How to overclock a processor - the right way. The best programs for overclocking an Intel processor

Probably everyone already knows that you can increase the speed of a computer and its optimization not only by replacing the part with a new, more powerful and therefore more productive one, but also by overclocking the old one by testing it. For those who did not previously know about this possibility, this article will help you understand this possibility.

Overclocking (overclocking) is an increase in the performance of the processor, video card, system card and RAM of the computer. If we are talking about the processor, then this means an increase in frequency, voltage and multiplier.

Manufacturers always leave a 20-50% safety margin, which increases the time of maximum operation in a stable state. For example, your processor running at an optimal frequency of 1.8 Ghz has a maximum possible frequency of 3.0 Ghz. This means that with the correct sequence of actions performed during overclocking, you can achieve an increase in frequency to 3.0 Ghz. However, it is not a fact that the processor will be able to work in this state for a longer period than at a frequency of 1.8 Ghz.

How to overclock your processor!

No one gives guarantees that it will be possible to achieve an increase in frequency by 50%, but with simple steps, increasing the processor frequency by 20-30% will not be difficult.

Increasing CPU frequency

The processor frequency is one of its main characteristics. Also, an important parameter of any processor is the multiplier - a number that, when multiplied by the FSB frequency of the bus, you can get the real frequency.

Therefore, the safest and easiest method of overclocking a processor is through bios. In this way, the frequency of the FSB system bus is increased, with the help of which the processor frequency is increased.

The processor frequency in all available variants will be 2 GHz:

  • 166 – bus, 12 – frequency multiplication factor;
  • 200 – bus, 10 – frequency multiplication factor;
  • 333 – bus, 6 – frequency multiplication factor.

The simplicity of this method lies in the fact that the FSB frequency is changed directly in the BIOS or in a special program in 1 MHz steps. Previously, this method of increasing the frequency could end sadly for the processor. However, today it will be very problematic to kill a multi-core processor by increasing the frequency. As soon as a novice overclocker goes a little overboard with the frequency, the system will instantly reset all settings to default, and a reboot will return the computer to normal operation.

You can change the bus frequency by going into the BIOS and selecting the CPU Clock value. Press Enter on the existing value and enter the bus frequency. Nearby you can see the multiplier and the effective frequency of 2.8 GHz.

Please note that in the example the processor multiplier is quite high. In this case, it is recommended to increase the FSB in steps of 5-10 MHz, that is, the frequency will increase by 70-140 MHz. For other frequency and multiplier values, the bus frequency should be increased in increments of no more than 10%. You should not rush when overclocking, as a small step allows you to determine a more optimal frequency for your computer.

If you want to achieve the most tangible results, then you cannot do without a new cooler. I advise you to turn your attention to the Zalman cooler. Temperature measurement tests are carried out at maximum processor operation. These measurements can be made using 3D Mark and Everest programs. If the temperature at maximum load is more than 70C, then it is necessary to increase the cooler speed to the maximum or reduce the FSB frequency.

Changing multiplier settings

The multiplier can also be changed, which affects the increase in frequency.

For example, at a frequency of 1.33GHz: 133 is the bus, 10 is the frequency multiplication factor. If you change the coefficient to 15, then instead of 1.33 GHz you can get 2.0 GHz.

However, there is one point - the processor must have an unlocked multiplier. Usually such processors are labeled as Extreme, but in cases where the processor is Black Edition or Intel processor, AMD. But don’t be upset if the processor version is not Extreme, since with the right approach you can achieve good results. Although it is rather impossible to do without increasing the voltage. For example, an ordinary light bulb is the same processor, but its design is hundreds of thousands of times simpler than that of a processor. But despite this, the principle of their operation is approximately the same: the more voltage is applied, the brighter the result of their work will be.

Increasing the voltage makes it possible to more seriously increase the speed of the processor

Also, in order to achieve stability from the processor at high frequencies, you need to increase the voltage supplied to it. There are a few details to consider here:

  • do not increase the voltage by more than 0.3 V;
  • be sure to install a good cooler.

To do this, you need to go into the BIOS and go to the Power Bios Setup section and then to Vcore Voltege. In this section, you can increase the value by 0.1 V. After this, the cooler should be set to maximum and the FSB frequency should be set higher.

Next is testing. If everything is fine and the performance is satisfactory, then you can stop at this stage. After approaching a critical performance level, it is recommended to reduce the frequency by 5%, which will allow the overclocking to be ensured by stable and long-term operation of the processor.

The above methods can also be performed programmatically, but it is still recommended to use the BIOS, since this method reduces the risk to a minimum and, in the event of improper operation of the processor, resets all overclocking settings, which will allow the system to start normally again.

How to increase the processor frequency on a laptop

It often happens that the laptop hardware is not enough to work with resource-intensive applications such as video and photo editors or games. The clock speed of the laptop processor is of no small importance. It is important to note that through the use of some manipulations this figure can be slightly increased. How to increase the processor frequency on a laptop will be discussed further.

General description of the issue

Before moving on to a direct description of actions aimed at solving the above issue, it is necessary to say a few words about what is hidden behind determining the processor frequency.

So, without going into details that are of interest only to professionals, the processor clock speed is an indicator of the number of operations that the device is capable of performing in a specific unit of time. Most modern chips operate at frequencies between 1 and 4 GHz. The bottom line is that with an increase in processor frequency, the device will cope with the same number of tasks as before the increase, but will do it faster, which means performance will increase. It is important to note here that the number of processor cores affects the amount of information processed, and the frequency affects the speed of this processing.

