How to charge your phone from a computer via USB. Is it possible to charge a phone (smartphone) from a computer via a USB port? Is it possible to speed up Android charging?

The battery of mobile devices is a complex technical invention. Fitting 2 - 4 thousand mAh in a thin plate is the result of the work of hundreds of brilliant engineers. But the more complex the device, the easier it breaks and the harder it is to repair. Batteries quickly deteriorate if the device is not charged correctly. And then problems with short battery life and even more dangerous things will begin: the battery may swell and explode in your hands or pocket. Read our article about how to properly operate your mobile device to avoid such problems, as well as the features of charging a new smartphone or tablet.


Antique batteries dating back to 1899. They were not widely used, although they were durable and resistant to low and high temperatures (from -40 to +60 degrees Celsius). Withstood up to 2 thousand charge/discharge cycles.

Of the minuses: cadmium toxicity; high cost; “memory effect”, due to which the battery capacity decreases if you charge a not completely discharged battery.

Nickel metal hydride

A much more popular filling for old, cheap phones. Inexpensive, non-toxic (as it does not contain cadmium), capacious. However, it is quite large and heavy, and has a memory effect, although not so problematic.


Lithium-ion batteries are used in modern devices. They are more expensive than nickel ones, and are more capricious to temperature conditions (it is undesirable to use them at temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius). However, they are compact, capacious, do not require special maintenance, and do not have a pronounced memory effect.

Unlike nickel ones, they deteriorate from prolonged exposure to a discharged state. They also require constant calibration and charge/discharge cycles. And yet they are more convenient than nickel ones, which is why they are used everywhere.

Lithium polymer

Improvement of the above-described lithium-ion. They have all the advantages of ionic electrolytes, but polymer electrolytes make it possible to create plastic batteries of various shapes and sizes. Today they are used in curved smartphones and are being tested for possible use in flexible devices.

How to charge a new smartphone or tablet

The device that you just purchased and turned on was lying in the warehouse for several months before. So the battery, figuratively speaking, has not yet “warmed up”. To “stretch” the battery, you need to do three complete charge/discharge cycles. Drain the battery charge to zero, then charge it to one hundred, then again, and again. This will ensure the battery is properly calibrated.

One more nuance: it is advisable to discharge your phone or tablet on the first day after turning it on, without letting it sit for a week at 50 percent.

  1. So turn on some power-hungry application and leave it to eat up your charge. For everyday use, do not let the device completely discharge. And charge up to one hundred percent too. It is advisable to connect your phone or tablet to power at 20 and charge it up to 80–90.
  2. Constant operation at the limit values ​​(100 and 0) is bad for the battery;
  3. However, once a month it is advisable to perform such a complete discharge/charge cycle. During this cycle, the batteries are calibrated, which is necessary for the battery to function properly.
  4. It is best not to leave the device with the cable connected to the network. Although manufacturers have made sure that no more energy goes into the device than is necessary, this harms the battery. Overheating is very harmful. If your smartphone or tablet heats up too much and often, you need to figure out why this is happening. There is a table that shows how many percent of capacity the battery loses at different degrees of overheating.
  5. At 100% charge and a battery temperature of 60°C, about 40% of the capacity is lost per year.
  6. If you do not use the device for a long time, turn it off. It is better for the battery not to work at all than to work a little. However, turn it on from time to time to drain it and charge it to maximum. Calibration is required even if you are not using the device.

To recharge the system faster, turn it off while charging. Processes will not consume resources, and the device will charge a little faster.

Video: how to properly charge Android devices

What ports can be used to charge devices?

You can charge your smartphone or tablet not only through the power cable from the outlet.

You can also charge the device through the car's cigarette lighter. It is enough to buy an adapter. Some devices even come with such an adapter.

As for non-original chargers: this is quite dangerous. Even if your friend also has Android, and even if your phones are made by the same manufacturer, it is not recommended to use your friend’s charger. It’s at least worth looking at the parameters of your charger from the kit: the voltage and current for which the mobile phone is designed. Don't take risks if the number of volts and amps varies too much.

