Where does Skype download? Where are Skype files stored - Where does Skype save files, where are photos saved in Skype

Skype is one of the most popular programs for making voice calls, sending messages, and transferring files. The application is available on all platforms, both mobile and desktop. Regularly receiving files via Skype, the user may be faced with the need to use one of the previously received files, but it is not entirely clear where they are stored, which will cause problems with searching on the computer. In this article, we will look at where files received via Skype are located, as well as how to configure them to be saved in a specific folder.

Please note: This article is based on the Windows desktop version of the Skype application.

How to find received Skype files

You can receive various files through Skype, and the program allows you to open them instantly. To do this, you just need to wait until the file is completely downloaded to your computer, then click on it in a dialogue with your interlocutor, and it will open. Moreover, if there are several applications on the computer that can open a file of this type, you will be asked to choose which one to use.

It is worth noting that if you already downloaded the file some time ago, and then continued the dialogue with your interlocutor, then you will not need to download it again if you need it. If necessary, you can enter a dialogue with your interlocutor and scroll up to the moment when the file was downloaded. In the dialog ribbon, you just need to click on the file to open it again.

If you can’t scroll through the dialog, but want to find a previously downloaded file on your computer, you can go to the Skype downloads folder. With Skype set to its default settings, the easiest way to get to your downloads folder is as follows:

It is worth noting that storing files received via Skype in the default folder is extremely imprudent if you plan to use them in the future. It is better to keep them not on the system hard drive so that the files are not damaged as a result of a system failure.

How to change the folder where Skype files are stored

The Skype application is very easy to customize for yourself by changing some options in it, which users often forget about after installing the program. One of the settings that you should definitely change is the file storage folder. It changes as follows:

Please note: You can select the option “Select a path to save files every time”, which can also be useful in some cases.

In Skype's advanced settings, you can also set the option so that the program always automatically accepts files that were sent in dialogue with you by other interlocutors. This can be useful if you are waiting for a file but cannot accept it yourself. Please note that after automatic downloading to your computer, files will not open spontaneously, which is done for security reasons.

More than 450 million people around the world have installed . The reason for this popularity was the capabilities of the application. Using it, you can not only make calls and send messages, but also transfer important papers, images, pictures, videos, etc. However, users need to know where does Skype save files?, sent in correspondence.

Software features

The well-known program is regularly updated, the developers eliminate errors and bugs, improve performance, and change the operation of some functions. For example, in older versions of the software, all received documents, pictures and videos could be saved manually. The person had to click on the message and specify the folder where the document would be sent.

Now the situation has changed somewhat. And there are certain nuances of downloads for the new and old versions of the program. Let's try to deal with them.

Skype Classic

So where do downloaded pictures, gifs, videos and other documents go in the classic program? The answer is simple - to the section Received Files. You can find this folder on the system drive C. The user needs:

You can also enter the section by simply clicking on the file that was downloaded through the application. After clicking, a window will open with all files downloaded via Skype.

Note: You can find out where files received via Skype are saved by default in the utility settings.

A new version

But in the updated program, initially all documents are saved in the folder "Downloads" user directory. It also added an item for each chat: "Collection". When you click it, a form will appear on the right with all sent and received materials. You can right-click on the desired one, select the option "Save as…" and specify any other destination folder.

Changing program options

Most users cannot afford to constantly open File Explorer and waste valuable time searching for an important document or photo downloaded using Skype. The developers have foreseen this situation and added a function that allows you to change the folder for saving multimedia. But it is only available in the old version.


Very often, we are faced with the question: “ How to save Skype history?»

This may be due to various reasons: reinstalling Windows, or we are updating the version of Windows, or we bought a new computer, or we want to backup our history...

All this is not only possible, but also must be done. Especially if we use Skype for work or business.

Where is the Skype history file stored?(history of all your Skype chats) - directly depends on the version of Skype for Windows you are using.
Let's look at some of the options:

If you are using Skype for desktop, Windows XP Professional version.

1. In order to find skype history, you need to click on Windows key and while holding it, press again R key- so we will open Run window.

Similarly, you can perform the same procedure by following this path “ Start Menu - Run«.

2. Next, in the “Run” field, enter this text %appdata%\Skype and press the Enter button or the OK button. So we will open the directory we need, in which we select a folder that has the same name as your Skype login.

If you are a fan of using file managers like Total Commander, follow the path: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\Skype

3. In this folder you need to find a file called main.db- this is a database file that contains the entire history of your Skype chats.

If you're using Skype for Devices and PCs, on Windows 8.

