Setting up a PPPoE connection on a Tp-Link router. PPPoE technology

You can't live without the Internet these days. Some people use it to find the information they need, some to relax, and others to work. But there are many ways to connect to the Internet, and which one to choose is up to everyone. In this article we will talk about what PPPoE is, how this connection works, and its advantages. Readers will be provided with instructions on how to connect such a connection on Windows and Linux.


PPPoE is an acronym that stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. In simple terms, this means that the communication protocol works “point to point”. This type of communication can be compared with dialup, with only one difference - instead of a separate telephone line, the presented network protocol connects the Internet network.

Based on the above, it is already possible to highlight several strengths of this technology:

  1. The user can authenticate himself, even through someone else's personal computer, which is connected in the same way.
  2. You have the power to compress the data.
  3. You can also encrypt information.

But where there are pros, there are also cons. All of them are that this type of connection has lower MTU requirements. Because of this, difficulties may arise when working with firewalls. However, it is worth noting that if a user uses the Internet only to watch movies, search for information and the like, then he will never have problems.

So we figured out a little what PPPoE is. But, of course, the definition is not enough to understand everything, so let’s move directly to the principle of operation.

Principle of operation

To understand what PPPoE is, you need to understand how this Internet connection works, so now let's immediately begin to explain.

Implementing a PPPoE connection is quite simple; initially you will need to configure the antenna. Often there is no need to do the configuration manually; this issue is handled by specialists from the provider’s agency. The user should only connect the entire set of equipment provided to the power supply, and that’s all. Also, specialists must connect a special cable to the computer that extends from the antenna. Before connecting the cable to your PC, make sure it matches your network card.

After making the connection, you can immediately access the Internet, but before that you need to set up the connection on your computer by entering the username and password that your provider previously provided. How to correctly connect the PPPoE network protocol on your computer will be discussed at the end of the article.


We have already figured out what PPPoE is; finally, it is worth paying attention to its advantages, the list of which is quite impressive. So, using the presented connection, users receive the following benefits:

  1. Internet IP headers are ignored. This means that even if you assign your own IP address to the network card, the network will not crash. In theory, there will be no crash if you work with a network hub and change the MAC addresses to the server address. But when working with a switch, stability depends directly on the design of the switch itself.
  2. All connections work separately from each other (each in its own channel).
  3. The computer can receive settings, that is, login and password, as well as other data automatically. This means that it is not necessary to enter all the data manually; only the provider can do this for the user.
  4. A PPP connection is much easier to calculate and authenticate.
  5. It is possible to encrypt the PPP connection.

Connecting a PPPoE connection on Windows

Now let's move on to how PPPoE is configured, and first we'll look at it on Windows OS, and then on Linux.

So, follow these steps to connect to the Internet:

  1. Click on the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" in the right panel.
  2. In the list, find the "Network and Internet" category and click on it.
  3. In the new menu, select "Network and Sharing Center."
  4. Next, select “Set up a new connection”, which is located in the “Change network settings” column.
  5. In the window that appears, select the first item: “Connect to the Internet.”
  6. Select the connection type "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".
  7. Enter your login (username), password, connection name (any name) and click the "Connect" button.

After this, the computer will connect to the Internet, and you can immediately start using it.

Connecting a PPPoE connection on Linux

On operating systems based on the Linux kernel, the connection is connected a little differently. Now we will look at detailed instructions on how to do this:

  1. On the top panel in the right corner, find the “Network Manager” icon and click on it.
  2. From the menu, select "Change connection".
  3. In the window that appears, click "Add".
  4. In the drop-down list, select the connection type "DSL".
  5. On the "DSL" tab, enter your username and password, or enter the connection name in the appropriate line.
  6. Click "Save".

Now, to connect an Internet connection, you just need to select it from the list that appears when you click the Network Manager button.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without the Internet. This includes communication, shopping, work and, of course, entertainment. At the same time, few people pay attention to the intricacies of the Internet connection. But there are times when you need to understand it and the functionality of the Internet. Knowledge of the PPPoE protocol will save time and nerves. You just need to understand its operating principle, how it differs from others, how to create or delete a connection, how to calculate an error from the code and correct it.

