Chinese gender determination table calculator. Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child

Often you have to resort to traditional methods, among which we can particularly note the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child.

About 700 years ago, in a Chinese temple located near Beijing, a calendar was found that allows one to find out what gender a child will be born to a married couple.

Currently, the ancient calculator is in the Beijing Museum, where anyone can see the original.

It is believed that by using this simplest method, you can find out the gender of the expected baby or so that the probability of having a boy or a girl is 93%.

It turns out that in ancient China, pundits were sure that the sex of a baby depended only on two factors: the age of the mother, as well as the month of conception. In Asian countries, the popularity of the table is still quite high.

What explains the demand for the conception calendar?

It is worth considering that China is a country in which the teachings of ancient philosophers, religion and modern science are closely intertwined. Here, the experience of past generations in the treatment of various pathologies is widely used in practice. It is not surprising that the Chinese gender planning calendar has also become widespread.

Many Chinese doctors are of the opinion that this is a reliable way to plan the sex of a child.

No practical research has been carried out on this method.

Judging by the reviews of parents who used the table, the technique is justified in about half the cases.

Maybe the reason is that the system once developed for the Chinese is not effective for residents of the European part of the continent?

Perhaps most of the incorrect results are based on the difference that exists in determining the age of a person in China itself and in the rest of the world. IN

For a long time, the celestial calendar followed the lunar calendar. Therefore, according to the ancient Chinese system, a woman's age will be older than in reality.

In addition, in China, the counting of years begins not from the day of birth, but from the moment of conception, which also increases the mother’s age by 9 months. In this case, the woman should increase her age by one year.

How to use the Chinese table when planning pregnancy

mother at the time of conception
Month of conception
Jan 1 Feb 2 March III April IV V May June 6 July 7 August 8th IX Sep X Oct November 11 XII Dec
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Of course, this method can be compared with ordinary fortune telling using coffee grounds. But sometimes folk signs turn out to be more accurate than medical forecasts.

How to calculate the gender of your unborn child using the Chinese calendar

If a woman is 25 years old, 1 year is added to the age. In the “age” column, find the number 26. Let’s say conception occurred in March. We find the month and the column with the woman’s age. We draw straight lines from these values ​​and at the intersection we get “M”, which means that the gender of the child is most likely male. If conception occurred in September, then a girl will be born.

How does official medicine relate to the Chinese calendar?

On the contrary, modern genetics confirms the fact that the father's chromosome set significantly influences the sex of the unborn baby.

The baby inherits 22 pairs of chromosomes from his parents. This set is “standard” But the 23rd pair affects the formation of the reproductive system.

In the mother's body there is a female chromosome - X, and in the man's body there are 2 chromosomes, X and Y. Each sperm is “charged” with a specific chromosome.

The gender of the baby can be determined by which sperm can penetrate the egg, “male” or “female”:

  • If the leader is a “female” chromosome, the baby receives the 23rd pair, consisting of XX elements.
  • If the “male” cell manages to overtake its rivals, the 23rd chromosome looks like XY, and a boy is born.

In one thing, the opinions of modern geneticists and ancient Chinese sages are similar. Gender determination occurs at the moment of conception. No diet or adherence to folk wisdom can change this fact.

This video clearly shows how to carry out calculations to increase the likelihood of having a child of the desired sex.

By Chinese conception chart The sex of the child can be determined by the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

The Chinese conception table has a very long history and no one knows for sure when and on what basis it was compiled. As legend has it, she was found in one of the ancient burial grounds in China. Some scientists believe that it was created based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Others think that the ancient Chinese conducted studies that revealed the connection between the sex of the child and the age of the mother and the month of conception.

Example: conception occurred in January. The woman's age is 32 years. It is most likely that a boy will be born.


Month in which the child is conceived

Japanese conception chart.

You can determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient Japan.

Japanese conception chart is based on the fact that the sex of the child is determined by the months of birth of the parents and the month of conception. In order to calculate the sex of the child using this method, you need to find in the first table the number at the intersection of the months of birth of the mother and father. Then, in the second table, find the column at the top of which this number appears. It indicates the months of conception, and opposite each month there is the probability of having a boy or a girl, expressed by the number of crosses. The more crosses, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child of one gender or another. The Japanese calendar is ideal for planning the gender of a child, because for each couple it instantly calculates the months in which the probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender is highest. Remember that this is just a probability, so these tables may be wrong.

In the first table we find the number that is at the intersection of the month of birth of father and mother.

