Where to call if your landline phone is broken. Rostelecom domestic telephony services: telephone line repair and provider phone number

Rostelecom is a large company providing cellular and landline communication services with a wide range of activities: telephony, television and the Internet. Such communications are of good quality, but due to the large number of users, problems may arise. If the Rostelecom phone does not work, where to call and who to contact is the first thing that comes to mind. But first you need to try to figure out the current situation yourself.

In what cases can you identify a breakdown on your own?

Before calling a company technician, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The functionality of the telephone. You can check if your landline phone is faulty by connecting other equipment to the network. If the problem is really with the device, and the other working phone is in order, then you should contact the service center or the place where the product was purchased. The Rostelecom service has nothing to do with this problem.
  2. Integrity of the cable in the apartment. The wire should be inspected for severe bends and breaks with glimpses of copper wire. Repairing a telephone line in an apartment can be done independently by stripping the wire, connecting the contacts and isolating the area. If it is not possible to repair a landline telephone on your own, you can call a repair bureau.
  3. Late payment. You can check whether you have outstanding subscription fees in your personal account on the official website rt.ru or contact the operator using the toll-free line 8 800 1000 800 from any phone.

If all of the above steps do not identify the source of the landline phone malfunction, you should proceed to the next step.

How to contact Rostelecom service

In addition to debt, problems with equipment and cable breaks, there are many other reasons that can ruin communications, for example: problems at a substation, short circuit, line break outdoors, etc. In any case, Rostelecom can repair your phone by receiving the necessary advice remotely and it is not necessary to call technical service to your home.

The Rostelecom provider has 3 services for contacting subscribers:

  1. Home phone repair service.
  2. Cellular support service.
  3. Technical service for Internet and television maintenance.

In any case, even when the Rostelecom home phone does not work, by contacting the operator via a mobile phone, the subscriber will be redirected to the appropriate service to identify the cause and solve the problem. To find any contact information (telephone numbers and website address), you can use the agreement concluded when activating the services.

Call help services

A call to a single number 8 800 1000 800 is free, and switching to tone mode makes it possible to immediately hear the necessary information or connect with a specialist. If your home phone does not work, you can submit a repair request by calling 150 from your cell phone. When contacting the operator, after clarifying the necessary information (name, address, phone number and contract number), you should describe the essence of the problem that has arisen. If the operator does not resolve the situation remotely, leave a request, he will contact you at the number you left within 24 hours and send a Rostelecom phone repair technician to the call. The technician should call the non-working phone number and verify that there is indeed no telephone service.

Application from the site

To submit an application, you need to load the main page of rt.ru, where the Moscow region will be set by default and, if it does not change automatically, you should manually set your location to receive clear and informative data. Next, in the main menu, you need to select the “Communication Services” and “For Yourself” tabs, where you can use the services of interest.

In your personal account, you can easily control the timely replenishment of your account and make payments using online payments. This is convenient when it is not possible to wait for an operator to connect, order a call back, or fill out a request to call a specialist in the “Ask a question” tab. It will also be reviewed within 24 hours.


  1. For late payment of the subscription fee, the telephone line is disconnected, and then communication services are reconnected, which entails the payment of a fine, which is specified in the contract.
  2. You should contact the Rostelecom repair service even when the cause of the malfunction was eliminated independently and the application was submitted untimely, so that later recalculation will be made for unused services.
  3. To contact support by phone, the call can be made from other operators.
  4. To contact technical service, it is better to use a cell phone for mobile movement when solving the problem.
  5. To eliminate the cause, you should be directly at the problem source by telephone in order to respond to the technician’s requests in a timely manner.

If, after contacting an expert, the cause of the problem turns out to be a problem at the substation or a line break due to force majeure, you will have to wait as long as it takes to fix it, after which a recalculation will be made for services not provided.

A broken home phone is a real problem. Mobile communications do not always replace landline communications. Calling through a landline is more convenient and cheaper. Rostelecom is one of the best landline operators in the country. But from time to time there are problems on the network. Where to call if your Rostelecom home phone doesn't work?

You can take a risk and restore the connection yourself, but first you need to understand the cause of the malfunction. The most common reasons why a Rostelecom landline phone does not work:

  • Unpaid bills. The simplest and most common reason for a non-working telephone is telephone debt. Because of this, the operator may turn off the phone. When is the phone disconnected for non-payment? When you try to call, a message appears about the debt and the amount to be paid;
  • The device has broken down. To find out whether the phone is working or not, disconnect it from the telephone cable and connect a new telephone. If it works properly, then the problem is not with the telecom operator, but with the phone, and it needs to be taken in for repair;
  • Faulty wiring. Inspect the wires going to the phone, paying special attention to the parts glued together with adhesive tape. The wires have probably become thinner over time or broken. The cause of the break is pets or heavy furniture accidentally placed on the wire;
  • Broken transmission line. It’s easy to understand if there are breaks in the line. Call your home number. Are the beeps frequent and short? This means there is a problem on the line. To find out when the connection will be available again, call Rostelecom. Operators will tell you when repair work on the line is completed. If your home phone does not work and the telecom operator is at fault, then Rostelecom pays the cost of restoration work. Upon completion, Rostelecom is obliged to notify the client who submitted the fault request. And check the quality of communication on the line.

