How to start windows 7 workstation service

Systems, the reasons for which can be very different. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to fix error 1068 and why it occurs. Let's figure it out. Go!

"The Application Identity service on Local Computer failed to start. Error 1068: The child service could not be started” - a similar message appears when an unsuccessful attempt to start a system application, which becomes an obstacle when working with the computer. To get rid of this problem, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Open the Start menu, select Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel window, click System and Security.
  3. Go to the Administration section.
  4. In the window that appears, select “Services”.
  5. Going to the list, find the “Task Scheduler” utility. Next, right-click on it and select “Properties”.
  6. On the “General” tab, in the “Startup type:” item, select “Automatic”.
  7. Be sure to click the "Apply" and "Run" buttons.
  8. Find the applications in the list: “Windows Event Log” and “Remote Procedure Call (RPC)”. Repeat the same steps with them as described above.
  9. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

If despite the settings you have made, the error does not disappear, then try the next method.

You can go to the desired list of utilities in the same way as the previous method, or launch the “Task Manager” by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete, then open the “Services” tab. There you will need to find and activate 6 more utilities:

You need to do the same with them as in the first method. If an application cannot be activated, try this:

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. "All programs".
  3. Select the "Accessories" folder and in it "Command Prompt".

You can also use Windows search by typing "cmd". Please note that you must run the command prompt with administrator rights. In the window that appears, enter the command: net start the name of the utility that cannot be enabled. To view the full name, go to the utility properties and copy what is listed in the “Name” section.

“Error 1075: The child service does not exist or has been marked for deletion” appears for users of the Windows 10 operating system after installing the next update for it. The problem is related to a child service and appears when you try to open Security Center, Microsoft Exchange, Print Spooler, Themes, or any other service.

This problem may be caused by installing a certain update that causes drivers to not work correctly or may have removed some system components for an unknown reason.

When a problem such as error 1075 appears, you need to find the system components that have stopped working and fix them. However, it is usually quite difficult to obtain the necessary information about a dependent service, since the Dependencies tab in Services may display only two empty fields that do not provide any information.

Fortunately, there is a fairly simple Windows Registry trick that can help you get rid of the problem like error 1075. Follow the steps below.

Error 1075: solutions

Method No. 1

  • Execute Win+Rregedit→Enter.
  • Walk the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dhcp.
  • If the “Value” column contains anything other than Tcpip, Afd And NetBt, then delete it.
  • Close the Windows Registry and reboot the system.

Method No. 2

  • Execute Win+Rregedit→Enter.
  • Walk the path
  • Then do Win+Rservices.msc→Enter.
  • Find the one in the list of services that is causing error 1075.
  • Double click on this service and go to the “General” tab.
  • Remember or write down the “Service Name”.
  • Now return to the still open Windows Registry. Find in the directory HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services the service you need, right-click on it and select "Export". Save the service backup to a location convenient for you.
  • Using the right pane, find the entry in the service you need named "DependOnService". Right-click on it and select "Delete".
  • Once you complete the removal, close the Windows Registry and restart your computer.

If these Windows Registry modifications did not help you in solving the problem like “Error 1075: The child service does not exist or has been marked for deletion”, then in this case we recommend that you perform a simple System Restore, which will bring your system back to a previous, more stable one. state.

Any program launched in the Windows environment is not completely autonomous; the correctness of its operation and the launch itself largely depends on the operation of the components and services of the operating system. If the required service is disabled or there are problems with its operation, an error occurs when starting the program and the application closes immediately. A typical example of this is error 1068, which appears most often after failures, as well as changes in system settings by the user or third-party software.

Error 1068 usually occurs in the Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 operating systems when launching programs, connecting to the Internet, creating a home group, adjusting audio settings, or even simply when turning on or restarting the computer. In this case, the user receives a message with an error code and an indication of the problematic service. The hidden causes of the problem can be different, including damage to Windows system files, but the specific message “Error 1068: The child service could not be started” in Windows 7/10 most likely indicates that the service involved in starting the program is not responding or is malfunctioning .

The first thing you need to do when the error in question appears is to check that the corresponding services are working correctly. That is, if an error message appears when launching sound settings, you need to check the Windows Audio service, if there are problems with the network connection, you need to check the services responsible for the network, and so on.

Error 1068 when working with sound

Let's look at troubleshooting using the audio service as an example. Run with the command services.msc In the “Run” window of the service management snap-in, find the Windows Audio service in the list and open its properties. Make sure that the startup type is set to “Automatic” and the service itself has the status “Started”.

