Which laptop screen is matte or glossy? Which laptop screen is better: matte or glossy?

The question essentially arises, which screen coating is better?

The one that turns almost into a “mirror” when the light falls on the screen, or the one where the colors seem faded?

That's the question, questions... because each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

I think that the time has come to make a decision so that before buying a TV or monitor, this question will disappear on its own and you can pay attention to the purely technical parameters of the TV.

So is it glossy or matte?

Let's immediately determine that both types of screen use the same LCD panels.

However, manufacturers are producing glossy and matte TVs, and buyers are struggling with choice.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each coating.

Glossy displays are more “bright”. They have richer, more intense and contrasting color reproduction and good quality images.

All other things being equal, a TV with a glossy screen provides more saturated colors, high image brightness, deep blacks, and a high level of contrast.

What is especially pleasing is that the picture on the TV visually looks beautiful and natural.

A glossy TV screen offers a wider viewing angle than a matte one.
And this, whatever one may say, is an important parameter that must be taken into account if the whole family gathers around the TV and everyone is located where. That is, not in the center of the TV screen.

However, such screens also have disadvantages.

The main disadvantage of a glossy screen is its high degree of reflection.
In simple terms, the screen, like a mirror, reflects any light sources and more.

If you position the TV poorly, then watching it will be very difficult, and in some cases even impossible.

In bright lighting, apart from the reflection of light and the arrangement of furniture in the apartment, you simply cannot see anything.

But there is, of course, the right solution.

And this is simple... you need to watch TV in a darkened room, and there should be no windows in front of the TV that cannot be covered with curtains.

And Voala!

There will be no more problems with excessive reflection. An important point...a glossy screen is more susceptible to fingerprints and dust.

And this will be visible and very clear to you and your guests when the TV is turned off.

Matte screens...

Matte screens have an anti-reflective coating that “quenches” glare.
Therefore, in rooms with bright artificial or natural lighting, such TVs seem to be preferable.

The disadvantage of matte displays is their fading.

The colors look a little duller on them. A matte screen provides images of comparatively poorer quality.

Colors don't look as vibrant or natural as they would on a glossy TV.

Why is this and what is the reason for the decrease in brightness and picture quality?

The problem is the anti-reflective coating (polarizer), which almost eliminates the reflection of light.

In addition to the reduction in specularity, there is a decrease in the brightness and contrast level of the image.

The light from the LCD screen passes through an additional layer of coating and as a result, the matte TV screen scatters most of the light.

The disadvantages of a matte screen include reduced brightness and naturalness of image colors, as well as, in some cases, grainy images (most often the effect is noticed when viewing text on a light background).

What to choose?

It all depends on your goals y.

If you are going to use the TV in a brightly lit room or opposite a window, then a matte screen will be better for you.

However, often the window can be curtained and excess light can be easily turned off, so many people prefer a glossy screen for an excellent image.

Some users who have used various TVs say that a glossy TV looks beautiful when turned off, and a matte TV looks beautiful when turned on.

I use both cases, but I still chose the glossy version...

But remember, the anti-reflective coating of a matte display will not protect you from glare 100%, but it will be slightly less noticeable than on a glossy screen.

Of course, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for the entire life of the screen.

Today your TV or monitor (together) is far from the window, and tomorrow you will rearrange the furniture and furnishings in general and the TV will end up in a space flooded with sunlight.

Therefore, when choosing a glossy or matte display, you are making a compromise in any case.

If it were possible to make a TV screen where, at the click of a finger, the matte finish would change to glossy (and vice versa), many would be happy.

After all, this would allow you to “tune” the monitor to specific conditions. But this is impossible. Therefore, the opposition “glossy or matte” will probably continue to exist.

After all, how many people there are, so many opinions. In any case, it's up to you to decide.


Details Updated 01/23/2017 13:48 Published 09/05/2013 09:31 Author: nout-911

Which laptop screen is better: matte or glossy?

