How to create diagrams in word. How to make diagrams in Word: a detailed guide. How to apply a pre-made style

in MS Word 2007, in the main menu, go to the “Insert” tab, then select the “Diagram” command. A window appears with a list of chart templates on the left and their appearance on the right. Select the chart that you think is suitable for your report and confirm your choice by clicking OK. Next is the MS Excel table editor window with a table corresponding to the selected diagram. Thus, there are two windows on the screen: Word and Excel. Double-click a table cell and change its value. The appearance will change after you press the Enter key.

You can create a chart in Word from a table. In the “Insert” tab, click the “Table” button. You will be offered several ways to create it: 1. Define in the template ;2. After selecting the “Insert” command in the “Insert Table” window, determine its parameters: the number of rows and columns and automatic selection of column widths;3. Select the “Draw Table” command if you need a table with predefined parameters. The Pencil tool appears. Draw rows and columns of the required sizes;4. By clicking the “Excel Table” command at the bottom of the screen, a window of this spreadsheet editor will open. Enter the cell values, click OK to complete the entry;5. When you use the "Express Tables" command, you will be offered several table templates.

Fill in the table with data. In the main menu, select the “Menu” item. In the new menu bar that appears, expand the “Table” list, then click “Select” and “Select Table”. In the same line, select the “Insert” and “Object” items. In the Object Type list, find Microsoft Graph Chart. The program will suggest the most suitable chart type for your table. If you want to change it, double-click on the image and select "Chart" and "Chart Type" from the menu. To return to the Word document, click anywhere outside the picture.

To import a table from Excel, select the required cells or the entire sheet and copy the selected fragment to the clipboard using the Ctrl+C combination. Open a Word document, mark the place where the table will be inserted, and press Ctrl+V. An Insert Options button will appear next to the new data. If you want the table to reflect any changes you make to the source document, choose one of the options “Keep source formatting and link to Excel” or “Use target table style and link to Excel.”

In the Microsoft Office Word application, it is possible to work not only with text. If necessary, the user can insert a graphic object or diagram into the document. To create charts, you need to have at least a little knowledge of Excel.


Launch Word and open the document you need or create a new one. Go to the "Insert" tab. On the toolbar, find the “Illustrations” block and click on the “Diagram” thumbnail button. The “Insert Chart” window will open, select the layout that is suitable for your case, and click the OK button.

Once your selection is made, Microsoft Office Excel will automatically open. In the cells on the sheet, arbitrary data has already been entered for clarity; replace them with your own. The area of ​​data used to build the chart is outlined in blue. If you are missing the designated rows or columns, expand the selection range.

Move the mouse cursor to the lower right corner of the frame and click the left mouse button. While holding it down, drag the frame outline to the location you want and release the mouse button. Once you have finished entering data into the cells, you can close the Excel workbook.

Diagram Creation Process

In modern versions of a text editor, creating a diagram is quite easy. The following list of actions will help you understand how to make diagrams in Word:

Let's look at the main types of charts:

  • — allows you to clearly illustrate the dynamics of any changes in certain values ​​depending on another indicator;
  • pie chart - shows the relationship between several quantities that are combined by a common indicator;
  • histogram - illustrates changes in the ratios of stable groups of specific values ​​depending on a certain factor;
  • stock charts - allow you to visually monitor the relationship of several parameters at once, depending on the selected factor, the role of which is often played by time;
  • surface - can display 3-dimensional models of various processes.

How to build a histogram?

Let's imagine that you need to conduct a sociological study and then present its results. For clarity, you have to build a diagram. A histogram will help you with this.

Scheme for constructing a histogram:

Proper use of diagrams in Word significantly increases the chances that the information presented will be understandable to everyone.

Charts are graphical representations of statistical data. When observing changing phenomena, diagrams can make work easier and provide a clearer, visual understanding of what is happening, which improves the quality of analysis of the data obtained. In this article, I'll show you how to make graphical charts in Word.

This instruction will be useful in many areas - family budget at home, corporate budget at work, child’s performance at school... If you wish, you can put any incoming data into visual diagrams. And then analyze them carefully.

Let's get started!

Create a chart in Word

I will show you in screenshots using an example from Word 2010. If you have a different version, then perhaps something in the interface will not match my pictures, but the essence is the same. Do everything point by point and you will have a diagram in Word. You can download Office if you still don't have this program on your computer.

  1. Open Word.
  2. Select the "Insert" tab and click on the "Chart" button. You will see a list of all possible diagram designs in Word, and there are many of them. Select the required one and click “Ok”.

    Selecting a chart type in Word

  3. After this, a drawn diagram will appear in Word and a table will open next to it in Excel. In this table, you can change any of the chart data as you need. Also, if you already have a ready-made table, then you can simply insert it into the opened Excel. For example, you can see how I edited this table, making statistics on the progress of children in an educational institution, and all the changes were reflected in the diagram accordingly.