1. In order to find where the Skype history is in Windows 8, you need to open Windows Explorer. Next, find the directory C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.SkypeApp\Localstate\

< windows_8_username >is the name you used to sign in from the lock screen.

< skype_name >is the Skype login you are using.

2. Here you are also looking for a file with the name main.db- your Skype chat history that you want to save or copy.

We save this file to another computer, or USB flash drive, or other device. Or to any other drive on your system. Just don’t forget where you saved this file :) If you have several Skype accounts, save all history files for each login. But, each file is in a separate folder - the name of all files will be the same!

1. If you have a new computer, or you have installed a new Windows OS, first install Skype itself. During installation, the folder we need will be created automatically by the program itself.

2. After this, we exit Skype completely. When the program is running, we will not be able to replace the database file.

That's all. Now feel free to launch our Skype, enter your username and password, and... oh miracle!!! All of our previous chat history is now available for use!

We all know that using Skype you can not only communicate, but also transfer files to each other: photos, text documents, archives, etc. You can simply open them in a message, and, if desired, then save them anywhere on your hard drive using a file opening program. But, nevertheless, these files, after transfer, are located somewhere on the user’s computer. Let's find out where files received from Skype are saved.

Opening a file through a standard program

In order to find out where files received via Skype are located on your computer, you must first of all open any such file through the Skype interface with a standard program. To do this, simply click on the file in the Skype chat window.

It opens in the program that is installed to view this file type by default.

The vast majority of such programs have a “Save as...” item in the menu. Call up the program menu and click on this item.

The initial address where the program suggests saving the file is its current location.

We write out separately, or copy this address. In most cases, its template looks like this: C:\Users\(Windows username)\AppData\Roaming\Skype\(Skype username)\media_messaging\media_cache_v3. But, the exact address depends on the specific Windows and Skype usernames. Therefore, to clarify it, you should view the file through standard programs.

Well, after the user has found out where the files that were received via Skype are located on his computer, he will be able to open the directory where they are located using any file manager.

As you can see, at first glance, determining where files received via Skype are located is not so easy. Moreover, the exact location of these files is different for each user. But, there is a way, which was described above, to find out this path.

Where does Skype save photos, videos and other files? It would seem that this is a rather weak question to consider on our enormous web resource, where for the most part topics of much more interesting features of the Windows operating system are discussed. After all, in theory, Internet messengers in their client applications should provide functionality for accessing received files. Skype has such options, but what good are they when the messenger application from Microsoft at a crucial moment decides to set its user up by not opening and not providing access, for example, to important documents. Having personally witnessed such an unfortunate situation, I decided to highlight the issue of alternative access to data obtained as a result of communication via Skype.

Where does Skype save photos, videos and other files?

For Windows devices, Skype exists in two versions - classic, i.e. in the format of a regular program installed on the desktop part of the system, and in the format of a UWP application that is integrated into the Windows 10 environment. We will consider where Skype saves the received content for both of these versions.

Standard Skype application Windows 10

The images that our interlocutors send to us in the standard Skype application supplied on board Windows 10 can be saved at any time using the context menu using the “Save As” option. And we will get access to the already saved picture by selecting the “Show in folder” option.

Windows Explorer will open, and we will see not only the selected picture, but all the images received while working with the Skype application from our account. You can directly open this path in Explorer in case of problems launching the application as follows. Press the Win+R keys, enter “AppData”, press Enter.


Videos and other files must be downloaded to receive.

Then they can be, like images, either resaved using the “Save As” option in the context menu, or seen in Explorer by selecting the “Show in folder” option.

But if Skype starts to slow down when you urgently need to extract important videos or other files, you should also look for them inside the AppData system directory. Open it using the “Run” command and follow this path:


In the standard Windows 10 Skype application, you cannot select your own folders for storing pictures and other files. At least there is no such option at the time of writing. The specified paths can be replaced with others (not on drive C) only by using a universal way to solve the problem of lack of settings for changing the path where the program cache is located - using symbolic links.

Classic Skype

The context menu in the classic version of Skype only allows you to resave received images.

But directly from the program interface, any of the pictures can be opened in the viewer application and, using the latter, you can find out the original path for storing the images. For example, in the standard photo application “Dozens” some information is displayed for any picture being viewed.

Specifically, the directory where the file is located.

Without the participation of the Skype program itself, we will get access to the pictures received from our interlocutors in the AppData folder. Enter its name in the “Run” command and follow the path:


For videos and files in the classic version of Skype, the option to open File Explorer with the default download storage is available.