Month of birth of the expectant mother

Future dad's birthday month

In the second conception table We select the row number that we got from the first table. In this row we find the month of conception of the baby. The “boy” or “girl” scale indicates the probability of being born of one or another gender. The more x, the greater the probability.

Example: Dad was born in March, mom in June. At the intersection in the first table is the number 6. The month of conception is April. In the second table in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of having a girl and a boy is equal. That is, 50% to 50%.



Conception table for determining the sex of a child by the “age” of the blood.

Conception table by blood age based on the assumption that the blood of women and men is regularly renewed. In women, this happens once every 4 years. In men, blood is renewed once every 3 years. Having determined the “blood age” of the future mother and father, they compare it with each other. Then the number of months that passed from the parent’s last birthday to the month of conception is added. The gender of the child will be the same as the gender of the parent whose blood is younger.

In the first table we find the blood renewal coefficients of the father and mother, opposite the age.

Mom's age

Her blood renewal rate

Dad's age

His blood renewal rate

In the second table, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Mom and Dad's birthday month

Month of conception

Now for each parent we add up the resulting 2 numbers (from the first and second tables). Whoever has the lower number (“younger blood”) will most likely have a baby of that gender.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom = 1, dad = 0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. Based on the results of both tables, mom (1+10 = 11), dad (0+1 = 1). “Dad's blood is younger” - a boy will be born.

Conception table with folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn child.

If in the early stages it is always stuffy and hot

If in the early stages it’s chilly all the time

A woman has a narrow stomach, similar to an oval

The woman has a wide belly, which is visible from behind

A pregnant woman's right side is protruding

A pregnant woman's left side is protruding

Woman looks better during pregnancy

The woman developed age spots, acne, etc.

Mother's palms are dry

Mother's palms are soft

I want meat and salted fish

I want something sweet

Pregnant woman sleeps with head towards north

Pregnant woman sleeping towards the south

Women often sleep on their left side

A woman often sleeps on her right side

The morning is cheerful and energetic

Morning sickness

Left breast is larger

Right breast is larger

The nipples of the expectant mother are light

The nipples of the expectant mother are dark

Almost all parents wonder: who will be born - a boy or a girl? And some even try to conceive a child of a certain gender in advance. And what’s most interesting is that this was relevant even in ancient times. In this article, we will analyze centuries-old wisdom and dwell in more detail on recognizing the sex of a child before birth using various tables.

In China, such a table was invented in ancient times. Moreover, the Chinese consider it 100% accurate. But according to reviews from mothers who gave birth to babies, this forecast is not always true. Perhaps because in the Celestial Empire it is customary to consider a person’s age from the moment of conception. Therefore, when determining the sex of the baby, add another 9 months to your real age.

It’s easy to use the scheme, for this:

  • At the beginning calculate how old you are according to Chinese standards, add 7-9 months to your full years;
  • Then find the number vertically, appropriate to your complete age, and horizontally - birth month;
  • Draw imaginary lines, their intersection will indicate who you will have: D - girl, M - boy.

Child gender table by month of conception

It was in China that they believed that the phase of the moon has an influence on the gender of the unborn child. Therefore, scientists suggested that the table takes into account the lunar phases. Others believe that the scheme was drawn up based on studies of the influence of a woman’s age and date of birth on the sex of the baby. As mentioned above, to determine whether you are having a boy or a girl, you need to know not only the age of the mother, but also the month the baby was conceived.

IMPORTANT: However, it is a pity that assumptions do not always come true. Predictions are 78.9% reliable out of 100% possible.

Video: Gender of the child by date of conception - table

How to determine the sex of a child using Vanga's table?

Most mothers use the table of the great blind soothsayer Vanga in order to recognize who will be born a boy or a girl. The diagram bears only the name of the fortuneteller Vanga, but in fact it was compiled by her follower and student - Lyudmila Kim.

Feedback from women about this table varies. For some, what they write comes true, and for others, it doesn’t. Mothers, using this method of prediction, noticed a certain peculiarity: if a woman in labor has a negative Rh factor, then everything should be interpreted the other way around. More precisely, if you were given a boy according to the plan, then you will most likely have a girl.

Gender of the child according to Vanga's table

Everyone can understand this scheme. Dark green means you're having a boy in a few months, and light green means you're having a girl. To recognize gender you will need:

  • At the top, select the month the baby was conceived
  • vertically find the number indicating mommy’s full age
  • find their point of intersection - this color of the rectangle will indicate the gender of the baby

Determining the sex of a child by age

They also use tables to guess the gender of the baby based on the age of the mother giving birth, the age of both parents, or the age of the father. It must be said that assumptions often come true, almost 96% out of 100 possible.

