Start blogging if you have nothing to tell. Where to blog? Review of Free Blogging Platforms

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How to start blogging on the Internet? How to reach 1000 traffic in modern blogging? How to become popular in a year or a year and a half and start making money from it.

Hello friends!
In this article, as always, I will highlight how advanced webmasters conduct and promote their blogs.
I think this is comprehensive information for 2016-2017.
Some users fight for a hundred - two visitors per day to their site, others in 1.5 - 2 years bring their resources to a traffic level of 1000 - 2000 users per day.
How do they do it?
how to start writing a blog?
Info not only for beginners, but also for advanced ones who have low traffic on their blog.

How to start your own blog - why do you have low traffic?

I probably won’t make a discovery if I say that the topic of your blog greatly influences its traffic, of course, if you have a thematic one).
The key to a “healthy” blog is 3-7 keywords, with direct entry, low competition, per article.
How to correctly write and format articles for visitors and search engines, I wrote
What topic should you choose for your blog?
I come to the conclusion that the theme, as such, is not important, or rather, you can make it not entirely thematic.
Now all the niches with interesting keys are already filled.
It is very difficult for a young site less than a year old, or even older than 2-3 years, to compete with a trust resource that is 6-8 years old.
Almost all visited blogs that are 1.5 - 3 years old are not thematic.

What do I mean by not thematic?
Let's say a blog about SEO, or making money on the Internet; personally, I am only interested in these topics.
Of course I know what's going on there).

It seems that people should only talk about this, but no).
There you will find how to register in contact, how to change ip, delete followers on instagram...
Is it worth blogging like this?
My opinion is that you can take similar topics, but only close ones!
Let's say, in a blog about making money, it's funny to write about a frog for charging and how to use it), or why do you have brittle hair?)
That's how they write it.)
Of course, it’s a personal matter for everyone what to write about.

I also like statements like this.
So, my blog has become a thousand-stronger!
I chose a difficult topic, making money on the Internet, but if I had chosen a topic for a friend, the attendance would have been not 1000, but 3000 - 4000.
And what about other topics that don’t have their own whales? Will they easily give you the top 10?
Is it true?
This is the first thing.

And secondly.
If your blog is called how to make money on the Internet, this does not mean that it is one.
Where does your main traffic to your site come from, from what articles?
How to create a mailbox on Yandex, how to get in touch?
Well, it would be nice to start with articles, otherwise one article took off, brings almost all the traffic, the blogger declares, I’m damn handsome.
Of course, you can amuse yourself, and hang noodles on the ears of beginners).

Here's the trick, this is what they ripple.
Visitor, visitor discord.
Let's say, if you write an article on how to make money on the Internet, get it to the top of search engines.
You are handsome, respect and respect to you.
You can place very profitable affiliate programs on it, the advertiser will torment you with letters asking you to place a link to their website in such an article for money.
The problem is that you won't be able to do this).
A very competitive request, in the top search, I believe, there are only muzzles).

What can you get out of the article, how to get in touch?
Why are you grinning?
1300 requests per month in direct occurrence of the word.
83 thousand for adjacent keys.

You can, of course, put a link to a phishing site in the article and steal passwords from VKontakte accounts.
Set up a store to sell accounts.
In 5 years, you will be convicted) when the Duma passes a law on Internet fraud.
Of course, I’m joking, but seriously, this is a non-antler request.
I think you understand where I'm going with this.

Are there any interesting blogs on the Internet with a small number of visitors?
Yes, there are, but these are more sites for the soul than for making money.
May the owners of such resources forgive me, but I don’t see a future for them.
They are writing an article about making money, the number of requests is 10-30 per month, the competition is 20-25, one key in the article.
Guys, are you writing articles for yourself?

So, after all, how to run your blog on the Internet?
What to write about and how?

How to write blog articles correctly

Guys, and yet, despite all the complexity of promotion, a one-piece site has several significant advantages compared to a motley site.
Let's figure out what are the advantages of a thematic blog.
In my opinion, he has 2 strong features.
1. Due to topics from one category, there will be a constant audience on it; if people are interested in SEO, and your blog is only about it, visitors will be more willing to go to other articles on your resource, and this, in turn, is a big, fat plus to behavioral factors.
2. Advertisers are more willing to advertise in such communities.
In addition, you don’t have to worry about affiliate programs, that is, you don’t need to put different affiliate programs under different articles.
The main disadvantage is attendance. It’s hard to promote a website like this.
You see, no matter what cool resource you have, without errors, cool design, financial theme, and so on, but if you don’t have visitors to it, it doesn’t generate income, the price of an unpromoted VKontakte group.