General concepts about PPPoE

There are many types of digital data transmission, based on protocols of varying levels of complexity, efficiency and purpose. One of the most commonly used is PPPoE. The English abbreviation stands for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. This can be translated into Russian as an Internet communication protocol via an Ethernet network on a point-to-point basis. One of them is an access server (Access Concentrator or AC for short), which belongs to the company providing the service, and the other is a PPPoE client, the owner of a laptop, computer or any gadget from which an Internet connection is established. Both participants in the process are connected using repeaters, switches, modems or other Ethernet devices.

Essentially, PPPoE works similarly to dialup (from English - remote access), only with the difference that instead of a telephone (switched) line, the session participants are connected by an Ethernet network.

Advantages of PPPoE connection

This protocol has advanced capabilities and advantages relative to analogues, such as:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • When transmitting information, data compression occurs, and this has a positive effect on speed, that is, the process goes faster;
  • every time you enter the network, the PPPoE protocol performs authentication, which reduces to zero the possibility of unauthorized access to the system;
  • multi-platform protocol;
  • high resistance to network failures;
  • minimum load percentage;
  • PPPoE is one of the cheapest protocols for network access;
  • data encryption without loss of bandwidth.

How does a PPPoE connection work?

Since this protocol is established by a point-to-point connection, the PPPoE communication process is divided into two stages:

  1. Initial connection. Both points (computer and server) indicate their addresses.
  2. Start a session. After “identification” the connection is started.

Initial connection

At this stage, a connection is established between the user’s device and the server owned by the Internet service provider. It is divided into two more stages:

  1. Request. The client from its point sends a request to search for the provider's server. All participants in the network will receive this signal, but only those that support this service will respond.
  2. Answer. When the point that sent the request finds the addressee, the second communication participant sends an access packet. But there are a great many participants on the network who support this protocol. Therefore, the computer that sent the request will receive many response packets. In order for the connection to be established correctly, the client software selects the desired access concentrator and returns a packet with information: provider name, IP address, and so on. If it meets all the requirements and the necessary services are available, the second phase of the connection begins.

Establishing a session

After the described exchange of information, the connection is started directly. This happens using PPP (application package). Many, if not all, protocols use PPP connections.

Table: difference between the PPPoE protocol and L2TP

DefinitionA network protocol for transmitting information using PPP over an Ethernet connection.Tunnel protocol for data transmission using IP packets.
ReliabilityIdentification occurs through authentication followed by data encryption.A secure tunnel connection to the server, but on an unsecured network.
VolumeService packages take up minimal traffic, and as a result, the speed is much higher.Data compression does not occur, so traffic slows down.
Data exchangeThere are two parallel connections between client-server points. This relieves the system. One channel transmits data, the other - only service information. Which is also beneficial at speed.The transmission occurs through one channel; accordingly, the traffic is additionally loaded with service data.
Establishing a point-to-point connectionInstalled over an Ethernet network. This does not slow down the Internet and such a connection is always protected, since the user is authenticated using his data all the time.Installed on top of IP, which leads to line congestion.
The influence of external factors on workIt will work correctly with any setting.Very dependent on the IP network. If the IP is unstable or the same address is assigned to another client, the connection is terminated.
Requirements for connected equipmentWorks on any device.Often, connection is only possible with specific equipment.
SettingsEstablishing a connection is not difficult, following simple instructions in a few steps. Having established a connection once, the connection will then occur automatically.Setting up the connection is easy and takes place in a few simple steps. On some equipment you have to enter your username and password every time you log into the network.
OtherProtection against DoS attacks.One of the best protocols to bypass VPN.
Some providers may block this protocol.

Connecting a high-speed connection

It is easy to make such a connection even for an inexperienced user. The main thing is to follow the simple step-by-step instructions.

