Password managers for Windows in Russian. Where to Store Passwords: The Best Password Managers for iOS

Writing passwords to a txt file is no longer the same. The right users store secret information in the right programs. We have prepared a review of five password managers - convenient and functional. Their assessment is based solely on personal opinion.

A multilingual free program for storing and generating passwords with open source and a number of ready-made plugins - encryption, synchronization, generation of pronounceable and easy-to-remember passwords.


The password database is encrypted with AES-256. It is possible to use multi-pass key conversion. This increases resistance to direct attacks - perhaps in this regard, KeePass is more reliable than other password managers.

KeePass is stored in a file that can be synced using Dropbox.


  • Create a record.
  • Duplicate recording.
  • Sorting records - by columns, by tags.
  • Groups of records - tree and sorting.
  • Search by records - quick or advanced.
  • Copying record data - double click on the copy field, deleting copied information from the clipboard after a certain period of time.
  • AutoType for automatic data entry in browsers and other programs.
  • Storing dates.
  • Password generator, including with specified parameters.
  • Lock button - when you log in again, the program again asks for a master password.
  • Database and program settings.
  • Changing the master password.
  • Triggers.
  • Export files: TXT, HTML, XML, CSV.
  • Import files: 35 formats.
  • Database transfer.
Overall impression: everything is cool, but the appearance is clearly for old-school fans.


Available in versions for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows - no lower than 7. The Windows version of eWallet integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome browsers, and the version for OS X only with Safari. The program is paid, but there is a test version for 30 days.


The database file is encrypted using AES-256. The database is synchronized only manually.


  • Tree of categories.
  • Adding a card with customization.
  • Customization of fields in cards.
  • More than 30 templates - credit cards, passwords, bank details.
  • Tree statistics - counters by information type.
  • List of recent cards.
  • Password generator.
  • “Live fields”, for example, a call by clicking on a number field.
  • Auto Pass - automatic substitution of login and password in the browser field.
  • Smart Copy - quick copying of card numbers.
General impression: a lot of functions, but poor usability, plus the design in the style of a symbolic wallet with plastic cards causes strange sensations.

Application supporting 30 languages. But we don't really care about that.


Windows and Mac OS X, applications for mobile platforms iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Palm OS and Symbian. However, the desktop version does not involve importing data from Chrome.


Synchronized using cloud technology, the database is encrypted using the AES-256 standard.


  • Creating records.
  • Search.
  • Printing - logins, persons, notes.
  • Auto Login.
  • Password generator.
  • Additional protection for each record. To open data, you must enter a master password.
  • Import entered data from the browser.
  • Sending records by e-mail - requires entering a master password.
  • Create shortcuts on the desktop and in the browser.
  • Integration with Windows Login.
  • Ability to open multiple program windows.
  • Administration: creating and editing user groups, sharing records into user groups, synchronizing databases when editing by users, checking which records were accessed by a specific user.
  • Profiles of different users on one copy of the program.
  • Backups.
  • A portable version of the database that can be stored on a flash drive.
  • Unicode control characters.
  • Filling out long forms in online stores with one click.
  • Screen keyboard.
General impression: there are a number of minor usability bugs - for example, the password generator in Windows is launched from the Start panel or by clicking on a shortcut; it is impossible to launch it from the program itself. And other similar little things - unimportant, but unpleasant.


Extension for major browsers - IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, works only on the web. There are versions for mobile devices iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and others. It is possible to manage the password database via the web interface on the LastPass website - this is quite convenient.

There is a portable client for Windows - you download the database, after which you can use it offline.


LastPass is a cloud service that does not require synchronization. The database is encrypted using the AES-256 algorithm.


