How to start a computer from a boot disk. How to boot from an “installation” DVD or flash drive - BIOS setup in pictures

As you know, there are two ways to start installing an operating system. Start from under the running system (from the desktop) and boot the computer from the installation media. The second method is preferable, as it gives full access to hard drive management (formatting, deleting and creating partitions). Accordingly, the latter will be discussed in this article...

There are different ways to boot your computer from installation media. Let's consider each option in detail.

Selecting a device in the boot menu

When you turn on your computer, a startup window appears with the manufacturer's logo. At this time, you need to press the key, which will open the boot menu. Please note that each motherboard manufacturer sets its own key for this task!

For example, F8(on Asus) F10(on Intel), F11(on MSI, Sony Vaio), F12(on Acer, Dell, Gigabyte, Lenovo). Open the boot menu and select the required device to boot. I think everything is clear here: CD/DVD Device- boot from DVD drive,

If for some reason the first option does not work or is not supported, then we will use the second.

Setting boot priority in BIOS

To open the BIOS, you must press the key when you turn on the computer. Delete, on some laptops F2(depending on the manufacturer). Then, using the arrows, go to the tab Boot.

Find the section “ Boot Device Priority", which you need to enter by pressing the key Enter.

Here you will see the loading order. By default, the hard drive boots first, then the DVD drive and everything else.

We need settings in reverse: first the disk drive, then the hard drive (HDD). Click on the first item and select your DVD drive.

The hard drive will automatically move to the next position. It should be like the image below:

Press the key Esc(Escape). Then, go to the “ Exit"and save the changes made (" Exit & Save Changes«).

Open the section “ Hard Disk Drives«.

Here is a list of connected hard drives and flash drives. Move the installation flash drive to the first position (you need to know its name).

Then, we return to the previous window using the key Esc(Escape) and go to the “ Exit". Save the new settings - “ Exit & Save Changes«.

Later, do not forget to return the default settings to the BIOS!

Booting from disk in BIOS is required for various reasons. Most often this is needed to install Windows. But sometimes you need to boot from disk to restore the operating system. You may have caught a virus. Or the computer stopped turning on. In such cases, you can configure booting from disk and try to restore the PC.

This is not difficult to do. Moreover, it is much simpler than. Indeed, in the latter case, you need to additionally check whether USB devices are turned on.

I would like to note right away that the OS version does not play a role here. You may have Windows 10, 8, 7 or XP - it doesn’t matter. The brand of the laptop doesn't really matter either. Only the BIOS version is important. There are 4 of them: Award, AMI, Phoenix and the new BIOS UEFI. Each version is different in appearance and some items are named differently. Although the procedure is the same everywhere.

To enter the BIOS, you need to click one button when turning on your computer or laptop. Most often this is Delete or F2. Sometimes - F1 or Esc.

Let's start with desktop PCs. Older computers most often have Award BIOS installed. It looks like this:

To enable boot from disk in BIOS, do the following:

By the way, if you accidentally changed unfamiliar settings, then when exiting the BIOS, when you are asked whether to save the changes, write N (i.e. No - “No”). Then you can enter it again.

If you did everything correctly, the computer will boot from the disk. As a result, you will see a black screen with one single line.

Press any button and Windows will start loading from the disk (if you recorded the OS). We've sorted out the Award - let's move on.

The AMI BIOS version is usually found on laptops

The AMI BIOS version is usually found on laptops. She looks like this:

The laptop will reboot and you will see the same black screen with one line. To start booting the laptop from the disk, press any button.

These instructions are suitable for laptops of any brand - Lenovo, Asus, Acer, HP Pavilion, MSI, Samsung, etc. If you have a different BIOS version, then 2 more options are discussed below. Perhaps one of them is your case.

How to set boot from disk?

The third BIOS version is Phoenix. It is less common compared to other options (mostly on old laptops). Looks like that:

How to set boot from disk in this case? To do this, do the following:

The laptop or computer will automatically reboot. To start loading the installation disc (or recovery disc), click any button.

And the latest version is the new BIOS UEFI

And the latest version is the new UEFI BIOS. It looks different depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard installed on the PC or the brand of the laptop.

It has a stylish graphical interface, so it is not difficult to identify.

How to enable boot from disk in UEFI? This is even easier to do than in the previous 3 options. True, setting up booting from disk can be done a little differently - depending on the specific brand of laptop or PC.

For example, ASUS has the Boot Priority section at the bottom. And here all connected devices are displayed - hard drive, CR-ROM, flash drive. You just need to drag the drive icon to the first position with the mouse, as shown in the screenshot.

Then click "Exit" (top right corner) and save your settings.

The PC or laptop will reboot automatically and you will see a black screen. To start loading the operating system from the disk, click any button.

