Maximo was implemented in a development company. IBM Maximo – software for service and asset management. Inventory management

To the regional divisions of the construction company and putting the system into production operation.

Cause and effect

Dynamic business growth has made factors that make it difficult to effectively manage fixed assets more visible. In particular, the Central Office lacked operational reliable data on the technical condition, maintenance costs, fuel consumption, actual use and location of fixed assets. The need for construction machinery and mechanisms was identified immediately before the start of work. The lack of a unified automated system for managing maintenance, repairs and operation led to long periods of approval of requests for operations with fixed assets, which, in turn, caused a decrease in the efficiency of equipment use. In addition, an automated system was needed in order to increase the level of justification for investments in construction machinery and mechanisms, and to analyze the feasibility of leasing equipment.

In September 2011, the company formulated the goals and objectives of automating all maintenance and repair business processes. According to them, the automated control system should provide the Central Office of JSC RZDstroy with a tool for monitoring and motivating personnel to more intensively use their own fleet of construction machines and mechanisms, and perform a larger volume of work on their own. It was necessary to ensure the validity of investments in the acquisition of equipment, its rental and MRO (maintenance and repair) work. It was also necessary to introduce a system of object-by-object cost accounting for maintenance, operation, and MRO in order to more effectively manage the cost of ownership of fixed assets.


The choice of IBS as a partner for the development and implementation of the system was made due to the unique expertise possessed by the IBS team. IBS specialists have an extensive portfolio of projects in the field of automation of fixed asset management processes and were able to offer the customer a full range of services, including certification of fixed assets, regulation of key operations and processes.

The IBM Maximo solution with the Transportation functional module, which IBS specialists implemented for the first time in Russia, was chosen as a platform for creating an automated maintenance and management system.

To implement the project, an automation strategy and work program have been developed. The contractor's team regulated the management of maintenance, repair and operation of fixed assets: construction machinery and mechanisms, production equipment, power equipment, transport, small-scale mechanization, real estate in the form of land, buildings and structures.


After the successful implementation of the automated maintenance and repair system in the pilot trust, in April 2012 the system began to be replicated to all divisions of JSC RZDstroy. As a result, the automated system covered the Central Office of JSC RZDstroy in Moscow, 19 construction and installation trusts, as well as 70 construction and installation trains (which are structural divisions of the trusts) operating throughout the country.

The introduction of an automated maintenance and control system made it possible to conduct an in-depth analysis of the structure and condition of fixed assets, which made it possible to formulate a more justified investment program. Control and transparency of MRO costs ensured both a reduction in unreasonable costs and an increase in the operational readiness of fixed assets. The result of implementation is an increase in the efficiency of distribution of equipment between construction sites, structural divisions, trusts, an increase in the intensity of use of equipment, and, consequently, an increase in the volume of construction and installation work performed.

Sergey Merkulov, First Deputy General Director of IBS, noted: “The basis for the implementation of this project was the experience of our team in automating the management of fixed assets in a number of the largest companies in Russia. We are glad that we were able to apply our expertise to such a large-scale project and introduce an automated system that helps improve the efficiency of railway construction carried out by JSC RZDstroy throughout the country.”
Malykhina Lyubov Vasilievna, Deputy General Director for Production of JSC RZDstroy, emphasized: “As a result of the implementation of automated maintenance and management systems, we managed to achieve the main goal - to increase the efficiency of management of fixed assets in all trusts of the Company, from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. JSC "RZDstroy" received an effective tool for monitoring used and rented equipment, managing movable and immovable property, and the level of justification for investments has been increased. We thank our partner, IBS Group, for the successful implementation of the project.”