PPPoE connection algorithm on the Windows 7 operating system

  1. Go to the “Start” menu, find the “Control Panel” item in the right column and click on it.

    Select "Control Panel" from the Start menu

  2. Open in the suggested list “Network and Internet”.

    In the Network and Sharing Center, select the “Connection settings” column from the list.

  3. In the next window that opens, select “Internet Connection” and confirm your choice by clicking the “Next” button.

    Select “Internet Connection” and confirm your choice by clicking “Next”

  4. If a contextual notification pops up with information that the Internet is already connected, ignore it and continue creating a new connection.

    Click on the “Create a new connection anyway” button to continue creating a new connection

  5. After redirection, select “High-speed (with PPPoPE)”.

    Find in the list and select “High-speed (with PPPoPE)”

  6. In the tab that opens, enter the data: login and password. They can be found in the contract drawn up with the provider company. In the “Connection name” column you need to enter any value, for example, the name of the provider or your name. And it is also important to note the point in which the computer offers to remember the entered data so that the gadget does not ask for them every time you enter the network. After checking that the data entered is correct, click “Connect”.

    Fill in all the appropriate fields and click “Connect”

  7. If everything is filled out correctly, then after authentication is complete, you will be connected to the network. You can open any convenient browser and surf the Internet.

Each time you start, the connection should be established automatically. But if this does not happen, you can connect in two ways. On the toolbar at the bottom left of the screen, click on the computer icon with a wire. After that, select the desired network and click the “Connect” button. Or install a connection shortcut on your desktop by following the path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network Center” - “Change adapter settings”. After opening the folder, right-click on the icon and select “Create shortcut”.

Video: connecting high-speed PPPoPE on Windows 7

Connecting high-speed PPPoPE on Windows 10

There is no fundamental difference between PPPoPE connection for Windows 10. The algorithm is the same.

  1. Go to the Start menu, find the third value from the bottom “Settings” and select it.

    Open the Start menu and click on Settings

  2. A new panel will open, where you need to click on the “Network and Internet” icon.

    Select the “Network and Internet” icon among the settings

  3. In the new tab, select the “Ethernet” column.

    In the left column, select "Ethernet"

  4. In the redirection, click on “Create and configure a new connection or network.”

    Select the line “Creating and setting up a new connection or network” to go to the connection settings

  5. Next, a direct connection to the network is made. To do this, you again need to select the first column “Internet Connection” and click the “Continue” button.

    Click “Connect to the Internet” and confirm your choice with the “Next” button

  6. In the next tab, click on “High-speed (with PPPoE)”.

    Click on the “High-speed (with PPPoE)” column to select this type of network connection

  7. After this, you will be asked to authenticate - enter your username or login, as it is commonly called among Internet users, and a password. You should also check the box that contains information about permission to use the network for others if you want to make access open. In the column with the connection name, you can specify any one. After entering all the necessary data, click the “Connect” button.

    Enter the required information in all fields and click “Connect”

  8. After some time, no more than a few seconds, the Internet connection will be established. You can work online.

Creating a PPPoE connection on Ubuntu

You can configure PPPoE in Ubuntu using a utility called pppoeconf. To use it, you must have superuser access rights. You can run the pppoeconf utility using the sudo command. To do this, you need to go through the following path: “Applications” - “Standard” - “Terminal”.

  1. Enter the command sudo pppoeconf. Sometimes an administrator password may be required. After entering it, press Enter.

    Go to Terminal and enter the command sudo pppoeconf

  2. Upon completion of the search, a list of detected network devices will be displayed, among which you need to find the one you need and confirm your choice by pressing the “Yes” or Enter button.

    Select the desired network and confirm your choice

    The search for PPPoE will begin. If the gadget cannot establish a connection, you need to check the cable to see if it is connected correctly.

    Wait for the server search to finish

    The next step is to confirm the options: noauth - connect in the future immediately without server authentication, defaultroute - always choose the specified route.

    Confirm route and authentication

    Afterwards, a notification about the dsl-provider configuration change will open. It is advisable to make a backup copy. If critical errors occur during subsequent work, you can restore the previous version.