What to write on the site?
Topics close to your topic.
For example.
Write about dogs, maybe about cats, monkeys).
How to buy a fox fur coat?
This topic will not suit you).
I want to say, look for queries that are close to you, if it’s about everything, then this is no longer a blog, but some kind of trash).

    • Requests per month, at least 50, preferably 100-200, you will find more non-competitive ones, generally great.
    • 5-7 keys with direct entry, the rest search engines will find for you.
    • Competition 1-10 for mutagen.
    • The text volume is 3500 - 5000 characters, you can do more, you will spam the text less, and you are unlikely to be able to reveal the topic.

Not the other day, I was reading a blog. Its author, probably an SEO guru, writes that after 3 years search engines begin to treat the site better, they no longer find fault, I’ve been waiting for three years, and damn it!
And in 20 years it will become even more trustworthy, so maybe we need to wait another 17 years?!
Many SEOs change their view and approach to promotion over time.
I made a mistake, the blogger wrote nonsense, it’s okay, well, it happens).
I was hooked by this only because there is a “seo” section on that blog.
And someone will read it and really decide so.

That seems to be all I wanted to convey to you in this article.
Questions in the comments are welcome.
I wish you success!

Hello everyone, on this page I tried to collect complete information about how to start and where is the best place to blog?. It’s not at all difficult, especially if you have studied my corresponding thematic page, where I tried to cover the main points. Blogging is also easy; everyone will find the information below helpful.

To be honest, I have already written about blogging more than once:

2. Key queries

In order to properly blog on the Internet, or rather, effectively from the point of view of search engines, it is necessary to create a semantic core for future articles. In other words, this is a list of key queries for which you will be found in search engines. And for this to happen, it is necessary correctly collect the semantic core and write optimized articles for this core. I will show how you can do this for free and effectively using the same Clay Modeling as an example.

To collect the semantic core for future optimized articles, you will need the KeyCollector automatic parsing program, but, unfortunately, it is paid. But don’t despair; at the initial stage of blogging, you can use the free version of KeyCollectora, called Slovoeb. You can download it from here.

Let's take as a basis the topic of one of the sections of the future blog - Flowers made of clay. Let's select the Russia region and parse this phrase. We will receive a list of queries with frequency, that is, we will find out how many times these queries were requested in search engines over the past month.

I got 273 results, starting with a frequency of 6908 and ending with 5. There is no point in taking a frequency less than 5, such frequencies are not worth the time spent on writing articles. That is, over the past month, the phrase “clay flowers” ​​was requested, one way or another, 6908 times, and “flat flowers made of polymer clay” - 5 times:

Next, I manually delete all unnecessary queries; KeyCollector makes this much easier; it has group analysis, thanks to which you can very quickly delete all unnecessary phrases. By the way, this pleasure costs only 1,400 rubles; if anyone is interested, they can purchase this program.

After I removed all the extra queries, I was left with 219 queries. After that, I collect the exact frequency of "!". This is necessary in order to understand how many times the selected phrases were searched for exactly as they sound. And only based on determining the exact frequency, I form a semantic core for future articles.

After the exact frequency is collected, I delete queries with an exact frequency less than 5. After this cleaning, in this example I was left with 118 queries. Actually here they are:

Don't pay attention to the numbers, they are different from the previous screenshot. I did them at different times, but Yandex.Wordstat is updated daily and contains statistics only for the past month.

After that, I upload the queries into an Excel spreadsheet and organize them for future articles, something like this:

That is, I was able to break the compiled semantic core into as many as 22 full-fledged articles optimized for these queries. Can you imagine how many more articles you can write without key queries...

The semantic core is one of the key points of successful blogging. It is necessary to devote a sufficiently large amount of time to this stage, carefully selecting requests and carefully and competently distributing them into articles.

3. Writing articles

Now let’s move on to an equally important point as the previous one: writing articles. I have already written about the enormous importance of articles for the development of the blog as a whole, and I will not touch on this topic now.

I kept thinking about how to explain to me how to write articles correctly. This is a topic for a separate lengthy article. There are many rules for writing effective articles, both from the point of view of search engines and from the point of view of site visitors. And if you list them, you will get an unrealistically huge article. It will be better if I write about this separately. Here I decided to write an article on one of the topics with the key queries selected in the last paragraph.

I decided to show how to write articles based on the following queries:

I will call the article a direct entry of the key query - “flowers made of polymer clay for beginners.”

The article itself will briefly look something like this:

Hello everyone, in today's article I will tell you how to do flowers made of polymer clay. For beginners It will be very useful for modelers, because you will learn about the main nuances of this modeling. ( direct entry at the very beginning of the article of the main key query, then you can write a couple of paragraphs without keywords).