In addition, it is worth adding a few points that you need to keep in mind before increasing the processor frequency on your laptop:

As the processor frequency increases, the power consumption of the device will inevitably increase, which will affect battery life. In the case of a desktop PC there is no problem, but for a laptop this criterion is quite important.

Due to the increase in power, the heat dissipation of the processor will also increase. It is important to understand that all the parts of the laptop are located close to each other, the cooling system, for the sake of compactness and battery life, is also not very powerful, and therefore prolonged overheating is extremely undesirable.

Among other things, it is worth considering that any breakdowns resulting from overheating caused by user manipulation will not be an insured event, which means that if the clock frequency of the laptop processor increases, this automatically terminates the factory warranty.

In other words, before you begin to act, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons, and only after that proceed to complete the task, while you must understand that all manipulations are carried out solely at your own peril and risk.

Frequency increase

If the decision to carry out work to increase the processor frequency has been made, you can begin work. It is important to note that there are several options for completing the task.

Change your power plan

One of the safest ways to improve the performance of laptop components, and therefore the processor, is to change the device's power plan. As a result of these actions, the energy supply to the elements will increase and, as a result, overall productivity will increase. To do this you need:

Right-click on the battery icon located in the notification area (lower right corner of the monitor).

In the context menu that opens, select “power supply”.

By going to the section menu, you need to select the “high performance” mode and apply the changes.

The described actions allow you to slightly increase the performance of the device. You shouldn't expect miracles, but it is relatively safe and does not void the warranty.

Using the BIOS

The next option for implementing the task is to increase the frequency of the laptop system bus through the BIOS. To enter it, you must periodically press the Delete, Escape, f5 or some other key while turning on the device. The fact is that depending on the manufacturer, the keys may differ. It is best to review the accompanying documentation for information. After entering the BIOS, you need to find a line called “CPU Frequensy” or “CPU Lock” and, after opening a special subsection, set the required bus frequency value. After saving the changes, you need to restart the laptop.

After the above steps are completed, you need to check the processor temperature. The easiest way to do this is with the help of special programs, for example, Aida 64 or similar ones. If the processor temperature without load is more than 50 degrees Celsius, then the frequency must be reduced.

Special programs

Among other things, it is important to add that there are special programs with which the maximum frequency of a laptop processor can be increased. Some of the most well-known of them, depending on the processor manufacturer, include:

  • AI Booster or AMD Overdrive for AMD processors.
  • Intel Desktop Control Center for Intel processors, respectively.

Before working with the software, you need to study the description and rules of use.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that there are quite a few ways to increase the frequency of a laptop processor, but none of them is a panacea and entails quite serious risks. It is much more advisable to choose hardware before purchasing, based on the intended tasks.

3 701 Tags: processor

How to overclock an Intel Core processor

Overlocking is a subtle process of configuring computer components, causing natural bewilderment and even fear among uninformed users. And all because of vaguely compiled information taken out of context from various sources. You can strengthen your knowledge and understand the question “how to overclock an Intel Core processor” in just five steps.

Preparatory stage

It is impossible to turn a modern processor into a piece of scrap metal in a matter of minutes, armed with the wrong methods - the system is protected at the hardware and software level from any unforeseen events. Still, you shouldn’t be careless:

Theoretical stage

The normal operating mode of the chip is 50-80% of the maximum power, which is due to restrictions introduced to increase service life, increase stability and average temperature conditions. Overlocking allows you to increase productivity, at the cost of additional costs - time to select the ideal characteristics (frequency, voltage), money to purchase cooling and a guarantee for a positive result. There are too many nuances, like the Intel Core family of processors!

There are three ways to increase processor performance:

  1. Set the desired frequency.
  2. Change multiplier.
  3. Raise the supply voltage.

But not all at once - easy introductory information will help you understand the basics and understand once and for all everything about the state of things. So, FSB is a system bus that interacts from the chip side with all components connected to the computer. The interaction occurs at a certain frequency and it is the FSB that adapts to each type of component using multipliers and dividers. For example, information exchange with RAM occurs at a frequency of 333 MHz. And the processor clock frequency is 2664 MHz. This means that the multiplier is 8. Hence the conclusion - you can increase the clock frequency by changing the system bus settings or adding multipliers.

With voltage, everything is simpler - the motherboard is capable of independently distributing the load, you can set the settings manually to correctly and fully support the clock frequency or the set multiplier. Without changing the voltage, malfunctions may occur!

Practical stage

There are several methods for overclocking an Intel processor - it all depends on access to the multiplier, the user’s skills and the risks assigned to the process. It’s better to start with something simple – increasing the system bus frequency:

  • Go to BIOS. Search for the parameter CPU Speed ​​or Lock, CPU (HOST) Frequency, change the numerical value to 20, 30, or maybe 50 MHz. It’s difficult to say or give precise advice - there are many systems, boards and chips, and everyone is different. After increasing the frequency, you will have to save the settings and reboot to check stability. If software problems arise, you will have to gradually reduce the bus frequency or increase the voltage in the CPU Voltage panels. Attention! You should not raise the voltage by more than 0.3 V from the nominal value!

