CPU cooling cooler. “The best of the best” or consolidated testing of eight top-class processor coolers

Every year more and more new models of computer equipment and components appear. However, in the pursuit of power and high performance, technology leaders face natural challenges. The processor, video card and other parts during operation generate energy, which is converted into heat and contributes to overheating of the system unit. This, in turn, entails frequent system malfunctions and breakdowns. The way out of the situation is to install a cooling system.

Types of CPU Cooling Systems

A high-quality system will not only avoid failure of seemingly completely new parts, but will also ensure speed, absence of delays and uninterrupted operation.

Currently, there are three types of processor cooling systems: liquid, passive and air. The advantages and disadvantages of each solution are discussed below.

Looking ahead somewhat, we can say that the most common type of cooling today is air, that is, the installation of coolers, while the most effective is liquid. Air cooling for the processor benefits largely due to its loyal pricing policy. That is why the article will pay special attention to the issue of choosing a suitable fan.

Liquid cooling system

The liquid system is the most productive method to avoid processor overheating and related breakdowns. The design of the system is in many ways similar to that of a refrigerator and consists of:

  • a heat exchanger that absorbs the thermal energy generated by the processor;
  • a pump that acts as a reservoir for liquid;
  • additional capacity for a heat exchanger that expands during operation;
  • coolant - an element that fills the entire system with a special liquid or distilled water;
  • heat sinks for elements that generate heat;
  • hoses through which water passes and several adapters.

The advantages of the water cooling method for the processor include high efficiency and low noise performance. Despite the productivity of the system, there are also plenty of disadvantages:

  1. Users note the high cost of liquid cooling, since installing such a system requires a powerful power supply.
  2. The design ends up being quite cumbersome due to the large reservoir and water block, which provide high-quality cooling.
  3. There is a possibility of condensation forming, which negatively affects the operation of some components and can cause a short circuit in the system unit.

If we consider exclusively the liquid method, then the best cooling of the computer processor is the use of liquid nitrogen. The method, of course, is not at all budgetary and extremely difficult to install and further maintain, but the result really deserves it.

Passive cooling

Passive processor cooling is the most inefficient way to remove thermal energy. The advantage of this method, however, is considered to be low noise ability: the system consists of a radiator, which, in fact, does not “reproduce sounds”.

Passive cooling has been around for a long time and was quite good for low performance computers. At the moment, passive processor cooling is not widely used, but is used for other components - motherboards, RAM, and cheap video cards.

Air cooling: system description

A prominent representative of the most common air type of heat removal is a processor cooling cooler, which consists of a radiator and a fan. The popularity of air cooling is associated primarily with a loyal pricing policy and a wide selection of fans according to parameters.

The quality of air cooling directly depends on the diameter and bending of the blades. By increasing the fan, the number of required revolutions is reduced to effectively remove heat from the processor, which improves the performance of the cooler with less “effort”.

The rotation speed of the blades is controlled using modern motherboards, connectors and software. The number of connectors capable of controlling the operation of the cooler depends on the model of a particular board.

The rotation speed of the fan blades is adjusted through BIOS Setup. There is also a whole list of programs that monitor the temperature increase in the system unit and, in accordance with the data received, regulate the operating mode of the cooling system. Motherboard manufacturers often create such software. These include Asus PC Probe, MSI CoreCenter, Abit µGuru, Gigabyte EasyTune, Foxconn SuperStep. In addition, many modern video cards are capable of adjusting the fan speed.

About the advantages and disadvantages of air cooling

The air type of processor cooling has more advantages than disadvantages, and therefore is especially popular compared to other systems. The advantages of this type of processor cooling include:

  • a large number of types of coolers, and therefore the ability to choose the ideal option for the needs of each user;
  • low energy consumption during equipment operation;
  • Easy installation and maintenance of air cooling.

The disadvantage of air cooling is the increased noise level, which only increases during the operation of the components due to dust entering the fan.