Gender of the child by date of birth of parents (table)

This determination method has been known for a long time. And it is based on the readings of two tables. You need to work with diagrams as follows:

  1. Select the woman's birth month
  2. Then select the man's birth month
  3. At the intersection of lines (horizontal and vertical) find the number
  4. Remember this number

Now let's move on to the second plate:

  1. We are looking for the number that you got in the first table
  2. Then we draw the line vertically downwards until it intersects with the baby’s month of conception
  3. Now we draw a strictly horizontal line until it intersects with the middle, where the crosses are located
  4. If there are more crosses in the column - M, then there will be a boy, if on the contrary, then there will be a girl

Table for determining the sex of a child by the age of the father

There are many known cases when only girls or boys are born in one family. And parents dream of a baby or toddler. They say that this is a predisposition of the father's genetics. Scientists have compiled a table to determine the sex of the baby based on the age of the father. Read on to learn how to use the diagram:

  1. Select father's age (vertical)
  2. Horizontally find the month of conception
  3. If there is no month of conception of the baby, then there will be a girl, if there is a month in the column, there will be a boy

Child gender table by mother's age

There are several dozen such tables. However, they are based on an ancient Chinese scheme for recognizing the sex of babies even before they are born.

Pregnancy table: sex of child by mother's age

We have already discussed above how to use such a scheme to determine the sex of a baby. It is enough to find the age of the mother and the date of conception (more precisely, the month). And at the intersection of the parameters, find the cherished one: M or D.

Japanese baby gender determination chart

The Japanese scheme has long gained great popularity among mothers who want to find out who will be a girl or a boy, not only in Japan, but throughout the world. The most interesting thing is that 93% of the results are reliable.

The schema consists of two tables. Using one, you determine the code number (we discussed this table in paragraph: Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents). And on the other hand - already on codenumber, month of conception find out gender.

Gender of the child based on parental blood update: table

According to the observations of specialists, the sex of the baby depends on the date of the last cyclic blood renewal. Moreover, it is believed that for mothers it is updated once every three calendar years, and for fathers - once every four years. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that with large blood losses, a blood renewal cycle also occurs (for example, during operations, etc.). Then the table below will not be relevant.

How to calculate the sex of a child 100 percent?

  • You will need a piece of paper. Write your father's full name, your first name, and your maiden name on it.
  • Write the month of conception of the baby
  • Convert all letters to digital values
  • Add the resulting numbers
  • Then divide the sum by seven
  • If the number is even, you will have a girl, if the number is odd, you will have a boy.

Conception table for child gender 100%

We looked at many options for guessing the gender of babies before birth. According to experimental research, the most accurate is the “Ancient Chinese Table”. It must indicate the age of the expectant mother and the exact month of conception. Using this data, you can see what gender your child will be.

How to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation: table of the sex of the child as a percentage

Most often, women have a 28-month cycle. The ovulation period can occur in this case between the 11th and 21st days of this cyclic system. If conception occurs before ovulation, then you need to expect a girl, if on the 14-17th day, then you will have a boy.

Video: Test to determine the sex of a child

There are probably no parents who would not want to find out who will be born to them. For this purpose, a Chinese table was created to determine the sex of a child. She is the one who will help everyone who wants to know who to expect: a son or a daughter.

Table on how to find out the expectation
according to the shape of the abdomen, ultrasound helps
the doctor is good for an apple
who will be pregnant signs

If you also lack patience and want to know what color romper to choose, then the baby gender determination chart will answer your questions.

Ancient Chinese table

The ancient Chinese table for recognizing the gender of a child was first discovered in Beijing more than 700 years ago. She was in the tomb of a hermit monk. When archaeologists studied the find in detail, they came to the conclusion that they had in their hands a lunar calendar, which could indicate the gender of the unborn baby with high reliability of the result.

In order to find out who you are expecting, a son or a daughter, you need to find the month of expected conception in the left column of the Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child, and in the top line - the girl’s age at the time of conception. The intersection point will indicate the gender of the baby.

Ancient Chinese table

Application of the Pythagorean system

There is another equally well-known way to find out who has settled in the belly of the expectant mother - this is determining the sex of the fetus using the Pythagorean table. Numerology has gained great popularity in all spheres of human life, which is why a considerable number of future parents trust the Pythagorean system.

According to this method, each word, including the name, corresponds to a certain number, which can be obtained using a special table.

