Instagram names are unusual. Niki (name) on Instagram for girls and guys. What photo should I put on my avatar?

Nicknames for Instagram for girls and how to come up with a successful option is a question that worries everyone who wants to join the army of users of the popular social network. A pseudonym is part of an image that helps to express oneself in the vastness of the virtual world. Therefore, you should pay special attention to creating a nickname and approach this activity seriously and thoughtfully.

Remember that your nickname will be visible to all subscribers and friends, you can be found by it in searches, and accordingly, this will also affect the influx of followers. The profile name will be displayed every time you add photos to your feed or story - be careful when selecting them responsibly. But if you don’t like the nickname later, you can change it at any time. Instagram policy provides for some restrictions on nicknames:

  • You can only use the Latin alphabet;
  • maximum length – 30 characters;
  • Space and ampersand (&) cannot be used. To separate words, it is convenient to use an underscore_ or a period (Anna.Belova);
  • nickname must be 100% unique;
  • It is prohibited to use function words (follow and similar).

The easiest way is to write your first and last name in Latin. If you are Nastya Smirnova, then it will look like AnastasiaSmirnova. But here’s the thing: such a nickname will almost 100% be taken. You can add variations in the form of the year of birth AnastasiaSmirnova1996 or any other number. Don't like numbers? Try to change your first or last name in an original way, for example StasyaSmirnova, NastenkaSmirnova, SmirnovaNastyuha, NastiSmirnoff, etc. There are many options, the main thing is to use creativity and not get hung up on the same idea. The advantage of such a nickname: you can be found quite easily and you definitely won’t forget your nickname. Disadvantage: the combination of first name + last name as a nickname is very common, so it’s unlikely to stand out from the crowd.

Even just a name is enough to create an original nickname:

Wonderful.Elena, ElenaPrekrasnaya, QueenLena, Lena_Kaluga, Lenka_Kolenka

Another common trick: turn any English noun into a verb (Travel-Traveler, Run-Runner, Love-Loving). Now we substitute our name to the resulting verb:

RunnerKat, Inna_traveler, Galya.Reader

The technique of writing a name backwards is often used, but such a nickname will not always sound euphonious - but it will definitely become unique.

What nickname can you come up with on Instagram for girls?

You shouldn’t choose complex nicknames for yourself - it won’t be easy to remember and pronounce it the first time. Think: what objects, movie/cartoon characters, game characters do you like best? What activities or activities bring you pleasure and are associated with your personality? A few statements that a girl’s Instagram nickname should correspond to:

  1. be memorable;
  2. be original;
  3. attract attention.

Most of the Insta world uses English to create a nickname. This is understandable, given that English is an international language, and Instagram’s audience has already exceeded a billion users from different countries. Follow their example, or write Russian words in English transcription. This manner will attract audiences from other countries to your profile and can contribute to new interesting acquaintances. Keep in mind that you need to choose carefully to avoid awkward situations with translation.

Beautiful nicknames

  • Representatives of the fair sex are big lovers of sweets. If you are one of them, you can choose a cool and “tasty” nickname for yourself:
    SweetGirl (sweet girl), HoneyBun (honey bun), Sugar_shy (sugar shyness), bitter_chocolate (dark chocolate), MarshmallowCloud (marshmallow cloud), VanillaIceCream (vanilla ice cream).
  • If you are a big fan of your profession or main occupation, or have a favorite hobby, display it:
    Tireless_knitter (tireless knitter), loving_to_sew (who loves to sew), happy_mom (happy mother), BrilliantProgrammer (brilliant programmer), cheerful_cook (cheerful cook).
  • It is not necessary to use English, Italian, French, Spanish sound very nice
    Favorite_del_destino (favorite of fate), bella_bruna (beautiful brunette)
    loStraniero (stranger) aspettando_la_felicita (waiting for happiness).
  • A patriotic girl can express her love for her homeland in a pseudonym:
    Albina_tatarka, Lesya_Ukraine, Russian_Girl, Dagestanka.