    Working with data in a table

    Working with data in a table

  4. After making all changes to the table, you can close Excel and save the Word document.

In modern versions of the Microsoft Word text editor, diagrams are created as follows:

1. Place the cursor at the place in the document where you want to add a diagram.

2. In the main menu of the program, select the “Insert” item, in which activate the “Diagram” tab.

3. In the right part of the window that appears, select the desired chart type. The main types of charts available, which are most often used depending on the goals:

o Charts– a diagram in the form of a graph will allow you to clearly demonstrate the dynamics of changes in a certain value depending on a certain indicator. Changes in income by month and productivity by year are typical uses for graphs.

o Circular a diagram is used to show the relationship of several quantities united by a certain common parameter. For example, it can be used to show the shares of people of different nationalities within one state, the ratio of various sources of income in the total profit.

o bar chart– will allow you to show changes in the ratio of stable groups of certain values ​​depending on any factor. For example, the ratio of the value of the euro to the dollar, the dollar to the ruble today, a week ago, two weeks, three, and so on. This is a rather complex type of chart, which is formed based on the values ​​of five columns, which contain information on volume, the lowest rate, the highest rate, the closing rate and the opening rate.

o Exchange the chart is used by brokers to visualize changes in the rise and fall of company stock prices, or exchange rates. Stock charts allow you to track relationships between several quantities at once, depending on the selected indicator, which is most often time. For example, on one chart you can present the daily dynamics of sales volumes, while simultaneously monitoring the maximum and minimum sales prices, indicating the value of the tracked positions at the time of closing.

o Surface in the form of a diagram, it is most often used in scientific activities to display three-dimensional models of various processes.

Other types of diagrams are either variations of those already discussed or are used much less frequently.

After selecting the chart type, click on the “Ok” button, after which an example chart will appear in your document. At the same time, a sheet of values ​​will open in Excel, on the basis of which this chart was built. Your task is to edit the data on the sheet, replacing the indicators with your values. After entering each new value in Excel, the graph in Word will be automatically rebuilt and you only need to ensure that the information is entered correctly. After entering all the data, the Excel window can be closed.

4. The final stage of creating a diagram is design. You can add a title to the chart and fine-tune various chart design parameters. To do this, place the cursor in the diagram area and when it looks like a cross of arrows, click the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select the required item.

By using diagrams in Word correctly and in a timely manner, you significantly increase the chances that the information you provide will be clearly understood and clearly presented in comparison with tabular or text forms of presenting the same material.

Fixing the material.

To start building a diagram, click the button "Diagram" on the panel "Illustrations" tapes "Insert".

In the window that appears, you need to select the type of chart and its type.

After this, the Excel 2007 program window automatically opens, with a set of some standard values ​​for plotting.

You must enter data to create graphs. If necessary, you can delete or add a diagram.

After this, the Excel 2007 program window can be closed.

The diagram we just created will appear in the Word 2007 document.

At the same time, a context tool appears in the editor window "Working with diagrams", containing three tapes: "Constructor", "Layout", "Format".

The knowledge gained in previous lessons will be enough for you to deal with further editing of diagrams on your own. Here we will only briefly outline the contextual tools for working with diagrams.

Ribbon "Constructor" consists of four panels: "Type", "Data", "Chart Layouts", "Chart styles". The main operations performed by these tools are changing the appearance of the chart, its data and style.

Ribbon "Layout" contains six panels: "Current fragment", "Insert", "Signatures", "Axis", "Background", "Analysis". These tools are designed to directly design chart graphs and individual chart elements. Use a drop-down list to select a diagram element "Current fragment".

MS Word has many useful features that take this program far beyond the average word processor. One of these “useful things” is creating diagrams, which you can learn more about in our article. This time we will look in detail at how to build a histogram in Word.

bar chart is a convenient and visual method of presenting tabular data in graphical form. It consists of a certain number of rectangles of proportional area, the height of which is an indicator of the values.

To create a histogram, follow these steps:

1. Open the Word document in which you want to build a histogram and go to the tab "Insert".

2. In a group “Illustrations” click on the button “Insert chart”.

3. In the window that appears in front of you, select “Histrogram”.

4. In the top row, where black and white samples are presented, select the appropriate type of histogram and click "OK".

5. A histogram along with a small Excel table will be added to the document.

6. All you have to do is fill in the categories and rows in the table, give them a name, and also enter a name for your histogram.

Changing the histogram

To resize the histogram, click on it and then drag one of the markers located along its outline.

By clicking on the histogram, you activate the main section “Working with diagrams”, which has two tabs "Constructor" And "Format".

Here you can completely change the appearance of the histogram, its style, color, add or remove components.

    Advice: If you want to change both the color of the elements and the style of the histogram itself, first select the appropriate colors and then change the style.

In the tab "Format" you can set the exact size of the histogram by specifying its height and width, add various shapes, and also change the background of the field in which it is located.

We'll finish here, in this short article we told you about how to make a histogram in Word, also about how it can be changed and transformed.