The same applies to charging your tablet/phone. Of course, the ports are the same and the charging principle for smartphones and tablets is the same, so one charger will do. But make sure the charging socket parameters are the same, and use at your own risk.

Which ports definitely cannot charge the device?

There are myths that you can charge your phone through the headphone jack or HDMI port. All these are stupid inventions of people who do not understand the basics of physics and electrical engineering.

The 3.5 mm Jack (standard headphone port) looks similar to some charging connectors, and perhaps the myth originated from there. However, the port is intended for audio streams and is not connected to the battery in any way, so you won’t be able to charge the phone through the headphones.

The same applies to HDMI. The port is not designed for this. You can charge the device either through a special charging connector or via a USB port.

Is it possible to speed up Android charging?

Fast charging function

Some manufacturers of motherboards for computers and laptops add accelerated charging functionality to their products.

When charging from a computer, only 0.5 A is supplied to the device. The accelerated charging function allows you to send a charge with a higher current of 1–1.2 A.

This technology is available, for example, in Asus motherboards. To enable the function, you need to download and install the proprietary AiCharger application on your computer. In the program you need to check Enable under the inscription 3x Speed. And then click Auto Tuning. To disable the function, just select Disable.

AiCharger increases the current in the USB port from 0.5 A to 1–1.2 A

Many motherboard manufacturers have a similar application; more details need to be clarified for a specific model.

Battery Upgrade

A worn-out battery not only has less capacity, but also takes a little longer to charge. And if you notice that the device is taking longer to charge than expected, you should replace the battery.

Likewise, the charging speed depends on the cable. Frayed wires can interfere with charging, so it’s worth updating not only the battery, but also the power cable. Just be careful: it is recommended to buy only chargers from the device manufacturer that are designed for your specific model. A discrepancy between the calculated current and voltage can lead to disastrous results.

Some charging cable manufacturers offer to buy transformers with a higher current rating so that the device charges faster. This does work, but keep in mind that it is the magnitude of the current (and not the voltage in volts, as is commonly believed) that determines whether a person will survive an electric shock or not. Decide for yourself whether the high charging speed is worth it.

It is important to know and apply the rules for charging mobile devices. Without proper care, smartphones and tablets lose a lot of battery life and charging speed. It is also very important to understand that using a non-original charger for a smartphone (especially one that you bought from an unknown manufacturer) is extremely dangerous. The power plug of smartphones acts as a transformer, through which electric current passes through and reduces the voltage and current. If the transformer is not doing its job, it becomes too risky to use the phone while charging. So it is best to use only chargers from the official manufacturer.

Charging a smartphone or tablet is a common procedure that users do every day without thinking about it. Meanwhile, if you charge the battery incorrectly, it will quickly fail. To extend the life of the battery, you must follow certain rules.

  • nickel metal hydride;
  • nickel-cadmium;
  • lithium polymer;
  • lithium-ion.
  • Nickel-cadmium

    Batteries that were equipped with the first phones back in the nineties. They were highly resistant to temperature changes, withstanding cold down to -40° and heat up to +60°. The number of charging cycles was 2000. The batteries were not widely used due to the toxicity of cadmium and the “memory effect”, which reduced capacity.

    The “memory effect” occurs when the battery is not fully charged/discharged. For example, if the user regularly charges the phone at 30%, the device “remembers” this figure as a zero charge. Accordingly, 30% of the battery capacity is lost.

    Nickel-cadmium batteries are predominantly cylindrical in shape.

    Nickel metal hydride

    High-capacity batteries that do not contain toxic cadmium. They also have a “memory effect” and are large in size. Used in cheap phones of old models.