Do not forget about the huge number of limiters that affect the overclocking process - an unsuccessful processor with a locked multiplier, the limits of the components, an unsuitable motherboard, an unstable voltage supplied by the power supply. Even RAM can refuse to work at the wrong frequency. Well, the temperature - for quality results, go to the store for a new cooler.

And you should definitely monitor all indicators while overclocking your computer:

AIDA64 and CoreTemp for monitoring, OCCT checking the interaction of memory and processor, Sandra Lite - obtaining information about the system, 3Dmark - an ideal option to load the system and identify failures.

Program stage

Special utilities suitable for both a wide range of systems and specific ones will help eliminate interaction with the BIOS and simplify the overclocking process.

  1. The SoftFSB utility allows you to configure everything at once literally on the fly. There is no need to introduce functions, the interface is clear, the menu is detailed. You can control frequency, temperature and voltage by moving the sliders.
  2. ASRock OC Tuner is a utility designed for ASRock motherboards that combines a huge range of overclocking, monitoring and tuning functions.
  3. MSI Control Center II is a tool with a self-explanatory name. Performs all functions declared by competitors. Easy to use.
  4. ASUS Turbo V EVO is a program for overclocking the processor: instant change of parameters, easy setup, support for various components.

Laptop overclocking stage

Next, install the SetFSB utility and proceed to a slow but steady increase in the processor clock frequency in small steps. Upon completion of the work, it is better to perform additional tests with Prime 95, monitoring changes in real time in CPU-Z. If problems with freezing and the appearance of “blue screens of death” are not detected, then the frequency can be increased.

  • Set the “Minimum and Maximum processor state” indicators to 100% in the “Power Options” tab under the “Advanced power settings” item.
  • Or reset all settings in the BIOS to factory settings using the “Load Default” function.

When increasing the processor frequency, it is worth remembering safety - increased processor power consumption will increase the load on the battery and reduce the operating time without a network. It will also raise the temperature several times, and this is completely unsafe, because it is definitely not possible to comprehensively change the cooling method on a laptop without losing its portable qualities.

Overclocking the processor through BIOS and special programs

Avid gamers, people who work with bulky media, and those who require complex computing processes often find their hardware underpowered. And if they don’t want to spend money on upgrading equipment, or there is no need to dramatically increase performance, then overclocking or overclocking the processor, video card or RAM will help.

Overclocking or overclocking is an increase in the performance of personal computer components using software or physical manipulation.

Sources of additional power

All devices operate at 50-80% of maximum power in normal mode. Restrictions are imposed by manufacturers and are designed to extend the life of the device. There are several ways to remove or bypass these restrictions. True, this will significantly increase the load and, consequently, reduce the service life of the device.

Thus, by taking the right actions, you can increase the performance of your processor, video card or RAM by 20-50%. Achieving the highest possible productivity is quite difficult - this is already an area of ​​​​professional activity. But 20-30% growth can be obtained without delving into the constructive jungle.

IMPORTANT: Overclocking the processor on a laptop is an extremely risky step and it is strictly not recommended to take it; a weak cooling system will not prevent the consequences of rising temperatures. Therefore, you need to think carefully before overclocking your laptop processor.

The following will provide tips on how to properly overclock your processor. It is difficult to damage your computer on motherboards with built-in overclocking utilities. Special software fuses, when detecting an excess of normal temperature, reset the settings to their original state.

Despite all precautions, it is better to play it safe and provide additional cooling before overclocking the processor.

Proper processor overclocking

To effectively increase the processor clock frequency, there are two ways: adjusting BIOS settings and special software. Both methods are relatively safe and accessible to users with modest knowledge of computer technology.

IMPORTANT: Before increasing processor performance, it is better to think carefully. If you have doubts about the successful completion of the overclocking procedure, then it is better not to start it. Incorrect actions can result in device damage.

Correcting BIOS settings

Before overclocking the processor through the BIOS, you must carefully study the instructions for the motherboard. You can find all the necessary values ​​in it. In addition, it indicates the presence of special switches on the board that are responsible for increasing performance. Their use can also improve system performance.

The clock frequency is increased using the BIOS by changing the FSB bus multiplier. This feature is only supported by processors with an open multiplier. Otherwise, you will have to resort to software overclocking or soldering contacts. The technical documentation for the motherboard must contain information about the FSB bus multiplier.

To overclock the processor through the BIOS, you must perform the following steps:

If, after loading the operating system, a blue screen appears or disks, sound cards or other elements are not recognized, it means that the overclocking threshold has been exceeded. You need to reduce the coefficient and try again.

After completing these steps, you need to check the processor temperature (special programs like Everest or HWmonitor will help). The maximum permissible value at peak loads is 900C. If the indicator exceeds the permissible value, then it is necessary to reduce the coefficient or ensure sufficient cooling.

It is better to gradually increase productivity, increasing the final value with a certain step. Once you reach the required frequency, you can stop, or you can continue to increase it. When the maximum value is reached, the computer will stop turning on.

To restore normal operation, you need to reset the BIOS settings. This can be done by removing the battery on the motherboard for ten seconds. If the computer still does not turn on, then you need to remove the battery and close the jumper marked CCMOS. It is usually located next to the battery socket.

Having found the optimal value, you need to work at the computer for half an hour. If during this time the temperature did not increase and there were no system failures, then everything is in order - overclocking was a success. Now you don't have to worry about how to speed up your processor.