Which one do I use? polymer clay For colors in that master class for beginners? I bought it, oddly enough, in a children's store. You can also find it in various specialized stores or online stores. More suitable for flowers is this and that. ( I try to use one key word for a couple of paragraphs, here you can write something else useful further).

Modeling flowers from polymer clay for beginners a little different from the sculpting of professionals. The main differences are as follows ( Next comes a bulleted list with explanations, search engines love this).

(I will end the article like this:)

I won’t say goodbye for long, in today’s article I told you how to make polymer clay flowers for beginners. I will dedicate the next article to professionals.

Usually I focus on 4000 characters, I think this is the golden mean. And the text is not too long, and it is possible to include both key queries and reveal the essence of the article without spamming it.

To blog correctly, you need to learn write articles correctly, do not neglect this point.

4. Commenting on blogs

The blog is ready and already working, a semantic core has been collected for future articles that are written correctly, but it may turn out that this will not be enough, at least for good traffic. Perhaps in the first month, low-frequency and low-competition queries will bring some search traffic if they reach the TOP of search results. But it’s better not to wait for this, but to take additional measures to increase attendance. One of these measures is commenting on other people's blogs.

The thing is that when leaving a comment on someone else’s blog, we have the opportunity to leave a link to our resource. And if this blog is promoted and visited, then the left link can begin to bring traffic. And also, as often happens, the author of the blog where we left a comment can return with a reply comment to our blog. Thus, traffic increases, and the first comments may appear. In this regard, by the way, I conducted one experiment, I called it Boomerang, you can find out more about it.


I have no doubt that thousands of beginners start blogging after reading advice from various gurus about how simple it is and how easy it is to make money on a blog.

There is no need to put in any effort.

This is all clear; Internet entrepreneurs make money from such newcomers by selling them their knowledge of creating and maintaining a blog.

However, in reality, only a small part of beginners manage to properly promote their own project to significant earnings.

Look, your first blog has been created, the basic settings have been made. Even mistakes made at the beginning you gradually correct. You write articles: first a few a week, then less. Then you squeeze one out of yourself with difficulty. Then you put it off until later - you work for yourself, no one pushes you.

Promoting your “brainchild” is difficult, because Yandex does not favor young resources too much. There are few visitors, it’s not so easy to attract them, and you have no idea where from. Unless, of course, you have thousands of acquaintances on social networks who often visit you.

The initial euphoria from creating the site has disappeared somewhere. The expected monetization and return from it in monetary terms is still not there. But you were promised that there would be a lot of everything at once...

It is at this stage that many newcomers merge. They give up on their project and abandon it. And he hangs out on the network until the payment for hosting runs out.

Why? LACK OF MOTIVATION. If a website was created for the sake of making money, you worked on it for a month, two, three, but there is still no result, then many people do not have enough patience. You came to the network without experience, without knowledge, with only one desire to make money on a blog. And this is not so quick and easy, otherwise all bloggers would have become millionaires long ago.

How to blog and make it successful?

The old-timers of the information business are absolutely right about one thing.

  • You need to create your website on a topic that interests you.
  • In a niche in which you are willing to work not only for money, but also for the soul.

A comparison comes to mind. Proper blogging is a kind of marathon. Not even average distance. Namely, a marathon, when recognition and prizes (in the form of earnings on a blog) are received by those who do not leave the race, who reach the end.

How to blog properly

Systematically and methodically INCREASE YOUR REFERENCE MASS . Make unique announcements of your articles in announcement services and social networks. It is useful to exchange links with thematic resources, exchange articles, and post publications with your links in article directories. Why is this necessary? To increase the significance of your project in the eyes of search engines, make them treat your blog more favorably.

OPTIMIZE ARTICLES for search queries in order to please Yandex, Google, and get permanent . Search should become the main source of traffic. Review and correct your old articles, check keywords, and add new ones if necessary. It's the same with titles and descriptions.

ENSURE that each article answers some query. You should not have articles ABOUT ANYTHING - who will read them?

WRITE articles on HOT topics that concern most readers. Regularly send announcements to social networks and Bookmarks.

COMMUNICATE, conduct a dialogue with readers through comments. In the comments you will find an assessment of your work and topics for your future articles.

And the most important advice on how to blog correctly is SHARE free, useful information with your readers. Because in the process of creating your project, you undoubtedly turned over mountains of information and became an expert in your topic.

Search engines are distrustful of sites less than six months old. Therefore, patience, once again patience and faith in yourself. Don't give up, finish the job to the end. Step over this milestone fully armed - with new unique articles, with grateful readers.