    Select "Yes" to confirm configuration changes

    In the new window that opens, you must enter the login provided by the provider and confirm it by pressing the Ok button.

    Enter login

    The password is entered accordingly.

    enter password

    In the new tab you need to confirm the automatic addition of the server address.

    Confirm automatic selection of the specified server

    In the next two windows also click “Yes”.

    Click "Yes" to continue

    Confirm the settings.

    Click "Yes" to test the installation

Video: instructions for connecting PPPoPE on Ubuntu

Removing a PPPoPE connection

Sometimes there is a need to delete an already created connection, for example, if it was duplicated by mistake. All three methods described below are suitable for any Windows system.

Removal via "Control Panel"

We follow the already known path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Sharing Center” - “Changing adapter settings.”

In this menu you can find and delete unnecessary connections

Then you need to find an unnecessary or redundant connection and delete it. To do this, you need to call the context menu with the right mouse button and select the “Delete” line. Naturally, it must be disabled before deleting.

If the Delete icon is grayed out, it means you do not have administrator rights. You must first gain access to the gadget’s system folders, and then follow the same path.

Removal via Device Manager

This method occurs through the device manager, so you must be very careful not to remove the desired physical device. The algorithm is as follows: “Start” - “Computer” - “Properties” - “Device Manager”. In the section that opens, you need to find the line “Network adapters” (on some devices this line is called “Network devices”) and select the name of the adapter that needs to be deleted.

Right-click to open the context menu and click “Disable”.

Removal via the “Run” line

This method is more complex, so you need to be sure that you have enough skills and knowledge. “Start” - “Run” - enter regedit in the line and click OK. Next, in the Profiles section, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles. In the right column you need to select unnecessary registries and delete them.

When finished, reboot your device.

Common PPPoE errors and how to fix them

It often happens that the connection is not as smooth as we would like. Error messages pop up when connecting. Each of them is assigned a code by which you can find out the cause and eliminate it. There are a lot of such errors, but most of them are easy to fix yourself.

Table: error codes when connecting PPPoE, their causes and solutions

Error codeCauses of occurrenceRemedies
  • the login or password was entered incorrectly;
  • negative balance;
  • The login is already authorized on the server.
  • check and enter your username and password again;
  • top up your account;
  • check the connection, it may already be connected.
651 There is no response from the server.Wait a while and restart your computer.
These errors are combined into one group. May be caused by a damaged cable, errors with incorrect computer settings or antivirus software. Maybe due to problems with the provider's server.Check if the cable is connected correctly.
Disable antivirus and firewalls;
contact your service provider.
619 The balance has not been replenished. Some providers may also have a problem with this code due to incorrect data entry: login and password.Top up your balance and check that your personal data is entered correctly.
Inactive network connection.Check your network connection. “Start” - “Network Neighborhood” - “Show network connections”. If there is no connection (in this case the network icon is gray), then connect it.
734 The PPPoPE protocol is completed.Create a new connection.
735 Invalid IP address.In the network settings, check the “receive network address automatically” box or specify the data from the contract.

Recovering a lost Internet password

Authorization to enter the network is performed every time you turn on your computer, laptop or other gadget. This procedure is automatic and fast, if so specified during connection. The modem sends a request, the provider asks for a login and password. When the necessary data is received, a connection occurs and a new Internet session begins.

But it happens that the automatic connection did not occur, and the user forgot the password.

Password from the agreement

The easiest way to recover a password is to find an agreement with the provider, where it is required.

Contacting the service center of your Internet service provider

If the contract is lost, you can contact the provider’s service center, where they will help you recover the lost data. You can contact the company providing the Internet by phone or in person at the office. To recover lost data, you need to be prepared to provide some information about yourself: passport data for whom the Internet is registered, login, contract number, etc. In addition, some Internet companies will provide such information only to the person for whom the contract was drawn up or by proxy.

In the subscriber's account, if you have access to it, you can only change the password, but you will not be able to create a new one. To do this, you must know the old one in order to confirm administrator rights.

