Mgts Internet does not work. Positive reviews. Contacting the contact center from a mobile phone

Digital TV does not work. Allegedly due to server problems. They promise to turn it on and configure it in two days. There is a law protecting consumer rights, which is quite suitable for certain violations by MGTS of failure to provide services under the contract. There are others too. Those answering the phone promise something new every time, “soon”, “they’ll fix it and turn it on”, “partially turned it on in Moscow”, today, etc. Who is responsible for the incorrect explanation? Experts in this field, who previously worked at MGTS, believe that the explanations have no technical basis. The denial of paid services to a subscriber lies in other reasons. We ask you to sort it out. And give a response within the required response time.

Reply from MGTS Representative of the company 15.08.2018

Good afternoon
We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. The work to modernize the TV platform that was carried out took more time than we expected.
The service has now been restored. Please restart your TV decoder.
If the situation persists, write us your MGTS number and contact phone number by email [email protected].  

The home phone has not worked for five days now. The repairman came and said that there was nothing wrong with the apartment. Line problems. Setup lasts the entire working week. It's already the weekend and the phone still doesn't work. With a question about automatic recalculation of payment for a non-working telephone, they offer to go and write an application and walk around the offices with it. I have a small child and there is no way to go and write a statement. I ran to the neighbors to call an ambulance. No one at MGTS can clearly explain anything about the timing of repairs. One excuse, call tomorrow. What to do?


The phone stopped working on 11/25/2014. I’m dialing MGTS (after listening to information that no one needs for quite a long time, at least 15 minutes, until I connected with whoever I needed) but this is lyrics. Situation: by MGTS in 2013. We installed blocks in every apartment in our house, and this block stopped working. The socket for the unit was also installed by your specialists; it turned out that after a year and a half, the wire from this very socket was burning in the panel. Question: why, after one year, if such a breakdown occurs, does your organization refuse to fix the breakdown? Note: Yes, you yourself understand that the wiring in the Dezovskaya panel works for years and, fortunately, does not break. Please try to assess the situation sensibly. It’s your mistake and you refuse to fix it. Of course, we will do your work for you, but please answer me - why is this happening? My phone number is 89161141338 Sergey Viktorovich Parshin.

Good afternoon

Please help me solve the problem related to the Internet and incompetent MGTS employees!

On 12/31/15 the Internet stopped working. On the same day, 12/31/15, I left application No. 10180673. Until 01/12/16, I called MGTS every day with a request to get the Internet working. Every day I try to find out the reason why no one has yet started solving the problem based on my application and why they couldn’t fix the Internet in 13 days? Each time I had to talk with 3-4 incompetent operators who redirected me to different departments. Technical operator MO support redirected me to those. support for Moscow, saying that my area is served by Moscow, and the tech operators. Moscow support sent me to the Moscow Region. Today I received an SMS stating that according to my application No. 10180673, work was scheduled only for January 19, by which day it will already be the 20th day from the date of application. After that, I called with a request to postpone the work to the 12th or 13th, but was refused. Please help me resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Phone number-84956352219
Application No. 10180673

I ask you to help solve this problem in the coming days, otherwise I will be forced to contact ROSPOTREBNADZOR and other authorities.