Is it possible to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline. Beeline "Unlimited Internet" service


If just a few decades ago a mobile phone was a luxury and was just a small piece of plastic that could not do anything special, today the phone is a powerful smart device with enormous potential. Thanks to a wide range of possibilities, almost everything for full activity on the Internet can be done using a regular smartphone anywhere in the world where there is coverage of any mobile operator. The Internet is a very important part of mobile communication services.

Mobile Internet Beeline for phone

Most subscribers can easily choose some suitable option for themselves, but many settle on one of the offers from the “ALL” group of plans, which recently became the company’s flagship line. Due to the fact that these tariffs offer a balanced set of service packages, you can always find the optimal price-quality ratio. Here are the options available:

  • With the “ALL for 200” tariff you will receive 1GB of mobile traffic.
  • At the “ALL for 400” tariff you will receive more than 2GB of mobile traffic.
  • If you turn on the “ALL for 600” tariff, you can get 5GB.
  • When purchasing the “ALL for 900” tariff, you will have monthly access to 6GB of traffic.
  • If you subscribe to the “ALL for 1500” tariff, then 10GB is what will last you for a long time.

You don’t have to choose the tariff plan for which you only need Internet. Why overpay for unnecessary services? If general service packages suit you, but you would like more traffic, then simply use the special “Highway” service, through which you can purchase traffic packages at a low price. Here are the options available to you:

  • traffic per 200 rubles
  • Highway 4GB of traffic for 400 rubles(service monthly or with daily payment);
  • Highway 8GB of traffic - the best option for active users is worth it 600 rubles.
  • Highway 12GB of traffic – for those who like to watch videos and pictures on the Internet. This package is worth it 700 rubles.
  • Highway 20GB of traffic – the largest amount of data per month. Price - 1200 rubles per month.

You can also use the simple and understandable “Internet for a day” service and get 100MB or 500MB of mobile traffic. Is this service worth it? 19 And 29 rubles respectively.

Remember that mobile Internet is provided only within your home region; if you have planned some kind of voyage, you need to think in advance about how you will use the network. With the “Internet for traveling around Russia” option, you can choose a weekly or monthly traffic package of 40 MB, which is valid throughout Russia. Activation of the service costs either 99 , or 199 rubles depending on the duration. The cost of 40MB of traffic is 200 rubles.

Unlimited Beeline Internet on your phone

Beeline, unfortunately, simply does not have special offers that allow you to use the Internet without restrictions for a fixed amount. If your traffic package has run out, you can always purchase additional packages that will allow you to continue using the Internet at maximum speed.

If you need a little traffic to “hold out” until the end of the billing period, then the “Extend speed” option will be the optimal solution. Only 100 rubles you can buy a gigabyte, and if you need more, then buy 3GB for 200 rubles. If even this package is not enough for you, the “Automatic speed extension” service will be activated, which allows you to purchase small packages of 150 MB for 20 rubles. If you just want to listen to music on the Internet, then use the corresponding service (you can connect it via 0674091111).

Remember that you still have the opportunity to use the Internet without restrictions, but only 7 hours a day from 1 a.m. to 8 a.m. local time. During this period, the Internet is provided completely free of charge if you have connected the appropriate services of the Highway line.

Managing mobile Internet from Beeline from your phone

Modern smartphones are automatically configured to connect to the network if the correct settings are entered. Typically, all network configuration data is sent by the operator when you first turn on the phone with a SIM card. Otherwise, you can simply enter the required data yourself.

If you need to check the status of your SIM card, just use the USSD code *110*181# . To get settings for connecting to the network and receiving mobile Internet via SMS, just call 06503.

Without additional options and services, there is no need to disable mobile Internet; no additional payments will be charged. However, your phone can connect to the network unauthorizedly if malware is installed.

On November 15, 2018, the mobile operator Beeline launched a new service “ Unlimited Internet", within which unlimited mobile Internet is provided for tariff plans of the “EVERYTHING!” line. and "All in one". Of course, not for their cheapest versions. In many regions, the “Unlimited Internet” service can be activated on these lines, starting with the “ALL 2” and “All in One 2” tariffs. For Moscow and the region - starting with the tariffs “ALL IN ONE 3” and “ALL IN ONE 3”, the subscription fee for which is 30 rubles per day and 900 rubles per month, respectively.

Service cost

Subscription fee for the “Unlimited Internet” service is 4 rubles per day. Yes, in addition to the fact that you can connect it not on the cheapest tariff plans, the service itself is also paid. By the way, if you disconnect it and then want to connect it again, you will be charged the full fee for 30 days (120 rubles), and starting from the 31st day the subscription fee will return to the usual mode - daily.

Mobile Internet distribution

You can distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB with the “Unlimited Internet” option connected. But this is paid - 50 rubles for 1 hour or 150 rubles for 24 hours. All this is part of the “Internet Distribution” service.

How to connect or disconnect?

How connect and disable the “Unlimited Internet” service on Beeline? You can do this as usual - or. In addition, special numbers are available: 067445451 – service activation, 067445450 – service deactivation.

