How to create a webmoney wallet. Create a WebMoney wallet, types of wallets: WMZ, WMR, WMU, WME

Making money on the Internet involves working with electronic payment systems, one of the most popular and widespread is considered WebMoney, it is this very system that we will talk about today, register an electronic wallet and learn how to handle it.

Why do you need an e-wallet?

The money earned on the Internet must be somehow withdrawn into cash or simply be able to use it to pay for goods and services. It is for this purpose that electronic payment systems such as:

  • WebMoney;
  • Yandex money;
  • QIWI;
  • EasyPay;
  • and others.

Currently, many earning systems are trying to provide users with ways to receive earned amounts bypassing such payment systems - this allows them to save on the latter’s commission fees, for example, in this article I told you how to withdraw money bypassing Rapida.

But many exchanges and services still work only with electronic payment systems, for example, such a popular article exchange as, withdraws funds only to WebMoney wallets. That is why it is necessary to have at least one active an online wallet with which you can receive, spend and withdraw electronic currency upon request.

WebMoney wallet is

If we talk about this payment system, then I work only with it. Why?

  • Firstly, simplicity . This system is very easy to work with, starting with registration and obtaining a formal certificate. There are no costs at all.
  • Secondly, fast technical support ;
  • Third, small commission 0.8% ;
  • Fourthly, withdrawal to a bank card without problems .

There are many more advantages of this system, I highlighted these 4 as fundamental.

How to register a WebMoney wallet

In the upper right corner you will see two buttons Login and Register, select the second one:

  • individual;
  • entity;
  • re-registration.

And we follow the suggested steps. For example, for an individual there are only five. When registering, provide real data, otherwise you may lose control of your account.

Registration is quite simple, so I won’t describe all the steps. If something is not clear, you can always go to the help section and look for answers there:

After registration, go back to the main menu (located at the top). We go to the item For Individuals and select the method of managing the wallet, I personally chose Keeper WinPro (Classic):

Working through WinPro is convenient and reliable, and this is the most important thing, so I didn’t bother too much here. Keeper WinPro (Classic) can be downloaded. Next, you will need to create a WM wallet. There are a lot of WebMoney wallets, but the main ones are:

  • WMR - equivalent to the Russian ruble;
  • WMZ - US dollar;
  • WME - Euro.

The most important thing is that after registration, each user of the system receives a WMID - identification number. It must be remembered and preserved.

How to get a formal WebMoney certificate

  • basic;
  • professional.

Among the main ones, I would highlight 3 certificates:

  1. formal- quite easy to obtain;
  2. elementary;
  3. personal - paid.

How to withdraw webmoney to a Sberbank card

Now we come to the most pleasant part, namely the withdrawal of earned money. I indicated a Sberbank card, since I withdraw to it myself; in fact, WebMoney can be withdrawn in different ways. To do this, just study the information.

The method I will talk about, in my opinion, is the fastest, simplest and cheapest. It's called "Attaching a bank card" VISA/MasterCard«.

  1. Log in to the site, on the main page go to the withdraw section:
  2. We get to the withdrawal methods page, here we select bank cards/WMR:
  3. Select Attach:
  4. Next, we tear out the wallet:
  5. Specify the debit limit from the card:
  6. Next, subscribe to the service:

  7. After authorization, enter the details of your card and remember that it must be issued by a Russian bank and have 3DSecure protection!
  8. After entering the card details, if everything is correct, enter the password received via SMS:

  9. Congratulations! You have connected the card VISA or MasterCard to your wallet:
  10. Now hover over the card and you will see the available transactions between your card and wallet. Select Top up card:
  11. Next, indicate the amount to top up the card. From sum No. 2 we subtract sum No. 3 and we get the amount of the total commission - this is 212 rubles, in comparison with other methods, not so much:
  12. An invoice will be issued to you instantly, go there:

  13. Look at the invoice and pay it:
  14. And finally, in a few steps (including confirmation via SMS), we transfer the money to the service, and the service transfers it to us within one minute.

Now you have a WebMoney wallet and a Sberbank or any other card is attached to it, thanks to which you can easily withdraw WMR currency into real rubles!

Due to the fact that for some time now, when registering in the WM system, WM Keeper Mini becomes the default way to manage WMID, many users confuse the concepts of ‘Creating WMID’ and ‘Creating a wallet’. Let's clarify this issue...