Resetting an old password using special settings or programs

You can reset your router to factory settings, and then create a new connection. Often this method helps.

If the agreement is lost and you cannot get into the office yet, you can download special programs that will help you recover your password. But you should remember that not all programs are equally useful for your gadget. An inexperienced user can harm the computer with such actions. Therefore, this option must be approached carefully, weighing all possible risks. Another problem will be that you will have to download it by connecting to a third-party network, since there is no home connection. And you can run such a utility only with administrator rights.

For example, the dialupass utility, which is one of the most downloaded for these purposes. It is simple, with a clear interface, lightweight, only 0.1 megabytes, free and supported by all Windows operating systems. But it will only help recover those passwords that were saved on the device. Another obstacle to the normal operation of dialupass may be an antivirus that recognizes the utility as malware. Therefore, before installing the program, the antivirus must be disabled.

Network Password Recovery is similar to dialupass and has the same features. There are two options: demo version and paid version. Feature: it does not always show the password the first time, you need to restart it several times.

Also in such a situation, you can use the BulletsPassView utility, which is suitable for recovering a saved password on Windows 7/8.

Video: working with the dialupass utility

You don't need any special knowledge to surf the Internet. However, you still need to understand some basics. This will help you connect to the network correctly, and if errors appear, they will be easy to fix. As a result, saved nerves, time and money for calling a specialist.

When you have to configure a router for your provider, as a rule, most often you encounter difficulties with choosing the type of connection and the corresponding parameters. If the provider makes a connection PPPoE protocol, then the problems become much greater. In particular, technology based on connection using Dynamic IP, much easier to connect: the Internet works immediately after connecting the cable to the WAN connector router.
An error “no Internet access” will appear on your devices if the type of connection and other necessary parameters are incorrectly specified. Mobile devices will not show such an error, but they will not be able to access the Internet.
Another important point: if you connect a network cable to the router, and then from the router to the computer, you will not be able to launch a high-speed connection. I described this topic in. In general, difficulties in launching a high-speed connection are inherent in the PPPoE protocol when used by an ISP.

But we don’t need high-speed connections on the computer. To do this, we simply use a router, the purpose of which is precisely to connect to the provider and further distribute the Internet to devices.

I have already touched on the topic of customization PPPoE connections in the article on installing the device TP-LINK TL-WR941ND, but now I want to return to it again, highlighting all the important points in a separate article. After reading it, you will understand how to configure it correctly router connection TP-Link according to the protocol PPPoE. Routers from other companies have a slightly different control panel, but the information will still be useful.

So you've found out what your ISP uses PPPoE connection technology. Another important point: ask if the binding by MAC address. Only in this case will you be able to easily configure the router without outside help.

The most basic thing would be to ask the provider’s support service what technology they use for the connection and indicate it in the settings, and at the same time you need to find out whether the binding is done by MAC address.

Setting up a PPPoE connection on Tp-Link routers

In case the provider performs for the connection binding by MAC addresses, you will need to clone the MAC address from a computer connected to the Internet. The second option is for the provider to bind the router’s MAC address.

You can in this article.
In general, this is all I would like to tell you about setting up a PPPoE connection for Tp-Link. You can configure the device in the same way. L2TP And PPTP. I hope you don’t have any questions on this topic.

The global Internet is an integral part of our lives. Technologies do not stand still, they develop, new protocols appear. The use of xDSL technologies, or a regular telephone, to access the Internet is giving way to fiber optic cable. But PPPoE technology is still popular in many regions. Let's look at PPPoE - what it is and figure out how to configure it.

The term “PPPoE” itself is an abbreviation of the words “Point-to-point Protocol over Ethernet”. This is a high-speed connection that uses the Internet to operate. The difference compared to xDSL is that it enforces a user authentication process and compresses and encrypts traffic.

Essentially, a PPPoE connection is a “tunnel” laid in a virtual network between two points. Actually, this is where the name “Point-to-point” comes from, which literally translates from English as “from point to point.”

