The Android phone is not charging, what should I do? It shows that charging is in progress. Android phone does not charge: power comes on, but charge does not increase: solutions

What to do if the phone is not charging? Many of us have faced this question when everything seems to be fine, but for some reason the smartphone shows charging, but does not charge, quickly discharges, or cannot charge at all. In many cases, it’s too early to grab your head and look for phone numbers and addresses of service centers. You can try to figure it out yourself.

Why won't my smartphone charge from the charger?

Before taking drastic measures and blaming the device itself for the malfunction, it is worth checking the following points:

  • Charger performance;
  • Compliance of the charger with the phone;
  • Serviceability of the charging cable and plug;
  • Status of the connector and contacts of the smartphone.

The serviceability of the sockets can be checked using a voltmeter or a special screwdriver, at the end of which a light bulb lights up if voltage is present. If it is not there, then check another outlet.

A problem with electrical wiring can affect the entire apartment. If this is confirmed, then everything is fine with the phone and the problem is not with it or the charger.

Lack of charge due to inattention

Inattention is one of the most common reasons for a dead phone. Everyone has several gadgets with the same connectors. Also, almost everyone among the different cables and chargers will have at least one, but with a different plug.

In a hurry or distracted by other things, we take the wire without looking, try to connect it to the phone, but nothing works. Or it works, but the charge does not go. Then the first thought that comes to mind is that the charger or smartphone is broken.

If the situation with a large number of cables is familiar to you, then do not rush to contact the service center. Just check if you have connected the charger to your phone. You also need to make sure that the cable is inserted into the connector all the way. After all, sometimes we just connect the charger, and it can move away. Therefore, always check that the cable is fully inserted. If it happened to you as stated above, then this is just an annoying oversight. But what if it really is a technical problem?

Defective cable and charger

Charger cables have a fairly short service life. Moreover, its wear depends on both the method of use and storage. If you frequently twist the charger or wind the cable, its life will quickly decrease. The same thing happens when the wire bends at the edge of the table.

So, if there is voltage and you have connected the charger correctly, but the phone does not charge, you need to check the cable. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the serviceability of the charger the first time, since thin wires inside an otherwise intact cable may break. Therefore, the easiest way to determine whether charging is working or not is to connect another gadget. If the other phone does not charge, then the charger is indeed faulty and needs to be replaced.

Charging is in progress, but the battery is not charging

There are only five reasons why the charging process is displayed, but the battery percentage remains unchanged:

  • Wrong charger.
  • The battery is faulty.
  • The smartphone is loaded with work, that is, many applications and services are turned on.
  • Problem with the motherboard.
  • Software problems.

Case one. Almost all modern gadgets use the same Mini-USB connector. But this does not mean that the same cable can be used for everyone. In some cases, a technical discrepancy may occur. For example, if you connect an iPhone or Samsung smartphone to a non-original charger, the phone will show charging, but the battery will not charge. The situation can only be corrected by using original cables.

Case two. Battery problem. If the battery on your phone is removable (like many models from Nokia, Samsung, Lenovo), then the problem can be solved quickly and easily. You need to buy a new battery and insert it back into the smartphone. If the battery is non-removable, then it is better to contact a service center, since then you need to remove the back panel of the case. The situation becomes more complicated if the smartphone is still under warranty. After all, removing the case damages the protective stickers.

Case three. It happens extremely rarely. After all, in order for the phone to not charge, you need to launch a lot of applications. Then the following happens: the programs use up all the charge, so the battery either charges poorly and slowly, or does not charge at all. Then you just need to turn off all services (Internet, Wi-Fi, etc.) and applications.

Case four. If the phone shows charging, but its percentage does not increase at all or very slowly, then sometimes the reason lies much deeper. The problem is with the motherboard. It may become damaged during operation, or over time a manufacturing defect may appear. Then you must contact the service center.

Case five. Modern gadgets become outdated quite quickly and very often new versions of programs and operating systems appear. Therefore, it is possible that the situation when charging is in progress, but the phone does not charge, is due to problems with the software. Nothing depends on charging here and everything can be fixed only at a service center.

Problems with contacts

The contacts may become dirty or bent. If your phone is “floating”, then they may also become covered with plaque or rust. In this case, they need to be cleaned.

This is done as follows:

  • Remove the back cover of the phone and remove the battery.
  • Clean the contacts on the battery and in the phone itself using a cotton swab (it can be replaced with a toothpick or a match with cotton wool). Actions must be smooth and careful.
  • If you see that the battery's teeth are bent, then they need to be returned to their original position using either a toothpick or a match.
  • Use a cotton swab to also clean the Mini-USB connector. Often this is where dust, dirt and dried debris accumulate.