Only after registering in the system, users immediately receive a WebMoney Identifier (WMID), which will serve to identify a specific user in the system, but users cannot yet carry out operations in the WM system, since they do not yet have their own wallets for these purposes. So, by registering in the system, you immediately create only a WMID for yourself, and you still have to create the wallets you need for operations in the WM system, because without them it is impossible to carry out operations.

The system supports several types of title units stored on the corresponding electronic WebMoney wallets:

WMZ— equivalent of US dollars (wallet type Z),
WMR— equivalent of Russian rubles (wallet type R),
W.M.U.— equivalent of Ukrainian hryvnia (U-type wallet),
WME- Euro equivalent (type E wallet),
W.M.B.— equivalent of Belarusian rubles (wallet type B),
WMG- equivalent of gold (wallet type G),
W.M.C. And WMD- equivalent to WMZ for credit transactions on C- and D-wallets (can be created by users with a certificate from basic and higher).

In 2013, a new type of title units and, accordingly, a new type of electronic wallet were introduced in the WebMoney system:
WMX— equivalent to 0.001 Bitcoin (wallet type X).

You can create any WebMoney wallets for your needs, just a piece of advice - don’t create unnecessary ones, you can’t delete them!

In the Mini keeper, wallets are created as follows - on the main tab in the keeper, click the ‘Wallets’ tab:

A page with your wallets opens, there you click the ADD MORE link:

Your attention will be presented to the page for creating a wallet, on which you should select the required equivalent, for example, WMR - Russian rubles, study the agreement for using your wallet, be sure to agree with it, if you have not changed your mind about using the WebMoney system, check the appropriate box and click the CREATE button:

After successfully completing this operation, you will have a WMR wallet created, which will immediately appear in the WALLETS tab of the Mini keeper. You need to do the same thing again with other wallets in order to create equivalents of WMZ, WMU, WME or any others that you think you will need for operations in the system. In MINI Keeper you can create only one wallet of different types! If you need more wallets of the same type, then you need to connect another method of managing wallets, for example, the Classic keeper.

For WM Keeper Classic the process is similar, but everything looks different:
go to the tab in the keeper WALLETS, there you right-click in the field and select CREATE in the menu that appears, a window opens and in it select which one WM wallet you want to create, and also enter the name for the future wallet, which can later be changed:

Or, immediately below the tabs, click the CREATE button and the same window opens for you to create a wallet:

You can also create several WebMoney wallets of the same type, for example, WMZ wallet, but for different purposes. The main thing is that you yourself do not get confused in them. To do this, any WebMoney wallet can be renamed for your convenience. WMZ wallet is the most popular in the system, so you simply need to create it - almost all services and stores work through the WMZ wallet, as one of the options.

Operations with WebMoney wallets.

To replenish WebMoney wallets with title units such as WMR and WMU through terminals, of which there are now a huge number for your convenience, you need to authorize these wallets on the website. Let us immediately note that WMR wallets, created after May 2009 do not need to be authorized, this already happens automatically when creating a wallet, and WMZ wallet cannot be topped up through terminals!

Also, immediately study the requirements and limits of Guarantors for various types of certificates and keepers, so that later there are no unpleasant situations when working with the system!

There are 3 ways to send money from your keeper:

1. Direct payment from wallet to wallet, for example, from your wallet to our... oh, sorry - another wallet. To do this, you need to first find out the number of another wallet. Next, right-click on the required wallet in the keeper, select the ‘Transfer WM’ item in the menu that opens, select ‘To WebMoney wallet’ and fill out the window that appears...

It is worth noting that for the safety of your transfers, there is a safety net option in the system - transfer with transaction protection code.

The protection code in the WebMoney system is used quite often, so let me inform you that there are even 2 types of transfers with a protection code - by time and by code.

When making your first translations, if you are afraid of something, I advise you not to be lazy and use this option.

Also, for the security of transactions, the WM system has the Escrow service, which acts as a trusted party between sellers and buyers and is integrated directly into the keeper, so you can insure any funds transfer operation using collateral:

2. The second method is implemented as a function in electronic stores - (interfaces for automated receipt of funds). You select a product or service on some website in an electronic store, and click PAY, then one by one you perform the actions that are offered to you on the monitor screen, but not by stupidly pressing all the proposed buttons in a row, but by first reading and understanding what you are doing . Of course, the keeper must first be activated.

During the process, you can also check some data, for example, his certificate or reviews about the Seller on his page in the Arbitration, so that you don’t get the impression that you paid for the service, and then looked in the reviews that 50 WM users have already written complaints that the service is of poor quality or it doesn't turn out at all.

