How to delete all Skype correspondence or with one specific person. How to delete messages and correspondence on Skype

I'll show you how to clear correspondence on Skype on Windows, Android, iOS. It’s deleted a little differently on all devices; I’ll show you the whole process of clearing message history.

1. Clear message history in Skype on Windows.

Open Skype and click Tools > Settings.

Open Skype settings and click on Chats and SMS(it's on the bottom left).

Open Chats and SMS > Chat settings and click Open advanced settings.

All chat settings and correspondence in Skype will open. Here you can set to accept chats from anyone or only from my contacts. There is also a save history item, where you can set the settings for saving correspondence. Also here you can click clear history and then all your correspondence on Skype will be deleted.

There are also points here:

  • when pressing ctrl + v the copied message is pasted as a quote or the message is pasted as plain text
  • the Enter key breaks a line or sends a message
  • show what I'm typing
  • automatically correct and highlight misspelled words
  • When receiving, each time select a folder to save files or save all files in My Skype Received Files

After making changes, do not forget to click save.

Delete history? All records of previous communication, including instant messages, SMS chat, calls, voice messages and transferred files will be deleted from the history. This will also close all open chats.

Click delete to confirm deleting your Skype message history.

Also in the chat settings you can set “do not save” so that Skype correspondence is never saved at all, or set “2 weeks”, then the history of messages in Skype will be stored for only 2 weeks.

In Skype, you can simply hide a conversation, but the correspondence will not be deleted, but hidden. Right-click on the contact and select “hide conversation.”

Skype tells us that you can Show hidden conversations. To show hidden conversations in the list, from the main menu, select View > Show Hidden Conversations.

Click OK.

To show hidden conversations, click View > Show Hidden Conversations.

2. Clear message history in Skype on iOS.

To delete Skype conversations on an iPhone or iPad, open the Skype application on your iPhone or iPad. Next, open the recent tab by swiping your finger from left to right. The Latest tab displays all your recent conversations on Skype.

Press and hold your finger on the contact with whom you want to delete correspondence.

A menu will appear with the following options:

  • mark as unread
  • delete chat
  • cancel

Select delete chat to delete the conversation with the selected contact on Skype.

You can also delete correspondence with the selected contact in the contacts tab. Click on the contact with whom you want to delete correspondence.

In the conversation that opens, click on the 3 dots at the bottom right.

And select delete chat.

Deleting a chat. Are you sure you want to delete this chat?

Select delete.

3. Clear message history in Skype on Android.

To delete a conversation on Skype on Android, you need to open the settings of your smartphone or tablet. Then go to Application Manager. Find the Skype application there and click on it to open the application details.

In the Skype app details, tap Clear data.

Delete all application data? All data from this application will be permanently deleted. This includes all files, settings, accounts, databases, etc.

Click Yes. This will delete your correspondence in Skype with all contacts. When you open Skype, you will need to enter your username and password again. This is equivalent to deleting the application and installing it again.

Now all messages from the correspondence history are deleted. Your skype is like new.

You can also delete a contact and correspondence with it from the recent tab, but this will not delete your messages, it will only remove this contact from the recent ones.

Click on the contact and hold your finger until a menu appears with the actions add to favorites and remove from recent. Select remove from recent.

Are you sure you want to delete this chat from your recent chat?

Click OK.

4. Delete recent messages on Skype.

You can also delete recently sent messages in Skype. If you wrote and sent a message, then you have time to delete your message. To do this, press and hold your finger on your message in the conversation until the action menu appears. Actions will appear on iOS: copy, delete, edit.

By choosing to delete, you will delete your recent message that you sent, but changed your mind about sending it. It will also be displayed on the device of the interlocutor as “this message has been deleted” and he will not see it if he did not have time to read it before you deleted it.

If you press and hold your finger on your message on your Android device, a menu of actions will appear: copy message, quote message, edit message, delete message. On Android, as you can see, you can even edit the sent message and change it completely. Well, you can simply delete it as if you didn’t write anything.

Here is a video lesson on how to delete correspondence on Skype.