Software overclocking of the processor

The debate about how best to overclock hardware continues. Security advocates blame the unreliability of the software, while those who prefer overclocking the processor through the program argue that it is easy to use. With the right actions, any method will be effective

There are several manufacturers of motherboards. Overclocking programs are also aimed at various manufacturers. Overclocking an Intel processor with the wrong utility can cause serious harm to the system. In places where such programs are downloaded, information about the list of supported processor models and motherboards is usually posted. Therefore, before overclocking your intel processor, it is better to check the above-mentioned list.

ASRock OC Tuner

A simple and functional program for overclocking the processor. OC Tuner combines overclocking and monitoring functions. With its help, you can not only overclock the processor, but also obtain information about the state of the system and monitor the voltage in various elements of the system.

To change the processor frequency and bus frequency multiplier in the “Over Clocking” section, just set the necessary parameters in the appropriate fields and click the “Go!” button. Along with the processor performance, you can also adjust the PCIE bus frequency. Voltage control works on the same principle, only there are more input fields (CPU, RAM, VTT, chipset bridges). A suitable program for overclocking an Intel processor.

MSI Control Center II

The program is designed to monitor the state of the system and its overclocking. The entire utility interface is divided into two main sections: “Oveclocking” and “Green Power”. Functions for overclocking the system are grouped in the first section. It also contains information about the status of devices: temperature, power consumption, etc.

The second section, “Green Power,” contains information about the overall energy efficiency of the system. You can also turn the motherboard LED indicators on and off from this menu.


A program for overclocking motherboards manufactured by ASUS. Owners of motherboards from this manufacturer can instantly overclock their devices without studying the BIOS and other subtleties. To do this, just install TurboV EVO. Moreover, in some versions of EFI BIOS the utility is built-in.

Using TurboV EVO, you can control the processor clock speed and adjust the RAM frequency. The program also supports voltage control functions in various system elements. It is possible to automatically overclock the system.

AMD OverDrive

How to overclock an AMD processor? There is an excellent AMD OverDrive utility for this. The program has several levels of settings. They adapt to the user's level of awareness. Inexperienced users will have access to monitoring the system's operation. Those with a sufficient level of knowledge will be able to adjust the bus frequencies and clock multiplier.

In addition to fine-tuning the frequency of each core, OverDrive allows you to test the system with the selected settings. Monitoring functions make overclocking an AMD processor much easier. OverDrive turned out to be a powerful utility for fine-tuning systems to suit your needs.

Another useful program for overclocking a processor is CPU-Z. This is a good system health monitoring tool. The AMD processor overclocking program provides information on its operation. Its model, the overall clock frequency and the frequency of each core, the bus multiplier and much more other information.

What to do if your hard drive doesn't work

AMD produces processors with extensive upgrade capabilities. In fact, CPUs from this manufacturer operate at only 50-70% of their actual capacity. This is done to ensure that the processor lasts as long as possible and does not overheat while working on devices with a poor cooling system.

There are two main ways to increase the CPU clock speed and speed up the computer's data processing:

  • Using special software. Recommended for less experienced users. Development and support is handled by AMD itself. In this case, you can see all the changes immediately in the software interface and in system performance. The main disadvantage of this method: there is a certain probability that the changes will not be applied.
  • Using BIOS. Better suited for more advanced users, because... all changes that are made in this environment greatly affect the performance of the PC. The standard BIOS interface on many motherboards is entirely or mostly in English, and all control is done using the keyboard. Also, the very ease of use of such an interface leaves much to be desired.

Regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary to find out whether the processor is suitable for this procedure and, if so, what its limit is.

Find out the characteristics

There are a large number of programs to view the characteristics of the CPU and its cores. In this case, let’s look at how to find out “suitability” for overclocking using:

Method 1: AMD OverDrive

Method 2: SetFSB

is a universal program that is equally suitable for overclocking processors from AMD and Intel. It is distributed free of charge in some regions (for residents of the Russian Federation, after the demo period you will have to pay $6) and has simple management. However, the interface does not have Russian language. Download and install this program and start overclocking:

Method 3: Overclocking via BIOS

If for some reason it is not possible to improve the characteristics of the processor through the official or third-party program, then you can use the classic method - overclocking using the built-in BIOS functions.

This method is only suitable for more or less experienced PC users, because... the interface and controls in the BIOS can be too confusing, and some errors made in the process can disrupt the operation of the computer. If you are confident in yourself, then do the following:

Overclocking any AMD processor is quite possible through a special program and does not require any in-depth knowledge. If all precautions are followed, and the processor is accelerated within reasonable limits, then nothing will threaten your computer.

Overclocking veterans: This Asus P2B motherboard brings back fond memories of the past. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Variety of software

In this article we will tell you about several different applications that allow you to overclock your processor and video card. Some of them can even change the memory frequency and latency. It is clear that you use such programs at your own peril and risk, but if you do not go beyond reasonable limits, then there is no great danger of damaging the hardware, and the advantage in additional performance is often significant.

Two favorites: CPU-Z and GPU-Z

Before we begin describing overclocking programs, we would like to dwell on two applications that, in our opinion, are necessary sources of system information: CPU-Z and GPU-Z. These two small utilities (which actually have nothing in common except similar names) allow you to display information about the components of your system. CPU-Z reports information about the processor, motherboard and memory, while GPU-Z provides information about the graphics card.


