work, optimization can last from several tens of minutes to a couple of hours.

Replacing the antivirus program with a lighter one

We talk about this in more detail in a separate article “The fastest free antivirus for a weak computer.”

Additional ways to optimize Windows 10

If the actions taken do not contribute to the desired acceleration of the computer, then you can try some additional optimization methods computer with Windows 10 operating system.

Disabling visual effects

Smoothly opening windows, translucency effects and the like look quite nice, of course, but for a weak computer they can create a significant additional load. All these visual decorations can be turned off to at least slightly improve system performance. For this:

  1. Open File Explorer and RIGHT-click on the “This PC” icon.
  2. In the context menu that opens, click “Properties”.
  3. Then on the left click “Advanced system settings”.
  4. In the newly opened window, in the “Advanced” tab, find the “Performance” item and click “Options...”
  5. By default, only the display of a shadow under the mouse pointer and the preservation of the taskbar thumbnail view are disabled here. To speed up your computer, you can turn off all visual effects - Ensure the best performance."
  6. At the same time, we still recommend checking back the “Smoothing unevenness of screen fonts” checkbox. Without it, almost any text looks very unattractive.
  7. After that, click OK.

Increasing the paging file size

You can find the page file in Windows 10 like this:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. On the “This PC” folder, RIGHT-click and select the very last option “Properties”.
  3. In the left column of the new window, select “Advanced system settings.”
  4. A new smaller window will open. In it, go to the “Advanced” tab.
  5. Under the Performance heading, click the Settings button.
  6. Go to the "Advanced" tab.
  7. Click "Edit".
  8. Enter the paging file size twice -> click "Set".
  9. Click OK in all previously opened windows.

Changing the system configuration

Press Win+R and enter msconfig, press Enter. The System Configuration window opens. Here we can speed up the process of starting the operating system a little. To do this, in the “Download” tab, click on the “Advanced parameters” button and in the new window, check the number of processors and maximum memory and select the highest possible values ​​there and click OK. You can also check the “No GUI” checkbox here. This item will allow you to speed up the start a little by disabling its visual display - in other words, Windows 10 will start up to the desktop against a black screen, without inscriptions, images and animations.

A good way to optimize the system configuration was suggested in the comments below by Alexey Kot. You need to go to the “Services” tab. Check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox at the bottom, then disable all others and don’t forget to click OK.

Turn off unused services

Next steps to optimize Windows 10 must be done with great care. Disabling the wrong services or components can render the computer inoperable and, in the worst case, you will have to reinstall the operating system. Here it is better to follow the rule “ Measure seven times, cut once».

To disable services we do not need, we must first open their list. For this:

  1. Click with the RIGHT mouse button on the menu Start and select the item “ Computer management».
  2. In the left tab, double-click “ Services and applications».
  3. Then click once on “ Services"We see a list of all services of the Windows 10 operating system.
  4. To disable any of them, you need to double-click on its name, and then change the startup type to “Disabled”.
  5. After this, do not forget to press OK.

Depending on your personal preferences, you can safely disable the following services:

  • Dmwappushservice - used to route WAP push messages.
  • Machine Debug Manager - designed for programmers.
  • Windows Search - provides indexing of all files and folders in the Windows 10 operating system, helps you find them by name (through the magnifying glass icon). It consumes a lot of resources, but it’s better not to disable it. Unless the search is never used.
  • Windows Biometric Service - designed to work with biometric data.
  • Computer Browser - creates a list of computers on the network.
  • Secondary login - allows other users to control the computer. If you are using one account, you can safely disable it.
  • Print Manager - supports printers.
  • CNG Key Isolation - produces insulation for the key process.
  • SNMP Trap - Intercepts messages for local SNMP agents.
  • Workstation - access to workstations via the SMB protocol.
  • Working folders - designed to synchronize directories on different devices.
  • Server - is responsible for accessing shared files on a remote server, as well as working with shared printers, faxes and scanners.
  • Geographic Location Service - Tracks location.
  • Sensor data service - processes and stores data received from sensors installed on a PC.
  • Sensor service - manages these same sensors.
  • Client License Service - ensures the correct operation of the Windows 10 store. If the store is not used, then it is quite possible to turn it off.
  • Microsoft Windows SMS Router Service - for sending messages.
  • Windows Error Logging Service - Sends problem reports to Microsoft.
  • Remote registry - allows you to remotely edit the registry.
  • Fax - for the operation of fax equipment.
  • + You can turn off all services whose name mentions Hyper-V - they are used to ensure the operation of virtual machines, as well as services for the operation of Xbox Live.

