Setting up The Bat! in the Yandex mail service. Setting up Yandex.Mail in The Bat

Step #1. Run the program "The Bat!", in the top control menu select the item "Box (Account)", then click on the item "New mailbox (New...)"

Step #2. In the window that opens, enter the name of the mailbox, for example, the mailbox address or your name. Click the button "Next"

Step #3. In the next step, enter your name, your mailbox address and the name of your organization. The name you enter at this stage will appear in the headers of your outgoing emails. Field "Organisation" can be left blank. Click the button "Next"

Step #4. In this window, select the most suitable mail protocol for you:

  • IMAP – all mail is stored on the server. Select IMAP if you plan to work with mail from multiple devices and through the web interface.
  • POP3 – mail is downloaded from the mail server. Select POP3 if you plan to work with mail from only one device.

Specify as the server for incoming and outgoing mail
Select encryption type TLS/SSL.
Check the box "My SMTP server requires authorization."
Click the button "Next".

Step #6. If all data is entered correctly, you will be taken to the final screen of the process “Create new user account”. You are asked to check the remaining properties of the mailbox. Select "Yes" and press the button "Ready".

Step No. 7. In the mailbox properties window that opens, go to the “Transport” section. If your Internet provider blocks any ports, in the tab "Transport" you can use alternative ones.
The following ports are available for connecting to the mail server:

  • IMAP: SSL encrypted connection - 993, without encryption - 143
  • SMTP: SSL encrypted connection - 465, without encryption - 587
  • POP3: SSL encrypted connection - 995, without encryption - 110

Step No. 8. In the window that opens, select "SMTP Authentication (RFC-2554)" And "Use mail receiving settings (POP3/IMAP)". To apply the changes, click the button "OK".

Congratulations! Your mail is configured.

Nowadays, almost every person has their own electronic mailbox. You can’t do without email, because it is through it that you register on various resources of the global network, including social networks, conduct business communication in companies, send out advertisements, useful and not so useful notifications. With such a flow of incoming and outgoing letters, there is a need for more convenient and centralized management of all mailboxes. This is why they came up with special mail programs that make working with letters much more comfortable. In this article we will take a closer look at how to configure The Bat email program. Let's figure it out. Go!

After you have downloaded and installed The Bat, the first time you launch the utility you will need to configure it for the service you use. It can be any of them: Gmail, Yandex,, or any other.

Mark the line “Create a new mailbox” with a dot and proceed to the next step. Next, enter a name for your mailbox; the “Home Directory” field can be left untouched. Then enter your username and your email. Now the important point. You must select the correct protocol to access the server of the service you are using. Below you need to specify the server for receiving mail and the SMTP server address. Be sure to check the boxes next to the “Secure connection” items.

Depending on which service you use, the settings will differ. In the first section, where you need to select a protocol, as a rule, either POP3 or IMAP4 is used. The fields below are very easy to fill out. If you use, then specify and as the first and second servers. If you selected the IMAP4 protocol, then the first field should look like this: Also, don’t forget to check the “My SMTP server requires authentication” option.

Then enter your mailbox username and password. Please note that only the part of the address up to the “@” symbol is indicated as the login. Then uncheck the box “Do not use the Recycle Bin when deleting.” In the next window, immediately click on the “Next” button. In the “Do you want to check other mailbox properties?” answer “Yes” and click “Done”.

In The Bat window, open the “Transport” tab and set the settings for mail servers:

  • and - in the sending and receiving mail fields, respectively;
  • 465 and 993 - as port numbers;
  • Set the type of connection to “Secure on special.” port (TLS)".

For other popular services, indicate the appropriate server addresses. Immediately after the name of the protocol, indicate the name of the service, for example, or The port numbers are in most cases the same as those listed above.

In the “Sending Mail” section, click on the “Authentication” button. In the window that appears, make sure that “SMTP Authentication (RFC-2554)” is checked and that the use of mail receiving parameters (POP3/IMAP) is selected. Apply the specified settings and log into The Bat again.

Right-click on the mailbox name and select “Refresh Folder Tree.” After that, in the same menu, click “Mailbox Properties”. In the “Mail Management” block, set “Sent” in the item of the same name and “Deleted” in the “Trash” line. Below, check the box “when you start The Bat”.

Select “Delete” from the menu on the left. In both “Move to specified folder” fields, set “Deleted”. At the bottom of the window, check the boxes next to “Automatically compress...” and “Mark deleted...”.