10,000 companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience" title="> 10,000 companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience" class="link_thumb"> 9 !}> companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience 10,000 companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience"> 10,000 companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience" > 10,000 companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the fight for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience" title="> 10,000 companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience"> title="> 10,000 companies in 103 countries in > 20 languages ​​have successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience"> !}

For the head of the service department, for the GE, GT, and service department employees: Control and coordination of work High-quality planning Promptness of action when... problems arise Simplification of processes...interaction Benefits for business

Flexible definition of service level agreements Escalation for all types of ... obligations, alerting Real-time graphical representation of key ... performance and ... efficiency indicators Message templates provide ... structured data transfer SLA-enabled services

Jython Rocks Maximo remote method invocation example - setup PyDev in Eclipse Environment- read XLS into Maximo Carsten Frentz - Bernt Senior Client Technical Professional IBM Software Group Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure What is this deck? Evolution of keystone charts: Optimizing the World’s infrastructure For what audiences and when? Tivoli Executives at events: e.g. Connect Events Tivoli Executives & any Seller on sales calls Overview Leverages key messages from Pulse: Scott, Danny, Deepak, Robert Provides a simple, unified story line Introduces the overarching client business opportunity & challenge Introduces IBM's differentiated capabilities: Cloud, Mobile, SPI, SI VISIBILITY CONTROL AUTOMATION

The Definitive Guide to Jython, written by the official Jython team leads, covers Jython 2.5 (or 2.5.x), from the basics to more advanced features. The Definitive Guide to Jython is organized for beginners as well as advanced users. The book provides a general overview of the Jython language itself, but it also includes intermediate and advanced topics. This book is also presented in open source and licensed through Creative Commons 3.0 You can read the book at or check out the source at the book project on bitbucket at

Jython Install Instructions

Jython Language Intro based on Barry’s devworks articles

PyDev is a third-party plug-in for Eclipse. It is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used for programming in Python, Jython and IronPython development. It comes with many goodies such as: Code completion with auto import Syntax highlighting Code analysis Refactoring Mark occurrences Debugger Remote debugger Tokens browser Interactive console Unittest integration and many others PyDev home: Requirements Java 6 or higher (java 7 recommended) At least one of: Python (2.1 or newer) Jython (2.1 or newer) IronPython (2.6 or newer) and Eclipse (3.2 to 3.8/4.2)

recommended instructions Install Jython and Java before installing Eclipse Install Eclipse Standard SDK / Kepler Release v4.3 Use 32 Bit Operating System for your machine (even if your Operating System is 64 Bits) This file is about 180 Mb so it might take a while to download fully. Move this file to a more permanent location, so that you can install Eclipse. Jython and Java should be installed before installing Eclipse. Unzip , the file that you just downloaded and moved. Open Eclipse and accept Workspace Launcher pop-up window. Terminate (click X on) the Welcome tab. Click Help and then click Install New Software. Enter the text< into the Work with text box. Select only the PyDev checkbox; do NOT select PyDev Mylyn Integration (optional) box. Install pop-up window will appear, click NEXT and accept terms of the license agreement. Finish and restart Ecplise.

recommended instructions After Restart, click Window and then click Preferences. Click Window, hover over Open Perspective. Select PyDev (blue label on the Eclipse window will change to PyDev - Eclipse SDK). add libraries... businessobjects.jar [MAXIMO business logic] [extract from maximo.ear] icu4j.jar [provides globalization technology into Java] [extract from maximo.ear] jxl.jar [ xls read / write … download from ]

if __name__ == "__main__": import psdi.util.MXException as MXException try: session.connect() except MXException, conex: print "conex.getErrorGroup() :",conex.getErrorGroup() print "conex.getErrorKey() :",conex.getErrorKey() print "conex.getDetail() :",conex.getDetail() print "conex.getDisplayMessage() :",conex.getDisplayMessage() woset = session.getMboSet("WORKORDER") wo = woset.addAtEnd() # wo.setValue(“WONUM”,”&AUTOKEY&”) wo.setValue(“DESCRIPTION”,”test description”) except MXException, mboex: print "mboex.getErrorGroup() :",mboex.getErrorGroup() print "mboex.getErrorKey() :",mboex.getErrorKey() print "mboex.getMessage(mboset) :",mboex.getMessage(woset) session.disconnect()

