How to make the drive read discs. Why doesn't the DVD drive want to read discs?

When the disk starts, a window appears on the desktop with suggested options for action or programs for reading information. However, a situation may arise when the disk does not open or nothing happens. In this case, you need to right-click on the disk device icon. If “Autorun” is first in the list, this is a signal that there is a malicious object on the PC.

There are several options for solving the problem.

The first is cleaning the system from viruses. Download the healing utility “Dr.Web” or install and update the anti-virus program. After checking the PC, perform the following steps.

Select "Disk". Right click "Explorer".

A window will open. Go to the “View” tab, where in the existing list you need to uncheck the boxes next to the items “Hide protected system files”, “Hide extensions for registered file types”. At the same time, check the “Show hidden files and folders” box.

Now open Explorer and delete the Autorun.inf file.

The second option to solve the problem is to display it through Group Policy.

Click “Start”, “Run” and enter “gpedit.msc” into the command line.

Here we click on the policy “Local Computer”, “User Configuration”, “Administrative Templates”, “Windows Components”, “Explorer”.

Find “Prohibit access to drives through My Computer”

Double click on the parameter. A window will open where we put a check mark next to the “Not specified” command and confirm “OK”.

Reboot the computer.

Hello, dear readers of the blog Help for a novice computer user. Agree, a situation often occurs when you insert a disk into the drive, but it either does not open at all, or you cannot copy information from it (some of it can be copied, but then it throws an error). Today we will talk about what to do with a disc (CD, DVD) that the drive cannot read.

There are several ways to fix this problem. They do not guarantee a 100% result, but nevertheless increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Before you begin the process of “rescuing” the disk, you must be sure that the drive you are using supports the type of disk (CD, DVD) that you want to open. There are also cases where some (mostly older) drives fail to open the disks they are supposed to open.

Methods for solving this problem are divided into two categories: software and mechanical (using your hands). You need to start with software methods, and only if they do not help, you need to use the rest.

And we'll start with the software.

There are many programs (for example, BadCopy, Recovery Toolbox for CD, CD Data Rescue, DeadDiscDoctor) that can be used to download information from damaged disks. They (programs) simply skip (after several reading attempts) bad sectors of the disk (information that could not be read is replaced with zeros). Agree that such a solution will be useful if you copy music or video onto a screw (mostly these defects go unnoticed during playback). But in the case of copying programs or other files (that are not related to audio and video), these programs are not always useful.

I once read an article that you can try to create an image of an unreadable disk using virtual machines (programs like Alcohol 120% and others - there are many of them on the Internet). I haven’t tried it myself, so I can’t say whether it works or not. Check.

You can also try copying information from the disk at different speeds (Nero Drive Speed ​​programs are suitable...)

If all of the above turned out to be useless and the disk is not readable by the drive anyway, you need to move on to more “heavy” methods (after each step, check the readability of the disk with the drive):

1.Clean the disc from dirt using a dry soft cloth.

Note. When cleaning a disc, hand movements must be made from the center of the disc to the edges (not in a circle).

2.Try to polish the disc (very gently). Silk is suitable for this. Make movements as in point 1.

3.Wipe the disc with antistatic wipes.

4.You can try to fill the unevenness of the readable surface of the disc with polish. After applying to the surface, rub with a cloth.

It must be remembered that if the above instructions are not followed correctly, the likelihood of restoring disk readability will noticeably drop.

The disk drive on the computer does not open, what should I do?

Despite the fact that the presence of a disk drive on a PC now seems a little archaic, millions of users still have such drives, and some still use them regularly. However, the practicality of these devices is far from ideal. The mechanics wear out, the laser head reads data worse and worse, there are also cases when the disk gets stuck in the drive, and the latter refuses to open at all. This material is devoted to the latter case, in which I will tell you what to do if the disk drive on your computer does not open, and what methods will help fix it.

What to do if the disk drive on your PC does not open

Why won't the disk drive open on my PC?

So, you inserted the disk into your drive, its lid slammed shut, and data reading seemed to begin. But the disc was never read (you may even have heard some crunching sounds from the drive), and you decide to remove the disc from the optical drive. But that was not the case, the disk drive does not want to open, and pressing the disk eject button does not give any result. Next, I will tell you what could be the reason for this.

