Where have the “possible” VKontakte friends gone? Removing the list of possible friends

The VK website helps its users quickly gather their close friends, relatives, colleagues, classmates, thanks to the “possible friends” block. It shows people selected by the system based on the information you specified in your profile and friendship with those contacts that are already on your friend list.

In the web version of the site for a personal computer, this block is located on the right side (the first 5 random people and lists). If you expand it, it will show a lot of people. You may know them personally, or through a mutual friend, and also have common interests and be members of the same group.

Some users do not want to see a certain person or a certain group of people on their page, but they constantly come across them in this block.

For those who use VK through the official mobile application on Android, after the latest update there is no such problem. There you need to first go to this section from friends by clicking on the plus sign.

On iPhone, this feature is also adapted with each update for convenience. But on a PC, the block is visible immediately when you go to the “friends” section, and you cannot disable the list of possible friends either in the settings or using third-party applications. This annoys many users and perhaps the administration will update the element soon.

In the meantime, you can simply remove people from the list one at a time. A removed "possible friend" will never appear in the block again. To do this we do the following.

This procedure will take no more than a second and in the end, unwanted persons will stop flashing on your page. You can also remove from the friend list the friend to whom VK most often refers when selecting (this is written under the avatar in the list). After this, his contacts will no longer appear among possible friends.

There is an option to hide information about your school and place of work if you are concerned about the appearance of colleagues and classmates in the block. In general, we can say that despite the lack of a function to disable the list, with certain actions you can isolate yourself from unwanted persons in it.

The social network VKontakte unites people, and various algorithms are constantly being introduced into it to make it more convenient for users to find their friends, relatives and simply acquaintances whom they may have seen several times, but when meeting they did not have time or did not want to add each other as friends. . One way to quickly add new people to your friends list is to use the VKontakte “Possible Friends” tool. In the article, we will consider the principle of operation of this algorithm, as well as how to use it.

How to see possible friends on VKontakte

To see the users whom the VKontakte social network considers to be your potential friends, just go to the “Friends” section on your page. In the lower right corner of the page that opens, under the filtering lists of current friends, the “Possible friends” block will be located.

Every time you visit the page, it is formed in a new way. This block displays 5 people you may know. If you want to see more possible friends, click on the “Show all” button in this block.

After this, a page will open that displays all the users who are defined as possible friends for your page. Depending on how actively you use your VKontakte account, as well as on a number of other factors, the amount of user data may vary. Scroll down the page and new prospective friends will be loaded automatically.

Please note: Although this page has various filters at the top and right, they in no way allow you to filter the list of possible friends. That is, if you use the search above and, for example, try to find all possible friends with the name “Sergey”, the social network will simply start looking for users with the name “Sergey” in its database, without focusing on the list of possible friends selected for you.

How are possible VKontakte friends determined?

The VKontakte company does not disclose the algorithms by which the list of possible friends is formed for each specific user. However, observations show that the list of possible friends clearly depends on:

It is important to note that the user does not have the ability to see who they are listed as a supposed friend for. That is, this information is not mutual for users. If you see that a VKontakte user is listed as a possible friend, for example, because you often visit his page, this does not mean that you will be listed as a friend. Of course, with the exception of the situation when, when you visit a page, you show activity on it in the form of likes, reposts, comments, and so on.

What are possible VKontakte friends? How are these users identified and where can I see a list of possible friends? Such questions often worry users of the most popular social network on the Runet.

In fact, VKontakte uses effective algorithms for finding new friends. One of them is “Possible Friends,” which offers you to familiarize yourself with the pages of people with whom a person might have met or been casually acquainted.

In order to see possible VK friends, you need to go to the “Friends” section and pay attention to the right side of the screen. It is there that a list of five users is published with whom the page owner may have mutual acquaintances.

IMPORTANT! Each time you enter the “Friends” section, the list is formed in a new way and reflects other users. By clicking the “Show All” button, you can see all users who have any connection with the account owner.

The number of possible VKontakte friends directly depends on the activity of the account. The more a person communicates online, the more often he subscribes to interesting pages and joins groups, the more accounts his page interacts with. Of course, the system also takes into account a person’s social activity in real life. A large number of educational institutions, places of work, recreation, cities of residence increases the list of possible acquaintances.

Reference. There are filters on the page with a complete list of possible VK friends. However, they do not make searching the list itself any easier. For example, if you specify the country “Russia” in the filter, then VKontakte will offer the pages of all users of the social network whose profiles indicate this country.

How possible friends are selected on VK

  • Number of common ones This factor is fundamental for determining possible acquaintances. The more common participants there are, the higher the potential friend’s page will appear on the list.
  • Frequency of visits to a possible friend's page. If the account owner has repeatedly viewed a page, it will most likely be on the above list.
  • The frequency of visits to your account by a third-party user. If the user views your page frequently, reposts content, likes and

Probably many of us have noticed the VKontakte tab "Possible Friends", but not everyone knows what it is for and how it works. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Let's take a look at what the tab looks like "Possible Friends", perhaps someone did not notice her.

How many of those who know about it have guessed how this function works, and by what principle it identifies people with whom we may be familiar? Everything is very simple. Let's open this section and study it in more detail. Having done this, you will notice that most of the people who are there are those with whom we communicated, but did not add them as friends, or we have mutual friends with them. Now it’s a little clearer how this function works, but that’s not all.

This list is first created based on people with whom you have mutual friends. What follows is a whole chain. We look for those users whose profile indicates the same city as yours, the same job, and other factors. That is, it is a smart algorithm that constantly updates the list of your possible friends. Let's say you added someone as a friend and immediately, from his list of friends, there will be those who have common friends with you, and they will be offered to you as your possible acquaintances. Here is the whole principle of the section "Possible Friends".

Of course, it is impossible to obtain accurate and reliable information. Only the developers of the VKontakte site know this. It can be assumed that VK collects anonymized data that is tied to an identifier, or buys it from other networks. But this is just an assumption, and do not be afraid, your personal data is not collected.


We hope you now understand how this function works. With its help, you will find your old acquaintances or even meet people from your city or educational institution.

This is a convenient and useful function of the VK website. It will be useful for recently registered users, because it saves a lot of time searching for their real friends at school, university, and mutual acquaintances. Let's take a closer look at the mechanism for getting people on this list.

The key search parameters when filling out the information in the VK profile are the following data:

  1. School, university or other educational institution, place of work. If you have indicated such information about yourself, then the list immediately identifies possible friends: your classmates, work colleagues, co-workers. You probably know some of them in real life.
  2. Mutual friends. If you already have at least one friend, then users from his friend list will also be present in this section. They may be selected there randomly or based on some criteria of similarity with you (region, membership in the same communities, etc.).
  3. Your activity on the site. By frequently visiting groups, public pages, communicating in comments and regularly viewing personal pages of individuals, those on whom this activity is focused can be added to the section of possible friends.
  4. Analysis of Internet activity (controversial point). The VK administration in every possible way disclaims the collection of third-party information about users. However, many claim that even if you create an empty page with a fictitious name without the specified information, in this section you can find friends from your real page.

This indicates that the system is scanning cookies or other digital traces in the browser.

It's a quick and convenient way to fill your contact list with the right people.

Possible friends are viewed in a few simple steps. Let's look at them using the example of the web version of VK for a personal computer. In the mobile application installed on the phone, the procedure will be the same, the only difference is in the interface.

  1. Go to the "friends" section and you will see a "possible friends" column in the lower right side.

There a list of 5 people should be randomly formed.

  1. To see the full list, click “show all” below.