Getting started with Mozilla Firefox - download and install. Mozilla Russia

If you want to find the folder where Firefox saved the file you downloaded, there are two ways to do this.

If saved by the browser itself

To find out the default path:
1. go to “Firefox / Settings / Settings”;

(Picture 1)

2. In the settings window, on the “Basic” tab, find the “Downloads” frame, which specifies the folder for saving files - “Downloads”.
By clicking on "Browse" we can specify a different folder.

(Figure 2)

3. Open “My Computer” and find the “Downloads” folder on the left.

If we selected a folder

1. If you right-click on the photo and select “Save” in the context menu, Firefox offers us to upload files to any folder that we specify.

(Figure 3)

2. The new version of the browser has a button with which we can get to the “download window”.

Button - download window

(Figure 4)

3. Click on the button and select “Show all downloads”.

Downloads window - All downloads

(Figure 5)

4. In the download window, move the cursor over the file and right-click. In the context menu, select “Open folder with file”.

(Figure 6)

5. As a result, we get an open folder containing the file we need.

(Figure 7)

In conclusion, if you did not save anything, but expect that the Mozilla Firefox browser saved the data in the cache, then you need to find the folder in which the cache is stored:
— go to Windows 8 My Computer and on the “View” tab, check the box next to “Hidden elements”;
- then “Local disk C / Users / Username/AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/abracadabra.default/Cache".

That's all. If you have any questions, don't hesitate.

is the name of new versions of the browser, starting with 57.0, which introduced an updated interface and many other changes.

Unfortunately, with the introduction of new things, sometimes some old functionality changes or is removed. This is what Mozilla did with the Download button on the Firefox toolbar.

Bringing back the “Download” button

Previously, the Downloads button was always visible in the toolbar, but now it only appears when the browser is downloading something. Otherwise it stays.

In fact, Mozilla applied a new "Auto-Hide" attribute to the button to hide it until the user wants to download something using the browser.

To add the “Downloads” button back to the toolbar, you need to do a simple manipulation of the settings.

  1. Right-click on the toolbar or tab bar and select the option Personalization" The toolbar settings window will open.
  2. The Downloads button is already present in the Firefox toolbar. Click on it with the left mouse button and you will see a pop-up menu “ Auto hide" The checkbox is enabled by default.

Firefox is a free browser from Mozilla. Firefox is one of the most popular browsers in the world, along with Google Chrome. In this tutorial we will talk about how to download and install Firefox on your computer.

Unlike Internet Explorer or Safari, Firefox does not come pre-installed on your operating system. To use Firefox, you need to first download and install it on your computer. It's very simple and only takes a few minutes.

To download and install Firefox:

Access to Firefox

  • If you are using a Windows operating system, a Firefox shortcut will be added to your desktop. Therefore, to open Firefox, you just need to double-click on the shortcut. You can also open Firefox from the Start menu or the taskbar.
  • If you have a Mac, you can open Firefox from the Applications folder. You can also move Firefox to the Dock.

If you want to use Firefox as your only web browser, you can set it as your default browser. We recommend you study.

Getting to know Firefox

In addition to the many features found in other browsers, Firefox offers users a number of its own unique tools. Firefox is fairly easy to use, but it will take a little time to get to grips with its interface.

Click this button to open the Firefox menu. Here you can manage your bookmarks, view downloads, go to settings, and so on.

With tabs, Firefox allows you to view multiple sites in one window. Just click on the desired tab to view the web page.

To create a new tab, you need to click on the Open new tab button, or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T(on Windows) or Command+T(on Mac).

The Back and Forward buttons let you navigate between sites you've recently visited.

4) Address line

You'll use the address bar to navigate between sites.

5) Bookmark the page

Click on the Star to bookmark an open site, or press Ctrl+D (on Windows) or Command+D (on Mac).

Here you can perform an internet search. Simply enter your search term and press Enter.

To select the system that will perform the search, click on the drop-down arrow.

Click here to view and customize your bookmarks.

8) Downloads

Click here to view recent downloads and files currently being downloaded.

9) Mozilla Firefox home page

Click here to go to the home page.

Firefox for mobile devices

Firefox can be used as a browser for mobile devices. It is available for Android devices. The Firefox app lets you browse the web, open multiple tabs, search, and more. You can even log in to Firefox on your mobile device. This will allow you to sync bookmarks, saved passwords, history and settings between your devices.

For the Mozilla Firefox browser, it is possible to replace the standard built-in file downloader with a more improved one, comparable in functionality to full-fledged desktop file downloaders. Free extension DownThemAll! is an advanced bootloader accelerator.