Disabling the above services will not affect the overall performance of the operating system. As for the remaining items, each specific user must decide to disable them independently, based on their own needs and be sure to find information in a search engine about what they are intended for.

Disable unused Windows 10 components

Another way to optimize the Windows 10 operating system is to disable unused components of the operating system. As with services, in this case you need to act carefully and slowly.

To open the Windows Components window, click Win+R(Win is a button with an image of the Windows logo between the left Ctrl and Alt), enter the command OptionalFeatures and press OK.

The following components can be disabled:

  • Windows PowerShell 2.0 is a more modern command line option. If you rarely use the regular command line, then you are unlikely to need version 2.0.
  • Work Folder Client - allows you to synchronize folders from the corporate network to your computer.
  • Components for working with multimedia: if the built-in players are not used to play audio and video, you can turn them off.
  • XPS services (if you do not work with documents of this format).
  • XPS Viewer (similar).

To turn off components, you need to uncheck them and confirm the action by clicking OK, and then restart the computer.

If optimization doesn't help

This article discusses the most productive ways to optimize the latest operating system from Microsoft. This means that there may be other individual ways to speed up Windows 10 a little more (some of them are described in other articles on our site), but they are unlikely to significantly change the performance of the computer. In addition, many of these additional features (for example, disabling the built-in voice assistant Cortana) are closely related to other necessary components of the OS and can cause additional problems - such as a broken Start menu, etc. We did not consider such potentially dangerous methods as a matter of principle.

If all the steps described above do not lead to the desired acceleration of the operating system, then it is worth considering the option of a clean installation of Windows 10. Our experience shows that a clean installed system always works much faster than an optimized old one. A special increase in performance is noticeable when the “ten” is installed completely instead of Windows 10, obtained through the free update program from Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 (by the way, in this case you don’t have to worry about activation - it happens automatically, since the license is tied to the hardware "computer).

If a clean installation does not help, then you should think about upgrading your computer. In some cases, especially good results are obtained by replacing the HDD (traditional hard drive) with an SSD (solid-state drive), at least for the operating system and programs itself. Increasing the amount of RAM (RAM) can also have a positive effect. We do not consider replacing the motherboard and processor here, since this is almost always tantamount to buying a new computer.

We are sure that many are familiar with the fact that a computer or tablet gradually begins to work more and more slowly. Of course, the situation can be solved, because essentially nothing changes in the hardware. In this situation, you need to download an optimizer for Windows 10.

Which program to choose

There are a lot of optimizers for Windows 10. But only a few of them are truly comprehensive and very effective. We have selected two of the best programs: Both programs are equally suitable for optimizing the system. Both programs can be downloaded for free. But they have significant differences.

Windows Manager

This program is suitable for those who understand computers and programs. This is a great option for system administrators. Windows Manager allows you to fine-tune, and as a result can produce even better results than any other program for optimizing Windows 10. In addition, the program allows you to set up automatic optimization of the system according to a predetermined schedule.


An equally popular optimizer for Windows 10. The program is suitable for home users who do not want to understand the intricacies. Indeed, CCleaner can optimize your system in one click. The program will clean not only the hard drive, but also the registry. The effect of CCleaner can be colossal, but the lack of ability to fine-tune makes this option less universal.

How optimizers work

Both programs, and most of their analogues, work on a similar principle. The software cleans your device of old, unnecessary files. These can be either “tails” of already deleted files or duplicate duplicates of files. As a result, you will not only optimize system performance, you will also free up space on your hard drive. Some optimization programs can clean the registry, which significantly affects the performance of the entire system. Such actions are, in most cases, safe, but we recommend making backup copies of the registry to avoid possible problems with other programs.

On this page we invite you to download a universal optimizer - Windows Manager, it will suit everyone. Of course, to work, you will need to download the correct version - that is, either 32-bit or 64-bit, according to the bit depth of your copy of Windows 10. Otherwise, there are no restrictions; you can install Windows Manager on both your computer and tablet. If none of the listed optimization programs suits you, then try downloading

How to speed up Windows 10 if your computer is slow? Optimization Tips

“Ten” began to treacherously slow down after just a few months? Don't rush to reinstall anything. In this guide, we will explain in detail how to speed up Windows 10 on a computer or laptop without reinstalling.