That's all. Now you can calmly flirt with everyone and your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend won’t know anything. We continue to live in a lie.

Skype provides the opportunity for unlimited communication via SMS, video and audio communication. Thanks to this program, you can call your friends and loved ones in any country at any time of the day.

Skype has a fairly convenient interface that any user can understand, but difficulties can still arise.

The main one is the inability to delete correspondence. Let's figure out how to delete Skype conversations on a computer once and for all?

How to delete message history?

All messages you send and receive from users are stored in your Skype profile. It is impossible to remove them with just a click of the mouse. If you wish, you can delete the entire profile, but this will disrupt the normal operation of the program.

  • But don’t worry - Skype provides the ability to delete:
  • message and call history;
  • calls;
  • video calls;
  • voice messages;

received files.

Algorithm of actions:

This method allows you to delete messages from all users. Even the correspondence that you needed will be deleted - and it will be impossible to restore it.

Data about correspondence, received and sent files are stored on your computer and cannot be restored. If you logged into Skype on someone else's computer, they will be saved there. You cannot delete these files by logging into your profile from another computer. You can also delete message history automatically.

After you have made any changes to the settings in Skype, be sure to click “Save”. Otherwise, the new settings will not take effect. By selecting the "Don't save" option, you will no longer be able to read any messages from users after you have closed their profile.

How to delete correspondence using the program?

The first method of deleting correspondence does not allow you to delete messages on Skype from one contact. As a result, we may lose important data, which will cause difficulties in our work. In addition, we cannot select specific messages to delete, and we delete the general history.

There is a second way to delete messages using the program, which will tell you how to delete Skype correspondence with a specific contact.

Skype chat helper utility, written by the program developers, allows you to delete correspondence with one user.

Video: How to use the program

Installing Skype chat helper is not difficult even for a novice user:

  1. run the utility;
  2. The utility is automatically installed in the Skype root folder;
  3. installation will take no more than one minute;
  4. Click Close in the window that appears;
  5. write down the name of the user whose correspondence you want to delete. You can do this in any text editor or remember it in memory;
  6. close Skype. In this case, you should not log out of your profile, but close the Skype program;
  7. open Skype chat helper;
  8. create a backup copy of your data.

To create a backup:

  • go to C:\Documents and Settings\user_name _ Windows\ Application Data\ Skype\;
  • copy the folder with your profile to another location;
  • We save the data, it can be on a flash drive or disk. This will help restore correspondence if data is lost. At the same time, it is worth knowing that the list of your contacts will not be lost, since it is stored on certain servers, and all other data is stored on the computer.

But if you wish, you can also make a backup copy of your contact list. For this:

As a result, we see correspondence with the user we selected. We can delete individual messages from a selected user or all correspondence at once.
As a result, correspondence with this person will be completely deleted - it will be impossible to restore it.

But you should understand that the message archive is saved on your computer. If you have been communicating on another system for a long time, and now you want to delete the correspondence on another computer, there will be no result. You can only delete messages on Skype on your computer. Also, your messages will remain with the user to whom you sent them. In order to delete messages on Skype from someone else's computer, you will need to perform the steps described above in the system where you worked previously.

Since correspondence is saved primarily on the computer, you should not trust programs that promise to delete all correspondence even from someone else’s PC. This is impossible - the servers do not save your correspondence and transferred files.

Skype allows you to view and delete all conversation histories with users. All conversations are sorted by date and usually have the latest messages at the end. If not all messages are shown, select Show Older Messages. This way you can view all the conversations and text messages you had previously.

If you want to delete all correspondence, but one conversation is important to you, you can always find it:

The program will highlight the passages that best suit your descriptions - and you can view them using Next and Previous.

It is impossible to delete a message that you sent, but it has not yet arrived (the interlocutor was not online). Also, your sent messages will not be deleted on the recipient's computer.

You can transfer your correspondence history from one computer to another. To do this, just make a backup.

How to delete a Skype conversation with one contact?