How to report a landline phone breakdown and where to call

Where to call if your Rostelecom home phone doesn’t work? If you encounter connection problems, call your operator's support team. The call is free and the service operates without interruption. Contact operators via:

  • landline phone;
  • Internet portal;
  • cellular telephone.

The Rostelecom customer support number is in the agreement between the subscriber and the telecom company, the receipt for payment for services, and on the official website of Rostelecom. Can't reach customer support via telephone?

How to submit a request for home phone repair on the website

On the website, click on the city and go to the contacts section and the feedback subsection. There is an application form, fill it out, indicating that the Rostelecom landline phone does not work, and contact information. Next, click send. After some time, your application will be accepted for consideration, and the operator will contact you at the landline or mobile phone numbers specified in the application.

If Rostelecom doesn’t call, and the landline phone doesn’t work, and you can’t fix it on your own, then you need to call customer support again and remind them of the problem. After contacting the operator, he is obliged to give instructions to restore the phone's operation.

Phone consultation didn't help? Call a specialist to your home. A Rostelecom employee is obliged to accept a request to call a technician and inform him of the time of his arrival. If the technician discovers that the problem is the owner’s fault, the call will be paid at the accepted rate. If the malfunction is the fault of Rostelecom, then the registered message is a guarantee of recalculation of the payment for telephone services and free work of the technician.


When a Rostelecom home phone does not work due to the fault of the owner, he pays for repair work out of his own pocket. If your home phone does not work, then after applying to restore communication, Rostelecom support operators are obliged to solve the problem as soon as possible. If your request was ignored or forced to pay for service, although the landline phone did not work due to Rostelecom’s fault, then you can call or send a written complaint to the Rospotrebnadzor consumer rights protection department.

If you use telecommunications services, you have probably at least once encountered a situation where your phone stops working. The causes of failures can be very different - both mechanical (related to an individual device) and large-scale, for example, damage to transmission lines. Let's talk about the reasons why problems may occur, as well as what needs to be done in cases when the MGTS landline phone does not work.

What to do if there is a problem

Not all subscribers know what measures to take if telephone service suddenly disappears. First of all, specialists from the Moscow city telephone network recommend checking the integrity of the device and cable directly in the room with the device. It often happens that the wires are touched by a foot and pulled out of the socket, or damaged by the teeth of pets. In the first case, it is enough to restore the connection by inserting the cord into the device port; in the second, you will have to replace the cable.

Haven’t found the cause of the breakdown in the apartment/house and are sure that the problem is outside the home?

  • Contact the customer support hotline number – 8-495-636-03-63. There is no access to a landline and the call is made from a mobile device? The combination of numbers you need is short number 06-36. The contact center operates 24 hours a day, if you were unable to get through the first time, try again
  • Explain to the dispatcher in as much detail as possible what the problem is (no beeps, the connection is lost, extraneous noise is heard in the handset). The more information a specialist receives, the sooner he will understand the cause of the breakdown and solve it. Confirm that there is no damage to your device or cable itself. An MGTS technical employee will try to solve your problem remotely, over the phone.
  • If the cause of the breakdown remains unclear, the operator submits a request for a specialist to visit. It is very important to leave the call center specialist with the exact address and your contact information so that you can maintain feedback. It is also necessary to determine a date and time for the visit that suits both parties.

It is possible that the reasons why the MGTS landline phone does not work do not lie in your device at all. Line breaks, adverse weather conditions, network overload and breakdown of basic equipment at the station - there can be many reasons. In this case, the specialist must announce the approximate time for troubleshooting, after which all that remains is to wait.

If the equipment needs to be repaired

If the reason why the MGTS landline phone does not work remains unclear, a technical specialist will come to your home. Keep in mind that the departure is carried out not by the employees of the Moscow city telephone network themselves, but by the contractors with whom they cooperate. Based on this, you will have to pay for the visit according to a separate tariff schedule established by MGTS partners. If you want to make sure that the company is doing quality work, look for reviews on the World Wide Web. Surely you are not the first one who needs repair or adjustment of equipment.

Further actions are simple - you are required to be at home at the appointed time. Upon arrival, the technician will diagnose your phone and determine where exactly the breakdown occurred. If it is necessary to repair the device or change the telephone cable, the subscriber will have to pay for it. Prices depend on the remoteness of the place, complexity, etc. Is the breakdown outside your home? They must eliminate it without the financial participation of the user.

It happens that the user of the services does not have the opportunity to make a call to the support service. The situation will be corrected by information containing the addresses of MGTS offices. There are more than 20 such salons in Moscow and the region. The exact location of each representative office can be found on the official website of the communication provider. Opening hours and directions to the place are also indicated there.

When planning to visit the office, do not forget that you will need an identity document. In addition to your passport, you must have an agreement for the provision of telecommunications services with you. If you have this package, you can contact any of the operating MGTS salons and leave a request for a specialist to visit you.