The extension is built into the browser and implements its own file download process and download management interface, separate from the one installed in the browser. DownThemAll! allows you to cancel, pause and restart downloads without worrying about data loss. Users can assign priority speed to individual downloads, freely move downloads through the manager’s list, and download web page content in one click.

In the extension DownThemAll! the possibility of segmented file downloading has been implemented, which means that files are downloaded in parts, and thus the speed of their downloading from slow web servers on the Internet increases.

About all the features of working with the DownThemAll! in the Mozilla Firefox browser, we’ll talk in more detail below.

DownThemAll extension! - advanced file downloader for Mozilla Firefox browser

How to install extensions (add-ons, add-ons) in browsers, in particular Mozilla Firefox, .

Downloader buttons DownThemAll!

Downloader DownThemAll! embeds its commands in the browser context menu.

More extension buttons can be seen in the Mozilla Firefox quick access menu. But first, these buttons need to be added to the menu. In the quick access menu, click “Edit”.

Drag and drop 4 DownThemAll buttons! from the list of additional functions on the left, then click “Exit settings”.

That's it - now in the browser's quick access menu there is a call to the download manager DownThemAll! and its individual download functions.

Download process

When you click on the link to download the file, a standard download selection menu will appear in the Mozilla Firefox window. Here you need to select the “DownThemAll!” item. And so that in the future the browser switches directly to the extension loader without unnecessary fuss, you can check the box next to the “Run automatically for all files of this type” option.

After this, a dialog box of the downloader itself will appear: DownThemAll! with a choice of download options. Here you can assign a folder to save the downloaded file, make a note in the description column, and select a file renaming mask. You can start downloading immediately by clicking the “Start” button. Or you can use the “Add to Queue” button to send the download, respectively, to the queue. Thus, the added files can be downloaded later, managing downloads from the DownThemAll! manager.

Another download option that also appears immediately in the standard Mozilla Firefox download selection menu is “dTaOneClick!” - this is the ability to download a file in one click.

This extension option remembers the previous download settings and will download the file in exactly the same way as the previous time - in the same folder, with the same rename mask, in the same way with an instant download start or by adding to the queue.

Rename mask

This download settings option, such as the rename mask, is useful when downloading a large number of files from different web resources or with names consisting of meaningless combinations of characters. Before downloading, you can choose to automatically rename files by adding additional data according to a particular template to the existing file names. For example, you can attach the web address of the resource where they were downloaded from, download time, ascending numbering, free text, etc. to file names.

Download Manager

Download Manager DownThemAll! automatically appears on the screen after starting to download files. It can also be launched at any time with the “dTa Manager!” button. from the browser's quick access menu.

Downloads can be paused, started again, deleted along with the files on the disk, without having to look for the downloaded content among the junk in the downloads folder. You can launch downloaded multimedia files directly from the download manager window. For current downloads, you can set one or another download speed, manually setting a higher value for priority files and depriving the speed of files that are not urgently needed and can take longer to download.

More information can be seen by selecting the “Download Information” option in the context menu of the download of interest. In the settings tab, the initially set download parameters will be visible.

Downloading web page content

You can download in one fell swoop the data posted on a web page - HTML, PHP, video, photo, audio and other files that a particular site is “rich in” by calling the “DownThemAll!” button. A download options window will open, where, among other settings, you can set filters and select all or only individual links.

You can also set filters and select only web page attachments for downloading - video, audio, images, pdf files, etc.

The "dTa OneClick..." button does exactly the same thing as "DownThemAll!", with the only difference being that all elements on the web page where the button is called will be downloaded instantly, in one click, using the last used download options (folder saving files, renaming mask, selected filters, starting download or adding to queue, etc.).

Adding all links on a web page to your downloads

Another “dTa OneClick!” button, but with a purple arrow, is a select button that allows you to add selected links on a web page to the downloader queue with one click. To do this, you need to enable this button in the Mozilla Firefox menu.

After turning on the button, move the cursor over the links and click when the block lights up. That's all you need to add the link to the downloader queue. By sending all the links on a web page to the queue, the select button "dTa OneClick!" disable it, because it works until it is turned off manually. What remains to be done after actively adding links is to review the loader list and start the process of downloading files.

As you can see, the selection button “dTa OneClick!” - the tool is fast, convenient, useful, but, alas, only in rare cases, for example, when downloading a large number of individual files - music tracks, pictures, documents, archives, parts of a large video file, etc., which are located in one layout on file storage. In such cases, the selection button “dTa OneClick!” will greatly simplify the downloading procedure. But with a few downloads, such a tool is useless, since more body movements will be spent on turning the button on and off than on starting the download of one link.