“Unlim” or “Unlimited Internet”?

Is this option necessary at all? To do this, I propose to compare the main parameters with the cheapest tariff to which you can activate the “Unlimited Internet” option. I will do this using the example of Moscow and the region.

Tariff "Unlim"

  • Subscription fee – 23 rubles per day (for the tariff and the “HD-video” option).
  • Package of minutes – 500 for calls to any mobile numbers in Russia.
  • SMS to local numbers – 2 rubles per message.
  • Calls to local landline numbers cost 2 rubles per minute.

Tariff “ALL 3” + service “Unlimited Internet”

  • Subscription fee – 34 rubles per day (for the tariff and the “Unlimited Internet” service)
  • Package of minutes – 1200 for calls to any numbers of Russian operators. Calls to numbers of subscribers with tariffs of the “EVERYTHING” line are free and do not consume the package of minutes.
  • SMS package – 300 for sending messages to local numbers.

Both of these versions are not without their shortcomings. There is no SMS package on Unlim, and calls to landline numbers are charged separately. There are no such problems with “EVERYTHING 3,” but the subscription fee is 34 rubles per day, which exceeds 1,000 rubles per month.

By the way, from August 15, 2018 for two weeks Beeline. Then it was available on all tariffs of the “EVERYTHING” line, with the exception of the cheapest ones and cost 0 rubles per day.

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Other tariffs from Beeline

Our company installs wireless equipment and connects unlimited Beeline Internet throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. We have the opportunity to issue inexpensive corporate tariffs for you right on the spot, which are not publicly available. Our equipment and SIM cards allow you to use the Internet without traffic restrictions and at high speeds - up to 100 Mbit/s and more.

Our universal antennas and modems allow you to receive unlimited 4G Internet from all cellular operators, including the Beeline provider. Thanks to the precise orientation of highly directional antennas to the base station and significant signal amplification, unlimited mobile Internet from our company has become available in almost every corner of the Moscow region.

We connect all our clients for free to unique tariff plans from Beeline that are not freely available, most of which operate without traffic restrictions. For example, the largest limit on a mobile connection that can be issued at the operator’s salon is 60 GB per month. Moreover, the subscription fee for such public 4G tariffs is up to 6,000 rubles (“Absolutely Everything” tariff).

Unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline is especially beneficial for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Even with a fiber optic line, many business owners choose a wireless connection from Beeline. This usually happens due to the rent for cable connection being 10-20 times higher than for individuals.

Thanks to its high speed, just one SIM card can be used to operate an entire office. This costs tens of times less than connecting a separate modem to each computer. In addition, a regular modem without amplifying equipment will not be able to provide a data transfer rate sufficient for comfortable operation.

In principle, the Beeline company has tariff plans with unlimited Internet, but they are available only to legal entities with the ability to connect to fiber optics. At the same time, you will have to pay 2600/3200/5300 rubles per month for access to the network at a speed of 2/5/10 Mbit/s, respectively (the “Internet for Business” option). And this does not take into account the cost of connecting equipment and renting a communication channel.

As you can easily see, our mobile Internet is much more accessible and faster than any public offering. Contact our company and connect to real unlimited without any obvious or hidden restrictions!

Any modern Beeline subscriber, to one degree or another, uses the mobile Internet. Some people need a high-speed connection to communicate on social networks, others to watch movies and videos. However, there are subscribers who need unlimited Beeline Internet. What Internet products the mobile operator has, their cost and terms of provision - you will learn about all this from our article.

Review of tariffs with unlimited internet

Beeline tariffs with unlimited Internet recently appeared in the arsenal of the television system. Previously, the operator offered subscribers only nightly unlimited service. And then, this service was available only to users of the “Highway” function. During the daytime, the client could only use a limited number of GB.

Today everything has changed. Now Beeline offers unlimited use of wireless online networks through the following tariff plans and options:

  • any postpaid TP of the “Everything” line;
  • TP “#Everything is possible”;
  • “Highway” family of options (only at night from 24.00 to 8.00 Moscow time).

Let's look at each of the products in detail.

TP “#Everything is possible” is based on prepaid tariffication. In other words, the client first pays a subscription fee and then uses the mobile product. The user will be able to connect unlimited Beeline Internet within the framework of the “#Everything is Possible” tariff plan through the Personal Account in the “Tariffs” section, or by calling 0781.

After TP activation, the subscriber receives:

  • unlimited use of mobile Internet without traffic and speed limits, with the ability to use a high-speed connection both in your region and throughout the country;
  • free outgoing calls to network numbers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 250 min. (for Moscow and the region) or 100 min. (for other regions of the country), for conversations with subscribers of other Russian television systems;
  • 250 SMS (for Moscow and the region) or 100 SMS (for other regions), with the ability to send on your home network.

The subscription fee is 10 rubles/day for the first month. From the second month, the payment rises to 13 rubles/day. For Muscovites, a monthly fee of 20 rubles per day is provided.