  • Search.
  • Autocomplete.
  • Login with one click.
  • Settings - general, security, etc.
  • Multi-factor authentication.
  • One-time passwords.
  • Security check to find weak passwords.
  • Automatic protection of credentials from theft on phishing sites.
  • Search for unprotected objects on your computer.
  • Import from previous password manager.
  • Prohibited addresses.
  • Password exchange (access control).
  • Automatic user synchronization.
  • Administration: reports and user management.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Screen keyboard.
  • The program is free, but you will have to pay for additional features like weak password detection, on-screen keyboard, and phishing protection.
General impression: strong encryption mechanism, convenient work with passwords in the browser.

The harsh truth of life: there is no point in being overly paranoid - if they really want to hack you, they will hack you. Therefore, it is better to use at least convenient managers - this way it won’t be excruciatingly painful if something happens.

Leave your opinions that are very important to us in the comments.

Programs called password managers, for the most part, are divided into several main types and allow you to perform many operations to create, save and organize a huge amount of personalized confidential data with a fairly high degree of protection. The uniqueness of such programs has recently become increasingly evident in the fact that they do not use the computer’s hard drive to store personal passwords, credit card access codes or registration accounts for certain web resources.

The development of cloud technologies and the creation of a huge number of virtual file storages on remote servers are attracting more and more users. Yes, this is understandable; any remote server or storage of this type created by IT giants has a much higher degree of protection than personal home or office terminals.

Download password managers You can do it for free from our website very easily. Plus, they have several basic functions. Some password managers are designed to quickly generate a password if you don't want to or don't have time to come up with some fancy password that uses a unique combination of letters, symbols and numbers that couldn't be guessed by a normal person or a program that can parse that type of combination. .

This type of program is the simplest and is built, by and large, on the principles with which the so-called random number generators work. In some cases, if such password managers do not save access combinations in their database, and even more so if you did not write down the password on a piece of paper or in an electronic notepad in time, forgetting it, you risk being left without the right to access a certain type of resource. Most often, this applies specifically to logins and passwords that were used during registration, for example, on social networks. It is clear that such password managers are simply not capable of generating passwords for bank cards or accounts; the only exception may be services such as virtual wallets or access codes to the capabilities of online stores, which sometimes themselves offer password managers to download.

One of the most common types of password managers are programs that not only create passwords, but also store them. Early applications saved all codes on the hard drive. Some applications of this kind still use such technologies, however, the storage of such personal data now occurs in a protected area of ​​​​the disk. As a rule, access to such data is carried out with at least a two-level security system. Two passwords can be used here, one password is the main code for viewing saved data, and the second, for greater security, is the so-called master password. In other words, if password managers detect an unauthorized attempt to access your data, they may also require a master password, without which you will never gain access. No less interesting among freely distributed programs of this type is the fact that almost all data is subject to a unique encryption system using AES technologies, although many utilities of this type also have their own algorithms, which, of course, are kept in the strictest confidence. You can download password managers on our website absolutely free.

And, of course, among programs in this area, storing all information on remote servers using cloud technologies and virtual file storages is considered top-of-the-line. Quite a number of software manufacturers today offer a variety of servers of this type. The only condition for all of them is free registration of a new user and the allocation of a certain disk space for storing personal data. On the Internet you can find and download for free many programs that are simply installed on the system. However, for all applications of this type to work correctly, constant Internet access and communication are required. Unfortunately, without this, such password managers will not have any effect offline.

Greetings, friends. Once again we will examine a topic that concerns any user actively working on the Internet!
Let's take a look at a program called Keepass.

Keepass is a program for saving passwords on your computer from services where you previously registered and with the help of this program you will always have your registration data at hand.

For people who are actively involved in Internet activities, this utility is simply necessary, since due to the specifics of working on the Internet, they often have to register with certain services, ranging from email to various sites, social networks, forums, etc.

And in order not to write down passwords on pieces of paper or in notebooks and, accordingly, not to lose this data, there are similar programs.

Therefore, I decided to make a detailed review of the Keepass program, talk about how to install it and configure it accordingly for further use!

Download and install Keepass

The first step is to open the official website of the developer by clicking on this link

A web page will open in front of you to download the program. It contains 2 versions of the program, I use the portable one, since it does not require installation, you can transfer it to a flash drive and use it anywhere.

