How to make gold letters in Photoshop? A simple method to create golden text in Photoshop

The graphic editor has ample opportunities for text design; you can create inscriptions with various effects. Now we will learn how to make gold letters in Photoshop. Get ready for painstaking work, you need to do everything step by step and not neglect small nuances, then everything will work out.

Step 1: preparation for work

1. Create a new drawing with a size of 1200x800 px and open the “Layers” window.

2. Make the background black using the Paint Fill tool.

3. Select white color from the palette and write something using the Type tool. We chose the font Times New Roman Bold size 230 pt, Fig. 2.

4. Position the text in the middle using the Move tool. To change the size of the inscription, use “Free Transform” in the “Edit” menu.

Step 2: Making Gold

1. Click the fx button at the bottom of the layers window and select “Gradient Overlay” from the list. Click once on its color to edit. A window with a color school will appear. If you had standard colors on the toolbar (black and white), then the gradient will be black and white.

On the scale you will see sliders, these are color control points. Double-click on the bottom-left slider and select yellow (#ffff00) from the palette, Fig. 3. In the same way, change the final color of the gradient by clicking on the second bottom slider on the right. Set the shade closer to gold (we took #cc9900), Fig. 4. Click OK. In the window with gradient styles, change the style to “Mirror”, set the opacity and scale to 100%, Fig. 5, click “OK” again. It should look something like this, Fig. 6.

2. Click fx and Emboss again. Change the method to “Hard Cut”, depth 195%, size 90, Fig. 7, select “Double Ring” for the gloss outline and check the “Smooth” checkbox next to the outline, Fig. 8. It already looks like gold. You can further increase the depth to taste.

3. But don’t rush to close the styles window; on the left, under “Embossing”, check the box next to “Outline”.

4. In the same place, in the styles window, check the box next to “Gloss” and select it with the mouse, going to settings. Select the “Background Dodge” mode, set the opacity to approximately 50%, and the color to bright yellow (#ffff00), Fig. 9.

5. Now select “Shadow”, Blend Mode “Normal”, Opacity 100%, Color #999900, Offset and Range = 0, Size = 6, Outline “Double Ring” plus “Smooth”, Fig.10. This is what happened, Fig. 11.

1. Create a new empty layer (second button to the right of the trash can in the layers window).

2. Activate the Eyedropper tool and sample the color from the lightest area of ​​the letters.

3. Switch to "Brush" with opacity 100% and adjust the size of the tool.

4. In the brush settings in the top menu, load the “Miscellaneous Brushes” category and select brush No. 25 or No. 48, Fig. 12.

5. Draw glitter on the letters where appropriate. Approximately as in the sample, Fig. 13.

Now you know how to make gold letters. Perhaps your version will be better than ours. You can use other shades of yellow; you can change the parameter values ​​in the style settings, depending on how the appearance of the letters changes.

  • This tutorial shows you how to make gif animation (gif) from photos in Photoshop. The operations are described step by step, almost every step is accompanied by a screenshot. The lesson is designed for users who are familiar with the basics of working with the editor...

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop called “Gold Text Effect” with the following parameters:

Step 2

Using the Horizontal Type Tool (",this,event,"320px");">Horizontal Type Tool) write the word “GOLD”. The font settings are shown below.

Step 3

Apply a Gradient Overlay style to the text (",this,event,"320px");">Layer Style – Gradient Overlay): Mode – Normal, Style – Linear.

Step 4

Apply the Emboss style: Style – Internal Bevel, Method – Hard Cut, Highlight Mode – Normal, Shadow Mode – Multiply.

Step 5

Apply the Gloss style: Mode – Overlay.

Step 6

Now we will create the background. Fill the background layer with brown (RGB 88, 59, 28). Double click on this layer to unlock it. In the window that appears, write the name of the layer “Brown bg”.