3. The third way is to pay an invoice sent to you by someone. You can immediately click the PAY button and the money will be transferred after entering the captcha, or you can postpone this invoice and pay later, if you consider it necessary.

Here you need to be especially careful, because some scammers or beggars can send invoices from their keeper to anyone, for this they only need to know the WMID of the correspondent, so I advise you to carefully study the invoices that come to you before pressing the payment button!

Operations in the WebMoney system are carried out between wallets of the same type, i.e. you cannot send title units, for example, WMZ to a WMU wallet, but you can only, for example, WMR => WMR or WME => WME. To convert WM title units into the currency you need, there are various exchange services, for example, one of the reliable and well-proven ones is

About nonsense when dealing with money.

The Internet is simply full of swindlers and swindlers of various breeds, I think many people know this very well and I haven’t said anything new. But each of us, let’s be honest here, at least once, fell for various tricks of scammers, maybe in personal correspondence, or maybe on scammers’ websites (newbies can do a lot of stupid things due to inexperience), as a result of which they simply parted with their money , acquired through hard work.

Therefore, you should NEVER pay to ‘magic wallets’, to someone you don’t know, and also to someone from whom you cannot receive an invoice for payment. Also, you should not pay for WebMoney certificates for Yandex.Money in order to work as a “WebMoney operator,” and you should NOT make money in a day in “profitable exchangers” of electronic currencies, even using exchange rate monitoring services. All this, to put it mildly, is from the evil one. Remember that swindlers, in the desire for easy money, sometimes create miracles and their inventions are limitless, so before you make any transfer of your money in a keeper (especially a forced transfer), first analyze the situation, or, as they say, ask your elders comrades'.

If, however, you still have unanswered questions, then feel free to ask them by clicking on the link in the left panel of the site. Any question will be answered by experienced users, many of whom are registered consultants of the system.

Hello everyone and good mood. Want to break into the world of e-commerce? Today we will go through step by step how to create a WebMoney wallet. My instructions take into account all the nuances and will teach you how to use virtual money.

WebMoney was founded in 1998. Now this is a huge electronic money payment system with more than 30 million users in the CIS, most of whom are from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Suitable for various purposes from running a business to making purchases online.

In a nutshell, I’ll tell you about the scheme of work in the system.

Each user is assigned a unique number - WMID. It is used for all actions with the account.

There is a system of wallets, the main ones, of course, are ruble and dollar, but there are also many other currencies. The abbreviation is WMR for ruble, WMZ for dollars. Wallets consist of the letter R or Z and 12 numbers.

There are levels of access to system functions, they are called certificates. The first levels are given for free. The first level is a pseudonym, the second is formal, then initial and then personal. To obtain it, you need to provide scans of your passport data to a special person - the registrar.

Why do you need an electronic wallet?

If you have come to the world of online earnings, you can’t live without virtual money. It's like an online wallet. For any work, for example, for completing a task on, you will be paid in electronic money.

Therefore, first of all, create web wallets, now the most popular ones are WebMoney. After that, calmly look for a job and receive a well-deserved reward.

This will also allow you to:

  • Make purchases online in a few clicks. Let's say topping up your phone will take a few seconds.
  • Withdraw money to a plastic card (provided you have the required system certificate).

Register in WM

It’s very easy to register and get yourself a wallet; you can do it even without a passport. To do this, go to the site via your favorite browser. Click "Registration".

First, enter your current phone number. I recommend entering a phone number that you use regularly; changing it will be problematic.

Next, enter your personal information. Be careful when entering your security question; it will be very useful later. I advise you to uncheck the boxes offering to receive news, because there will be a lot of them. Then, if you want, you can set them in your personal profile settings. Of course, you agree to the processing of your personal data, without this you will not be able to move forward.

In the next step, you will be asked to check the data again. Next, enter the password that will be sent via SMS to the specified phone number.

Create a password to log in. It is advisable not to use banal combinations of numbers. Enter the code shown in the picture to continue.

Registration is completed. Check your email for a link to activate your account. Walk along it.

You will receive a message that your email has been confirmed.

Creating a wallet

In your personal account, click on the section "Finance".

Press the blue plus sign and select “Create a wallet”.

Select a currency. We get acquainted and accept the terms of the agreement, click "Create".

I created two main wallets - dollar and ruble. Look at the screenshot, you can give these numbers to customers to receive money earned on the Internet.

For now, you have a pseudonym certificate, with it you can receive and send transfers within WM, replenish wallets through terminals with cash, make purchases in stores and pay for utilities. Except that withdrawal to a plastic card is not available (for this you need an initial certificate), but for now this is quite enough.

