How to take a trust payment from MTS. "Trust payment" on MTS: how to disable and activate the service

As a rule, the money on your phone runs out at the most inopportune moment. But it is not always possible to immediately top up your balance. That’s when the “Promised Payment” service from MTS comes to the rescue. With its help, you can top up your phone balance in a matter of seconds with an amount from 50 to 800 rubles and continue to use all communication services - make calls, send SMS and surf the Internet.

The MTS “Promised Payment” service is available to all subscribers of the prepaid (advance) payment system. And you can connect it even if you have a negative balance. Of course, there are some limitations, but they will be discussed.

How to receive the promised payment on MTS?

  • The easiest way is to activate the “Promised Payment” service using a special key combination. You need to dial the USSD command ✶ class="num">111 ✶ 123 # on your phone, and within a couple of seconds you will receive an SMS notification about the connection of the promised payment indicating the amount credited to your account.
  • you can by calling the toll-free service number 1113. After connecting, you need to leave a request to connect to the “Promised Payment” service by pressing the corresponding button on the phone keyboard. The auto-informer will report the success of the operation and announce the amount of the credited payment.
  • You can also take a trust payment to MTS through your “Personal Account”. To do this you need to log in at and go to the section "Payment""Promised payment".

    An analogue of the “Personal Account” is the “My MTS” mobile application for smartphones based on iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Through this application, you can activate the “Promised Payment” service or immediately top up your phone balance from your bank card.

If the balance is positive, the maximum available amount of the promised payment is 50 rubles.

“Promised payment” on MTS can be activated even if the phone balance is negative. But it is important that the debt does not exceed minus 30 rubles, otherwise you will not be able to use the service.

The subscriber has the right to decide for himself what amount to borrow - 50, 100 or 500 rubles. But the maximum amount of the trust payment is calculated by the operator and depends on your monthly communication costs. That is, the more actively you use mobile communication services, and, accordingly, the more you spend, the greater the amount you can borrow:

  • If your monthly expenses do not exceed 300 rubles per month, then the amount of the promised payment will be 200 rubles.
  • If you spend from 301 to 500 rubles per month, then you have access to a trust payment in the amount of 400 rubles.
  • If you spend more than 501 rubles per month, you can borrow from the operator 800 rubles.

The term for activation of the “Promised payment” service is 3 days. After this period, it is necessary to replenish the balance with an amount sufficient to repay the promised payment and the existing debt. Otherwise, the operator will block the number.

Cost of the “Promised payment” service of MTS

The “Promised Payment” service is provided free of charge only if the amount you borrow does not exceed 30 rubles.

In all other cases, the operator charges a fee for using the service, which is proportional to the amount of the credited payment:

  • When credited to an account from 31 to 99 rubles, the service fee will be 7 rubles.
  • If the amount of the trust payment is from 100 to 199 rubles, the service fee will be 10 rubles.
  • You will have to pay for the promised payment in the amount of 200 to 499 rubles 25 rubles.
  • Having borrowed an amount over 500 rubles, the operator will write off a fee in the amount 50 rubles.

The fee for using the service is deducted from the amount of the trust payment provided by the operator. For example, if you decide to activate the MTS “Promised Payment” in the amount of 100 rubles, then 90 rubles will be credited to your account.

Who can take the promised payment on MTS?

You can use the “Promised Payment” on any tariff plan of the advance payment system, except for the “Guest”, “Your Country”, “MTS iPad” and “Basic” tariffs.

You cannot take the promised payment if:

  • You have been served by MTS for less than 2 months.
  • You have debts on other personal accounts in MTS. For example, you have a mobile phone and an MTS modem. You will not be able to receive the promised payment on your phone if your modem has a negative balance.
  • The amount of debt on your personal account is more than 30 rubles;.
  • You already have a valid promised payment. An additional trust payment is available only to those subscribers who spend more than 500 rubles per month on communication services.
  • You have activated the “On Full Trust” or “Credit” services;
  • You are a subscriber to the credit payment system.

Now you know everything about the MTS “Promised Payment” service. As you can see, taking the promised payment and borrowing a small amount for 3 days is not a problem. If you still have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments.

The Trust Payment service is provided by almost every mobile operator. The need for it regularly arises for many people, since it costs nothing to forget to deposit into the account the amount necessary to pay off the subscription fee. As a result, many are trying to find out how to take a trust payment on MTS.

This is especially true for those who use a tariff plan aimed at the Internet. For good speed and a large amount of available traffic, you have to pay a certain amount every month. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to forget to make a payment on a strictly defined day, and as a result, you can suddenly be left without access to the network.

Fortunately, this problem is easily solved with the help of a Trust Payment from MTS. Using several special methods, it will be possible to obtain a certain amount of money for temporary use, which is just enough to pay the subscription fee.