The best option for deleting one user's correspondence from Skype is the Remove chat history program. It allows you to select messages that need to be deleted and leave the ones you want. There are utilities similar to Remove chat history, but for data security it is advisable to use only proven programs.

SkypeLogView deletes correspondence in the same way. One of the advantages of this program is that it does not require installation. In addition, it provides detailed information about calls, messages and files sent and received on Skype and the date they were created. You can work in SkypeLogView even when Skype is turned on. Supported by all versions of Windows and does not require installation of Skype.

But even when working with the Remove chat history program, it is advisable to make a backup copy of your profile. Despite the fairly high performance of the program, there is a possibility that all correspondence and files on Skype will be deleted without possible recovery.

How to find and delete login history

Sometimes we can log into Skype from someone else's computer, and our login automatically remains in memory.

Now we see a list of folders with the names of Skype profiles. All you need to do to delete Skype login history from another computer is to select the required folder and press the Del key.

Don't be alarmed if your folder isn't there - it might be hidden. In order to see it, press the key combination CTRL + H.

After that, select the required folder and delete it. If you log into Skype again on this computer, your login will no longer be there.

Thus, you can delete several profiles at once and it will no longer be possible to restore them. Even if you save your password, no one will be able to log into your Skype profile.

A saved login does not allow you to view your contact list and correspondence, but saves the data on your computer.

It is impossible to log in using your username without knowing your password. If, however, you also automatically saved your password, deleting this data is quite simple.

The Skype program allows you to communicate with people who are thousands of kilometers away from us. At the same time, at any time of the day, you can delete all messages that have come to you and your login login. I hope you have figured out how you can delete Skype conversations with an individual.

Skype is one of the most popular free programs for online communication, which is installed on the computers and phones of millions of users around the world. After a conversation or communication on Skype, sometimes there is a need to delete the dialogue. It won't be difficult to do this. You can delete an entire conversation, a dialogue with a specific user, or an individual message.

When you delete an entire conversation with a specific contact, that contact disappears from the Contacts sidebar, along with a history of all messages. Important note!

The dialog disappears only on the gadget where it was deleted. If you want to get rid of the dialog on all gadgets, you need to delete it on each of them.

Updated version of the program for Windows Important!

Classic Skype for Windows does not have an option to delete an individual conversation.

Mac version

The chat history with each of your interlocutors is saved in the program, but you can delete it too. The instructions are suitable for the classic version of the program for Windows. Follow these steps:

Important ! You will delete all information about conversations, calls, transferred files and other actions. Once the transaction is confirmed, you will not be able to go back and read the erased messages.

How to hide a separate conversation in Skype?

When you delete a chat or dialogue completely , on the same gadget the log is also completely cleared messages. There is another option. It is possible to hide a dialogue that is unnecessary at the moment, which will be saved on this gadget in the journal and later you can return to the same dialogue again.

Classic version of the program

Updated version of the program for Windows The updated Skype for Windows does not have a "Hide Conversation" option.

Classic Skype for Windows does not have an option to delete an individual conversation.

Skype on Mac doesn't have a Hide Conversation feature, but you can delete all recent conversations from the sidebar.

For this:

Updated version of the program for Windows The mobile phone version does not support the hide conversation option.

How to delete a single message on Skype?

Sometimes you need to delete a message that has already been sent. Skype supports this feature. If you do this, the message will be deleted for both you and your interlocutor.

Program version for Windows

The described method works for both the classic and updated versions of Skype.

Classic Skype for Windows does not have an option to delete an individual conversation.

Android mobile phone

Mobile phone based on iOS

How to change a sent message in Skype

In the program, you can not only delete a message, but also edit it; you just need to remember that this option is available for a limited time. Edits and changes must be made immediately after sending the message.

Program version for Windows

In the classic version of the program, this function is called “Edit message”.

Mac version of the program

Android mobile phone

Mobile phone based on iOS

Now you don't have to worry about uncleaned chat history, unnecessary messages or conversations. It’s easy to delete a message or conversation on Skype - the program is considered one of the easiest available even for people who are not familiar with computer programs and the Internet.