Air cooling system parameters

When choosing a cooler for effective cooling of the processor, special attention should be paid to technical aspects, because the manufacturer’s pricing policy does not always correspond to the quality of the product. Thus, the processor cooling system has the following main technical parameters:

  1. Socket compatible (depending on motherboard: AMD or Intel based).
  2. Structural characteristics of the system (width and height of the structure).
  3. Type of radiator (types are standard, combined or C-type).
  4. Dimensional characteristics of fan blades.
  5. Noise reproduction capability (in other words, the level of noise produced by the system).
  6. Air flow quality and power.
  7. Weight characteristics (recently, experiments with the weight of the cooler have been relevant, which affects the quality of the system in a rather negative way).
  8. Heat resistance or thermal dissipation, which is only relevant for top models. The indicator ranges from 40 to 220 W. The higher the value, the more efficient the cooling system is.
  9. The point of contact between the cooler and the processor (connection density is estimated).
  10. The method of contact of the tubes with the radiator (soldering, compression or the use of direct contact technology).

Most of these parameters ultimately affect the cost of the cooler. But the brand also leaves its mark, so first of all you should pay attention to the characteristics of the component part. Otherwise, you can purchase a famous model, which will turn out to be absolutely useless during subsequent use.

Socket: Compatibility Theory

The main point when choosing a fan is the architecture, i.e. compatibility of the cooling system with the processor socket. Under an incomprehensible English term, directly translated meaning “connector”, “socket”, lies a software interface that ensures data exchange between various processes.

So, each processor has a certain space and types of mounting on the motherboard. This means, for example, that cooling an Intel processor will not work for AMD. At the same time, the Intel line of models is represented by both flagship and budget solutions. The i7 processor requires more efficient cooling than previous versions of Intel Core, which are suitable for other Intel-based processors (Pentium, Celeron, Xeon, etc.) require an LGA 775 socket.

AMD differs in that a standard fan is not suitable for components from this manufacturer. It is better to purchase AMD processor cooling separately.

There are also visual differences in the sockets for AMD and Intel, which will somewhat help even an ignorant PC user understand the issue. The type of mount for AMD is a mounting frame to which brackets with hinges are attached. The Intel mount is a board into which four so-called legs are inserted. In cases where the weight of the fan exceeds standard figures, screw fastening is used.

Design characteristics

Not only socket compatibility is an important parameter. You should also pay attention to the width and height of the cooler, because you have to find a place for it in the system unit case so that the operation of the fan is not interfered with by other parts. If the cooler is installed incorrectly, the video card and RAM modules will interfere with the normal movement of air flows, which in this case, instead of cooling, will contribute to even greater overheating of the entire structure.

Type of radiator: standard, C-type or combined?

Currently, fan radiators are available in three types:

  1. Standard or tower view.
  2. C-type radiator.
  3. Combined view.

The standard type involves tubes parallel to the base passing through the plates. These fans are the most popular. They are slightly curved upward and are a more efficient solution for cooling the processor. The disadvantage of the standard type is that it fits to the back or top of the case along the motherboard. Thus, the air only passes through one circle of circulation, and the processor can overheat.

C-type coolers are free from this drawback. The C-shaped design of such radiators facilitates the passage of air flow near the processor socket. But there are some drawbacks: C-type cooling is less efficient than tower cooling.

The flagship solution is a combined type of radiator. This option combines all the advantages of its predecessors, and at the same time is almost completely free from the disadvantages of the c-type or standard type.

Blade dimensions

The width, length and curvature of the blades affect the volume of air that will be involved in the operation of the cooling system. Accordingly, the larger the blade size, the greater the volume of air flow will be, which will improve cooling of the laptop or computer processor. However, you should not go all out: cooling for the processor must correspond to other characteristics of the personal computer.

Noise level produced by the cooler

A parameter that cooling system manufacturers are trying to improve by almost any means is the noise level produced by the cooler. According to most users, CPU cooling should ideally be not only efficient, but also silent. But this is only in theory. In practice, it is not possible to completely get rid of noise during operation of the air system.

Small coolers make less noise, which is quite suitable for users of not particularly powerful computers. Large fans create enough sound to be considered a problem.

Currently, most coolers have the ability to respond to the amount of heat generated and, accordingly, work in a more active mode if necessary. The processor cooling program does an excellent job of controlling the need for active cooling. So, the noise is no longer constant, but occurs only when the processor is working intensively. CPU cooling software is an excellent solution for small models and undemanding computers.

When it comes to adjusting the noise level, you should pay attention to the type of bearing. The budget, and therefore the most popular option, is the sliding bearing, but the stingy pays twice: having already reached half of its expected service life, it will make an obsessive noise. A better solution is hydrodynamic bearings and rolling bearings. They will last much longer and will not stop coping with the tasks “halfway”.

