The computer does not turn off after startup, what should I do? What to do if the computer does not turn off via Start. Configure power supply settings for USB ports

Previously, we described a problem such as restarting a Windows 7 computer when shutting down. This time we’ll look at the reasons why a Windows 10 laptop doesn’t turn off when you click the “Turn Off” button, as well as methods to fix this problem. We will also give examples of solving a similar problem on stationary PCs.

Reasons why Windows 10 may not turn off

After installing a new operating system, many PC users may encounter a problem where Windows 10 does not turn off when clicking the “Shut down” button. There are many reasons for this. However, we will highlight two main ones that most often affect shutdown on Windows 10.

  • Failures at the software level due to a conflict between the installed software and the OS itself. Most often, the culprit is drivers that are downloaded not from the official website, but from a third-party resource and are outdated.
  • New hardware conflicts with the operating system. Along with connecting peripherals, Windows 10 automatically installs software that may not be supported by the current version of the OS.

Therefore, before taking any action, it is worth establishing the exact reason why the computer does not turn off. The above factors should be checked first.

Laptop won't turn off when shutting down Windows 10

In most cases, a laptop running Windows operating system does not turn off due to incorrect power mode settings. To change it you should do the following:

  • Go to the “Control Panel” and select the “Power Options” section (if you set the “Categories” view mode, then you need to select “Hardware and Sound”, and then “Power Options”).
  • In the menu on the left, select “Action with the power button.”

  • In the Shutdown Options section, uncheck the Enable Fast Startup option.

  • Save the changes.

If this method does not work, it may be that some system component is configured with incorrect parameters. To do this, select “Power plan settings” in the “Control Panel”.

Then we reboot the system. The laptop will turn on. Then you can turn it off in the standard way.

If you have a Dell or ASUS laptop, you should uninstall the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST) utility. To do this, go to the “Control Panel”, select “Programs and Features” and uninstall the software. After this, reboot your laptop.

Also on the Microsoft forum they recommend going to the support section of the gadget manufacturer (in this case this applies to laptops with Intel processors) and downloading the Intel Management Engine Interface (Intel ME), even if it is not for Windows 10. In the device manager you need to find “System devices” . In it, find a device with the same name as the downloaded software. Right-click on it and select “Uninstall” (check “Remove driver programs for this device”).

After uninstallation, you need to install a pre-loaded driver, and after installing it, you need to restart the laptop.

Also in Device Manager you need to find the network controller, select its “Properties” and in the “Power Management” tab you need to check the box “Allow this device to wake the computer from standby mode.”

In some cases, on laptops with Windows 10, it is necessary to completely remove and reinstall the video drivers so that the device can turn off normally.

Computer won't turn off when shutting down Windows 10

If you encounter a problem where the computer does not turn off after shutting down work on Windows 10, you should try all the same methods that were described for the laptop. If the problem is not resolved, it is worth testing the following methods.

  • Disable hibernation mode (also relevant for laptops). To do this, launch the command line with Administrator rights.

  • In the console, enter “powercfg /h off”.

  • Next you will need to reboot the system. The computer will turn on and off normally. Only sleep mode will be inactive.

If the computer does not turn off for a long time or when shutting down it freezes on the “Do not turn off the computer... data is being saved” screen, you should do the following:

  • Open notepad. Insert the following text:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Save the file with permission.reg. We launch it and confirm changes to the system registry. Reboot the PC.

These methods have been tested in practice and work. If the problem is not resolved, you should check the power supply for defective capacitors.

To learn how else to solve this problem, watch the video:


If you are experiencing an issue where the computer cannot turn off after pressing the "To finish work"- this means that Windows has a problem with its operation. The screen shows the completion message, but the PC is not even going to perform the operation after a long time. Let's look at what reasons can lead to this problem.

Attention! Do not immediately unplug the power cord from the outlet. This may negatively affect the performance of your computer.

Solving the problem

There can be many reasons causing this problem. Let's look at several options for why it occurs:

Cause 1: The system cannot terminate the process or service

If Windows is unable to close a service or process, the computer will not be able to shut down. To figure out whether this reason applies to your system, you need to study "System Stability Monitor".

To do this, you need to follow the following instructions:

See below for how to do this:

If these instructions do not help, then turn off all non-Microsoft services. This can be done like this:

Important! There should be no other checkboxes.

Reason 2: Impact of virus programs

Viruses present in the system can also cause this problem. If you haven’t checked your system for viruses in a long time, then scan with any antivirus utility.

Reason 3: System hardware errors

They occur when the hardware, drivers, or BIOS fails.

You can check the correct operation of the devices as follows:

After which the device will begin to be recognized by the system and work properly.

That's all. We hope this information was useful to you.

Many users wonder Why doesn't the computer turn off after shutting down Windows 7, 8?. There are a lot of reasons, in this article we will try to help you by looking at the most common problems and ways to solve them. Common problems include:

  1. The computer does not turn off through start when you press the “shutdown” button (continues to function)
  2. There is a long shutdown
  3. The PC cannot shut down at all (the “shutdown” screen appears all the time)

User reactions in such situations may vary. Someone de-energizes the PC, and someone turns it off every time with the power button, holding it down for 5-10 seconds. These shutdown methods have a detrimental effect on the performance of your machine, and it’s not for nothing that special buttons were invented for these actions.

