Find who owns a phone number. Determine who owns a phone number through the mobaz service

There are not many ways that allow you to find out, completely free and legally, who owns a mobile phone number, and find out basic information about the subscriber you are interested in - first name, last name, location. Such information is confidential and cannot be disclosed to strangers unless the owner wishes it. But many people themselves often indicate personal information on social networks, for this reason, even using only the Internet, many can recognize it.

How to find out the owner's phone number

If you know the phone number, then using the Internet you can find out the mobile operator (MTS, Yota, Tele2, etc.) and geographic location. This is key information determined by non-geographic telephone codes, the databases of which can be accessed free of charge. With how to find a person only by mobile phone number, without knowing the owner’s last name and first name, the situation is much more difficult.

Who is the mobile phone number registered to?

Use the Google search engine and social media capabilities to check whether the caller's mobile phone is publicly available. This will help you find out who the phone number may belong to, as well as more detailed information about the subscriber.

This is possible in the following situations:

  • You received a call from a company. Typically, contact information can be found on their official website, in advertisements offering applicants a vacant position, and so on;
  • The subscriber who called you has his own page on VKontakte or another social network. The profile usually contains contact information, or he left them in his comments or during the discussion of a topic;
  • The caller uses I Google does not explore the databases of such a social network, however, this messenger has a special search tool built into it - use it to quickly find the required information;
  • You have received a call from attackers who are already blacklisted on forums, websites and online services. Information about scammers can be provided on such resources by ordinary users or law enforcement officials.

There are workarounds to find out a last name by phone number. Some articles on the Internet describe in detail instructions using which you can try to mislead an employee at the office of a mobile communications company (Beeline, Megafon) in order to find out the last name, first name and patronymic of the required subscriber. This is also fraud, so if you receive threats or blackmail, which is why you want to find out the full name of the caller, it is better to seek help from law enforcement officials. You do not have the right to find out confidential data, especially if the person does not want to disclose it to anyone.

How to determine the owner by phone number free online

In addition to the popular search engines Google, Yandex and Rambler, there are other methods that allow you to identify a subscriber by his phone number. It is possible to find out its affiliation with the help of special resources and online services, which during the search process refer to their existing databases.

I recommend using only those sites that are willing to provide the information you require free of charge. If you have to pay for it, then there is a huge risk that by giving away your savings you will not receive anything. In addition, the software database may contain a virus that will penetrate the system of your personal computer.

Phone number databases

You can find out who owns a number using various phone number databases. Since certain services that provide the subscriber’s last name, first name and other personal data violate the law on the disclosure of personal data, it will be difficult to quickly find such a resource. Roskomnadzor is looking for such sites and closing them.

And even if you find a working resource with this service, then there is a high probability that they will either have an outdated database, or it may simply be incomplete. Then you need to use the service of possibly downloading the full database for a fee, or, conversely, you will be offered the option of removing your phone number from such a resource for money.

You don’t have to look for a 3-year-old database on the Internet; it can be purchased on almost any radio market. However, no one will give a guarantee of a positive result based on the results of issuing information with its help.

Search engines by phone number

The operation of such systems is based on the same databases, but in this case the search will be performed automatically and the user’s participation is reduced only to indicating the telephone number in the filter.

At the same time, using such search engines is much safer, since there is no need to download anything and pay for it. You just need to enter the phone number and wait for the result.

And although in theory this is the best option, however, as practice shows, it is much more effective to conduct an independent search using the Google search engine.

In order to search for a phone number without losing numbers, you should put quotation marks, for example, “+79011215682”. You can also try different spelling formats: local, international, using hyphens, highlighting the operator code with brackets.

In the end, it should be noted that if you want to find out information about the subscriber who is bothering you, you can use several methods completely free of charge. But you need to take into account that this is illegal and it is better, if you are being seriously harassed or blackmailed, to turn to the police for help.

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Almost every person sooner or later faces the question of how to find out who owns a phone number. And it doesn’t matter at all what reasons contribute to this: incomprehensible SMS or silence on the phone. There are several ways you can independently find out who owns a given phone number. Let's take a closer look at each option.