Ideas for original nicknames

Your favorite heroines from books and fairy tales can become your companions in the virtual world:

Sveta_O'Hara, Masha.Belosnezhka, Rusalka_Alina, Germiona_from_Kazan.

Set a nickname consisting of numbers or letters that have special meaning to you. This could be your date of birth, the initial letters of your favorite expression, or simply the same repeated letters (v.v.v, C_C)
Do you want to seem like a sweet and gentle girl? Choose playful nicknames, but don't get carried away. SexyChika is more likely to repel and create the image of a frivolous simpleton than to attract the attention of the right person. Cool options:

KittyCat, fun_flower, pretty_Sophie, dreamer_white_blue_eyes.

If your imagination is a little tight, special nickname generator programs will come to the rescue. You need to enter the desired parameters (first and last name, or other significant words) and the application will give you a whole list of popular nicknames based on the request.

Whatever nickname you choose for the girl’s Instagram, the main thing is that you like it and do not cause rejection.

How to come up with a nickname on Instagram? A beautiful nickname is the key to successful promotion on social networks. It should suit the goals of the account, be original and memorable. And there are several steps to a good nickname, let's talk about them.

Username and Nickname: what are the differences?

Many people confuse these concepts. And this is not surprising, because a nickname or nickname is the actual name that your subscribers see, as well. In the account editing section, Nick is the first line, next to the badge icon, and Username is the second, next to the human figure.

The right choice of both will help you be remembered and make it easier to find you among millions of accounts.

Rules for choosing a name

First, you need to decide on the topic of your account. Here are a few possible topics:

  • Blog.
  • Sales are retail or wholesale (and there will also be several branches here). For example, selling perfumes or clothing.
  • News.
  • Art.
  • Musician.

It is from the theme that inspiration for the name should be taken. And, of course, the name of your company or Brand plays an important role. Everything should fit and be as clear as possible for users.

Secondly, the highlight. Your name must be original. And for this you need to meet three conditions:

  1. The name should be of interest.
  2. It should not be associated with anyone but you.
  3. After reading it, the user should be interested in what posts are in the account.

But! Of course, the name Sex tornado may meet these points, but if the topic of your account is not, for example, 18+ videos or call girls, you should not take it. Remember point 1. Yes, you have to keep a lot of things in your head, but if you take into account all the points, your nickname will be successful and will attract new possible clients.

Thirdly, having figured out the approximate content of your nickname, you can figure out the main methods of inventing it.

  1. The name or type of activity of your company. Elementarily simple. Moreover, if the company has a unique name, there will definitely not be repetitions. If the name of your company is not ready yet, you can name only your activity and add a geolocation - write your city, for example. But this will be somewhat unoriginal;
  2. Abbreviation. For example, the name of your company is Fashion Shoes. Enter the nickname F.S. unusual? However, this is only possible if the username is good enough, otherwise neither will work, and this combination will be very unfortunate;
  3. Changeling. Again, without a good username, nothing will work. But this way you can make a rather original nickname. And this is a good option for a username. For example, the famous rapper Oksimiron used this trick, the address of his Instagram page is @norimixxxo.
  4. A play on words and symbols. Something that will bring a smile, or even better, a Homeric laugh. Something that will look interesting. You can look at English nicknames. For example, if you are engaged in romantic gifts, you can call yourself, for example, “Gift 4 u”. And it will be clear to everyone that your account helps make gifts, and judging by “4 u”, which reads as “for you” or, translated into Russian, “for you”, it is clear that these gifts are romantic. No, I do not doubt your mental abilities; such a detailed transcript is here for those who do not know English.

However, such tricks are best done with English, because most people know it, and not German or French. Although, it all depends on your direction. If, for example, you have a Chinese language school, the name can be made in Chinese. But still, it’s better not to, because your account will also be searched by those who don’t yet know this language.

  1. The best way from the entire list. Imagination. The process of creating a nickname cannot be placed within a narrow framework of methods. After all, true originality lies far beyond the rules. Create, and get the greatest return from your venture.

In order to stand out, you can use a capslock or an emoticon that matches your activity. After all, why not? Nickname can complement the username, make it more specific and add more details so that users understand what to expect when opening your page.