If you have other parameters set, change them as indicated above. If the service start button is greyed out, don't worry, the option will become available as soon as you change the startup type.

In some cases, the service may not start, then you should determine which services it depends on and check their operation. To do this, in the properties window, switch to the “Dependencies” tab and see if there are any services in the top block. If there are, make sure they work.

It is also recommended that you check the services Power, Media Class Scheduler, Remote Procedure Call RPC, and Windows Audio Endpoint Builder. All of them should work and have the startup type “Automatic”.

Note: For the new settings to take effect, you must restart the computer after starting the services.

Error when working with the Internet and local network

In a similar way, error 1068 is eliminated during any actions with the network, only this time you need to check other services, namely: Windows Connection Manager, WLAN Auto Configuration, Remote Procedure Call RPC, Connected Network Information Service. All of them must be enabled and have an automatic startup type. It is also recommended to look at Plug and Play Services, PNRP, SSTP, Network Member Identity Manager. They must have a launch type of “Manual”.

Alternatively, you can resolve error 1068 when working with network components as follows. Open a command prompt as administrator and stop with the command Net stop p2pimsvc Network Member Identity Manager service.

Then go to the directory in Explorer C:/Windows/serviceProfiles/LocalService/AppData/Roaming/PeerNetworking and delete the file idstore.sst, if there is one there.

Now restart your computer and check if error 1068 still appears.

Enabling services does not guarantee that the problem will be resolved; in fact, the service may not start at all. So, if there are problems with the local network, it often happens that the Workstation service does not start, giving error 1068. The reason may lie either in the incorrect operation of “senior” services (see dependencies), or in damage to system files, viruses, etc. P.

Another difficulty in diagnosing such faults is that not all users are well versed in the purpose of Windows services. What if you don't know which service to enable? Nothing bad will happen if you turn everything on. If this does not give results, try restoring Windows by rolling back to the previous one; perhaps the cause of the error really lies in damaged system files or registry keys.

Hello everyone, and I'm glad to see you again. Today we’ll look at a topic called error 1068, the child service Windows 10 failed to start. We’ve already encountered it briefly in the post Error Error 1920.Service MSMFramework (MSMFramework) failed to start , but I want to expand on it a little more and show you step by step how to fix it error 1068, I’m sure this will be useful for novice system administrators.

And so the situation is, you run some program in Windows, and it happens that when you log in, you see a window with a message error 1068 failed to start child service. It is logical that you are notified that something has not started, and this is not good. Let's figure it out.

Options for error 1068

As a result, the service snap-in will open

In order to change the launch settings of any of the services, right-click on it and select properties.

I chose Windows Audio as an example. On the General tab you can change the Startup Type

  • Automatically
  • Manually
  • Disabled

If the Start option is not available, then you first need to change the startup type to Manual or Automatic, apply the settings and only then start the service (but it may not start even in this case if it is dependent on some services that are currently disabled).

If the problem is not resolved immediately (or services cannot be started), then after changing the startup type of all necessary services and saving the settings, try also restarting the computer. See below for how to view dependent services.

Windows audio error 1068

We look at the dependencies on the Dependencies tab. Let's say Windows Audio doesn't start. We see that it is associated with

  • Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
  • Remote Procedure Call RPC

As soon as you launch them through the snap-in, also by right-clicking, then everything should work for you.

I would like to note that service startup error 1068 can appear due to different child services, and there are a lot of options. You should understand that if the dependency is known, then in most cases you can solve it; in practice, it occurs in the print manager, firewall, or Hamachi. Error 1068 always contains the name of the service.

There is also a small but, for example, there are services such as “Plug and Play” and “Power” and they are most often not indicated in the dependencies, but they are very important for the system, and if suddenly 1068 appears and all dependent services are working, then try turning on or restart "Plug and Play" and "Power". In general, I really don’t like that Microsoft cannot solve this starting with Windows 7, why can’t you check if a dependent service is not working, then you need to restart it, and I’m sure many would not have encountered this problem at all.

Failed to start child service during actions with network connections

The next common option is an error message 1068 when doing anything with the network: sharing a network, setting up a home group, connecting to the Internet.