Let us conditionally divide the presented material into two parts. In the first, we will consider possible software problems, in the second, hardware ones. Before going through the steps below, try performing a system restore to a date before problems were noticed.

Important! Be sure to read the material. Here we consider additional methods that are no less effective, also for a stationary PC.

Computer shutdown software problems

The most common errors that prevent your computer from shutting down are incorrect operation of programs, service failures, and virus software. To try to identify the error, you can look at the stability log. To view it, expand “maintenance” in the main window, then click the stability log link.

In the stability monitor window, you can select a date and view the report from below. If you click on the error, you will receive a detailed description of it.

This way, you can identify why the computer does not turn off after shutting down or takes a long time to turn off. Follow the steps below (not necessarily in this order), the following actions will help you.

1. Based on viewing the log, uninstall the program, remove it from Windows startup, or disable the service with which errors occurred. Then reboot the system, try to turn off the computer.

If nothing has changed, use a “clean boot”, that is, launching the elements necessary only for Windows to work. In type msconfig and press enter. On the “general” tab, select “selective launch”, check the options as in the screenshot.

Visit the “services” tab, check the box at the bottom that does not display Windows services. Next, click “disable everything”, OK, “reboot”.

This diagnostic tool will definitely help you identify why your computer won’t turn off in Windows 7, 8, and what programs and services contribute to this. Run the necessary elements and get rid of the suspicious ones.

2. Scan your entire PC for malware; viruses can negatively affect the stable operation of the system. Before scanning, make sure you have the latest virus database update.

3. Install Windows updates. Microsoft releases updates to resolve software and driver problems. To download update packages, go to Windows Update. When you try to turn off your computer, you will see the status of the installation process of downloaded packages, which can take quite a lot of time. Try downloading the package.

Computer shutdown hardware problems

If you have tried all the methods, and the computer does not turn off after Windows 7, 8 shuts down, then it is likely that the problem lies in the hardware. These include hardware, driver and Bios errors.

1. Remember, maybe the PC stopped turning off through startup when you installed new equipment, but there may be problems with equipment (device) that was already installed a long time ago. In this case, disconnect the device (if possible), check for correctly installed drivers, or disable the hardware in Device Manager.

In the search, type “device manager” and press enter. In the window you will see a hierarchical list of all the equipment that is installed on the computer. Go through the list looking for a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark (common) or another icon indicating a problem with the device.

Double-click on an element with an icon to go to its properties. On the General tab, in the Device Status area, the error is described. Depending on the error status, update, rollback, install the driver in Windows 7, 8 (visit the “driver” tab) or disable the device.

Right-click on the device and select “disable” from the menu. Next, click “yes”, then the device’s icon will change and it will no longer work until you turn it on.

To effectively identify why the computer does not turn off after shutting down Windows 7, 8, you can use the boot log, which lists the drivers and their status. Bring up the More Boot Options menu () by pressing the F8 key before starting Windows. Next, select “boot logging” and press enter.

After loading Windows, go to the Windows directory, use or search and find the file ntbtlog.txt, open it. Now look for any driver issues. The did not load driver status means that the driver did not work. Next, go to device manager and follow the steps described above.

2. If you have used all the methods and the computer continues to not turn off, then try the one responsible for turning the PC on and off. If after resetting the Bios settings there are no changes, then go to the website of the motherboard manufacturer, download the latest updates and update the Bios to the latest version.

That's all, all the ways to help correct shutting down the computer and on time. I strongly recommend that you follow the link about turning off the laptop in order to increase the chances of eradicating the problem.

One of the most popular articles on my website is material on how to configure automatic computer startup. However, recently I have encountered the opposite problem - several friends have already complained to me that their computer does not turn OFF.

The symptoms are very simple: A person presses the computer’s shutdown button (most often from the Start menu), but the computer does not turn off, but at best goes into hibernation mode, that is, “falls asleep.”

But more often than not, the power button simply does not switch the computer to a different state. Here, for example, is a typical description of symptoms:

When I turn off the computer, at first everything goes as usual, shutdown, and then the monitor goes out (black screen), but the light does not blink as it should in the standby mode of the monitor, but lights up as if the monitor is still working and all the fans in the system unit are working. I had to press the power button on the system unit for five seconds and only after that the system unit turned off.

Let's look at ways to solve this problem.

1. Power problems (ACPI) in Windows 7

If problems started with the installation of the Windows 7 operating system, then most likely you have problems with the ieee1394 bus controller

To solve this problem, go to the control panel—device manager and look for the “ieee1394 bus host controllers” section.