    Nickel-metal hydride batteries continue to be used in the production of cheap old-model phones


    They replaced nickel-cadmium batteries and are used in modern smartphones and tablets. They are more susceptible to temperature changes - it is not recommended to use lithium-ion batteries at -20° and below. Compact, capacious, plate-shaped or cylindrical. Advantages:

  • high capacity;
  • low level of self-discharge;
  • do not require special maintenance.
  • Lithium-ion batteries are used in most modern smartphones

    Lithium polymer

    Modern polymer-based batteries. They can come in various shapes and sizes. Used in curved and flexible devices. Advantages of such batteries:

  • capacity is greater than that of lithium-ion;
  • minimum thickness - 1 mm;
  • resistance to temperature changes (from -20° to +40°).
  • Disadvantages - danger of battery explosion, increased charging time for devices.

    Flexible lithium polymer battery can take any shape

    How to properly charge a new smartphone/tablet on Android

    Modern smartphones and tablets are most often equipped with lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries.

    Charging your smartphone faster when turned off

    There is a myth that a new phone/tablet needs to be charged overnight (6-8 hours), otherwise the battery life will be reduced. In fact, it is enough to charge the device to 100% for proper battery calibration.

    The second myth is the need to disconnect the battery immediately after the device is fully charged, otherwise overcharging will shorten its service life. In fact, lithium-ion batteries have built-in chips that automatically turn off the charger at 100 percent.

    A new smartphone needs to be charged in a special way only if it has a nickel-metal hydride battery.

    Such a battery should be fully charged and discharged three times to avoid the “memory effect”.

    Video - why a smartphone discharges quickly

    Rules for charging devices that have already been used before

    Users charge Android devices as they run out of power.

    During the cold season, smartphones and tablets discharge more intensely, and in hot weather they can overheat when charging.

  • General rules for charging the battery

    Nickel batteries need to be fully discharged to 0%

  • For charging, use only original devices from manufacturers.
  • Lithium batteries, on the contrary, should be recharged as often as possible without letting the charge level reach zero.
  • Do not leave a charged device plugged in. When the battery is saturated, the charger automatically turns off, but this creates an additional load on the battery, which leads to a decrease in its service life.
  • When the phone is turned off, it does not consume energy, so it charges faster.

    Most modern Android models have micro-USB connectors for charging. Accordingly, a cable from a smartphone will be suitable for a tablet, but the process will be slower due to reduced current conductivity.

    Battery calibration

    It happens that a smartphone or tablet starts to turn off at 20% or even at 50% charge. The reason is a software glitch that can be fixed by calibrating the battery.

    To perform calibration:

  • Charge the device to 100% while it is turned on.
  • Disconnect the charger plug.
  • Turn off your smartphone/tablet.
  • Charge the switched off device to 100%. The indicator light will turn green.
  • Unplug the charger, turn on the smartphone and set the screen so that it does not turn off. Bring the charge level to maximum.
  • Leave the phone with the display on until it is completely discharged.
  • Charge the battery to 100%.
  • Calibrate your battery once a month. For convenience, you can download the calibrator application from the Play Market.

    Calibration can also be used to restore the battery after a deep (heavy) discharge.

    The Battery Doctor app allows you to calibrate your battery

    If you stop using your phone, remember: even when the device is turned off, it eats up battery power, and staying in a discharged state for a long time is harmful to it. Therefore, before turning off the device for a long period of time, charge the battery to approximately 60%, and then remove it and place it separately.

    Video - How to extend battery life using Battery doctor

    Through which connectors can you charge a tablet/phone?

    When a standard charging cable is not at hand, users wonder how else they can charge their smartphone/tablet. Can I use a USB port, headphone jack or HDMI output for this?

    It is not possible to charge an Android device through the headphone jack. This technology is being developed by Apple

    Charging a smartphone using a headphone jack is currently a myth. The only company conducting developments in this direction is Apple.

    Apple plans to use the principle of electromagnetic induction to charge gadgets. To charge your iPhone, you just need to insert the plug from the headphones into the jack and place them on the contact device. An electromagnetic field will be created around, affecting the battery charge level. However, the technology has not yet been tested.

    USB port of a computer or laptop

    The device for charging via USB can be made in the form of a wireless adapter

    Devices can be charged not only from a power outlet, but also from a computer or laptop. Modern devices come with USB cables for connecting to a PC.

