How to find out how much nuclear a Windows 10 laptop is. Three ways to find out how much a nuclear processor costs in a PC

Speed ​​and efficiency of data processing have always been the main requirements when buying a computer. These parameters depend not only on the processor, but also on the number of cores in it. Many users do not know where to view this information, and this can be done in several ways. In some cases, this is done differently for different versions of the Windows operating system.

Information about the number of processor cores using Windows. Control Panel

The most common way is to find all the necessary information by the name of the processor itself. You can find the model name in the control panel:

  • From the Start menu, go to Control Panel.
  • We need the “System and Security” section.
  • Next, select the “System” subsection.
  • A window opens with basic information about the computer, where the name of the processor is indicated.

On the official website of the developer you will find the full characteristics of this model, among them you will see the number of cores. This method is suitable for any version of Windows, but in addition to the system itself, you will also have to use the Internet.

Information about the number of processor cores using Windows. Task Manager

The very convenient Task Manager utility not only helps manage processes and services, but can also provide data about the processor and its performance.

For Windows 7 and earlier:

  • For quick access to the utility, a combination of three keys has been invented: “Alt” + “Ctrl” + “Delete”. Press them together.
  • “Task Manager” will appear in front of you, go to the “Performance” tab.
  • Find out what manufacturer your processor is.

The fact is that for AMD processors the number of cores will be equal to the number of graphics in “Performance”. With Intel, the situation is different due to the possible use of Hyper-threading technology, which visually increases the number of cores. So be careful.

For Windows 8 and higher:

  • As in earlier versions, the “Task Manager” is called up using “Alt” + “Ctrl” + “Delete”.
  • The “Performance” tab displays the performance of the processor.

You followed the specified path, but instead of the number of cores there is nothing? It happens, just open the window.
If you want to see the number of cores in graphs, as in earlier versions, find “Open Resource Monitor” at the bottom.

Information about the number of processor cores using special software

The operating system may not always accurately display the number of cores. For these reasons, software developers have developed several useful programs to help you see all the details about your system.
CPU-Z is the most popular of the free utilities. You can download it on the official website . The Russian-language version can be found, but it’s better not to risk it and download from a trusted source.

How to use the program:

  • Start CPU-.
  • On the very first “CPU” tab at the bottom there is a “Cores” item, which indicates the number of cores.

If you think that the installed processor is weak, then you can replace it with a more powerful one. Many users complain about slow operation, and freezes are common. The processor simply can't do its job. Using the above tools, you can not only satisfy your interest, but also make your computer more efficient.

The most basic component of a personal computer is CPU. Most personal computer users are interested in the characteristics of their processor and it is not surprising, because it depends on computer system performance generally. After the advent of multi-core processor architecture, many users are interested in the question of how to find out how many cores are in your computer’s processor.

Nowadays, the performance of manufactured processors directly depends on number of cores in him. In this material we will try to reveal all the features of obtaining information about the processor, and also get acquainted with the latest CPUs produced by well-known companies.

Software method for determining processor cores

One of the simple ways to find out how many cores your CPU has is to use different utilities, which show all the information about computer specifications. The most popular utilities are:

  • CPU-Z;
  • Speccy;
  • AIDA64;
  • HWiNFO.

Let's take a closer look at the utility CPU-Z. You can download the utility from its official website For example, we will take the Lenovo S110 laptop, which has an Intel Atom N2600 processor installed. Launching CPU-Z, we will see on the first tab “ CPU» all characteristics of the Intel Atom N2600 processor.

Let's describe all the characteristics of our CPU and information about the number of cores in more detail:

  • Name- this text field displays the name of the CPU;
  • Code Name- code name of the CPU line;
  • Package- CPU connector type;
  • Technology- the technological process by which the CPU is manufactured;
  • Specification- full name of the processor;
  • Family- name of the CPU family;
  • Ext. Family- CPU family name number;
  • Instructions- CPU instruction sets;
  • Clocks– this block allows you to find out the frequency of the chip and its multiplier;
  • Cache– this block describes the CPU cache in detail;
  • Selection- allows you to select a processor if there are several of them in the system;
  • Cores- shows how many cores the CPU has;
  • Threads- shows how many threads your CPU has.

