Bosch machine program does not work. Bosch washing machine does not work. The washing machine is leaking

Why doesn't the washing machine turn on? Thousands of people face this problem every day. There are several variations:

  • The equipment does not respond to the on/off button;
  • The machine starts, the indicator lights up;
  • Everything starts to glow at the same time or randomly.

Let's consider each case in detail.

No response to start. First, you should check for a simple power outage. If everything is ok, examine the cord from the unit to see if the plug is plugged into the outlet, or if the power cable is damaged. Everything is okay. If the effect is not achieved and you still want to restore operation without involving strangers, replace the internal surge protector. It takes care of voltage fluctuations in the network, and if it is unstable, it regularly fails. To carry out the manipulation, purchase an original spare part from the service center and install it in place of the old one. Did not help?

Check if the door is closed. Sometimes the blocker is triggered and it prohibits starting. If the hatch is locked and cannot be opened by hand: do not force it under any circumstances! You risk tearing off the handle and there will be more problems. Find a small hatch in front - there may be an emergency cable there. It is painted in bright colors - red, orange. Present? Then gently pull on it. If there is no cable, you will have to remove the top panel and tilt the unit onto its rear legs. Stick your hand into the opening, feel for the blocker, and open it. You forced the door open. Do a test run. Did not work?

What to watch next. Unfortunately, if the car shows no signs of life, a full diagnosis is required. This is almost impossible on your own if you do not have experience in such communication with other household appliances. Contact the service center to call a specialist at your home. He will arrive with the necessary set of equipment and fix the problem in a short time. The electronic board or programmer is probably damaged. It is not advisable to repair the command apparatus. It is subject to complete replacement.

  • The indicator lights up. If he is alone, then the situation is clear. Find out what the warning light indicates. This can be done using the instruction manual. The problem may be easily resolved using a combination of buttons. Some Bosch models provide the ability to make a call to a hotline. The owner is advised on the problems of a burning light bulb, what to press or check. In half of the cases, it is possible to solve the problem remotely, without involving specialists.
  • If the entire panel lights up. The first thing that can happen is a short circuit. Pay attention to the wiring throughout the washer, “ring” it. If everything is ok, 90% of the time it is a problem with the electronic board. No experience in repairing electronics (at least some complex ones)? We strongly recommend calling a repairman.

If a damaged unit can be diagnosed independently and replaced, then with the “brains” the situation is not so simple. The slightest failure of the correct mode provokes an incorrect command, and various errors are projected.

How to anticipate unnecessary consequences?

Always perform a graceful shutdown. If the wash does not finish correctly, it is necessary to establish the cause, eliminate it, and be sure to start the “rinse and spin” mode.

Bosch washing machines are known for their quality and reliability, however, equipment does not last forever and sooner or later, some kind of malfunction may occur with it. There are a lot of types of washing machine malfunctions, and listing all the reasons for their occurrence, you could write a whole book.
But this doesn’t make much sense, the main thing that an ordinary user needs to know is that, for long and stable operation of the washing machine, you just need to follow the simple recommendations specified in the operating instructions and call a technician at the first sign of a malfunction or “oddities” in work, because eliminating a malfunction at the first sign of its manifestation is usually much easier and cheaper, and sometimes a simple consultation with a specialist over the phone is sufficient.

If your Bosch washing machine breaks down

Even if you follow all the manufacturer's recommendations, for a number of reasons, the washing machine can still fail or simply break down. As mentioned above, there can be a lot of malfunctions, but they all arise for two reasons, the first and most basic is the banal failure to follow operating rules and the second, external factors, that is, bad water, power surges, etc.