    Some laptops (Samsung, Toshiba) have a sleep-and-charge function that allows you to charge devices from USB even when the computer is turned off.

    To charge, just connect one end of the cable to your phone/tablet, and the other to the USB input of your computer.

    HDMI input

    HDMI is an interface that allows you to transmit graphic and audio information in high quality. It is not possible to charge a smartphone or tablet directly through this input. However, there are micro-USB to HDMI adapters that allow you to do this.

    Car cigarette lighter

    If the battery runs out, you can charge it from the car cigarette lighter

    In the car, the smartphone/tablet is charged via the cigarette lighter socket.

    When buying a car charger, pay attention to the plug and wire length. Before charging your phone, clean the cigarette lighter socket from dust using a car vacuum cleaner.

    It is also possible to charge the device from a radio with a USB port. This is done by analogy with connecting to a PC.

    Household appliances with USB port

    You can charge your smartphone from any device with a USB output: TV, DVD player, router, audio system. When leaving the device on charge, remember that the current supplied to USB is several times less than on a computer. This means that the phone/tablet will take longer to charge than usual.

    External batteries

    The external battery must be larger than the battery of your device

    An external battery is a portable power source for a smartphone or tablet that allows you to charge devices in any conditions.

    Models of removable batteries differ in capacity, current strength and number of ports for connection.

    Disposable batteries

    Manufacturers offer devices that allow you to charge a smartphone or tablet using AA batteries. The plug is connected to the device, and the batteries are installed in a special box - charging occurs, after which the batteries are thrown away. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost, so it is suitable only for extreme cases.

    Unusual devices

    Other methods of charging devices are based on receiving energy and transferring it to the USB input:

  • mechanical generators;
  • natural energy converters;
  • fuel generators.
  • Quick Charge technology

    External battery that supports fast charging technology

    Quick Charge technology was developed by Qualcomm. It allows you to charge tablets and smartphones faster by increasing the amount of current received from 5 to 12 V. To enable this feature on Android:

  • Go to your device settings.
  • Select the System tab.
  • Find the "Energy Saving" item.
  • Check the box next to “Fast charging”.
  • Connect the charger. In the status bar you will see a message about the connected “fast charger”.
  • To disable the function, uncheck the box in the device settings.

    How to speed up smartphone charging

    If you need to quickly charge your smartphone or tablet, use the recommendations below:

  • turn off the device to reduce energy consumption;
  • charge from a power outlet;
  • when charging from a laptop, select a USB port with the maximum current (for example, USB3.0 - up to 900 mAh);
  • Share with your friends!

    If you're used to replacing your smartphone every year or even more often, you might not care much about the health of your battery. For about a year he will be able to work satisfactorily one way or another. However, if it is important for you that your smartphone serves you as long as possible and you do not want to go to a service or store to replace the battery, you need to know a few things that our colleagues from AndroidPit.

    Do not charge your smartphone from your computer

    Using your computer's USB port, you can charge your smartphone at work, for example. However, firstly, it will take longer, and secondly, the voltage on the USB ports is constantly changing and they generate a lot of heat. This may shorten the life of your battery. Studies have shown that battery life can be reduced by up to 65% when heated to 40 degrees Celsius. Using the original charger with constant current is the most harmless to your battery.

    Do not completely discharge the battery

    Research from the Battery University has shown that with a constant charge drop to, for example, 2%, the battery life can be about 300-500 cycles. Moreover, if you charge your smartphone at 25-50 percent charge, it may take 1000-2500 cycles before the battery runs out. If you have about 30% charge left, there is nothing wrong with topping up your battery.

    Do not overcharge the battery

    Yes, there is nothing terrible about leaving your phone to charge overnight. This is convenient and quite acceptable if you don't care much about the life of your battery. There is a small problem with recharging. It is associated with the negative consequences of contact of lithium ions with crystals, and the higher the charge of your battery, the more likely these contacts are. Unfortunately, it's not so easy to take your phone off the charger when it's only 80% charged. It's a pain to keep track of, and you can't be sure you'll have enough charge to last the entire day. However, using it this way would allow your battery to last longer.