  1. It is necessary to write the full name of the future mother, which is registered on the birth certificate (accordingly, the maiden name), and after the future father.
  2. After this, you should record the month of conception of the unborn child.
  3. From all the resulting numbers, calculate the total amount, and then divide the resulting number by 7.
  4. If the final number is even, expect a girl; if it is odd, expect a boy.

It is worth knowing that this method is ideal for cases when the addition of one child is expected, and not twins or triplets.

According to the Pythagorean table

Blood renewal method

This method involves the use of a blood update table of future parents to recognize the sex of the fetus depending on their date of birth.

  1. Such cycles differ between men and women, and also consist of certain periods, starting from the date of birth.
  2. The full age of the expectant mother should be divided by 3 (since the blood in women is renewed once every three years), and the future father - by 4 (in men the blood is renewed once every four years).
  3. A prerequisite is knowledge of the approximate day of conception.
  4. When calculating, you must count your full age (even if you will be 30 years old the next day, you need to count 29 full).

By comparing the remainder of the division of the father and mother, we can draw a conclusion - whose remainder is larger (accordingly, the blood is stronger), the baby will be of that gender.

But it is worth immediately noting that blood is always renewed during operations, donations, and abortions. In this case, it is necessary to start counting from the date of the last blood loss.

Use only if the mother is Rh positive

According to some data, a table for identifying a child’s gender by age “works” only if the expectant mother is Rh positive.

If the mother has a blood type with a negative Rh factor, then everything will be the other way around: whoever has “older” blood on the day of conception will have a baby of that gender.

Maternal age and the French diet

Elena Shamrina conducted her research for more than 20 years and was able to establish that in nature there is a certain dependence of the conception of a child on the odd/even age of the expectant mother.

  1. In order to have a girl, you need to “engage in the creative process” in even months of the year (February, April, June, August, October), if the woman is of even age. For odd ages, accordingly, for odd months of the year.
  2. To have a boy, a woman of even age must conceive in odd months, and an odd age woman must conceive in even months. Thus, if a woman is of an odd age, then it will be easier for her to conceive a boy, and if she is an even age, it will be easier for her to conceive a girl.

Another method has been known for many years. It was called the “French diet”, since it was the French who established that the likelihood of having a boy or a girl is determined by the nutrition of the expectant mother during menstruation, which precedes subsequent conception.

The scientists concluded that parents of boys consumed more foods rich in sodium and potassium, and parents of girls consumed more foods rich in calcium and magnesium.

In order to plan the child's gender, two diets were offered, which contained a set of certain products. For two months, future parents had to follow the specified diet. The success was amazing - in up to 80% of cases, the spouses received exactly the one they wanted most.

If young people dream of a boy, they need to eat more:

  • potatoes;
  • mushroom and meat dishes;
  • cherries, bananas, oranges, peaches.

It is necessary to exclude all dairy products and nuts. It would be a good idea to add a little salt to your food.

If parents want a daughter, then the expectant mother should:

  • stick to a dairy diet;
  • eat beets, carrots, cucumbers, green peas, onions, nuts.

Plums, bananas, melon, potatoes and citrus fruits should be excluded.

The most accurate way

Which of the existing tables for determining the sex of a child is the most accurate? Of course, the surest way to find out who will be born is an ultrasound examination, which will be prescribed by the doctor when you contact him.

However, there is another method, not discussed above, that allows you to predict as accurately as possible who will be born to you - this is the Japanese conception table for identifying the gender of the future heir.

This table is the most truthful and popular way of planning, as well as establishing the gender of the unborn child. Many geneticists claim that this process cannot be predicted. However, Japanese scientists boldly refuted this theory and proposed their own method, which is based on simple calculations.

Japanese method

They are confident that the combination of chromosomes can be easily predicted using the month of birth of both parents, as well as the exact time of fertilization. In other words, the male body produces sperm with a certain set of chromosomes at specific periods of time. Thanks to this approach, you can reliably find out who has settled in your tummy.

The pregnancy period comes with many questions. One of the aspects that concerns future parents is the gender of the child. The most accurate results can be obtained after 20 weeks. Until this moment, the Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child comes to the rescue.

In contact with

Historical aspect

The ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child is presented in calendar form. The document allows predict the gender of the unborn child.

Potential parents can determine whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

The Chinese child gender planning table is the result of the intellectual work of Beijing scientists.

The original source of the document can be found at the Beijing Institute of Sciences. Anyone can familiarize themselves with its contents.

The Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child was discovered over 7 centuries ago. As a result of archaeological research, the document was found in the tomb of a monk.