Do not rush to various baits that promise quick money - in the race for opportunities. DEVELOP your topic, generate ideas for posts, gather your audience. And there will definitely be results from blogging.



    Dmitriy :

    Only those who see only profit from the blog give up, and if there is no profit right away, they immediately forget about the blog. Sometimes many people encounter difficulties - sometimes their belly doesn’t grow, sometimes links don’t appear, sometimes there’s no traffic. By the way, I was lucky with traffic - I came across a free service for receiving traffic - but it takes at least an hour a day - and the traffic I get is 15-20 people every day with meaningful comments, but many people don’t have enough of this and give up

  • Olga :

    I don’t even think about making money yet. The only thing that can stop me from blogging is the lack of time (I work at night after I put my youngest child to bed) and moral support from loved ones. They see blogging as a fad that doesn't deserve that amount of time. But I like it, I chose an interesting topic, so I’ll work on it!)

  • Gregory:

    In general, blogs and forums are started in order to speak out. Monetization is a side effect. From 6 sites with Adsense, I got as much as 6 dollars in a year... To make money, they rather use either online stores or one-page websites to collect traffic to an affiliate program. Or something like that (but darker). But not blogs. And not forums.

    • Gregory, you know that earnings from Adsense directly depend on traffic (the more clicks there are, the more visitors there are on the site - the law of probability). Work on attracting visitors.

      People manage to make money on absolutely everything - they build networks of satellites (selling links), sell information products from their blogs.

      They use a blog to collect subscribers for their mailing list and sell advertising space there, or offer affiliate products.

      They sell advertising space on a blog - you just need to run it in such a way that someone wants to buy advertising on it.
      There are few altruists who run a project just for their own pleasure. Everyone hopes to make money. Another thing is that not everyone succeeds in this (or the niche is chosen in such a way that it is impossible to make money in it).

      • Gregory:

        Olga, sites that sell affiliate products and information products are more likely online stores, not blogs. The genre is a little different.
        Selling advertising space on Blogun won’t bring much money either. Well, maybe also a dozen or two dollars a year.
        I understand that you advise following the following scheme: advertise a blog on social networks, advertise a newsletter on a blog, advertise affiliate programs in a newsletter. I don't think this scheme works. Very few people will reach the affiliate program from a social network. They will get stuck either on the blog or in the mailing list and will not go further. In addition, the number of friends on social networks is small (most of them are known offline), and recruiting new friends who would follow the chain you suggested is very problematic. Again, maintaining high-quality accounts on social networks and maintaining mailing lists will require many times more creative potential than just blogging. I can’t write much, I’m exhausted. and here you will need to maintain 3 accounts on social networks + a blog + a newsletter. This needs to be written 5 times more.

      • Gregory, who says that blogging professionally and making money from it is easy?
        It's the same job. In the beginning, blogging requires a lot of time and sometimes money. You read the comments of novice bloggers - projects take up all their free time from work. Some even devote less time to their family than they would like.

        Women in these cases are the real heroines - they also take care of the household and children.
        I talked about this in the article: “People, have patience. If you don’t have experience, you won’t be able to make money right away.”

        You understood everything correctly about the chain. I didn't come up with this out of my head. Thousands of people earn through this scheme.
        A blog is your point of sale, your store. You invite people from everywhere to attend. from where you can. If people are interested, they will follow you, sign up for your newsletter, and buy.

        Doing all this alone is certainly difficult. Therefore, many top bloggers have a support service and delegate most of the work to freelancers.

        Beginners must be aware of the difficulties they will face. And don't give up.


        Sorry, Olga, but I still don’t understand. Let's say 1% of friends on social networks visit the blog. 1% of blog visitors will subscribe. 1% of subscribers will follow an affiliate link, and it’s not a fact that they will buy. Thus, to get 1 click on an affiliate link you need to have a million friends on social networks. I think that even pop stars and top football players don’t have that many friends. Where am I supposed to get to them?

      • Gregory, we are talking about different things.
        You mean a personal blog that 10-20 of your friends visit.
        I mean blog to make money. The normal traffic of such blogs (depending on the niche and type of earnings) is 1000 or more visitors per day.

        Naturally, the law of probability also applies here. More visitors, more earnings (unless you are going to sell links). But even in this case, with a large number of readers, the performance of the web resource improves, the TIC increases (Yandex takes into account behavioral factors). Links can be sold at a higher price.

        You don’t want to write articles often, you don’t want to maintain accounts on social networks - where do your visitors and buyers come from? To have a normal blog, you need to work on it.

