How to recover your mailbox password. How to recover your mail ru password if your phone number is lost

Greetings, today I will share with you the death of my mailbox, and my diligent but useless struggle for recovering and changing your email password.

Probably almost everyone who first started using the Internet created mail on, this is a very convenient mailbox for a novice network user, and as it turned out, their fight against hackers is excellent, I will say even more, they go too far in protecting their users to the point that even the owner of the mailbox is denied access to it when presented with almost all demands.

Trying to recover your email password

I registered this mail many years ago, I practically never used it, except for work, so as not to receive spam in my main mailbox. But in some cases I needed it, for example, on several important services I entered it during registration, and now to change my email I receive a confirmation link to this address to which I no longer have access. periodically offers to change the password to improve the security of the mail (or motivates this by the fact that it was hacked), for this I followed the standard procedure each time:

Usually, to recover and change the password, it was enough to enter several passwords that I had used previously, and which I entered when registering my mail, and I would receive a link to change at the specified E-mail. But after the last recovery, the standard data (which I entered repeatedly) was suddenly not enough for them, and I began a correspondence with the email support service in which they needed more and more new data.

Negotiations with support service

Please send the answer to the secret question “Name of your favorite cartoon”, specified when registering this mailbox.

I didn’t write down such information anywhere, but I remembered the answer to it. I sent them the correct answer and was sure that everything would be fine and my password would be restored. But no, another letter arrived.

To solve the problem of accessing your mailbox, please send all possible password combinations that you have used, including the password you specified at the time of registering your mailbox.

In a special form, I had already entered and sent this data to the mail system, but the maximum number of former passwords was limited to five, I thought they were not enough and in response I sent all that were written down by me. Why the mail service didn’t like the dozens of correct passwords that I had used before is unclear, they sent me a new test.

To solve the problem of access to the mailbox, please send us more detailed information about: addresses that may be in the address book (list 3-4 addresses);
folders other than the standard ones created in it (list the names of the folders);
Incoming/Outgoing letters in the mailbox (specify the sender/recipient, subject and date).

I didn’t enter any addresses into this mailbox, I didn’t create folders, of all the incoming letters there is only spam, which I never read, how can I remember all this if I don’t even look at the spam letter. I haven’t had any correspondence with anyone from this mailbox, but remember the subject and date? What kind of memory should you have?

Please specify what mailing lists you might have subscribed to? Letters from which sites could have arrived in your mailbox?
Please note that letters from social networks (including from the project “My World”, “Facebook”, “VKontakte”, “Dating”) and game projects are not informative for us.

Then I remembered that I subscribed to my own blog using this E-mail as a check, and could still receive letters from etxt and ePochta. This is what they told me.

Unfortunately, you provide insufficient information. We cannot restore access to your mailbox based on the data you sent.

I again decided to try to recover the password from the form on the email service itself, and entered more information (all that I knew) and here is the answer.

Please send the answer to the question asked in the previous letter without creating a request on the password recovery form. This will speed up the solution to your problem.

I sent them all the information that was stuck in my head, everything that was written down in a notebook many years ago. Apparently they took me seriously.

Please check whether your mailbox is linked to any social network (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte). If yes, then send a link to your page on a social network.

I am not on any of the listed social networks, I only use Twitter, and it is registered to my main mailbox.

Unfortunately, if during registration you neglected to provide accurate information about the owner of the mailbox, then we cannot identify you as the owner of the mailbox.

After that, all hope of recovering the mail password was lost, and patience and politeness were also gone. In general, I wrote to them something that I will not post here). And to this day they have not sent me an answer.

Conclusion: what do you need to use the email service?

  1. to have a non-human memory to provide them with all their correspondence down to the time and content.
  2. It is mandatory to have an account in Odnoklassniki or VK, and it must be linked to this particular email. And you don't care whether you like it or not.
  3. know all the passwords you changed, including the first one.

And this is not the whole list. That's how my mailbox was lost, I'm not going to create mail anymore, and I don't recommend it to anyone! It is better to use Gmail or Yandex mail.