What to do if the disk drive on your computer does not open


If you can’t open the disk drive on your computer, I recommend using the entire set of tips I listed above. The most effective of all the methods seems to be the method using a wire - it helps to open even disks that are “tightly stuck” in the optical drive. If none of what I described helped, then you should contact a service center - perhaps your drive needs a thorough repair.

Very often the computer does not have enough memory to store all the accumulated information. As your hard drive fills up, it becomes necessary to transfer data to other media. Flash drives are expensive, but disks, in comparison, cost pennies. But even here problems may arise; discs may suddenly become unreadable by your drive. This article will tell you about the possible causes of the breakdown and help you solve the problem.

There can be many reasons for this, ranging from problems with the disk to complete failure of the disk drive. However, all the reasons can be divided into two categories, hardware and software problems.

Hardware problems are caused by problems with the hardware. The following problems fall into this category:

  1. The cause may be the disk itself; its wear can be so severe that no disk drive can read it.
  2. The drive may no longer accept discs due to contamination. Over the entire period of operation, a large amount of dust accumulates inside the computer, which can get into the drive and settle on the read head.
  3. Loose connecting wires will also affect the performance of the device.

These are the most common hardware problems; determining which of these led to the failure can only be done “surgically”, that is, you need to get into the system unit.

Diagnosing software problems is much easier. If problems appear after installing some software, then we can talk about software incompatibility.

Solutions to hardware problems reading disks.

Is your drive not reading discs? Don’t rush to throw it away and run to buy a new one. First, check the condition of the disk inserted into the drive; if it is in poor condition, then the reason may lie in the damaged disk, and not the drive. Remove the disc from the drive and inspect it for scratches and abrasions.

If everything is fine with the disk, then we move on. It is worth testing the drive on other disks of different types: CDs, DVDs and small miniCDs. It is recommended to use the newest disks for the test.

Do not forget about other hardware problems; open the cover of the system unit and carefully check the connection between the drive and the motherboard with connecting cables. If there is no obvious damage, still try to connect the drive using other available cables. And for prevention, clean the drive from dust and dirt. This can be done using special disks.

There is another way to clean the read head, but this option is for more experienced and confident users. This method involves disassembling the drive and cleaning the laser with water or high-quality gasoline. Never use cologne or other alcohol-containing liquids, or acetone to clean the laser. Their use will lead to disastrous results.

Have you cleaned the drive, checked its functionality on other drives, and tried to make it work using other cables, but it still refuses to read the drives? Don't be upset. You can move on to solving possible software problems, and consider all the above actions to be preparatory.

Solutions to disk reading software problems.

If you discover that the problem is not due to hardware reasons, remember what you did with your computer earlier, what you installed, changed and deleted. Because you might have accidentally deleted or changed files that are necessary for the drive to function.

To fix it, you will need to reinstall the device drivers required for the normal and correct operation of the device on the system. Driver mismatches or errors in them can cause the drive to refuse to read discs.

In addition, you can disconnect the drive using the operating system and then reconnect it. For Windows this is done in the system properties.

My Computer window

In the window that appears, click on Device Manager.

System Properties window

The manager finds your drive and then removes it.

Removing a device

After removing the device, you must restart the computer so that the system can detect the drive again and automatically install the appropriate software, that is, drivers, for it.

Often the cause of disk drive malfunction is third-party software installed to emulate virtual drives. Such programs include: DAEMON-Tools, Alcohol 120%, etc. All these programs can cause your drive to malfunction. If you have these programs on your computer, remove them one by one, and test the drive after each removal.

To uninstall, you can use the CCleaner program; it not only removes programs from the computer, but also cleans the system of unnecessary files and system entries remaining after removing the software. The process of cleaning system entries is called cleaning the registry.

Installation and tips for using CCleaner are given in the article: Utility for uninstalling programs

In practice, there were cases in which the solution to the problem was to flash the device. But this action can lead to complete failure of the drive. So, before taking these measures, it is highly recommended that you read the following point.

Solving the problem using the program MicrosoftFixit

Sometimes after the next reinstallation of the Windows operating system, the drive stops opening only DVD discs, while CD discs still open normally.