Everyone has the opportunity to start blogging and it is not necessary to invest a lot of money - you can start from scratch. Blogging is still an effective and inexpensive way to build an audience, reach your target market, and generate income online. In fact, more than 409 million people read blogs regularly, and 52 percent of those readers also shop online.

But it's not enough to just set up a URL and start blogging, especially if your goal is to publish a blog that generates income or advertises your own product or service.

The key to success is reader retention. For this you need; individual approach, publishing content and proper promotion, - to attract readers and keep them coming back to you again.

Take the time to follow these 10 steps and you'll be well on your way to publishing a successful, potentially profitable, blog.

Market research

Before you jump headfirst into the blogosphere, you need to educate yourself on what works and what doesn't. Read popular blogs, including those with a general theme and those that cover topics that interest you.

Look at customer reviews and take note of what they like or dislike about the content and design. Pay attention to what types of content receive a huge amount of positive comments and reviews.

You should have an idea of ​​what the market is reacting to. Try to take all the best that your competitors have, and what they lack on their sites. Process the information received and make an upgrade.

Find your niche

A successful blog must have mass appeal and a wide enough reach to allow a lot of useful content to be written.

For example, if you started blogging and write exclusively about the daily life of your cat, it is unlikely that the audience will share this dubious heartbreaking plot with you.

However, if you approach the topic of your love for a cat from a different angle, then everything changes overnight. We need to use the whole cat theme to attract a wider audience.

Share your experience and knowledge, and then readers will reach out to you - especially if you use pictures and images, jokes, memes and other elements to illustrate your blog; And blogging will bring not only moral satisfaction but also financial benefit.

Earn the trust of your blog visitors

Anyone with internet access can have a blog, but not everyone has the potential to make a blog meaningful. You don't have to be a master at blogging about art, but it helps to build trust with your readers if you take the time to explain your interest and lay out your credentials (just be careful not to take on a tone of superiority or risk alienating your readers).

Keep in mind that you don't have to be a doctor to start a health blog, a boxer-producer to have a fitness blog, or a veterinarian to own a pet.

More importantly, you can create content that is useful, interesting and attractive to your target audience.

Define your goals

Set goals (for example, building a community, generating income, increasing your social networks, increasing the subscription base etc.) for your blog and creating a time frame for achieving them so that you can measure its success.

Build a yearly plan, including checkpoints to measure whether you've achieved your goals and to measure the overall growth of your blog.

Include a list of goals when creating a blog, some key metrics you want to focus on are how many website traffic you get how much subscribers you receive and, of course, how successful the monetization process is.

Creating friendly connections online

Identify other blogs that are similar to your own and start communicating with their authors.

It's an easy way to keep you informed about what's going on in the blogosphere, even before you've even launched your own blog and started writing. It's also a great way to subtly direct people to your blog after it's published and increase your authority by promoting your thoughts and opinions.

Content Creation

Quality content is vital to the life of a blog. Read and study as much as you can so that you are up to date on the latest developments in whatever topic your blog is focused on.

It is equally important to convey this knowledge in an entertaining way. Have fun with your writing and give it some personality. If your content is stiff and technical, your readers will be turned off and quickly lose interest.

Remember, it's not just about the written content—the format in which you present it to your readers is also important.

These days, people love to communicate with images, infographics, audio and video content, an important factor that cannot be ignored.

Introduce yourself to the audience

Your first post should introduce you (use a pseudonym if necessary) and detail the purpose of your blog. Include your credentials as well as your interest in the subject. Offer funny notes about yourself and make them stand out. If your readers feel like they know you, they will be more loyal and engaged with your blog.

You'll also want to have an "About Me" page on your site to learn more about yourself and make a personalized connection with your visitors. People do business with those they know and trust.

Be consistent

Readers (and search engines) value consistency. At the end of the day, it's really about quality over quantity, so be sure to focus on the former... but after that, the rules are; The more you can publish, the better.

Community creation

Once you start publishing your blog, create social media accounts. It is recommended to use Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte. This allows you to build a blog community as well as generate traffic and promote your site.

While most people only think of using social media as a free way to get traffic; There are many powerful paid social media marketing opportunities you can use to quickly generate massive amounts of traffic.


Regularly updating your content (posts, forums, and comments) keeps readers coming back to your blog (and keeps you top of mind in search engines). Always invite others to comment on your articles and when they do, don't forget to thank them for it.

Assess your readers' needs and add established content to satisfy their interest. Maintaining your content at a high level demonstrates to your readers and subscribers your level of skill and high rank.