    Based on materials from AndroidPit

    In the age of universal telephony, people of all ages have cell phones - from schoolchildren to pensioners. It would seem that such a problem as charging a phone cannot arise. However, it does occur, especially if the phones are special. Let's try to figure out how to charge your phone via USB and what you need for this.

    Types of ports

    Let us clarify that there are three types of USB ports:

    • Standard USB 2.0
    • Mini USB
    • Micro USB

    Standard USB 2.0 ports are required on computers. Phones are equipped with mini or micro connectors. Each phone is supplied with a charging cable. If it fails or is lost, such a cable can be purchased at office equipment stores.

    Ways to charge your phone

    • The easiest way is to charge through an electrical outlet. In this case, the cable connector is inserted into the phone's USB port, and the plug into the socket. The indicator on the phone's display begins to blink, indicating that the charging process has begun. When the indicator stops flashing, charging is complete.
    • The next one is the computer charging method. To do this, you need to have a cable with two connectors: with a USB 2.0 standard interface on one side and mini- or micro-USB (this depends on what port your phone is equipped with) on the other. By connecting your phone and computer using a cable, you can charge.
    • There is a third way. Modern car radios are equipped with a USB port for listening to audio recordings from flash media. This USB port can also be used to charge your phone. Charging is also carried out using a USB cable, provided the car radio is turned on.

    Now it’s clear how to charge your phone via USB. Please note that to carry out such charging, you do not need to install any program on your phone. Charging occurs automatically.


    Check if your phone model supports USB charging. To do this, go to the manufacturer’s website and check out the characteristics of your mobile phone. For example, if you have a Samsung phone, go to Most Nokia models do not support this feature, but some models are an exception. List of models that have this feature: 3710 fold, 5630 XpressMusic, 6500 classic, 7900 Crystal Prism, 7900 Prism, 8600 Luna, 8800 Arte, 8800 Carbon Arte, 8800 Gold Arte, 8800 Sapphire Arte, E72, E75, N85, N900 , N97, N97 mini, X3.

    Connect your phone using a cable to the USB port of your laptop. On your phone, select a connection mode, for example, “Media Transfer” or “Storage”. Next on the screen laptop select your phone and open an explorer window. Look at the mobile screen and determine by the state of the charging indicator whether your phone has started charging. Wait until your phone is charging from USB and disconnect the cable.

    Consider using an extra battery for your laptop if you frequently need to charge your phone from laptop, for example, on a train, car. For example, connect APC Universal Notebook Battery to it. This is a universal battery that fits all laptops. It is an alternative option for extending the operating time of equipment by several hours; this device weighs 750 grams.

    Please note when charging your phone from laptop that the USB connector is capable of providing only 500 mA of charging current, while a conventional wall charger supplies the phone with a current of approximately 800 mA. Therefore, it will take longer to charge your phone from a computer than from a wall outlet.


    • how to charge your phone via computer

    Today, information technologies are developing at high speed. As practice shows, charging modern phones They often break down and the question arises about buying a new one. Many people have wondered how to charge a phone via computer? This problem can be solved in simple ways.


    How to charge your phone without charging. A phone charger is a very fragile thing, at least the charger most often falls from high surfaces, gets under the foot of someone walking, flies into the wall when someone carelessly kicks it. If you have an adapter device for a PC, and there is If you have a PC, you can always charge your phone from your computer.

    Helpful advice

    How to charge your phone without charging using a USB computer. Using the example of the Series A figure (Pin1 will be +5 volts) (Pin4 -5 volts). So, usually a mobile phone battery produces 3.6 volts, if you use a 5 volt USB power supply, a potential difference of 1.4 volts will arise between the battery voltage of the USB power source, otherwise through charging current will flow into the battery, this is quite enough to charge the battery. To charge via USB, you need to find a cable with.


    • how to charge your phone through a computer

    The cable connecting the computer's USB port to a cell phone, digital camera, card reader, or other peripheral device may develop a break if handled carelessly. Having several faulty cords, you can independently make one working one from them.