In the “Options” window, enable the “Scan when The Bat starts” and “Compress all folders...” functions.

The Bat is a popular email program. Using The Bat, you can quickly and conveniently manage multiple email accounts in the background, periodically checking for new mail and notifying the user. Using the mail client The Bat! allows you to quickly manage your mail and save your time and Internet traffic, since to check your mail you do not need to enter a login or password - the program does it all itself. In this article, we’ll look at setting up The Bat email client point by point.

The program is intuitive to use, but some users encounter problems setting up the bat program. In order to work with such mail giants as:,,, etc. you need to configure the bat program correctly.

In this article, we will look at the points of setting up the The Bat email client for and clients. But in this way you can configure The Bat mail not only for these services, but also for other mail services, since there are no special differences between them except the differences in the server addresses of incoming/outgoing letters for the POP3/IMAP and SMTP protocols.

By the way, you will only need to configure the bat mail once, and for all subsequent installations you can use the saved the bat settings. But more on that later.

First, download and install the Russian version of the bat. Installation, I think, will not cause any difficulties.

Let's launch the program.

And in order for the program to start working with the mail server through the The bat mail client, we need to create and configure a new account for your mail account in it.

Select the “New Mailbox” command from the “Mailbox” menu.

In the window that opens, you will be asked to enter the name of your mailbox. Give it some name, for example: “mail”. To continue, click the “Next” button.

A window will open in which you can enter your name, email address and organization. To continue, click the “Next” button.

In the next window you must enter the addresses of the mail servers through which you will receive and send mail.

In the “Server for receiving mail” input field, enter:

In the “SMTP server address” input field, enter:

To send mail, the server requires authentication - check the box "My SMTP server requires authentication."

To configure other servers, use the following parameters:

The bat settings for Rambler:

Sending mail SMTP server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

The bat settings for

Sending mail SMTP server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

The bat settings for Yandex:

Sending mail SMTP server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

The bat settings for GMail:

Sending mail SMTP server:

Receiving almost Mail. server:

In the next window you need to enter your mail user name and password. Enter the username in full format (together with the domain name): user@

In the last window, the program will prompt you to check other properties of your mailbox. If you want, you can configure it. To complete creating an email account in the “The Bat” program, click “Finish”.

That's all! It is very convenient to set up automatic scanning of letters at a specified time interval. When there is a new letter, a “bat” will appear in the tray.

According to statistics from Zecurion, 78% of thefts of personal and corporate information occur through email. To counter cyber threats, in addition to increasing control on the part of the client (double identification, linking to a phone), security measures are being strengthened in email clients and programs. One of such software that puts the protection of user information at the forefront is The bat!.

The bat! - what it is

This software is from the Moldovan IT company Ritlabc. The application specializes in collecting, storing and sorting email. It can work with an unlimited number of mailboxes and process an infinite number of letters and files. Credo The bat! - not only convenience and speed of working with letters, but also user safety. The program is paid, designed for private and corporate clients.

Confidentiality is achieved by encrypting data on the client’s computer hard drive and traffic, a separate address book in case of data destruction, etc.

Almost everyone can work with the program, including Yandex. Mail. Setting up The bat! for the most popular search engine in Russia will be discussed in this article.

Setting up The bat! for Yandex via POP3 protocol

POP3 is a mail protocol that allows you to download all files from an email box at once. Implemented via port 110.

In practice, this means the following: in order to view a letter with an attachment, the program will first download it to a special folder on the client’s machine’s hard drive. It is deleted on the mail service server. The advantage of the POP3 system is the fast response and the ability to work with letters offline. The disadvantage is that attachment files are stored in the computer's memory, which means they can be damaged or lost.

Setting up The bat! for Yandex via POP3 in steps:

    In the “Box” tab, select “New”.

    We come up with a name for the box, for example, “Worker”.

    The user's full name will be in the signature (for example, “Alexey Petrov”) and Yandex address ( [email protected]).

    To access the server, select Post Office Protocol - POP3. The server for receiving mail will be, for SMTR -

    Check that the boxes next to Secure connection and “My server requires authentication” are checked.

    We indicate (before the “@” sign, in our example it is “alex.petrov”) and the password for the mailbox. The checkbox next to “Leave emails on the server” means that attachments are not deleted after downloading to the user’s hard drive.

    Specify the connection method: local network or manual connection.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Creating a box takes a few minutes, as does setting up The bat!. contains more detailed instructions for advanced users.

Setting the correct mailbox properties

Right-click on the name of the mailbox. Select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.