Therefore, we download the version " Portable»

In order for the program to work in Russian, we load the crack, for this in the left menu we go to the tab “ Translations»

Then we look for the Russian flag and download the version 2.35+

After completing the above steps, 2 archives will appear on your computer, copy them to a USB flash drive, then proceed to the next step.

Copy the contents of the folder " KeePass-2.35-Russian"to the folder" KeePass-2.35"Then the folder with the crack can be deleted.

After completing these steps, launch the program by clicking on the “ KeepPass»

When you start, the start window will appear in front of you, click " Disable» - to ensure that updates are not installed automatically

In order for the program to switch to the Russian version, in the top menu click “ View" then " Change Language»

In the window that opens, select “ Russian»

The program will ask you to confirm the action, click " Yes»

After which the program will restart and the interface will be in Russian.

Setting up Keepass to store passwords

The next step is to create a new database; for this, click on the corresponding tab “ Create»

Then a window will appear where you will need to specify a location to save the database, you must save the database to the same flash drive where the installation was carried out and click “ Save»

Then the program will require you to come up with a password to log into the program. I recommend that you come up with a complex password that will consist of letters and numbers, but at the same time I highly recommend not specifying the password in the form of your date of birth, since these passwords are most often hacked.

So, enter the password in the required fields and click “ OK»

Standard folders will appear in the left menu; you can either delete them or create new ones.

Let's say we want to create a folder in which passwords from Yandex mail, to perform an action in the top menu, click on the tab “ Edit" then " Add a group»

A window will appear in front of you in which we set the name of the future group and select the icon to display, then click “ OK»

So you have successfully created a group, the next step is to create an account, to do this, right-click the field on the right and select “ Add a note»

Fill in the required fields and then click “ OK»

Your account is now saved in your password manager.

The program has one very interesting function: in order to open a website or log in to your email using your login and password, you don’t have to enter the values ​​manually, you just need to use the functions of the Keepass program, which will allow you to copy the login and password to the clipboard for pasting into the authorization window, which is and how is this done?

Let's say we want to log in using a newly created account. Yandex mail, right-click on the login and select “ Copy login»

The functioning of the human brain and memory is still one of the most difficult processes to understand. The modern world is designed in such a way that it is impossible to do without memorizing numbers, numbers, passwords and PIN codes. Alas, memory can fail at the most inopportune moment. To avoid having to rack your brains over forgotten passwords, write them down. Will help with this best password managers for iOS, a selection of which we will discuss today.

The number of applications in this category is much higher, but during the selection process we paid attention not only to functionality, but also to the date of the last update. Projects abandoned by developers are unlikely to deserve attention or trust.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: LastPass
Version: 3.1.4
iPhone + iPad: Free [Download from App Store]
Subscription cost – 712 RUR/year

The popular password manager was originally developed for the Windows and OS X operating systems. Installing an additional plugin LastPass for the browser allowed not only to instantly fill out passwords on the required sites with one click of the mouse, but also to enter data into long forms and questionnaires in an instant.

The developers transferred all this functionality to the iOS mobile platform. Essentially, LastPass is a password manager designed for... working with websites and forms. Features worth noting:

    • synchronization of browsers under a single account;
    • presence of a master password;
    • TouchID support;
    • built-in browser with instant filling option;
    • ability to create notes;
    • Availability of a plugin for the Safari mobile browser.

Verdict: LastPass is a powerful password manager, but it specializes in websites. To store credit card numbers, PIN codes and other information, it is better to use a more functional application. For working with websites, LastPass is unrivaled (instantly filling in passwords using a plugin in Safari on iOS).


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: MyGo Software
Version: 2.0.5
iPhone + iPad: Free [Download from App Store]
The Pro version will cost 505 rubles

Application LoginBox invites the user to save passwords and accounts necessary for authorization on websites in a very unusual form. To add a login and password, LoginBox prompts you to open the site and enter the data. Recording takes place interactively.

