The best alternative keyboards for iPhone and iPad. Alternative keyboards for iPhone

Apple opened up the ability to install custom keyboards two years ago. After which the official catalog of applications for iOS was replenished with a large number of third-party keyboards. Most of which did not stand up to criticism. But there were also some that are still popular. They will be discussed in this article.



The most popular keyboard for iPhone and iPad from third-party developers is Swype. This keyboard is great for both two-handed and one-finger use. This means you can use it even on the go. A predictive word entry option is available. Moreover, the application can predict not only what word you started writing, but even what emoji you want to insert into your text.

Initially, the keyboard did not support the Russian language, but today it is supported. When installing the Swype keyboard on your Apple device, the user can choose a convenient layout:


If you use an iPad, then when you install this keyboard on your tablet, you will have the ability to simplify input in landscape and portrait mode. In general, the developer tried to make sure that more iPad users install this keyboard. They, unlike iPhone owners, have access to 5 free themes.

The cost of the Swype keyboard is 33 rubles. But, from time to time the developer makes it free. Do not miss your chance.

You can download the Swype keyboard from developer home page or with iTunes Store. There is also a version for Android.

Translator Keyboard

As the name suggests, this keyboard allows you to quickly translate text. To do this, you need to select the main language and the language from which you want to translate. The application currently supports 44 languages.

This keyboard can be an excellent assistant when communicating over the Internet with foreigners if your knowledge of their language is not at a very good level. Using Translator Keyboard, you can send messages via instant messengers, chat online, write emails, etc.
Since this keyboard uses the Microsoft Translate API to perform translation, it requires an Internet connection to work.

Swiftkey Note

Another custom keyboard that can be configured to suit the needs of each user. Android users have already appreciated the capabilities of this keyboard. The possibility of installation in Apple gadgets appeared relatively recently. In Swiftkey, you can enter letters in the usual way or without interruption.

As you use the Swiftkey keyboard, it learns itself. After which the prediction of the words you enter with its help becomes better. Moreover, she can search for the right words from your notebook or social networks. At the same time, the user can transfer the “dictionary” of this application to another device.

The Swiftkey keyboard supports the Russian language and is distributed free of charge. If you get tired of its appearance, then you can download and install an alternative theme for this keyboard. For the best of them, unfortunately, you have to pay.

At the time of writing, it was not possible to find the application on the official Apple catalog.

Flexy Keyboard

This keyboard makes it to this list not only because of its beautiful design, but also because of its functionality. Control of this application is based on gestures. Like the Swiftkey Note, this keyboard can learn on its own. It is possible to connect to mail and social networks to analyze the style of the entered text. The more words you enter using Fleksy Keyboard, the easier and faster you will be able to work with it.

When using this keyboard, it would be advisable to install several extensions supported by it. For example:

  • animated gif memes
  • separate numeric string
  • cursor navigation
  • setting for one-handed dialing (right-handed/left-handed)

This keyboard is so popular among Apple supporters that its developer managed to raise $4 million from investors for its development. Users can choose from six colors. And if there are not enough of them, you can buy six more. It is also possible to change the keyboard size.

You can download the Fleksy Keyboard from official Apple application catalog .


The developer of this keyboard is Google. And the main feature of this application is the ability to use the search for this service directly from the keyboard. To do this, you need to click on the button located above the keys and enter the desired word or expression in the search bar that appears.

Of course, the Gboard keyboard is famous not only for its search capabilities. The developer has implemented in it the ability to change the design using user photos. As for the “standard” design, it is minimalist and looks similar to the standard iOS keyboard.

Like most of the keyboards mentioned in this review, Gboard offers one-finger continuous typing. This is possible thanks to the Glyde function. Unfortunately, this keyboard does not yet support the Russian language and the ability to install it is available only to US residents. Let's hope that support for the Russian language will appear soon and this alternative keyboard will become available to residents of other regions.