Method one (the easiest)

First of all, you should try to call back the number you are interested in; it is quite possible that the subscriber will pick up the phone and you can ask something, or you will recognize the person by their voice. But what to do if they don’t answer you? You should move on to the next option. It is advisable to call from some other number to try to catch a subscriber unknown to you by surprise.

Method two

Try entering the phone number in any search engine. After all, maybe a person unknown to you bought or sold something over the Internet, or perhaps used free message boards. If there are still no options, we smoothly move on to the next stage.

Method three

And yet, how can you find out who owns the number? It is not possible to do this legally. You can try contacting friends who work in the police, if you have any, of course. Operators are required to provide this information upon request from internal authorities.
You can try your luck and try to “talk” the girl operator at the company office. Or again, contact your friends who work there. But this method is completely illegal. And, perhaps, you shouldn’t ask your friends to risk their position and drag them into this scam.

Method four

There are specialists who help resolve the issue of how to find out who owns a cell phone number. They offer their services precisely on this topic. Everything in the description is quick and simple, first they provide evidence, and then payment occurs. And no fraud.
But try to use common sense and think logically. For example, why do many detective agencies warn in advance that they do not provide information on requests for information on how to find out who the number belongs to? Because this information is confidential, and the law provides for an article and a term of imprisonment for interference in personal life. But many employees of detective agencies are former law enforcement officers. Is it worth shelling out a lot of money for such dubious services? And where is the guarantee that the information presented to you will be reliable? So whether to risk it or not when making an application is up to you to decide.

Useful advice on how to find out who owns a number

Today you can quickly and completely free of charge find out which operator the number you are interested in belongs to and in which region it is located. It is possible that the data obtained will help you. Imagine, suddenly you get a call from some “Tmutarakansk”, and, say, a former fan lives there. Or maybe he was feeling nostalgic?

You can try using search engines or special sites with telephone directories. However, the effectiveness of this method is currently extremely low due to the abundance of all kinds of fraudulent resources. Your success in finding the owner increases if you are interested in a short code. Such numbers are usually registered privately to provide SMS newsletters and various mobile services, and information about the owners is most often indicated on the Internet. If you constantly receive messages or calls from a short number, and at the same time a certain amount of funds is withdrawn from your account, you could have become a victim of scammers. Most likely, information about the owner of this number is already available online or on the website of your mobile operator.

Contact your local police department.

It is necessary to file a complaint against the telephone hooligan. In the statement, it is advisable to consistently indicate all the facts of hooliganism and your response actions. The application must be drawn up in two copies, the second one must be signed by the employee who accepted your application. You must then receive written confirmation of the actions taken by the police and the decision made on the fact of telephone hooliganism.


Having established the information of a telephone hooligan, the telephone exchange dispatcher does not have the right to communicate this information to you. But he is obliged to transfer information to law enforcement agencies if you write a corresponding statement.

Helpful advice

It is possible to determine the owner by phone number using the Internet. But remember that the telephone databases offered on the network, as a rule, are of illegal origin. Therefore, contacting them very often ends in receiving unreliable or simply outdated information. Use legal ways to identify the annoying subscriber, and you can punish him for telephone hooliganism.

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  • how to find out the owner by number

Do you get pestered with nightly calls on your cell phone and hang up? Do you often receive SMS from unfamiliar numbers, and when you call back and try to find out who the author is, you hear silence on your phone? To stop this kind of antics you need to find out owner hated phone and have an explanatory conversation with him.


The easiest way to find out owner, from which boorish calls and SMS, if they contain a threat in their context. You don't even have to do anything. Just go to the police and write a statement. Law enforcement agencies will figure out who the owner is. phone, from which you received insolent calls and will take appropriate measures against him.

Check the number owner which you need to determine from the cellular operator's database. You can buy such a base either or in markets where various kinds are sold. Although the database may not contain the information you are looking for, there is still a chance that you will find owner necessary phone, there is and it is quite large.

