New airport. Questions for registration in Saburovka. The airport in Saburovka be Saburovka Saratov airport web camera

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    Page 1 of 5 (webcams 1 to 10 of 43).

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam shows in real time the traffic situation and the presence of traffic jams at the intersection of Sokolovaya Street and Universitetskaya Street in Saratov.

      Last online check:

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam shows the “Melody” fountain at the intersection of Kirov Avenue and Radishchev Street in Saratov.

      Last online check: a month ago (live camera)

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam shows a view of the bridge over the Glebuchev ravine in Saratov. The online camera broadcasts video in real time.

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video.

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam broadcasts a view of the transport ring near the Volga stadium in Saratov. The picture shows a public transport stop and a market. Right behind the ring is Entuziastov Avenue. The webcam is installed at the Iceberg shopping center.

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video.
      Last online check: (live camera)

      Saratov, Russia
      Webcam with a view of the intersection of Shekhurdin Street and Stroiteley Avenue in Saratov in real time (online).

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video.
      Last online check: (live camera)

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam allows you to assess the presence of traffic jams at the intersection of Chernyshevsky Street and 2nd Sadovaya Street in Saratov online.

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video.
      Last online check: (live camera)

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam shows the monument to Oleg Tabakov in Saratov in real time (online).

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video.
      Last online check: (live camera)

      Saratov, Russia
      Webcam at the intersection of Radishchev and Kirov (Lipki) avenues in Saratov.

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video
      Last online check: (live camera)

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam broadcasts a view of the intersection of Kirov Avenue and Chapaev Street, the square near the Nikitin Circus, and the Dandelion fountain. The camera is installed on the Children's World building in Saratov.

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: photo 480p.
      Last online check: (live camera)

      Saratov, Russia
      The webcam shows the intersection of Bolshaya Kazachya and Chapaeva streets in Saratov online. The camera is directed towards the Arena shopping complex.

      Time zone: GMT+04:00. Broadcast quality: 480p video
      Last online check: (camera works intermittently)


    List of Saratov webcams. Popular webcams are shown first. Saratov is a city in the southeast of the European part of Russia, the administrative center of the Saratov region, part of the municipal formation “City of Saratov”, which has the status of an urban district. A large cultural, economic and educational center of the Volga region. It is one of the twenty largest cities in Russia, although it is not a million-plus city. The administrative center of the Saratov agglomeration of more than a million people.

    It is located on the right bank of the Volgograd Reservoir, approximately at an equal distance from Volgograd (389 km) and Samara (442 km), 858 km southeast of Moscow.

    Some online video surveillance web cameras can be viewed with sound. When watching, keep in mind the fact that the sound in the broadcast may be turned on by default.

    #Saratov, #webcams

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      • 05:52, May 31, 2012
      • Comments

      “A new airport in the Saratov region is probably needed. But the decision to build it in the area of ​​the village of Saburovka looks hasty. The functioning of a large technology center in a picturesque natural area is already raising many pressing questions.” This is how a Saratov resident, reader of SarBC and the City Focus website begins his letter to the editor. We publish this text with slight abbreviations.

      The airport in the center of Saratov, of course, was a source of noise and harmed the environment. But the airport in Saburovka will be located on the outskirts of the city, because the village of Yubileiny, dacha and cottage villages along the banks of the Volga and Ust-Kurdyum with Pristanny have practically merged into one low-rise whole. And the city is actively developing in that direction; most likely, in a few years it will be an area of ​​densely populated areas. What will we do when the city inevitably runs into a new airport? Transfer again? Or will it do? I see no point in moving the airport from one area of ​​the city to another.

      Now I suggest you look at the map. In close proximity to the proposed address of the new airport there are such settlements as Saburovka, Raslovka-1, Ust-Kurdyum, Mergichevka, Kozlovka, Novaya Lipovka, Vyazovka. Planes will fly overhead and land “right under their windows.” A little further we see another ring of settlements: Pristannoye, Dolgiy Buerak, Dubki, Kleshchevka, Shumeika, Malaya Topolyovka, Generalskoye, Krasny Yar, Raslovka-2. The landing path of aircraft will probably pass over them. There are also tourist centers, children's camps, summer cottages, and residential cottages here. Here is one of the best recreation areas for city residents. The transport accessibility of these sections of the Volga coastal strip makes them unique. Did those who decided to register a new airport in Saburovka think about this? Or did they somehow miraculously discover that everyone who visits the area loves the sound of engines overhead and below the window?