What to do if your Bosch washing machine breaks down? Often, many users begin to look for a description of the washing machine error code, if one appears on the display, and, in accordance with the description found, try to repair it themselves. It is strongly recommended not to do this, of course, many have excellent technical knowledge, there are excellent tools and, again, the Internet, where you can see how to fix this or that malfunction, but everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

A breakdown of a Bosch washing machine appears as a result of certain factors, for example, if the error code of the washing machine shows a pump malfunction, this does not mean that the pump is not working, the filter may be clogged, there may be a problem with the contact, or the contact may be burnt out due to a clogged filter and the pump tried to drain the water, but maybe it was an error or a malfunction of the module. The error code of a Bosch washing machine, or any other washing machine, will only say so to guide the technician, further actions are performed according to a certain scheme, diagnose the unit, check all connections, find out the cause of the failure, eliminate not only the malfunction itself but also the reason that caused it .

Why you should call a washing machine repairman

To repair any equipment, you need not only specialized tools and spare parts, although this should also be mandatory, but also experience in working with this equipment; you will agree that it is difficult to diagnose a device without knowing all its parameters for normal operation, for example, resistance value, etc. d. Again, you can look on the Internet, but the situations are different: for some, the breakdown of one unit occurs for one reason; for another, the breakdown occurs for another.

Thus, it is not uncommon for self-repairs to involve changing the working parts of washing machines; as a result, the washing machine never starts working, and later fails again due to failure to eliminate the true cause. Also, we receive quite a lot of calls from the technician after an attempt to carry out repairs on our own, when the machine remains disassembled and it is no longer possible to reassemble it, this is due to the fact that washing machines contain some parts, for example a cuff, which are not so easy to put on without some skill, and if you put the cuff on incorrectly, there is a high risk that all the water from the machine will simply spill out during washing, which most likely will not lead to anything good.


If your Bosch washing machine has stopped working, do not experiment, contact the service center, the technicians of the ETekhnik service center have not only all the necessary tools and spare parts, but also extensive experience, any breakdown can be repaired and this can be done quickly and inexpensively .

Here is an example of work performed to repair a Bosch Maxx 5 washing machine that stopped working:

Request from a client: Bosch washing machine model Maxx 5 does not turn on.

Master's report:

Type of equipment Brand, model Malfunction Works performed upon request Price
Washing machine Doesn’t work (indicators are lit after switching on, error code is not displayed, programs do not start) Diagnostics (No power supply to rotor) 0 rub.
Replacing motor brushes 2500 rub.
Cleaning the engine from graphite deposits (At the request of the client) 500 rub.
TOTAL: 3000 rub.

Buying a high-quality modern Bosch washing machine is only half the battle; you need to learn how to use it correctly. Even the best equipment will not provide acceptable washing quality if the user systematically violates the operating rules prescribed in the instructions. We decided to focus our attention in this article on how to properly use a Bosch washing machine. If you recently bought yourself just such a machine, read this publication carefully, it will come in handy.

Characteristics of this technique

Modern Bosch washing machines are fundamentally different from the equipment that was produced under this brand 10-15 years ago. There is almost nothing left in them from the previous washing machines. The design and dimensions of the case have changed, and the contents of the control panel have changed. Hundreds of innovations have been applied to modern Bosch technology, and each such innovation slightly improves the performance characteristics of a particular model.

Over the past years, a line of Maxx Adventage washing machine models has appeared, which is in demand among owners of small apartments with small bathrooms. The LogiXX series equipment has been chosen by lovers of advanced technologies with a modest budget. In general, the Bosch company has released a lot of budget models of washing machines in recent years, focusing mainly on buyers with modest incomes. The calling card of Bosch washing machines is:

Selecting a washing program

To ensure high quality washing on a Bosch washing machine, the user must be able to correctly select and adjust washing programs. The developers tried to create a separate program for each type of laundry, so there should be no problems with the choice. Modern Bosch washing machines usually have 12-16 programs.

The desired washing program can be selected immediately after turning on the washing machine by turning the programmer knob to the desired position. All programs are signed on the control panel or indicated by icons. If you have difficulty recognizing a particular designation, look at the user manual.

Of course, the instructions are described in “dry technical language” and not everyone likes to read them, but we found a way out. On our website you can find technical texts translated into an easy-to-read form. We offer manuals for the following most popular Bosch washing machines:

Experienced housewives know that simply choosing one or another washing program is not enough. To achieve the best result, the program needs to be adjusted. The control modules of modern Bosch machines allow the user to adjust the programmed washing modes within certain limits. You can add and reduce spin speed, you can reduce and increase the water temperature. You can even adjust the program startup time, but you cannot make radical changes manually.