Video - How to delete Skype conversations with one person

Skype automatically saves the history of all correspondence that you conduct in this program. This often turns out to be very convenient. For example, when you need to return to the topic of a previous conversation, or remember some important part of it. But sometimes it becomes necessary to delete correspondence to protect your privacy from strangers. It is important to note here that only the instant messaging history is saved. Voice communication is not recorded in history.

Let's look at the options that Skype provides for deleting correspondence and individual messages.

Deleting individual messages in Skype
The latest version of Skype at the time of writing this article does not have the ability to delete the entire history of instant messaging with a specific contact. You can only delete individual messages in it. But often this turns out to be quite enough. To delete a specific message follow two simple steps.
After this, the message will be marked as deleted.

If the list of messages is still large and deleting them individually is too tedious, then find friends or acquaintances who use computers with the Mac OS operating system, log into Skype using your account from their computer and delete all correspondence with a certain person. In the version of Skype for Mac, it is possible to delete all correspondence with a specific user.

Delete all correspondence on Skype
The entire message history on Skype is deleted as follows.
All instant chat messages, SMS and transferred files will be deleted from the history. This will also close all open chats.

You can also prevent saving history. To do this, to the left of the “Clear history” button, select “do not save” from the drop-down list and click the “Save” button to apply the setting.

Do not forget that in addition to your computer, messages are also stored on Skype servers and remote correspondence will at least be completely saved on your interlocutor’s computer.

It is now possible to delete correspondence in the new Skype, unlike earlier versions of the program. But not everyone knows how to delete messages on Skype. Can:

  • Delete incoming messages on Skype
  • Delete Skype conversations on your computer

More precisely, you can delete all messages on Skype at once, or each message individually. Previously, it was not possible to delete Skype conversations with a contact or delete old messages in Skype. What should users do if they need to delete one message, but at the same time they do not want or cannot update Skype? Then how to delete messages on Skype?

Skype developers have long made it possible to delete message history on Skype. How to clear message history on Skype:

  1. Launch Skype
  2. Go to “Tools” - “Settings”
  3. Open the “Chats and SMS” tab
  4. Select "Chat Settings"
  5. Click "Clear History" to delete your Skype chat history

ATTENTION! After clicking the “Delete” button, all correspondence from your Skype will be deleted! If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Imagine a situation where you received a message from a contact that no one else (for example, someone who uses your computer) should see. In this case, you will need to delete the Skype conversation with one person completely or delete the Skype message from the interlocutor. To delete one message, you need to delete them directly from the database in which the entire correspondence history is stored.

Skype installed on your computer records all settings, chat histories, etc. to the database, it is located in the folder along the path C:\Users\%user_name%\AppData\Roaming\Skype\%skype_name%, where:

  • %user_name% is the username under which you are currently working on the computer
  • %skype_name% is your username in Skype

To delete a Skype conversation with one person, go to the folder and find the main.db file.

Make a copy of this file and save it somewhere else. Just in case, if you suddenly do something wrong, you can overwrite the file from a previously saved one.

The next step, in order to delete messages from one contact on Skype, you need to download a program for working with a database, it is called DB Browser for SQLite, if you already have experience working with databases, you can use another program. The program on the site is presented for both 32 and 64 bit systems. After downloading, install the program and run it.

Close Skype before opening the database. Now click "File" - "Open Database" and open the main.db file from the C:\Users\%user_name%\AppData\Roaming\Skype\%skype_name% folder.

Go to the “Data” tab and select the “Message” table.

Sort the “body_xml” column and find the message you need. If you find several identical messages, then you need to look at the “from_dispname” column to clarify the person to whom the message was intended.

When you are sure that this is the message you want to delete, select it and click on the “Delete Entry” button.

After you have deleted unnecessary messages, click on the “Write Changes” button.

If you launch Skype, you will see that the message you deleted is no longer there. Please note that you cannot delete Skype conversations with your interlocutor. You can check with your interlocutor whether messages on Skype are deleted. The answer is “No.”