How to make an iPhone style phone. How to turn an Android smartphone into iOS

Making an iPhone out of a simple Android phone is quite possible. There are many applications that imitate typical design iPhone. So, with the help of installed utilities, you can change the lock screen, notification panel, settings, icons and message design, in general, you can practically make an iPhone on Android.

Using launchers

Launcher programs are great for visually changing Android and turning it into an iPhone. There are a sufficient number of them in the Google Play store. But not many of them are updated as frequently as CleanUI. This launcher is constantly updated with iOS updates. To use the launcher functionality you need to do the following:

After this, the program icons will be changed, as well as the curtain on top.

In addition, the launcher changes call list view and search for them.

You can make changes to your preferences in the launcher settings. To go to settings, you need to do the following:

In the settings you can change the following parameters:

These are all the launcher's capabilities. It's perfect for turning Android into an iPhone.

Replacing the lock screen

The lock screen will change the Lock Screen Iphone style app. You can make a lock screen like an iPhone using the instructions:

Afterwards, all you have to do is lock and unlock your phone. The lock screen will match the iPhone. There will also be a curtain at the bottom with quick access.

Changing the notification panel

To change the appearance of the Android notification panel and make it look like iOS, just install iNoty - iNotify OS 10. After launch, you will be taken to a menu where you need to enable dedicated function.

After this, the status bar will completely imitate the iPhone version. There are some differences from apple products, but they are almost invisible.

Changing the keyboard and camera

To make the phone look even more like an iPhone, you can change the camera and keyboard. For camera:

To change the keyboard, you need to download and install the Apple Keyboard utility. After this, the keyboard will change its appearance. The main drawback is that it is only in English.

Changing icons

To change only the icons and partial design of the main table, you need to download the iLauncher utility - OS 9. After this, the icons of other programs will be rounded and will imitate the design of iOS.

Rounding corners

Despite all the above changes, desktops and phone screens will still be different from the iPhone. The reason for this is straight corners instead of rounded ones. You can further turn Android into iPhone:

There are applications that completely change the settings window for the iPhone version. But to install such an innovation, you must allow the phone to download and install programs from third-party sources. This can be done as follows:

The application is not perfect and may periodically interrupt its operation. But there are no analogues yet.

SMS message design

To change the type of SMS, you need to install the iPhonemessages application. It is recommended to follow the instructions below:

Immediately after this, messages will look exactly like they do on iPhone.


Of course, in order to completely turn your phone into a full-fledged iPhone, you can completely reflash it for Apple products. This procedure is no different from regular firmware. But doing it is enough risky. After all, iOS will be installed on the smartphone. And it was created taking into account the capabilities of iPhones. Android-based equipment itself may not work correctly with iPhone firmware.

Many users working on the Android system are tempted to switch to the iOS platform or even switch to Apple devices. At the moment, there are several methods that will help you do this. The first method, how to make an iPhone from Android, makes it possible to simply change the appearance of the system, the second is to install a platform similar to iOS.

Changing the appearance of Android

To change the appearance of Android, you will need:

How to flash Android on iOS

The method by which a smartphone is flashed is considered a more complex, risky and time-consuming process. You should carefully approach the question of how to make an iPhone from Android.

The smartphone must have a full battery charge, since abruptly turning off the device when the charge is low turns the smartphone into a “brick”.

  1. Before starting the firmware, you will need to reset all settings to their initial state in the “System recovery and reset” section.
  2. Load the desired version of the iOS system onto the memory card. Each smartphone has its own version of this platform.
  3. Create a backup copy of your current Android system so that you can roll back changes in the event of an unfavorable outcome.
  4. Save all data from the device to a memory card, remove it and insert a memory card with an IOS system.
  5. Without turning on the device, go to the “Recovery” menu. This mode is enabled differently in different devices. In this menu you will need to select the “Factory Reset” section. After waiting for the process to complete, enable installation of the system from the flash card, using the volume buttons as controls.
  6. The installation process may take some time.
  7. After completing the installation process, press the “Factory Reset” button again. And then remove the memory card.
  8. Turn on the device. The smartphone can turn on for about 10-20 minutes; if nothing happened during this period, even after repeated restarts, you should contact a service center.

How to install iOS on Android: video

Simple change of appearance or alteration

From the above, you can understand that flashing an Android device to the IOS system is possible. But this event does not always end successfully. It is recommended to limit yourself to changing the external component, because repair services for this type of breakdown will cost a large sum.

How to make an iPhone from Android: video

Installing Android on iPhone and iPad: What should we do Droid?

