Modem or ADSL router: how to choose? What is the difference between a router and a modem, which one to choose?

Even people far from high technology are familiar with the words “router”, “modem” and “router”. Moreover, if you have accessed the Internet at least once from a computer or laptop, you have used at least one of these devices. But which one exactly? Let's try to figure it out, and at the same time find out what the Internet is delivering in your home.

What is a router and what is it for?

The router, router and modem are designed to transmit Internet signals to users' devices.

They just do it in different ways. Such a network can be local or with Internet access. If we are talking about a household router, then its task is to distribute the incoming signal between several consumers: computers, laptops, tablets and other gadgets. These devices are connected both wired (via an Ethernet cable) and via a radio channel - via Wi-Fi.

How the router works

Where does the router get the signal from? It is provided by the Internet provider with whom you have entered into an agreement. It is the provider who owns the cable that enters the premises from the street and is connected to a special connector on the router (blue WAN port). The router plays the role of an intermediary: it receives an incoming signal from one source and distributes it to several consumers. He does this according to a strictly defined principle, using a routing table.

The routing table is stored in the router's memory and contains a list of network addresses and a number of other parameters that are important in the operation of the network (masks, gateway addresses, interfaces, metrics). This table is something like an address book - the paths to devices connected to the router are written there. Addresses are selected in such a way as to provide the shortest path to the device, whose presence on the network is checked at a specified interval. Internet data packages are transmitted only to active consumers. That is, if you turn off your computer or smartphone (as an option, turn off data transmission in them), very soon the router will “find out” about this and stop transmitting data to the address to which this device corresponds.

How devices interact with the router

Wired devices - and most often these are PCs that do not have their own Wi-Fi module - are connected to the router via cable, through LAN ports, which are highlighted in yellow for clarity. Devices that have a wireless module - almost all laptops, smartphones, tablets and some TVs - are connected via a radio channel (via Wi-Fi). The number of connections available for one router is limited. However, for home use in 90% of cases, a simple and inexpensive router model is sufficient. But the wireless connection has another important limitation - speed. It is determined by the power of the antenna and the supported Wi-Fi standard, but it is also influenced by external factors - for example, the presence of thick walls between the router and the Internet consuming device can reduce the data transfer speed.

What else can a router do?

The router does not only distribute the Internet to several consumer devices. In modern models there are other, no less useful and interesting functions. For example, some routers perform the function of firewalls - “firewalls”. These "screens" check data packets to see if they belong to an existing connection. If the router sees a discrepancy, it means that a virus is breaking into the network, masquerading as a harmless service. For routers from well-known manufacturers - Asus, D-Link, TP-Link and others - this function is called SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection).

To configure the router, a web interface is used, in which any user with basic knowledge of working with a PC can easily set the desired network operating parameters. USB ports on the body of this device are needed to connect a printer or external storage device. In the first case, it will be a full-fledged network printer, and in the second, it will be a network disk storage. Place files on an external drive, and they will be available to all devices on the network, or arrange for downloading files from the network to it (for example, on torrent services).

Router and router are the same thing

Anyone who carefully read the previous text probably noticed the phrase “routing table” there. It was said above that it is the router that builds it. Therefore, it received another name - router. And the router is a transliteration of the name of this device ( routerin English.). Both words are used with approximately equal frequency by technical specialists, while ordinary Internet users prefer the word “router.”

What is a modem and how does it differ from a router?

If modem turned out to be another name for a router/router, the article could be finished. But a modem is a different type of device, although it is also a network device. Those users who were born before 1990 probably heard the characteristic sounds that ADSL modems used to signal a successful connection to the Internet. Such devices were used by everyone for whom cable networks were not available to access the network - at the turn of the 90s and 2000s they were an unheard of luxury. ADSL modems were connected to the telephone line in order to convert the analog (in this case telephone) signal into a digital signal that could be understood by a computer or laptop.

Converting a signal from one type to another is the main function of the modem. Unlike a router, it transmits a signal to only one device - for example, a PC or laptop. In this case, the modem is not assigned its own IP address (unlike a router), and a computer is identified on the network by the address of its network card.

If ADSL modems are already worthy of becoming museum exhibits, then mobile (3G and 4G) modems, on the contrary, are in great demand. Instead of a telephone line, they use the mobile signal of a cellular operator. And they connect to computers and laptops via USB connectors on the case. Mobile modems are compact and this is a big plus: they can be used not only at home, but also in the park, in transport - wherever there is coverage of the selected cellular operator.