Phone won't charge when turned off

This happens in cases when the smartphone is completely discharged. Then the phone cannot recognize the battery and thinks it needs to be replaced. But if the battery is still normal and you don’t want to buy a new one, then you need to charge it without using the gadget. This can be done using a special tool or a homemade charger.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a phone with the Android or other operating system does not charge or it takes a long time to charge. And most of them can be eliminated on your own without contacting a service center.

Another reason why the phone is bad and long

It's all about the battery. Namely, in its container. It is indicated on each battery in miles amperes (mAh). The higher the number, the longer the charge can last and the sooner the phone will charge. This is especially true for owners of smartphones with the Android operating system.

Over time, no matter how powerful the battery is, it will begin to lose its capabilities. Every day the phone will spend less and less time without recharging. There is only one way out - buy a new battery.

Advice: If on the Internet you come across an article with recommendations for extending the life of a battery or increasing its power using a microwave oven, then take this information as a cruel joke.

Tamatic video:

Each of us has probably encountered a situation where the phone does not charge. This is very unpleasant, since such a problem, as a rule, takes people by surprise, which is why the user is unable to properly replenish the charge of his gadget and, as a result, use it in everyday life.

In this article, we will try to identify the main reasons why the phone does not charge, as well as the main methods to fix the problem. If your cell phone just stopped charging, this information is just for you!

Charging process logic

So, let's start with a general description of how any phone is charged. There are several components in this logical circuit: a charging plug connected to a cord; directly the cord and tip with a suitable plug that connects to the charging port; phone battery. Therefore, if your phone is not charging, you need to look for some kind of error in one of the specified elements.

Possible reasons

The most common sources of the problem in question are: a malfunction of the charger itself or the socket for connecting the phone to the cord, as well as problems with the gadget’s battery.

Problems can also be different. In some cases, this is a loose fit of the plug in the connector, and in order to eliminate it, it is enough to simply clean the place of possible mismatch. If we are talking about the phone connector, then the problem may be that it is burnt out and just needs to be replaced. If your phone is taking a long time to charge, it's probably worth trying to replace the battery, as the problem sometimes lies there.

Checking the charger

To establish the real reason for the inability to charge the phone, you need to try different options for replacing the faulty element one by one (as already mentioned above). First, try charging your phone using a different charger. If it helps, the problem is in it, if not, then the whole problem is in the smartphone itself, and in general this problem is more serious from the point of view of its elimination. However, following this logic, we can already roughly answer the question of why the phone is not charging. And, of course, you will know how to act in such a situation.

If the problem is the charger, just buy the same one. Please note that you should purchase an original accessory that is produced by the same manufacturer for your phone model. Otherwise, it can lead to even bigger problems.

Checking the charging port

If your phone does not charge, as noted above, change the charger. You don’t have to buy it for good; it’s enough to borrow it from acquaintances, friends, or even, as a last resort, come to the store and ask the salesperson to test the device. In any case, the outcome is clear: if your charger runs out, you will see that the phone is charging from another one. Otherwise, nothing will change, and the device will still neither see it nor replenish the battery charge.

If such a situation arises, it will mean only one thing: it is necessary to take the phone in for repair. This means that the problem lies in the mechanism that is responsible for connecting the cord and, roughly speaking, the phone battery. It is replaced at any service center; possible damage is due to mechanical stress or destruction due to a short circuit. In any case, if suddenly your phone does not charge, you already know what to do.

Battery failure

In addition to problems with the charger and charging port, there is a possibility that the problem lies in the phone's battery itself. This is a less common problem, but very real in any situation. You can notice it if your phone takes a long time to charge. Another option is when your device signals that the charging process has begun, but in fact the battery is not refilled. In this case, your phone's battery may also fail.

Other options and their solutions

In fact, in addition to those mentioned in this article, there are many more options why the phone is not charging. It is difficult to describe what to do in all these situations, since each case is individual. We wrote about faulty charger, port and battery because these are the most common cases.

However, there may be more subtle problems that are causing your phone to not charge. The main thing in such situations is not to panic, but to try to carry out diagnostics yourself in order to find out the cause of the problem. An elementary case is a faulty charger. Or you can give another example. Your phone does not charge via USB cable. Obviously, you just need to replace it and forget about this trouble (if, of course, this brings the expected results).