Touchpal Keyboard

The main advantage of this keyboard is its huge selection of stickers and emojis. In addition to the standard ones, there are text emoticons and Emoji combinations from which you can make entire images. If you need it of course.

Otherwise, it's a standard keyboard with a slightly improved design. The ability to continuously enter the test is present. Russian language support too.

To enable an alternative keyboard after downloading it, you need to go to

“Settings” – “General” – “Keyboard” – “Keyboards” – “New Keyboards”

and select the installed keyboard. Then open its settings and allow full access. Do you use third-party keyboards? If so, which ones?

Video. Swype or Swift? Alternative iOS 8 keyboard

While preparing the material, we noticed that new keyboards appear almost every day. For example, ai.type. Keyboard appeared much later than TouchPal or SwiftKey, and at first the application was paid. But soon the developers changed their anger to mercy. So it is possible that within a month after our review the situation on the keyboard market will change dramatically.

So, ai.type Keyboard is our first third-party keyboard for iOS 8. At the time of testing, it offered the widest range of capabilities, so we will consider it a kind of starting point for the rest.

Seven covers are offered - standard iOS, Android and WP interfaces, ai.type Keyboard corporate cover, sketch cover and others. It is possible to use your image as a background.

As you can see, there are additional characters, a lot of them, and a separate line is provided for numbers. Based on my experience of using third-party keyboards, one would notice that the mere presence of this line predetermined the choice of the application. But that would be too subjective.

There are many languages, Russian is present. Switching is done by clicking on “Globe”. Keyboard settings can be called up by tapping the button with a special icon.

A very useful feature is the keyboard height adjustment separately for portrait and landscape modes. But there is no text input by sliding, and this is the only omission of the ai.type Keyboard. It’s not that we were fans and campaigned for this particular method, but if there is a demand, it must be satisfied.

In general, the keyboard is quite good and clearly claims to be a favorite among similar applications in the App Store.

SwiftKey – iOS 8 keyboard with sliding support

A somewhat nice keyboard, but without support for the Russian language, at least for the moment.

Another downside is that there are only two covers, dark and light. There are no additional characters.

But there is SwiftKey Flow, i.e. finger sliding input method. As far as our knowledge of English allowed, we were able to make sure that the definition of the word, even with a few of our errors, is performed correctly almost always. Of course, if the word is more or less common and is in the dictionary. Otherwise, you can add the word to the dictionary yourself so that next time there will be no problems with its spelling.

In addition, the keyboard offers the use of SwiftKey Cloud cloud services to store settings and its dictionary. Convenient when using several devices, including on different “axes”.

GO Keyboard – Russian keyboard for iOS 8

After the capabilities of ai.type Keyboard, I want to see something new, let's see if GOKeyboard can offer it.

Let's start with the covers. There are only three of them, and it seemed to us that the interface of the best one was copied from the “native” iOS keyboard. But you can use your own images as a background.

The period, comma and some additional symbols are present. But switching languages ​​is only possible by “tapping” on the spacebar. Those who are used to using the faster Globus may not like this option. And swype is not implemented here either.

There are frankly few settings - choice of languages, predictive input, automatic capitalization, sound when pressed. And the covers, of course. In general, it is still difficult to name a reason that would make GOKeyboard stand out from the rest.

TouchPal is one of the best keyboards for iOS 8

The TouchPal keyboard, unlike the previous application, is much better provided. There is swype, and additional symbols, and various other things.

For example, here is the largest number of covers that we have ever seen. True, if you look closely, only one cover is used, and everything else is just color options.

As a keepsake, we make a cover with an image from the camera and adjust the transparency of the buttons.

There is additional symbols, there are a large number of “emoticons”. Switch between languages ​​- sliding on the spacebar or long “tap” on the Globe. In principle, it’s convenient.

There are not many languages ​​available yet, but Russian is among those already available. The set of settings is usually minimal.