When you do what you wanted (install Windows or restore your PC), do not forget to switch the device boot back. That is, change the settings in the BIOS: put the hard drive first and the disk drive second. Otherwise, when you turn on the PC, the system will always boot from the DVD first, and if there is none, then from the hard drive. This applies not only to BIOS UEFI, but also to other versions.

How to install disk boot in UEFI from other manufacturers - MSI or Gigabyte? All you need is to find the “Boot Priority” item and change the priority of turning on devices. Gigabyte has it in the “BIOS Features” section.

And for MSI - in the settings (“Settings”).

There are times when, after turning on the computer, the operating system does not load normally. For example, if there is a disk in an optical drive, it begins to spin up, which significantly slows down the startup of the OS. Or at some point the system simply freezes. The reason for this may be an incorrect setting in the BIOS menu. In this situation, you can try to start the operating system through the BIOS.

You will need

  • - a computer with Windows OS.


  • First you need to get into the BIOS menu. To do this, you need to press the Del key immediately after turning on the computer, when the initial information about your system appears. Sometimes, instead of the Del key, another one can be used, for example, one of the F keys. On many models of modern motherboards, the initial screen displays a list of keys for entering different settings modes. In this list you can see which key is used to enter the BIOS. You can also find out about this from the instructions for the motherboard.
  • Next, in the BIOS, select the BOOT partition. In this section you can set the boot order of computer devices. Select the 1-st Boot Devise item in it, then press Enter.
  • A list of devices will appear that you can set to boot first. Among them, you should select the hard drive (HDD, Hard Drive), then press Enter. Exit the BIOS after saving the settings. After this, the computer will restart. Now, after turning on the PC, your operating system will load first.
  • If this does not help and your operating system does not boot, then in the BIOS menu you can configure the system to boot from disk and, if necessary, reinstall the OS or restore its functionality. To do this, install your optical drive in step 1-st Boot Devise.
  • Now you just need to insert the boot disk into the optical drive and then restart the computer. The system will start from the boot disk. You will have the opportunity to either reinstall the operating system or use the recovery console to return it to functionality.
  • After you reinstall the operating system or restore it, do not forget to install your hard drive again in step 1-st Boot Devise.
  • Perhaps many inexperienced users have difficulty booting a computer from a disk.

    This need appears for various reasons, but most often when you need to restore or reinstall the system, run a special utility that does not work from Windows graphical mode, unlock your computer from a banner, etc.

    If an inexperienced user hears that he still needs to go into some kind of BIOS and configure boot priorities from devices, then he will most likely change his mind about doing anything himself. He will call a friend “in the know” or contact a computer service. Although the task is trivial!

    A little theory - just about the complex

    So, a few words to understand the essence of the issue. During boot, the computer checks the directive to see which device it is told to boot from. Most often, the order is as follows:

    • floppy disk drive (FDD, drive A:/, magnetic disk drive)
    • hard drive (HDD)
    • CD/DVD-ROM (disk drive)

    With this order, if there is no floppy disk in the floppy drive, or it is not bootable, the computer will turn to the hard drive. If an operating system is installed on the hard drive, then it must have a boot partition, after reading the information from which the computer starts booting from the hard drive.

    Thus, it does not come to CD-ROM. And if you need to boot your computer from a disk, you need to make it understand that first of all you need to access the disk drive.

    This is what a separate BIOS settings section is for.

    How to enter BIOS

    The biggest problem for novice users is that the BIOS interface on different motherboards may vary. But the main thing is to understand the principle.

    How to fix errors? It should be remembered that if you accidentally do something wrong, it is almost always possible to return the settings to default by pressing F10 and confirming.

    So, when you boot your computer, in the first seconds you will see something like this:

    The screen contains instructions on how to enter the BIOS - Press DEL to run Setup, i.e. we need to press a key Delete to start BIOS setup.

    The inscription can also be located at the bottom of the screen:

    It often happens that a different key is used to launch the BIOS setup. Most often used Delete And F2. It could also be:

    Those. If you don't succeed with standard keys, try these.

    How to enter the BIOS is described in more detail.

    How to boot a computer from a disk?

    So, now the actual instructions. It's better to watch in video format, so I found a great video for you:

    Selecting a boot source without BIOS setup

    Many chips also support manual boot device selection. To do this, starting from the first seconds of turning on the computer, you need to constantly press one of the keys at intervals of a second (for different BIOS chips, they, as you already understood, may differ):

    If your motherboard supports this feature, you will see something like this:

    In our case, we need to select the item CD/DVD, as shown in the screenshot. We navigate through the menu using the arrow keys, select the desired one with the key Enter.

    That's all, actually. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will answer all of them.


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    • how to start bios

    Often, for example, to install an operating system or revive a computer, the user needs to boot not from a hard drive, but from an optical or removable drive. The selection of boot sources is carried out through the BIOS of the computer motherboard.