CPU-Z is a very complete and efficient program written by French developers, which is regularly updated to provide support for most processors and chipsets available on the market. It allows you to get detailed information about the installed processor, system bus frequencies, CPU voltage, memory frequencies and latencies (via SPD), etc. This utility also includes functions to check the validity of overclock values ​​to avoid fraud.

Before you start overclocking your system, we recommend downloading the CPU-Z program.

Tip: Make sure you have the latest version of CPU-Z if you want to have a function to validate overclock values. If you are using an older version of the program, the validity check may not work.

Despite the similar names, the GPU-Z program is not the brainchild of the CPUID development team that created CPU-Z, and has no connection with them. GPU-Z is a compact program that can display extremely important information about video cards: its exact name, type of GPU used, graphics processor, memory, shader unit frequencies (if the video card is compatible), number of raster operator units (ROPs) , memory bus width and much more. This utility is still under development, and from a practical point of view it can still be improved, although it is already fully usable.

The latest version of GPU-Z can be found.

SetFSB utility for overclocking CPU

SetFSB is an easy way to overclock your processor. This small program allows you to adjust the FSB frequency directly from Windows. It supports a wide range of motherboards and only requires you to know the PLL used by your board.

PLL of our motherboard. Click on the picture to enlarge.

PLL (Phase Locked Loop) is a chip on the motherboard that generates frequencies for various components. Many modern motherboards have at least four reference frequencies: FSB, memory, PCI Express bus and PCI bus; it is the PLL that generates these frequencies. In practice, on most motherboards, the FSB and memory frequencies are linked (using a factor that can be selected in the BIOS), while the PCI Express and PCI bus frequencies are fixed (100 MHz and 33 MHz, respectively). On some motherboards, like the one shown in the picture above, the PCI Express and PCI bus frequencies are also related.

Tip: PLL chips are usually produced by ICS. You only need to find a chip with that name to find out the PLL version.

SetFSB in progress. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Changing frequencies

Select the name of your PLL chip from the drop-down menu and click on "Get FSB". The program should find the current FSB frequency, after which it will allow you to change it simply by moving the slider.

It's important to remember two things. Firstly, do not get carried away with excessive frequency changes, otherwise it may harm your computer. Second, not all PLL chips provide the same frequency ranges; Some motherboards limit the available frequencies. Please also note that if you check the "Ultra" mode, you will have access to additional frequencies (depending on the PLL). Once you select a new frequency value, click on "Set FSB" to start using that value (and pray that nothing bad happens to your computer). If the system crashes, reboot it and try again. Here you don't adjust the voltage, so at least the hardware won't be harmed.

SetFSB is an essential overclocking utility that is updated frequently to support new versions of PLL chips. The latest version of this program can be downloaded.

Utilities for motherboards

If you are not interested in an application like SetFSB, then it will be useful for you to know that major motherboard manufacturers provide overclocking programs included with their boards.


Asus includes a fairly wide range of software in the package. Perhaps the most notable utility in the AI ​​Suite is the AI ​​Booster program. It allows you to overclock your system from Windows, like many other overclocking programs. It is worth noting that here you will not have to look for the type of PLL chip, since the AI ​​Booster utility only works with Asus motherboards. In addition to adjusting the FSB frequency, it allows you to change the CPU voltage (VCore) and memory frequency. Therefore, despite its limited compatibility, this program is actually much more functional compared to common universal utilities.

The EasyTune6 utility is much less attractive in appearance than the Asus program; in its ergonomics it resembles CPU-Z. However, EasyTune6 is a completely complete program that allows you to obtain information about your hardware, as well as overclock the processor and fine-tune the frequencies and voltages of components on the motherboard.


If Gigabyte's utility looks very modest, then MSI (like Asus) likes to dress up its product (in this case, even too much). The Dual Core Center utility, included with some MSI motherboards, is quite a flashy program with its own vision of beauty. However, like competing apps, Dual Core Center allows you to overclock the system and adjust voltages. In any case, it is a functional alternative to SetFSB.

Other manufacturers also include overclocking software with their high-end motherboards; we just stuck with the utilities from the largest vendors.

nTune and OverDrive: overclocking from AMD and Nvidia

AMD and Nvidia also provide their own overclocking utilities: OverDrive and nTune, respectively. They are less specialized than utilities from motherboard manufacturers, although they are limited to specific chipsets rather than motherboards.

nTune only for nForce

Nvidia nTune utility. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Nvidia's own nTune utility only supports chipsets from this manufacturer (at least when it comes to CPU overclocking). It will not work with first generation Nvidia chipsets or mobile versions. But if you have an nForce chipset, then the nTune program will allow you to overclock the processor and memory, change their voltages, as well as the chipset voltage.

The latest version of nTune can be downloaded.

Tip: nTune will run on platforms that do not use the nForce chipset, but will only allow you to configure video card parameters, but you will not be able to overclock the processor.

OverDrive: AMD and overclocking

AMD OverDrive utility. Click on the picture to enlarge.

The AMD OverDrive utility is equivalent to Nvidia's nTune program: it is an application for monitoring motherboards that use the manufacturer's processors. OverDrive only works with AMD chipsets (7 series) and AMD processors. At the same time, you can overclock your processor in very measured doses. For example, you can choose different frequencies for each Phenom core. Of course, the memory and performance of the HT (HyperTransport) channel can also be adjusted, as can the voltages.