The matrix is ​​one of the main elements of the laptop; all necessary information is read by the user from the monitor. Poor picture quality may make it impossible to get your work done, even if the laptop's other great performance features are present. A logical conclusion follows from this: saving on the quality of a monitor when buying a laptop is not advisable. The question arises: which laptop screen is better?

In modern realities, manufacturers are striving to create a screen in terms of energy consumption and cost, while maintaining high-quality image transmission, brightness, resolution, high contrast and color rendition. In the process of innovative development, glossy, mirror screens. Today, most laptops are equipped with these screens.

Which laptop matrix is ​​better and why?

Choosing between matte and glossy laptop displays, it is worth considering their disadvantages and advantages. There are a sufficient number of high-quality laptops with both glossy and matte matrices.

It is worth noting that glossy displays have a number of disadvantages compared to matte ones: they get dirty faster, fingerprints are more visible on their surface; Using such a laptop is quite difficult in a brightly lit room and outdoors, since the screen reflects the sun's rays and other bright objects. The glossy finish has a higher quality contrast and brightness of the viewed image, but glare and increased eye strain are their drawbacks. But in the production of the latest generation of glossy screens, an anti-reflective coating is used, so glare appears on the screen only in bright light. You can also use a special protective matte film to eliminate the shortcomings of a glossy screen.

Matte laptop screens are still more popular than glossy ones. This is explained by the above-mentioned disadvantages of a glossy finish.

Basically, a laptop is purchased for a long time, so the buyer should choose high-quality equipment that meets his individual needs in order to avoid unwanted ones.

The confrontation between matte and glossy monitors looks no less epic than the struggle between good and evil, or light against darkness. Which displays are still better? Read the article from m.ua.

Glossy and matte monitors operate on the same matrices: IPS, PLS or TN. The difference between them is the type of coating applied to the surface of the display. Both matte and gloss are popular among users, so there is no reason to assume that one type of monitor will replace the other in the near future.

You can have both matte and glossy displays. On the MagaZilla portal you can compare the prices of online stores and the characteristics of the models you are interested in, which is very convenient. Well, now we will simplify the process of choosing a monitor for you by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of screens with matte and glossy finishes.

Glossy screens: pros and cons

If you have a good IPS or PLS matrix, glossy displays will provide impeccable color reproduction. Deep black color, high brightness, contrast and clarity, large viewing angles are their advantages.

Unfortunately, gloss has a high reflective ability, so in the presence of bright lighting (primarily sunlight), glare forms on the screen, tiring the eyes and impairing the visibility of the picture. In addition, every speck is visible on glossy displays, which interferes with normal operation.

Matte screens: pros and cons

The anti-reflective coating of matte monitors does not glare or reflect well-lit objects. Even if you sit by the window on a sunny day, you will clearly see the image on the display. Matte monitors put less strain on your eyes, so you can work with them longer.

At the same time, displays with a matte finish are inferior to their glossy counterparts in terms of brightness and color reproduction, which is especially noticeable when using a TN matrix. It costs less than an IPS matrix, so it is used in most budget monitors.

Which monitor should you choose?

Before purchasing a monitor, it is important to set your priorities correctly. Determine your priority and less important purposes for using the display. If you are buying a monitor or laptop for gaming, watching movies, working with graphics and other multimedia tasks, we recommend choosing displays with a glossy finish. The picture on them will look bright, rich and rich. You can partially compensate for glare by increasing the brightness of the screen.

Matte displays, in turn, will be the best choice if you use a computer to work with texts and numbers (journalists, programmers, accountants, secretaries, etc.). The image on the screen will not be as colorful, but during work the eyes will be less tired, and there will be no glare that impairs readability even in bright natural light.

Finally, we note that recently the popularity of laptops and monitors with anti-glare coating has been rapidly growing. These are glossy displays, on the surface of which a thin matte layer is applied, eliminating most of the glare.