Contact a private investigation agency. This is the most expensive method, but it is the most reliable. As a rule, detectives have connections in law enforcement agencies and will find owner what you need phone as soon as possible.

Try using online search services. Remember that in addition to paid ones, there are also free search engines. It's better to start with them. If your attempts are unsuccessful, move on to paid search. But remember that the relevance of information obtained in this way is quite low and there will be no one to file a claim after payment.

Try to find out owner what you need phone at a cellular service point. The fact is that when you pay for a mobile phone, when you call your number, the manager receives all the information about the subscriber. Using a little trick and having previously come up with a legend, you can try to find out in this way owner what you need phone. Everything will depend on how skillfully you bluff. But if you get figured out, don't be upset. Remember that now there are cell phone shops on every corner. Face the brick and go to the next place.

Video on the topic

In the era of information, situations often arise when it is necessary to collect data about a person, knowing only his mobile number phone. If you start searching for information with a clear algorithm and structured possible methods, you will undoubtedly speed up your search.

Modern technologies and various programs make it possible to quickly and freely determine the owner of a mobile or landline phone number. If you receive a call from an unknown number and you want to find out who the owner of this or that number is, then this will not be difficult to do. Let's look at the main options for solving such problems.

The easiest way to find out the number

One of the simplest ways to determine who owns a mobile phone number is this: after numerous calls, you can simply call the number back. It is advisable to call from someone else, so that the stranger cannot guess that you are now calling him. The subscriber will pick up the phone, talk to him and try to find out at least something about his personality.

Using online services

Try using special search services. Finding them on the Internet will not be difficult. You should not pay attention to sites where they ask you to send SMS messages. In most cases, their cost cannot be called low. In addition, there is always a chance that you will never receive the information you want. And in the future it will not be possible to present a claim to anyone. Therefore, it is recommended to work with proven resources to determine the owner of the number, such as and On these sites you will find the information you need completely free of charge! To do this, you need to open the website, fill in all the required fields and click the “Find” button. If you have any questions regarding the operation of these services, you can always contact technical support for help.

Contact the operator

There are a lot of options on how to find out who owns a number. For example, when you top up your account and give your own number, the specialist who accepts the payment sees your personal data that you indicated when you drew up an agreement with the operator (this applies to those who use the contract). Typically, employees say the caller's first and middle name out loud to check the information on their computer. So, you can call the number you are interested in. In response, you will most likely hear: “Maria Sergeevna?” You can always pretend that you mixed up the number, but you will already have the information. If this number doesn’t work in one salon, try another.

By the way, information in the databases of such companies is often used by scammers for their own gain. Scammers can come up with a lot of stories to make an employee feel sorry for them. For example, they say that they urgently need to top up their sick grandmother’s account, but they forgot the last couple of digits of their mobile phone. Then they ask the manager to help them. Naturally, not every manager will fall for such a trick, but there are some actors who will achieve their goal.

You can also find out the phone number "through connections". If you have relatives or friends who work in a mobile phone store, they will find you a subscriber by number absolutely free, because they have access to the entire database of phone numbers. However, there are certain nuances here, since the database may contain outdated information.

Law Enforcement Assistance

If you receive SMS messages or threatening calls, please contact law enforcement immediately. Explain the whole situation, and the police will identify the person by phone number in a short time. It will be much easier for them to do this, because they have access to all databases. They will immediately inform you about the owner of the SIM card as soon as he is found.

Private agency

If the police refuse to help you, you can always contact a private search agency. The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to pay a lot of money for such pleasure. However, the professionals who work for such agencies usually have extensive law enforcement experience. In most cases, they have access to all current mobile operator databases. To work with private detective agencies, you will need to fill out an application. The detectives will begin their work and will soon tell you who the owner of the number is. Of course, these companies do not provide any guarantees of work completion.

Call from a landline phone

Do you need to find a landline phone number? As practice shows, this will not be difficult.

