How to make the backlight brighter on a laptop. Why can't I adjust the brightness on my laptop? How to adjust screen brightness

The brightness of the laptop screen determines how quickly the Tired eyes when working at the computer. Factory settings provide a relatively low level of screen brightness. This is done mainly to increase the battery life of the device, since the main energy consumer in a laptop is usually the LCD display. In order to increase the brightness of the display on a laptop, you need to perform a few simple manipulations, and the color rendition will be adjusted. The article will discuss the most popular ways to increase the brightness of a laptop computer monitor.

How to change the brightness of a laptop screen using hotkeys?

One of the most basic ways to increase the brightness of a laptop display is This is a simultaneous pressing of special keys.

All leading laptop manufacturers (Lenovo, XP, ASUS, Acer) equip their portable devices with a functional Fn button. It is located on the lower segment of the keyboard, usually between Ctrl and Win.

Instructions on how to increase the display brightness on a laptop using function buttons:

There are times when these keys do not function. The cause of the problem most often is:

  • Uninstalled driver.
  • Function keys are disabled in BIOS.

Increasing brightness through power settings

To increase screen backlight laptop, you should do the following:

Everyone adjusts the screen brightness to their own discretion. Some people like a lighter display, while others like a dull one. If you want to work with the laptop in rich color contrasts, move the slider to the right. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise excessive lighting will put serious strain on the eyes, which will negatively affect visual function. This may not immediately make itself felt, but over time, too bright shades will seem like dull spots that blur in the eyes. In addition to brightness, you can adjust the contrast here. It should be said that the increased clarity of edges is difficult for visual perception.

How to brighten the screen on a laptop using Windows Mobility Center?

Without exception, all Microsoft operating systems have very convenient function, which is called "Windows Mobility Center". To launch it, you need to right-click on the icon with the image of a battery and select the appropriate section.

Having done this, a window will open where you can make all the necessary settings to save battery power. Here you can also adjust the backlight of the laptop display, change the volume of audio devices, turn off wireless modules, and set up synchronization. You can add brightness to the monitor by pulling the slider up.

Increasing screen brightness through video card drivers

Another way to make your laptop display brighter is software setup graphics adapter.

If suddenly such a panel is missing, then installing a driver is necessary. A disk with it, as a rule, comes with a laptop. The software can also be downloaded from the official website of the video card manufacturer. Among other things, the video adapter driver allows you to more flexibly configure other graphic parameters of the laptop, in particular, resolution or orientation.

Using special utilities

Today, many programs have been developed that allow you to adjust the brightness of the display. In addition, thanks to them you can change the resolution, contrast and background color. They are installed on both desktop computers and laptops.

Of similar Windows utilities worth highlighting:

  • Display Tuner.
  • Display Resolution Manager.
  • iBrightness Tray.

Thus, the easy-to-use application for customizing the laptop screen iBrightness Tray does not even need installation. You just need to hover over the utility icon and click on it. Use the slider to adjust the backlight. If you click on “Screen Saver” on the display, a screen saver will appear; by clicking on the screen image, you can turn off the monitor in order to save battery power.

There are times when all attempts to increase the brightness of a laptop screen are futile. The reason for this lies not in the software, but in the technical components of the computer. For example, the display light bulb burned out or some cable failed. This problem can be resolved by contacting a service center.

Those users who have previously worked exclusively on a desktop PC may be a little surprised when they start working on a laptop. One of the main features of a laptop screen is that you simply cannot adjust the brightness on it in the same way as on a regular monitor - there is no separate button or wheel for this.

Moreover, by default, the screen brightness is usually such that it can cause significant inconvenience to the user’s eyes - it is at a relatively low level, as a rule, in order to save energy, since the screen is one of the main consumers of energy.

Today I will tell you how to reduce or increase the brightness on your device. I will show an example on Windows 7, although there is no difference between other operating systems, including the still popular XP. In addition, this instruction is suitable for most modern laptops manufactured by companies such as Lenovo, Acer, Sasmung, Asus, Dell, Sony, etc.

First way

It's best to start with the simplest method. In order to use it, you will need 5 seconds of time.

At the bottom of the desktop in the notification area (tray) there is a certain number of icons. Find the battery icon and right-click on it, after which a menu will appear in which you need to select “Windows Mobility Center”.

A window will open in front of you with a large number of settings, including, for example, adjusting the sound and, of course, adjusting the brightness level of the laptop screen. Simply move the slider to one side or the other, thereby adjusting the brightness to your taste or desire.

Second way

If for some reason you cannot use the method indicated just above (for example, the Windows Mobility Center function is missing), you can try using another option.