If you had a similar story with your mail, you can share it in the comments. Leave your negative and positive reviews about the service!

The portal offers its users many convenient services that greatly facilitate their virtual existence. One of these convenient functions is email, without which it is impossible to perform any actions on the Internet, be it registering on a website or online purchases. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to restore your mail if it is unavailable or you have deactivated your account yourself.

Recovery after deletion

So, you deleted your mailbox, but then changed your mind and now want to have access to it again. What do I need to do?

The answer is simple: go to the website and enter your username and correct password in the account login field. This way, you will again gain access to your mailbox, but the information that was stored on it will not be restored.

What to do if you forgot your password?

To do this, you will need instructions on how to recover your mail password. There are several ways to do this. The specific method you choose depends on what information you can remember about your profile. Let's consider all the possible options for restoring your email.

Tip: to avoid losing access to your mailbox, set up your email on Android. In this case, you will be able to log into your profile from your mobile device and change its settings.

Well, if you remember your login, you will need it during recovery. In any case, the first step is to click the “Forgot your password?” button.

Recovery by phone number

When creating a profile on the website, you were asked to confirm your phone number, which is not visible to other users, but can be used to manage your account. If you have confirmed your number and have access to it, then feel free to choose recovery via SMS message.

Select a number and enter its last 4 digits in the special field.

  1. Open the message that arrives on your phone.
  2. Use the received access code to recover your password.

When registering an account, you had to select a specific question and write an answer to it. Enter the necessary information in the appropriate field so that the system can identify you, and also enter the secret code from the picture. If you cannot indicate the correct answer, click "I don't remember the answer."

A similar method often has to be used if you need to recover your Skype password, so there is nothing special or difficult about contacting technical support. Moreover, the site has a convenient form for this, which opens immediately after clicking the “I don’t remember the answer” button.

You will be asked to provide your personal information that you used to create your account and can remember.

In the column “When was mail created?” it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since registration: from “less than 3 months” to “more than 3 years”. Select an approximate value - this will help specialists find your registration data faster.

The line “Password for registration” is required. You can write any set of characters in it if you don’t remember this information.

If you choose this method, you will also have to provide another email address that you have access to. Otherwise, support specialists will not be able to answer your request and send you a link to gain access to your account.

After entering the required information, click “Submit” and get ready to answer a whole series of questions.

As you can see, you have to provide maximum information that only the real owner of the account can know. Try to write as much as possible, then the chances that access to your mail will be returned to you faster will increase significantly.

After filling out the request form, all you have to do is wait for the support service to process your request. Once you receive an email with a recovery link, you will need to follow it and enter a new password.

Don't worry! If your profile contains an email or phone number, you can easily recover the password yourself. How to recover your password if you have a registered number, you can read here. You can find out how to reset your password if you have an email address in your profile here. If you still cannot recover your password or no data is registered in your profile, please contact the Support Service. Please note that recovery through Help Desk may take some time. Also, the Support Service may request additional data, while with self-recovery you will be in your profile in a minute. It’s a pity, but there are no other recovery methods yet, because it would be sad if the password or login could be easily obtained. Don't worry! If you really are the owner of the profile, then the Support Service will definitely help you. Soon everything will be OK!

Article updated...

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How to recover email

This article talks about how to make an email and how to recover email from Mail.Ru, Yandex or Google.

Actually, why could this happen?

You haven't checked your email for a long time.

The fact is that in order to free up space on servers, as well as email addresses, the Mail.Ru administration decided to delete mailboxes that have never been logged in over the past three months.

In this case, the account is automatically deleted from the servers. You can still restore it for some time. True, this restoration cannot be considered complete, since all your letters and settings will be erased.

Only Mail.Ru allows itself to do this, so if a similar situation may arise in your life, we advise you to move to another postal service.

Unfortunately, this is a very common and unpleasant problem. In such cases, it is possible to restore mail...