Point of contact between the cooler and the processor: material

A cooling system is necessary to remove excess thermal energy from the system unit into the environment, but the point of contact between the parts should be as dense as possible. Here, important criteria for choosing a high-quality cooling system will be the material from which the cooler is made and the degree of smoothness of its surface. Aluminum or copper have proven to be the highest quality materials (according to users and technical specialists). The surface of the material at the point of contact should be as smooth as possible - without dents, scratches or irregularities.

Method of contact of tubes with radiator

If there are visible marks at the junction of the tubes with the radiator in the cooling system, then most likely soldering was used for fixation. A device made using this method will be reliable and durable, although soldering has recently been used less and less. Users who managed to purchase a cooler with soldering where the tubes come into contact with the radiator note the long service life of the cooling system and the absence of breakdowns.

A more popular way of connecting the tubes to the radiator is lower-quality crimping. Fans manufactured using direct contact technology are also widely used. In this case, the base of the radiator is replaced by heat pipes. To determine a quality product, you should pay attention to the distance between the heat pipes: the smaller it is, the better the cooler will work, since the heat exchange will become more uniform.

Thermal paste: how often should it be changed?

Thermal paste is a paste-like consistency and can be of various shades (white, gray, black, blue, cyan). By itself, it does not provide a cooling effect, but it helps to quickly conduct heat from the chip to the radiator of the cooling system. Under normal conditions, an air cushion is formed between them, which has low thermal conductivity.

Thermal paste should be applied where the cooler directly touches the processor. The substance should be replaced from time to time, because drying out leads to an increase in the degree of processor overload. The optimal “service life” of most modern types of thermal paste, according to user reviews, is one year. For older and reliable brands, the replacement frequency increases to four years.

Or maybe a standard solution is enough?

Indeed, is it worth purchasing a cooler separately and even thinking about the cooling system? The vast majority of processors are sold immediately with a fan. Why then go into detail and buy it separately?

Factory coolers tend to have low performance and high noise output. This is noted by both users and specialists. At the same time, a high-quality cooling system is a guarantee of long and uninterrupted operation of the processor, safety and integrity of the insides of the computer. The right choice will be the best cooling for the processor, which is not always a standard solution.

Computer technology is developing very, very quickly. Every now and then new versions of components appear, innovative technologies and solutions begin to be used. Modern manufacturers provide that the processor cooling system should also be improved.

Only a few companies now produce high-quality fan designs. Many brands try to distinguish themselves by compatibility with various types of connectors, low noise levels of their models, and design. Top manufacturers of air cooling systems are THERMALTAKE, COOLER MASTER and XILENCE. Models from these brands are distinguished by high-quality materials and a long service life.

A lot of articles, both useful and not very useful, practical and theoretical, have been written on the topic of how to decide on the choice of a cooler for a processor. The choice of models in stores is huge; they differ in design, size, cooling efficiency and price. Moreover, thanks to the efforts of marketers, the latter parameters are not always identical.

There are times when a great looking, painted and hyped supercooler performs mediocre. The opposite situation also occurs, when a mediocre manufacturer produces a very successful model. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering the various elements of the system from all sides, and only after careful analysis make an informed decision.

The main purpose of the cooler is to cool the processor, which occurs by removing heat from the processor cover and subsequent dissipation into the surrounding space. An important point in this regard is such an indicator as the thermal conductivity of the radiator material.

Thermal conductivity is the movement of thermal energy in a material from an area with a higher temperature to an area with a lower temperature due to the movement of microparticles, or, we can say, it is simply the ability of an object to transfer heat. Silver has the best heat transfer performance, however, it would be interesting to look at those who want to buy a cooling system made from such a material

For the industrial production of radiators, copper and aluminum are used, with slightly inferior characteristics. In general, an active cooler consists of a metal radiator attached to the processor cover and a fan. There are also passive models - they are without a fan. The fan increases the rate of heat dissipation many times over. Under no circumstances should this be allowed!

Types of coolers for processors

Such devices can be classified rather conditionally, given that until recently some types were not produced at all. Having analyzed a lot of information on the Internet and the range of products offered, we can distinguish two large groups:

  • Box coolers and coolers without heat pipes are the simplest models, consisting of an aluminum plate with fins, in some cases having a copper base and a fan attached to it. They often come bundled with a processor when sold; they are called “boxed”. They have limited cooling capabilities, but are easy to install and perform their duties at standard processor frequencies. The included fan is of low quality, which is why as the rotation speed of the blades increases, a computer with such a cooler may produce additional noise.
  • Heat pipe cooling systems - work by removing heat using a fluid circulating in hollow tubes made of aluminum or copper. They have the best efficiency indicators, but are often equipped with non-standard mounting, some are heavy, and are equipped with fans of different quality.