      Saburovka is a peninsula, mostly washed by the Volga River. Small rivers flow to the right and left of the proposed airport construction site - the Kurdyum and a small river without a name, but both of them flow into the Volgograd Reservoir. This means that all kerosene and anti-icing mixtures from the airport will be washed into them and into water bodies. Downstream is the city of Saratov with its powerful water intake systems and very problematic water treatment systems. And there is no need to talk about environmental protection solutions that may be included in the new air complex. After all, we watched a lot of reports with footage of how, two hundred meters from the airfield, people dig a shallow hole in the ground and there the purest aviation kerosene emerges from rotten storage facilities. These two hundred meters are not here, here is the Volga and rivers. This means the water will be poisoned. There will be no more fish and birds. By the way, now you can easily see herons and ducks there... People live here, fish and hunt, and relax at camp sites and dachas. Pensioners go to these places for their dachas as the only possible form of recreation and life support. Will this continue after the red ribbon is cut in front of the airport?


      Now the planned territory of the new airport is occupied by agricultural lands (at least they were so). Water for irrigation is nearby, the place is flat, the land is suitable. So, we are reclaiming the Trans-Volga region with titanic and costly efforts, but we want to roll up the lands suitable for agriculture on the banks of the Volga into asphalt? Is it a good idea to take them out of circulation?

      Head of State Vladimir Putin spoke about the need to develop low-rise housing construction. So give these lands to the people! Here are ideal conditions for such housing. Everything is there: water, railways and roads, electricity, gas. If you build a small bridge from the cape of the peninsula to Ust-Kurdyum, it would be great, because... There will be direct access to the Ust-Kurdyumsky highway. Minimum costs for people and a lot of amenities.

      It is very convenient to come to a place where almost everything is ready and build a new facility there. What about other territories? After all, it is better to create the infrastructure of a modern airport on desolate lands less suitable for housing and agriculture, thus developing the territory of the province. Fortunately, there are plenty of flat places in the province (Trans-Volga region, for example)? Why not plan an airport as far as possible from the Volga, in the steppe, 100 kilometers from the city (like in St. Petersburg, Moscow...). Now 100 km is just an hour's drive on a good road. Spending one hour once a year when going on vacation or several hours for frequent business trips is probably not a very big price to pay against the comfort of the residents of Saratov? You can build on the border with another province, which also needs a new airport, you can pool funds. It may be further from the city, but it will be more convenient for residents and safer for the environment. And development in Saburovka on the banks of the Volga will continue without much effort.

      Possibility of social tension
      As mentioned above, in the Saburovka area there are tourist centers, children's camps, summer cottages, residential cottages, and fishermen come here (in winter and summer, by the way). People come here by train. Almost half of the train's passengers get off at the Raslovka-1 station (this is close proximity to the new airport). Most of the remaining ones leave at neighboring stations: Vyazovka, 263km, 262km, Raslovka-2, Lipovsky, 276km and 279km - this is again in the near zone or immediate proximity (Vyazovka, 263km) from the proposed site of the new airport. A huge number of citizens come here by car. This means that people escape here from the bustle of the city into peace and quiet, into a quiet, measured life. And now they are presented with a fact: “The airport is for your dachas and houses, for all this idyll of yours!!!”

      A Boeing 747 produces a noise level of 106 dB at a distance of 400m from the aircraft. This is at the threshold of pain sensitivity of the human ear. Is it possible to live and relax here? The glide path of such an aircraft during takeoff and landing, from the point of view of the noise generated, is a pipe with a diameter of 800 m, at the boundary of which the noise level is 106 dB. Now draw the flight path in this area. This is not only a runway, it is also a path to and from the airfield. The airport alone will drive people away from these lands.
      Or they will have to endure out of despair. What do you tell them to do?

      Questions for the authorities
      Why is it that when you create something good, you have to ruin something very good? Why is the Volga bank more suitable for an airport than for people’s recreation and life? Why are picturesque favorite territories planned to be given over to a technical facility, and people are to be settled on lands that are unsuitable for living? How will residents of nearby areas and residents of Saratov react to this construction? Why create a reason for citizens to be outraged?

      Nowadays it is fashionable to weigh everything. Let's weigh the pros and cons.
      On one side of the scale is what we lose. This is the bank of the Volga, tourist centers, children's camps, dacha areas, residential cottages. These are the favorite vacation spots for Saratov residents. This is a relatively favorable ecological situation of the coastal strip. These are agricultural lands and areas for the construction of low-rise housing. We will lose several billion rubles for the construction of the airport and will constantly spend a lot on protecting the environment and combating noise.

      On the other cup is what we will buy. This is an international class airport and all the advantages that come with it.

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