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How to restore Odnoklassniki without a phone number

Previously, there were different methods for restoring a page for Odnoklassniki (email, security question and answer, using a phone number). But at the moment, the Odnoklassniki administration decided that it was necessary to leave the most reliable recovery method - recovery using a mobile phone number to which a confirmation code is sent. It must be entered on the computer screen. But it happens that the phone is lost, in another country, or for some other reason that there is no access to the phone number indicated on the page. What to do in this case?

Restoring a page without the mobile phone number that was indicated on the page is now only possible by contacting Odnoklassniki support. There are no other methods. You can even ask Odnoklassniki support about this.

To make an effective appeal, immediately prepare the following information so that it...

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Open the special form to reset your password. This process will begin automatically if your account does not have a phone number or second email address associated with it that can be used to recover your password. The form you fill out will be reviewed by a Google employee (so you're unlikely to have access to your account immediately). If you make a mistake while filling out the form, you can fill it out several more times.

Enter an email address that you have access to. This is where you will receive a response regarding your completed form, so make sure you can open this mailbox. If you don't have another email address, create one.

Please indicate the last time you were able to sign in to the Google account you are trying to regain access to. You don't need to specify an exact time, but the closer you are to Google's server data, the better.

Please indicate when...

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How to recover your Odnoklassniki password if you have forgotten or lost it? Agree, quite often you hear from friends and relatives the phrases “forgot the password for my page” or “forgot the password from.” And the site is no exception in this case.

We want to say right away that this instruction is suitable for those who really forgot their password. Those users of the Odnoklassniki social network who simply want to change their Odnoklassniki password can do this by reading our article at the link.

How to recover a forgotten password on Odnoklassniki

You can recover your Odnoklassniki password, as we already wrote in the article about restoring the Odnoklassniki page, in two ways - by indicating your email address or phone number. Accordingly, in the first case, you will receive an email with a password to your email address that you specified during recovery, and in the second, a temporary password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number...

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Today we decided to talk about how you can recover data from your mailbox on the Mail service. Many users know that the Mail postal service is one of the most popular sites in our country. The service appeared relatively long ago; at that time, even connecting to the Internet was made through ancient dial-up modems, and from this it can be revealed that only a small part of the population used the Internet. But today, the majority of users choose this particular mail service, since in reality registering on it is quite simple, and the plus is that after registration the user gets the opportunity to use not only his mail, but also other services that are provided this is a major project. Another important advantage is that provides truly high-quality services for its users. There are many different reasons why you can...

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You will need

Personal Computer; - registration on


A page on may be blocked by the site administration due to spam sent from your account to other users. If you are not a spammer or a hacker of your own profile, then, most likely, attackers have tried here, the main protection against which is to change the password and then resume access to the profile.

The page restoration procedure is simple and takes a few seconds. To start it, you need to click on the link “Forgot?” on the main page of the website in the mailbox next to the “Password” line. (it is located above the “Login” button) and follow the prompts of the wizard that opens in the next window.

Here you will be asked to provide your username. If, of course, you remember him. You can also get to the page for restoring access to e-mail and all site resources by typing the following in the address bar...

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Answer a secret question - enter the correct answer to the question, the code from the picture and click “Recover Password”. If the answer turns out to be correct, you will be prompted to enter a new password for this mailbox. If you don’t remember the answer to your security question, click “I don’t remember the answer” - you will be offered an alternative recovery method; Send a password recovery link to an additional e-mail address - select the e-mail address to which you want to send a password recovery link and click “Recover”. A link will be sent to the selected address, by clicking on which you can change the password for your mailbox. If you don't have...

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The portal offers its users many convenient services that greatly facilitate their virtual existence. One of these convenient functions is email, without which it is impossible to perform any actions on the Internet, be it registering on a website or online purchases. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to restore your mail if it is unavailable or you have deactivated your account yourself.

Recovery after deletion

So, you deleted your mailbox, but then changed your mind and now want to have access to it again. What do I need to do?

The answer is simple: go to the website and enter your username and correct password in the account login field. This way, you will again gain access to your mailbox, but the information that was stored on it will not be restored.

What to do if you forgot your password?

To do this, you will need instructions on how to recover your mail password. Ways to do it...