if __name__ == "__main__": from import File from jxl import * import psdi.util.MXSession as MXSession import psdi.mbo.MboSetRemote as MboSetRemote session = MXSession.getSession() session.setHost(" :13400/MXServer") session.setUserName("maxadmin") session.setPassword("maxadmin") session.connect() maxdomain = session.getMboSet("MAXDOMAIN") maxdomain.setWhere("DOMAINID="CREWID"") maxdomain.reset() alndomainset = maxdomain.getMbo(0).getMboSet("ALNDOMAINVALUE") workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(File("C:\\temp\\import.xls")) sheet = workbook.getSheet(0) for row in range(1, sheet.getRows()): alndomain = alndomainset.addAtEnd() alndomain.setValue("VALUE", sheet.getCell(0, row).getContents()) alndomain.setValue("DESCRIPTION", sheet.getCell(1, row).getContents()) session.disconnect() Import der Klassen - Java Basis Class - JXL Java API read / write XLS - MAXIMO businessobjects Referenz auf MAXIMO Session und Aufbau einer Verbindung Public interface für den Zugriff auf MAXIMO BusinessObjectsÖffnen des XLS Files Lese für alle XLS Zeilen die Spaltenfelder 1+2 und lege einen neuen Datensatz in ALNDomain an Speichern und Abmelden

interesting https://www. ibm. com/developerworks/community/wikis/home
interesting lang=en#!/wiki/IBM%20Maximo%20Asset%20Management/page/Configuring%20and%20customizing Configuring and Customizing For information about configuring and customizing Maximo Asset Management, select from the following links. Configuring the user interface Adding a new field using Application Designer: View a beginner tutorial on how to add a new field to an application dialog using Application Designer. Customizing Headers with corporate colors and logo: Learn how to customize the Maximo Asset Management header with your corporate colors and logo. Hiding sections of the user interface: Learn how to improve usability by hiding sections of the user interface that are not needed by your users. For example, you might want the approvers of your work orders to see only the main Work Order tab of the Work Order Tracking application and not be distracted by any of the other tabs. Making long description a text field: Maximo Asset Management 7.5 added the ability to use a Rich Text Editor for the long descriptions. Learn how to configure the product to use the text area for long descriptions again. Stylize a label or text control to draw attention to a field or value: Learn how to draw attention to a particular field by stylizing its label or internal text. Application configuration best practices: Learn how to use the Application Designer to customize your user interface.Adding information to the user interface: Learn how to add additional information, such as fields or sections into an application to improve the efficiency of your users. UI Best Practices for Products Built on Tivoli"s process automation engine: This document describes the screen layout features, UI style and details, and accessibility features that result in an optimally usable product UI. Follow the best practices that are provided in this document to ensure that the UI remains consistent, accessible, and easy to navigate and use. UI framework event handling: Learn how the user interface framework handles events when users press buttons or interact with widgets. Rich Text Formatting in Maximo and SmartCloud Control Desk 7.5: Learn how to add rich text to long descriptions and other parts of the user interface. Customizing help Help Customization Toolkit: Use the Help Customization Toolkit to install and develop a custom plug-in for Maximo Asset Management 7.5 and add this plug-in to your product information center. Separating Maximo Help files from WebSphere Application Server admin files: Learn how to deploy the MxEclipse application to create a standalone Eclipse information center that allows you to separate the Maximo files from the WebSphere admin files. Cloning application help in Maximo 7.1: Learn how to clone help for cloned applications in Maximo Asset Management Version 7.1. Customizing with automation scripts Customizing Maximo with Scripts: For Maximo Asset Management version 7.5, learn how to use scripting to customize many components without writing java code or rebuilding the EAR file. Maximo Scripting: Script compilation and caching: Learn how Maximo executes automation scripts saved in the database. Maximo Scripting: Date Dizziness--Part 1: Learn how to use scripts to calculate elapsed time based on date and time measurements in Maximo business objects and how to present that information in the user interface. Maximo Scripting: Date Dizziness--Part 2: Learn a Java-based approach to calculating dates through a scenario in which an escalation executes a scripted action. Maximo Scripting: Date Dizziness--Part 3: Learn how to implement a JavaScript-based script to calculate dates. Multiple language environments Attribute and domain functions: This article provides an overview of attribute and domain functions for multiple language environments, including the Maxattribute.Localizable, Maxattribute.Mlinuse and Maxattribute.Mlsupported attributes and ALN-/SYNONYMDOMAIN. Configuring a Start Center for multiple language environments: This article describes how to configure start centers for multiple language environments and provides an example that describes how to configure for Dutch and English. Hints and tips for multiple language environments: This article provides useful hints and tips for users who have multiple language environments. Customization Detection Tool: Learn how to use a tool that can locate customizations for objects, attributes, and service classes that have been extended and/or added to. Configuring Colors in Assignment Manager: Learn how to assign colors based on priorities in the Work List of the Assignment Manager application. Deploying clustered configurations: Learn how to deploy a clustered configuration for Maximo Asset Management. Introducing Interaction Setup: Learn how to update an object or workflow assignment by sending an with a number prompt. This enhancement provided with Maximo Asset Management is independent device and updates can be made by laptop, smartphone, tablet and other devices on a wide range of existing networks and carriers. Maximo business object development: View best practices for developing Maximo business objects (MBOs). Skip fields during duplication: Learn how to skip user-defined fields during duplication of a record. Related pages Configuring the Maximo Enterprise Adapter for SAP Applications without SAP NetWeaver Process Integration: Learn how to configure an alternative middleware component to support integration between Maximo Asset Management and SAP ERP, version 6.0.