Swype - an alternative keyboard for iOS 8

Here comes the legendary Swype application. Why legendary? Because thanks to its developer, Swype Inc., another Swype trademark has appeared in the world, which has become a household name, like diapers or a copier once. Swype is a combination of the words swipe and type, which as a result became the designation of a text input method.

In any case, “swipe” is now used by many applications, so its founder will have to try hard to prove its uniqueness in practice.

As usual, let's start with the covers. You can’t add your own background, and there aren’t that many preset ones.

There is a period and a comma, there are additional symbols. The latter are displayed only on one keyboard – the one with a dark design. But technically, the symbols are also present on the other covers; you just need to “tap” the desired button.

Actually, about swype. The method works no worse or better than on other keyboards. “Hello, where are you” can be typed in 2-3 seconds, without even taking special aim, but for more complex and rare words a dictionary is used.

The only difference we noticed was the non-trivial use of swype. For example, to select an additional character, you can press the “?123” button and, without releasing your finger, slide to the desired character. Comma – from the comma button to the space bar, all “on the job.” With a little practice and memorizing the placement of characters, you can achieve amazing results in your typing speed.

Selecting a language is a long tap on the space. Going to the keyboard settings is possible only from the keyboard itself - by “tapping” on the corporate icon and selecting the “gear”.

The set of settings is standard. Overall, the keyboard is not bad, but, as with the GOKeyboard, it doesn’t stand out among its competitors in anything special. If it was once the only one that offered the swype input method, now this advantage is gone.

TapTap Keyboards - the simplest keyboard for iOS 8

That's where the big names end, let's move on to the keyboards that are not so famous. One of them is TapTap Keyboards for iOS 8. We liked it because of the Russian language and the most flexible cover settings.

Actually, of all the applications included in our review, this is the simplest. There are no additional characters, no semicolons, no swype - nothing. There are only problems with hitting Shift with the Russian layout.

The only thing that can attract the user is the cover settings. At first glance, there’s not much to roam around here; you don’t even have the opportunity to choose your own background.

However, you can choose colors that will make both ai.type Keyboard and Swype jealous. True, we were never able to establish the difference between “colors” and “themes”; here the developer either confused something or overdid it. So you can create a completely custom design only for the classic (in the sense of TapTap Keyboards) keyboard shape.

In the settings, among all the “likes” and “shares”, you can only find the inclusion of the sound of the keys. There are no auto-capitals, no double-space dots, much less predictive input here.

Phraseboard – dictionary keyboard for iOS 8

The main idea of ​​the application can be understood from the name - the use of pre-prepared phrases in conversation. It is not possible to use Phraseboard as the main keyboard; its role is secondary. Actually, Phraseboard can hardly be considered a keyboard - rather, a dictionary.

The gist is this: Phraseboard contains an editable list of categories: Personal, Family, Friends, Work, and so on. Each category has phrases - we can also change them or create new ones.

During a conversation, if we suddenly want to use a template phrase, we switch to Phraseboard, go to the desired category and select. In principle, this can be convenient if you often have to indicate your email address, Skype nickname, WebMoney wallet number, and so on. “Sorry, I'm busy, call back later” is far from the only way to use this application.

True, iOS has its own tool - abbreviations, which can be used in almost the same way. Albeit not with such convenience, although it will be suitable for a couple of phrases. But Phraseboard, as a more specialized tool, is much more functional in this regard. Another question is whether it will find its users, and how many of them there will be.

PopKey – pattern keyboard for iOS 8

Another additional keyboard, this time with an entertainment twist. It offers GIF images on specific topics. In principle, why not? Especially if the selected picture can make your interlocutor laugh.

You can upload your own “gifs” to use them in the future. This may not be necessary, since the set of pictures in PopKey is quite large, and on a great variety of topics.

However, for the application to fully work, Internet access is required, although a minimum set of images is provided in offline mode.