    Cut each cable in half. Strip and tin the ends of the wires.

    Use a metal clip to secure the curtain to the curtain rod. Solder a pin to it.

    Place the pin clamp on one of the multimeter's probes. Switch the device itself to ohmmeter mode with audio continuity.

    Next comes painstaking work. If some of the connectors are miniature, you will have to use a magnifying glass. Determine and sketch the correspondence of the connector pins to the colors of the wires (no standard exists in this regard). The braid, if any, must be connected to the connector body. Order half of the cables that have at least one break or at least one short circuit and do not use it again.

    The work of checking the cable halves can be greatly simplified if there are mating parts for the connectors. For plugs that are designed to connect to a computer, the mating parts can be removed from the faulty motherboard. Mating parts for connectors intended for connection to phones, card readers, cameras, etc. can be purchased at a store that sells radio components, or removed from faulty peripheral devices (not necessarily for the same purpose).

    Find the connector pinouts on the following page:

    Using the pinouts as a guide, indicate in the sketches the correspondence of the line names to the colors of the wires for each of the cable halves.

    Make new cables from the good halves, connecting their wires of the same name. Carefully solder and insulate all connections. Then ring the finished cables to make sure that exactly the same contacts are connected and that there are no breaks or short circuits.

    Video on the topic


    Do not make cables consisting of two type A connectors or two type B connectors. You still won’t be able to connect two computers or two phones in this way, but the likelihood of them failing with such a connection is very high.

    Almost all modern electronics have a built-in USB channel. It transmits the necessary information in digital form. Also, many devices use USB power, which replaces charging with electric current from an outlet or batteries. The connection to the USB port occurs through special wires, so it is important to know how to connect a USB cord.

    You will need

    • USB socket, possibly a USB adapter or USB extension cable.


    First of all, decide on the type of device to which you plan to connect the USB cord. It could be a personal computer, mobile, synthesizer, digital camera or. Other options are possible, such as a recorder, car radio, sound card, portable recording studio, etc. The main thing is that this equipment has a USB port with an external USB socket.

    The USB socket looks like a small rectangular input. In some cases, mainly on compact equipment, the USB connector may have the shape of a small trapezoid. On a plastic or rubber covering of the fork cord and there is a USB icon in the shape of a branched cable - a “trident” or “branch”. A circle is drawn at the base of this tree flowchart. At the end of the central branch of the icon sits a triangle figure. The side branches of the “trident” end differently: one ends in a small circle, and the other ends in a small square. The USB socket is universal; it can simultaneously perform input and output functions. Often the word “USB” is indicated next to the connector itself.

    There are two ways to connect USB cord. The first is to directly plug the USB cable into the USB connector. Just paste cord to USB input. The first connection method will only be relevant if the dimensions of the socket and plug are the same. Second connection method cord but requires the use of an additional adapter, or an extension cord with an existing adapter at the end. The second connection method is used when the dimensions of the USB connector do not match the dimensions of the wire plug. An adapter and extension cord can always be purchased at an electronic goods store. Most often, electronics manufacturers supply their products complete with a ready-made USB cord ohm the right size. Look for it in the product packaging.


    • USB cables

    Typically, USB technology is used to connect various peripheral devices to a personal computer or laptop: keyboard, mouse, scanner, webcam, mobile phone or external hard drive. Each computer has several USB connectors, which can be identified by a special icon shown next to the connectors.


    A USB cable is usually used to connect a device to a USB port. A USB adapter is used to connect mobile phones and music players. Modern removable media usually have a built-in USB connector, with which the device is connected directly to the computer, without using a cable.
    Thus, to connect USB to your computer, simply insert the desired device into the connector and wait until the system detects it. Some devices have USB. Before connecting, make sure that the USB power is turned on, which will be indicated by an indicator on the device itself. If your device has a power cord, then connect the device directly to the power source and turn it on before connecting it to your computer.

