Kyivstar login tariff plans. Tariffs of mobile operators without monthly fees

Today, in 2017, the telecommunications company Kyivstar is in great demand and popularity, as it has been trying to maintain the cheapest tariffs for more than one year. And you must agree, this is very important, especially in the conditions of the unstable global financial crisis. That is why Kyivstar Ukraine tariff plans in 2017 delight with their rich variety and splendor. If you carefully study the Ukrainian market, there are only three telecommunications companies represented there, among which Kyivstar occupies a favorable leadership and has maintained this position and position for more than one year.

Why Kyivstar?

If we talk about all the advantages why people prefer this particular company, then, perhaps, we can name and note the following most striking and popular reasons.

The most favorable Kyivstar tariffs.

If we talk about the most popular and sought-after offers from the company in 2017, which really delight with their optimal and favorable conditions, then the following telecommunications packages can be included in this list.

These are “Happy”, “Convenient”, “Maximum”, “long conversations”, “Kyivstar Business 0”, “Relax”, “Hello, the whole world”, “Single price” and many other tariffs, each of which has and has on your own terms.

But, one of the features of Kyivstar’s tariff plans in 2017 is that all tariff plans can easily be divided into two large groups - contract and prepaid. At the same time, the contract group of tariff plans in 2017 involves daily withdrawal of the subscription fee. But, about this in more detail.

Contract group of tariffs from Kyivstar.

In this group, you can name and note the following profitable tariff plans, which also have their own characteristics, advantages and advantages.

    1. “For calls.” This tariff plan can rightfully be considered the most profitable, as it is characterized by a low monthly fee. In other words, for only 15-35 hryvnia per month you can get completely free communication within the network, as well as 50 MB of Internet traffic. For example, if you take this tariff plan in Odessa, then the monthly fee here is only 15 hryvnia, but in Kyiv you will have to pay a little more than 35 hryvnia. What is the difference? Everything directly depends on the region in which the tariff is connected.
    2. “Not all networks are suitable for calls.” This tariff is a more advanced option of the first tariff plan. Its cost ranges from 20 to 50 hryvnia per month, and the service package also includes 60 minutes of free calls with users of other cellular networks.

Tariffs are not for discussion.

This group of tariffs will be an excellent solution for those who not only spend a lot of time talking on the phone, but also active users of the mobile Internet, without which they simply cannot imagine life, and use it day and night. What can be included here?

As you can see, in 2017 Kyivstar will really please its regular customers with long-standing favorable and attractive conditions. Moreover, you can easily and without any problems choose and change your tariff plan to the one that suits you best and is completely free and without any extra waste of time.

Today, the main and most popular mobile telephony operator in Ukraine is the widely known Kyivstar company.

This operator has a lot of success and has managed to earn the trust of its subscribers. People who profit from the services of Kyivstar may gradually switch to new tariff plans, which in turn will benefit from lucrative and economical offers. This is why you can know the cheapest Kyivstar 2017 tariffs for old subscribers and for new customers. Kyivstar is the operator that was the first to start operating in Ukraine, and appeared back in 1997.

The operator’s coverage area is the entire country, and no matter where you are, you won’t be left without a mobile connection. You can calmly contact someone in advance, without being afraid that your relationship will be interrupted. Moreover, the strength of the connection is at a high level, so you will never be at all affected by noise and disturbances. Kyivstar is also famous for its tariff plans and innovations, which are gradually being improved. Moreover, the tariffs and packages of Kyivstar 2017 are the cheapest and most competitive, and also varied. The same operator, in the opinion of subscribers, is the most comfortable.

The tariff is good not only for those who often use their phone for calls, but also for those who may sometimes need to speed up the Internet - Kyivstar 2017. This tariff plan will increase by 35 hryvnia. . It gives you an unlimited number of calls for calls within the Kyivstar network and 30 calls for calls to other operators. If you need an additional hour, the quiche will cost you 60 kopecks. The tariff plan is also good, because for 5 hryvnia per day you will get 50 megabytes. This is even easier if you need to quickly access the Internet. Compared to other mobile operators, Kyivstar occupies a leading position in all aspects. As such, the tariff plans of this operator are considered the most profitable.