A few years ago, no one would have believed that he could open his own business on the Internet and earn real money. Tell any parent or older person that they can work on the Internet just like at a regular job and get paid more than what they have now and I'm sure many will laugh and say that's it this is a deception, and if you remember the 90s and various financial pyramids and how our older generation, who always teaches us how to live and still give hundreds of thousands of rubles to scammers, they never cease to be amazed. Many people want to invest a little and get mountains of money without doing anything. I somehow wrote about network marketing and how everything works there, and this article has a lot of traffic and is in the TOP 5 of Yandex. But people don’t learn many arguments, and they often wrote angry letters to me saying that I didn’t understand anything.

What do I mean by all this, and besides, not a single company and not a single entrepreneur can do without working on the Internet. A blogging on the Internet this is a gold mine and many people realized it, even if some are late, but over the past couple of years blogs on a variety of topics have begun to appear on the Internet like mushrooms. When I was at school, I really didn’t like writing various essays and presentations because it wasn’t interesting to me, and I didn’t know how to do it well. But having decided to keep my diary and write my thoughts and share my experiences with readers, I began to develop myself, overcoming difficulties and learning from my own and others’ mistakes. Yes, there were a lot of problems, and I didn’t know how to start blogging, from the lack of visitors to the blog to zero profit from the blog. More than once I thought that this was not for me and that it was simply not realistic to occupy a niche that was already highly competitive, and I mean the topic of “making money on a blog.” But I succeeded. Today I make money from reviews, advertising, as well as from services for creating and promoting websites on the Internet, which I wrote about in this article.

Many novice bloggers who have just opened and started maintaining their blogs make such mistakes, after which I would simply leave the network and spend all my time on social networks, looking at pictures with cats and sitting in my pants like some -)) )). I'm not talking about everyone, but about 70% of users on the Internet are just doing bullshit. Nowadays, few people want to work, everyone wants to relax and let everything go on as it went before, without thinking about the future, and I feel sorry for such people - (((.

If you have started your own blog, then you need to know how to maintain it correctly and what not to do, both at the very beginning and throughout the life of the blog in the future. The main thing is to comply with a number of requirements and the blog will begin to develop at a rapid pace. You know how happy I was when the traffic exceeded 100 unique visitors per day, and today the traffic is already 500 people. By the way, read the article, it’s very interesting and useful to know. In general, I advise you to subscribe to my blog mailing list if you have not already done so, since I try not to rewrite old posts, but to give useful advice and share practical experience. I didn’t even think that the day would come when they would ask me for advice, but today the wealth of knowledge and past failures has helped me move forward.

But we shouldn’t forget what makes us visit other blogs on your topic and read new articles by authors? It's simple!!! Everyone wants to gain experience, take on new ideas and develop further, but this needs to be done by experienced bloggers who are more experienced than you, and that’s the only way you can get ahead.

Young authors have written to me more than once who decided to go learn how to promote their blog through various courses costing from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles or more, but why are they needed??? I would like to ask, did you try to understand this topic yourself before going to study??? Have you tried reading blogs from authors who have gone through this themselves? No one will ever give you a ready-made template according to which you will receive 50,000 rubles just by writing on a blog. This will not happen, and you must be prepared for it. If I were the beginners who believed in fairy tales and quick money, I would spend money investing in my blog both in usability and in interesting articles for the blog. But still, many spend a lot of money on courses, most of which provide about 80% of the water about which hundreds of posts have already been written.

How to start blogging without making big mistakes

I won’t beat around the bush and will try to tell and give practical advice from my experience of running my blog that helped develop it. Compliance with these rules is mandatory for all beginners and not only, since a blog can be maintained for years and have a traffic of 50 people per day, which means that it’s time to do something, unless of course you write a blog to just kill time. There is no point in blogging if no one will read it.

So, let’s read and begin to apply the following recommendations for blogging.

Mistake #1: Choosing the wrong blog topic

This has been talked about hundreds of times already, but it seems that many people don’t get it. Some don’t even bother with the topic of the blog and write about everything and still can’t find their audience. If you are writing about how to make money on the Internet, then you don’t need to write about how to repair a computer or draw with a brush on whatman paper. People follow the interesting information that you offer on your blog, and this is how the main audience will be formed.

I don’t understand why many people choose topics only those that are well-known, but they themselves don’t understand it and try to teach others. Yes, any topic that is not a narrow specialty such as recipes or a healthy lifestyle can be well filled and promoted, and have traffic in the thousands since it is easier to study information there and is in demand among a wide range of users. These are the topics that need to be taken and then simply monetized. Traffic is our main task when promoting any blog, and a by-product will be the long-awaited profit in your pocket.