Telephone base

First of all, find a database of city numbers and download it from the Internet. Everything is very simple here: you only need to enter a phone number. In order not to scroll through all the databases, determine the region by the phone code in which the subscriber lives, usually these are the first few digits of the number.

Help Desk

Also, to determine who owns a landline telephone number, you can contact the city telephone help service. Some of them agree to help find a person only by number for a fee.

Internet search engines

Did you get a call from a number you don't recognize? And you want to know whose number this is? All this can be done via the Internet completely free of charge! You will only need to type the phone number in any search engine.

If the number you are trying to decipher belongs to an organization, it is most likely listed in the electronic directory. The company may also have its own website with this phone number.

If the number belongs to a person, he could leave the phone for public access on any social networks or forums.

Special site

You can also try to find information about a person through the website Here you need to select the city you are interested in and enter the phone number, and you will be able to find out not only the person’s details, but also his address.

It turns out that finding a person by mobile or landline phone is not so difficult. The main thing is not to fall for scammers and use only proven and free methods.

Today, fraudulent transactions related to mobile communications are quite common. To successfully avoid these situations, it is advisable to know who is the owner of the number from which, for example, you may receive an offer for services.

With the development of the Internet, finding out who owns a mobile number has become a very real task. Certain online sources will help you with this.

In order to find out who owns a mobile phone number, first of all, you should pay attention to the number itself. And specifically on its first digits. Using these numbers, you can determine the regional location of the person calling.

You can find out which region a certain number belongs to from the information on the websites of mobile operators. You need to determine which operator the number belongs to, go online and check it by region.

When you make inquiries and understand which operator the phone belongs to, it may turn out that the call was from the city or populated area where your relatives live. Or maybe close friends or good acquaintances? Don't be afraid to call back.

If you find that this number belongs to your home region, then you should contact a mobile phone store. If your desire to find out the owner of the phone is dictated by simple curiosity, then, of course, you may be refused. But if you sense a fraudulent scheme or receive a threat, then cellular communications specialists will definitely help you find the owner.

Using the Internet yourself

You can find out who owns a mobile phone number completely independently by using the Internet. There are special Internet sources for these purposes. Which contain telephone directory data.

But, if you decide to use this method, then be very vigilant. The fact is that scammers are also developing such sites. Therefore, this should only be done on trusted sites.

By the way, the shorter the number from which they call you, the greater the likelihood of identifying its owner. The fact is that short numbers are usually registered privately.

Using such short numbers is very convenient to notify a large number of clients via SMS. In general, they are very convenient for the service industry. So, it is quite possible that you will find information about the owner of the phone in such registration lists. They can also be found on the World Wide Web.

When you search, don’t forget to look at the reviews of people who fell into the scammers’ networks.

Popular resource

You can find out who owns a mobile phone number through a trusted resource. Such an Internet resource is Poisk.goon. When you go to this site, you will need to enter the number from which you received calls.

Information about this number will immediately appear on the screen. An exception may be numbers that were registered quite recently; information about them may not be available.

The advantage of this method is that this resource is absolutely free.

Let's try to cheat

You can also play a little detective. You can call back the number from which you were called from another SIM card or from your home telephone.

If they answer your call, you can:

  • directly state that you are interested in the owner of this phone, but there is a chance that the other end of the line will hang up;
  • it would be more reliable to say that you are a mobile operator;
  • feel free to ask any questions you are interested in, you can say that there are complaints about this number.

Perhaps, by the voice that comes through the receiver, you will immediately understand who you are talking to. If this does not happen, then you can introduce yourself not only as a mobile operator. Your task is to make the person enter into a conversation with you.

We can say that you are an interviewer and are conducting a sociological survey. In this case, it is better to come up with several questions in advance so as not to get into trouble. At the end of such a survey, ask the interlocutor his first and last name, it is quite possible that he will tell you it.

Radio market to help

There is another way to find out the owner. Go to the radio market and buy a disk with a database of mobile numbers. This is an illegal way.

Behave carefully so that you are not mistaken for a representative of the authorities. If a person calls you from a number that is registered to him, then you will find him.