The most interesting for us are the values ​​“ Cores" And " Threads" The first one shows number of cores, and the second number of threads.

Let's analyze " Threads» more details. CPU manufacturer Intel has the technology Hyper Threading. This technology allows one core to perform two threads of computation. Our reviewed dual-core Atom N2600 CPU has support Hyper Threading, so in the text field " Threads"we see the number four. The Windows system itself sees not the number of cores, but the number of threads. Therefore, opening " Task Manager", we will see that Windows sees the Atom N2600 CPU as quad core.

Using CPU with technology Hyper Threading, you can significantly increase performance in various types of software. For example, quad core CPU Intel Core i7-6700K in games it will work like this eight-core. If we talk about CPUs from AMD, they do not have support for Hyper Threading, so their number of cores is equal to the number of threads.

Determining the number of cores by processor labeling

Let's determine the number of cores of an Intel processor that is not yet installed in the system.

Each processor has a marking on the top cover. As can be seen from the figure above, the marking “ INTEL® CORE™ i7-6700K" From this marking it is clear that we have an Intel Core i7-6700K CPU. To find out about the number of its cores, we need to use a laptop or tablet that has Internet access. Let's open any browser and go to the official INTEL website:

A page like this should open.

At the bottom of this page there is a product specification table that includes our Intel Core i7-6700K.

Table column " Number of cores / Number of threads" shows that the Intel Core i7-6700K has 4 cores and eight threads.

Similarly, you can find information about AMD CPUs at For example, on the page you can find out all the information about AMD FX™ performance chips.


In this article, we looked at how easy it is to find out information about the number of cores of your CPU. Information about the number of cores will be especially useful for fans of new games in which performance directly depends on the power of the CPU and graphics card. This information will also be useful for 3D designers who render complex models, and for those who like to convert audio and video files. And we, in turn, hope that our readers will be able to determine the number of cores in their processor without any problems.

Video on the topic - another way

Hello everyone Yes guys, when there are a lot of cores, it's cool. Well, how can you find out the number of processor cores in Windows 7? You know, 15 years ago such a question would have been the stuff of science fiction, because then no one could have thought that the time would come when single-core processors would simply not be produced. Well, I may be wrong here, it seems that some kind of AMD processor has one core and is more or less modern. But it seems that that processor is already outdated...

Well, let's get back to the kernels. The thing is that AMD has cores, but Intel has threads in addition to cores. Well, this is a function to increase productivity. But the funny thing is that Windows perceives threads as cores, so using the built-in capabilities you cannot reliably determine how many cores you have and how many threads you have.

Look, I have a dual-core Pentium G3220 processor, there are no threads in it, that is, in my case, Windows itself will answer correctly the question of how many cores. See how to find out in Windows itself. Right-click on the taskbar and select task manager:

Then on the Performance tab you will see a CPU load graph. Well, that’s how many divisions there are, that’s how many cores you have:

But as I already wrote, threads will also be shown under the kernels. But what to do? This is easy to fix, you just need to download the free CPU-Z utility. This is the best utility to quickly find out almost any information about the processor, so I recommend

It’s easy to download, it’s available on the Internet at every turn, so you won’t have any problems with it. Once you have downloaded it, install and run it, it will show you the following window:

Look, down there there is something like Cores and Threads, these are cores and threads. You see I have 2 and 2 here, this means that I have a total of two cores or two threads in the processor. Therefore, Windows correctly identified

But here’s another case, this is an Intel Core i3 2120 processor, there are also two cores, but there is also a Hyper-threading function. This means that there are threads here, resulting in two cores or four threads:

Hyper-threading is available only in processors of the Core i3, i5, i7 family. But as for AMD, it seems like there are no threads there, but maybe they have already changed something, but everything seems to be the same...

And here's a regular top-end Intel Core i7-5960X processor for your snack, this is socket 2011-3:

So, how do you like this processor? Cool, of course, I would like to have one too.. But if you think that this is generally a Nishtyakov processor, then you are mistaken. Intel already has processors with 36 cores and support for threads, that is, 72 threads, what a nishtyakovsky hurricane!