After that, select the devices, click properties - power management and check the box “allow to turn off this device”. The problem will be solved

2. Is the problem in Windows XP?

First of all, you need to check what type of computer you have in Windows 2000/XP in the system properties. If the computer type is standard, then check in the Control Panel in “Power Options” whether there is an “APM” tab and whether the “Enable Advanced Power management support” option is enabled there. If there is nothing similar, then in the Device Manager select “View” – “Show hidden Devices” and in the list of added devices, check for the presence of “NT Apm/Legacy Interface Node”. If it is not there, then install “NT Apm/Legacy Support” via “Add New Hardware Wizard”.

If “NT Apm/Legacy Interface Node” is functioning normally, but the computer still does not turn off, then try in the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Wi ndows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
set the “PowerdownAfterShutdown” parameter to “1”.

3. Have your BIOS settings gone wrong?

If the problem is not related to Windows 7, then most likely the problem is that turning off the power via software is prohibited in the BIOS.

Go to the BIOS (this can be done by pressing the Del or F2 key during boot) /

Check, check in the BIOS->boot menu->the values ​​of the ACPI 2.0 support and ACPI APIC support parameters.

They must be included.

4. Something is preventing the computer from turning off.

The computer may not turn off because some program cannot finish working without intervention...

In theory, in this case, a message should appear like: “Wait, Windows will close...”, but sometimes Windows rushes to turn off the screen even before this message appears.

Check which programs are running when you shut down. Try to force close all “suspicious” programs through the task manager. “We must try to “figure out” a buggy program using the method of elimination.

Often this occurs due to the fact that the device driver does not match the brand of the physical device, for example, the brand of the video card is mixed up - just check the drivers for compliance and download the latest versions of drivers for your specific devices.

5. Virus?

Sometimes the problem is that when you connect to the Internet, a virus starts running on your computer, which does not allow you to close the connection when you turn it off. Check your computer for viruses and rootkits using some serious utilities, for example AVZ4 from Oleg Zaitsev. It allows you to fix 99% of problems caused by viruses and spyware.

6. Have you set the computer to automatically turn on over the network?

Try turning off the option in the BIOS - Wake Up On Modem and/or Wake Up On Ring and/or Wake UpOnLan

Most often, a similar problem occurs among laptop users - you press the button "To finish work", but for some reason the computer does not turn off: the fans, video card and processor continue to work, and the message freezes on the screen "Shut down Windows".

In the article - the computer does not turn off after shutting down - I will tell you several methods that should help solve this issue.

Removing power from the USB hub

First, try disconnecting the power from the USB hub. To do this, go to “Start” - "Control Panel""Device Manager".

In Device Manager, expand "USB Controllers" by clicking on the small arrow on the left. Now find the "Generic USB Hub" fields and "USB Root Hub" and double-click on one of them.

The Properties window will open. Go to the tab "Power Management" and uncheck the box "Allow this device to turn off to save power", click "OK".

This item is responsible for the life of the battery, but USB devices do not always work correctly with it. By unchecking the above item, the laptop battery will discharge a little faster. Follow the steps described for all Generic and root USB hubs on your list.

Shutting down applications and services

If the computer still does not turn off, then you need to look at the events in the Windows logs. Using this method, we will disable applications and services that the system could not terminate on its own.

Stopping services

Go to: “Start” – "Control Panel""Administration".

Here, expand the item “Windows Logs”. Next we will be interested in “Application” and “System”. Review them for errors; they will be indicated by a red exclamation point. Perhaps it is because of these errors that the system cannot complete its work. Below, note the source of the error.

Now, if you don’t need the service causing the error, you can disable it. Go to Start again - "Control Panel""Administration"– click on the “Services” shortcut.

In the following list, find the required service, it will correspond to the name of the source of the error. Select it with your mouse and read on the left what it is responsible for.

To disable a service, double-click on it with the mouse and the properties window will open. In it, in the “Startup type” item, select “Disabled” from the list. Click Apply and OK.

Closing the application

If an application is interfering with shutting down your computer, you can simply remove it or exclude it from the startup list. To do this, press the key combination Win+R, enter msconfig in the field and click OK.

In the window. Here, uncheck all suspicious and unnecessary programs and click “OK”.

Restart your computer, if the problem is not solved, go to the window again "Systems Configuration" and on the “General” tab, leave a checkmark only in the item "Load system services". Click Apply and OK.

If after this the computer shuts down normally, then go to this window again and check the boxes for the services and startup components you need.

Removing viruses

Reduce service shutdown times

Another method that can help solve the problem in question is to reduce the time it takes to close services when the operating system shuts down. To do this, go to the registry: press the combination Win + R, enter regedit in the field and click OK.

Will open "Registry Editor". In it, follow the path marked with a red square at the bottom of the window in the figure below. Now on the right side select “WaitToKillServiceTimeout” and click on it with the mouse. In the window that opens, change the value 12000 - this is 12 seconds, to 6000 - 6 seconds, and click "OK". Now the waiting time for closing services will be 6 seconds instead of 12. Restart your computer.

I hope one of the methods will help you, and the problem of why the computer or laptop does not turn off after finishing work will be successfully resolved.

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Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

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