By the way, we come across modems much more often than one might think. Today there are hybrid devices - modems with router functions. They not only distribute the incoming signal between several devices, but also pre-convert it. Also, routers and modems sometimes work in tandem. For example, if the router has a USB port, you can connect a mobile modem for 3G/4G networks to it. Since the latter is physically unable to distribute the Internet to several devices at the same time, the router will take on this task. This is convenient when it is impossible to organize the usual cable connection or there is no desire to get confused in the wires laid around the office or apartment.

What kind of device distributes the Internet at your home?

We are sure that you have already received the answer to this question yourself, but just in case, we will voice it again. If an external cable is connected to this device, it is either a classic router or a modem with router function. If the signal enters the building wirelessly and the Internet connection is used on one device, it is a classic mobile modem for 3G or 4G networks. Your Internet service provider will provide you with more accurate information about your network equipment. You can also find out which device is suitable for servicing the number of devices you have at home. Often a family of 3-4 people owns the same number of smartphones, a couple of tablets and one laptop or PC. The TV also needs the Internet, and some smart kitchen gadget is about to need it - for example, Samsung and LG are already releasing smart refrigerators with Wi-Fi! If you are just planning to connect to the Internet, visit the OnLime online store - we have routers, hybrid devices, PLC adapters and other equipment that you will need to organize a home network.

By the way, this article describes the common features of network devices and how to identify them. Seeing how technology is developing in the digital world, we will not be surprised if in 2-3 years the concept changes and new hybrid devices will serve Internet consumers.

Important information about routers, routers and modems

  • Router and router are two names for one device.
  • The router distributes the signal between network participants, and the modem only decrypts it and transmits it to one device.
  • The router has its own IP address, but the modem does not.
  • A router is a multifunctional device that supports fine-tuning; a modem performs one function.
  • Routers (routers) and mobile modems can work together, distributing the Internet to several devices.

Modern technologies have erased the clear boundaries between the definitions of a router and a modem. Dial-up is a thing of the past, followed by modems that perform the functions of modems. Today, these two devices - a router and a modem - are combined in one case in most cases. The only exception is wireless modems offered by mobile operators - they do not perform the function of a router unless it is declared by the manufacturer.

Modem is a signal modulation-demodulation device during data transmission. In other words, the modem converts the signal, allowing the system to decrypt it.

Router, or router, does not convert the signal, but distributes it among network participants based on its topology.

A modern router has a built-in modem (most often for receiving and transmitting data via ADSL) and does not require connecting additional devices. The modem does not have the ability to provide data exchange between network segments, and its operation requires a direct connection between one computer and the signal source. The modem converts the data stream for transmission via cable or radio signal (this is exactly the case with flash modems of mobile operators).

The router allows you to configure the network. This device has its own IP address and can assign addresses to network participants, depending on the settings. The modem does not have its own address, the IP is assigned directly to the computer (its network card), and connecting two or more devices is impossible without connecting a router or software routing.

The functionality of routers depends on the device model. Some of them are capable of working as a firewall, thus increasing the level of network security. As a rule, routers (including modem routers) have several interfaces for connecting terminals (computers and other devices, including wireless ones. In the latter case, the term “access point” is used). The number of ports also depends on the model and class of the device. A modem without a router function allows you to connect one terminal.

Routers, unlike modems, even when working with a single connected computer, perform the tasks of assigning a dynamic IP address (DHCP) and transmitting IP packets (NAT). In the latter case, we can talk about security, since the IP address of the computer assigned to the data packet is replaced by the external IP assigned by the provider at the moment of transmission by the router to the server.

The modem usually has a minimum of settings related to the operating interface. The router is more customizable; the user can specify data transfer protocols, regulate and process traffic flow, create exceptions and transmission routes, protect data through encryption, and much more.

The difference between a modem and a router is as follows:

  1. The modem converts the signal into one that can be interpreted by the system, and the router distributes the signal among network participants.
  2. The modem works with one client, directly transmitting data packets, the router works with several clients.
  3. The router is multifunctional and allows you to configure data transfer.
  4. The router is assigned its own IP address.