Principle of operation

A connection using PPPoe operates according to the following principle. After activating a high-speed Internet connection, a virtual “tunnel” is created between the end user and the provider’s server. This “path” encapsulates, that is, configures other protocols, for example, IP within PPP. The “tunnel” itself is built on top of Ethernet.

The technology is very easy to use, but compared to a telephone line it has many more advantages. An additional advantage is the availability of free data encryption compared to a VPN service.

The difference between the PPPoE protocol and L2TP

Before comparing the two protocols, let's figure out what L2TP is. This is a protocol that works on the principle of providing users with access to the World Wide Web through VPN tunneling. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol is translated from English as “second-layer tunneling protocol.”

When using L2TP technology, a two-step verification is performed. The first step checks the validity of the certificate installed in the operating system with the data of the certification authority on the provider's side. At the second stage, the user goes through the authorization procedure using the login and password received from the company - Internet communication service provider.

The main difference between PPPoE and L2TP is that the first protocol is easier to configure and provide Internet access from the provider’s point of view. And the second is more reliable, but for it the user must have at least a mid-range router. Budget options simply do not have enough power to provide an efficient and stable Internet access channel.

Advantages of a PPPoE connection

The PPPoE connection has several advantages over other protocols:

  1. Cross-platform support.
  2. Free data encryption for the user, unlike VPN services.
  3. The ease of use of this connection for the Internet service provider. Easily assign an IP address to each client among its available pool.
  4. Easy to configure PPPoE router.

PPPoE connection settings on Windows

Setting up a PPPoE connection differs depending on the “family” of operating systems. Let's list the main examples: for Windows 7, 10, as well as for Debian and FreeBSD. Windows OS families are almost the same in configuration, with the exception of small nuances.

Also, if the user has a PPPoE router, the entire configuration process takes place on it. The TP-Link WR841-N router will be used as an example.

First, you need to log into the router’s web configurator through any browser. On the back of the router is its address and login password:

Next is the “Network” item. It is here that the router is configured according to the provider’s conditions. Go to this section and in the “Connection type” field set the “PPPoE/PPPoE Russia” parameter. It is called differently in different router models, but the word “PPPoE” is always there:

Fill in the fields below in accordance with the instructions from the provider:

The next section is additional settings for the PPPoE connection type. If there are no special notes in the instructions from the Internet service provider, leave everything unchanged:

After completing the configuration procedure, activate the connection using the “Connect” button. At the end of all changes, it is recommended to reboot the router. Go to the “System Tools” section, “Reboot” item:

After two minutes, the router will rise and the Internet will appear on the workstation. It is in this way that it is possible to make a (high-speed) connection to the “global network” on the router.

Now let's take a closer look at how to create and configure a (high-speed) connection on Windows OS if the user does not have a PPPoE router.

Algorithm on the Windows 7 operating system

To create “high-speed” Internet on a workstation running Windows 7, click “Start”, then “Control Panel” and the “Network and Sharing Center” section:

In the new window, click on “Creating and setting up a new connection or network”:

Item “Connect to the Internet” and follow the text:

Fill in the fields:

The username and password are issued by the provider when drawing up an agreement for the provision of Internet access services. After this, an information message will appear indicating that the connection is complete.

Connecting high-speed PPPoE on Windows 10

A window with basic parameters will open. You need to go to the network connections settings. In the tenth version it is called “Network and Internet”:

In the new window, identify the section for configuring network settings and go to it.

How to connect PPPoE connection on Linux

The method of connecting PPPoE on a Linux OS is significantly different from the connection on a Windows OS. Firstly, any changes to the system or installation of new software requires administrator rights. Another name is “Root Rights”. Depending on the Linux OS family, they are enabled in different ways, which will be discussed below.

Secondly, in Linux systems, the terminal is mainly used to configure any parameter. This is a very convenient and powerful tool, but to use it you need at least a basic level of knowledge about the commands used in it.