IBM has integrated into its Tivoli software family its acquisition of MRO Software's Maximo software, designed to support the entire complex of enterprise assets throughout its life cycle.

One of the trends in the development of modern corporate information systems is that the operation process is becoming increasingly important in their overall life cycle. This is quite understandable: design and development, although complex, is still a one-time, time-limited job, and support can last a very, very long time. Various studies have long shown that operation accounts for the most significant part of the costs of companies, which make up the cost of IT ownership. And again, in the complex of problems of practical application of service-oriented architecture (SOA), today the issues of managing existing SOA systems come to the fore.

Given the demands of the times, IBM Corporation ( acquired publicly traded MRO Software, a renowned provider of consulting services and maintenance and asset management software, in the fall of 2006. Its clients include many of the world's largest enterprises, which use MRO solutions to effectively manage the procurement, storage and decommissioning of assets (manufacturing equipment, plants, vehicles, IT software and hardware) in various industries such as manufacturing, utilities , electric power, pharmaceuticals and communications.

MRO Software is one of the veterans of the computer industry. It was founded in 1968 (first under the name PSDI) and has since been headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts, USA. Its key product is Maximo, a strategic asset and service management software system that can be used in conjunction with various ERP systems. Maximo software works with a variety of databases, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2. The latest version of Maximo 6 (also known as MXES) is implemented on the J2EE platform as an SOA solution (the first Web-based version of this software appeared in the previous version, Maximo 5).

During 2007, IBM completed the integration of the acquired software into its software family. The program, called IBM Maximo, is now being developed as part of the IBM Tivoli software development line. In this article we will get acquainted with the key capabilities of this software system*.

Key features of the Maximo package

The Maximo system is aimed at supporting the entire complex of enterprise assets throughout the life cycle of its operation and links asset management with the overall business strategy, solving the following main tasks:

  • increase in capital productivity;
  • reducing the cost of acquiring and using assets;
  • making more informed decisions regarding assets;
  • increasing the level of services provided;
  • ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements;
  • increasing staff productivity;
  • improving business flexibility;
  • reduction in the total cost of asset ownership.

The software is implemented in the form of a Maximo Enterprise Suite package, consisting of six key subsystems that allow you to successfully manage existing assets (including production facilities, buildings and structures, vehicles), works, purchases, services, warehouses and contracts in order to achieve key business goals companies (Fig. 1).

Asset Management

Asset management tools provide a clear process for using and managing assets throughout their life cycle.

Storing asset data, including location, maintenance history and costs over time, can make asset use more efficient and longer lasting. By supporting location and equipment hierarchies, you can estimate total costs across systems, subsystems, and locations. In this case, the customer can estimate the total costs of assets while simultaneously breaking them down into individual components. Condition monitoring enables proactive maintenance practices and reduces equipment downtime.

Work management

Maximo's work management tools support all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and repair work, from initial work request and work order preparation to completion and actual totals. Work scheduling tools allow you to assign work orders to available personnel, calculate and approve costs, set priorities, and initiate repair actions for all plant assets.

