South Korean phone code. How to call from Russia to Korea

Useful phone numbers

Reporting a crime (police) 112
The telephone number for reporting a crime is 112, and there is a translation service for foreign citizens. For tourists who call this number, translators in English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish and German provide advice in difficult situations and connect them with the police.
Service hours: 08:00–23:00 (Mon–Fri) / 9:00–18:00 (Sat–Sun)
Fire and Rescue 119
Tourist information number - 1330. In addition to providing tourist information, the operator can also connect you to the necessary emergency services.
Ambulance 1339
International information 00794
International phone 00794
Information about location 114
Directory of out-of-town telephone numbers. area code +114
International telegram 00795
Tourist Complaint Center 02-735-0101
International Emergency Service 02-790-7561
The rescue service operates 24 hours a day for foreign citizens.

Tourist information phone number 1330
Wherever you are during your trip, if you have difficulty finding your way around or have any other questions, call 1330. 1330 is a tourist information number created specifically for foreign tourists. By calling it, you can get any information you are interested in in English, Chinese, Japanese or Korean. Help is also possible when calling 119 (rescue service). If you find yourself in a critical situation in Korea, by calling 1330 you can get the help you need without any language problems.

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Seoul: Seoul, Jung-gu, Jeong-dong, 34-16, phone 02)737-8704/5


In many hospitals across the country, workers speak some English. However, we recommend using the services of international clinics available at such large hospitals as Severance, Asan Medical Center or Samsung Medical Center.

Severance Hospital:
Seoul, Seodaemun-gu, Sinchon-dong, 134
Phone for inquiries: +82-2-1599-1004 (Korean)
(English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian)
International clinic: tel. +82-2-2228-5800, +82-2-392-3404
24/7 phone number: +82-10-9948-5983 (English)
Opening hours: weekdays - from 08:30 to 17:30, Saturday - from 08:30 to 12:30, Sunday and holidays - the emergency department is open.

Asan Medical Center:
Seoul, Songpa-gu, Pungnap-dong, 388-1
Phone number for inquiries: 02-1688-7575 (Korean)
(Korean, English, Japanese, Russian)
International clinic: tel. 02-3010-5001, 02-3010-7941
Opening hours: weekdays - from 08:30 to 17:30 (treatment is carried out from 09:00 to 16:00), Saturday, Sunday and holidays - the emergency department is open.

Samsung Medical Center:
Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Irwon-dong, 50
Tel.: +82-2-3410-3000 (Kor.)
Website: (Korean, English, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, French, German, Spanish)
International clinic: tel. 02-3410-0200, 02-3410-0228
Opening hours: weekdays - from 09:00 to 17:00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays - the emergency department is open.

Lost and Found - LOST 112
In case of lost or missing items, you can contact the Lost and Found Center at the Seoul District Police Department:
Seoul, Seodaemun-gu district, Migeun-dong district 209
Tel.: 182
Web site:

Articles and Lifehacks

South Korea is a surprisingly diverse country, and those who manage to plunge into the exoticism of this region can only envy. ? Let's decide on the correct dialing procedure, and also try to figure out how to reduce the high costs of international communications.

How to call Korea from Russia correctly

First, let's find out the code of the country where we are going to call. So, if this is South Korea, and we need to call from a landline to a home phone, we dial:
81082-city code-number.

For example, to call the South Korean capital, enter the following:

Having dialed eight, listen to the beep, after which they continue entering. Ten means access to an international line, 82 is the country code, and two is the Seoul prefix.

To call from a mobile device to another cell phone, enter only the country code after the “+” sign:

If you can only call from a cell phone to a landline number, dial:
+82-city code-number.

Example with capital:

By the way, you can type the plus sign in another way by holding down the button with the image of zero for two to three seconds.

Each such call is not a cheap pleasure. How to call from Russia to Korea cheaper? Fortunately, there are still ways to reduce the cost of international communication.

How to save on calls from Russia to Korea

A fairly well-known alternative is Agent for the computer. Thanks to it, it will be possible to significantly reduce the cost of calls to mobile or landline phones in South Korea.

Instead, you can use IP telephony by registering on one of the appropriate online resources. Tariffs in this case will be much lower than usual prices for international communications. There are no fixed prices, but priority usually goes to the operator that offers the most favorable prices in the desired direction (in this case, it is South Korea). Rates can usually also be viewed online, and they are stated as the cost per minute of conversation (there is no connection fee). In addition, some companies also offer free calls on promotional days, as well as some cash when you first sign up. This type of telephony is called software or computer telephony. There is also IP-telephony using special cards, as well as hardware telephony, which involves purchasing a number and setting it up by a provider.

Finally, we note that there is also an option such as Skype. In addition to the fact that it offers inexpensive paid calls to landlines and mobile phones, the user can also call a person from the contact list for free (only Internet will have to be paid for).

Sale of virtual international numbers of South Korea for calls in the +82 code. IP telephony provides the opportunity to connect a landline number for a South Korean city of interest remotely - you can be in any other country, you do not need to purchase another phone and install a line. It will be enough to buy a city virtual number South Korea with +82 code, which is an alternative to a local direct telephone line.

Freezvon connects the direct national number of Korea (code +82-70), as well as other various regions of the country, for example, Seoul (+82-2). They are not assigned to a Korean telephone line and allow you to receive calls in all countries, as well as make them at affordable rates.

How does the South Korea direct virtual number work?

Such virtual numbers operate on the principle of redirecting incoming calls to a specific direction (you indicate it in your personal account when placing an order). This feature eliminates the need to purchase an additional telephone and establish a line.

You can forward calls from a South Korean number to:

  • Another landline or cell phone;
  • SIP– application of the same name, for example, Zoiper(it should be downloaded to your mobile, PC or tablet) or IP phone.

For routing calls to your SIP account (you will be provided with it after purchasing the number). Changing forwarding parameters is done online in your personal account.

You can call to all international destinations, including South Korea, from a SIP account. Such calls are charged significantly lower than from an analog phone. VoIP telephony allows you to connect Caller ID(Caller ID) so that it appears on outgoing calls.

You also have the opportunity to connect a South Korean virtual number for faxing. These are the same regular numbers, only a SIM card is not used, everything works on the principle of forwarding to a given email. VoIP telephony uses an Internet channel to transmit data, in this case the signal quality is much better than that of a telephone line.

To use a South Korea virtual fax number, you need to select and place an order for it. In the settings, specify the mailbox for receiving fax messages and start receiving them. We also provide various IP telephony services. One of the services is virtual number for SMS, which will simplify your SMS messaging.

How to get a virtual South Korean number for calls and faxes?

The conditions for connecting a number on our website are as follows:

  • You are registering;
  • Top up your account in your personal account;
  • Select the number of the current Korean city;
  • Set call redirection parameters;
  • Confirm the order.

After placing your order, send a request to the technical support department to provide a SIP account. When connecting to the service virtual PBX you can create such accounts yourself, manage calls and configure Additional services to work with them, as well as assign internal numbers to employees or departments of your company.