The first cooling option is not worth considering in detail. If you plan to work in normal mode, with an average-performance processor, without experimenting with overclocking, and the noise level is not a critical indicator, you can be content with any simple cooler. In principle, you can reduce the noise level by correctly setting the fan speed using BIOS or.

The second cooler option requires closer attention and has many additional characteristics that ultimately determine the buyer’s choice.

Computer coolers with heat pipes

The first idea of ​​using heat pipes to reduce the temperature of cooled units was patented by the USA back in 1942. Its essence was that inside the pipes, sealed on both sides, there was a liquid substance that evaporated at the place of heating, the steam moved to the cold zone, where it condensed, releasing thermal energy, again forming a liquid that returned to the place of heating.

They were used exclusively for industrial purposes; they did not think about any high-performance computers at that time. The tubes can be without filler inside, in which case they must be directed upward so that the condensate drains under the influence of gravity, or with a porous structure, in which case the shape of the tubes does not matter, and the circulation of liquid occurs due to the pores.

Now tube coolers occupy the majority of the market. Their design can be generally described as follows: there is a base (sole) of the cooler, pressed against the processor, tubes are soldered into it, on which aluminum plates are mounted to help dissipate heat. Conventionally, such products can be divided into various subtypes:

  • With direct contact, when the tube directly interacts with the heat distribution cover of the processor;
  • Without direct contact, when only the base of the cooler interacts with the processor.

It is difficult to say which type is better. The majority of users claim that direct contact is more effective. From practice, we can say that the alternative option copes with its functions very well. Here one should take into account the fact that the working fluid begins to evaporate only at a certain temperature, from 25 to 50 degrees. That is, until this moment, heat removal occurs only due to the metal parts of the radiator, and the base serves as the main heat sink.

Long gone are the days when processors could be cooled passively, without coolers or even radiators - modern processors, except perhaps the Pentium and Celeron J-lines, require at least active air cooling, and at maximum water cooling. And we will look at what is best for specific processors in this article.

Processor heat dissipation

This is the most important parameter; it is worth paying attention to first. You can find out the thermal dissipation (TDP) of your Intel processor on the website ark.intel.com, AMD - products.amd.com. Most coolers also indicate how many watts they can dissipate, and this figure should be greater than the heat dissipation of the processor.

Processors with heat dissipation up to 35 W (Intel Core T-series or AMD Pro A-series)

Processors from Intel here are essentially mobile Intel Core - a fairly low native frequency, about 2.5-3 GHz, and a significant Turbo Boost up to 3.5-4 GHz. As a result, such processors are well suited for compact systems where it is difficult to provide good cooling, but relatively good performance is needed. AMD here presents the so-called APUs - that is, a processor with fairly powerful integrated graphics: an ideal solution for a multimedia PC. In both cases, the heat release does not exceed 35 W, so here you can get by with the simplest cooler with an aluminum radiator without any heat pipes:

Processors with heat dissipation up to 50 W (Intel Celeron and Pentium G-lines, Core i3)

These are simple dual-core processors, some of which have hyperthreading enabled. Frequencies can reach 4 GHz, but even in this case, the heat dissipation of 50 W is very excessive for them (not to mention the Celeron without hyperthreading with a frequency of 3 GHz - there are 30 W of the eye). As a result, the same cooling system as in the previous case will suffice - a simple aluminum radiator and fan.

Processors with heat dissipation up to 65 W (Intel Core i5 and i7, AMD Ryzen without X index)

The Intel processors here are all quad-core, some with hyper-threading. Frequencies can reach 4 GHz, but there is no overclocking. As a result, 65 W is a reasonable figure for them, and even under a stressful load the heat dissipation is unlikely to be higher. In the case of AMD, everything is somewhat better - the processors have up to 8 cores, but the frequencies are low, 3-3.5 GHz, so such processors fit into a 65 W thermal package. However, they can be overclocked, so if you are interested in it, see the item with overclocked processors.