    Enter your motherboard's BIOS menu. To do this, after (before loading) press the DELETE button (in most cases). Some motherboards require pressing another (for example, F1) or a combination of them. In any case, at the first boot lines there is always a message about which keys can be used to get to the BIOS menu.

    If you have a motherboard with AWARD BIOS (the most common), look for the Advanced BIOS Features section. In it you will see the items First boot device, second boot device and third boot device, corresponding to the first, second and third boot source.

    In AMI BIOS (used in ASUS boards), go to the BOOT section, where you will see the Boot Device Priority item, in which you can set the order of boot sources.


    Be careful when working with the BIOS, some settings affect the performance of the computer.


    • how to start a disk in bios

    Insufficient computer performance may result in the need to change the installed BIOS version. The more common name for this operation is flashing the BIOS. This operation will also allow you to install new components on motherboards.

    You will need

    • Uninterruptible power supply, new version of BIOS firmware from the manufacturer's official website.


    Open the case and examine the motherboard. You need to find the BIOS chip on it. Often it is covered with a sticker label by sellers. If the warranty period has long expired, remove the label and inspect the markings of the microcircuit.

    Boot and run the utility from DOS, selecting “Without multitasking support” in the settings. Run the distribution installation file. Specify the path to the new firmware version. To the question: “Save the old one?” answer - YES. After a few minutes, the program will inform you that the BIOS replacement is complete. Restart your computer.

    Video on the topic


    It is necessary to protect against possible voltage surges. Flashing is very sensitive to this - errors can lead to damage to the board. For such work, it is necessary to connect the computer to the electrical network via UPS.

    Helpful advice

    On older versions of motherboards, the chips have a characteristic window by which it can be easily identified. Unfortunately, such microcircuits are not built on flash BIOS; therefore, they cannot be flashed. If there is no window, and the markings on the chip begin with the number 28 or 29, then this means you have a flash BIOS.

    Installing the operating system through BIOS is the most correct way. Even if you do not understand anything in this menu, you can easily install the system on your computer. Everything is done by pressing a couple of keys.

    You will need

    • Computer, disk with Windows OS.


    First of all, you need to make sure that the system disk is multiboot. To check this, insert the system disc into the drive. If a window opens on the desktop with the option to install the system, the disk is multiboot. If a window appears displaying folders, the disk is not a folder. Once you are sure that the Windows disk supports multiboot, restart your computer after copying the necessary files to a separate media.

    During reboot you should regularly press "F9". This provokes a forced start of the system from the disk. After some time, you will need to confirm launching from disk by pressing ENTER. After clicking it, a window will be displayed allowing the user to select installation parameters. Select "Automatic from disk". The system will restart again - this time there is no need to press F9.

    In the next stage of installation, you need to remove all partitions. For the correct actions, pay attention to the tips that will be located at the bottom of the screen. Once you delete all the sectors, the disk partition will appear showing the volume. Divide this partition into the required number of disks (leave 30-40 GB for the system partition).

    As soon as the partition for the system is created, install Windows into it, first selecting the “ Normal” option. The installation of the operating system will begin automatically, you will only occasionally have to make adjustments, for example, username, time zone, etc. Once the OS installation is complete, install the necessary codecs and drivers on your computer.


    • installing windows via bios

    Provided the personal computer is operating normally, the Windows operating system starts automatically after it is turned on. However, in some cases this does not happen, for example, when Windows, for one reason or another, stops functioning normally or the BIOS settings are incorrect. In such cases, you need to enter the BIOS to start Windows.


    BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) is a small intermediary program between the components (physical parts) of a personal computer and the operating system. The BIOS is built into the computer's motherboard.
    The user has the main opportunity to enter the BIOS, as a rule, only in one short moment - within a few seconds after turning on the computer, when the computer. At this moment the following message appears on the monitor screen (usually at the bottom): “: BIOS Setup”, “Press DEL to enter setup” or similar.

    To enter the BIOS, in most cases you need to press the Delete (Del) button on the keyboard at the specified moment. In some cases, instead of the Delete key, at this moment you need to press the Esc, Ins or F2 key, less often - F1 or F10. There are also BIOS versions that require you to press two or three different keys simultaneously to enter. Usually, on the monitor screen at the above-described moment of booting the computer, it is indicated which keys must be pressed to enter the BIOS.

    After entering the BIOS, use the arrow buttons located on the keyboard to select the “Boot” section and press the Enter key. Then you need, in the same way, to select the subsection “Advanced BIOS Features” and then – “Boot Sequence” (“Boot device Priority”, “Boot device Select”, “Boot Sequence” or a similar name).