Apple products are a successful combination of design, performance and functionality. At the end, the consumer receives a whole product, which is even inconvenient to separate into hardware and software components. The decisive role in this identification, first of all, was played by the closed nature of all Apple platforms, while the Android OS can be modified as much as you like and installed anywhere.

It is for this reason that the Android OS operating system has been installed on such a huge number of devices that we do not even dare to list them. Already today in official retail you can find Android smartphones, tablets, media players, e-books, netbooks, mp3 players and TVs. But in the unofficial...

Through apples to the stars.

Probably, the confrontation between Apple and Google, this cold war without winners and losers, will last indefinitely. Moreover, don't expect Apple to open up mobile device architecture to manufacturers. Suffice it to recall the epic with unlock iOS (unlinking the iPhone from the cellular operator) or jailbreak (gaining access to the root file system of iOS). The company carefully protects the consumer integrity of its mobile platform and reacts very harshly to attempts to break through the defenses of iOS.

But can this reason stop a real enthusiast who has in his hands the Android mobile platform with excellent functionality and open source code? After all, it is thanks to its openness that the Android OS, originally intended for ARM processors, was successfully ported to other platforms - for example, Intel x86.

Can you tell me how to do this?

As it turned out, installing Android on iPhone and iPad is a task that is difficult to complete, not at all feasible, or feasible but impossible. To date, several projects have been created for porting Android to iOS devices, of which I would like to highlight iPhoDroid and iDroid. Essentially, iPhoDroid is just a side branch of the larger iDroid project. The difference between them is that in the first case, the user will need to download the Bootlace installation package via Cydia, which will install the Open iBoot boot loader on the iPhone. To install Android OS on an iOS device using iPhoDroid, you will only need to download the OpenSSH installation package from Cydia, and then it’s a matter of technology.

We would like to note that today, any of the possible installations of Android on the iPhone involves something like Boot Camp or dual boot: the standard iOS on the device remains untouched, but a second alternative Android OS system appears.

So, before you install Android OS on your iPhone, you will need to download Bootlace, which is located in the Neonkoala repository at and add this resource to Cydia. Bootlace developer Nick Dawson decorated his creation with an icon depicting a worn-out shoe - this is exactly what should appear in the Cydia resource.

In short, Bootlace is a kind of client that allows the user to connect to the server and download OpeniBoot along with iDroid for subsequent installation on an Apple device. In addition, the application independently determines the current version of iDroid and, moreover, checks the compatibility of the hardware with the iDevice firmware.

The OpeniBoot installation itself takes a few minutes. Once booted, Bootlace notifies the user that changes have been made to the iOS kernel and OpeniBoot is ready for “multi-boot business.”

When you reboot the device, three launch options will appear on the display: iOS (the default mobile platform), OpeniBoot console (a console for accessing OpeniBoot from a PC connected via USB to the iDevice) and iDroid (an item for the Android OS that has not yet been installed). Switching between options is done using the power key, selection is done by pressing the Home button.

Of course, you need to select iOS and, after launching Bootlace, install iDroid. In the future, the installed iDroid can not only be removed, but also updated if the Bootlace client detects a new version.

So, all that remains is to reboot our iDevice and select that same green robot as boot.

What to expect?

Indeed, there are no problems installing Android on iOS devices, and the same iDroid can be installed literally in one click. The situation is complicated by the fact that the research path led the developers to only three models of i-devices - iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 1G. Regarding support for other Apple devices like iPad, iPad 2 or iPhone 4, the developer’s answer is short and clear: “Porting in progress.”

If we talk about the immediate results of the iDroid project, so far we have a typical alpha, which involves a whole bunch of restrictions and significant shortcomings. The bottom line is that the consumer will receive an iOS device with a fit, fresh major in the face of the standard iOS system and a thrice-wounded disabled veteran of the Japanese War in the face of the Android OS. The developers do not hide minor flaws (if they can be called minor) and all daredevils ready for an experiment are warned directly on the main page of the site: “Your video, flash animation, 3D effects, camera module, image gallery, charge management may not work correctly batteries and some other options." The result of dancing with a tambourine, the iDroid smartphone with an apple on the back panel works uncertainly with wi-fi, does not have a single service from Google and does not have a truly functional GPU driver. This is such a sad thing, friends!

Is it worth installing android on iphone?

In fact, porting another OS to another platform is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. It is much more difficult to debug everything, get all the components working and release truly stable firmware. Needless to say, how many alternative firmwares exist for the Android OS, but ask yourself: do they all work correctly?