Adaptxt – keyboard with special dictionaries for iOS 8

Adaptxt developers position the keyboard as an adaptive one. This has the following meaning: you have access to specialized dictionaries that, when using swype, will help you correctly determine the desired word. There are dictionaries on business, finance, sports, IT industry, medicine, and so on.

But at the moment there is a sharp shortage of dictionaries in Russian: only a dictionary on business topics is available for download. The choice of developers is, of course, curious, given the large number of businessmen who are looking in the App Store for a suitable keyboard for composing business letters to their colleagues or subordinates. However, in the near future the set of dictionaries may change, tea is not a constant.

There are two covers: traditionally dark and light. Swype, auto-correction and predictive input are used.

Swype is also very convenient to use with abbreviations. The list of abbreviations and corresponding hot keys is indicated in the keyboard settings. Later, you just need to swipe your finger from the “123” button to a given key to get the text you are looking for. In our opinion, this is an excellent solution, the main thing here is to remember which of the buttons contains the “secret”, and which one.

In general, the keyboard deserves a minute of attention, although, in our opinion, at the moment it is not yet finalized: there are not enough additional symbols, options for editing the cover and, of course, dictionaries.


Overall, there wasn't much of a surprise. The most advanced applications turned out to be those that have long been known in the Android environment, the developers of which can assemble a good team to seriously work on their product. These are ai.type Keyboard, Swype, TouchPal and SwiftKey. We leave leadership to ai.type Keyboard, as the most equipped keyboard, albeit without the swype method. For those who do not accept only the continuous input method, we recommend Swype and TouchPal.

Compared to the native keyboard, third-party applications do not differ too much. The biggest differences are in the display of additional characters and the swype input method. Whether they are necessary is up to you to decide.

A.i.Keyboard is equipped with a very useful option in the form of changing the size of the keyboard, although this feature is most relevant only for tablets, or, in extreme cases, for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Only the covers remain, but this advantage is doubtful, because each new keyboard necessarily copies the interface of the native application, which, as we have already said, is very good.

Additional keyboards are also interesting, but the scenarios for their use are limited and will not resonate with every user.

iOS Shortcuts* - allows a third-party keyboard to use the shortcuts built into iOS (Settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts).

In 2014, iPhone and iPad users were able to install third-party keyboards. Many developers immediately took advantage of this opportunity. For the most part, the released applications turned out to be crooked and useless, but some custom keyboards for iOS still gained popularity among users. It is the latter that will be discussed in this article.

Swype is one of the most popular keyboards for all platforms. The iOS version of the program debuted at the presentation of iOS 8 and became one of the first available custom keyboards for iPhone and iPad. Swype allows you to enter words either in the usual way or with one long swipe.

Swype for iOS supports the Russian language and is an excellent word predictor. The program contains an algorithm for memorizing words, so over time the keyboard only becomes smarter. Changing the language in the application occurs by pressing the space bar. The keyboard supports themes, which will definitely appeal to those who like to personalize their device. In the App Store Swype for iOS costs 75 rubles.

Translator Keyboard is an application that allows you to instantly translate messages. To translate using the Translator Keyboard, you just need to select the main language and the language into which you want to translate the text. In a small field above the keyboard, the entered text is duplicated and translated after pressing Enter.

The Translator Keyboard is based on the Microsoft Translate API. This means that the application will need an Internet connection to function. The application is capable of translating from 30 languages ​​to 44. Switching languages ​​is done by swiping across the screen. For Translator Keyboard you will have to pay 149 rubles.

Swiftkey is another smart keyboard that adapts to the user. Just like Swype, Swiftkey has the ability to enter text in several ways. In addition to the usual set of letters, you can use Flow, an analogue of Swype from Swiftkey.

You will find many themes in your keyboard settings. Unfortunately, not all of them are free. After several days of use, the keyboard remembers the user and begins to offer him hints based on the words he often uses. The input language in Swiftkey is switched by pressing the space bar. The application supports the Russian language and is distributed absolutely free.