Thirdly, if a GUI is used - the graphical interface of each family, it will differ significantly in appearance and logic of action. Therefore, only terminal connection methods for the most popular Debian and FreeBSD systems will be indicated here. Debian is the progenitor of the Ubuntu OS, which means that the setup will be similar in it.

Another important difference. The Linux/Unix family of operating systems has an increased level of security against unauthorized access. The system will definitely ask you to come up with a password for any user.

Setting up PPPoE on Debian

To obtain administrator rights, you must open the terminal by pressing “Ctrl+Alt+T” on your keyboard. In the window that opens, enter the following command:

Let's look at the syntax in more detail. The "sudo" command is short for SuperUser do. These are administrator rights. “Pppoeconf” is a command to enter the PPPoE protocol configuration mode. After entering it, the system will ask you to enter a password. You must enter the one used to log into Debian. This will open the following terminal dialog box:

Confirm that we really want to make changes. The OS will then begin automatically searching for all available network devices, which will take some time:

At the end of the search, the selection window will again appear in front of the user:

The “noauth” parameter allows you to disable the authorization process between the server and client. The “defaultroute” option adds a path to the OS routing table that is subsequently used by default. The “nodetach” parameter displays all errors that may occur when sending PPPoE packets to the provider’s server in the terminal. If no additional settings are required, you need to agree with the system's proposal.

In the next two dialog boxes you will need to enter your login and password - the user identification data provided to him by the provider:

There is a small clarification. When you enter a password, the process itself is not displayed on the monitor; this is a feature of the Linux OS. Next, a dialog box with the user’s choice will appear again; here you can simply agree by clicking on the “yes” button:

And in the penultimate step, the system will prompt the user to activate the automatic connection function of the newly configured connection:

After confirming all changes made, immediately activate the Internet connection via the PPPoE protocol:

This completes the configuration of the connection with this technology.

If the user needs to disconnect the connection, they should use the command in the terminal - this is “sudo poff dsl-provider”, and restore the connection - “sudo pon dsl-provider”.

Configuration files are stored at: /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider.

Setting up PPPoE on FreeBSD

In FreeBSD, there are two options for setting up a connection using the PPPoE data transfer protocol. In the first case, the ppp utility built into the OS is used, and in the second, mpd. Configuration file - ppp.conf is stored in /etc/ppp/. Actually, it is where all the changes are made. The file itself initially contains the following setting:

To configure a PPPoE connection, you need to edit it as follows:

We will provide a breakdown and explanation of the parameters required by the user. The “Set” command means that after it the system will set the following parameters for itself. The “log” directive enables logging of all actions in the file /var/log/ppp.log, “Phase” breaks all messages in the log file into stages for ease of readability. The "tun" parameter indicates the virtual device through which the connection is made. In the case of the PPPoE protocol, this is tun, that is, tunneling. "Command" means that all incoming commands are saved in the log.

The “myisp” parameter is just the name of the connection, an information line. You can set a custom name. The "device" directive means the physical device used for connection, in this case the rl0 network card. The “PPPoE” parameter indicates which protocol is used for the connection.

The “authname” and “authkey” items are responsible for the username and password, respectively. The “your_login” and “your_password” fields are just empty strings; instead, you must enter the data received from your Internet service provider.

The “enable dns” command indicates that information about DNS servers should be taken from the /etc/resolv.conf file. This means that the data provided to the user by the provider should be entered into this file. They are entered in the “nameserver” lines like:

The “add default” parameter indicates that the default OS route should be used for connection, and “HISSADR” shows the IP address of the connected server.

The preliminary configuration is now complete. Now you need to start the newly created connection:

To avoid having to enter the above command every time you start the system, it is recommended to enter data into the autorun file located at /etc/rc.conf:

In case of manual disconnection from the Internet, type the following command in the terminal:

And to restart, simply replace the word “stop” with “start” and press the “Enter” key.

Removing a PPPoE connection

There are situations when the user changes the provider and, accordingly, it is necessary to configure a different type of connection. In order not to clog the system, it is worth removing unnecessary configurations for other protocols. You can do this in three different ways.