If you see that everything is much more complicated, and the reason lies inside the device, do not try to fix everything yourself. This way you can do even more harm. Just contact a specialist who will do everything at a professional level, and will also tell you later why such a problem happened. There is no point in trying to repair equipment on your own.

How to choose a service center?

Of course, another task in this case may be choosing a service center. To find a good company that provides phone repair services, you need to pay attention to reviews of users who have already been serviced at a certain center. From them you can understand whether it is worth contacting one or another master or not.

It is also important to take into account the fact that there is a certain balance that determines the ratio of quality and price of service. For example, in official authorized and large device repair centers you will most likely be served at a high level. Moreover, such service will cost more than it would cost in a small and little-known company.

Therefore, our advice is to look for those centers that have already been on the market for a long time, but are not very well known or advertised.

Imagine the situation - you discover that your phone's battery is dead. You take the charger, connect it to the mains, connect the handset, but there is no response. Why won't my phone charge from the charger? There can be many reasons, and many of them can be eliminated at home, without special tools or knowledge. Let's find out what can be done if there is no battery charge.

Phone stopped charging

Phone battery not charging? The reason may lie on the surface - this is a broken charger. So we need to test it. For this, other phones or digital gadgets with a suitable connector are used. We connect the charger to the selected device and look at its reaction.

If the battery does not charge, this indicates a faulty charger. Repair shops don't repair them - it's easier to buy a new one. If your connected device starts charging, this may indicate a problem with your phone.

There is no point in disassembling it, since you will not be able to find the fault without diagnostic equipment. Therefore, we recommend checking the socket to which the charger plug is connected - it can be cleaned with a piece of paper folded several times, thin cardboard or a toothpick.

After this, we check the charging capability again. Didn't that help either? Then you can try charging your phone with a different charger. Sometimes, for reasons that are not very clear or explainable, this works. Find another charger in your house and try connecting it to your phone. If the battery charge begins to replenish, continue charging.

The phone does not charge from the charger under any conditions? Take it to the nearest service center or a private repair shop - it is quite possible that something has happened to the built-in charging circuit (damage to the electronic part of the device). This may also be due to a broken socket or microcracks on the system board of the phone or smartphone.

Phone shows charging but won't charge

Charging is in progress, but the phone is not charging? It is possible that the problem is related to a faulty charger. By all indications, it works, but the current it produces is simply not enough for full charging. As a result, the charge indication is present, but the current strength is not enough to fully fill the battery.

Under these conditions, it may take too long to fully charge the battery. If the current consumption is greater than the charging current, the battery will soon be discharged to zero and the phone will turn off.

Sometimes this problem occurs as a result of electronic failure - it incorrectly calculates the remaining battery capacity, preventing it from charging normally. It is impossible to do anything about this at home, even if you replace the charger with a more powerful one. All that remains is to contact the service center for help.

Phone doesn't charge well

The phone does not charge from the charger - what should I do? There are several checks you need to perform:

  • Test the current charger on another gadget;
  • Test another charger on your phone;
  • Try a more powerful charger (for example, from a tablet);
  • Clean and check the connector.

If the phone battery does not charge even after this, feel free to go to the service center. But what to do if the phone charges, but poorly? We have already said that for this you need to check the charge current and check the phone itself. But we forgot the most important thing - The reason for the lack of normal charging may be a loss of battery capacity.

In this case, the charging process extends for several hours, and after disconnecting from the power supply, the phone discharges literally before our eyes. If so, try replacing the battery - this helps in most cases.

Is your smartphone not charging? Then you need to try to remove the third-party application responsible for saving battery (if it is available). The thing is that some of them come into conflict with the hardware, making normal battery charging impossible.

It often happens that you need to leave the house urgently, but your mobile phone has been on charge for several hours without much progress - here anyone can lose their temper. At such moments, the question especially arises: why is the phone not charging from the charger, what should I do? Especially if such problems have not arisen before, but then, at the most inopportune moment, the right device let you down. Let's look at the reasons for this problem and ways to solve it in this article.

Why won't my mobile phone charge from the charger?

Before blaming the phone itself for the malfunction, it is worth checking the following:

  • Charger performance.
  • The socket is working properly.
  • Correspondence of charging to a mobile device.
  • Connector status.
  • The cable and plug are in good working order.

In modern homes, problems with electrical wiring are quite rare, unless due to design errors. But if the wiring has not been changed for the last 20-30 years, then from time to time the sockets may fail.