This also does not mean that the drive “died”, because before reinstallation it was functioning properly. The most important thing is that this issue is resolved using a free and effective program MicrosoftFixit.dvd.Run. You can download the program from the link:

Load window

  • After downloading, a window will appear containing a link to the license agreement, you can read it or immediately click the Accept button.
  • This will take you to the stage of installing program components on your computer; wait until the installation is complete.

    Program installation window

  • Once the installation is complete, the program will offer you two options to choose from. You need to select the second option shown in the screenshot.
  • After selecting the option shown, the utility will scan your computer for connected drives. After some time, the scanning will complete and the program will display the scan results. The screenshot shows the disk drive Optiarc DVD RW AD 7593A, in your case it is your drive with a different name. Let's choose it.
  • The program will scan the selected drive, after which the user will be presented with several tasks to choose from. Since the drive does not read the disk, we actually select the task Read a CD or DVD. In case of problems with writing to disk, you need to perform all the same steps above, but select the second task Burn a CD or DVD.
  • After selecting a task, the utility will check the drive. After waiting until the end, you need to select all the items with checkmarks, as in the screenshot, and then click Next.

    Patch selection window

  • In the program window that appears, the utility will ask you to insert the optical storage medium into the drive and will open it for insertion. At this point, it is still recommended to use as fresh a disk as possible. After the disk is inserted, click Next. The program will automatically read the disk and fix the problem.

    Troubleshooting Results Window

    After which the media contents window will open or a dialog box will launch containing several available options for operating the disk. If none of the above happens, then open the disk manually using the My Computer shortcut. So the program MicrosoftFixit easily solves the problem of failure to read DVDs or CDs.

    And if this doesn’t help, then you can already think about buying a new drive. For a better understanding and optimal selection of a new drive, it is recommended to consult with specialists.


    After reading this article, you will have the opportunity to try to fix problems with the drive yourself, one by one, first eliminating possible hardware causes, and then software ones. Applying the methods given in this article. It must be remembered that self-correction may result in bad results, therefore, you should not neglect the help of qualified specialists.

  • Question from a user


    Help with one problem. My drive doesn't recognize the DVD (at all). When I insert a disk, it starts to make noise, crunches a little, the computer freezes, and that’s all. After a couple of minutes, everything ends if you don’t try again to see what’s on the disk.

    The disc itself was recorded on another drive, and it can be read on it...


    Good day!

    Oh, 10 years ago this problem was much more popular... I agree with many users that CD/DVD drives have been used less and less lately (and have probably become obsolete). However, sometimes there is an urgent need for them, for example, when you need to read a disk with old documents (which cannot be found on the Internet), run a game from a licensed disc with protection, install Windows when the USB ports do not see the flash drive, etc.

    To be honest, I myself have not transferred my collection of DVDs to an external HDD (although I have been trying to do this for a long time). In this article I will look at what can be done to solve this problem of "invisibility"...

    What can you do if the drive does not see CD/DVD discs?

    Understand the specifics of the problem

    Before that, I recommend taking several discs: CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, etc. (both recorded yourself and purchased in stores). Then insert them one by one into the DVD drive and try to read the information from them.

    If you have a writeable drive, also try writing information to a couple of discs.

    The essence of this action: Find out the nature of the problem, determine whether the problem is with one specific drive, or with a specific type of drive (say, the drive can see CDs, but not DVDs). I think that before spending money on a new drive (which will not always solve the problem), it is much wiser to spend half an hour on a “debriefing”...

    For visibility problems with many discs

    As I said above, the drive may either not see DVDs, or CDs, or none at all. All reasons for disk invisibility can be divided into two types (this makes it easier to deal with them):

    1. or the drive itself (the laser in it) has become unusable, the cable has come loose, the socket is loose, etc. That is. the problem is related to the hardware component;
    2. or the problem is software related.

    How to determine if there is a hardware problem:

    If the problem is hardware

    2) Most often, the problem lies in dirt and dust that has gotten onto the laser and now it cannot read information from the disk. To clean it, you can try various special cleaning discs and liquids.

    For example, there are disks with brushes; when such a disk spins in the drive, the brush brushes away dust, which has a beneficial effect on the operation of the drive.

    3) You can also clean the drive by manually disassembling it and blowing it out, for example, using a can of compressed air. However, not every drive can be disassembled, and it’s not that easy.

    You can try to simply open the tray and blow the drive through it with a spray can. Very rare, but it helps.