If even after everything written above, the process of selecting a nickname causes insurmountable difficulties, then here you go: .

What does your nickname influence?

Nickname, like the username, is indexed in searches, and therefore it is just as important. After all, future clients will look for you using it. A good nickname will first of all give a good natural influx of audience. In addition, existing clients from other social networks will be more interested in subscribing to you if your nickname is more interesting than “I am Vasya.” By the way, . More about this in the corresponding article.

Secondly, it will let people know what you do and what you have to offer. And this is very important indeed. This will also help you generate organic leads.

Remember that you have 30 characters to express your personality. But, in fact, the shorter the better. And try to avoid sibilants if you write in transliteration - people can write sibilants in different ways, and spelling a nickname incorrectly can reduce your traffic significantly. For example, I don’t recommend writing borscht in your nickname, since it is written in German: borsch. I can’t imagine why you would call it soup, but I’ll warn you just in case.

Let's return to the topic of nickname length. A short nickname is much faster to remember and is also more convenient to enter. And, therefore, it can settle in the heads of subscribers and simply those who once heard or saw it.

Free nicknames: how to determine whether there are many good ones?

In general, there are an infinite number of nickname options. If you are busy alone, you can come up with something with minimal changes, and it will already fit. But it will be less original. In addition, Instagram has now begun to release the nicknames of inactive users, which means that if a user with a cool name has not been online for a long time, the likelihood of taking over his nickname soon increases.

There are many sites and databases of free nicknames on the Internet. There are quite a lot of names there, somewhere around 500, 700 somewhere – 1000, but it’s quite difficult to find a good one – often there are names like: vitalya1989 or zmhmmm and the like. And these are definitely not suitable for us. Therefore, in principle, you can look there for something that suits you specifically, but the greater impact will come from the author’s nickname.

Is there a list of available nicknames somewhere?

As has already been written, such a card index is available on many sites. For example, I found more or less normal names on the website But personally, I wouldn’t use nicknames from there - they’re too banal.

There is also a database on It is smaller, but there are also interesting ones. Sometimes there is no point in searching in different databases, because they often repeat each other to one degree or another. Therefore, again, I advise you to rack your brains and come up with it yourself.

Examples of nicknames

Here I will try to systematize examples of some nicknames to cover everyone in need.

For girls

If a girl is free and looking for love, you can play on male perception - choose something feminine and playful. But in fact, to hell with stereotypes, they limit the scope of imagination so much that only something like sexi kitten comes to mind, which already smacks of bestiality mixed with pedophilia.

For example:

  • Beautiful;
  • Single;
  • President's wife;
  • Stalin (a very real nickname of one interesting person);
  • Skyline;
  • Flame Rain;
  • P.S. ;
  • Raccoon (Raccoon);
  • Enotiktatoo (an example specifically for a company. And a very real one - in my city a girl tattoo artist is registered under that name);
  • Bloodrain (fans of games and films about the vampire Bloodrain will understand this choice. This example is purely for such people).

For guys

As an option, guys can consider the following nicknames:

  • Smoky Wizard;
  • The Last Samurai;
  • Star Warrior;
  • Varg;
  • Wenceslaus;
  • Wolfhound;
  • Sk8er boy;
  • Voldemort;
  • DenAz (mix of first and last names);
  • Purple unicorn

Most beautiful

The concept of beauty is very subjective, and the beauty of nicknames is even more so. Therefore, I will give my subjective examples here. You may or may not like them.

  • Nightbringer;
  • Felicity;
  • Modless;
  • Spoontamer;
  • Property;
  • Fireball;
  • Sotran;
  • Pauler;
  • SeekYou.

In English

In English, as for me, the following nicknames can “shoot”:

  • Feodora;
  • Dulkree;
  • Durn;
  • Faebar;
  • Frostfon;
  • Ianthus;
  • IamVoid;
  • Moramar;
  • Morim;
  • Nikor.