Optimizing Windows 10: cleaning startup

One of the serious obstacles that most often slows down Windows 10 are programs that automatically start with the OS. Because of them, the computer takes longer to boot, and overall performance is seriously affected. And the most interesting thing is that most people don’t even know about these programs: there is zero benefit, but resources are used.

We described a lot of important information on optimizing Windows in our article “Optimizing Windows XP”

Disabling everything unnecessary in startup is one of the reliable ways to speed up Win 10. What do you need for this?

How to understand what the system really needs to work, and what wastes memory? The easiest way is to google each of the “suspicious” programs: most likely, 90% of them are at least not necessary for you. Often autorun is full of unnecessary software from the PC or laptop manufacturer, hidden adware or even spyware.

What exactly can you turn off?

  • Cloud storage(so, in the case of “ten”, OneDrive is automatically “registered” in startup).
  • uTorrent, MediaGet and other programs for downloading - when you need them, run them separately. In addition, the constant distribution of torrents significantly slows down Windows of any version.
  • Official software, which was loaded by default when installing a scanner, printer or MFP. You are unlikely to use it exactly, but the devices will work fine as is.
To optimize Windows 10, we only clean startup; the programs themselves will remain on the computer. So you can run any of them manually if necessary.

We turn off services that load the system “idlely”

Developers cannot predict which services you will need. Therefore, the entire array automatically starts along with the OS. To speed up Windows 10 on a laptop or computer, it is useful to find unnecessary services that you personally do not need and turn them off.

What to turn off and what is better not to touch? There are many lists circulating on the Internet, but we will focus on those services that can be turned off with virtually no risk. Let's start with the most “gluttonous”.

  • Update Center - it is better to periodically update the system manually.
  • Windows Search - if you rarely search for something on your computer.

These services can be safely removed if the computer is not connected to a public network:

  • KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator.
  • Offline files.
  • IPSec Policy Agent.
  • Computer browser.
  • NetBIOS support module.
  • Server Network service.

The task of these services has already been taken over by the antivirus:

  • Firewall.
  • Windows Defender.

These are useless in 99% of cases, but they can slow down Windows 10 significantly:

  • Adaptive brightness control.
  • IP Ancillary Service.
  • Secondary login.
  • Client for tracking changed connections.
  • IPsec key modules for Internet key exchange and authenticated IP.
  • SSDP detection.
  • Parental Control.
  • Error Logging Service.
  • Remote registry.

Leave these only if you are using devices that correspond to them:

  • Smart card.
  • Fax machine.
  • Print manager - for the printer.
  • Image download service (WIA) - for scanners and photographic equipment.
  • Bluetooth support - hardly anyone uses bluetooth anymore.
  • Tablet PC input service - if you don't use handwriting input.
  • Basic TPM services - if there are no BitLocker or TMP based monitoring devices.

How to disable the service?

Double-click on it and in the window that appears, in the “Startup type” line, set “Disabled” / then “Apply” or “OK”.

We carry out “cleaning” among the installed software

It is worth keeping only the software that you really need on your laptop or PC - removing unnecessary programs will significantly speed up your computer on Windows 10.

You will feel the effect immediately. The result in optimizing Windows 10 is especially noticeable if a fair amount of “junk” has accumulated among the installed software. And this is what happens most often if you don’t monitor it separately.

Cleaning junk files from drive C (system)

Over the course of months of operation, any OS accumulates a fair amount of “junk” system files. To speed up Windows 10, we recommend removing them periodically.

Cleaning your hard drive from unnecessary files (our own)

If you have a capacious hard drive of several terabytes, and there is still a lot of free space on it, you do not need this advice. But if the computer is old and the hard drive is “full to the brim,” this can greatly slow down Windows. If there is less than 20-30 percent of free space left, problems with performance are almost guaranteed.

Of course, all this takes time, but with a small and cluttered hard drive, the effort is worth it: every 5-10% freed up will help significantly speed up your Windows 10 PC.