    Further user actions depend on which Windows:
    If the reason is that the computer is trying to boot Windows from a location other than the hard drive where it is installed, then in the “First Boot Device” item you must specify “Hard Disk” (“HDD”, “IDE”, “ Hard Drive").
    If the reason is that the operating system or, then you need to insert the Windows installation disk into the computer’s drive and in the “First boot device” item specify “CD/DVD-ROM”.
    After this, you must select the action “Save and Exit Setup”, or first press the Esc button on the keyboard, then select the “Exit” menu and then “Save settings and exit”.
    In the first case, the next time you turn on the computer, the operating system will boot. In the second case, when you turn on the computer, the Windows installation disk will launch, and to find and correct errors in the operating system you will need to follow the instructions that will appear on the monitor screen.

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    • how to start bios

    The motherboard BIOS stores all the necessary settings regarding connected components, and also contains some diagnostic methods and processor power settings. The BIOS memory can be changed by writing new firmware to it.


    Find the exact model of your motherboard. This can be viewed on the board itself, or in the dxdiag diagnostic utility, or in special programs like Everest. Without knowing the exact model, you will not be able to find your exact BIOS version. You can find and download similar software on the website

    Go to your motherboard manufacturer's website and find the model information page. Go to the downloads section and download the latest stable version of BIOS firmware to your computer. Also download the flashing software. As a rule, it can be found on the same manufacturer’s website, or through Internet search engines.

    Copy the firmware program and the file with the new BIOS version to the floppy disk. Boot your computer into DOS mode - a startup floppy disk or any LiveCD containing the DOS operating system will do for this. At this point in time, almost all operating system distributions on disk contain LiveCD. If you do not have such a disk, purchase it at the store.

    Go to the floppy disk partition and run the flashing program. Specify the location of the new BIOS version and wait until the firmware process goes through all stages. Do not turn off the computer's power, as this may cause serious problems with the entire computer system. After restarting the computer, go to the BIOS and set new settings for all components.

    It is recommended to connect the computer through an uninterruptible power supply while flashing the BIOS, since suddenly turning off the computer during the flashing process will lead to irreversible damage to the motherboard. If you do not know the BIOS on your computer, contact a specialized computer technology center.

    Video on the topic

    The program that controls the computer, allows you to run applications, ensures the security of working with data, and performs many other functions is called the operating system. Installing the Windows operating system is for the most part an automatic process, however, there are a number of steps that the user must perform.

    You will need

    • -Windows installation disk:
    • -device for reading CD/DVD discs.


    Insert the Windows installation disc into your CD/DVD drive and restart your computer. When the message “Press any key to boot from CD” appears, press a key on your keyboard. Alternatively, the F8 key can be used.

    When available tasks appear, use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate, select Install Windows from the list, and press Enter.

    Read and accept the license agreement. Select the drive on which the operating system will be installed, confirm your selection by pressing the Enter key. Next, select a method for formatting the disk of your choice, press the Enter key and wait until the formatting process completes and the installation data is copied.

    The computer will restart. After the reboot, set all the necessary parameters that the computer asks for: “Regional and Language Options”, “Setting program ownership” and so on. When prompted, enter the product key found on the Windows installation disc or in the included insert.

    Also, when prompted, enter data in the fields “Computer name and administrator password,” “Network settings,” “Workgroup,” and so on. After this, the files necessary for the correct operation of the operating system will be copied to your computer. In the left corner of the window you can track what stage the installation process is at. In the central part of the screen you can find information about new features in Windows.

    After copying all the necessary data, the computer will restart again. Don't press any keys, the program will do everything on its own. Wait until the operating system detects all devices connected to the computer, and then remove the installation disc from the CD drive.

    Customize the appearance of the “Desktop”, screen elements, fonts and the display of other system components to your liking using the “Control Panel” or by calling the properties window of the desired device or folder.

    Video on the topic

    There are times when, after turning on the computer, the operating system does not load normally. For example, if there is a disk in an optical drive, it begins to spin up, which significantly slows down the startup of the OS. Or at some point the system simply freezes. The reason for this may be an incorrect setting in the BIOS menu. In this situation, you can try to start the operating system through the BIOS.

    You will need

    • - a computer with Windows OS.


    First you need to get into the BIOS menu. To do this, you need to press the Del key immediately after turning on the computer, when the initial information about your system appears. Sometimes, instead of the Del key, another one can be used, for example, one of the F keys. On many models of modern motherboards, the initial screen displays a list of keys for entering different settings modes. In this list you can see which key is used to enter the BIOS. You can also find out about this from the instructions for the motherboard.

    A list of devices will appear that you can set to boot first. Among them, you should select the hard drive (HDD, Hard Drive), then press Enter. Exit the BIOS after saving the settings. After this, the computer will restart. Now, after turning on the PC, your operating system will load first.