In this situation, check the operation of the following services:

  • Windows Connection Manager (Automatic)
  • Remote Procedure Call RPC (Automatic)
  • WLAN AutoConfig Service (Automatic)
  • WWAN auto-configuration (Manually, for wireless connections and the Internet via a mobile network).
  • Application Layer Gateway Service (Manual)
  • Connected Network Information Service (Automatic)
  • Remote Access Connection Manager (manual by default)
  • Automatic Remote Access Connection Manager (Manual)
  • SSTP Service (Manual)
  • Routing and remote access (disabled by default, but try running it, it may help fix the error).
  • Network Member Identity Manager (Manual)
  • PNRP Protocol (Manual)
  • Telephony (Manual)
  • Plug and Play (Manual)

As a separate action for problems with network services when connecting to the Internet (error 1068 and error 711 when connecting directly in Windows 7), you can try the following:

Now you can reboot your computer. If these steps to resolve error 1068 did not help you and you are among the 1 percent who are unlucky, then try rolling back to a Windows 10 restore point.

I think you now more deeply understand the relationships between applications in Windows and have become one step forward to the status of a professional in this operating system, as they say, knowledge is power!

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove Error 1068 keys that contain errors is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 1068-related issues. Using a registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries. links to missing files (for example, causing error 1068) and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that eliminating registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before you manually repair the Windows registry, you must create a backup by exporting the portion of the registry associated with Error 1068 (for example, Windows 7):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 1068-related key (for example, Windows 7) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the Windows 7 key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "Windows 7 backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Windows 7-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

We do not accept any responsibility for the results of actions performed according to the instructions below - you perform these tasks at your own risk.

When working with the Windows operating system, users may encounter error 1068. This occurs due to the launch of one of the processes whose parameters do not include autorun, and it does not start during OS boot. Often, when trying to turn on sound, share an Internet connection, or create a user, the user sees the following message on the screen of their device: “Error 1068: or group.” If such a problem arises, do not panic, because there are ways to solve it.

Method One: Start and Restart Necessary Services

First of all, you need to launch the “Services” utility. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select the “Manage” menu item. After that, in the left part of the window, find the “Services and Applications” item and double-click the left mouse button on the “Services” item.

Another way: use the Win+R keyboard shortcut to open the Run utility, type services.msc in the field and press Enter.

On the right side of the Services window is a list of all operating system utility applications, which can be sorted by name. Here you need to find the “Telephony” service, go to properties, where you need to assign it a manual launch in the appropriate section, apply the changes made and launch it. Then perform similar actions on:

- “Support for Plug and Play self-configuring devices.”

- “SSTP Service”.

- "Manager of automatic remote access connections."

After starting, you should make sure that all the services you just started are running. Error 1068 should disappear. If not, then you can use the following methods.

Second method: checking the rights of system folders

To check the access levels to system folders, you need to go to the root of the disk with the installed operating system, find the Windows folder in it and, using the context menu, open its properties. When you open the “Groups and Users” section of the “Security” tab, you should make sure that all three owner groups have full access rights. This can be seen in the lower column with rights by selecting one of the groups above.

If you see that a group does not have full access, you need to grant it to it by checking the appropriate box in the changes section and applying the new settings. In order for the system to accept the changes, you must restart the PC after granting access. If error 1068 (Cannot start child service) is still present, you should try to fix it using the third method.

Third method: checking Logfiles

Sometimes error 1068 can occur due to the Windows Event Collector service. If its operation fails, the collected information is no longer recorded in the Logfiles folder. To check its functionality, you need to start Windows in safe mode. To do this, during the boot process of the system, until its logo appears, you need to press the F8 button on the keyboard and select the appropriate item.

After the OS starts, you need to find the Logfiles folder along the path C:\Windows\System32, rename it or move it to another location, and then reboot the PC into normal operation. Error 1068 (“Cannot start child service”) should no longer appear. However, if this method did not work, then there is another one.

Method Four: System Restore

Although this method does not always help deal with error 1068, you can still try it. You need to run the System Restore utility using the search from the Start menu or by opening it from the system settings, and select a restore point at which the error did not appear. After the system completes the rollback, the computer will restart.

Ultimately, when your computer displays: “Error 1068: The child service or group cannot be started,” you can use Microsoft’s proprietary Fix it utility to fix it, following the instructions it offers. If none of the methods for eliminating the error led to success, a drastic method can help - reinstalling the operating system.

Error “Could not start a child service or group” with code 1068 means that a service needed to perform a certain action is disabled or cannot be started for certain reasons. This problem occurs when starting the OS, starting a program, or performing operations with Windows services.

Ways to fix error 1068

To fix error 1068 when a child service or group failed to start, there are several ways to try.

Method No. 1

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “services.msc”.
  • We find in the list of services the one indicated in the error. For example, the “Server” service.
  • Double click to open the service settings. If the “Run” button is not active, you should select “Manual” or “Disable” in the startup type, and then reactivate the service.
  • After making changes, you should restart your computer.