Step 7

Create a new layer above the "Brown bg" layer and name it "Notepaper". Fill the layer with white and apply the Note Paper Filter (",this,event,"320px");">Note Paper Filter).

Step 8

Set the texture layer's blending mode to Overlay (",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode – Overlay) and reduce the opacity to 30%.

Step 9

Create a new layer "Right light" above the "Notepaper" layer and fill it with white. Then apply the Lighting Effects Filter (",this,event,"320px");">Lighting Effects Filter).

Step 10

Set the Blending Mode of this layer to Soft Light (",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode – Soft Light) and reduce the Opacity to 60%. The current layer will act as the light source on the right side.

Step 11

Set the default colors (D), and under the “Right Light” layer create a new “Left Shadow” layer. Select the Gradient tool (",this,event,"320px");">Gradient Tool) and in the top panel, select the Foreground to Transparent gradient. Extend the gradient from the left edge to the right.

Step 12

Set the blending mode of the “Left shadow” layer to Multiply (",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode – Multiply) and reduce the opacity to 40%.

Step 13

Create a new layer between the "Right light" and "Gold" layers. Name it "Gold shadow". Select the “Gold” layer (",this,event,"320px");">Ctrl + Click).

Step 14

Fill the selection with black and move it a few pixels to the left.

Step 15

Set the shadow blending mode to Multiply (",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode – Multiply) and apply the Motion Blur filter (",this,event,"320px");">Motion Blur Filter) with value 10 pixels. Then apply a Gaussian Blur filter (",this,event,"320px");">Gaussian Blur Filter) with a value of 3 pixels. As a result, we should get a realistic shadow.

Step 16

Select the “Gold” layer again and create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (",this,event,"320px");">Layer – Hue/Saturation).

Step 17

Name the adjustment layer "Color boost" and set it up as shown below. Selecting in the form of text will help automatically fill the adjustment layer mask.

Step 18

Create another Curves adjustment layer (",this,event,"320px");">Layer – Curves) and name it “Contrast”.

Step 19

Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N).

Step 20

Select the blending mode Overlay (Overlay) and turn on the fill to 50% gray.

Step 21

Select the “Gold” layer (",this,event,"320px");">Ctrl + Click), select the Dodge tool (",this,event,"320px");">Dodge Tool) and select the range in the top panel Lights (Highlights) and set the Exposure to 100% (",this,event,"320px");">Exposure). Outline the light areas of the text that should be illuminated. Don't create too much light on the text. Active highlighting will help you stay within the text. When you're done lightening the text, press Ctrl + D to remove the selection. Reduce the layer opacity to 70%.

Step 22

Create another layer filled with 50% gray and name it “Highlight bright”. Set the Blending Mode of this layer to Vivid Light (",this,event,"320px");">Blending Mode – Vivid Light) and reduce the Opacity to 70%. This blending mode will help create brighter areas. Select a small soft brush, hold down the Alt key to activate the eyedropper, and select a light yellow color from the light areas of the text. Paint small spots on the light spots of the previous “Highlight soft” layer.

Step 23

Gold by its nature should be shiny, which means it should reflect light. Now we'll create some light spots on the background texture thanks to the gold text. Above the “Right light” layer, create a new “Surface light” layer. Set the blending mode of this layer to Overlap (Blendng Mode – Overlay).

Step 24

Select the “Gold” layer (",this,event,"320px");">Ctrl + Click), invert the selection (Ctrl + Shift + I) and use the same yellow color as on the "Highlight bright" layer to paint spots under text. The spots of the current layer should be in the same place as the spots of the “Highlight soft” and “Highlight bright” layers.

Flare ",this,event,"320px");">Lens Flare Filter). Create a new layer "Lens flares" above the "Highlight bright" layer and fill it with black. Set the blending mode to Linear Dodge (",this,event,"320px");">Lens Flare Filter). In the settings window, hold down the Alt key and click on the preview area to open a panel for entering exact coordinates. Enter the required numbers there and click OK.