There is a special Fn key on a laptop keyboard - it is used to type alternative commands. One of these commands is to adjust the screen brightness. Typically, brightness is indicated by a sun icon (filled and empty). Accordingly, to adjust the brightness, you need to hold down the Fn button, and then click either on the filled sun to increase brightness, or on the empty sun to darken. You don't need to press anything else.

As a rule, the icons on the keyboard are located among the F1-F12 keys, less often they are located in other places.

Third way

If you are not looking for easy ways, you can use the third, slightly more difficult method.

Go to the control panel, select “System” - “Power” - “Power settings” (in some cases the item is called “Setting the display to turn off” or “Setting the power plan”). This will take you to a menu where you can apply specific settings for your device. Including: screen brightness when using from mains or battery, dimming the display after a certain time, putting the computer into sleep mode, etc.

It is worth remembering that some laptop models, usually expensive ones, have an automatic brightness adjustment function, which in turn depends on external lighting. This feature can be disabled.

In cases where the brightness does not change, do not rush to take the laptop to a service center. The fact is that if it does not operate from the mains, but from a battery, then the screen brightness may not exceed a certain level in order to save energy. This setting can usually be changed.

But if the brightness does not increase in any of the modes, this may actually be related to the performance of the screen.

The ability to manipulate color saturation on a laptop screen pays off. You not only preserve your vision and take care of your health, but at the same time ensure maximum convenience and productivity in your work process. Reducing brightness contrasts helps minimize power and resource consumption of your device.

The Windows operating system is equipped with all possible functions for ease of use, but we do not always know how to use them. One of the easiest and fastest ways to increase or decrease screen brightness is to use the functionality on the taskbar. To launch the required function, hover over the battery display icon on the taskbar and right-click, select “Windows Mobility Center” from the context menu. A window will pop up where the first item from left to right will be the “Screen Brightness” setting. By moving the slider, you will adjust the most pleasant contrasts for your vision. You can quickly, rather instantly, increase the brightness without using a mouse directly on the laptop keyboard. In each model, these keys may differ slightly, but the principle is the same. Find the “Fn” key and the up-down or left-right arrows. The multi-sided arrows should show a sun with a directional pointer. If you press the combination “Fn” + arrow for changing screen brightness, you will get the desired result.

You can independently create and configure a power plan that will work according to the parameters you specify. The laptop itself will dim or restore the screen brightness after a specified period of time. To create a graph of laptop backlight brightness separately for operation on mains power and battery power, proceed as follows.
  1. In the “Start” menu, select “Control Panel”;
  2. Next, go to the “System and Security” item;
  3. Select the “Power Options” section;
  4. After clicking “Set display off”, you will be presented with a panel where you can specify the desired settings and save them.

If you cannot find the required option, and the image is dim and unattractive, you may need to update your operating system and install drivers.

When setting the brightness level from the battery and from the network, you need to understand that the saved parameters are valid only for the current power plan. In order for your settings to remain in effect and no longer create discomfort, you need to configure all three standard plans that are provided by default in every laptop.

You can work, play or spend time on the Internet at the computer at different times of the day. For example, during the day in good lighting, the screen should also be bright enough so that what is displayed on it can be clearly seen without having to look closely. But at night, on the contrary, it is better that it is a little muffled and does not hit the eyes.

Therefore, in this article, let us figure out how in various ways you can change the brightness of the screen on your computer or laptop.

Let's start with PC. Everything is quite simple here. Since there is no need to save battery power, the brightness is adjusted here relatively rarely. For this purpose, special buttons located on the monitor are used. They can be located either below or slightly behind. Find among them the one with the icon in the form of a sun and a pointer. If the pointer is pointing down, it means decreasing brightness; if pointing up, it means increasing brightness.

Now I’ll tell you about laptops. Here this procedure is used more often, especially if the device is disconnected from the network and you need to slightly increase its battery life.

To do this, you can use the “Fn” key in various combinations, which differ depending on the manufacturer of your laptop. Let's give examples for the most popular ones.

If you have ASUS then hold down “Fn” and press the “F5” button to lower, or “F6” to add brightness.

On Lenovo laptops, this is done using the up and down arrows. Press "Fn" and then the desired button. Just pay attention, for example, in the screenshot the arrow points up, and under it there is an orange sun with a downward pointer, which means this button will reduce the brightness.

On HP, the combinations can be different or, as in the figure below, “Fn” and “F2-F3”, or “Fn” and “F9-F10”.

If you have a device from another manufacturer, then I think you understand what buttons to look for. They should have an image of the sun - one larger, the other smaller.