Subtleties of name design

The design of the profile name and description plays a very important role. There are several ways to make them special:

  1. Writing them in the middle. Just put spaces in front of the name and it will be in the middle. Just add a few spaces, save and check your profile to see if the name has moved enough. If not, add more. If it's too good, delete it.
  2. Font. You may have noticed that in some profiles the fonts differ from the standard ones. And you can do this using applications. So enter, fonts for Instagram, install, enter the desired text, select a font, copy and paste where you want. Note: this feature only works with bio (description) and name.
  3. Capslock on Instagram does not look as flashy as during correspondence. This means that your clients will not be indignant, “Why are you yelling at me?” Capslock will simply make your name stand out.
  4. Emoticons will be an excellent addition to your nickname - they will enliven it and make it closer to subscribers.

It's not just the nickname and username that make a profile successful. More in the article at the link.


So, now you know all the subtleties of choosing and designing a nickname on Instagram. All I can advise you now is not to choose one of my examples or any of the nicknames on the Internet. The best you can come up with is only yourself. Your head contains the best tool for advancement - the brain, and in it is an ocean of imagination. Just trust them and yourself.

Those who are faced with the question of what nickname to come up with on Instagram understand: this is the future calling card of your profile. The account name will be assessed visually and influence promotion. Your recognition in the Internet space depends on how unique and memorable it is. And if for some the nickname serves only an aesthetic function, others make money using Instagram and must approach their choice even more seriously.

Why do you need a nickname on Instagram?

Nickname is the name of your online profile. It is needed so that users distinguish you from other people. If we are talking about a personal account, then so that your friends understand that it is you.

For business accounts, the nickname helps indicate the topic of the profile. If chosen wisely, it becomes another tool for promotion on a social network.

You will find out below what nickname to come up with on Instagram so that it matches your goal. We hope this helps you.

What kind of nickname can you come up with on Instagram: methods

If you are wondering how to choose a nickname, use the following methods:

  • usually start primarily from the name; but most often such nicknames are already taken;
  • use your surname - full version, associations or abbreviations;
  • choose words that correspond to your distinctive features, characteristics, hobbies;
  • use a selection of the most original nicknames - they can inspire you to create your own;
  • use sites that automatically generate nicknames;
  • create a nickname based on the name of your favorite celebrity or character;
  • take an explanatory dictionary and open it anywhere - this way you can find many original and funny options.

If one of these options helped you decide what nickname to come up with on Instagram, but this login is already taken, try using different English translation options, word combinations and special characters.

What problems arise when choosing a nickname for Instagram?

When you choose what nickname you can come up with, Instagram can only interfere in one case - the name will already be taken. When you try to register under a busy nickname, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen.

Sometimes you have to go through dozens of options. Some users get so annoyed that they abandon the registration process or simply enter a random set of letters and numbers.

Don't be nervous. Of course, Instagram is used by a large number of people (over 300,000 profiles!). But you will be able to find your unique and euphonious name in any case. You just need to experiment, use several options for choosing a nickname.

Please note that Instagram currently only allows you to use English in your nickname. You can use English words or simply write Russian words with the appropriate letters. Also, you cannot use the word follow in your nickname. It literally translates as “to follow.” And in the Instagram world it is used to mean “subscribe.” The network management considers such account advertising unacceptable. By the way, in general, any methods of spam promotion are strictly monitored and blocked here.

What additional symbols can be used?

Have you tried many options to register a nickname on Instagram? What option can you come up with if you are already desperate to figure it out? After all, they are already all busy? In this case, you can use special characters allowed on Instagram. Their list contains (_), numbers and a period.

Their number is not limited. So you can try different options and combinations until you find the right one. This method will allow you to create a unique nickname.

But this method has a disadvantage. When a user searches for you on a social network, there is a high chance of making a mistake in the number of dots, underscores and their order. So it will be more difficult to find you.

Instagram is a worldwide photo content sharing network. Therefore, it is worth remembering: the question of what nickname to come up with on Instagram is a matter of image. The nickname is the first thing visitors see. Therefore, make sure that it sounds euphonious, is well remembered and corresponds to the content of the account (if it is thematic). The main thing is not to put a set of random characters in place of the name in order to change it “somehow later”. After all, there is nothing more permanent than temporary!

