How to turn on camera sound on iPhone 6s. System requirements for the program. How to turn off the camera shutter sound on Huawei or Honor

Smartphones based on Android have gained the greatest popularity in our time due to the fact that a huge number of devices that fall under the definition of “budget” are produced with this operating system and its distributions. Therefore, sales of such smartphones are growing every day, which means that there are many inexperienced users who are just getting acquainted with Android. This article is aimed at them.

In this article we will talk about how to turn off the camera sound on Android when taking photographs. Although this cannot be written down in the important problems section, inconvenience may still arise. After reading this article to the end, you will learn four ways to eliminate sound when shooting. Some of them may not be suitable for your version of Android, so it is recommended to try them all to understand for yourself which method to use.

Turn off sound in settings

The first method will look at how to turn off the camera sound on Android Samsung. However, it is worth immediately noting that it can also be used for other smartphone models. So, we will use the standard phone camera settings.

Initially, you need to get into the settings themselves. To do this, open the camera and find the corresponding icon in the application. Most often it is displayed as a gear or as a crossed wrench and screwdriver.

Once in the settings themselves, find the item we need. It can be called differently, but the meaning should remain the same, for example, “Shutter sound”. Now just disable this option in the program.

This was the first way to turn off the camera sound on Android. But as you can see, it will not help everyone, because owners of smartphones not from Samsung most likely will not find the corresponding item in the application settings. Therefore, we will now move on to the next, more universal method.

Set to silent mode

The second way to turn off the camera sound on Android is painfully simple. Most users often figure out this method on their own, but for those who have not yet understood, now we will explain the essence.

We need to put the smartphone in “Vibrate” mode, or as it is also called “Silent mode”. This is done very simply. On many phones, this function is placed in the notification panel itself, and some will have to go into the settings, but, one way or another, this method will allow you to get rid of the sound when shooting from the camera.

We use third-party software

Now let's talk about how to turn off the camera sound on Android using third-party software, which can be downloaded either as an APK package or from the well-known Play Store.

There are an unimaginable number of variations of applications that will make shooting from a smartphone silent. But “High-speed camera (Quiet)” is deservedly considered one of the best.

You can download the program by entering a request with its name in the Play Store or by downloading the APK file on the Internet. However, be careful, because in the public domain there are often programs with viruses that can significantly harm your device. Based on this, we can conclude that it is best to download from the Play Store.

We use root rights

If for some reason the above methods did not help you, then there is only one option left - changing the files responsible for the sound of shooting from the camera. Now we will look in detail at how to remove camera sound on Android in this way.

So, first of all, you need to get root rights. Once you have done this, you can make changes to system files.

Now you need to get to the desired folder. To do this, use any file manager that you have on your phone, or downloaded from the Internet. You need to enter the folder located at: /system/media/audio/ui/. There will be two files in the folder: camera_click.ogg and camera_focus.ogg. Please note that names may vary. Now you need to delete these files. After this there will be no sound. Also, if you do not want to delete them, you can rename them, the result will be the same.

When taking photographs using devices running Android, users hear a characteristic shutter click when taking each picture, much like on an old SLR camera. This sound irritates many people, and interferes with the work of others, so there is a need to remove it. Next, we will describe how to turn off the camera sound on Android in several simple ways.

Standard ways to remove camera shutter sound on various devices

On most devices, the camera beep can be turned off in the settings of the standard application. This feature is not provided only in Samsung devices of previous generations. This is due to local legislation, which requires people to be aware that they are being photographed and, accordingly, the shutter click must be heard.

To turn off camera sound, you need to perform almost the same steps on all devices. However, some gadgets, as previously noted, do not have the standard ability to disable the shutter. Therefore, for certain models of LG, Samsung smartphones, as well as some Chinese devices with stock Android, you have to use another simple way to disable it:

  1. Pull down the device status bar shade;
  2. Change your notification profile to silent.

After this, the phone’s camera will work silently, although you will have to edit the settings in this way before each use. And all because in this case it will be possible to remove the camera sound only together with all other system sounds.

Method for rooted devices

For rooted devices, there is another simple option to disable the shutter click when taking photos by simply deleting or renaming a few system files. For this:

After this, all that remains is to rename them, but in such a way that later the name can be easily returned to the original one. This will allow you to restore the functionality of the photo and video application if necessary.

Using third-party photography utilities

If none of the methods allows you to turn off unnecessary sound when using your smartphone camera, the problem can be easily solved by installing a utility for taking pictures and recording videos from Google Play. Almost any of the programs presented in the store successfully replaces the standard one, while adding new capabilities to the device for editing images, creating effects, etc.

The most popular utilities in this category include Candy Camera, Retrica and some others. The click when taking a picture is not heard initially immediately after installation, so users do not have to search for a long time in the settings for a button to disable this function. The utilities also allow you to take unusual pictures by applying hundreds of available filters and effects to them, and in addition, they make it possible to edit photos directly in the application.