In the “Transport” menu, mail is sent through the SMTR server:, port 465. Reception is made through, port 995. Everywhere there is a secure connection via a TLS port.

We check the settings of the mail sending server by clicking the “Authentication” button. SMTR Authentication must be enabled with the value "Use Receive Options via POP3/Imap".

Setting up The bat! for Yandex via imap

The imap mail protocol is a more modern development that appeared along with cloud technologies. Implemented via port 143.

Imap downloads a list of files first, then selectively downloads the files themselves. In practice, the user sees the letter, its subject, the size of the attachment, and the beginning of the letter. To work with a specific file The bat! downloads a letter from the server. Attachments remain there and are additionally saved on your local drive.

Imap allows you to work with letters in offline and online modes directly on the server while saving information.

Setting up The bat! for Yandex via imap:

general information

If you have an account on a MS Exchange 2007 server or higher, you can create in The Bat! mailbox and configure it to work with mail using the EWS (Exchange Web Services) protocol. There is no need to install additional programs or use an Outlook profile, as is the case with MAPI. In addition to letters, The Bat! will also download other MS Exchange components, such as calendars, contacts, tasks, notes.

When you first connect to The Bat! imports downloaded contacts into your address book. If reminders are assigned for emails, tasks or calendar events, The Bat! will add them to its own Planner. All other MS Exchange components are for informational purposes only.

Creating a new EWS mailbox

In the dialog box Creating a new mailbox enter your email address and password to access your Exchange account, select " Exchange Web Services (EWS)" in the combo box Protocol and click on the button Further.

The Bat! uses the Exchange Autodiscover service to automatically retrieve account setup information from your Exchange server. If your Exchange server is configured correctly, The Bat! will detect the Exchange server endpoint and display its address in the appropriate field.

If the program detects the endpoint, click Further.

If you cannot find the Exchange server endpoint (field " Exchange Server Endpoint" will remain empty), you can:

  • Change credentials and test connection
  • Enter the Exchange server endpoint manually
In field Email or user Enter your username or UPN to have the program discover the endpoint:

(login by domain/user)


(login via UPN)

In the first screenshot, access uses the domain name and username separated by a backslash.

In the second screenshot, UPN is used for access: login name, "@" sign and domain name.

Click the button Check! to The Bat! started searching for the Exchange server endpoint. Each time, the setup wizard will run several jobs simultaneously to find the best solution. All Exchange endpoints found will be added to the drop-down menu. The animation will be displayed until the search process is completed.

note: If you don't know what username you need to enter to access the Exchange server, enter the credentials that you use to access your account through OWA (Outlook Web Access).

If the program is unable to determine the Exchange server endpoint, ask your server administrator to provide you with the endpoint and access credentials (UPN and password, or username and password).

Later you can change the access settings in the menu Mailbox -> Mailbox Properties -> Transport.

If the Exchange server endpoint is not automatically detected or is not accessible, it may be that your Exchange server administrator has blocked EWS access. To check, try connecting to an authentication window should appear.
After successful authentication, you should receive a WSDL definition of the EWS. If you do not receive it, please contact your Exchange server administrators to change the appropriate server settings.
To get the Exchange server endpoint, you can also use the page provided by Microsoft:
On the Exchange Server tab, select the Microsoft Exchange Web Services Connectivity Tests section and after testing, examine the details - you should see the EwsUrl value. Use this address as the endpoint of the Exchange server in The Bat!

You can also set certificate verification options. A security warning may appear if your Exchange server is using a self-signed certificate or a certificate that has expired:

You can add it to the Windows certificate store (View Certificate | Install Certificate | Next | Place all certificates in the following store | Browse | | OK | Next | Finish).

To avoid receiving a security warning, you can enable the option Don't check peer certificate.

Attention: You don't have to check the certificate unless you trust the source.

When the Autodiscover process completes, click Further.

Field your name will display your name on the Exchange server. If the connection has been established, then in this field you will see the full name that the program received from the server. Otherwise, this field will display the name that you specified in the first step of creating a mailbox.

The second field will indicate the name of your mailbox in the folder tree.

Below you can select your mailbox's home directory - the place where all information associated with it will be stored. If you want to select a different directory, click the button Review and specify the desired directory.

Click Ready to complete the process of creating a new box. As soon as the box appears in the folder tree, the program will establish a connection to the server and download the folders with their contents.

Receiving emails and folder structure

The Bat! will download all folders with their contents (except for the Deletions, Archive and Recoverable folders) the first time you connect to the server.