    4) What about repairs - now, as far as I know, no one repairs such drives (unprofitable). If they break down, they are simply replaced with new ones. If you don’t know how to replace the drive (or which one to buy instead), pay attention to external devices - they can be connected to a regular USB port without any problems.

    5) By the way, there are now very cheap external DVD drives on sale (both writers and readers). They can be a great help when you suddenly need to work with the CD/DVD format.

    External USB 3.0 DVD-RW drive

    If the problem is software

    1) Removing (disabling) programs that interfere with operation

    To begin with, I recommend remembering (paying attention to) when the problem appeared, after installing which program. Most often, the problem is associated with programs for emulating CD/DVD drives (these are programs such as Alcohol 120%, Daemon Tools, Nero, Ultra ISO, Clone CD, etc.).

    Sometimes, some antiviruses can block reading disks, suggesting that there are threats there (and until the disk is completely scanned, you will not be allowed to read it!). For example, Panda Titanium used to be famous for this when setting the maximum level of protection.

    Advice: while testing the DVD drive, remove the software that creates the virtual drive. In addition, disable (or uninstall) your antivirus.

    2) Try to roll back the system (if there are restore points)

    3) Try updating/replacing drivers

    Often the problem is related to drivers. To reinstall the current driver, go to device Manager (press the Win+Pause button combination, you will see a link to the manager in the menu on the left) , and expand the "DVD drives..." tab. Find your device in this tab and remove it.

    As a rule, this simple method allows you to restore normal operation of the drive.

    By the way, pay attention to the “IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers” tab: there are several ATA Chanels in it. Open properties each ATA Chanel and check whether it is engaged everywhere DMA. If not somewhere, check the box and save the settings.

    4) Reinstall Windows OS

    It also happens that no amount of tricks can restore Windows operation: some system files may be damaged, something may be deleted, infected with a virus, etc. In some cases, rather than finding the reasons and solution for what is wrong with the system, it is much faster to reinstall it...

    When a specific disk is invisible

    As a rule, such unreadable discs are already pretty scratched. When inserting them, it is not uncommon for the computer to freeze while trying to read the information from them. An example of one such disk is shown in the photo below.

    1) Try using a different CD/DVD drive

    If you really need information from the media, the first thing I recommend is to use another drive (preferably DVD-RW, since recorder drives are more sensitive to reading information). It is not uncommon for one drive not to see the disk, but the other is able to read all the data from it.

    If the disc is readable on an excellent drive, immediately make a copy from this disc. Because It may happen that next time you won’t read it...

    2) Try to gently wipe the disc (there are special products for sale for this). Thanks to this rubbing, you can “smooth out” some of the scratches and the readability of the disc will increase somewhat.

    3) Use special programs for reading bad disks (for example, Bad Copy or Unstoppable Copier). They will try several times to count the non-responsive area (sector), and in the worst case, they will simply “fill” it with zero (and not freeze, like Windows).

    If we are dealing with video, music, pictures, then most likely you will simply have a “silent” second in the video or part of the picture will be lost. Not as bad as losing all your information. If there are archives of programs and games on the disk, then the consequences are the saddest, such areas “filled” with zeros will not allow you to install these applications (i.e., in fact, they will be damaged!).

    Last tip...

    Well, the last thing I would like to note is that now you can find the vast majority of files on the Internet (be they old games or movies, some programs, etc.) that you may want to read from an “invisible” disk.

    And if we are not talking about something unique and specific, perhaps it is worth spending a few minutes searching for information on the Internet rather than repairing and “dancing” around the DVD drive? Most likely, you will be able to find files in even better quality!

    That's all I wanted to say.

    All the best!

    There are many reasons why disk drives stop working: driver problems, conflicting applications, damaged drives. To fix a problem, first determine the source of the problem.

    1. The problem is in the storage medium

    If there are many scratches on the surface of the storage device, the media will not be recognized by the drive. There may also be difficulties reading discs from certain manufacturers. For example, not all disk drives will analyze L-PRO products. In this case, buy products from a different brand.

    2. The disk drive does not see the disk on the laptop

    When the data reader does not recognize the discs, the laser emitter is faulty. Try disassembling the device and wiping the laser head with cotton wool.