Comprehensive control of all tasks associated with work management provides the opportunity for a detailed analysis of resources, materials, equipment readiness and related costs, which, in turn, reduces the cost of work and materials. Using the graphical work planner, you can optimize the planning of repair work and the use of personnel. This ensures that personnel with the required qualifications are used to carry out the relevant work. The system provides support for scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR), PPR schedules can be used to reduce downtime and the amount of repeat work.

Service management

The service management functionality provided by Maximo Enterprise Suite allows you to create new service requests while simultaneously monitoring and enriching previously submitted requests. Additional service management capabilities are implemented using service level agreement (SLA) management tools, which allow you to synchronize the main goals and priorities of service organizations and departments with the main business goals of the company.

Service request processing tools give users the ability to quickly report problems through an intuitive Web interface. Company employees can independently monitor the status of the resolution process for problems they have reported. An effective service delivery environment requires minimal user training.

Using Maximo Enterprise Suite's SLA management tools, service organizations and departments can define the services they provide, agree on service levels with internal recipients, implement escalation procedures that link different service levels, and provide a means of measuring service quality.

Service catalogs allow service providers to establish and maintain the provision of services to consumers, ensuring that the service provided meets business support requirements. Concluding SLA agreements reduces the costs of approval procedures between service organizations and company departments and allows the values ​​characterizing service levels to be adjusted to those that meet business needs. By monitoring compliance with agreements, proactive performance monitoring is carried out to monitor the completeness of service provision and their actual compliance with requirements. Request escalation management ensures that resources are properly allocated to meet service level agreements.

An important role in service management is played by the Maximo Service Center, a convenient enterprise-scale service management tool for companies interested in using a full-featured service desk in conjunction with the Maximo Enterprise Suite system. This product has all the necessary service functions, such as:

  • establishing a single point of contact between service providers and consumers;
  • receiving and registering requests;
  • determining service support priorities;
  • resolving problems and preventing future incidents;
  • monitoring and escalation of incidents and problems in accordance with service levels;
  • management of change processes;
  • designing and executing change propagation procedures;
  • communication with users and changing their rights.

Self-service functions are implemented through a user-friendly interface that provides the user with access to critical information about the causes and solutions to common incidents. Company employees can use application templates, which reduces the time required to prepare an application for work based on an application from a system user. With problem and incident management, you can prioritize user-reported issues and identify root causes to improve service levels and staff productivity. The service center also provides a convenient opportunity to search for solutions to user requests and create an internal knowledge base. The solutions can also serve as training material for plant personnel.

Management of material and technical resources

Inventory management (IRM) tools allow you to track the resources associated with production assets and their use. The system stores information about all needs for materials and equipment, which allows you to monitor changes in their status in real time.

Assessing needs and managing them with support for procedures for issuing and receiving materials and equipment from warehouses, moving them between locations - all this ensures effective management of the flow of spare parts and components, as well as cost reduction by preventing the formation of surpluses in warehouses or illiquid stock.

Inventory optimization and tool scheduling help maintain inventory levels that meet production needs. To do this, the system supports reorder points, determining economic order volumes, conducting ABC analysis (Activity Based Costing) and monitoring lead time for deliveries. These tools ensure that the right parts are available in the right place at the right time, reduce the number of warehouse operations, reduce inventory levels, reduce transportation costs, and allow savings to be achieved through the consolidation of purchases.

Procurement management

Purchasing support functionality supports all phases of procurement activities across the enterprise, including direct supply and replenishment requirements, and provides customers with comprehensive access to requisitions, quotes, supplier information, purchase orders and contract data. Maximo adapters allow you to integrate your procurement support system with third party financial products, such as Oracle Financials or SAP. In addition, using the Maximo e-commerce adapter, you can interact with online trading systems and electronic exchanges.

Working with proven suppliers and analyzing supply efficiency minimizes costs by reducing expensive unplanned purchases: orders are placed with the most suitable suppliers with a guarantee of the quality of purchased materials. Automatic ordering of materials for planned repairs ensures that the necessary spare parts are delivered exactly on time. Initiating procurement based on the values ​​of interval or absolute characteristics or upon the occurrence of certain events reduces the influence of the human factor, which means it increases labor productivity, streamlines the procurement process, and avoids errors when entering data. Supporting consolidated purchasing across multiple locations and organizations allows for savings and improved efficiency through order consolidation and lower wholesale prices.