Important information for legal entities: if the concluded agreement is of a corporate nature, all questions that arise should be directed only to certain five offices located: on Vernadsky Avenue, Arbat, Timiryazevsky, Zelenogradsky and Proletarsky.

We have looked at the actions that need to be taken if the MGTS landline phone does not work. If you are unable to contact your communication provider by phone, feel free to go to the salon, they will definitely help you.

Interesting video - the new life of a home phone.

More recently, the list of services of the main telephone company in Russia, Rostelecom, was limited to intracity long-distance and international communication services. Today's list of opportunities provided to the subscriber is replete with many unexpected and advanced services based on the most modern technologies.

Modern landline IP telephony will give odds to any other telephone communication system both in quality and reliability of connections. The support service will always advise a subscriber in whose apartment the telephone has gone silent. Rostelecom will provide repairs to telephone lines and, if necessary, add another telephone number.

A break on such a line is an extraordinary event. In case of any problems with your home telephone, the Rostelecom repair service immediately sends a repair team, if it is a physical cable break or other similar problems.

Read on to find out how exactly contacts are made between consumers and communication service providers, and how the company’s support service actually works.

My device went silent!

This doesn’t happen very often, but on the other hand, how much trouble this situation brings into our everyday life. Of course, the presence of mobile communications somewhat compensates for the inconvenience, but not in all possible cases.

It may happen that the cost of a call from a landline is much lower than from a mobile number. Having to overpay is understandably annoying.

Is it worth it to “tear and throw” or maybe it would be better to contact the support service and find out what really happened: a break in the line or a breakdown of the device? I think the second method looks more reasonable.

There are two places to go if there is no signal on the line:

  • To the unified technical service of the Rostelecom company.
  • To your local company repair service center.

The support telephone number is one for all Rostelecom subscribers - 8-800-1000-800. The number of the local repair service is indicated in the service contract - it is different for each locality. Consultants from both public service centers will answer all your questions and, if necessary, send a repair team to your address. As a rule, the problem is resolved very quickly, and your number becomes operational in a matter of hours, and sometimes minutes.

Possible causes of malfunction

How quickly a problem with a number can be fixed often depends on the nature of the damage. Here is some indicative list of causes of breakdowns:

  • The telephone is not working. The company is not responsible for this equipment. The only thing its employees can help with is to establish that the device is really faulty. If you have a second device at hand, try connecting it yourself and call repairmen only if both do not answer.
  • Debt on subscription fees. If there is one, you will be informed about this during a conversation with a consultant. In this case, the number is simply blocked. Technical support clearly has nothing to do with it. Make the payment and continue talking.
  • Line break. A break can occur both within your living space and outside. In this case, calling the Rostelecom repair service seems not only justified, but also necessary. After all, a short circuit in the wires is nothing more than a purely technical problem. If you discover the contact of bare wires yourself, then try to isolate the conductors from each other.

The content of the article:

In the recent past, the population used Rostelecom services only to receive international and long-distance communications. Today, the range of services provided by the company has become much wider. Now subscribers have access to mobile communications, the Internet, interactive television, of course, served by Rostelecom and home phones. Technology has come a long way during this time. Now landline communications in most regions are based on IP telephony.

The use of modern technologies has significantly improved the quality of communication. But this does not guarantee a complete absence of problems. Breakdowns still happen sometimes.

Reasons why a Rostelecom phone may not work

The Rostelecom telephone repair bureau identifies several of the most common problems that can lead to inoperability of a home phone; let’s look at the main ones:

Telephone malfunction. It is very easy to check this reason yourself. It is enough to connect another device to the line. If it works, then the fault lies in the device itself. In this case, Rostelecom does not repair the phone. The easiest way to solve the problem is to purchase a new device.

Debt. If there is an overdue debt on the subscriber’s personal account, Rostelecom suspends the provision of communication services until the debt is fully repaid. You can find out the status of your personal account on the website using your personal account, at the company office, by calling the support service or in Sberbank self-service devices. Read more about how.

Short circuit. Before employees of the Rostelecom telephone repair bureau arrive, you can independently check the line in the apartment for damage. If it is found that two wires touch in one or more places, they must be insulated. This will ensure that there is no short circuit and may solve the problem of the phone not working.

Line break. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, then one of the causes of the malfunction may be a broken telephone line. Nothing can be repaired here without the help of specialists. Therefore, in this case, it is better to leave Rostelecom phone repairs to the company’s employees.

Rostelecom telephone line repair

A subscriber who encounters problems when using communication services must contact the support service or dial a local Rostelecom telephone line repair number.

The technical support telephone number is common for all of Russia -8-80010-0800 . Using it, you can, among other things, order telephone line repairs from Rostelecom. The telephone number for the local repair agency is usually included in the contract.

The operator will help submit a request for phone repair Rostelecom. After reviewing it, a team of specialists will arrive at the installation address to carry out the necessary work. Rostelecom repair service employees will be able to assess the nature of the fault on site and fix it in the shortest possible time.

Advice. Even if you plan to solve the problem without the help of Rostelecom specialists, it is better to leave a request for technical support. In the future, this will allow you to receive a recalculation for communication services.