Extension settings

Go to the DownThemAll extension settings! You can do it from the download manager window.

In the settings you can set the number of simultaneous downloads, options for overwriting files, deleting completed and failed downloads, rollback to default settings, and also configure other things.

About the completion of downloads of the DownThemAll downloader! notifies you with a sound notification. With large download volumes, this can get on your nerves. The sound can be turned off in the extension settings, in the first tab.

To sum it up...

Download manager interface DownThemAll! Russified and friendly to ordinary users. However, the individual functionality of the extension is very specific, and, as we see, is designed more for people who are professionally engaged in online activities. Perhaps because DownThemAll! does not know how to download video and audio from video hosting sites and social networks. For these purposes, you will still have to install a separate extension in the browser that can do this.

65, released on January 29, 2019, is the latest version of the popular free and open source web browser. Firefox gives users the ability to fully control their Internet experience, has a simple and intuitive interface, many new features, increased speed and support for modern web technologies.

Firefox Features

Excellent speed

Performance: Firefox is almost six times faster than the previous version. With faster startup speeds, reduced page load times, improved web app performance, and the inclusion of hardware graphics acceleration, Firefox is optimal for working with complex, interactive websites.

Modern interface

Pinned Tabs: Permanently pin sites you frequently visit, such as your webmail, Twitter, Pandora, and Flickr.

Tab Switching: Easily search and jump to any open tab in your smart address bar without having to open it again.

Panorama: Organize tabs by dragging them into manageable groups, saving you time navigating through multiple open tabs.

Secure Synchronization

Firefox Sync: Access your history, bookmarks, open tabs, passwords, smart address bar, and form data from multiple computers and mobile devices.

Unrivaled customization flexibility

Privacy and Security

Do Not Track: Firefox is leading the movement to implement a universal Do Not Track standard, allowing users to tell sites that they do not want sites to track their behavior and use it to serve ads.

Firefox puts privacy first by fixing flaws in some web standards, making it impossible for other users to access your browser history.

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Automatically establishes a secure connection to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and interception of sensitive data during the login process.

Firefox also improves existing tools such as CSS, Canvas, and SVG, allowing developers to create stunning web pages.

Firefox includes a built-in web error reporting console and a web developer console. Additional extensions like Firebug make it easy to develop and debug web pages.

Firefox continues to work even if the Adobe Flash, Apple QuickTime or Microsoft Silverlight plugins fail. If one of these plugins crashes or freezes, the rest of Firefox will not be affected. Simply refresh the page to reload the plugin.

Smart Search

The search bar, located next to the input line, allows you to search for any data on the World Wide Web. Multiple search servers are allowed.

Live bookmarks

RSS technology support is built into the browser. Create live bookmarks and stay up to date with all the latest events in the world.

Single storage for journal and bookmarks

Adding sites to bookmarks, thanks to the yellow star in the address bar, is now possible with one click. Management of the magazine and bookmarks is unified and carried out within a single dialog window. Selecting the necessary links has become more convenient due to the presence of special groups of recently added bookmarks and the most frequently visited sites.

Intelligent address input line

As soon as you start entering an address, a hint window immediately appears, where all matches are shown in bold. The window contains a list of previously visited sites. The line correctly responds not only to site addresses, but also to their headers, which greatly simplifies and speeds up input. They are displayed in a window with a history of previously opened sites. Even if you don’t remember the exact address, the name of the resource will tell you the right way.

Automatic update

You no longer have to manually download new browser versions as they are released. The update system automatically downloads small patches of a few hundred kilobytes in size, saving you time.

Optimal base composition

A simple, intuitive browser has everything you might need in everyday life. Bookmarks, history, full screen mode, text scaling and much more - all this takes place in Mozilla Firefox.

Pop-up blocker

You will no longer be annoyed by pop-ups that open when you visit many sites. You can independently specify which sites to allow pop-up windows to open and which not.

Read emails without spam

Wherever you are, you can always have with you exactly your Firefox, with your bookmarks, settings and extensions. To do this, you just need to install a special version of Firefox for portable media on your flash drive, and Firefox will always be with you!

  • (Russian version)

With MozBackup, you can backup your Firefox profile data or restore your data from a Firefox profile backup. You can save and restore data such as settings, bookmarks, history, extensions, passwords, cookies, saved forms, download list, certificates and Firefox user styles.

  • (Russian version)


Key Features New to Mozilla Firefox? An overview of the main features will help you quickly master the new browser.