In 2018, the number of Instagram users exceeded one billion. More than a billion nickname variations have already been taken. And every year it becomes more and more difficult to solve the question of how to come up with a nickname on Instagram. Therefore, in today’s instructions we will figure out how to make a nickname both unique and beautiful.

  • The best option is a variation with the first and last name. If your last name is rare, try first name_last name, last name_first name, first name_last name_nickname/nickname, and so on.
  • Girls can add diminutive endings (veronichka, lerya, mashunya.
  • Another option is a word-symbol. Perhaps an animal or object with which you associate yourself)
  • If your option is busy, try duplicating the letters (alexxxandr, aliiina).
  • Companies often add a postscript to their nickname like “studio”, “shop”, “cafe” and so on.


Nickname generators

If you can’t decide how to come up with a name on Instagram, you can use auxiliary services.

SninXO website

  • Let's go to the site. It's in English, so we'll leave the translation.

Fill in the fields “Name or nickname”, “What you like”, “Hobbies”, “Things you love”, “Important words”, “Numbers or letters”. The last one is just any symbols you like. For example, your favorite number or initials. It is not necessary to fill in all fields.

  • Click Spin
  • Combinations of the entered words appear below.


To generate a completely random nickname, you can use the popular Nick-Name generator. By the way, randomizers do not guarantee uniqueness. Whether the name is taken or not will have to be checked manually.

  • Go to the website
  • Select the first letter and the number of characters (or leave “any”). The type of generator does not matter, they are almost the same.

When registering on Instagram

Your nickname reflects your personality and, together with your avatar, forms your first impression. Think about how to post it on Instagram. Do you want the name to be business-like? Cheerful? Vulgar? Children's? For adults?

If the nickname you come up with is busy, you can use the built-in nickname generator. To do this, just click on the button

Nickname examples for a girl

Here are some suitable options:

  • xenia_sobchak – first name plus last name, combination ks replaced by x
  • monetochkalisa – pseudonym plus name
  • sashaspilberg – the case when the combination firstname and lastname was left unoccupied
  • zamfiralive – the live postscript is well suited for popular accounts.

Nickname examples for a guy

Let's look at the nicknames of famous people with popular profiles.

  • @dzidzio is just an alias in its purest form
  • @zelenskiy_official – last name and business title
  • @damedvedev – initials at the beginning, last name after them
  • @shnutovs – last name plus first letter of first name
  • @lspolegi – letter at the end for uniqueness
  • @mossobyanin – field of activity plus last name

It’s up to you to decide what to name your Instagram account – whether it’s based on a template or not.

Your Instagram username is your business card, it is the address of your page, it is a unique identifier by which other users will recognize you. Therefore, when registering, you should carefully select it, although you can change it later. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

What nickname to come up with on Instagram

Login to this social network. The network does not impose any specific rules, except that it cannot use special characters (for example, a space, it can be replaced with an underscore “_”, or an ampersand “&”, etc.) and capital letters.

Also, somehow experimentally, I found out that the word “follow” cannot be used in the username. Perhaps there are other similar words.

What's in fashion?

So what should you choose for yourself? Due to the widespread use of social networks, especially such as and Facebook, it has become fashionable to use your real data, written in transliteration, as a username: “first name_last name”, “last name”, the first letter of the first name + last name and various other options. When registering, I personally chose the second one. But no one is stopping you from coming up with some completely unique login without following these rules.

How to change your nickname on Instagram from your computer

Remember that you can always change your username in the settings from your computer, so you shouldn’t worry too much about choosing it when registering.

Come in to the Instagram website and log in, and then go to your profile settings, as shown in the picture on the left, by clicking on your login at the top right of the page, and then clicking “edit profile”. As a result, you will immediately be taken to the desired settings menu, which will help you change your Instagram nickname.

How to change your nickname on Instagram in the app from your phone

You can also change your username from any mobile device. To do this, go to your profile in the application, and then go to editing by clicking the “edit profile” button. Now simply replace the old login with the new one and click the blue checkmark button to save the changes. That's all. As you can see, this is even easier to do from a phone than from a computer.