In addition to standard folders, the program will load the Calendar, Contacts, Tasks and some others folders, which will display MS Exchange components such as events, contacts, tasks, notes, RSS subscriptions. The Bat! can also download the contents of Exchange public folders. If you have rights to the public folder, you will see it in the All Public Folders folder.

The program will display all the attributes used in Outlook that match the functionality of The Bat! and RFC822, such as Subject, Sender, Recipient, Cc, Bcc and other headers, flags, attachments, tags, encryption, date and time of receipt and creation of the letter, size.

The program can download letters received from a specific day. When creating a mailbox, you can enable the option Load elements created after and indicate the date. Letters received earlier than this day, The Bat! won't load. You can also enable this option in the box properties in the “Transport” section.

If you are connected to social networks in Outlook (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn), the contact folders of these social networks will also appear in the mailbox tree in The Bat! Each contact contains an attached vCard, photo, or other files that you have assigned to that contact.

The Bat! can also download contacts from the corporate network. To do this, when creating a mailbox, enable the option Upload Active Directory contacts. This option can also be enabled in the box properties in the “Transport” section. Contacts from the corporate network are saved in the EWS folder of the Active Directory mailbox. Contacts in this folder cannot be deleted or moved. The program automatically imports contacts from the corporate network into the EWS address book.

When you first connect to the server, The Bat! will create an address book and import downloaded contacts into it. The name of such an address book consists of the name of the mailbox and the mark “”:

You can change the name of this address book, but it will still be associated with your EWS mailbox. If you delete your address book, your contacts will disappear from The Bat! You can import them again from the file<имя контакта>.vcf attached to each contact. The next time you connect to The Bat! will detect that the address book is missing and create a new one.

If you have assigned a reminder to an email, task or event in Outlook or OWA, The Bat! will add this reminder to Planner as soon as you upload this email/task/event. The program will notify you about the event at the appointed time.

If you create an item on the Exchange server, The Bat! will download it when connecting to the server. However, elements created in The Bat! will not be transmitted to the server, they are stored locally.


When The Bat! downloads MS Exchange items, they are saved locally. If these elements change on the server, The Bat! will not display them until you clear the folder cache.

If you delete items using the Delete key, they will be deleted from the Exchange server.

If you delete items using alternative deletion (the keyboard shortcut Shift+Delete), they will also be deleted from the server (in this case, Exchange soft delete mode is used). If you recover deleted items in The Bat! via menu Folder -> View deleted emails(to restore a deleted letter, select it and press the Delete key), they will only be saved locally.

If you delete a letter downloaded to The Bat! from the Exchange server, it will not be deleted from the program, however, if you clear the folder cache, the letter will not be downloaded again.

When you move and copy emails and Exchange items to EWS mailbox folders, they are also uploaded to the server in the corresponding folders. When you move a letter from a folder, it is deleted from the folder on the server.

The Bat! supports synchronization of Read/Unread, Flagged flags, and accepts the Parked flag (“is draft” in Exchange terminology). For example, if you mark an email as read in The Bat!, it will also appear as read in another email client. The Reply and Forwarded/Forwarded flags are not synchronized.

The Bat! synchronizes the priority of letters and the sensitivity mark (Sensitivity). The privacy mark appears as a tag. To change it, right-click on the letter and select a tag in the “Tags” section. Attributes that are not supported in The Bat! are displayed as tags. Color group synchronization is not supported.

Folder management

Folders in The Bat! are displayed in the language set in your account on the server (OWA -> Options -> Regional -> Language -> Save). If you change the language in the OWA settings, the folder names in The Bat! will also change.

If you rename, move or delete a folder in The Bat!, these changes will be reflected on the server, and therefore in other email clients. If you create a folder in The Bat!, it will appear on the server. If the folder structure on the server changes (you rename, create, delete or move folders), The Bat! will also update the folder structure when connecting to the server.

If you don't want to see a folder in the mailbox tree, but want to save it on the server, you can hide it: select the folder, press the Delete key and select the option Hide folder.

To hide folders, you must also enable the option in the menu Mailbox -> Mailbox Properties -> Transport:

If this option is disabled, hidden folders will be restored the next time you connect to the server.

So you can enable the option Keep a list of hidden folders and hide folders. To show all hidden folders again, disable this option and call the “Get new mail” command.

You can also clear the folder cache by clicking the button Clear cache on the menu Folder –> Folder Properties -> EWS Properties. After cleaning The Bat! will download Exchange items from the server again.