After successful login, do not forget to press the key Stop.

    • iCloud synchronization;
    • TouchID support;
    • storing notes;
    • convenient filling of passwords;
    • built-in browser;

Verdict: LoginBox does a great job of storing passwords; unusual animated authorization. Unfortunately, the lack of a browser plugin significantly reduces the usability of the application.

mSecure Password Manager

Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: mSeven Software
Version: 4.2.0
iPhone + iPad: 618 RUR [Download from App Store]

Convenient and multifunctional password manager mSecure allows you to store almost any information, from passwords to websites, bank accounts and ending with notes or clothing sizes.

A special feature of mSecure is the presence of the function Self-destruction: If you enter the password incorrectly several times in a row, all data from the application is deleted.

    • wide choice of data types;
    • ability to customize sorting;
    • Autofill data in the built-in browser;
    • Supports synchronization via Wi-Fi, DropBox and iCloud.

Verdict: A good password manager, which for some reason the developers deprived of TouchID and the ability to integrate with third-party applications.

Dashlane Password Manager

Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: Dashlane
Version: 2.8.8
iPhone + iPad: Free [Download from App Store]
Subscription cost – RUB 1,839/year

256-bit encryption. What does this mean? It is almost impossible to crack a password encrypted in this way. Immediately after launch, you will be asked to go through a simple registration procedure. You can use all the features of Dashlane absolutely free for only one month. If you like the application, you will have to purchase an annual paid subscription.

Dashlane has a full-fledged multifunctional client for the OS X platform. All passwords are automatically synchronized with each other. There is no support for the Russian language.

    • TouchID support;
    • availability of a client for OS X;
    • double protection thanks to built-in authorization;
    • Availability of a plugin for the Safari browser.

Verdict: Dashlane's password manager is truly trustworthy. At first glance, it seems that the application is focused on storing accounts and accounts for authorization on websites, but its functionality is much higher.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: Passwordbox
Version: 5.0.4
iPhone + iPad: Free (temporary)[Download from App Store]

A good password manager with a nice and clear interface. The application also focuses on working with websites, and therefore has a built-in plug-in for the Safari mobile browser. That's all there is to it PasswordBox don't end.

You can store any personal data: bank card numbers, passports, addresses. Secure notes deserve special attention, as they can be a good alternative to the native iOS application. Notes.

    • user-friendly interface;
    • built-in password generator;
    • Safari browser plugin;
    • password search;
    • TouchID support.

Verdict: A password manager that can take its rightful place on your Dock. Now the application is distributed absolutely free of charge with an eternal subscription.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: AgileBits
Version: 5.1.2
iPhone + iPad: Free (temporary)[Download from App Store]
The cost of the Pro version is 618 rubles

1Password is perceived as synonymous with the category of password manager programs. The application provides almost everything: a wide selection of groups, thoughtful organization, synchronization, built-in browser.

The developers put a lot of effort into developing the program for the OS X platform. An impressive price of 3,175 rubles. The free version of 1Password for iOS offers the minimum necessary tools for working with passwords. IN Pro version More categories, several safes and additional elements are available.

    • plugin for Safari;
    • client for OS X;
    • convenient sorting;
    • many categories;
    • thoughtful synchronization.

Verdict: iOS in conjunction with OS X is expensive, but the functionality of the application is almost limitless. 1Password is rightfully considered one of the best password managers.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Version: 3.3
iPhone + iPad: For free

Most popular answers. CPU publishes a selection of the most reliable and convenient services.

As notes, previously password managers could only store information in encrypted form. Today, such programs provide the opportunity to store data both on a computer and remotely, change the password with one click and access websites using it.

The best programs of this type can be run on a computer without an Internet connection and synchronized with many devices over the network, writes

Some of the managers authorize the user on the sites, others keep track of passwords and check whether the same combination is used in several cases. They all have their own characteristics and approach the issue of secure data storage in their own way.

LastPass notes that LastPass was one of the first password managers that was convenient to use for storing passwords both online and locally.