Choose a different lens type and reduce the brightness.

In addition to the main radiance, this filter creates additional artifacts such as rings, spots, and the like. Use a soft black brush to paint over them.

Step 28

Add more sparkles to the text. After that, desaturate them all (

How to make a flower, frame, object, decorative element, person, whatever!

Do this tutorial and all the Photoshop gold will be available to you! We watch the video, read the text version. Below is a link to download several gold styles and a picture diagram. If you don't know how to add styles in Photoshop, take a look. It talks about brushes, but with styles it's the same.

1. Open the desired photo in Photoshop. Making a copy: image – create a duplicate. We close the original and continue working with the copy.

2. Select the desired area (object, flower, etc.) in any way convenient for you, for example, using the Quick Selection tool. Copy the selection to a new layer – Ctrl + j. The tool is located in the same place as the Magic Wand and is present only in the latest versions of Photoshop. If you don't have one, use a pen or quick mask, or whatever longer you like.

3 .We work on the new created layer (it must be active). You can turn off the bottom layer for now by clicking the eye. At the bottom of the layers palette we find the black and white circle - add a new adjustment layer, click on it and select Hue - Saturation. Move the Saturation slider all the way to the left. The image becomes black and white. Move the cursor between the top layer (adjustment layer) and the layer with the image and hold down Alt. An arrow appears. Click between layers. Now our adjustment layer will only apply to the underlying layer.

4 . Open the image with the diagram of curves. (It is in the archive with styles, or save it to your computer from this image: right click - save as). Using the Move tool, we drag the image onto the desktop to make it more convenient to work. Make the file with the flower (or whatever you have) active - click on the desired picture. Select New Adjustment Layer 1 – Curves. Apply it to the layer with the copy image - see point 3. We adjust the curves as in the diagram - just grab it in the right place with the mouse and drag it to a new place, after which we release the mouse.

5. Go to New Adjustment Layer – Hue – Saturation. Again, apply it to the layer with the object on a transparent background using Alt - see point 3. Check the Toning box. We set the settings: hue 43, saturation 45, brightness about -13. The settings can be changed to your liking. These are approximate numbers.

6. Finally, you can blur the image a little. Standing on the layer with the golden flower, go to Filters – Blur – Gaussian Blur. Move the slider to the desired value (as you like).

That's all, actually. You can use the resulting golden object on a transparent background - paste it somewhere into another photo, decorate a frame with it, etc. You can turn on the very bottom layer, and then your golden object will show off against the old background!

I wish you all creative success! Yours

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Photoshop layer styles have almost limitless potential in use. They also allow you to significantly save time, and also have significant flexibility in their application and configuration. Layer styles that imitate chrome, glass and gold are especially popular. This Photoshop tutorial describes a fairly simple process of creating text with realistic gold plating.
After completing this tutorial, you can easily use the layer style created here in your other projects simply by copying it. So, let's get started with the lesson.

Finished Image

Lesson description
Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS5 and higher
Approximate completion time: 40 minutes
Complexity: for beginners/intermediate

Step 1
Create a new document: File> New (File> New) and apply the settings below to it. Save this document as “Gold Text Effect.psd”. While completing the lesson, do not forget to periodically save your work by pressing Ctrl + S.

Step 2
Type the word “Gold” or any other word of your choice, using some strict bold font. In this case, the font used is Adobe Caslon, bold, 205 pt.

Step 3
Let's start creating a layer style that imitates gold plating. First, apply a Gradient Overlay as a base:

Step 4
Now, to add volume, apply Bevel and Emboss:

Step 5
Layer style Gloss (Satin), which will add shimmer:

Step 6
Our golden layer style is ready. You can do the background. Fill the background layer with brown color (RGB 88, 59, 28). Next, double-click on the name of this layer, and in the activated text field, enter a new name for the layer: “Brown bg”.