However, if you don’t have enough of what this tariff plan includes, you can change it to another one – Kyivstar Russia Plus. This is a creation for those who literally don’t let go of their phone. In general, tariffs do not increase, except for the duties of services that are included. There is one real plus: with your tariff you can get 2G absolutely free of charge. Insanely, the Internet will be more powerful, but additional capital investment will not be required. The tariff plan is ideal for those who like to talk on the phone for a long time and for those who often need access to the Internet.

How to make calls for the cordon?

Kyivstar roaming tariffs outside the border in 2017 no longer exist. Recently, all subscribers have been transferred to a single roaming system. An important point: until recently, in order to call outside the border, it was necessary to carry out the service activation procedure, and then the connection is automatically activated. The edges are divided into two bags. The first package requires 30 countries (Name, Poland, Italy, Greece and others), the other – 37 (USA, Hong Kong, Latvia and others). The difference lies in the fact that calls to residents of the region, which will go to the first package, will cost 2 hryvnia per khvilina, and calls to the region, which will be sent to the next package, will cost 4 hryvnia per khvilina.

Tariff "Classic"

The standard tariff is the classic Kyivstar 2017. Those subscribers who need to make calls only within the same network will use this tariff.

Of course, you can make a call to the number of another operator, but it will not be without cost. 35 copies – the cost of sending one message. We will not change the tariff for accessing the Internet, since just one megabyte costs as much as 10 hryvnia. If you don’t have a lot of pennies to spend, then the fee will still be charged as soon as you make a call to another subscriber’s number.

As you might have guessed, the tariffs for Kyivstar starter packages are not that high. Moreover, there are a lot of tariff packages that allow you to choose to suit your lifestyle. For example, for those who like to sit in social networks or surf the Internet, the Kyivstar Online tariff will definitely suit you. Why is he so remarkable? You will take as much as 1000 megabytes to your disposal. The premium tariff plan includes those for which social services are not charged. This means that megabytes simply will not be spent. The tariff is very suitable for the younger generation. All this will cost you less than 70 hryvnia. And also a variation of this tariff with a great obligation for the provision of services, for example, as many as 2000 megabytes are given.

If you lead an active way of life, then the best decisions for you will be to choose the Kyivstar Extra tariff plan. The essence lies in the fact that you take into your disposal a simply enormous number of megabytes - 6000. Which will be in your head for many days. It will cost you 80 hryvnia, but with this tariff plan you will never run out of megabytes.

Is it possible to call cheaper outside the border?

As you have already realized, the Favorite Country tariff in Kyivstar 2017 is a specially created tariff for subscribers who often call abroad. It’s difficult to overstate all the advantages of this service. The tariff plan boasts amazing prices for calls to Russia and SND countries. The tariff does not have a subscription fee or any additional additional payment, which, of course, benefits Kyivstar subscribers. Today, this is the most popular option on the Ukrainian market.

You can also use the Day Online and Night Internet package tariffs. These tariff plans are ideally suitable for those people who can sleep on and off for one hour at a time. Axis, for example, Day Online gives you 1000 megabytes of traffic for one day. The cost of this service amounts to 15 hryvnia at a time. Today's Internet package is dark for those who can't sleep at night. When the time comes, you can get 10,000 megabytes of traffic for just 10 hryvnia.

Are the rates even cheaper?

So! I'm impersonal. For smartphones - another cheapest Kyivstar tariff for 2017. This tariff plan is gaining popularity among lovers of advanced technologies.