Fleksy Keyboard is a stylish keyboard whose controls are based on convenient gestures. At the user's request, the program can connect to his mail and social networks to analyze his speech style and synchronize the dictionary. As with the previous keyboards in this collection, the longer you use the Fleksy Keyboard, the easier it becomes to type.

To switch the language in Fleksy Keyboard, you just need to swipe on the space bar. In addition to supporting themes, of which there are many, the keyboard boasts extensions. For example, Fleksy Keyboard can attach GIF animations or stickers to messages. Unlike the program itself, extensions and themes are often not free.

Gboard is a functional keyboard for iOS from Google. Perhaps the main feature of the application is the ability to use Google search right inside the keyboard. Especially for this purpose, above the keys themselves there is a small round Google icon, after clicking on which the search interface opens.

However, the advantages of the keyboard do not end there. For those who don't like Gboard's minimalist design, Google has added the ability to create custom themes based on the photos you take. Unfortunately, the keyboard does not yet support the Russian language, but this will be fixed in the next updates. The program is absolutely free in the App Store.

Touchpal Keyboard is a good keyboard that offers the user a huge selection of stickers and Emoji. Along with the standard ones, there are also text emoticons. In addition, the user has access to entire Emoji combinations that create certain images.

The keyboard also boasts support for a large number of free themes. For those who have not found a suitable theme for themselves, there is the opportunity to create their own. The keyboard supports the Russian language and allows you to type text using swipes. The program is free and available on the App Store.

In addition, the keyboard also has an ordinary QWERTY layout, which does not stand out in any way from previous applications. However, PopKey is more of an addition to the stock keyboard, and not an independent application, so I advise you not to remove the Apple keyboard from the list of active ones.

Do you use third-party keyboards? If so, which ones?

On September 18, Apple released a new version of the iOS mobile operating system for download by all users. One of the most notable innovations in iOS 8 is support for third-party keyboards - various text input methods that speed up communication.

TJournal has selected the five best new keyboards for iPhone and iPad. Although most of them do not yet support the Russian language, you can make a choice for the future now.

1. Swipe

Swype - from "swipe", the continuous movement of a finger across the keyboard - is the most popular third-party keyboard at the moment. Like most of these custom keyboards, it began its triumphal march from the Android platform.

It will be unusual for iOS users at first, but the Swype keyboard has gained popularity thanks to its seamless word entry: you need to move your finger from letter to letter until the entire word is composed, and the intelligent algorithm itself will determine what kind of word the user is trying to enter. Surprisingly, the algorithm guesses words with very high accuracy, and after typing the word, spaces are added automatically.

Continuous input does not eliminate the ability to type letters separately: on the contrary, at first it is often necessary to enter words that are unknown to the Swype dictionary. As Android fan and programmer Andrey Mima notes, there are many such cases, and sometimes Swype may not even know the form of a word it already knows.

2. SwiftKey

One of the most comfortable and expandable keyboards on the market. SwiftKey supports continuous input and can learn by absorbing words from Twitter, Facebook, Gmail accounts, and even from a notebook. Like Swype, it suggests words to type, and very accurately.

Unlike Swype, SwiftKey synchronizes over the air between several devices (it is important to specify the same account), so you can easily transfer your dictionary from Android to iOS 8. An obvious disadvantage for Russian-speaking users, not mentioned by most foreign blogs, is in iOS 8 The keyboard does not yet support Russian.

3. Flexy

Fleksy position their product as a keyboard on which it is impossible to make a mistake in writing - the auto-correction function works so well in it. Moreover, the developers received an official certificate from the Guinness Book of Records that it was used to set a record for the speed of typing a text message on a mobile device.

One of the most common functions of third-party keyboards - gesture support - is implemented in Fleksy more compactly and simply than in Swype or SwiftKey: before using the keyboard, the user undergoes a short interactive training. Of the minuses: Fleksy does not have continuous input, but there is good news - the Russian language is already supported.