It is quite simple to make sure that they are working properly - just have a voltmeter on hand, which will show both the presence of current in the network and its voltage level. However, not all people are well versed in technical nuances, and for some people electricity is completely terrifying. But even in such a situation, there is a way out - you need to check whether the light bulbs in the room work. If not, this is already a sufficient reason to think that the problem is not with the mobile phone, but with your electrical network.

Important! Even if the lamps are on, use some electrical device to check, the functionality of which you are 100% sure of. If problems arose with it, then it’s definitely the wiring. In this case, the following problems must first be solved:

  1. Replace the wiring in the apartment.
  2. Put .

Inattention is a common cause of lack of charge

It is very rare to place all the blame on the electrical network - much more often the fault lies in the charger itself. Often the situation is simply due to the user’s inattentiveness, and then the question of how to fix a phone if it doesn’t charge disappears by itself.

Today, each of us has a bunch of different devices in our home, so the connectors of modern devices are practically brought to the same standard (microUSB), but sometimes there are exotic options. And a 5-6 year old mobile phone will most likely have a unique connector that only fits a specific charger.

Some people have a whole tangle of different wires on their shelf with chargers, which are very easy to mix up in a hurry. Therefore, if there is a problem with the charge, be sure to check whether you took the charger.

Charger and cable

The problem may also be related to the wire or the connector itself. Each of the things has its own margin of safety, especially for wires, which can wear out and tear not only by breaking, but also by twisting.

Every time you wrap or twist a USB cable, its lifespan is reduced. So think a couple of times, is it worth saving those crumbs of space in this way?

Important! If you place the device on the edge of the table while charging, the wire will be compressed against its surface, which also does not prolong its service life.

As a rule, the degree of wear can be assessed by looking at the cable, but it happens that even wires that look like rags can work quite normally. At the same time, a seemingly intact cable may stop charging a mobile phone, so you really can’t guess.

Important! The connector may act up due to one of the contacts coming loose. In the rarest cases - rust coating, moisture on the contacts or their deformation. Also, a child can bend or squeeze the contacts without even noticing it.

If you are absolutely convinced that the problem is in the cable, then you can only understand whether the problem is in the wire or connector by eye. And from a practical point of view, this does not play a significant role, since everything will have to be changed at once.

Why does the charge go on, but the phone does not charge?

But the most annoying option is when the screen shows that charging is in progress, but in reality there is no result. As a result, you remove the device after a few hours, and there is only a couple of percent or one strip. There are three main reasons for this:

  • Wrong charge again. In this case, the mobile phone still detects the charger, but cannot use it normally due to a technical discrepancy.

Important! This often happens with iPhones when a non-original cable is used. To check, you should connect another cable and look at the result.

  • Battery problems. Everything is much more complicated here. Today their cost is not very high and repairs will not cost too much, but you will definitely have to go to the store and look for the right model. And every smartphone can be disassembled at home.
  • There are too many applications and services running. This is an extremely rare case. If you have it, try turning off Wi-Fi, all games, mobile Internet and all other applications. If after this charging goes much faster, that was the problem.

Why does the device take a long time to charge?

Let's face the problem - most charging problems are related to the battery. The capacity must be indicated on each of them; the laws of physics and time work against the user. No matter how carefully you use your mobile phone, over time its battery begins to lose its ability to hold a charge. And it won’t get better - every day the device will work less and less without charging, and will lie next to the charger more and more.

You should not delay in solving this problem. If you realize that the problem is with the battery, replace it at your local cell phone store.

Important! There are recommendations on the Internet for smartphone users: place the device or its battery in the microwave, turn it on and wait a minute. If you ever come across something like this, don't take it seriously, as it is an evil and stupid joke that has cost many not-so-savvy users their beloved phones.

When you urgently need to leave the house, and your mobile device has been on charge for several hours without any visible progress, anyone can get nervous. At such moments, it doesn’t really matter why the phone isn’t charging; the very fact of the malfunction is infuriating. Especially if there were no problems before, but then at the most crucial moment your trusty device let you down.

Why won't my phone charge from the charger?

Before blaming the device itself for a malfunction, there are a few things to consider: check:

  • The socket is working properly.
  • Charging performance.
  • Its compliance with the working device.
  • The cable and plug are in good working order.
  • Connector status.

In modern homes, wiring problems are extremely rare, unless due to errors during design. But if the wiring has not been changed for 20-30 years, then the sockets may fail from time to time.