As a result, for such processors a regular radiator with a simple fan will no longer be suitable - it makes sense to take a tower cooler with 1-2 heat pipes and a 72-90 mm cooler, like this:

Processors with heat dissipation up to 95 W (Intel Core i5 and i7 with index K, AMD Ryzen with index X)

These processors are considered the top of the user segment - in the case of Intel, native frequencies can reach as much as 4.5 GHz, in the case of AMD - up to 4 GHz. Alas, in modern realities, an increase in frequency above 3.5-4 GHz leads to an avalanche-like increase in heat dissipation, so at stock frequencies the same i7-7700K is faster than the i7-7700 by only 10%, when the difference in heat dissipation is 30 W - almost half of the thermal package of the i7-7700 !

As a result, if you take such processors and do not overclock them, then you need to take simple representatives of super-coolers, with 3-4 copper heat pipes and a 90-120 mm fan:

Processors with TDP up to 200 W (overclocked processors, or Intel Core i7 and i9 X-series lines, AMR Ryzen Threadripper)

As I said above, every hundred megahertz above 4 GHz is given with a fight, and as a result, the i7-7700K at a frequency of 5 GHz can have a heat dissipation of as much as 150-170 W. The heat dissipation of AMD Ryzen 7 when overclocked to 4-4.2 GHz on all cores can even go beyond the psychological level of 200 W. This also includes X-line processors from Intel (6-18 core processors) and 16 core processors from AMD - they have a heat dissipation of about 150 W.

As a result, such processors require either a top-end super cooler like this:

Or a water cooling system, preferably with two coolers.

Nuances of choosing a cooler

So, we’ve sorted out the heat dissipation and appearance of the cooler, but some important nuances remain:

  • Cooler height: if you take a tower cooler, make sure that it fits into the case. Otherwise, it will simply not allow the lid to close.
  • Cooler dimensions: super coolers can be so large that they will overlap the first RAM slots and the PCI slot, so either take a cooler of a different shape, or take a motherboard where the RAM slots are far from the socket, and the first PCI slot has x1 speed.
  • Cooler noise: coolers that look identical can make completely different noises, so if silence is important to you, you should look at reviews and find out how loud a particular cooler is.
  • Compatibility of the cooler with the socket: perhaps the most banal thing, but they forget about it - the cooler must have a mount for the socket of your processor, otherwise you will have to make the mount yourself, which is not always possible.
  • Cooler weight: super coolers often weigh more than a kilogram - such a load can cause sagging and failure of the motherboard. So if you have a heavy cooler, think about the fact that it needs to be additionally attached to the case in order to reduce the load on the motherboard.
  • Space for the SVO radiator: if you want to get a water cooling system, then make sure that there is space on the case for it.
  • Using liquid metal: If you decide to use liquid metal as a thermal interface, then choose a cooler with a base that is not made of aluminum (otherwise it will corrode). Liquid metal also conducts current - make sure that it does not get on the motherboard.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and if all the conditions are met, you can easily choose a good cooler for yourself.

Best CPU Cooler | Introduction

Detailed specifications are great, of course, but only if you have time to research them. However, all the user needs is best cpu cooler for the available amount. For those who do not have time to look through numerous test results, for those who do not feel confident enough in their choice best cpu cooler, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of - the editors are constantly updating this article, which talks about the choice best cpu cooler for every budget and taste.

Best CPU Cooler | Updates for February 2019

All outdated and discontinued models have been removed from the review, and now our tables contain only current cooling systems, which can be found in most specialized stores.

Best CPU Cooler | Air coolers

Lower CPU temperatures provide increased stability, efficiency, and reliability. It benefits everyone: from overclockers looking to extract maximum performance from their processor, to efficiency enthusiasts looking to achieve the lowest power consumption. This material is aimed at those who do not have time to look through numerous test results, and who do not feel confident enough in choosing the best processor cooler or the best liquid cooling system. The editors periodically update this article, adjusting the recommendations.