What is a trust payment?

This service allows you to almost instantly receive a certain amount of money into your account, which depends on a number of factors. More details about them will be indicated below. Unlike the requirements of most mobile operators, those whose balance has gone into the red will also be able to use a trust payment from MTS.

Of course, you can't let your score drop too far below zero. The minimum threshold for approval of a trust payment is -30 rubles. Exactly how much a person can receive depends on his average monthly spending.

  • At any time, owners of SIM cards from MTS have the right to receive 30-50 rubles into their account. For this payment, monthly expenses are not taken into account.
  • A subscriber who spends less than 300 rubles a month can usually receive approximately 150-200 rubles.
  • If about five hundred rubles are spent over such a period, then 400 rubles will be issued as a trust payment.
  • If a person spends even more money per month, then the maximum payment is available to him, which is equal to 800 rubles.

Of course, money is given to the subscriber for a reason. In fact, he borrows from the operator, and therefore is obliged to return this amount within three days. If the condition is not met, the number will be temporarily blocked. Moreover, Trust payment is not a free service. Along with the debt, the following will be written off from the subscriber’s account:

  • Seven rubles if he plans to receive 30-99 rubles.
  • If an amount of 100-200 rubles is available, then you will have to pay another ten for it.
  • To receive a payment of 200-500 rubles, another 25 rubles are debited.

Finally, if the subscriber used the maximum available amount, that is, 800 rubles, then another fifty rubles will be taken from his account. The only situation where you won’t have to pay extra is if you order 1-29 rubles.

How to take a Trust payment on MTS?

You can get additional money on your phone using different methods. For example, sometimes it is not at all necessary to have a mobile phone in your hands. However, the easiest way to resolve the situation is with his help.

How to take a Trust payment on MTS on your phone:

  • Take advantageUSSD command. Just dial *111*123# on your mobile phone and then press call. Very soon you will receive SMS messages on your phone with further instructions.
  • You can immediately indicate the amount that a person wants to receive. To do this, she fits in at the end of the command. For example, a person has the right to order 50 rubles using the combination *111*123#30, or 400 by dialing 111*123#400.
  • Access to MTS Service. You can shorten the command and dial only *111#. As a result, the subscriber will be taken to the so-called “MTS Service”, which allows you to solve a number of different problems.

With its help, you will not only be able to activate the service, but also find out about the status of your balance, as well as clarify the features of the current tariff and even change it.

Other methods of connecting to the service

In order to receive money into your account this way, you must have a mobile phone in your hands. If he is not nearby, you can use another method. For example, get into your personal account.

Today, every mobile operator provides its subscribers with the opportunity to have a Personal Account on the official website. It is best to register and log in as soon as possible, since this will most likely require a mobile phone.

Once in your Personal Account, you will need to find the registration section in it. To authorize on the site, you will need to enter your number and request a special password, which will come in an SMS message. Then all that remains is to enter it and thus gain access to your Personal Account.

In it you can easily find the section with the Trust Payment, as well as a huge amount of other useful information. If neither the site nor any other method could solve the problem, then all that remains is to use the third method - call the MTS operator at 1113. He will be able to give detailed advice on this issue and connect the selected service to your phone.

Features of use

Each subscriber can use a trust payment, for example, to receive a minimum amount. However, there are situations when this becomes impossible. The most common case is blocking a number. This can happen for various reasons. For example, if a person has not deposited the amount he received under the previous trust payment within three days, his phone will be blocked.

In addition, there are a number of tariff plans that do not allow you to activate this service. These include:

  • MTS iPad,
  • Guest,
  • Basic 092013,
  • Super Online.

Also, a trust payment will not work if other similar options conflict with it. For example, the connection of “Credit”, as well as “In full confidence” will interfere with the matter. The latter, by the way, is an analogue of the Trust Payment, which can be used with a balance below -31.

Of course, it is best to monitor the status of your account and deposit the required amount of funds on time. However, no one is immune from difficult situations, and in such moments the Trust Payment from MTS will come to the rescue.

Video instruction

MTS is a Russian telecommunications company that offers many cellular services.
“MTS promised payment” is considered a service built on trust, they transfer money to you, take a commission, and you then repay this debt, the term of this service is seven days. This option is available throughout Russia, but the connection and some additional features depend on the region.

Amount of promised payment

The size of the promised payment depends on how much money you deposit into the account and how much you spend; the commission will depend on the increase in the amount, ranging from 7 rubles to 50 rubles. If you spend 300, then the payment will be 200, 300-500 then 400, more than 500 then it will be 800 rubles. What should those who spend a minimum of money on cellular communications do?

Initially, you can use this service, but the promised payment will be only 50 rubles. It turns out that the size depends on your monthly expenses.