In the case of iOS devices, the situation is somewhat different. The very fact of the release of firmware for devices seemingly incompatible with the Android OS (even if these firmware are frail and unstable) is at least encouraging. Once again you are convinced that the Android mobile OS created by Google is capable of living and developing further on the devices of its potential competitor. The true value of all the alpha attempts of the iDroid project lies not in the consumer properties of the resulting dual-OS smartphone, but in the victory of the enthusiasm and inquisitive mind of the developers over a deeply non-trivial task - porting an open mobile OS to a closed platform. In capable hands, the freely available Android code could become the second version of the operating system for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Another confirmation of the versatility of the Android OS gives rise to additional keen interest among developers, which, without a doubt, only benefits end users like you and me.

Probably, many users have always dreamed of installing iOS on Android and evaluating it in action, enjoying the beauty and contours of the Apple operating system. Or you noticed that not all applications from the App Store are available on Google Play. Of course, there are a large number of analogues of such programs, but I still want to try the software from the Apple store. True, the Apple device is quite expensive. That's why the question arises: is there a way with Apple's operating system on Android? It will not be possible to completely port the Apple OS, but thanks to the so-called emulators, a unique opportunity to install iOS on Android still exists.

What is an emulator?

Before you begin the installation process itself, you need to familiarize yourself with the initial terms. So, an emulator is a computer program that allows you to recreate (emulate) the operation of another operating system or environment so that it can be run on an existing device. For example, there are Android emulators for personal computers that allow PC users to run games and applications from Google Play. Now a similar opportunity has become available to users of Android gadgets who want to install iOS on them. Let's look at all the existing ways to run or emulate iOS on Android devices.

1 way. Project Cider (Cycada)

The Cider project was presented at the Computer Science Research Conference at Columbia University. It allows iOS programs to adapt to the Android kernel and programming library. It uses binary compatibility methods to open not only its own, but also “alien” software on one gadget. That is, it becomes possible to run iOS applications on Android.

Cider exercises the right to perform some trick with the code of an iOS program, making it possible to perceive it as based on the XNU Kernel. This does not use an emulator or virtual machine - the code changes in real time, allowing the application to manipulate the Android kernel and libraries. The platforms are built on ARM. To unite them, an Android program called CycadaPress is used, which receives information about various types of actions (text input, notifications from applications, etc.) and transmits them to iOS. It convinces the system that the CycadaPress program window is the display of an Apple device. This allows you to perform other actions with the screen.

The video shows that many iOS applications run on Android, including the iOS version of the Yelp and iBooks programs. However, as the creators note, the speed and smoothness of the software leaves much to be desired. But this is to be expected, since Cycada is in the testing and development stage. It is unknown whether the project will be released in full. Perhaps after some time the final version for the large market will appear, which will create a real sensation.

It is also unclear whether the project will be interesting now, since most games and applications are released for all existing platforms. There are, of course, isolated cases, but mostly these are unique programs like Garage Band, Pages, iMovie. If you want to use them, why buy an Android device? That is why there is a distinction between operating systems, since each manufacturer tries to offer the user a new unique service.

Method 2. Firmware installation

This method is more suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts, since it involves completely removing the Android operating system and installing special firmware on the device. Such manipulations can lead to dire consequences. In case of failure it will be necessary. If this does not help, rush to the service center. And in the worst case scenario, you risk getting a “brick” - a completely inoperative device, without the ability to turn on and further operate. If you still decide to change the firmware, follow the instructions below:

If the system is unstable or does not work correctly, try to restore Android from a previously created backup. If this does not work, you will have to contact the service center.

You have learned about two ways to launch iOS on Android. Of course, they do not guarantee a 100% result, but the very possibility of carrying out such operations is encouraging. Remember that the owner of the device is solely responsible for any actions. As they say, “measure twice, cut once.”

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Method 1 – ADW and GO launchers

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Method 2 - Flash MIUI ROM

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MIUI is a custom firmware that can be flashed on any device from the list of officially supported ones. The procedure involves getting root access to the device, downloading MIUI, loading a custom recovery like , factory reset, wiping cache and then MIUI showing up. It may seem complicated, but everything will work out if you strictly follow the instructions.

This method is good because it is absolutely free, and MIUI actually looks and works well. MIUI provides a good set of extensions and additional services, for example, Music, Gallery and Camera applications, a powerful notification service and a flexible theming system. Problems include the impossibility of installing firmware on absolutely any device and the relative complexity of installing firmware (compared to the first and third methods).

Method 3 – installing the Espier launcher

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