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Have you lost or forgotten your password for your account on the social service Don't know what to do? At the very least, don’t rush to say goodbye to him ahead of time and start a new email. You will always have time to do this. If you have a login, access to a mobile phone specified in your personal profile, you can remember the answer to the security question created during registration, then, accordingly, you can recover your mail password. For details on how to perform this procedure, read this guide.

On the main page of the web portal, in the authorization block (located at the top right), click the link “Forgot...?”.

To recover your Mail password, enter your mailbox address and click “Recover”.

If a mobile phone is attached...

1. On the page that opens, enter the captcha (code from the picture).

2. Click the “Get code...” button.

3. Knowing the test combination, you can reset. Type the code from the SMS and click “Done”.

Advice! Read the article in the “Help” section of the service to find out which password complies with rules and is reliable.

5. Click “Login to mail”.

Via security question

1. Type the answer to the security question specified when registering your account.

2. Click "Restore...".

If you don’t remember the answer, unfortunately, you won’t be able to find it out at this stage of the reset. In this case, follow these steps:

2. Complete your application:

  • in the form, indicate your first and last name, date of birth, and password when registering (if you changed the key, but remember the previous combination).
  • In the drop-down list, indicate approximately when the mailbox was created;
  • enter the address of another valid email;
  • enter captcha;
  • click "Submit".

After submitting your application, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to a page where you can reset the key. Follow the steps described therein carefully.

Good luck restoring access to your profile!

It is unpleasant when a stranger gains access to personal correspondence. Moreover, it can harm you. Users often encounter the problem of hacking mailboxes, but do not solve it, but create a new one. In vain. In addition to losing access to information, you risk becoming an “absentee” spammer or fraudster, because it is unknown what goal the hacker of your account was pursuing. The vast majority of RuNet users use services, which are based on creating a mailbox. In this case, let's look at how to recover your email password.

Restoring using the standard method

For this type of recovery you need to know your login.

  1. On the main page of, click on the “Forgot your password” button.
  2. Enter your mailbox address and click the "Continue" button.
  3. Attention! If you haven't used your mailbox for 5 years, it could be permanently deleted.

  4. If the mail exists, you will be taken to the recovery page, where you enter the necessary information about the registration data.
  5. After filling out all the fields and entering the captcha, click the “Continue” button.
  6. Attention! Account recovery is only possible by submitting the form. The key question method was found to be ineffective.

  7. Next, a second page will open with empty fields.
  8. After filling them out, click the “Submit” button, thereby your application will be sent to the support service for consideration.

Advice! Do not fill out all fields if you do not know some. With clear answers to 2-3 questions, the answer will be positive and access will be restored.

Alternative option

If nothing works and you receive a refusal, don’t be upset, try writing directly to the technical specialists. Explain to them in simple language the reason for losing the password (hacking, long-term non-use) and the circumstances why it is important to restore access to this particular account. Send the letter to: [email protected]. Topic: password recovery. All that remains is to wait for the answer.

Recovering using a mobile phone

If you indicated your phone number during registration, you can’t think of an easier way. You will receive a confirmation code in the form of an SMS message, with which your password will be restored in two clicks. You just need to come up with a new combination.

Attention! If you have changed your number since registration, use the standard recovery method.

How I was hacked or preventive measures

There are viruses that create an exact copy of the main page of a particular Internet resource. You, suspecting nothing, enter your username and password. But instead of opening the inbox, either nothing happens, or a pop-up window appears with content of a different nature: an error, an incorrect password, or even extortion of money under a false pretext. In this case, you need to check the system for viruses and urgently change the password for your mailbox.

Attention! If accounts on social networks and bank accounts were linked to the hacked email, urgently change your home mailbox on the appropriate resources!

In another case, the password could be found out by deception. If you responded to a “technical support” message with an email containing information about your account, the email is no longer yours.

Attention! Technical support never requires personal user data. Such messages are deception!

So, we have become familiar with the types of hacking and methods for recovering a password from mail. If you do not believe in conspiracy theories, please indicate your phone number when registering. This will make your life easier and minimize the risk of losing your account.