The latest version of OverDrive can be downloaded.

Tip: We tested OverDrive with the Phenom processor in one of our articles called " New AMD 790GX chipset: RV610 integrated graphics for enthusiasts?"However, the new SB750 southbridge options such as ACC (Advanced Clock Calibration) are only available on motherboards that feature the new I/O logic.

The applications discussed above are very good for overclocking the processor and memory, but their capabilities are limited when it comes to memory. Luckily, there's Memset, another program written by French developers, that allows you to fine-tune memory latency without having to go to the BIOS (by the way, if you're using an AMD or Nvidia board, OverDrive and nTune will give you many of these functions).

Arsenal of delays

Memset allows you to change memory delays. And not only the standard CAS and RAS-to-CAS parameters, but also less common settings such as Read Delay, Write to Read Command, Read to Precharge, etc. However, keep in mind that changing latency on the fly is quite dangerous, and if you configure the memory subsystem for the highest possible performance, then system failures are possible.

Tip: Underclocked memory (eg DDR2-800 in 667 mode) generally allows for more aggressive latency, and some overclockers prefer latency over raw clocks.

Drivers make overclocking easier

Unblocking frequencies using Catalyst. Click on the picture to enlarge.

The simplest way is AMD drivers

The easiest way to overclock a video card is to use drivers. In the case of AMD, this is easy to do because there is an "ATI OverDrive" panel right in the Catalyst driver. The downside is that there is a limit to the available frequencies, as AMD apparently doesn't want to show frequencies that will likely cause the system to overheat and become unstable, causing frustrated gamers to attack tech support.

The latest drivers for AMD video cards can be found.

Tip: The "Auto-Tune" feature takes care of everything: it automatically checks your overclock settings for stability and then automatically applies the new frequencies. This method is less effective than manual overclocking, but it is simpler.

Nvidia ForceWare + nTune

ForceWare + nTune. Click on the picture to enlarge.

In Nvidia's case, overclocking features are not built into the standard ForceWare drivers, but can be enabled using nTune. As with AMD drivers, this method limits the available frequencies. Please note: To use nTune with a graphics card, the nForce chipset is not required.

The latest Nvidia drivers can be downloaded.

"Overclocking" tab of the RivaTuner program.

There is an effective solution for overclocking video cards: RivaTuner. This feature-rich application is not limited to Nvidia graphics cards; it can also be used to overclock AMD video cards. (If you remember, the first Nvidia accelerators were called Riva. You can read about the history of Nvidia video cards in the article " History of nVidia in video cards: 13 years of success ".

Metered acceleration

RivaTuner allows you to overclock the system without any frequency restrictions (in any case, you can go much further than AMD and Nvidia would like when using the overclocking interface in their own drivers), and can also desynchronize certain frequencies. An interesting feature of the RivaTuner program is that it can change the shader unit frequency independently of the GPU, while other programs can only act in accordance with the GPU (the shader unit frequency is set relative to the GPU frequency).

The RivaTuner utility can be downloaded. By the way, it was this utility that we used to adjust the fan speed of the 4800 family video cards before the Catalyst 8.10 driver appeared.

PowerStrip cannot overclock GMA 950.

One of the oldest overclocking programs is PowerStrip. This utility for managing PC graphics options has been helping overclock video cards for many years and is quite mature. Its only drawback is that it is not free, unlike other programs that we have discussed. However, PowerStrip can be used for more than just overclocking.

A program that is worth the money

The big advantage of PowerStrip is that it works with most video cards on the market, not just models from AMD and Nvidia. It can be launched from the Windows taskbar, which means you can set the necessary parameters faster than through drivers. In addition, PowerStrip can customize many display parameters, such as refresh rate, and, more interestingly, output resolution: a necessary option for some HDTV users.

The PowerStrip program can be found.

ATI Tray Tools and ATITool are two different programs

The next two utilities have very similar names, but in fact they are completely different. ATI Tray Tools only supports AMD video cards, while ATITool (despite the seemingly obvious name) works with both AMD and Nvidia models.

ATITool and its test image.

This overclocking program is compatible with all Nvidia and AMD graphics cards and is interesting for at least one reason: it has 3D animation rendering that loads the graphics core of the video card and allows you to check if the overclocking settings are working by detecting artifacts. It also has a function for determining the maximum frequency that the GPU can accept (similar to the Auto-Tune function of the Catalyst driver).

The latest version of ATITool can be downloaded.

ATI Tray Tools for AMD only

ATI Tray Tools. Click on the picture to enlarge.

This little program sits in the system tray (hence the name) and helps tune AMD (formerly ATI) video cards. ATI Tray Tools has one small problem: its maximum frequency detection function is too optimistic, which leads to crashes. Like some other applications, this utility is capable of storing profiles that can be loaded in accordance with a particular program, for example, a profile for games, a profile for office applications, etc.

Updated versions of the ATI Tray Tools utility are located.

Using the utilities we described, it is quite possible to overclock laptops, although they rarely have a programmable PLL, and the cooling system is not designed for overclocking. Of course, this doesn't stop specialty shops from assembling and overclocking "desktop replacement" machines.