LastPass remembers user passwords and allows you to manage them, and also automatically changes them if the service for which they were intended was hacked or otherwise compromised. LastPass supports two-factor authentication for password storage using Google Authenticator, a USB device, or a YubiKey.

In 2014, the service updated its user interface, making it much more convenient to use, and added a number of additional functions, such as monitoring changes in credit history, generating a secure password and storing and exchanging documents, notifications when one of the sites used is hacked, and autofill tools forms and online shopping.

LastPass supports Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry, as well as plugins for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer. The basic version of the service is free, and a premium manager with maximum features and support for mobile platforms is available for $12 per year.

As noted by, many users said that LastPass made their online life much easier. Thanks to the service, there is no need to use the same password on every site, you do not have to make mistakes in typing or accidentally send combinations to someone. The manager allows you to block important data when you think you have been hacked, and motivates you to take better care of security.


Dashlane was launched in 2012 and quickly gained popularity due to its attention to the interface, security, ease of authorization, automatic filling of forms on web pages and work with online stores.

During the existence of the manager, it has gone through several updates, acquired support for two-factor authentication, the ability to share passwords in case the user has lost access to their accounts and, most importantly, a function through which you can change several passwords for a dozen sites with just a few clicks. Dashlane also notifies the user if one of the resources he uses has been hacked, and can independently set new unique passwords.

Tracking purchases and working with a virtual wallet simplifies work with online retailers and allows you to track all orders within the service. In addition, Dashlane provides the ability to store passwords locally in encrypted form, and also allows you to synchronize them with other devices via cloud storage.

Dashlane runs on Windows, OS X, Android and iOS and has plugins for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. The paid version of the manager allows you to set up synchronization of different devices. Its cost is $40 per year.


According to, KeePass is suitable for all fans of free and open source software. In this program, all user passwords are stored in an encrypted database on their system and never leave it.

KeePass has an application with which you can transfer information to several computers, even if the computer you are using is locked and the user only has a flash card.

You can configure access to the database for multiple users, and also export it in text form.

The manager has a built-in password generator that can check the uniqueness and security of each combination used.

As notes, there are a huge number of additional plugins and tools for KeePass that expand its functionality and allow you to use new platforms.

KeePass autofill works on almost all systems and browsers, thanks to which the manager can log in to sites that his analogues cannot access. It also allows you to use autocomplete in applications, dialog boxes, and other forms where you previously had to type everything manually or by copying.

In 2010, users chose KeePass as their top password manager, primarily for its open source code and approach to security.

KeePass officially supports Windows, OS X and Linux, but thanks to third-party developers, it can also be used on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.


1Password has a pleasant interface, built-in secure notes, a virtual wallet with payment information, and a reliable password generator that allows you to create combinations for specified queries, rather than just accepting the random option that the algorithm gives.

1Password can be used on a device without network access, or you can synchronize your password storage via Dropbox, iCloud, Wi-Fi, or network folders.

You can also set up access for other users to the storage or specify emergency contacts.

1Password supports Windows, OS X, Android, and iOS, as well as plugins for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. The premium version of 1Password for one system costs $50 (licensing package for Mac and Windows costs $70). Mobile applications and browser extensions are available only to license holders.

Users who chose 1Password noted its interface and ease of use: the manager is simply a pleasure to interact with. In addition, writes, 1Password works in almost any browser, system and dialog box.

Users also noted the “watchtower” function, which notifies about serious violations on the network, and TouchID support on iOS. The manager's disadvantages were also mentioned, including the inability to edit the database on mobile devices.


Development of RoboForm began in 1999, and since then it has had loyal fans, writes RoboForm can be used both as an auto-fill tool for online forms and as a password manager. Encrypted data is stored both locally on the user’s device and synchronized over the network. RoboForm can be carried with you on a flash card so that you can use it on any computer without fear of losing passwords.

You can use several profiles in the manager, each of which will contain individual information about users, passwords and any other information necessary for frequent use.