Contract management

Contract management tools provide clear functionality for comprehensive management of contractual relationships with suppliers of materials and services. Templates of contracts are supported, including purchase, leasing/rental, warranty, tariff and framework agreements. In addition, clients have the opportunity to manage any of their own contract types.

Linking service level agreements (SLAs) with contracts to monitor the performance of suppliers allows you to weed out unscrupulous suppliers and eliminate the purchase of low-quality materials. The results of monitoring compliance with SLA can be used when revising the terms of cooperation with suppliers. Once created, the library of terms and definitions can be used to prepare an unlimited number of contracts; this ensures consistency and standardization of policies throughout the organization. Automatic distribution of notifications and warnings, which is initiated upon the arrival of key contract dates, for example, expiration dates, renewals, etc., allows you to control the terms of contracts to avoid penalties and gives confidence in obtaining the best prices for all contracts. Overall, payment scheduling support significantly reduces the administrative costs of these operations.

Additional components

In addition to the basic subsystems, Maximo software also includes a number of optional components.

Maximo Service Planner allows service organizations and departments to define the services provided, create service level agreements with their internal recipients, and apply escalation procedures to maintain the proper level of service. It also provides a means of assessing compliance with service levels.

Maximo Calibration provides tools to manage the calibration process for test and measurement equipment. This application involves documenting, verifying and monitoring the condition of any type of calibrated asset in accordance with the requirements of the standards that are used for such verification. Support for forward and backward monitoring increases compliance for regulated industries. The electronic signature and electronic audit mechanism used for comprehensive and secure auditing ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. Mobile calibration prevents delays and data entry errors.

Maximo Navigator is a graphical Web-based library of spare parts and equipment that expands the ability of repair departments to search and identify the necessary spare parts. This software provides direct access to illustrations, diagrams, drawings and related documentation. Online access to repair documentation from the library reduces equipment downtime caused by searching for spare parts and documentation. By visually displaying the assembly hierarchy of the necessary spare parts, the time required to ensure that everything that is required for repair is identified is reduced. Rapid identification of required spare parts, work plans, work orders and purchases ensures generally fast and correct repairs, which increases equipment availability, availability and service life.

Maximo Project Manager, a project management application, empowers planners to process the data they need by providing users with planning, viewing and reporting tools while allowing users to make changes to Maximo data in real time.

This solution features bi-directional Microsoft Project integration so information can be changed in both applications while ensuring data integrity. Relationships defined in Maximo are supported in Microsoft Project. The ability to create new Maximo work orders in Microsoft Project streamlines the planning process and improves productivity.

Working with mobile devices

Maximo Mobile Suite provides access to Maximo from a variety of laptop computers running Microsoft Windows CE/Pocket PC. This package consists of four applications:

  • Mobile Work Manager - mobile work management;
  • Mobile Inventory Manager - mobile warehouse accounting;
  • Mobile Auditor - mobile accounting of equipment;
  • Mobile Calibration - mobile calibration.
Automated information management using Maximo Mobile Suite eliminates “paper” procedures, while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of working with information, its completeness and integrity. The package also eliminates the need for unnecessary data entry, which leads to additional time and errors. Constant communication provides access to information accumulated in Maximo directly from workstations in real time, which is extremely important when performing unscheduled and emergency work. Through specialized mobile applications, mobile users of the system have at their disposal the functionality of the Maximo package, including obtaining asset information, managing work orders, maintaining optimal inventory, using appropriate fault codes, and calibrating testing of measuring equipment. Screen forms of applications correspond to the form factors of mobile device monitors; in other words, information is correctly displayed on screens, allowing for convenient navigation and ease of viewing asset, work and inventory information on small screens of mobile devices. IT management solutions Maximo software includes a special solution for managing IT services and IT assets - Maximo ITSM (IT Service Management), which can be used both as a comprehensive solution for managing assets and services, and to support specific projects, for example, asset accounting, life cycle management and service organization. Using basic subsystems (asset management, service management, work management, contracts and procurement), Maximo ITSM provides effective control and accounting of assets, configurations, contractual relationships, data on used funds, resources and services. Maximo ITSM includes three key specialized components - Maximo Discovery, Maximo ITAM (IT asset management) and Maximo Service Desk. Maximo Discovery is a convenient tool for monitoring information, network and software infrastructure, which includes PCs, servers and network devices, with the ability to determine the physical location of an asset. It is a fast, accurate and simple automatic reconciliation tool with minimal network traffic overhead. Maximo Discovery performs the following operations:
  • inventory of IT equipment - PCs, servers and network devices;
  • determining their physical location;
  • inventory of installed software and determination of specific installation locations;
  • assessment of IT equipment load;
  • identification of all configuration changes made on a PC at any time;
  • calculation of update costs in modeling or analysis;
  • exchange data with other applications.
Maximo ITAM provides all the information needed to control and manage IT assets, at all stages of the life cycle and in conjunction with the warehouse, financial and contractual aspects of the use of IT assets. The solution provides tools for monitoring assets, verifying their characteristics, checking compliance with licensing agreements, managing contracts and procurement. Asset management features supported by a flexible process-driven workflow engine, an intuitive user interface, integration capabilities with accounting, financial, and HR applications, as well as a standard Web architecture, help maximize the value of technology. Maximo ITAM supports the following features:
  • creation and implementation of technological standards;
  • monitoring of all IT assets, their locations and changes made;
  • accounting and management of all agreements relating to licenses, leases, warranties, support;
  • managed procurement and issuance process for IT assets;
  • reconciliation of the actual availability of assets and documentary data on their availability (purchase or receipt under contracts);
  • compliance with licensing requirements.

One of the key aspects of the enterprise IT asset management process is the ability to build and manage a complete and accurate inventory base. In general, the necessary information about IT resources is collected and stored in several control systems, which most often operate on different components of this information.

The Maximo Fusion solution allows you to quickly integrate the Maximo ITAM product with various IT asset management tools, consolidating this information into a single repository used by Maximo (Figure 2). Its interface uses drag-and-drop to move inventory data from any IT asset management tool into Maximo ITAM without any programming.

Maximo Service Desk software is implemented on the basis of the Maximo service center - a tool for managing service levels. It allows customers to maintain and monitor service level agreements, ensuring that IT asset goals and priorities are more closely aligned with core business areas. SLA management tools allow an organization's IT departments to define the services provided, set their levels for internal customers, create escalation procedures to maintain the required level of service, and provide the necessary means of measuring their quality.

Maximo Service Desk also includes a work management application that supports both scheduled and urgent work and allows you to organize a full-fledged work management process in the IT department. Costs and priorities are calculated based on service levels. The manager can associate work objectives with available resources and resource requirements, request and receive approval for costs, set priorities and plan enterprise-wide projects. Work progress monitoring tools allow you to analyze in detail the resources used and the costs incurred, helping to reduce the cost of your own or outsourced personnel. The user-friendly graphical layout of the Work Assignment Application streamlines the workforce planning and utilization process, ensuring that the right people with the right skills are assigned to the right jobs.

Standardization of procedures gives the IT department the opportunity to streamline standard processes and ensure quality of work. Analytics tools and key performance indicators (KPIs) provide the analytical information needed to make informed decisions about resource investments and training that meet service level requirements. Operating agreements facilitate the exchange of information within an organization and ensure that SLAs are properly supported by internal or external service providers.

Integration options

In today's dynamic world, businesses need systems that can adapt to changing business requirements and communicate with partners, suppliers and customers. Interoperability requires integration not only internally - with many enterprise systems, but also externally - with the corresponding systems of partners, suppliers and customers. Excessive consolidation of systems can limit their ability to adapt to change compared to less monolithic systems.

Maximo integration solutions enable enterprises to improve the business processes associated with their assets and services. The system includes specially configured adapters for integration with Oracle E-Business Suite, mySAP and Microsoft SMS. These adapters provide the necessary mechanisms to integrate and ensure data consistency in the systems being integrated, supporting integration processes on both sides. With the help of such solutions, customers can easily establish integration processes in the enterprise, maintaining investments even if their systems are updated.

Based on materials from IBM Corporation.