A little later I’ll tell you how to expand the functionality of WebMoney by receiving the following certificates.

Now you can download the WebMoney Keeper application to your mobile device for easy management of your personal account.


Congratulations. You have taken the first step towards making money online. You can receive your first fee today. Just give the customer your brand new WebMoney wallet number, complete the task efficiently and wait for the salary to be credited.

Ask your questions in the comments. All the best to you.

WebMoney is an international payment system that serves over 16 million accounts. After registering in the system, the participant is assigned an identification number - WMID, and the resource itself has a properly organized system that makes it easy to pay bills, make transactions and withdraw funds. But this requires registration with WebMoney and correct account setup. We invite you to understand the system.


What should you know about the payment system before registering?

The advantages of the electronic payment system include the instantaneity of transactions. One click of a button and the funds are immediately transferred to the recipient.

There are many positive aspects to using the resource:

  • receiving money into your account without leaving your home;
  • the ability to register a wallet from any country in the world;
  • fast operations;
  • low commission fees;
  • confirmed payments;
  • multi-level protection.

Registration procedure

To create a wallet, the user must go to the official WebMoney page.

  1. Enter the information provided.
  2. Check that the information you entered is correct.
  3. Use the "Continue" button.
  4. Open the letter sent by e-mail.
  5. Follow the link and confirm your participation in the system within 10 minutes.

Downloading WebMoney

To fully operate WebMoney, download the special program WM Keeper Classic and install it on your computer. This program only works with Windows OS. If you have another operating system, download WM Keeper Light, and to work via a smartphone you will need the GSM Keeper application. Let's consider the Keeper Classic application.

Installing Keeper Classic

So, the program is downloaded, and the downloaded file must be run for installation. Read the agreement and click the “Next” button. Before completion, the system will ask you to select settings for the additional WebMoney Advisor program. Usually, installing this program is not necessary, since many people use antiviruses for security.

Let's start the installation:

  1. Click on the program shortcut that appears on your desktop.
  2. Select the “Register with WebMoney” field and click “Ok”.
  3. Enter the registration code provided in the email.
  4. You will see the field “Preparing to generate a barbed file for access to the system.”
  5. To generate keys, click on the keys in random order and move the mouse. As soon as the indicator completes its work, a new tab will open in front of you.
  6. After a few minutes, a window will appear on the screen in which the program will congratulate you on completing the registration.
  7. Click on the “Next” button and go to the next section “Saving a key file”.
  8. WebMoney suggests choosing a place to store passwords. Remember this location, and if you forget where the files are, look for them on the disks by running the search system with the keyword *.kwm.
  9. The key access code must be different from the password you specified when registering WMID. Otherwise the system will not work.
  10. Enter your password and click on the “Next” button twice.
  11. At the last stage, enter the activation code that the system sends by e-mail and click “Finish”.

Here you can open the procedure for obtaining a personal certificate.

Algorithm for creating a wallet

How to register a wallet?

  1. In the center of the tab, right-click and select “Create”.
  2. Click on the “Next” button and start creating. This process is very simple.
  3. Select the type of currency and enter the name of the open electronic wallet.
  4. Agree to the terms of the resource and click “Finish”.

The procedure can be considered completed. WebMoney offers wallets with several title units. For example, WMZ is the equivalent of dollars, and WMR is the equivalent of Russian rubles. Most participants in the system in Russia are content with using these two currencies. If necessary, wallets can be registered according to available equivalents.


If you have difficulties registering a new wallet, they may be due to incorrectly filled in fields. Therefore, take your time before opening an account, check all entered data, and when creating a password, write it down and hide it in a safe place. Don't forget to write down the answer to the security question, as it will make it easier to restore access.

Now you can pay bills, transfer money and buy goods. The list of partner resources can be seen in the “My WebMoney” tab.

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to how to create a WebMoney wallet. There is an opinion that this system is complex and quite difficult for a beginner to understand. It's actually not that complicated. By the way, pay attention to the functional payment system with simple registration (), which is widely used and at the same time no less reliable than WebMoney.

I would like to point out right away that to open an account, you first need to register in the WebMoney system, and then start creating any wallet.

Thanks to the step-by-step actions described here, you can easily register and open an account with any WebMoney electronic wallet (rubles, dollars, euros and others). Users of this “payment” can open them in the required quantity.

Briefly about the WebMoney payment system

WebMoney Transfer is a universal payment system and environment for doing business on the Internet, founded in 1998. The system has more than 25 million users worldwide.