Features of TP:

  • The package can only be used on a smartphone or phone. The product does not work on a tablet or USB modem;
  • You cannot distribute Wi-Fi through the TP and use it as an access point;
  • when downloading large files, the traffic speed may be reduced;
  • It is prohibited to download torrent files. If the client bypasses this limitation, the data transfer speed will be reduced to 64 kb/sec.

Internet without restrictions is also available on postpaid tariff plans of the “Everything” line. Postpayment involves first using cellular services, and then paying for them. Postpaid TP of the “Everything” line can be connected at the Beeline office.

Unlimited Internet is available on any tariff plan of the family. That is, it can be used by both a subscriber who is on the “All 300” tariff plan and a client with an activated “All 1800” product.

All products in the line also offer complete unlimited communication with network numbers throughout the country. In addition, absolutely TP includes packages of minutes for calls to other cellular directions, and SMS, with the ability to send throughout Russia.

How much does it cost to use TP for the “Everything” line? The subscription fee will depend on the TP option that the subscriber has chosen, as well as on the actual use of cellular services. That is, if the client’s phone has the “All 500” tariff plan, and he did not use additional minutes and SMS, his subscription fee will be 500 rubles. per month.

Family Features:

  • The TP cannot be used as an access point for Wi-Fi distribution;
  • TP is intended only for phones and smartphones. The product does not function on other devices;
  • any product in the line does not support downloading torrent files;
  • Connection speed may be reduced due to cellular network congestion.

All of the above described tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline are intended only for phones and smartphones. TP “Unlimited for tablet” involves using the product on tablet devices.

This Internet tariff provides completely unlimited Web access, without traffic or speed limits. TP is based on prepaid tariffication. The subscription fee is 890 rubles/month.

Despite the hefty fee, the product does not include free packages of minutes and SMS. Moreover, the TP does not have the ability to use voice and text mobile communications. However, if desired, the subscriber can activate these services at the mobile operator’s office.

Features of TP:

  • the subscriber has access to downloading large files, including torrent protocols;
  • web connection is served at maximum speed;
  • Otherwise, the features of previous products are also inherent in this TP.

Through the Highway service you can get unlimited Internet on Beeline for your phone, tablet or modem. However, the function can only offer unlimited Internet on a phone or other device only indirectly.

Internet option provides unlimited use of Web access only at night (from 24.00 to 08.00 Moscow time). During the daytime, traffic from the provided package will be consumed.

As part of the Highway service, you can get packages of 8, 12 and 20 GB. Internet quota is allocated for a month. The cost of the service will depend on the option chosen by the subscriber:

  • “8 GB” – 600 rub./month;
  • “12 GB” – 700 rub./month;
  • “20 GB” – 1200 rub./month.

Features of the service:

  • high-speed Web flow may decrease depending on the region of residence of the subscriber. The maximum speed will only work in LTE (4G) networks;
  • dedicated traffic is not consumed at night;
  • night unlimited stops working when connected to any tariff plan of the “Everything” family;
  • TP can be used on any device;
  • downloading torrent files is allowed.

The Internet can be used not only on a computer, but also on mobile devices in order to keep abreast of all events anywhere. Beeline regularly reduces the cost of Internet traffic, so the World Wide Web becomes even more accessible and more convenient to use.

"All for..."

An excellent solution for those who decide to use mobile Internet would be the “All for...” tariff line. Everyone can choose a suitable tariff for themselves and connect it either through the official website or in a communication shop. It should be remembered that the higher the cost, the more traffic is given per month:


In the event that the client is satisfied with the tariff that he has connected, but there is not enough traffic for his mobile phone, then he can use it - it provides additional traffic for a subscription fee.

Internet traffic Month Day Connection
1 GB 200 rub 7 rub 777
4 GB 400 rub 18 RUR 06740717031
8 GB 600 rub - 0674071741
12 GB 700 rub - 0674071751
20 GB 1200 rub. - 0674071761

For tariffs 8GB, 12GB, 20GB there is a night unlimited limit from 1.00 to 7.59 hours. You can find out more about this service on the official website.

Internet for a day

If you use the Internet very rarely, you can connect it - it’s very convenient. There are two options: 100 and 500 MB. The cost of this service is 19 and 29 rubles, respectively, the money is debited when you go online.

Please note that prices and teams are presented for Moscow and the Moscow region. You can find out the terms of this service for your region on the official Beeline website.

Internet for traveling around Russia

If you decide to travel around the country, there is also a suitable tariff for this, which is called “Internet for traveling around Russia”. Its cost is 99 rubles for 7 days, and 199 for 30. Also suitable for this purpose is an option called “The most profitable Internet in roaming” - it turns on automatically when you leave your home region, the cost of 40 MB is 200 rubles per day .

On the Beeline website you can learn more about this option.

Auto speed renewal

Basically, mobile Internet is given for a month with a certain traffic. After it ends, you have to connect additional services to make it work faster.

Please remember that prices and other conditions may differ from those described above in different regions.

» » Mobile Internet for your phone from Beeline