To adjust the program start time, there is a delayed start function.

Let's give an example and you will understand everything. So, a gentle program. In this mode, the machine spins clothes at a very low speed. If the user wants to manually add a critical number of revolutions of 800 or more, the program will simply reset the user settings. Why she will do this is not difficult to guess.

Powders, gels and rinses

Sensitive filters are installed inside modern Bosch washing machines, so you need to be careful when choosing detergents. You should not use homemade powders, recipes for which can be found in large quantities on various portals on the Internet. These powders not only do not provide the proper quality of washing, they harm the laundry and parts of the “home assistant”.

Under no circumstances should you use washing powders that are intended for washing clothes by hand. Such products provoke increased foaming, which in turn will lead to freezing of the Bosch washing machine, and in the worst case, to burnout of its electronic module.

It is best to use washing powders recommended by the washing machine manufacturer Bosch itself. The current list of these products is published on the Bosch website, you can open it and read it. Try to use only proven, certified products and then your “home assistant” will work for many years without any problems.

How to care?

It is impossible to operate a Bosch washing machine without proper care. The “home assistant” does not require daily attention from the user, but it does need to be serviced once every 2-3 months. What do you need to pay attention to?

It would also be a good idea to completely check the drainage system once every 6 months, since blockages often form there. Without proper care, the rifle will very soon fail, so do not neglect these simple rules and everything will be fine.

The following information is intended for owners of Bosch Maxx 4 and other washing machines. It will help to carry out an initial diagnosis of operating errors at home and prevent the occurrence of more complex malfunctions and complete failure of household electrical equipment.

Service test Bosch Maxx 4

During the operation of German Bosch machines, malfunctions occur less frequently than with competitors; however, the manufacturer has equipped each Bosch Maxx model with a special service test, the so-called self-diagnosis mode, which can determine the performance of all system functions. This function is very useful if several system components are broken.

Launching the diagnostic mode is performed differently depending on the line: Bosch Maxx 4, Bosch Maxx 5, Bosch classixx 5, etc.

Let's look at the test using the Bosch Maxx 4 series as an example.

To start self-diagnosis of Bosch Maxx 4, turn off the machine. Simultaneously press the additional function buttons and turn the mode knob 30° clap. After a successful launch, you can begin selecting a test.

Bosch Maxx 4 programs comply with the following tests:

  1. cotton 60° - check the electric motor;
  2. cotton 60° economy - drain pump;
  3. cotton 90° - heater;
  4. spin - main valve;
  5. drain - pre-valve.

To start the program on Bosch Maxx 4, press the “start” button. Faults are indicated by combinations of LEDs. In older Bosch Max models, error codes are displayed.

Error codes usually appear when one of the system elements fails. A DIYer can save time and money by quickly identifying the error using these codes.

Machines of the Bosch Maxx 4, Bosch Classixx 5, Bosch Maxx 6 series or the Bosch Classixx washing machine indicate incorrect operation with the following symbols:

  • F16 - when starting programs, the laundry loading hole is open.
  • F17 - exceeding the specified time for water entering the system. The reasons are clogged valves and filters, a closed water supply valve to the system.
  • F18 - water drain time has expired. The drain valve may be clogged or the water level sensor may be faulty.
  • F19 - the standard water heating time for the washing machine has expired. Typical reasons are low voltage in the network, failure of the heating element or thermostat.
  • F20 - no water heating. The thermostat or heating element may fail.
  • F21 - drum failure. The breakdown occurs due to a broken relay or tachogenerator reverse.
  • F22 - malfunction of the NTC sensor. Associated with a short circuit and breaks in the electrical wiring circuit.
  • F23 - activation of the Aquastop system. There is liquid in the pan and there is a break in the electrical circuit.
  • F25 - turbidity sensor error.
  • F26 - malfunction of the analog sensor.
  • F27 - flow switch malfunction.
  • F28 - failure of the fluid pressure sensor.
  • F29 - incorrect operation of the motor.
  • F30 - no engine rotation.
  • F40 - violation of synchronization of electrical equipment. The reason is the discrepancy between the local electrical network and the required technical characteristics of the machines.
  • F50 - low or high flow rate.
  • F51 - door error.
  • F53 - functional protection failure.
  • F54 - malfunction of the control module.
  • F63 - control module error.