    Alternatively, connect the drive to another computer. This way you can check which element of the product is not functioning properly.
    To process information, the drive uses different types of modes. If one of them does not work (does not receive power or power), then the disks are partially and not always recognized. For example, the drive ignores CDs, but opens and reads DVDs.

    Usually the main reason for product failure is wear and malfunction of the laser head. Only replacing the device will help here.

    3. The laptop drive does not see the disk. What to do?

    In addition to mechanical failure, failures in the operating system may occur. If the reading device recognizes disks with information as blank, update the drivers. To do this, go to Device Manager, remove the controllers and reboot the laptop. After turning on, the PC will install the software on its own and restart.

    If nothing helps, download the drivers to the flash drive from the official website of the equipment manufacturer.

    Please note: virtual emulators like alcohol or daemon tools. Uninstall such programs and remove the reader controllers.

    4. The drive is working, but disabled in BIOS

    You need to go into the BIOS and turn on the drive. The line responsible for inclusion looks like this: “CD-ROM. ENABLED" and "DVD-ROM. ENABLED".

    5. Laptop drive cannot be read

    If the previous steps did not help and the drive does not appear, then either it or the controller on the motherboard is broken. The product needs to be replaced with a new one.

    6. No access to recorded files on the disk

    This problem is a number of system ones. Since the software is responsible for launching and operating the files, the drive is functioning normally.

    Update recording applications (Nero, Roxy) to the latest version on the official website of the developers or reinstall the software.


    If you have installed utilities that identify disk data after installation in the tray (similar to NERO StartSmart, Roxio InCD), remove applications and the drive from Device Manager.

    18 042

    Despite the enormous popularity of USB-connected solid-state drives and the spread of cloud technologies, DVDs are still actively used by many users. They distribute music albums and computer games, and sell licensed software and operating systems. If a laptop or computer does not see the disks inserted into it, this is a rather unpleasant problem. This article describes what to do if the drive does not see or read CDs.

    There are a fairly large number of possible problems due to which a laptop or CD-ROM on a computer does not see the disks and does not work correctly. These include: damage to the disk itself, dust on the read head, physical damage to the device itself, lack of contact and incorrect operation of the drivers. The rest of the article discusses each of the reasons in detail and describes what to do in this case.

    Non-working DVD

    DVDs are quite fragile data storage media. If used and stored carelessly, their surface becomes covered with many small scratches, due to which the CD-rom does not see the recorded information. To diagnose this cause, users simply need to try inserting another media into the drive. If the laptop works with them and sees the information, it means the problem was in a specific drive.

    What to do in this case? Try polishing the media using a soft cloth and a special paste.

    No contact

    If the CD-ROM tray refuses to eject when you press a button, contact with the power supply has probably lost. In this case, you need to do the following: turn off the personal computer, remove the side cover from the system unit case and check whether the cables are normally connected to the device.

    There should be two of them: one comes from the power supply and supplies the CD-ROM with electricity, and the other – information – connects to a special connector on the motherboard. Just unplug both cables and plug them back in. If you are using a laptop rather than a desktop computer, it is recommended that you contact a specialist and do not go inside the device yourself.

    Dust on the read head

    The most common reason why a disk drive does not read discs on a computer is dust on the head with which the CD-rom reads information. There are two ways to clean it: manually and using special devices.

    In the first case, users need to do the following: remove the side cover of the computer, unscrew and pull out the CD-rom, disassemble it and use cotton wool or a soft cloth to gently wipe the head. If you are not sure that you can easily disassemble and reassemble your laptop, it is recommended that you turn to professionals.

    The second method is available to everyone - you need to purchase a special disk with brushes glued to it. You need to insert it into the CD-rom, wait a while and pull it back out. The computer or laptop sees the cleaning device, spins it, and small brushes remove all the clogged dust.

    Laser doesn't work

    A laser is installed inside the CD-rom, with the help of which a laptop or personal computer reads data from the surface of the disk. If you hear that the device is working (that is, spinning), but the system does not see it, it means that the laser has most likely been damaged and is not working correctly.

    Also, evidence of this failure includes selective reading of data. If the cd-rom works with CDs, but does not see DVD formats, this indicates internal problems. In this case, it is not recommended to do anything yourself. You need to show your laptop to a specialist or simply purchase a new drive.