The service contract includes 500 megabytes of traffic for 25 hryvnia. And another variation of this tariff plan For smartphones plus. In any case, it doesn’t matter to you. As in other similar episodes, the situation grows significantly. This is an excellent tariff for those who often use their phone for various purposes and cannot live a day without some new knowledge. After reviewing current tariffs and promotions, you can add small sums. Mobile operator Kyivstar is trying to please its clients. “Kyivstar” subscribers can comfortably contact not only subscribers of this network, but also make calls to numbers of other operators without any conversions. Tariff plans can be easily selected to suit the individual needs of any group or person. As a result, Kyivstar will lose the most popular mobile operator in Ukraine. Not every operator has such a large number of subscribers - 25 million!

Comfort, Comfort+, Ultra Comfort

Quite recently, the Kyivstar operator released a line of new “comfortable” tariff plans designed to meet the needs of those subscribers who fully use their mobile devices not only for calls, but also for sending text messages and surfing the Internet. At the same time, there are 3 different starter packages available for selection with a different set of services and subscription fees. Which one should I choose and should I change my tariff plan? Read more in the review of conditions below for all the details.

More conversations

Another regional offer from the largest operator in Ukraine, Kyivstar, aimed primarily at those subscribers who make a lot of calls within the network, but also periodically make calls to other networks. This tariff replaced Kyivstar Calls. Region 2” and, it is worth noting, the subscription fee is higher, but the range of services has also improved slightly. Read further in the material for all the details.

Kyivstar Online+

In the material you will find an overview of the next tariff plan from Kyivstar, which includes almost the entire range of services necessary for active communication not only through the conversations themselves, but also on the Internet, social networks, etc. In addition, the proposed tariff allows you to use the Internet for free in a large number of mobile applications that will significantly diversify your life. But all this pleasure costs not so little. But is it profitable to pay that kind of money? Read further in the review of the Kyivstar Online Plus starter package.

Connectivity: Connection possible.

Kyivstar Online

This Kyivstar starter package is intended for connection without concluding a contract. The conditions provide for a subscription fee, for which you will get the opportunity to make free calls within the network, a certain number of minutes for calls to other mobile networks in Ukraine, as well as a limited amount of traffic on the 3G network. But that's not all the benefits. And how can there be no shortcomings? You will learn about everything in detail further in the review of the Kyivstar Online starter package.

Connectivity: Connection possible.

Kyivstar Online Extra

In this article you will find a detailed analysis of one of the most expensive (at the moment) Kyivstar tariff plans, which are provided without concluding a contract. In the review you will find all 3 variations of the offer (2 regional and valid throughout the country). Unlimited within the network, minutes for calls to subscribers of other mobile operators in Ukraine, gigabytes of free Internet at 3G speed, free Internet in many applications, SMS for sending within Ukraine... All this is included in the price of the subscription fee. But is it worth taking this tariff? You will find the answer to this question further in the review of the Kyivstar Online Extra package.

Connectivity: Connection possible.

Either because of paying for a license to use 3g in Ukraine, or because of the crisis, or simply because operators do not have enough money to pay for equipment and salaries for their employees. But at the moment (summer 2015) all operators have smoothly moved from tariff plans, where you had to pay for services upon delivery, to permanent subscription fees. In other words, you pay all the time, but at the same time you talk if you want, or not.


The Kyivstar operator changed its tariff plans and introduced a subscription fee from 15 UAH in cheap areas to 35 UAH in the rest. Moreover, when introducing a subscription fee, the company in many cases did not even bother to notify everyone about the change in tariffs for the use of communications. At the moment, the Kyivstar operator does not have tariff plans without a monthly fee.


MTS has not moved far from Kyivstar and similarly voluntarily and forcibly transferred all its subscribers to tariffs with a subscription fee. The only difference between the MTS company is the payment methods using the service, and even given such a big name, users still have to pay a subscription fee only every year. Although after the end of 2015, this fee is likely to increase. In other words, the MTS company also does not have tariff plans without a monthly fee.