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Many laptop users are faced with the problem of the lack of a cellular communication module built into the device. Despite the ubiquity of Wi-Fi networks, finding a point of safe and fast Internet access can be difficult even within the city. The solution to the problem is to buy a modem or router. The article will discuss the differences between these devices from each other.


A modem - “modulator-demodulator” - is a compact transmitter designed to connect devices to the Internet network. Modems come in two types: built-in and external. If the former are installed inside a user gadget and are part of its technical content, then the latter are independent devices connected to the computer via a USB port.

It is important to note that the article will not consider professional equipment that is interfaced using composite interfaces and has dimensions that are not suitable for everyday use.

To activate the built-in modem, you only need a SIM card - similar technology is used in mobile phones and tablets, but not in computers or laptops. The latter requires an external transmitter, among the characteristics of modern models of which:

  • Support for LTE-advanced technology. The theoretical data transfer speed using LTE-A (4G+) technology is 300 Mbit/s, which is twice as high as the capabilities of “regular” fourth-generation networks.
  • Transformable case. The movable USB tip used in the design of some modems allows the device to be used in vertical mode, thereby saving actual working space around the user.
  • Compatible with external antennas. Signal repeaters are used when the level of communication quality is low - suburban and suburban areas are rarely covered by high-speed Internet, and the only solution to this problem of slow connection is the use of an external antenna.

Today, the most popular are 4G modems - these devices, the size of a flash drive, provide high speed downloads and uploads of cellular data and are capable of working with base stations of any federal telecom operator. The main disadvantage of such LTE transmitters is the inability to simultaneously connect several gadgets to the Internet.


A router (or router) is a device whose main purpose is to provide access to the Internet network to several users at once. Since this device does not have its own radio module, for data transmission you will need an additional antenna, the connection to which is usually carried out using a wired Ethernet interface. The need to use a cable determines The main disadvantage of the router is the lack of mobility.

Although a “classic” router is only suitable for home use, the device has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High-speed Internet access. The fiber optic cable used by providers when connecting the router to the network does not create additional interference with the signal, as a result of which the maximum connection speed is limited only by the capacity of the communication provider’s stations (in theory, this limit is approximately 1000 Tbit/s).
  • Possibility of use for organizing a local network. Thanks to the router, the user can combine his devices into one network. Most routers support Wi-Fi. This allows devices to be connected to the network wirelessly. On a local network, you can configure mirroring of the image on an external monitor when making presentations. But most often it is used to connect peripherals such as a printer or fax to a computer. Interestingly, the smart home system that is gaining popularity these days also uses a router as the main spot.
  • Firewall function. Most routers have special software installed that acts as a firewall. Internet traffic received by the user is checked, as a result of which the likelihood of success of external cyber attacks on the computer is reduced. Although such a firewall is not 100% secure against hackers, using an additional layer of web defense is never a bad idea.

Thus, the router is an optimal solution for home use, but is not at all suitable for mobile Internet access. It is important to note that with some user dexterity and setting up special software, the computer itself can act as a router.


The differences between a modem and a router (or router) are presented in the table:

As you can see, these devices represent different classes of electronic devices, each of which has a special functional purpose. To put it in simple words, a modem differs from a router in the presence of a radio module. With its help, it connects to the 3G/4G network. Only one device can be connected to the modem.

Mobile router

A portable router is the result of a synthesis of a modem and a regular router: the device is capable of providing an Internet connection to several gadgets and does not tie the user to one geolocation. The mobility of the device is determined by the built-in battery and the presence of its own radio module. It is worth saying that these routers are divided into several types:

  • Express. Thanks to support for LTE-advanced and a powerful built-in modem, such models provide real data transfer speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s (the exact numbers depend on the telecom operator), which is suitable for connecting a large number of gadgets.
  • With expandable power. These devices are compatible with external antennas and allow multiple access to the World Wide Web even when the subscriber leaves the coverage area of ​​the operator's base stations. This opportunity will be appreciated not only by lovers of country holidays, but also by travelers.
  • Universal. Since each cellular operator uses different frequency bands for data transmission, when choosing a portable router, the user needs to pay attention to the compatibility of the model with the networks of a particular communication provider. If a person plans to use several SIM cards from different operators, the best purchase option would be universal devices that work with any frequencies.
  • Budget. The relatively low cost reflects the "standard" set of router capabilities - such routers are suitable for everyday use in the city, but not for travel.