Elimination of major machine malfunctions

After a thorough diagnosis, malfunctions of Bosch washing machines are strongly recommended to be eliminated as soon as possible. This will help extend the life of your household appliances.

Let's look at the Bosch Maxx 4 as an example. If the Bosch Maxx washing machine does not turn on, then you should first figure out whether this is due to faults in the wiring and its individual components, or whether the reason is in the device itself. First of all, the voltage in the network is checked. If it is, then the next step will be to check the power cables, sockets and circuit breakers.

The reason may be a faulty power button. If it sinks or does not move, it must be replaced. Less common reasons are failure of the main chip and control module of the equipment, breakdown of the electric motor or drum.

If attempts to troubleshoot a Bosch washing machine do not lead to stabilization of the operating process and startup, you must contact qualified specialists for further diagnostics.

  • Door faults Bosch Maxx 4 can be fixed by replacing the latch. If depressurization occurs or the integrity of the rubber braid is damaged, you should replace it with a new one yourself or in a specialized service. The error code during normal operation may be cleared when the washing machine is restarted.
  • Problems with drainage or water supply Bosch Maxx 4 into the system. It is necessary to check the position of the supply and drain valves and open them. If the error continues to appear, the filters need to be cleaned and replaced. If the pressure in the system is too low, check and clean the pipes and replace the water level sensor.
  • Long drain Bosch Maxx 4 can be solved by replacing the water level sensor and cleaning the main pump.
  • Incorrect water heating, prolonged heating requires checking the thermostat, replacing the heating element, and temperature sensor.
  • Drum breakage can be eliminated by loading the correct amount of laundry - frequent overload leads to abrasion of the belts and complete failure of the unit.

Errors associated with partial collection of detergents in Bosch Maxx 4 or Bosch Maxx 6 can be eliminated by cleaning the container. To prevent such malfunctions of the Bosch washing machine, do not load too much powder and leave it inside the machine for a long time (especially important if the device is built in a damp room).

Presence of noise When operating the Bosch Max device, it is necessary to diagnose more carefully. If the noise is periodic and appears at the beginning or end of the operating cycle, then the cause is the presence of foreign objects in the corrugated pipes. It is necessary to remove them as quickly as possible to avoid penetration into the system and the occurrence of short circuits and depressurization of individual elements.

If the noise resembles a metal grinding sound, then this indicates a bearing failure. Quickly replacing them with working ones can prevent complete failure of the electric generator.

Disabling a difavtomat or RCD at startup, it indicates that there is a leakage current in the system (breakdowns to the housing, etc.). It is necessary to check the integrity of the wiring in the house up to the outlet, inspect the household appliance for the presence of exposed wires and moisture getting inside the housing. Self-repair without proper knowledge of electrical engineering is not recommended, since incorrect repair of this breakdown can lead to dangerous situations.

The examples of simple faults listed above using the Bosch Maxx 4 as an example can be diagnosed and fixed at home. If the faults are more complex, you should immediately seek the help of specialists. In such cases, independent intervention in the repair of household equipment such as Bosch Maxx can lead to irreversible failure of the part or the entire system, thereby the cost of repair work can reach the price of purchasing new equipment.

Bosch washing machine repair (video)

The video shows the diagnosis and step-by-step elimination of a spin error on a Bosch machine. Malfunctions of the Bosch Maxx 5, Bosch Maxx 4, Bosch Maxx 6 and other models associated with malfunctions in the spin mode may be associated with a breakdown of the pressure switch, electric motor, as well as malfunctions of the control module, drain pump or device power control sensor (number of revolutions).

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