It is very easy to check their serviceability; just have a voltmeter on hand; it will show both the presence of current in the network and its voltage level. But not all people are well versed in technical aspects; for some, electric current is terribly scary. And even from such situations there is always an easier way out - check do the light bulbs work in the room?. If not, this is already sufficient reason to believe that the problem is not with the phone, but with your electrical network. Even if the lamps are on, use an electrical device that you are 100% sure is working properly. There were problems with him too - exactly the wiring.

Inattention as the reason for the lack of charge.

It is extremely rare to place all the blame on the home network; much more often the fault lies in the charger. Sometimes it’s a matter of simple human inattention.

Each of us has a bunch of gadgets at home; now connectors and chargers have almost been brought to a single standard (microUSB), but there are still exotic options. And a phone 5-6 years old is almost guaranteed to have a unique connector that will only fit a certain charger.

Some people have a whole tangle of different wires on the shelf with chargers; in a hurry, it’s very easy to mix them up. And if you’re still thinking about something else and haven’t noticed that the cable itself fits into the connector with great difficulty, it’s guaranteed to take hours to find the problem.

Rarely do we immediately think about our mistakes; at first you are guaranteed to look for a problem in technology. But this can be attributed to an annoying oversight; to correct the situation, it is enough to choose the right cable. What if really there is a malfunction?

Charger and cable

The problem may be with the wire or the connector itself. Each thing has its own margin of safety, especially wires, which can wear out and break not only by breaking, but also by twisting.

Every time you twist or wrap a USB cable around something, its lifespan is reduced. So think about it, is it worth reducing the length in this way and saving those crumbs of space? If you place the phone on the edge of the table while charging, the wire is compressed against its surface, this also does not prolong the life of the device.

You can usually judge the degree of wear by looking at the cable, but sometimes even wires that look like tatters work quite normally. At the same time, an apparently intact cable may stop charging the phone, so you never really know. The connector may act up if one of the contacts comes loose. In the most extreme cases - rust coating, the presence of water on the contacts or their deformation. A child can squeeze or bend the contacts without really noticing it.

If you are already convinced that it's the cable, you can only tell if the problem is in the connector or wire by eye. And from a practical point of view, this does not play a special role, because everything will have to be changed at once.

Watch step-by-step video instructions on what to do if your cell phone or smartphone is not charging:

Why is charging going on, but the phone is not charging?

But the most infuriating option is when it is displayed that charging is in full swing, but in reality there is no result. You take off the phone after a few hours, and there is one bar or a couple of percent. There are only three main reasons:

  1. Wrong charger again.
  2. Battery problems.
  3. Too many services and applications are running.

In the first case The phone still detects the charger, but cannot use it normally due to a technical discrepancy. The situation is not so rare, but more often with such an error the charging process will not start at all. This often happens with brand phones iphone when a non-original cable is used. To check, connect another cable and look at the result.

Everything is much worse if the problem has arisen with battery. Now their cost is not so high and repairs will not be very expensive, but you are guaranteed to have to go to the store and look for a suitable model there. And not everyone’s case can be disassembled at home.

A waste of time and money that you simply cannot afford if you are really in a hurry to get somewhere.

Third option happens extremely rarely, you really need to run a lot of applications for them to consume all the charge. But just in case, try turning off your mobile Internet, close all games and other applications. If after this the charging process went much faster, we can congratulate you - you have fixed the problem in the simplest and fastest way.

Why does my phone take a long time to charge?

But let's be honest, most problems while charging are related to exactly with battery. The capacity is indicated on each of them; time and the laws of physics work against the owner. No matter how you use your phone, over time the battery will begin to lose its ability to hold a charge. And it won’t get better, every day the phone will be able to work less and less without recharging, and lie next to the charger longer and longer.

You shouldn’t wait too long to solve this problem, you already know it - replace the battery at the nearest cellular store.

Recommendations for smartphone owners circulated online: place the phone or battery in the microwave, turn it on and wait one minute. If you ever come across something like this, don’t take it seriously, it’s just a stupid and slightly evil joke that has cost hundreds of not-so-savvy owners of their favorite phones.

Problems with contacts.

Here's another tip about the connector. Sometimes it breaks itself connection between him andUSB-port. To fix it, just remove the battery, clean it and inspect it. If it is clearly visible that in the entrance area the “teeth” are tilted downward, correct this with a match or toothpick. You should press upward lightly and smoothly; be careful not to make things worse and completely bend the contacts.

In most cases, basic cleaning of dirt is enough; removing dust and dried debris improves contact.

You shouldn’t immediately run to the service center if you don’t know why your phone isn’t charging. There are a dozen reasons for this, most of them can be eliminated at home, without any special skills.

Video about no charge