Even if you have not studied for a particular profession or you have hobbies, then write about it. If you play video games, write about them, share codes and useful secrets that you know better than others. “Those born to crawl cannot fly” and this applies to each of us. Do what you are a professional at. And if you make a mistake when choosing a blog topic, it will be irreparable in the future and all the money invested and time will be wasted.

Mistake #2: Link building

At this stage, about 80% of new bloggers make terrible mistakes and do not quite understand how to properly build link mass and what influence they have rental and permanent links. In the era of struggling with purchased links, it is necessary to constantly monitor the sites being promoted and pay attention to the maximum naturalness of the links that will link to your blog. Not long ago, I had to display the site of one of my clients, who bought eternal links on their own, and after the implementation of the “Minusinsk” algorithm, the site fell beyond the 100th position in search results. I advise you to read the case " How I removed a client’s site from being filtered for buying SEO links ».

If you made a mistake and bought low-quality links, then you should not immediately panic, but should qualitatively analyze and identify the cause of the problem. Depending on the sanctions imposed by search engines, careful work is required on the part of the optimizer to remove backlinks and rewrite articles on a blog or commercial site. If everything is done correctly, then after some time the filters will be removed. I’ll say right away that there are services that charge from 25,000 rubles for such a service, but if you figure it out, you can do all these steps yourself and save a huge amount of money and avoid getting scammed.

How long are search engine sanctions imposed?

  • Cheating of behavioral factors from 8 months. Previously, the filter is not removed under any conditions, and the countdown begins after all manipulations with the site are suspended;
  • For the purchase of SEO links to the site, a filter is applied until low-quality donors are completely removed and re-indexing is completed;
  • The sanctions of the AGS algorithm, introduced in 2015, are also aimed at combating purchased links and are removed after they are abandoned.

One of the most profitable ways to acquire links to your blog is to place them naturally on blogs, comments, forums and question/answer services. But given the popularity of this method, many services began to actively spam various sites, which partially reduces the effectiveness provided that backlinks are placed incorrectly and unnaturally, and here you need to look reliable crowd marketing service or independently conduct active discussions.

Don’t forget to vary the types of links leading to your blog from different sites. You should also be careful about diluting the anchor list of all links and use the following: read here, here, more details, look here, domain url, here, etc. Such anchors are considered natural and will not be suspicious. But it’s worth noting that using only non-anchor links can have a negative impact on your promoting websites to the TOP of searches .

I have seen more than once how young blogs fell under filters only because they did not understand how to start blogging and they did not have the patience to fill their blog with quality content and decided to sell links to everyone from reviews and other banners, thereby losing your blogs and reputation, which is very difficult to regain in the search engines themselves -))).

  • Actively comment on articles on other people’s blogs and put a link in your profile or indicate the URL in your name;
  • Register on the forums you visit on your topic and actively participate in discussions, but provide useful information, and not just comments that this or that is very cool and interesting;
  • Contact blog authors and make suggestions publishing guest posts. But lately, many blog owners are afraid to publish such posts, and if they do, then only high-quality and voluminous posts of at least 10,000 characters without spaces. It is also worth buying links from new posts, which will have a very good effect on promotion;
  • Buy links from crowd marketing services;
  • Order a run through the newsletter of the blogs you visit;
  • Announce new blog posts in newsletters like Subscribe.

Advice: If you have written a traffic article tailored to key queries, then you need to buy 1-3 links with different anchors and this will help raise the article in the search. We also put links from previously indexed articles on the internal pages of the blog.

Mistake #3: On-page content optimization

The main mistake of a blog is the use of key queries not from the semantic core, which is collected for the blog and should be constantly expanded in the future. Many also cannot understand what this semantic core is and why they eat it. A huge number of methods are used for collection, among which are:

  • Pastukhov's key query database;
  • Statistics yandex.wordstat;
  • Paid program Key Collector;
  • A free program with the strange name Slovoeb (analogue of a collector);
  • Also, various exchanges and website audit services began to introduce such tools to help collect requests.

Among the mistakes I can note is the frequent use of key queries in the text in unnatural occurrences, as well as the selection of keys that have a fairly high frequency and competition in the search. And the main mistake bloggers make is not understanding how to insert key queries into the text.

Here's an example correct use of any request in the text. The received request must be used in: page alias, description, main heading h1, subheading h2, and several times in the text depending on the volume. It is also incorrect to use keys close to each other, rather than throughout the body of the document.

Also, in the first paragraph, 400 characters long, without spaces, you should use a query in the exact entry, as well as in the last paragraphs of the article. The total volume of a post with this use should be at least 4500 characters.