This article will talk about how to turn off the camera sound on Android, because there are situations when the sound of the shutter is inappropriate at the moment it is triggered. Such situations have occurred more than once among students, ordinary people, or those who simply like to photograph passers-by without attracting the attention of others. There are several options to turn off the Android camera sound, which are presented below.

Method 1: Enable silent mode

Activate silent mode on your device. This is the simplest way, which can also be done in several ways. You can turn it on by lowering the device shutter and selecting it, or go to settings / sound / profiles and activate “Mute”.

Method 2: Disable it in the photo app settings

To do this, you need to launch “Camera”, select settings, open “Shutter Sound” and tap “Off”.

But there are also manufacturers who simply cannot turn off the shutter sound on Android. Such manufacturers include Samsung. They did this because in their country, by law, photography must be audible so that people know when someone is taking their photo.

But since we do not have such a law, the following paragraphs will consider how to achieve the desired goal.

Method 3. Root rights + Total Commander or another explorer

In this situation, you need to go through the explorer to system / media / audio / ui to delete or rename the files focus.ogg and camera.ogg. It would be safer to rename them to any other name, so that if necessary, they could be renamed back to the name that was originally there.

The file names may vary slightly depending on the Android version.

How to get ROOT rights: Video

Method 4: Install a third-party application

This option will be of interest to those who are not eager to delve deep into their device and rename or delete something there. To do this, you just need to find a third-party camera that is suitable for you on Google Play, with a silent mode function. There are quite a lot of such applications. One of the most popular applications is called "Silent Camera".

You've probably noticed that when taking photos, the camera on a tablet or phone running Android OS makes a sound. The idea is good, because it’s very easy to understand from the sound that the picture was taken. But not always - in some cases you want to turn off the sound. How to do it?

Method one

Surprisingly, many Android devices do not have the option to mute the camera shutter sound at all! If you discovered this for the first time and right now you need to take a picture without sound, then there is only one way out - turn off the sound on the device itself. For example, the camera sound cannot be turned off programmatically on Samsung Galaxy devices, so you need to turn down the volume. There are two ways to do this.

First: you simply turn the volume down all the way by pressing the volume down button.

Second: press the “Power on” button and select “Mute sound” in the menu that appears.

The situation is similar with stock Android.

Method two

In some cases, you can still turn off the camera shutter sound programmatically. So, this includes the Flyme and MIUI firmware from Meizu and Xiaomi, respectively. The sound itself can be turned off in the settings. An example will be shown based on Meizu.

Move the “Camera Shutter” lever so that it turns gray. That's it, the camera sound is turned off.

In Xiaomi's MIUI, mute is not located in the sound section of the settings, but in the "Camera" section. Launch the camera, click “Modes”, then tap the gear.

Here, turn the switch to the “Off” position. next to “Capture Sound”.

Method three

Suitable if you cannot turn off the camera shutter sound or it turns off only completely along with the sound, which is not always convenient or possible. Installing a third-party camera replacement application will help you. One such application is High-Speed ​​Camera, which allows you to take pictures without sound.

Method four

Well, this is the last and most inconvenient way. But it is inconvenient because, firstly, you need to install root rights on the phone, and secondly, you will have to delete system sounds, which can only be restored if you restore them. In principle, if you wish, you can try this method. Here's what you need to do.

Set up root rights, then use the file manager to find the sound file that is responsible for the sound made when taking photographs and delete it. That's it, there is no sound, but if you want to turn it on, you won't be able to do this - the file will have to be restored.

There are often situations in life when the sound of the camera shutter on an Android smartphone during shooting will be, to put it mildly, inappropriate. This problem is often encountered not only by students and those who like to photograph passers-by, but also by ordinary people who do not want to attract unnecessary attention from others to what they are photographing.

It would seem that in order to take silent photographs on Android you just need to put your smartphone in quiet mode. But it's not that simple. Some phone manufacturers, including Samsung, decided that the user should not turn off the shutter sound. This was done deliberately; in South Korea, for example, according to the law, the camera must make a sound while shooting so that others know that they are being filmed at the moment. Fortunately, we don’t live in Korea, so we can safely turn off the sound of the shooting on our smartphone, but how?

4 ways to take photos silently

Method 1. In some cases, a fairly simple trick helps - switching the phone to “silent mode”. The fastest way to switch the device to silent mode is from the curtain.

Way 2. For any other phone except Samsung - go to your camera settings, select “Other”, set it to “off.” in the “shutter sound” section.

Way 3. Once you have Root rights, using TotalCommander or any other similar file manager, go to /system/media/audio/ui/ and rename the files camera.ogg and focus.ogg. I advise you to rename the files so that, if necessary, you can later restore the sound (to do this, just return the files to their original names). Please note that it is possible that the file names may differ slightly from those listed here.

Way 4. For those who do not want to get into the jungle of the file system and settings of a standard camera, you can use third-party applications. There are a huge number of such applications on Google Play; they either have the sound turned off initially, or you can easily turn it off yourself. One of the most popular programs is called Silent Camera.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to solve this problem. I'm sure one of them will definitely help you turn off the sound of your phone's camera.