EeeCTL is a program that can change the processor frequency of laptops that are equipped with a Celeron M processor (factory clocked at 900 MHz), such as the Eee PC 701 and 900, as well as models using the Atom N270. Regarding the latter, 2 GHz (compared to the factory clock speed of 1.6 GHz) seems quite acceptable. EeeCTL also allows you to adjust display brightness, fan speed and CPU voltage.

The latest version of EeeCTL can be found.


In this article, we've outlined some of the most useful overclocking utilities, most of which are available for free (provided you purchase the required hardware from a qualified vendor). Of course, we have not covered all available applications.

We also wanted to show you that the image of an overclocker armed with a soldering iron and jumpers is a thing of the past. Even the most advanced overclockers use overclocking programs; this is much more convenient than adjusting in the BIOS (even though the Extensible Firmware Interface specification has improved the situation; read more about EFI technology, in English).

Finally, remember that the art of overclocking is constantly evolving. All the utilities presented here evolve very quickly, since processors and video cards are components that are updated frequently. In fact, the release of the Core i7 will likely usher in a new generation of software, since the new processor is very different from the current Core 2 in the way it manages frequencies.

Finally, we will give this recommendation: sometimes it is better to overclock the system through the BIOS. This makes sense for two reasons: first, because of efficiency (for example, some programs do not display frequencies correctly), and second, because of the choice of operating system (most of the programs we covered are intended only for for Windows).

Overclocking a PC means increasing its performance using software, less often hardware, and means. But if previously only one processor was overclocked, now it is possible to increase the performance of a PC by overclocking the video adapter chip, competently selecting RAM and other computer components. For example, the power supply cannot be overclocked, but can be directly involved in this process.

This improvement in CPU performance is always associated with an increase in CPU temperature. If your “machine” is already working with modern software, as they say, to the limit, and you decide to increase the speed of your PC to save a few dollars, then get ready to invest in an improved CPU cooling system. Otherwise, you may experience instability in your PC, or failure of expensive equipment. We should not forget that increasing the CPU frequency entails increasing the PCI bus frequency. When its frequency increases above 41 MHz, there is a risk of PC instability, as well as loss of data from hard drives operating with the PCI interface.

Ways to Increase CPU Performance

Different algorithms of actions should be applied to different chips: even a beginner understands this. There has been a long-standing debate among overclockers about which chip is best overclocked. Among the favorites in the debate are, of course, INTEL's products and their eternal Canadian competitor, AMD. In fact, when overclocking these devices using the same means, they show almost identical performance: + - 5%. Despite the indicators, overclocking an AMD processor is considered more painless for PCs and a priority for specialists.

A little theory

The simplest way to increase CPU performance is to change its clock frequency, which, in turn, is the product of a multiplication factor and the bus frequency. These two indicators can be changed directly in the BIOS, which has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • Ease of operation.
  • Overclocking from the BIOS allows you to increase the performance of your PC immediately after starting. Specialized software does this after loading the operating system.

The main disadvantage of increasing CPU speed from Bios is considered to be the limitations of CPU performance due to some motherboard models.

Many PC users are interested in the question: are there specialized programs for overclocking the processor? The answer suggests itself - of course, there are quite a lot of them. There are utilities that can be used to increase the CPU frequency directly from the operating system. In addition, many motherboard manufacturers offer the user programs of this kind that come along with the necessary drivers on the disk for the motherboard. Using them for overclocking will not be a problem even for a beginner if he approaches each operation thoughtfully.

Preparing to Increase CPU Clock Speed

First of all, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and find out whether you have really tried all the ways to increase the speed of your computer, except overclocking, and how necessary is this? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you should check the cooling system of your PC and, if necessary, replace low-power fans with more efficient ones.

Instructions for increasing the performance of AMD processors

To overclock the CPU, consider using special software. According to advanced overclockers, the best program for overclocking an amd processor of all time is AMD OverDrive, which is universal and suitable for most Canadian processors. In addition to this, you will need a utility to measure the CPU temperature in real time. The most popular software of this kind among specialists is Speed ​​Fan. Both utilities can be easily found on the Internet, but it is best to download them from the manufacturer’s website.

  1. Launch the OverDrive and Speed ​​Fan programs.
  2. In the utility, open the Advanced tab.
  3. In the tab you need to select the Clock/Voltage option.
  4. Check the box Select All Cores.

After these “dances with a tambourine”, you can begin to gradually increase the CPU frequency through a multiplier. Most IT specialists unanimously claim that in an AMD CPU you can immediately set the multiplier to 16. After operating the processor at this frequency, measure its temperature using the Speed ​​Fan utility. If the CPU temperature has increased slightly and does not exceed 70 C°, the PC works without failures, then you can try increasing the multiplier by 1.

In this part of the article, you learned: how to overclock an AMD processor without making changes to your PC's BIOS. Next, we will consider step-by-step instructions for software overclocking of INTEL processors.

How to improve the performance of INTEL chips

The steps a PC user takes to increase the performance of an Intel-based computer are not much different from overclocking an AMD CPU. To complete the picture, our publication will offer the option of overclocking the CPU through the BIOS.

  • When starting the system unit, after initializing the BIOS of the PC components, you should press the DEL button to enter the input/output system (BIOS).
  • Enter the BIOS FEATURES option.
  • Enter the Super Speed ​​option.
  • Enter the Overlock section and select the Optimal Referens option
  • In this section, set it to Manual.