Best CPU Cooler | Pivot table

Model be quiet! Dark Rock 4 Cooler Master MasterAir MA410M Reeven RC-1001b Brontes Noctua NH-U14S
Category Best big Best average Best Low Profile Best for AMD Threadripper

price, rub. 5200 4700 2800 6000
Dimensions, mm 158.8 x 136.9 x 75.4 158.8 x 132.4 x 58.2 59 x 105 x 114 171.45 x 151.4 x 52.3
Base height, mm 41,3 37,8 17,78 25,1
Installation displacement, mm 27,94 27,94 n.d. 27.94 (with fan)
Weight, g 1471 1247 340 1035
Materials Aluminum, copper, plastic Aluminum, copper n.d. Aluminum, copper
Fans (1) 135 x 22 mm (2) 120 x 25 mm RGB (1) 100 x 12 mm (1) 140 x 25 mm
Connectors (1) 4-pin (2) 4-pin PWM, (2) 4-pin RGB (1) PWM (1) 4-pin PWM
Intel socket compatibility FM2(+), FM1, AM2(+), AM3(+), AM4 rectangular, with four screws TR4, SP3
Compatible with AMD sockets 775, 115x, 1366, 2011x, 2066 115x, 1366, 2011x, 2066 115x, 1366, 775 No
Guarantee 3 years 5 years 2 years 6 years

We evaluate "performance" by the ratio of cooling efficiency to noise, and "value" by the ratio of performance per dollar spent. The formula for a successful cooler is always a large heatsink surface area and increased airflow to maintain low temperatures, along with high thermal conductivity materials to quickly transfer heat from the processor to the heatsink surface. Maximum performance typically requires a large heatsink, and some of these models are too bulky to fit into mid-to-small cases.

Large coolers tend to fit into wide, full-size tower cases, although there are some mini-ITX gaming cases designed to accommodate larger coolers. Mid-sized cooling systems fit most standard cases and motherboards, but are less efficient due to their smaller radiators and fans. Thin coolers up to 75mm in height are usually designed for compact cases. Since different motherboards have different processor socket locations, it is very important to check the parameters of the cooler, motherboard and case before purchasing.

Do you have one of the new Ryzen models? Then you don't need to buy another cooler even for overclocking. All Ryzen 2000 series processors and some older models come with quality coolers, many of which can handle moderate overclocking. If you want to overclock the chip to the highest possible frequency, then buying a powerful cooler makes sense, but for most Ryzen owners it simply isn't necessary.

If you want to purchase a large air cooler, first measure to see if it will fit. Large and low-profile models can interfere with the installation of tall RAM modules and even rest against the heatsinks of the board's power supply system. At the same time, tall coolers can interfere with the installation of a side wall, even if your case does not belong to the compact category. Please make sure the measurements are accurate before purchasing.

Remember that, all other things being equal, the more fans, the better the cooling, but the higher the noise level. The most efficient coolers are often the loudest. If this is a problem for you, you will have to look for the optimal balance.

RGB lighting can be impressive, but make sure it can be turned off. Many modern cooling systems come with RGB lighting and/or RGB fans, which can give your PC a striking appearance. But make sure that this backlight can be turned off through the onboard controller or through the motherboard. There will probably be situations when the backlight will interfere - for example, when watching a movie in the dark.

Best CPU Cooler | The best large air cooler - be quiet! Dark Rock 4


  • Excellent performance
  • Excellent build quality and design
  • Low noise level
  • Compatible with most modern sockets


  • Premium price


Dark Rock 4 is an excellent and very effective, but rather expensive air cooler that can decorate any system unit.

  • Alternative: Noctua NH-D15 SE-AM4

Best CPU Cooler | The best mid-size air cooler - Cooler Master MasterAir MA410M


  • Mid-size cooler takes up less space
  • Thermal sensor allows you to demonstrate temperature changes via RGB lighting


  • Not as quiet as analogues


The Cooler Master MasterAir MA410M is a mid-sized air cooler with heat pipes and RGB lighting that delivers impressive cooling performance and fits perfectly into any gaming system.

Best CPU Cooler | Best Low Profile Air Cooler - Reeven RC-1001b Brontes


  • Low price
  • Low noise level
  • Equals performance as larger models, but takes up less space


  • Does not support 130W processors, including Intel chips for LGA 2011x sockets


For just RUR 2,800, the Reeven RC-1001b Brontes eliminates any competition with performance typical of much larger models. Thanks to its small size, it is also perfect for the most compact cases.

Best CPU Cooler | Best Air Cooler for AMD Threadripper-Noctua NH-U14S


  • Superior Performance
  • Very low noise level
  • Simple and reliable fastening


  • Premium price
  • May not fit in small cases due to height


For anyone looking for a high-quality, high-performance, and quiet air cooler for AMD Threadripper, this is our clear recommendation.

  • Alternative: Cooler Master MasterAir MA621P