Many people, when choosing a new monitor or laptop, wonder which screen is better - matte or glossy. I do not claim to be an expert on this issue (and in general I think that I have not seen better pictures than on my old Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930 CRT monitor on any LCD analogue), but I will still tell you about my observations. I would be glad if someone expresses their opinion in the comments.

In most reviews and comments about various types of coating of LCD screens, you can notice a not always clearly stated opinion that a matte display is still better: although the colors are not as vibrant, they are visible in the sun and in the presence of multiple lamps at home or in the office. Personally, glossy displays seem preferable to me, since I don’t experience problems with glare, and colors and contrast are clearly better on glossy ones.

In my apartment I found 4 screens, two of them were glossy and two were matte. Everyone uses the cheap oneTN matrix, that is, it is notAppleCinemaDisplay, notIPS or something similar. The photos below will show just these screens.

What is the difference between a matte and glossy screen?

In fact, when using one matrix to make a screen, the difference lies only in the type of its coating: in one case it is glossy, in the other it is matte.

The same manufacturers have monitors, laptops and all-in-one PCs with both types of screens in their product line: perhaps, when choosing a glossy or matte display for the next product, the likelihood of its use in different conditions is somehow assessed, I don’t know for sure.

It is believed that glossy displays have a more saturated image, higher contrast, and deeper blacks. At the same time, sunlight and bright lighting can cause glare that interferes with normal work on a glossy monitor.

The matte coating of the screen is anti-glare, and therefore working in bright light behind this type of screen should be more comfortable. The downside is duller colors, I would say it's like looking at the monitor through a very thin white sheet.

And which one to choose?

Personally, I prefer glossy screens for image quality, but I don’t sit with my laptop in the sun, I don’t have a window behind me, I turn on the light at my discretion. That is, I don’t have any problems with glare.

On the other hand, if you are buying a laptop for working outside in different weather conditions or a monitor for an office where there are a lot of fluorescent lamps or spotlights, using a glossy display may indeed not be entirely convenient.

In conclusion, I can say that there is little that I can advise here - it all depends on the conditions in which you will use the screen and your own preferences. Ideally, try before buying different variants and see what you like best.

Many people, planning to buy a new netbook, laptop or monitor, are faced with the fact that the type of coating on the screens of these devices is matte or glossy. A number of questions immediately arise about the differences between a glossy screen and a matte one. In this material we will try to help you understand which screen is better suited in your particular case - glossy or matte.

Glossy screens: pros and cons

The question of whether a glossy or matte laptop screen is better will soon disappear by itself. Most manufacturers have been producing gadgets with glossy screens exclusively for several generations. But the opinion of manufacturers is most likely dictated not so much by user convenience as by the presentation of the device on the shelf. First of all, a laptop with a shiny, glossy screen has a better presentation than its counterparts with matte screens. The main advantage of screens of this type is the quality of the picture and color rendition in rooms where direct rays of light do not fall on them. Otherwise, a mirror effect is created, and the user will not be able to see anything other than his own reflection. The advantage of such screens is that the picture on them is much brighter and more contrast, and the black color is much more saturated. In conditions of diffuse lighting in a room, the viewing angle of the image on a glossy laptop screen or monitor will be much greater than on a matte analogue.

Matte screens: pros and cons

If you choose a device with a matte screen, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be inferior in color and brightness to its glossy counterparts. This feature of these devices is caused by applying a special anti-reflective layer to the surface of the screen. The picture will be not so “lively” and a little grainy, but where the monitor is exposed to light or direct sunlight, the image on a matte screen will be clearly visible, unlike a glossy one. You need to be careful with such screens; you should not touch them with greasy hands; if stains appear, it will be quite problematic to erase them.

Before purchasing, be sure to consider the conditions in which you will use the device most often. If there is a window behind your workplace, then it is better to give preference to a matte screen. Well, if you want to use the device in a room illuminated by diffuse light, and you are picky about image quality, then it is better to choose a glossy one.