Via "Control Panel"

The first option is standard - through the “Control Panel”. There, find the network management section, then “Change adapter settings.” Select the required connection and click on it to call up the context menu, the “Delete” function:

Via "Device Manager"

The second option removes the unnecessary connection through the list of devices. To do this, click the “Start” button, find the “My Computer” icon and right-click on it. Select the “Properties” option from the drop-down menu:

A new dialog box will open, where on the right side is the required list of devices. Select it with the left mouse button:

Activate the “Device Manager”, select the “Network devices” section in it, look for a similar line:

By activating the additional menu with the right mouse button, select the “Delete” option.

Via the command line “Run”

For the third method, you must use the Windows command line. This method is only suitable for advanced users. Open the command line by pressing the “Win ​​+ R” keys and enter “regedit.exe” there:

The Windows Registry will open. In it you need to find the branch responsible for storing network connection profiles. This is the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles:

Delete all profiles starting with the character "(".

After this, the workstation should be rebooted.

Common PPPoE errors and how to resolve them

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to set up a connection to the Internet the first time; sometimes connection errors occur. We will list the most famous ones and give recommendations on how to eliminate them.

Error codes, causes and solutions

Error code Cause Recommendations and troubleshooting tips
691 Occurs if the login password is incorrect, the subscription fee has not been paid, or this is an attempt to re-authorize. First of all, you should check your personal account with the provider to see if the subscription fee has actually been charged. The next step is to check the entered login and password with the data from the provider. And the third option: check your current Internet connection. It is possible that the user has already been authorized on the site, but the OS itself has not yet notified the user about this.
651 No response from server Most likely, at the time of the request sent by the client to the server, the second one was unavailable or was processing too many requests. It's worth trying again in a few minutes. If a repeated attempt does not fix anything, it means that the provider has problems and you should contact their technical support service.
678, 815 The remote computer is not responding. There may be various factors here: physical damage to the network cable, incorrect operation of the antivirus or firewall, or the provider’s server is temporarily unavailable. It’s worth starting a check on your part. Check the network cable and reconnect it. Perhaps you should just disable your antivirus or restart your computer.
619 As a rule, this error occurs on 3G modems due to a lack of funds in the client’s personal account or due to incorrect entry of authorization data. The solution is very simple: top up your balance. And the second option: check the login and password specified as an entrance to the Internet.
769, 800 There is no network connection. Most likely the connection was not established. You need to go to the list of available network connections and perform manual activation.
734 The connection is interrupted during the connection process Two solutions: open the “Security” tab, select the “Insecure Password” option during verification, or re-create a high-speed connection.
735 The IP address specified is incorrect. The configuration of the network card indicates obtaining an IP address manually; this must be changed to “Automatic mode”.


Connection via the PPPoE protocol is popular among providers. Most operating systems have built-in utilities for configuring it. All errors that arise during configuration have long been known and methods have been developed to correct them.

What is a PPPoe connection? It is a network protocol for transmitting data over Ethernet. Tunneling protocol, which means secure, allowing you to configure IP. Its use requires entering a login and password to gain access to the network.

PPPoe is a special data transfer protocol

This protocol is used by xDSL services (telephone lines) to provide the ability to auto-integrate, compress and encrypt data. In most cases, the user uses the Internet using this protocol. When concluding an agreement with a provider, a login and password are assigned to control and protect its connection to the network.

Setting up a Pppoe connection in Windows 10

As mentioned above, in order to connect to the Internet, whether through a cable or a Wi-Fi router, in any case, you first need to establish a protocol connection to pass authorization and assign a login and password.

Setting up the router via a PPPoe connection

Setting up a PPPoe connection for a Wi-Fi router is also easy.

You need to open any browser window and enter in the address bar. A dialog box will appear in which you need to enter your username and password. If nothing has changed before, then the default is usually admin and admin.

The browser will open the router page. The menu will be on the left. You need to go to the “Network” tab. And in the window that appears, in the first field called “WAN Connection Type”, select the PPPoe connection type.