Method No. 2. If the Windows Audio service is not running

Most Windows operating system services are linked to many other services. This also applies to services such as Windows Audio. If it does not start, it is worth checking the status of the following services:

  • Service "Nutrition" - startup status "Automatic";
  • Media Class Scheduler - startup status "Automatic";
  • Windows Audio Endpoint Builder - startup status is Automatic;

After changing the status of these services, Windows Audio itself should set the startup type to “Automatic” and restart the computer.

Method No. 3. Error 1068 on network connection

If error 1068 occurs when starting services when connecting to the Internet, it is worth checking the operation of the following services:

  • Application level gateway service – startup status “Manual”;
  • PNRP protocol – launch status “Manual”;
  • Network Member Identity Manager – launch status “Manual”;
  • Windows Connection Manager – startup status “Automatic”;
  • Remote procedure call RPC – launch status “Automatic”;
  • SSTP service – startup status “Manual”;
  • WLAN auto-configuration service – startup status “Automatic”;
  • Service for information about connected networks – startup status “Automatic”;
  • WWAN auto-configuration – launch status “Manual”;
  • Remote access connection manager – launch status “Manual”;
  • Automatic remote access connection manager – launch status “Manual”;
  • Routing and remote access;
  • Telephony – launch status “Manual”;
  • Plug and Play – launch status “Manual”.

It is also worth stopping the Network Member Identity Manager service, but not changing the startup type.

It is also worth noting that if this error occurs and the network is not detected, its solution may be as follows:

  • Launch the command line with Administrator rights and enter the command “Net stop p2pimsvc”. Next, put “Y” and press “Enter”.
  • Next, press “Win+R” and paste the address “C:\windows\serviceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\PeerNetworking”.
  • Delete the file “idstore.sst”.

Reboot the PC.

You know, an error informing that the user or system was unable to start a certain service due to the fact that “a child service could not be started” is probably one of the few errors in the Windows operating system that quite reasonably makes it clear what exactly happened wrong. After all, you won’t argue that the name of the error is quite informative? You just need to figure out what kind of child service does not want to start. (Although if the error had indicated which service is a child and which one actually became the problem of the error, it would have been great).

Dealing with the error The child service could not be started

So, let's start with the fact that you most likely encountered this problem in the Services window (services.msc). Perhaps you did this consciously, or perhaps you came to this while solving another, closely related problem. My problem was my haste when I once again decided to clean startup from unnecessary services. The trouble came after a reboot when the Hyper-V virtual machine refused to connect to the Internet. Empirically, it was decided that the problem was not in the guest operating system, but on the host operating system, which had the Internet Connection Sharing service disabled, with the help of which Internet access was shared to the virtual machine. And then, when I went into Services, I came across an error Failed to start child service when trying to enable the above mentioned service.

So. There is a problem - a service that is important to us does not turn on. There is a solution - you need to enable it.

At this stage, it is advisable to see what Startup Type our main service has. If it is Disabled or Manual, then try selecting Automatic in the corresponding menu, and then restart the computer. The chance of winning, of course, is small, but perhaps if you launch it yourself, this service will be able to pull along with it all the other services necessary for its operation.

If everything is fine and with the launch type Automatic our service is “out of network access”, then you need to start the main dances: searching for that same (or those very child) services. Fortunately, the Services equipment will not force us to thoroughly study the last page of the Great Google (or Alphabet?), which in the Dependencies tab for each service indicates the dependent (child) services for our patient. I hope you will independently get to the tab described and pay your attention to the first block, which is entitled “This service depends on the following components,” which in more popular terms sounds like “these are the same child services that prevent our main service from starting.”

Maybe you will be lucky and there will be only one pathetic service on this list, or there may be several of them, each of which in turn has its own child services, which in turn have their own child services, and so on, and so on. Taking this opportunity, I would like to complain about my bitter fate, which had to sort through 4 child services of my service mentioned above, some of which contained child services in the fourth generation (if such an allegory is appropriate).

Well, put the mouse in your hand and let’s go through this list! We find the child service and look at its Startup Type. Particular attention should be given to those services whose startup is disabled. These by default cannot and will not run. Therefore, such services must be transferred, preferably to the Automatic type, without firing a shot into the air.

Next comes the launch type Manual. Ideally, if necessary, these services should be hooked up automatically and our main service should become the hook that will pull them out of their cozy holes. Therefore, I suggest that after searching through all services with Startup Type Disabled, reboot the computer and check its performance in the segment you are interested in. If this fails, then change all child services to Startup Type Automatic. Reboot again, right?