Step 7
Now create another new layer above the background layer and name it “Notepaper”. Fill this layer with white. Next, open the Filter Gallery, expand the Sketch section and apply the Note Paper filter. Will turn the white layer into a paper texture.

Step 8
Set the notepaper texture layer to Blend mode – Overlay, and reduce its Opacity to 30%. The white paper texture will blend with the brown background underneath.

Step 9
Create another layer filled with white and name it “Right light”. Place this layer above the paper texture layer and go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effect. Apply the settings shown below:

Step 10
Set the last created lighting effects layer to Blend mode – Soft Light, reducing its Opacity to 60%. This layer will act as a light source on the right side.

Step 11
Press D to set the default Foreground and Background colors. Then create another new layer under the lighting effects layer and name it “Left shadow”.
Select the Gradient tool. Open the drop-down list with standard gradients in the options bar at the top of the program window, and select the “Foreground to Transparent” option. Then set the gradient mode to Linear. Apply a gradient to this layer by dragging the mouse pointer from its left edge to the right. We use this gradient as a shadow to the left of the text.

Step 12
Set the layer with the left shadow to Blend mode – Multiply, and reduce Opacity to 40%.

Step 13
Create a new layer between the gold and light layers on the right. Name it “Gold shadow”. Then, while holding Ctrl, click on the layer icon labeled “Gold” to create a selection:

Step 14
Fill the selected area with black and move this layer to the left by pressing the left arrow key.

Step 15
Set this layer to Blend mode – Multiply. Then go to the menu Filter> Blur> Motion Blur (Then Filter> Blur> Motion Blur), setting the blur value to 10 pixels. Then go to the menu: Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur), and set the value to 3 pixels. As a result, a completely realistic shadow will be created, formed due to the light source located on the right.

Step 16
Click again while holding CTRL on the layer icon with the golden text. After the selected area has been created, click on the Create new fill or adjustment layer button at the bottom of the layers palette and select Hue/Saturation.

Step 17
Rename the created adjustment layer “Color boost”. The selected area created on the basis of the text layer will serve as a mask for the correction layer. Set up the adjustment layer as shown in the image below:

Step 20
In the dialog box that opens, enter a name for the layer (Softening highlights), set the Blend mode to Overlay, and check the Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% gray) box.

Step 21
Hold Ctrl and click on the gold text layer icon again to create a selection. Select the Dodge Tool, and make sure that the options bar at the top of the program window is set to Highlight and Exposure to 100%. Now, click on the illuminated surfaces to create bright reflections. Don't overdo it, as this process will continue on a separate layer. Please note that the created selection protects you from editing surfaces outside of it. Once you're done with this, deselect it by pressing Ctrl + D. Then reduce the Opacity of this layer to 70%.

Step 22
Repeat the process by creating another layer filled with 50% gray and calling it “Highlight bright”. Set this layer to Blend mode – Vivid Light, and also reduce Opacity to 70%. This blend mode creates a more intense effect. Here we will create very small, but brighter dots on the reflective surfaces. However, even through these brightest highlights, a golden hue should be visible. Therefore, select a soft round brush and, holding down the Alt key, switch it to Eye Dropper Tool mode. With its help, take a sample of light yellow color from a reflective surface. Then reduce the brush size to a smaller size than what was previously used while softening the light. Using this brush, click directly on the previously treated areas to create some tinted highlights. Refer to the screenshot below:

Step 23
The gold coating we create must be truly shiny and sparkling. Therefore, we need to reproduce the reflection of light sources from the surface of our text. So, let's create several spots of light on the base plane (Brown bg). Create a new layer for this purpose, place it above the light layer on the right and name it “Surface light”. Set this layer to Blend mode – Overlay.

Step 24
Ctrl-click on the layer icon with the golden text to load its selection. Then go to Select > Inverse to invert the selected area. As a result, the entire area of ​​the canvas outside the text will be selected. Now using the same light yellow color taken from the surface of the Highlight Softening layer, using a soft round brush, paint spots of light on the surface of the Surface Light layer. Try to apply these light spots in the areas of previously created highlights on the text. Once you're done, deselect it.