Life among the 3 monopolists looks like a black sheep and its tariff plan called free Life Super, which has undergone a huge number of changes, still remains without a mandatory subscription fee. Although here, too, not everything is so smooth, because with the free Life tariff, in the first second of the first conversation, an amount of 25 kopecks is charged and further calls during the day are not charged. In other words, you pay only when you call, and this tariff can really be called without a monthly fee, only for those who do not use a mobile phone every day.

Bottom line

If you need to call the numbers of one operator every day (all your colleagues and friends use the services of only MTS or Kyivstar or LIFE), then the tariff plan should be chosen based on these considerations. But if you need a phone to call once a week (let’s say it’s a second SIM card in the phone or a second phone), then only the Free Life Super tariff has no monthly fee.

At the beginning of 2016, the operator introduced a new tariff plan Kyivstar calls for its subscribers. The tariff plan has a lower subscription fee compared to other tariffs. It is suitable for those who communicate a lot on the Kyivstar network. It is not suitable for calls to subscribers of other operators, and it is unlikely to be suitable for Internet lovers; for this it is better to choose a different tariff plan. The tariff plan is the current tariff.

How to connect to Kyivstar conversations

Working conditions

It is convenient to charge a service package that occurs every month on the same date as the first time. Accruals occur automatically at 23:59, for which no action is required on the part of the subscriber, just temporarily top up your account with a sufficient amount and in the morning you can check bonuses using the combination *112#

As for megabytes, when checking we will see the number of used ones, and not the balance as of today - which in turn is not always very convenient.

Conversations and SMS

The subscription fee is 35 UAH per month, calls are charged per minute, and calls within the network are free. There is no connection fee. Free calls to other networks are given for only 30 minutes for three months. Further calls will cost 0.6 UAH/min. You can contact landline numbers for 1.5 UAH/min. It is possible to purchase a package of 50 SMS within Ukraine, it will cost 1 UAH/day. All data is shown in the table. There is also a separate tariff for subscribers of the same tariff who have not yet activated their package (have not deposited 50 UAH into their account in one payment).

A very convenient bonus of 30 minutes on other networks in the first three months.

These data are shown in another table. For calls abroad, if rarely, then the service is your favorite countries, if you communicate often and only abroad, then it is better to activate.


Internet traffic on this tariff is purchased separately. It will cost 5 UAH/day for 50 MB (during the day you can get a maximum of 5 such packages - 5 UAH each), but you can use applications (Wikipedia, MyBook, SmartKyivstar) for free. If you need more Internet, you can connect to the Internet package night or day online service.

Type of tariff plan

There are 3 types of tariff. This article discusses only the basic tariff valid throughout Ukraine. There are 2 more regional tariffs that are valid in individual regions.

Overall, it’s a good tariff for communicating within the network with your friends and family, although there are new Veon tariff plans that will be more profitable for some subscribers. For example, Kyivstar Online, . In the operator’s salon, everyone can choose what will be beneficial to them, depending on the required Internet and calls to other networks.

Conditions after the first deposit of 50 hryvnia in one payment

Coverage area

All Ukraine

Subscription fee (per month)
Call tariffing

Per minute

Connection fee


Calls to Kyivstar network numbers

no limits

Minutes for calls to other mobile networks

30 min first 3 months

30 minutes per month

The cost of calls to other mobile networks in Ukraine after the package minutes are exhausted

0.60 UAH/min

Cost of calls to landline numbers

1.50 UAH/min

Internet on mobile

50 MB for 5 UAH/day (if used)

Free Internet traffic

Applications Wikipedia, MyBook, SmartKyivstar

Package of 50 SMS within Ukraine

1 UAH/day (in case of use)

SMS to other countries

2.20 UAH/piece

MMS within Ukraine
MMS to other countries

Conditions before the first replenishment of 50 hryvnia

On-net calls
Calls to other mobile networks
SMS within Ukraine

Connection is not possible.