Personally, before I start writing a new post, I analyze the TOP results for my queries and after writing, I begin to evenly distribute them in the text so that it is pleasant to read and the search engines do not have suspicions. The main thing is not to go crazy and not shove requests anywhere within the meaning. Everything should be in moderation and sometimes using it 3 times on a relevant topic will help bring excellent traffic to your blog.

Advice: Do not rewrite those topics about which everyone writes the same thing without adding your own thoughts and useful advice. Relevance is also an important point, especially if the news came out recently, as I did since the introduction of the Minusinsk algorithm, and the article got into the TOP 5 of Yandex results and brought new visitors.

You should always experiment with content. You can write 100 articles and get traffic of 30-70 people per day, or you can get this number of visitors with the help of one well-optimized article. You can see my example of such an article in the sidebar in the most popular articles module, and it is in first place.

It all depends on the usefulness of the material and how users can use it for their own purposes. Also, do not forget about the topic, if it is narrow, then it is more difficult to move, but if it is multi-user like “recipes” or “medicine”, then you can write a huge amount of content and with proper internal linking of site pages and SEO optimization you can get a powerful effect.

When compiling a semantic core, as well as writing new posts, many bloggers make the mistake of excluding analysis of competitors in search results and analysis of articles that are in the TOP of Yandex, as well as analysis of the most traffic articles that bring the most people.

Mistake #4: Technical blog errors

Many people also leave this section behind due to the fact that they think that once the articles are written and optimized, then everything will be in chocolate. But if the blog is not configured correctly and is poorly indexed, you can lose both traffic to the blog and readers.

It seems that everything is simple and they also talk about it all the time, but why do bloggers also make these mistakes on their blog again? All due to ignorance of the basic rules and too lazy to delve into the issues of blog optimization, and when tens of thousands have already been spent on writing articles and beautiful design, it will be difficult to do anything.

I myself have more than once encountered a bunch of problems, from website hacking to the loss of all search traffic, and these were terrible times, but they gave me invaluable experience and helped me understand the essence of blogging on the Internet.

Important points when setting up a blog that many people don’t do are:

  • Having a clean design for your project;
  • No low quality outgoing links from the site, sewn inside if you downloaded a Varez template or installed components from pirated sites;
  • Availability competent micro markup main sections;
  • Availability on blogs that accept payment for courses or other services secure https connection. Google ranks sites with this topic highly;
  • Long loading of site pages, associated with heavy loads on the server due to the lack of optimization of images and internal code (validity check), as well as availability on a cheap and low-performance hosting;
  • Compliance with and correct placement of tags for headings on pages and in the general list of materials;
  • No viruses on blog pages;
  • Correctly identifying pages relevant to queries and creating the right internal linking ;
  • Lack of user-friendly navigation across pages and sections of the blog;
  • Absence beautiful social media buttons helping speed up site indexing and increasing traffic from user account pages;
  • Lack of visitor statistics counters on the site, which help analyze traffic and keep track of search engines behavioral factors ;
  • Customizing a style sheet without additional use in the materials themselves;
  • Lack of a mobile version for all devices in html 5 format.

Of course, the list is very large and you can write and write. For each specific blog, of course you need conduct a separate audit and identify the reasons for position decline and the presence of errors.

Mistake #5: Zombie blog authors

Yes, this is the title I decided to give to this section. If you have already decided to make real money on your blog, then you don’t need to be the younger brothers of other blogs. I mean there is no need to wear out their old clothes. Write on the right topics and after publishing the article, ask yourself whether this article is interesting and whether it will be useful or whether I just stupidly copied everything from another blog. Some, like zombies, have been going in the wrong direction for years and doing the same thing over and over again, not realizing that they are producing unnecessary content from which they will not be able to make a profit, no matter how hard they try.

If one blogger has chosen the right tactics for himself and understood how to run his blog, and you are unable to apply it to yourself, then look for the right options, and do not need to bang your head against a brick wall. That's what brains are for: thinking and solving problems. Add something special to your blog that will be useful to users. Someone inserts a useful video into materials to delay users, someone, having seen enough of others, stuffs the blog with crosswords or other useless things that worked before, and you come up with something of your own that no one else has.

In general, be an individual and constantly analyze the demand on the Internet and in the blogosphere. Simply writing dozens of articles will not lead to anything, unless of course you have an audience of thousands who expect a new newsletter from you every day, and they just live on the blog, but I’m not sure about something.

I hope the material was useful, and you now understand how to start blogging without errors, and I’ll wrap it up here. Use the knowledge you gain and don’t make mistakes on the blog and then you will be pleasantly surprised. Subscribe to my newsletter and soon I will tell you how to get the first 300 visitors to your blog and what I did for this step by step. It will be interesting.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.