The second way of adjustment is through "Control Panel". Click on the button and select the desired item, for those who have Windows 7. If you have Windows 10 installed, then right-click on Start and select the item of interest.

At the bottom of the window that opens there will be a slider, which you can move either to the right towards the sun, or to the left, then the brightness decreases.

In this window you can set the display brightness separately for running the laptop on battery and mains power. Remember that the smaller it is, the longer the charge will last. At the end, don't forget to click "Save changes".

You can open the required window in another way. Click on the battery icon in the lower right corner and select the item that interests us.

The third method is to adjust the brightness through the installed drivers for the video card. Find it in the list of Control Panel items and click on it.

Or expand hidden applications in the tray and click on the video card icon.

Then you need to select the item "Graphic characteristics".

Another option is to right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the desired item from the menu that opens.

Whichever option you choose, a window like this will open. I have an Intel video card, so it looks like this. If you have a different manufacturer, the appearance of the window will be different.

Here in the left menu you need to find an item so that the “Brightness” field appears in the middle area. Move the marker to the appropriate value. Then click "OK".

That's all. I think now you can easily adjust the brightness of your screen on your computer or laptop. As for me, adjustment using the key combination with Fn is the simplest, and you choose the method that suits you.

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Many users who have recently purchased a mobile computer and have not yet understood everything in detail are very often interested in: how can adjust screen brightness on laptop - add or subtract it depending on personal preferences?! Indeed, when you get used to the fact that all adjustments to display parameters are done using separately located buttons on the monitor body, the compactness and asceticism of a portable PC can lead to a slight stupor. Although, in fact, everything is quite simple. There are two ways to do this:

- using function keys
— through software configuration tools

You can use it Let's look at both methods in detail.

1. Brightness keys

Due to the fact that laptops have great requirements for compactness, they try not to have extra buttons on it. Here they took a different route - the developers combined a number of keys to make them functional. Typically, icons for additional functions are printed in a different color (blue or orange). The brightness adjustment keys on the laptop are marked in the shape of a sun:

Previously, they were moved to a couple of buttons in the row F1....F12, but recently they began to move them, along with the volume, to the “arrows”:

To use them and reduce or increase the brightness of the laptop or netbook screen, you need to press the button Fn, which is located next to Ctrl, and, holding it, click on the desired function.

By the way, if these keys do not respond to pressing, this means that OSD drivers were not installed when you installed Windows. They can be downloaded from the mobile computer manufacturer's website.

2. Software brightness adjustment

If for some reason you are unable to adjust the screen brightness on your laptop using the keyboard buttons, then you can do this programmatically, through the parameters of the power supply circuit used. To do this, right-click on the Start button and in the menu that appears, select “Power Management”:

If suddenly you don’t have this item in the menu, then select “Control Panel”:

In the Windows Control Panel menu that appears, find the “Power Options” icon and click on it:

In the window that opens, we see the power scheme being used - it is highlighted in bold - and opposite it, click on the “Settings” link:

The following menu will appear, at the very bottom of which there is the line “Adjust brightness”:

Using the sliders, you can adjust the brightness of the laptop both in network mode and in offline mode. After this, do not forget to click on the “Save Changes” button.

It is worth noting that on some laptops (for example, HP) the brightness adjustment was displayed as a separate slider right in the window for selecting the device’s power scheme:

Don’t forget about one more “trick” of Windows 8 and Windows 10 - this is the Mobility Center, which allows you to configure many laptop parameters in one window at once. To get into it, you need to right-click on the battery icon to bring up the context menu:

In it you need to select the “Windows Mobility Center” item. The following window will appear:

Among other parameters, the center allows you to adjust the brightness of the laptop screen, for which there is a separate slider.

In addition to the standard tools for managing a laptop computer built into the Windows OS, there are also third-party utilities directly from the manufacturer, which are part of the pre-installed software. As a rule, such software is added to startup by default and its icon hangs in the system tray, next to the clock. For example, in Lenovo IBM ThinkPad it is Power Manager.

Among its many options, there is also the ability to increase or decrease the screen brightness - the Monitor Brightness parameter.


1) The software included with the video adapter driver (AMD Radeon Control Center, NVidia Control Center, Intel Graphics Control Panel, etc.) also contains tools for adjusting monitor parameters.

2) In Windows 8 and Windows 10, you can force the laptop to independently change the brightness of the display depending on the light level (of course, if its hardware supports this feature). To do this, you need to go to the additional parameters of the active power supply scheme:

Find the “Screen” section and expand it. Among the available parameters we find the line “Enable adaptive brightness control” and below we set the parameter to “On”. Click on the “Apply” button.