  1. How to approach the matter? Slowly. Look through all the files on your computer: you will probably find a lot of incomprehensible archives and folders that have not been opened for many years, a bunch of movies, heavy TV series, old installers, etc. For convenience, you can sort everything by size: this way you will clearly see what “eats up” more of the whole place.

    If you are not yet ready to change the hard drive, you will have to decisively remove everything unnecessary. Valuable but heavy things can be partially “stuffed” onto flash drives, external drives and various cloud services.

  2. Another tip: never save personal files on disk "WITH"- because of this, a weak computer running Windows 10 is almost guaranteed to slow down. If there is something there now, move the files to neighboring drives, for example, to “D”. Don't forget about:
  • desktop (if necessary, it is better to create shortcuts),
  • libraries (my videos, my images, etc.)
  • and be sure to check your “Downloads” folder (tons of long-forgotten files often accumulate in it).
After all deletions, do not forget to empty the trash!

Defragmentation (optimization) of disks

It is especially good to carry out defragmentation after you have cleaned up “system junk”, removed some installed software, or manually deleted unnecessary files from your computer. This useful procedure restores the correct disk structure, which seriously speeds up Windows 10 on a weak computer.

If you nevertheless took the time to radically clean non-system disks (removed everything heavy but unnecessary from them), repeat the procedure for them (D, E, etc.)

Cleaning the registry with a program to optimize Windows 10

If you are not an advanced user, we do not recommend digging through the registry yourself. It's safer to leave everything to a program that will do it for you. Let's look at the steps using CCleaner as an example, a popular free program for optimizing Windows 10. By the way, cleaning and defragmentation can be done in it.

Eliminate unnecessary load on the processor

Often some completely unnecessary process is constantly running in the background, causing the computer to slow down greatly. To speed up Windows 10, it is highly advisable to clean up the task manager.

Optimizing your hard drive on Windows 10

If you have a regular HDD and not a high-speed SSD, do this.

The hard drive will now work better, and at the same time, Windows 10 will also speed up a little.

Removing unnecessary tiles from the Start menu

The system automatically places a set of live application tiles on the Start menu. Stop by and see if you use them?

We recommend leaving only those that are really necessary, and selecting the remaining rectangles with the right mouse button and selecting “Remove from the Start menu.” This is not a panacea, but it will still slow down Windows 10 a little less.

Turn off tracking in Windows 10

Yes, the “top ten” really “spys” on our actions, regularly sending the collected information to Microsoft. The tracking function also consumes some system resources. To optimize Windows 10 on slow computers, it is better to turn it off.

When a speed increase is urgently needed: remove special effects

Simplifying graphics

If your computer slows down too much, you can radically speed up Windows 10 by sacrificing “cool” graphics. Of course, the graphical shell of the OS will become very simple, turning into something between the seven and the rare Win 98. But the serious increase in performance on old computers is worth it - all the freed up resources will be directed in the right direction.

Particularly good results in terms of optimizing Windows 10 can be expected here on weak PCs and laptops with up to 4GB of RAM.

Now turn off the animation

Turn off menu transparency

This detail looks impressive, of course, but it also wastes precious memory.

Removing system sounds

Another good method that will contribute to speeding up Windows 10. Don’t worry, the sound on the computer itself will not go away. Only alerts for various system events will be removed. You can easily do without them, but the system will no longer have to “torture” the hard drive in search of this or that sound file.

Windows 10 still slows down. What else can you do?

Here are some more useful optimization tips that will speed up Windows 10 on any computer or laptop.

  1. Check your system for viruses regularly. Here are some smart free antivirus programs:
  2. Make it a rule to always turn off your computer at night. If the system works without stopping for several days, it begins to seriously slow down - this is especially felt on weak computers. If Windows 10 is slow, reboot more often, it really helps.
  3. Don’t forget to clean your laptop or PC from dust twice a year - a computer clogged with dust will heat up and work much slower.
  4. Captain Obvious, but still. If your computer is weak, try to open as few programs as possible at the same time - especially those that heavily load the processor. It's better to take turns. This also applies to browser tabs.

Now you know how to speed up Windows 10 if it is slow. Well, if the system is completely “killed” and reinstallation cannot be avoided, be sure to take a look at our article “How to reinstall Windows 10”. And be sure to share your successes and questions in the comments!