However, AMD does not stand aside; it is the only company that has offered a home eight-core processor at an affordable price. I don’t remember which one exactly, but it was definitely about 150-200 y.e.. I can’t say anything about how powerful the processor is, but many say that AMD is significantly behind Intel. And although I have Intel, I am sure that 8 AMD cores at high frequencies cope well with multi-threaded tasks, and maybe even better than Intel...

Every personal computer user wants to have a more powerful and productive device. Nowadays, the quality of a computer and its speed are influenced by several parameters, among which one of the most important is the number of cores in the processor. With their help, the device gains an advantage in data processing speed, power and time to obtain results. The cores are located in the processor crystal, and their number can vary from 2 to 6 or more (the number of stones is growing every year).

More recently, when computer technology was just beginning to develop, quad-core processors were unknown to anyone, and dual-core processors were quite rare, so the speed of a device was measured in clock frequency. Thus, the processor processed information with only one thread, as a result of which it reached the user after a certain time, which was quite inconvenient. Today, processors that include a large number of cores can process data using multiple threads that are independent of each other, which, in turn, increases the power of the PC and the speed of data arrival.

Despite the fact that dual-core processors began to appear in the middle of the last century, most users still do not understand the meaning of a multi-core processor and what qualities it has.

So, you need to remember that if you are working with programs that do not need multi-cores, then you should not expect a big change in their speed.

The most popular ways to determine multi-core:

What are kernels in a computer?

Essentially, the core is the processor itself, and is the part of the computer that is responsible for processing information. Also, the processor contains several identical functional units; such a processor will be called multi-core.

So does a computer need multi-cores?

Currently, all processors are already adapted to perform simple tasks such as: browsing the Internet, checking email and social networks, working in various office programs. A regular processor with low power is also suitable for this. For simple work on a computer, a dual-core system will be enough, since a large number of cores in this case will not bring significant results.

If you like games, then you need to pay attention to a Core i3 or i5 processor. But here, in most cases, gaming performance depends largely on the video card. Most often, only 4 cores, or even 2, will be enough for games.

Large multi-cores are required to do truly serious work. For example, for video rework and engineering developments. Here, not only physical, but also virtual processor cores will work in the device. The more threads there are to process information, the better. Price will not play a major role in this case, since professional work requires truly productive equipment.

How to enable 2 cores

It happens that not all the cores in the device are used in the operation of the computer. To enable them, you should use the automatic command line.

  1. First you need launch the Run window using the Start panel or the Windows + R hotkeys.
  2. In the window that opens you need to enter the word - msconfig and press OK. A window with basic system settings will open in front of you.
  3. You should open a tab here"Download" and click on "Advanced options".
  4. Next you need to put check the box next to the line “Number of processors” and add the required number of cores if necessary. On the right, opposite “Maximum memory”, it is also worth checking the box. But it is important to remember that each core must have 1024 MB of memory. So, if your processor is 4-core, but there is only 2 GB of memory, then you should set no more than 2 thousand MB in the download window.
  5. Also opposite the lines There should be no checkboxes for “PCI Blocking” and “Delay”. Then you need to save the selected settings and restart the device, after which the changes in the processor will take effect.

Relatively recently, computer users did not even know about the existence of multi-core processors. Today, their popularity has increased greatly and they are actively distributed on the market. What does a multi-core processor mean, how to find out the number of processor cores and what is a core?

Processor and core

A multi-core processor is, as can be understood from the definition, a central processing unit that contains more than one core within a single processor chip. The core is a silicon crystal with logic elements on it and performs the functions of a central computing device. The core is connected to the rest of the chip by contacts and is protected by a metal plate.

The need for multi-core arose due to the requirements for its greater computing power. , working in parallel, provide high performance, since two streams of information are processed simultaneously.

In order to find out the number of processor cores on Windows 7, 8 and 10, through the menu Start need to log in Computer and press tab Properties. Find in the pop-up window. After that, you can copy the name into the search engine and find its description with technical characteristics.

You can also open a window called Task Manager, this is done by pressing three keys Alt, Ctrl, Delete simultaneously. Finding the tab Performance, which shows chip load graphs. The number of graphs coincides with the number of cores.

You can also use a program that provides information about the processor. This will allow you to determine the number of cores in the most accurate way. There are quite a lot of such utilities, one of them is CPU-Z. It is small and provides comprehensive information. You can download CPU-Z for free on the official website.