Step 25
Set this layer to Blend mode – Overlay and reduce its Opacity to 80%. This will cause the light spots to blend into the underlying surface.

Step 26
Now we'll add some highlights on top of the brightest highlights on the text. Go to the menu Filter> Rendering> Blink (Filter> Render> Lens Flare). However, if we put highlights directly on top of the highlights on the text, we will lose the ability to edit later. That's why we use a separate layer for highlights. Create a new layer above the flares layer and name it “Lens flares” flares. Fill it with black. Now we need to hide this black color. In addition, our highlights should be as bright as possible. To achieve these goals, we will use the Blend Mode – Linear Dodge. Set it for the highlights layer.

Step 27
Now we need to find a very precise position for the highlight. Open the Info panel: Window > Info, click on the (+) icon next to the X and Y coordinates, and select Pixels. Leave this panel open.

Now move the cursor over one of the reflections, and fix the coordinates along the X and Y axes in the Info palette. You can write them down on paper or save them in a text file.

Go to the menu: Filter > Rendering > Lens Flare. Next, click while holding Alt in the highlight preview window. As a result, a small window will open where you can enter the exact coordinates of the highlight. Set the previously saved coordinates in the Set flare center field, and click OK to close the window.

We return to the main flare settings dialog box and select the lens type: 105 mm Prime. Click OK to close this window. As a result, our highlight will be located exactly at the specified coordinates.

The disadvantage of the highlight filter is that it creates several additional light artifacts (in the form of rings, spots, etc.). In such cases, you can use a soft black brush and paint over the problem areas that appear.

Step 28
Repeat the above process creating a few more highlights. Then go to the menu Image> Correction> Discolor (Image> Adjustment> Desaturate). As a result, excessive glare will be reduced. The screenshot below shows an example of the placement of highlights.

Step 29
Finally, reduce the Opacity of the highlights layer to 50%.

Now we're done!
Congratulations! The realistic gold-plated text is ready.

In this Photoshop tutorial, we will give text a golden effect.
This is what we should get as a result:

Step 1. Create a new document ( Ctrl+N), dimensions 640x480 pix. and resolution 72 pixels/inch

Step 2. Fill your document with Black ( D,Alt+Backspace).

Step 3. Select foreground color (Main color) - White(key X), take the Text tool ( Type tool (T)), font - "Times New Roman Bold" and write the word - "GOLD":

Step 4. With help Free transformation (Free Transform (Ctrl+T)), increase the text size (by holding down the Shift+Alt keys to increase it evenly, relative to the middle of the text).

Step 5. Duplicate the text layer ( Ctrl+J), you should now have three layers in your Layers palette.

In the next few steps, we will work with a copy of the text layer.

Step 6. While on a copy of the text layer, click on the icon Layer Styles (Layer Styles), at the bottom of the layers palette (or just double-click on the layer).

Select - Gradient overlay (Layer Styles).
We need to change the colors of the gradient. Click on the gradient preview area to open the dialog box Gradient editor (Gradient Editor).

Step 7 In the window Gradient editor, click on the left slider (color control point) to select it, and then click on - Color to change the color of the selected stop.

A dialog box will open Color selection (Color Picker). You can use any color of gold, but if you want to repeat this lesson, the author set this color: # F7EEAD. Click Yes to apply the color and exit the Select Color dialog box.

In the Gradient Editor, click on the right slider (color control point), and then click on - Color to change the color of the selected stop.

In the Select Color window that appears, set the color: # C1AC51.
Click Yes to exit the Color Picker dialog box, then Yes to exit the Gradient Editor dialog box.
Don't exit the dialog box yet Layer Style, so we will continue to transform our text.
This is what you should get at this stage.