"Promised payment due date"

Most often, the period ends in three days, but the maximum is a week. If you close the promised payment debt by at least half, you can use the “Promised Payment” service again.

Pros and cons of this service

Everything can be learned by comparison; let’s go through the pros and cons of this service. An undoubted advantage is that you can receive money into your account anywhere and at any time if you have 0 rubles on your balance. When something happens and you urgently need to call, but there is no money or ATM nearby, this simply saves the situation.
I’m also very pleased with the small commission and ease of connecting to the service. Let's move on to the disadvantages, the most important disadvantage is that if you do not pay on time, they will start sending you eternal notifications about debt repayment, and then they may block your SIM card altogether.

The second and final minus is the amount of the promised payment and the deadline for receiving it. This service can be activated only after a certain time, after purchasing a SIM card, and it is very inconvenient that you cannot choose the amount of the promised payment yourself until you start spending a certain amount of money.

Features of “Promised Payment”

  1. Allows you to top up your account for a week in the amount of 800 rubles.
  2. The service can be activated, even if there is a minus on the account, up to 30 rubles.
  3. Users who received a loan of up to 29 rubles do not pay the cost of the service.
  4. The subscriber can choose the amount he wants to receive from the list of proposed and available amounts.
  5. If you connect it to a 3G modem, you can get access to an additional service, for example “MTS - antivirus”

What gadgets can you use:

  • Phones, smartphones, etc.
  • You can connect to a 3G modem using an MTS SIM card.
  • Tablets.

How to activate the "Promised payment" service

You can activate the service in different ways.

Dial the combination *111*123# on your phone or tablet and then press call, first the text “request is being processed” will appear on the screen and after a couple of seconds you will receive a message about connecting the service, etc.

You can call 1113 and the answering machine will answer your request. The next method is to connect through your personal account, section “Payment” subsection “Promised payment”. The last way is to come to the MTS salon and ask to connect the service you need.

There is no way to activate the service

  1. When you are a subscriber to the “Your Country”, “Guest”, etc. series tariffs.
  2. If you have connected other services or options related to money, for example “On full trust” or “Credit”.
  3. You pay for the service using the deferred payment method or try to take it over and over again without paying off the debt.
  4. If you do not use a SIM card for more than 60 days.
  5. If your SIM card is blocked.
  6. The request specifies an amount that exceeds what is possible in the “Promised Payment”.

How to disable “Promised payment”

  • Call 0890 and follow the instructions.
  • Contact the service center operator.
  • Contact MTS mobile phone stores.
  • Through your personal account on the MTS website.

How to pay off a debt for the promised payment

  1. Using an ATM or bank, transfer money to the account in the amount of the promised payment, taking into account the commission.
  2. Via the Internet using a bank card or Yandex money, etc. In any case, it is worth paying off the debt in advance, because the money will be written off sooner or later, no matter what.

What to do if you took out much more than you wanted?

Don't worry, just don't spend this money and it will gradually be debited from your account along with the commission.
Even if your personal account is hacked and they take a huge promised payment, nothing will happen, the main thing is not to spend it and in any case you can always contact the operator.

What to do if you can’t take the “Promised payment”

  1. Call the operator and ask the reasons for the payment refusal.
  2. Go to the MTS cellular communication salon, approach the manager and ask for advice.
  3. Go to your personal account on the official MTS website and see the necessary information there.

Alternatives to "Promised Payment"

The “Autopayment” service, as soon as the money on the phone account starts to run out, the balance is automatically replenished from the client’s card. You can activate the service using an MTS salon or bank, or you can also use your personal account on the official MTS website.

With the “In Full Trust” service, you will be able to use all cellular services until you have (-300) rubles in your account. You can connect using the command *111*32# and press call. Another option is through your MTS personal account or in the “My MTS” application.

The last option is to connect to the service, unlimited internet + cheap price for calls. And don’t worry about the money in your account.

In fact, “Promised Payment” exists with most mobile operators, but MTS’s offer is much more profitable. There are many more pros than cons here. It is up to you to decide whether to connect this service or not, but one thing is for sure! “Promised payment” will be useful to absolutely everyone!

Let us examine in detail the question of how to receive a trust payment on MTS. This service is implemented by the operator in several versions. MTS does not have the concept of “Trust Payment” as such, but the company offers two identical services called “Promised Payment” and “On Full Trust”. What these services are, their cost, under what conditions they are provided, as well as how to connect and disconnect each, we will consider in the article.

Option “Promised payment”

One of the options through which trust payment is implemented on MTS. Allows the subscriber to credit virtual payment to the account even with a small negative balance.

Description and conditions

The service allows you to replenish your balance when it is close to zero or has already taken a negative value. An amount from 50 to 800 rubles is credited to the subscriber’s account for 3 days. After the specified time has passed, the amount is debited.