The payment system provides useful services with which you can keep track of funds, safely exchange and cash them out, and much more.

Electronic wallets of one user are combined into a single repository called “keeper.” To identify participants in the system, a unique registration number is assigned - WMID.

To interact with system participants, each user provides the necessary data about their identity, which is verified and confirmed as authentic through the distributed WM certification service.

Based on transactions (monetary transactions) with other participants in the exchange of property rights, a public parameter is calculated - the Business Level. All wallets in the system have a 12-digit number and prefix.

Several types of wallets are currently supported:

  • R-wallet WMR - Russian ruble;
  • Z-wallet WMZ - US dollar;
  • E-wallet WME - euro;
  • U-wallet WMU - Ukrainian hryvnia;
  • B-wallet WMB - Belarusian ruble;
  • G-wallet WMG - gold in a certified storage;
  • X-wallet WMX - bitcoins.

For example, a ruble wallet looks like this: R123456789012

Registration in WebMoney

Registration in WebMoney is completely free and takes place in several steps. Please note that this is not yet creating a wallet, but only initial preparation. So, go to the official website of WebMoney Transfer: and click the "Registration" button.

Since all actions are intuitive and there is no point in cluttering the page with a large registration screen, I will only highlight important points in color.

Phone input

Entering personal data

  • Personal Information: nickname ( enter in English letters), surname, first name, patronymic, indicate gender and date of birth;
  • Actual location: indicate the country, enter the city and address (as in the passport);
  • Contact Information: indicate your contact mailing address and website (if available);
  • Information to restore access: Select a security question from the list, come up with an answer to it and write an additional email address (if you have one).

Note. Write down the answer to the test question on a piece of paper in case you forget.

Check that the entered data is correct and click the "Continue" button.

Checking email

Check the email you specified in the previous step and copy the code received in the letter. Insert the confirmation code into the column and click "Continue".

Note. On the code entry page, you can change your E-mail (if you made a mistake) or request that the code be sent again if you did not receive it.

Phone check

Confirm your mobile phone number to which the code was sent via SMS. If necessary, the phone number can also be changed.

Assigning a password

Next, create a password (to make it more complex use upper and lower case letters (small and capital), as well as numbers and service symbols) and enter the code from the image. Click "OK".

At this point, registration in WebMoney is completed and you will automatically be assigned an alias certificate.

Creating a WebMoney e-wallet

After registering in the system, you need to create (open) a WebMoney wallet, in the account of which your electronic money will be stored.

Please note that it does NOT matter which WebMoney wallet you create: ruble, dollar, euro, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian ruble or another, the principle is the same!

Go to the official WebMoney website, click "Login" and fill out the form below.

  1. indicate your login;
  2. enter the password;
  3. Enter the code from the image;
  4. select the Keeper Standard (Mini) application, as shown by the arrow in the screenshot;
  5. click "Login";
  6. enter the authorization code sent to you via SMS message.

Or immediately go to the “Keeper Standard (mini)” website and enter your login information there.

So, using the example, we will create a WMU (Ukrainian hryvnia) wallet. Go to the "Wallets" tab and click "Create".

Then from the list you need to select the type of wallet you want to create (for example: WMR, WMZ, WME, etc.) and accept the terms of the agreement (check the box) and click "Create".

Note. The main types of wallets are WMR (ruble) and WMZ (dollar), which are widely used, for example, on such projects for making money on the Internet as Seosprint.

If the wallet creation is successful, the following message will appear.

So that you have fully working WebMoney wallet with the possibility of withdrawing money to a plastic card or bank account, you need to obtain a formal WebMoney certificate with confirmation (reconciliation) of the passport and some other data provided to the system. In other words, soon be ready to provide copies (scans) of documents for WebMoney.

If you do not provide the payment system with scanned documents, you will not be able to withdraw funds from your wallet. However, you will be able to transfer money to other users (you will only need to provide personal information), as well as make some payments, for example for mobile communications.

On my own behalf, I will say that you should NOT be afraid to enter your personal data and then confirm it with scans - this is a normal and correct requirement of the WebMoney Transfer payment system with an impeccable reputation and protection from hacking. After all, although money is electronic, it is quite real. Personally, I provided scans of my passport, tax identification number and insurance certificate and now I fully use the WebMoney payment system.

I hope that with the help of this article you have understood how to create a WebMoney wallet. And if necessary, you can refer to the official Knowledge Base:

Good luck to you, Patience and Good Luck!