4.TouchPal X

Quite similar to Swype, TouchPal X takes the most out of seamless typing and lets you customize the keyboard's appearance by choosing different colors. More than 800 Emoji in one keyboard.

Unlike all other keyboards, TouchPal X gestures can be assigned a set of entire words and phrases. No more repeating “Dad, hi, how are you?” and “Is it normal, how was school?”

5. PopKey

If words and Emoji aren't enough for you, PopKey offers GIF sharing. Thousands of ready-made images are available for submission, and users can upload their own.

Cost: free (not yet available for download).

Bonus: QuickType

The standard Apple keyboard is also an option to go with if all that finger swiping around the screen isn't your thing. Compared to the previous version of iOS, the keyboard has slightly changed its appearance and added intelligent predictions of the words that the user is typing.

There are many applications that allow you to install different keyboards for your iPhone. You can choose the classic version - the SwiftKey keyboard, which activates swipe and a more advanced autocorrect system. You can also install Gboard, Google's recently released app to provide an alternative keyboard with Google search bar. And this is just the beginning. If you want to make the most of your keyboard, you can use apps like Dropbox to the right of the keyboard.

In this article, we will talk about ten of the best and fun alternative keyboards for iOS. If this is your first time hearing about this and you don't know how to install third-party keyboards on iOS 8 or higher, read this article.

1.Next Keyboard

The Next keyboard came out of a Kickstarter project and remains true to the core idea of ​​a keyboard with an attractive interface suitable for everyday use. In fact, Next is one of the few iPhone keyboards (along with SwiftKey and Gboard) that you can use as an alternative to the default iOS keyboard.

Let's face it. Your life is full of colors. And it's not just your personality that says this, but so does your iPhone's interface. So why should your keyboard consist of only white and gray shades?

Next gives you access to many colorful themes. Themes that aren't just chosen from a random selection of colors (like many apps). No, these are original design solutions. You can choose a classic black theme or more fun options - Gold, a beach theme.

Next also has an interesting way of entering emojis. If you write something like LOL, a LOL emoji will appear.

3. Themeboard

Themeboard is an extremely simple keyboard, complemented by a variety of themes.


Along with the set of emojis that any of the proposed keyboards offer, this keyboard will give you something more. Personality. Four, to be exact.

If you've ever wanted to write like a down-to-earth chick or a Texan, this is the app for you. Let the Wonder Keyboard enhance your daily communication with the look you choose.

Watch the video below to understand how it works.

5. PopKey

There are many GIF keyboards out there. A bunch of. Many keyboards will allow you to quickly insert a GIF from GIPHY. But PopKey is the original GIF keyboard for iPhone and still one of the best. It allows you to select GIFs from categories and watch a preview before inserting the GIF into the conversation. But as we said, PopKey is not the only option.

Here are just a few of the worthy alternatives:

The Hemingboard is similar to the Wonder keyboard, but without the ability to choose a personality characterized by a particular writing style. Once you've typed something, Hemingboard will offer you alternative options. More original.

Hemingboard will make your conversations wittier and help you play on words successfully.

7. Kimunji

Another keyboard from the creators of Next. Guess what the world needs? Kim Jong Un themed stickers, that's what. If you think it's fun and funny, install this keyboard.

8. Kaomoji

If you're an active Twitter user, you know what Kaomoji is. This is the Japanese version of emoji. And they are quite popular. You've probably already seen the creepy kaomoji face. With this keyboard, you can use them whenever and wherever you want.

9. Emoji++

Tabs based on a familiar interface allow you to quickly use a large number of symbols. You can also create collections of your favorite emojis and view the most frequently used ones.

10. KittyKey

You didn’t think that we would end our list without a cute keyboard with cats, did you? When we talk about fun and the Internet, it is impossible not to mention the image of a cat.

KittyKey gives you everything from cat kaomoji, emoji, stickers to cat sounds! All in one keyboard.