An ancient Chinese legend says that the table allows you to accurately calculate the sex of a child. Chinese scientists also share this belief. According to them, the Chinese child planning table gives reliable results in 97 percent of its applications.

Experts agree that the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child was designed for the imperial house. This hypothesis is a consequence of the Chinese interest in having boys. This trend has a simple explanation. Male representatives were the continuers of the family.

They created a new family, where they were responsible for providing for it. The situation was different with girls. Until the age of 17, girls were in the care of their parents. This implied a number of costs associated with their maintenance. Only after marriage were parents freed from such duties. That is why the Chinese choose between “boy or girl” preferred male representatives.

Gender Prediction

When wondering how to determine the gender of the future heir, parents begin to doubt. They think about the possibility of error in the results. Such thoughts are natural. In order to prevent inaccuracies, you should first study the features of the calculation process.

according to the Chinese calendar is carried out by calculation method. This approach takes into account rotation of the moon around the earth's axis.

A similar feature is also characteristic of eastern countries. Within the European space, the rotation of the Earth around the Sun is assumed.

Success in determining the gender of the future heir depends on taking into account the lunar cycle. The Chinese calendar uses the new moon as the beginning of the New Year.

It is important to remember that the Aquarius Sun period follows the New Moon. This benchmark is considered to be a relative measure. It falls in the January-February period.

Note! According to the Chinese, the date of conception is the date of birth of a person. It is this feature that determines the difficulty of determining the gender of the unborn child using the table.

The answer to how to accurately determine the gender of the unborn child lies in comparison lunar age in relation to the age parameter of a woman. Such a calculation should be made exclusively according to the lunar calendar.

How to calculate the gender of a child

In order to reliably identify the gender of a child using the ancient Chinese tabular system, several aspects should be taken into account. First of all it is important focus on the accuracy of the expectant mother's age. Without the correct calculation of this indicator, the rest of the process will obviously fail.

Calculation of a woman’s age parameter depends on the period of the year. If the expectant mother was born in any month of the year, except for the January-February period, then the calculation process is greatly simplified. The original number of the month in the form of the date of birth must be increased by the 9-month parameter. So, the woman’s birthday falls on May 12, 1990.

In December 2017, she turned 27 years and 7 months old. Then she and her husband began planning a replenishment. If we add the 9-month value, we get an age parameter of 28 years and 4 months. The resulting number is the required result. This age indicator will serve as the basis for further calculations using the table.

If a woman was born in January, one clarification needs to be made. Of interest is the appearance of the expectant mother before the new lunar year or much later than this stage.

So, the woman’s birthday is January 16, 1974. In that time period, the beginning of the year according to the Chinese version was January 23.

As a result, the birth of the expectant mother dates back to 1973. To this numerical indicator a 9 month parameter should be added.

It is important to understand that the first calculations from the table may be incorrect. There is no need to despair. Subsequent attempts will allow you to find the desired value. To simplify the process, you can increase the age indicator by one.

Rules for using the table

The Chinese method of determining the gender of a future heir is presented in a table. Square formatting of information is assumed. Organized data contains columns and rows. The left area of ​​the Chinese calendar contains the woman's age parameter. The right side includes the monthly option. Available months take into account the new moon period.

Accurate information can be obtained based on the following mechanism of action:

  • The left side of the table is examined for the presence of a female age parameter (the peculiarities of its preliminary determination should be taken into account).
  • The top of the table is analyzed for the presence of potential or certain fertilization (the category of input data determines the efficiency of the calculations).
  • At the intersection of the highlighted values, a literal value is determined.
  • The resulting parameter indicates the gender of the child being carried.

In case if pregnancy is only at the planning stage, a different algorithm is assumed. The procedure includes:

  1. The age parameter of the potential mother is determined.
  2. Due to the horizontal movement according to the table values, the letter parameter corresponding to the desired gender of the baby is selected.
  3. The vertical direction creates a point that represents the optimal month for fertilization.

For example, a 21-year-old woman was thinking about having her first child. Together with her husband, they plan to give birth to an heir within the next year. The family dreams of a successor to the family. According to the ancient Chinese calendar, the favorable period is January. If the time parameters are different, a girl will appear.

Analysis of table values ​​allows you to identify a trend. The age of 18-19 is more suitable for the birth of boys.

If the table is used to plan pregnancy, extreme months should be excluded.

These values ​​may distort the probability of the forecast. Knowledge of this feature allows you to increase the reliability of calculations.

It is important to note that using the table comes with a number of risks.