It is worth saying that portable routers are qualitatively superior to conventional USB modems, making them the most functional option for a mobile access point.

Connecting a modem to a router

Some router models are compatible not only with an Ethernet cable, but also with a USB modem. Such a combination of devices saves the user from running additional wires into the apartment and, in some cases, saves money. The process of connecting the modem to the router is as follows:

  1. SIM card activation. You can activate the SIM card using your mobile phone. You need to insert the identification chip into the gadget and open the system browser, after which the Internet setup will start automatically. You will also need to disable PIN code verification.
  2. Connecting devices. The modem is directly connected to the router via a USB interface.
  3. Setting up the router. You will need to go to the device control panel using a special URL - located on the back of the router and looks like 192.168.Х.Х. Next, you need to go to the “Connection” section and activate “Modem connection”.

Before using the modem at home, you need to check the coverage map of the selected operator - it is possible that LTE-advanced technology is not available in the user’s apartment.

What is better to choose

So, the best option for a home access point is a “classic” router, which provides Internet access to several gadgets at once. Despite the possibility of using a computer with a connected modem as a router, you should give preference to a stand-alone device that supports a high-speed Ethernet connection. The router also consumes less power.

The 4G modem is suitable for use with a laptop: the capabilities of a compact “Internet flash drive” will be enough for comfortable work outside the home or office. The lack of multiple access is compensated by the hub mode of the device - in case of emergency, you can distribute the Internet from a laptop.

When traveling, a modem would be better for a laptop - the router requires an additionally connected power source. If you need to organize a local network while traveling, then you should pay attention to pocket routers that run on battery power.

Popular models

The most popular models of the devices described in the article are presented below:

  • Modem Huawei E3372h- a high-quality and relatively cheap device supports LTE from any federal operator and has an attractive design;
  • Router TP-link TL-MR3420- an uncompromising device with support for USB modems and a range of up to 100 meters;
  • Huawei E5776 portable router- support for LTE-A, its own 3000 mAh battery and connection to up to 10 gadgets.

The user can also purchase a ready-made solution (device + tariff plan) from one or another telecom operator.

Today, in the age of IT technology, it is not strange that new words related to this area of ​​​​life appear in the human lexicon. Many people know what a modem is, because it is what users use to connect and gain access to the network “ Internet» via telephone connection.

However, it is worth noting that this type of connection, despite its practicality, has long been outdated. Using a modem as a source for Internet access is especially relevant in cases where connection A more modern type of communication is still only in projects. And there is no wireless connection at all.

In what cases to connect this or that device

As a rule, in small regions, connecting to satellite communications to access net The Internet costs the future user a lot of money. It is in this case that it is most reasonable to resort to using a modem. Its structure, as a rule, includes the following main components:

  • signal modulator responsible for receiving information;
  • signal demodulator responsible for transmitting information;

The most competent solution would be to purchase an analog type of device if the connection to the network will be made through a simple telephone connection.

So, in order to answer the question of whether what is the difference between a modem and a router, the first step is to indicate in what cases each of these devices is used. The modem is used when connecting to the network via telephone, and router– if a more modern type of connection is connected.

Differences that mark the boundary between two devices

The twenty-first century has finally erased the clear differences between the router and the modem, because today these two devices are usually combined into one.

Let us outline the definition of the main concepts of the article and answer the question of whether what is a router and modem.

As stated earlier, thanks to the modulator and demodulator, the outdated unit converts the signal. Allowing it to be decrypted most accurately in the user data system.

The router, in turn, does not carry out signal conversion activities. It distributes the signal between all network participants based on its topology.

However, despite this, the router can fully perform all the functions of a modem, since it assumes its presence in its case. In addition, to connect to the router you do not need to synchronize additional network connections with it. devices. The operation of a modem involves a direct connection between one personal computer or laptop and the signal source.

Which connection to choose

From the point of view of the principle of operation of both devices, we can answer the question: What's the difference between a modem and a router??

The first converts the signal through a cable connected to it or via a radio signal. The router provides the ability to configure the network. It has its own IP address and can assign addresses to all peripheral devices connected to it, both via cable and wireless connection. The modem, in turn, does not have its own IP address. After all, it is assigned to a specific computer, which means connecting two or more devices to it without connecting routing is impossible.