To receive the “Promised Payment”, you must:

  • use the SIM card for more than 2 months;
  • have no debts on other accounts;
  • do not use similar services;
  • have a prepaid payment system;
  • the amount of debt did not exceed 30 rubles.

The amount available for use depends on expenses and is set by the client independently.

To find out the limit available for replenishment, as well as the history of using the service, you need to dial the combination *111*1230# and the call button, in response the user will receive a message with information.


The “promised payment” on MTS in the amount of up to 30 rubles is provided free of charge. If a large amount is required, the size of the commission will depend on its size.

The virtual replenishment amount is written off after three days or upon the first replenishment of the balance. If the amount credited to the account is not enough, then it is completely used to pay off the debt and the balance becomes negative.

Connection and disconnection instructions

There are several ways to take a trust payment on MTS. Depending on the capabilities, the user can select the appropriate one and use it.

The subscriber will use the connected service for three days, then it will be deactivated independently, and the amount of debt along with the commission will be written off from the balance.

“In full confidence” service

An alternative trust payment on MTS is the “Full Trust” service. Allows you to use the connection with a negative balance until the debt reaches the established limit.

Terms and restrictions

You can take an MTS trust payment under this option under the following conditions.

  • The SIM card was registered more than 3 months ago.
  • At the moment of connection, the balance has a positive value.
  • Average monthly communication costs exceed 200 rubles.
  • There is no debt on other accounts in the company.

The user must pay for communication services monthly, taking into account the funds used. If payment is not made on time, the number is blocked until the debt is repaid, and the available limit is reduced. The combination *132# will help you clarify the term and amount of payment. As a result of the request, the user will receive a message with the required information.

The limit available to the client depends on the period of use of the number and communication expenses.

How much does it cost

The client who takes the “promised payment” pays a commission for using the service. The “On full confidence” option is provided free of charge and has no additional fees.

How to connect and deactivate the service

There are several ways, implemented by the MTS operator, of how to take a trust payment to MTS.

Situations when your mobile phone unexpectedly runs out of money are not uncommon, so special offers and options from individual mobile companies that allow you to top up your balance using credit are in great demand. To get a small loan, just find out how to get an MTS trust payment and use one of the available options.

The main thing that every subscriber should remember is the timely return of borrowed funds. Otherwise, if you do not top up your account, the SIM card will be blocked and communication will be unavailable.

Loan options

Today, there are 2 main options for borrowing money from MTS. Options available to users:

  • Promised payment;
  • With complete trust.

In the first case, additional funds up to 800 rubles become available to subscribers. They can be obtained even if there is a minus, when the account balance is negative. But you should remember that the minimum threshold at which you can take out a loan is minus 30 rubles (up to 50 rubles - without commission).

The second option is the ability to speak on credit. Clients are able to bring their balance to minus 3,000 rubles, which they will return later.

It is important to note that these services cannot be used simultaneously.

When the second one is connected, the first one turns out to be unavailable, and vice versa.

How to take a trust payment on MTS with a minus: command

The simplest and most accessible option for connecting the services described above is to use a special USSD command. To get a small loan, you will need the following combination of numbers: *111*123#xxx. XXX is the required amount that the borrower expects. To activate a loan on full trust, dial *111*32# and press the call button.

Options are activated immediately and the subscriber has the opportunity to immediately continue an interrupted conversation or call loved ones.

But, if you have doubts or the balance of the SIM card has not changed, it is worth checking the status of the operation and clarifying the debt that has arisen. To do this, you need to dial *111*1230# or *132#, respectively.

How to receive an MTS trust payment via SMS?

In addition to this option, there are 3 more ways to receive a trust payment on MTS on your phone:

  1. by calling a short service number;
  2. in your personal account on the official website of the mobile operator;
  3. in the mobile application.

To use the last 2 options, just log in to the system and go to the page of the desired option. Activation is performed by pressing the corresponding button.

To receive money by calling, dial 1113. Next, you just have to follow the recommendations of the answering machine, which helps callers get the help they need.

It is impossible to receive funds as a loan via SMS.

To obtain information about loans already received, you can call the short number 11131.

Conditions for connecting options

No operator will work at a loss. MTS is no exception, so each debtor will have to pay not only the entire amount of debt, but also an additional commission depending on the size of the loan. Subscribers should calculate the following rates:

  • up to 49 rub. – no extra charge;
  • from 50 to 99 – 7 rubles;
  • from 100 rubles to 199 – 10;
  • from 200 to 499 – 25;
  • from 500 – 50 rubles.

Separately, the requirements for clients should be noted. Despite the fact that you can receive money even when the balance is below zero, the allowable borrowing amount depends on two main factors:

  1. SIM card usage period;
  2. average monthly expenses.

The longer a client uses the services of a mobile company, the higher the possible debt will be. Similar conditions apply when calculating costs.