After completing the procedures, all information about the processor will be revealed to you: its multiplier, bus frequency. These are the BIOS items you will need.

  • In the BSLK frequency item, you need to gradually increase the frequency. The optimal result can only be obtained experimentally. Then exit the BIOS. Saving the settings.
  • Reboot your PC.

That's basically it. Changes in CPU frequency can be checked in computer properties. If working in the BIOS is inconvenient for you, then use one of the special programs. According to most IT specialists, the best program for overclocking an Intel processor is CPU-Z. It is Russian-language, informative, has a small distribution size and can be launched without prior installation.

Overclocking a processor is an increase in the speed of the chip compared to the performance declared by the manufacturer. The most popular method is magnification. In this case, the processor cycle is slightly reduced in time, but it does the same amount during this clock cycle. This means that the speed of calculations is increasing. The advent of multi-core processors has given rise to another overclocking option - unlocking cores disabled by the manufacturer. But this is the lot of professional overclockers, and we will leave witchcraft with cores outside the scope of this article. Let's look at just a few of the safest options for overclocking a laptop processor.

Why overclock a laptop processor?

Let's start with the question "why". Getting more performance for the same processor price seems like a good deal. In addition, as the chip bus clock speed increases, the memory usually runs faster. As a result, applications begin to work a little faster. To be fair, on modern desktop chipsets you can overclock the CPU and RAM in different ways. But not in laptops.

Where might you need more laptop processor performance? Obviously, in games and heavy applications like Adobe Photoshop, which are very demanding on the CPU. Modern browsers also actively use the processor on “heavy” pages on the Internet. Website developers today are actively using the multimedia capabilities of HTML 5 and Flash. That is, greater performance is required in almost all daily tasks of a laptop user.

Overclocking a laptop processor: step by step

Attention! When overclocking a processor yourself using our tips, you need to remember the following things:

  • Overclocking the processor increases performance, but at the same time energy consumption also increases. This means your laptop’s battery will last less time and the chip will heat up more. It is necessary to ensure good ventilation inside the case. At a minimum, do not cover the special slots located on the bottom and back of the laptop.
  • In the long term, overclocking can reduce the lifespan of the processor.

Easy overclocking using Windows

The safest option for laptops is “overclocking” by changing the power supply mode.

1. Open the Power Options program in Windows 7 or 8.1.

2. Install “High Performance” - a special power supply scheme that requires maximum performance from the processor.

Thus, we overclocked the laptop processor using standard means and without any risk.

Software overclocking using special utilities

Here begins a description of overclocking methods that involve a certain risk for the average user. Therefore, do everything carefully and in very small steps.. For example, if the processor frequency is 1 GHz, then demanding that it reach the peak of 1.5 GHz is stupid. The maximum that can be done safely is +10-15%. All other figures are achieved only by special means with changes in the cooling and power supply systems of the chip.

1. Download the CPU-Z program.

It doesn't know how to overclock the processor. But CPU-ID will give us complete information about the chip that is installed in our laptop. Knowing this information, we can understand how many additional gigahertz we can expect.

2. Download the special SetFSB utility. This program is capable of controlling the processor clock speed without using the BIOS.

Carefully study the list of laptop models supported by the utility. You won’t find the latest ones on this list, since the situation with program support is currently unclear. But the utility supports old laptops manufactured approximately before 2014. The sequence of actions is simple. We increase the clock frequency of the processor bus in small steps and look at the result.

3. We test the laptop for stability after overclocking. The fact that after overclocking the laptop works when you launch the Internet browser is already good. But we need to check whether it can withstand a more serious load. The Prime 95 utility will help us. Its advantage is the minimal file size and the absence of the need to waste time on installation.

If you run the CPU-Z program described earlier during the test, you will see that the processor operates at the highest frequency that it is allowed. If something is unstable: a blue screen appears, freezes, then the frequency should be reduced.

Overclocking a laptop processor through BIOS

Overclocking the processor is also possible through BIOS settings. But this only applies to individual models. And, I must say, quite rare. It should be understood that a laptop is primarily a mobile device with a long battery life. The options for overclocking the processor here are not as wide as with personal computers, but you can do something. The general course of action is something like this.

  1. We enter the BIOS. Depending on your laptop model, you should hold down or frequently press the Del, Esc, or F12 key when turning on the power. There may be other key combinations. This varies by manufacturer, so check your laptop online or in the user manual.
  2. The item under which the settings are hidden may have different names. For example, CPU FSB Clock or CPU FSB Frequency. All we can do is slightly increase the bus clock speed.
  3. We increase the clock frequency. Reboot the laptop.

After overclocking, be sure to test the reliability of the laptop using the Prime 95 utility.

Do you need to overclock your laptop?

Laptops are not designed to overclock the processor. On the contrary, mobile chip manufacturers have done everything to ensure that the user does not need such overclocking. The frequency automatically decreases when the processor is idle and increases when the system needs the chip. The most reliable way not to break anything is to use switching the laptop power supply circuit. The processor will stop reducing its frequency, which will give you a small performance increase compared to economical operating modes. To be fair, let us remind you that the high-performance mode is automatically turned on if you simply plug the power supply plug into the laptop. For not the newest laptop models, there is an additional alternative to overclocking the processor - the SetFSB utility. And you can check the stability of operation in the new overclocked state with the Prime 95 program.