From the point of view of Which is better: modem or router?, it should be noted that the first one is morally outdated. But despite its primitiveness, the installation still finds its users to this day, however, the disadvantages of such a connection will be:

  • lack of a dynamic IP address for each connected device (connection to a router provides it);
  • inability to connect more than two computers to the device;
  • impossibility of achieving such expressways network indicators provided by connecting a PC or laptop to the router.

The Internet is developing very quickly. The rest of the technology is also developing rapidly. Now every device is able to access the Internet, if only it were possible. And she is. Now, even in public transport, you can download web pages via Wi-Fi.

There are special devices for accessing the Internet - these are router or modem. In this article we will analyze the differences between these devices and also find out whether these two devices can be used.

Description of the modem and router

First you need to understand the concepts. Let's start with the modem. This device is responsible for modulating or demodulating the signal it receives. In simple terms, the modem receives and converts data that comes from the network. He does this in such a way that any gadget can understand it, and then utilizes it for packet data exchange. This device provides Internet access to only one gadget.

There are several types of modems. They depend on the connection method and the method of receiving data:

  • Stationary modem. A special cable is used for connection, through which decoded data is received and transmitted.
  • Mobile. It differs in that a USB port on a computer or laptop is used to transfer data. No wires are required for connection.

A router is a device, which is capable of distributing traffic among several network participants. This device does not have decoded data. The router is designed to distribute the signal between several participants in the same network, as well as to regulate its operation.

At the same time, the modem is also responsible for processing and receiving the signal. Most models have a built-in modem. Even if you buy a router at a low price, it will still have a modem inside. Thus, you can connect to the network either directly via cable or use a Wi-Fi connection. Everything will depend on the provider and the connection option.

These two devices differ significantly from each other. The router is distinguished by the fact that It has own IP address. The router also provides network connectivity to multiple devices at once. As for the modem, it can connect only one gadget to the Internet. Its main task is to provide a signal only to the object that is connected to it. The modem only works with one client.

The router has more functionality. It creates a signal for multiple participants. You can connect from any gadget: smartphone, computer, laptop, tablet (wi-fi). It has its own IP address, which can be assigned to any network participant.

The modem only converts the signal according to its means USB cable and radio waves. Such a device is limited in capabilities, the tasks of which are minimal. The router configures the network depending on the user's requirements. A router can improve connection security and data security. You can also configure traffic through this device.

If the modem does not work in tandem with the router or is not built into it, then it is best to choose a router. It is more convenient for families, as it allows several users to connect (works via wi-fi). It is worth noting that providers are now releasing routers with a built-in modem. That is, you can connect to the network directly, you can use a wireless network.

Routers with built-in modems have already appeared on the market. The most common models are:

By purchasing one of these devices, you can connect to the network in two ways: via wi-fi or via 2G/3G. There are router models that allow the Internet to be used only by the user who is connected to this network via a USB port. If the connection is via 3G, then other users can connect to the network via wi fi.

The prices for such devices vary - from 1200 to 9000 rubles.

Before buying a router with a built-in modem, you need to decide where will you use it. If the device will be used in an office, then you need to buy it with an external antenna. It is installed outdoors to ensure better communication quality. If you need network connectivity on the go, 3G models are your best bet. Such devices easily fit into your pocket, and at the same time make it possible to access the Internet from several devices at the same time.

Since we're talking about a mobile router, let's talk about it. This device appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular among Internet users. These models decode the network signal and turn it into a radio signal. Using such a device, you can use a wireless network to access the Internet.

You can connect to the device directly, but this is not necessary. The mobile version provides a network for up to 10 gadgets via a wi-fi network.

The device can be purchased from several providers. Mobile router is compact. That is why it is convenient to take it on a trip or to study.

If you need to connect a modem to a router, then you need to perform the following setup steps. They are suitable for different models, from different providers:

Now you need to go to the router settings:

Now all you have left is to restart a computer. After which you will have access to the network via a modem, and you can also use the wi-fi network.

So, we have looked at the functions of the devices and their differences. There is a difference between them. The router can distribute Wi-Fi, which allows multiple devices to connect to the network. As for 3G models, they connect directly to the computer and allow only it to access the Internet. Now providers offer the use of a two-in-one device. That is, a router with a built-in modem. You can buy it in an online store or in a regular store. Whether you need such a device at home is up to you to decide.