    Identify a USB port to connect a removable device to. If the device will be connected and disconnected all the time, use the ports that are located on the front panel of the computer.

    After the device is connected to the computer, make sure that the system was able to find and automatically install the drivers. If this happens, the system will display a message indicating that the device is ready for use. If not, then you will be prompted to insert the driver disc and install them manually. This situation occurs mainly when connecting mobile phones or digital cameras that cannot be detected by a computer without a special driver.

    If the system does not automatically find the driver, and you do not have the required disk, try searching for drivers on the network or the Internet. To get started, go to the official website of the device manufacturer: drivers are often available for download in the customer support section of such sites. There you can also find updates for the driver if it is and the device stops working.

    To disconnect a device, find the USB icon in the panel, and in the list of devices, find the one you want to disconnect. After clicking on it, the system will notify you that the device can be removed from the computer.

    Video on the topic

    Remaking the USB cable yourself at home is carried out solely at the user's own risk, since this is a task for people with certain special knowledge of radio engineering. This is often required to remake cables that are not intended for flashing, for example, Chinese phones.

    You will need

    • - additional USB cable;
    • - tester;
    • - cable on a PL-2303 chip.


    Buy an extra USB cable, which will be involved directly in the process. Buy one more extra cable type Profilic on a PL-2303 chip or similar. Keep in mind that wires without old-style microcircuits will not work.

    Find the cable pinout (its contacts). Usually such information is easy to find on the Internet, in particular on the sites or If you haven’t found the diagram you need, making one yourself will also work.

    Find GND. In the tester, change the mode to determine the resistance (should not exceed 2000 kOhm) on the minus of the battery connector B and move the other end along the contacts of your cable where the device readings will be at 0 - this will be Gnd. It is also easy to find by disassembling the connector on the cable that connects to the mobile device. In this case it will be the black wire.

    On the multimeter tester, set the mode to view voltage measurements (DCV, 20V), this is necessary to find VCC. Hold one end on GND, while simultaneously moving the other end across all other contacts. The area with the highest battery voltage will be VCC.

    Put the multimeter back into voltage measurement mode, set one pin to GND and move the other across all pins, each time touching a new one, press the start button of your phone, but without turning it on, just pressing it once.

    Find those pins where the voltage will be 2.7-2.8 V, these will be RX and TX. After that, solder GND, RX and TX to the board. Your remade cable ready and now it can be used for flashing.


    Be careful if you are not sure you have the required skills. Contact service centers or order a cable online.

    Mobile phones are usually sold complete with DATA cables, which allow you to connect the device to a computer and exchange information. However, they are not suitable for removing firmware to change the software. For this purpose, a firmware is used cord which you can do yourself at home.


    Take any USB or DATA cable that has a box in the middle with a board and a chip. Download the Prolific Technology PL-2302 Driver from the Internet. In order to determine that this cord exactly the one we need, plug the empty cable into the USB connector of the computer. If a window pops up searching for an unknown device, then show it the path to the downloaded driver. If it is accepted by the system, then everything is selected correctly.

    Cut off the plug from the selected cable. You will see four colored wires: black (GND), red (+5V), green and white Rx and Tx. We only need Rx, Tx and GND. Using a tester, check which wire corresponds to +5V and cut it so that it does not interfere. Solder three alligator clips onto the remaining wires. The result will be a universal firmware cord, which can be used for anyone phone.

    Take the original plug of your phone. Solder short wires to all contacts and bring them out in order onto the die. Plug the plug with the die into the phone. Using a tester, determine in the connector socket phone Rx, Tx and GND pins. To do this, check the resistance values ​​with the battery inserted and removed.

    Connect the universal firmware cord to the die with the necessary crocodiles to the necessary contacts. Plug the resulting cable into the USB connector of your personal computer. A characteristic sound will appear indicating that the device is connected. Right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut on your desktop.

    Select "Management". Next, in the directory on the right, launch “Device Manager” and select “Ports”. Click on the appropriate line and enter the port parameters: speed and number. So you will do cord For phone. After this, you can download the program to flash the device.

    Video on the topic