*if your colors are arranged differently than in the picture (light at the bottom and dark at the top), then it’s not scary, at this stage of work, it’s not so important*

Step 8 Change in the Gradient Overlay window, Style(Style) on Mirror (Reflected).

This is what you should get:

Step 9. In the Layer Style window, go to the Embossing (Bevel and Emboss).

Step 10. The window is embossed, change Method (Technique) on Hard cut (Chisel Hard).
*do not close the Layer Style window*

Step 11. Go down to the very bottom, in the Embossing tab, click on the arrow that is located to the right of the thumbnail Gloss contour(Gloss Contour), in the drop-down menu, select Double ring (Ring - Double), also check the box next to Smoothing (Anti-Aliased), so that the text does not have very sharp borders.

This is what you should get.

Step 12 In the same tab (Embossing), go up and change Size (Size), drag the slider to the right until the edges of the letters meet in the middle (the author stopped at 16px(for my work I increased it to 18 pixels)).

Step 13 Now change the Depth ( Depth) to increase the lighting effect on the letters (the author stopped at 171%).

Now our text looks much better.

Step 14 Then check the box Outlines, this will give the text an even more metallic look (you don’t need to change anything in the outline parameters).

This is what happens.

Step 15 The last thing we'll do before we exit the Layer Style dialog box. Let's add this Inner glow (Inner Glow).
Set these parameters in the tab Inner glow (Inner Glow):

*The opacity of the structure in Inner Glow can be adjusted to your liking*

After this, you can exit the dialog box Layer Style by pressing Yes to apply all settings. This is what your text will now look like.

Step 16. We're done with the copy text layer, now let's move on to the original text layer.
While on the first text layer, bring up the Layer Style dialog box by clicking on the Layer Styles icon at the bottom of the Layers palette.

Select - Stroke (Stroke) and set the following parameters there:

Step 17 Click on the gradient preview area.

In the Gradient Editor window that appears, set the same colors that we set on the duplicate text layer ( # F7EEAD and #C1AC51).
As a result, this is what you should get:

Step 18 Now go to the tab Embossing (Bevel and Emboss) and set the following settings (don't forget to check the box - Outlines (below Embossing)):

You should get this result.

Step 19 The last thing we will do in the dialog box is Layer Style, let's add this External glow(Outer Glow).
Go to the tab External glow (Outer Glow) and set the following parameters there:

*Exit the Layer Style dialog box by clicking Yes to save all changes*

A slight glow will appear around your text.

Step 20. Above all layers, create a new layer Ctrl+Shift+N and name it, for example, “Shine”.
Now we have a new layer in our palette on which we will paint glitter on our text.

Step 21 To draw glitter. We will need special brushes that are in the standard Photoshop set.
Select a tool Brush (Brush tool (B)). Right-click anywhere on your document to open the brush set selection window, click on the small arrow at the top right of the window. In the drop-down menu, select a set Various brushes (Assorted Brushes).

After you click on the selected set, Photoshop will ask you: Replace current brushes? Click Add, so that you don’t lose all previously downloaded brushes, being replaced by the Miscellaneous Brushes set.

Step 22. Take the tool Pipette (Eyedropper (I)) and click on the lightest area on the text to select a color for our shine (also, with the Brush tool active, you can hold down the key Alt, and click on the place whose color you want to use).

Step 23 In the brush tool settings, select from the previously loaded Brush set - Cross strokes4(Crosshatch).

Step 24 After you have selected the brush and set the desired color, while on a new layer, click in several places with the brush. After each click, change the brush size using the keys Ctrl+ [ or ] to add more chaos.
The result is an interesting effect, but you shouldn’t get too carried away, since overloading the image with sparkles can ruin the picture as a whole.
If you think that the Glitter is very bright, then you can reduce the opacity of the layer, as the author did, lowering it to 50% .

This is what we ended up with:

I hope you liked the lesson, I wish you good luck in completing it.